HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-28, Page 8EXETER U11 U ATE THURSDAY NIIVZ M ER 211112 fER MARKETS. a EACH WEDNESDAY97 It LOCAL DOINGS. ,7Q t 95 B rl y:•,v48 Bt:v vt?,,•,, ,,.• • 48 Oates. , ,��rb 3,g 2 1 -.�. 10 3. 1'lo ', per o, wt., radii 2, trumr., low Trade per ow 140 Butter— . @, ,.. .••• l. riedE,Annia's per litre Ib+•..aa Sbortt, pr, GQa3. ... , . • a Bran n -'ote ..,.,.,..., . 80 7 25 22 Stngar l ,•t reel. 25 59 15 00 70 a4 4, 80! 00 00 do 25,000 AIDES: 'WANTED FOR WHICH THE VERY HIGHEST PRICE WdT.T, BE PAW, ./N' CASK. — FBED W1TWER, EXE EXETFZI,, NORTH, HAYP,Q DOG POWER. FOR. SALE 9 ;tgot ;6:eel, p'i 1eys aril chains all. eo pleTe, In A, i,. con*,dlt.Q APPLY to. OG;DE.N, W�talen TE.8,OHE1 :CANTED. �, ... sesa,ztd class P efesactn Nar, Stephen, ad,- fralning Emeter -a w c. vest, tp-to-date brae `enc and furnace, S-: ce d slual_.,cations. I?antieg.,. +T* t ,li?YlI to S, d. Vie= t, E.,,etetP..Ot prt'pa Dhabi A CR ^il.LE I`♦O'Kti, ne 11. " MY i C 41,),Ply rep ,rt r :Q p Al@orI rent it. Tea Po,- V , , L:1 hCHFORD, meas Teter. VS POULTRY ANF, 1:24t, WE B- 'S1`E PAY HICIFEST $ p -fir l .l'Ir:ia PRODUCE.—STEW. Ain e Licenses tate orece. Exeter, 'WANTED 7a^n' er ,for Cave to Ilan Church, Exeter Applica be in by Nov 2G,'-, 1912. Apply :'a F% SCoTr, Secy. used at Advo - ON ES ;di01IT d1Q1ti NS Alv?I3 t5T3 S,--sw.esvA1IT,'s.. sa ne reaativ printed eall•Gr g ear l? c Advgcate. rtcontempt otter, 'speaks louder. 4 an words, who e z<:a vh expects. e m for Man a so th. , $� .. nt �' 4 h + h na• a .a '�t st � � a 1. to rad' t ba t bl ` d in t oq "ds ve nns. It might well tor some wives to' remember t"-^•a't ',nagging doesn't Make the nag S ,.. Nothing" }makes a woman Leel, so yin-, aighificant 'as the retFaal of a mama to argue with her: 1tr Thos. Case has moved from Sint• C e:feet to the residence of. ?1r. D, 5ff'sS Kiri tan Street,. You can't depend upon being treated weal when you aro' old so nut yourspif stn a position to treat yeurselt ae well.I as pgsaibie :,n old age. 1lev. Steadman of Elim;dile preached: a n lnsiruetive serMen In. Janes Street oto Sunday n' o;'nin , the pastor the service at, Elimv;lie, flurries o*' sngw have fatten the last few days, cad- t' at we nay expect tit bleak, army weather ally dab`, ten p4gple who ;visit a ssry town, vta,t r with, tate hope of:, trig a PrO tr Vee'reat sue of ten whO st city, T=rx ct' It, to spend rDt+?;ae, is teppeted t"dat the Pest ilft.cs depae",:rWat ietetde to d:seonAltzup the Dae wend sta,go route from, ParklailY, coat serve Pastweolcl a?1tOgether front €ter ter tare t.uuure. Then' are no ares than 238 widows ct the war of 1812 yet en Uncle Sara's .Xnslet roil. %uat knave been quite a Ot those old warriors Who betided :o is life that it was net d'olad to arta abate. Two termer pastors of James, street. .arch will occupy the pulpit on the asfoaa of the celebration of the ;1 Iecl ann;vereary. Rev, Dr. Pascoe on esember S;,cs end Re,v, ;4. L. Russell Oecennber 1 a;,^ EitQt AeeMitra en ' the "'eta Yn© la7nnp or sae orally l eo,p?e a+r cr ir<ang 4he, 'flange, bat pt?t i,tk nothing but 'a rt^.n.nNated F �!ve and harts. '.ono nee to iinartce a 7a; w+s- a per «.s any oitter pusiTc a The tindredv o; dollars scattered ail over country would come handy,, Ido net aa'et .