HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-12-5, Page 1RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Now the aline to e'all in and have your rriubscrfp`tG!4h. to =TAP Ac1Vocate :e- ;towed. We ,atm. to give you all the total .news in •conpiaeand interesting ¢orae,' and we 'believe we live up to the claim. Help along the good work. CLUBBING RATES „eaeon o the year when yo 2T'e rene'7 ii your hew-upaper klub. 3cr pines. , The Advocate clubs •w.it=>3 a?1 tbo Ct(,y -Weekly azd Daalr pap«r€ anti the 7:rla,,,az,:;lets at terslnci that are. 2} bl;, :indUkenernt, Cali acid get ,our ratee.. 11 ]1NTY-SIXTd.3 Y!AR ONTARIO, THURSDAY., D EOE B R 5 '1912. SAdtDERS Rc PREECE All Stock ust Go Having sold our stoke which has to be vacated by Jan. lst. We are offering for sale our Hydro Electric Discussed Ifr,. Castor, Hydro Eleetr e Engineer, was here, on Thursday last and exam- fined the Present electric plant, the wat- erworke eagiaae, a1,4 interviewed users ot Flower Ir, fill( evening he met quite a large hu_mbet of the citizens in the Town Halt and discussedthe arobanilit'-ea o 'l-Iydr'o earning to Exeter and the aur- rounding country, A mass of figures were ,ttuoted, wets kifowatsa.orsepower, etc'., were di s- eussed until the ordinary layna°' is head reeled ata try zg to grasp the ia.eaza .a of it all. ;Bart trcm.. the whole Ne are able to deduce the *.aliowiAf'S` idem which we think g vo the meaning, Tne eanin ,T:Ta Elydro Elect'r'ic Cosrp n?.sero,:< f. prepared is extearad the lines 'peon? Sea- I'ertt= tea Cls=1tcrn an4 + odez oft, and : parr, eyelids ''sale- %Mb to Puter an4 tithe' Penaio whom a, s3rf&,'.'Tent 41110104 of pewter could he userd to w:? rro.ot lite e pe diture of balldia; ttro ttr. . The Canstatlestpn would require the ietret toue';ed to aeo 7 500 horeep0w 4r. Godepial, we believe, proposed to take 700, Clinton 400, anal Ezater srlet would owed, to take i410Pler 400. Tlsw contracts the Icott iii palit,ea wan04 be requiredto teag would ps°ovido that the} must take at 'lust thrr quxrtors Qt zlaP powar OODAZsaeted tar at thy, eoit- ract price, wit1g. price would be. accord- to tiro a.artOttat oo,it:meted tor,. rrovlded Exeter contracted taw 200 recpower we would b. required to k0 at least 150, :altfatto 1 the three partye pa ybe.:41 d eri,g"lirr':err fraredY stated l aei 'neVer Wen ea tarred in pl .res where isle three. 0'l,r03`4 1 Mit Wen eased. Tito nrloo In Exeter. undo 11x0 vca r4nditaons svetalc he hit t11:0 rae" i »tied fill` +4414 nor hornapowor.,, Tl o iieairr lir,*^ i Exeter kit'erard oat toiraepower a Um prsr+: . 15;00 TOCK co aaparisea discus practipractical'value. \V believe teat -steps are now' be!'ng taken to aecu;e this rfzforn,�tio,3, and we waist that eoasdit;ons wilt be found aue?'< that the Hydra pawer nngy be secured, as it `e undoubtedly the pro- per system. since the above was written p. rep- reeentative oI T?a Advocates converse ilea" 'Nvith 11r, Castor? has Securct3 in' -'or ilia=,oz, w six, go if ter allow that there are three semis: ca'aa, Ta'lkfd' by the Corry asiQsion for large coaisua..ersg of power, and three £O' est?aat eaniaraera, a� fel, to'sv P,-- iass �i.—C'i'eftimtott'a '5or}'«eek that Se, xa r r ere z 4i,'-3' NT' 005 fla.Ys a ear'- C40,,es ldr--L',,ree rioted 10 hour eer4ce xt is w' aY t= a iau..rs oT int' da. ' .day Pr i I. ac y. 11 wth a 10 per cent., die - Oren , s els fa given irt, ea?ns'.derat:pan. shorter left- des. Cissa C.