-Our t--Fersd, the editor. Let us cuff that remittance you forgot to send. rets. R, Hobbs, torsnerly of Exeter, il`i Il. SCt#TT, Exec'cr. the 45th anniver;s< ry services JOf 1 ' ^ ''rethod:tut church at: W1nshaan an NEWS' RAISINS CtTRRANT$, PEELS, Sunday Asst. The present flue church DATES, FIGS, NUTS AND SPICES FOR t° W1r. 374.*1n, coaU.hg $20,000, w•as.. I1'ra. ,Wni. Burke visited in London last week. ' h z O t Mr, Rsc,.klTd AtI,,-,n8ot?, haS S'OS? O London to work. Mr. Wan• ' Blate_l Lord ,was home from Toronto pari of the week, ,Harry Sweet and Eric, Burdon of Lon- don were tnotne over Sunday: Airs, .Mason and family atter e visit 'tseero returaaed to. Clinton 'gio:iday. Sandy Robirieon of 'Saskatoon, is vlaiting relatives in town, YOUR XMAS BAKING ARE TO BE HAD AT STEW.ART'S. MISS G. I;. W BISSETT, A. Mum W. U. Honor Graduate of the London Con'servataxy of Iusnic, Teach- ing College or the 'Western University:. Teacher Piano, Theory, Earmo'i1. Courst-t orpoint, and MMus'eai I•Iistorv`. Pupils prepared for Musical Examinations.. SttIALL, 'FURS IN T=HROWS, STOLES RUFFS WITH aMt.PP$ TO MATCH BIG VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM. PRICES ARE THE LOIV EST. 7 S TE1 aS:3fifi"S. _ ITOIISE '911. CAI_E OIi Ti;EI`I'}` totilfclrlable tir,ck 'cottage, with peal :1t..2' or; u-laInt; re brag two bed rooms, kitchen, woodshed and cellar, Stabie and 'soma. ft'u t trees. Corner AA - ben end Huron streets, a chores loca- tfon TersrLs to suit. S. 'M. ,SANDERS S-WEATEE COATS. IN PLATIN COL- ORS AND VARIOUS COMBINATION THIS IS 'WHERE TO GET GOOD DE IN A SWEATER COAT_ -STEW ABT'S l i a , $1.00 in advance gets The Advocate to January lst, 1914. SEXTON WANTED.—For the Triv:tt a�ternorial Church. Apply—L.'H. Dickson er C. E. Sanders. COP11tA HORSE BLOCK FOR SALE— Price reduced to $1700, if scold by Dec. 1st. A good 'investment fOT any rnan.' Apply to .1. Spackman, Real Es- tate Agent, Exeter. ,LOOK AT TOUR LABEL. -At this time of year when taxes and other liab- ilities are falling due we are much, ,:n need of money'. Advocate subscriber,'s could help us c,anside rabiy if they would. Look at the labelson their pap-, ers andremit at once tae amount due. COLTS FOR SALE One 8-yr-eld Hla.ckney colt ; One 3 -yr -old General Purpose colt.' Two 2 -yr -old General Purpose colts. THOS. BROCIi, Prop., Exeter built during tta pas,teraje of Rev, Yobbo WinS1'.ani. Have you ever thought of all the papers :printed in Ornta>~io, there is on3y one Farm Business paper? That to Thq 'Weekly Sun, Toronto. For f'arnt news and market 'reports it is without an. equal. If you watt to rnrake the farm pay' you cannot afford to be without this paper. Next 'StMday is 'Missionary Sunday la the Methodist chu,rchca or Exeter. DIstrict. Rev. George of Luca will occupy ,the pulpit of Jarglee Street Meth- odist church, Exeter, tm tho a OT/11114'o. and Ilov. 'Wrenn of Parkhill in , the evening'. And vice versa in the .Main-st. 