—Roetrietecd It1 instar Nervier, a'ny. 1,0 Warn' at the deny, ea;ec'gat, warm • s ear Tin , lis teghe t . w°2h c, nteat.n Vl,aa*',t4 u t,aaa, ry n,anr. Whir 4a. 1 ot o8. nlucn.. Uad. tPN; dawaa €r • 30 per cent. .discount. Or, all *;rarer riassen there to dig: oei^` Gf 11l p z cent, ray o:a.pt ca -e payfrlerlt.. For Exa�a.111e, .If Cia s' A is at Stin er' >;orsepewe; P r' year,. then !Mass3as A svouict be $Silt IeFR 10 per cent, and Ql es C SSD was, 34 per Cent- A4ar3 4m. ac's would be' allowed another 10 per ern: for prompt payment. Co. cider a. 00 tea -6=11 consumers; i sad or .,00,s ckwer The a'rvEc; ec:ar o p-• patens. t4 Q horaepewcr per ter8PtweT. or $10.50; and p4,0''Cmrt,sepawc'r i? Me/1 th ctrr +all horst lower'. of ' 5,O0, Tegethes Thal to ilia rest or the flatflattta a ca.`tauln?as puts".atg, ft ur 15. h reet3owe*' s?luaEr, *bettor usia?ia ;t kt Qr pro:. T4F estiara.'a*e t r s3t.11Raa4a4t' f pi.W.'i a wain' istaP saiap' Co 3i ,tar It lazy xrFc- a,ary to paovl t ea 1i l3csr®vpsiwax equal's 1silAvaraLt sari 1S l ,sepower c- h•the:r Power CikL3r ltcM i rit3w 2; u+ n*•11 s torr d ? i'ar Ue Tl3cad Llie1 1 1)e ,ttrat is ties 'ttslsi4 g iy lar lea of Generalerch&ndi which consists of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furn- fishings, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, China, Glassware, Boots and shoe, Hardware & Groe eries. or iter on.xaalesion, as t d be replaced, t tint engitrae a.ui bet ler would have t discarded, and.otbo' ararangent 8i uld 'have to ba n ad for the grub -ata. n. The en'sineer luso stated that he t.`i0u:ht :1t„ they preectnt rate of cost !t w iuld bo advisable to leave tl3a prow:ea gasoline enSSne ar.d WIMP, Irl the water- work,. power iiotase, as it woutcl be as clava r as to Lnstai Hydro. � t cv is s to It was difficult just rt t Flo a th© secure itgu'res as -to ta,3 cast of: prescnt power to MO present power us ere, eo JI13t Lt w�3 Innpossible to make a ecnapariaon, and wttanout a proper We can save you at least 25 ~ per cent. on Dress Goods, Men's. Furnishings, Underwear Carpets and Wall Paper. 30 per cent. ' discount on all Our New Line of Parisian. Art Silver 0i], ;leu Theta the power cit' would lie ti roe alta courec is split, Tats Ii ins 000 (15 honest touts:' WQuld 00 00; dor FLre tae; e t PSP hours 3 c.x1:z ter t.sa rernAl i:aa 500,. equals $00.00 n anIng a 15 11or13t� ae tor a, nxe.tla. roiatnuouelY ?18.10 added to the above t.ttk, yr $,B4:5U. which. of ubjsct td a. 10 per cent, seal IA Will R ley received word or $at- y last o. the teat) o his brother George, vt eo hes ;gar some time beers living" in C ;.raga. He was at one t' -me resident of tuts vic;a{:ty, l:vi;., about one mile south of the. valiage. Mr. Dan Auist a `_te ?denial this ween' to the Tamp- he put e 1e4sed irrer n N, N1itebeill, and recehtiy vacated by Jaah: Blair, 4r. AThent II�andcoelt ,e nt ' lest we:lt fear Toroirip a tc.- epe dizhg a coup.'e rraar'be with. ht's rs_eter Mrs. W. 11. count for prompt varinant. Worked out o., tritii, tilnsa F3 basis the cost wound be 00.2 5, and/ on the Class C basis tZ040.75 per ntohih• it these figurgs sue correct, and sits Tar apt* we could, :aiseart aif, they are, trots baeisfs the Caq't on the $50 a. laoreepower rate, Hydro for Exeter does t.ot loots toaisibL0. AT 1\Flk] SAME TI,11EE WE BELIEV 7 THAT arnao 1E3 A BETTEII, PROPO- SITION SITION TIIAN TT -TB ABOVE WOULD INDICATE. Jewell Cases, Candle Sticks etc. etc., Makes the most attractive Christmas gifts. We have a full line of jeweliry, Silver ware, cut glass, and the fin- est of hand painted china. Calland inspect onr stock We know we can please you mxtrroR COWiCIL fir.. 7o ;t "B:asr , as, ea ved law otat s as:h o� Expel r during' ire pas week ie, ar4d M_s. r". i%, r e fine t41: spe'a, a few days wU r:iends in tlz ' ',l tage , pas? weak.: Rev. Redple a4 occupied the Palp'.t o 1 Sunday 5 las <d Preached two exec 4e74 of rT o Rr4. for the rtiiss!onar e%aaa'atr, ' V,iCht'iw and 1tr, .,, A„dtew ended the tea:#eat`; 1 of tidy; " Attw tae':l's slate, Mrs. lTot4f,r e ax Tld:'rt*a? 0a1' , eind.'t;1, Oaia* 1004 sports t°�eVe heen quite buayy hunting rabbi ar: Marti axiu.9rrere, :ta tc Godttava retu;st'<d tai33e^ teen l iuth Retest week bring*sag with T: +.?a;rl Godeave, whbrother, d J rttrw e ate Ityphoid p;aeun oiaic,,, Tho remains wire rItaken from Lu am to St.. Jails r'ert.etery for interment. A nieuber trona hese at- tended the Utaeral, HARPI.EY �anc4n.'AA' LL e4;v $ .std erazii.y Gra.T d kdt C fe th3 ercIV oS' lei trs .. Htaa-a , riett lav isms, nlr.t rite's;, lerte epee fir. tad fit;�* qct.; SaturdayxttL Sat i der5oro'd att$elQ9A BaYlcs spent a rev her friend MoeIota tie .aag7t':, seat a! Su:adearrn,—Tile;?nob 11erlan gt Grand 1 ertd eiturch bavp •aocurezi titer ae;vices of a fleet-elefss eigcut5onifh »"or the Corlcslmae enter'talsrent. ,verytrod5r Emay expo a treat on that occasion. Ever}*Indy welcome—llisa Grace Mur- ray left al..1 Frid.4Y for Si,. Marys and Stile card lox a flaw weeks' visit vrlt41 relatiVea ouad 1;r tins. -:4413.. M. Thollnp- sera still coratintuua very poorly.-- .Zrr and Mrs. Tilumnphr's)' 'Hebb welcomed a. vis, Rot'to the homy nim Monday morning who r:Rme to a.tay^iA' eala.l-air. Eioiph Allen returned ;o � Szoaathe Volt tSat. evonin,>:. ,las 3'otx. Love and son .,i l Spent :L couple, dad",s' relegvee near Springb a k, Ont. A apeelat Tnee .n<'s" .ot the Council was held in tho Tp'w,u F roll,11ToutIN' evening Nov. 2nd, members ar1L presents By -43,:w No. 11, to Tart:Olt t ,the ,sale by retell of spirituous, fermented, or other menu. factored liquors lb tale »,tunic:pal»ty of the Vi]lage of Exeter, hid its• first And second reading am miotibn of Messrs. Scott and Ford. -Carded. ''ofd-Lovett—'Iwai lay -1 aw be printed '. ti -pee fa;sues in the Tianes•1--Ca'i rIed. That By-law Nor^ 12 to appoint W. J. Bissett Collector of Statute Labor Cern. nutation Tpx ways read the necessary number o2 tunes and finpol T paused on motion of Levett and Rivera. Les'srs. Taylor end Dyer t waited on the. Council re drains, do Victoria and Carling Streets. The 'Council will do their best to relieve the, situation. Levett—FO rd—Tba't the clerk notify the G. T. R re- i olnditionl of thea', •yards and askini; them to get 'gravel Land have put in passable conditiOnr; at once. -C'd,. Lovett—That we adjourn try meet, Fri-) day evening, the1Gth; 'Mist. T. B. Carmng, Clerk. S Fitton Wedding Rings & Marriage Licenses PLANSHARD—James Parker, a pion- eer farmer of this township, passed away on Sunday alt i hlei age of 76;, years A widow and grown-up family sur vire. ; GRElliiNvrAr. Ctrs. Coaabiedick f' ; Ole guest ot her eon, Air. Thos. ewarlbso.n.-1111114 Grace i.l.terraY ie v3eitthg' tnilteltler to Stratford. Miss 015/e Miclntosir of, Pt. Huron. lir visiting friends Iver --Mrs 'Geo OL ver of Grand Bend •.spent; the weeit'end with her parents—Mr. Will McPherson has returned trern the Wii'et,-Mrs. 0. B. Wilson visited Mrs. Sol. 'Pollock of Grand Bond. on 5at:urdar' Rev :letter - son of Crediton occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church, Sunday p.tn. alnd preached a very keeptable and Inelk:"- In€ mdssionary sermon. Mr. Jefferson will aiway.s taa welcome herei'•-W. fit :Glens was in, London -kilts week,; Mrt A. M. ,Wflsop of aid mi es Mae, attended the S., S. Coes veat1om :to; Dashwood last week.