'I?ht4 ixnc? rl ndatd of Rettith hag Issued .Ina#tritctid7,na td phydi Tact l that all cases of McVelea, Whooping cough, mumps, must be quarantined as are scarlet fever and other diseases, Phy- sicians and nurses must report in ali cases. Houses must be placarded and children kept at home. This is a. new regulation. Four Weeks aoo ,there was foaled on John Swarte' rutin two railed btlt of Wingharn, a. filly t+h'at had elle lastest speed inheritance of any h?zitielS horse that was ever foaled Id the Dominion of Canada. This precdciou"s ydungeteri is by Hal B. Jr, 03; ilia fastest tie- ing etalUon ever roalect in Canada, and its, dam. is no alesa' tbsi i . Darkey Hal 2.021-4, the fastest mare ever &seed in this country. It will cost you over 50 Ceuta postage to say nothing about the time and trouble of wrapping, to send .your copy of The Advocate, afteryou have tread it, to thlat troy or girl of yours who is away, frohn•ieow to Jan. 1, 1914 Give us $1 and we will send a copy direct from this office, every week from now till then., They will get it two or three days eat -Oen and more reg- ularly. It is a good 'investment for you :Delaware, Lackawanna. and, Western Coal Company's SCORRTOH C0�6 The best hard coal' mined Burns to a white ash. W. ®I TTI COALMAN Air, and lugs..•' E, Handford,, o$ Inger- soil ngersoil, vis ted tris .dal in town the.s week. Mr- A. -Bovey Of 'London spent part( of the week, at hi>' home here.. Mrs,W, G. Bissett returned last week from a visit of some months in the West. Roy Davis and lady friend of Ailsa Craig, visited in Exeter,. North over Sun- da '. Mr, ,TannYee RrophoY of Montreal wash tho guest ' of 1r Sr. L. I. 'Dickson over( Sundae'. Mrs. S. G. Bowden, has returned from a visit with Miss Fajnny Bawdena n Toronto, 1Ar, Thos. Newell returned Saturday front,, attending the fureral of his broth stn Stratford. Air. and Mrs. Percy Wes+sway netd iondly of London were here; last week vtg.'ting relatives, Fergus. 'Stoic. who has been butter - malting uttersnatltin. wn the creamery this summer, as spate tea Winnipeg, Miss Doris Emsley Ie,t Wedt17'.asday for herHer parent nettle i r t Frt in t , 1' waatt there from Uaborne last week, airs Fred Witwer has returned, home from Zurich, atter Yepending a week with her daughter. Mrs. Isco. •I;.oeitler. Mier' Nana, Brows ,et. Sharon 43p-e31t t w data of last week wit's, Mr. and Mrs. . Inoses Atify stat etas t< frit ads in owrn. ?Lr, and :gra. Wm Ets1e, atter a week'fa: visit (Imre and at Grand Bend, "returned to their lar inIt-Co Colborne FrldaY' Mrs Tehn Wolper and child retur,a-1 rad to her hc>'Me in Harrow W"ednctsday atter a vlstt with' heti 19 rents. Mr, and Una Nelsen Kestle,. )1Obort Saandc , ,Who has he -,t conrineG to, St. Jose p cis Hospital, al, Lon-, dean, for several ,N'e.;,lrs. returned «toare Friday evening much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Eli ,Snell arrived tome Saturday evening from an extended trip to Edmonton and oilier Western points, Tuurev were greatly phased vg,th the country and ,earpz'ierti at tber pd growth; a the country, 11r. T. E. liaradCO kt oe Ingersoll ad- dressed the young; rim's class to Main street church on Sunday afternoon. Charles, son of Mr. John Allison, met with a, rathex Painful accident on Thurs day fact: He was ,about to start the gasoline enT, lne tm motion, when the blfarfo of gasoline ig}nfted a't a point that reversed the *aoftiorY and came back r •�a small •, u_h _ores as to break bole in the wi1St•. The injury was dress ed and rt -he nmenabiar ie now °doing nice- ty. Bo partial to your opinions will, but do not try to tome t' others. The