—The Committee at the Methodist ohurc1 are prepaarin`S for the annual S. S. concert to ,bei 1held Christmas, 1sight. —Mrs. A. M. '1VAse 4 visited the W. M. S. auxiliaries Sinn. Clandeboye, Lucan and elsewhere last wedk. adello Measure Clothes mat MADE TO ElA$URE CLOTHES 41.10 WORN B' WIZIB) $Z DRESS - MRS IN THIS Loci.LITT. OUR PATRONS SOUND OUR I'RA.1S•,. ES—ICOR^MEN ARE LEARNING OF TELE EXCELLENCE OP OUR WORM —AND SO OUR Tut.ILOR1NG BUSI- NESS USINESS GROWS CONTINUALLY. OUR SORT OF WORK MEETS THE &TOST EXACTING SCRUTINY TFLILT' CAN BE PUT UPON TAILORING, AND BY ORDERING Flour Coupon rockery And China Sale•• very Day reduce taken at the sale at Cash Prices OF H. Cook, Sons & Co. BIDDULP'.H. Thee funeral of Jerry McDonald, held trona his home on the swamp line, k3id- duilph, Tuesday December 3xd, to St. Patrick's 'Church, was largely attend- ed. An impressive service, was conduct= ed by Rev..Fatiber Noonan, of Dublin,. Father Noonan was formerly head of the parish of ,.B'rddulph, and ale and Mn McDonald were close friends:. 'Mr. MC - Donald was po years of age, and is survived by 'plasia wife., He was a ,mem- ber of, the Roman Catholic church.. BIRTHS Penhale—In Exeter, on, Nov.' 27, to Mrs and Mrs. Luther Peahale, a daughter. This coupon ifs good for 40 -cents' en each bag of +SNQ:W DRIFT, our best family flour, giying you the •privilege of taking one to five 'nage, providing this coupon is presented .to us on or before .Dendmbea' 31st, 1912. Our 'regarlar, selling price of our SNOW DRIFT,' flour without thee'. coupon 'its $2.75, tit you, present this coupon each bag of SNOW. DRIFT will only cost you $2.$5 for each bag. Our mill 2+a equiped with the latest an h3 ost modern flour mill machinery We also have secured the services ot a irFt class •rn 1Ier, who was, pre- viously employed 3y one of the large,et finesse in Ontario. Consequent Pty we are offerihigr UN's inducerer,r in order to live every woman an olaportun' ity to try our SNOW DRIFT flour, Every : bass guha a retched, We ;are soil rte bra a a $22,00. and Snorts 1•:00, per, ton, in.. to VE ARE LARGE BUYERS OF '.3 I NS, i3RI Nd U OUT ASAMPLE Presentees by . • 1C1 ; ONS & ''Co. us Ont. rr MARRIAGES Taman Tailored Clothes IN EITHER StIT OR OVERCOAT o17 WILL FIND ' . A;ME Faultless in Workmanship Faultless in Designing Faultless in Fabric Readymtorm ear Goods Warm latera Dew—Mitchell—.At the Travitt Memoria.1. Church, on Wed,nxalsday, Dec. 4th, by the Rev. D. W Cailuns, Mr. Dan Dew of , LIsborne, to l4ti,sis Susan Machell; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Valentihd MittheJ of town. ,; Watchorn,—Smith—At the Manse', ,Lucary on Nov. 27, by Rnv Dr. Campbell, Mr. Edward. Waitchorn of Winnipeg, to 51 se LIdb, Smith of Sodom. Caisey-I eedah}—In Lucan, ea Nova 27 Patrick Casey of Clandeboye to Mss Kathleen, daughter of :Mr. and Mrs. Jannes Heenan of Biddulphs Earl---Cann—At Main Street parsonage Exeter, on Dec. 4, 'Janrss A. Earl; sen of Mrs. Wen.` Ear! of Zion, to Miss Maude, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Charles Cann of Uisborne. DItLTMS flannb..berrry—Ire Blnmsbarrd, en Nov. 2.5 -Patrick Haney abeery; aged .G 1 years. Nalbf electai'-At Zur'lch, on Nov, 30th; Mrs. Henry IKatbf1e sch', aged f,9 years. 4irpotaldu-,In Ride, u?gh, on .Dec. 'i, 7e:r- rvhicDofnald, aged 80 years., THE VERY LOOK OF, 015.11 ULSTER COATS FILLS ONE WITH THE GEN IAL WAR1't'Ti1I OF ANTICIPATION. THE PROSPECT "OF SLIPPING 'INTO A BIG ROOMY GREATCOAT.ON A BIT- ENG WINTER DAY IS FINOUGI-L To r,3TCF A MAN ENJOY THE CO ;I3 WEATHER. $ LO $12 $14 'l6 Tat pr and fig la 4•