W. C. T. U. held ar meet. in tho Senior Hall M nda.y night, whoa a pleasing program- was rendered. Practically all the obstacles we meet would dfsaptaear #,'t wo made up our mindo to go through thorn boldly. Miss Linda. and Theodore V(alper, en- tertained a. number of their friendslast Thursday eve -nips, A pica -sant time was spent by all. Do not worry about your :hair getting thin; tho only dfsgrace Uca in not hav- ing anything Oa the inside by the ttnne talo 411t91de, tri bare. Tho Main ,,+rest Leairua Z iStd the Janes street Leabue on Tuesday* even and the home: Le:Mice tho ltrancli, Miss Ida I.Mpac?sind has been et ga ed as teacher for S. S. No. ,'3, Stepbrna, duties to commence the firsts of tho year. The hrustr!ees are' td ba conunended on their choice. Word was received last week of the death of the ;son e2Mr. and Mrs. Aqull- 3a Sheere of Lansing, Mich. The little ane died of pneumonia, He- was two vieeks old. Mr. and :Sirs. John Spackman received word last week or the death of theirs sister-in-law, Mrs. Annie Sonata at Tal botvilie, who passed away on Thursday last, after a prolonged illness. Rev. Powell of the Main Street church is confined to the house owing to blood poisoning in thifs leg, the result of a fork prick isolrne: weeks ago. He was unable to take the service Sunday ev- ening and Rev. YeUeind took his place. The Ladies of Cavell Church will serve A. Supper on St. Andrte,'w's eve,Sa:tur+t day 'next, from 5 to 9 o'clock, in the building one door >sotatle of J. Senior's. Studio. Adanusaion 25 cents. Drop and have a goad Scotch Supper before going home. . you ung on ng, the visitors furanlahtns tho program FIRE AT BLYPH, Blyth, Nov. 25,—Fire early yesterday morning t etaliy destroyed the woollen nail2s property. The mill, which ,has. been closed down for several years, will be a complete loss to the owner, Mr. T. R Forsythe of Ottawa, es It was uninsured. The fire marks the pass- ing of the first maanutactorr located in this town; it was established by the present owner's father 27 years age. SPECIAL TRAIN FR.O'i TORON",CO, FOR SAILING S, 3, '' SCANDINAVIAN " FROM PORTLAI'IT„t, MAINE, DEC4tBER In connection. wdth Christmas saints of Allan Lina steamship, ""Sea,ndina.' lam," front Pgrt'1a;id, fair -e, to Glee, gCiw, o l Tl>ualada', December 12t1t, a apesla„ Grand Tru,rdt. train, consisting of 'tiestibuled Coaches and Fullma Tourist Sleeping Ctrs will leave T oros • to at�� p.m., 4adr ss, an ber 11th, and wilt run direct to the dock at Portland, arrlvt+. y there at 0.15 a m, December 12th,. Berth reservations, tickets and iultpar titulars may be obtained frons-ntearest Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Duff 12,. P. A, tach,,. Staten, Toronto, Ont.. N. J. DORE, Station Agent, . Phone 46.4 Postmasters ; will be frequently ask- ed concerning the annual. cost of a 'rural mall box, therefore it might be well to understand that there is no annual lee to pay ^for s- rural anal]. box. The first cost is $3. This 18' 'the only charge, and 1313X-08 are served free of cost for all time, or at lealst as long Tae the pres- ent regulations are in force. The car- rier is paid by the :.govern.Mant, ane dollar a year for each, year fop each box he serves, in addition to the amount of his mail contract. Bus, Dray ani:. earning sines Your racers in our line will be bended to :uickly and satiefac- trori1y. We ere here to -please the public needing anythirig ' in; ; alar P'ne, and we ask a trial from you. ere left by one or.other ai-at 'lis PRONE 25, will eceiv oaspt attention. eec EXETER BOY atARRiBD. •-Mr; Char les W. Long of Winnipeg,' son tof the late William. Long of,Exeter, was mar- ried, in Winnnipe(a en Isidvenrber 20th to Mies Victoria E, Flanders• of that city. The ceremony was performed at tlae bonne of the bride's mother by Rew. Hughes of Gordon, Methodist church, in the. ;presence of 'Only the immediate re- latives, Charles hs.le the congratulation and best wishes ' at -ar]et many friends A BURNING QUESTION.—With coal at $b a stole hand wood at. $7 a cord what ,shouad be the price, of old rails per hundred. -ANNUAL BAZAAR—The Annual 13az- asr, lin connietta'n 511th, the Triv Ott N%eanorial church whipbe held in ',the Town Hall, on Friday, Dec. 6th. Sale of "randy work w10.1. 'take Mace • in the afternoon and tea: will be :served In tile evening a choice: program wi1L'.be rendered. 10 centls admission for each. GOOD SALARIES. Tan' Stratferti Businea,s CoLle„e iia the Schee'. for ambttttoele' young: men or women. This ,ter,m, !t received twenty applicats:ons" for every student graduat- ing Several Of 'tt:vee applfcatior,s, of- , 'fered $1000 per ancntri ow, more. Early Closing On and Arte." January let, 1913, t3;e ollawtrg znEz�rhant,a have agreed to :Jtg'sg their respective places of huei- te.ss at 4 o'clock Ir the evening except ng Saturday r.!g ate, when they will t :halt past ten,—Jones a May, J. A. Stewart, W, W. Taman: W. J. 4learn-an; H. Spacknna--n, 3, Senior, J. Grigg, ldawldps d Sys, 11, W. F, Beavers 13, lilt, Rowe, J. Beverley. 1 Hides Wanted An kinds of hides wanted. Highest prices paid, Also Horsehair, Rubbers, Copper Scrap Iron, Rags, Etc. wanted. Wexler & Co. Exeter, Ont. NOTICE T9 QnAr C lstoiners All accounts must be settled by Dee, 10th 1912 either by cash or note, After Jan. 1st. Fre will only oondnct a, cash business, R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario Christmas is Coming iW'hilc looking for Xmas gifts be sure and call at fit. N ROWE, and see his display Of g1o"ods auitb.ble for Christitaas Igttts leach as _ •Rocker),, Tables, Couches, Music Cabinet, Pict- ures ictares etc., real up -to 4date stuff. We have the quality as well ag quantity. Phone 20a Residence next to the store. 14. ROWE Undertaker and License Embalmer - sore: XET R TA • ur Watch and J.1iry Business is incomplete without "you" as a customer We have a stock of goods that is complete in every line— Watches, Clocks, las laseware, Silverware and our list of customers is becoming larger every day but it is still incomplete without"you." We want to see you in our store, to show you our stock, and we feel sure you also will become a customer. A. Marchand t� �a llmaker and Jewelll'y PROMOTION., --Mr. George W. Har-•. ra!EA '' Lm,anager of the Bank of Cosa - Waterloo,, formerly mana'<;er. of Wank or ,' Conimerce here, has.: been ppp,,pfi%ted ,piialager of the branch oP tha`t 1st lutie+n +4n. Freclersat"ori, tN. B: ; Iiia• r.: • .. vsd roe .N a; ,t$' pro' onion !'infill he -very arati:Cy:ing ,, vir.-:,..,,,,.,;,,,•0.10.v$,,..,....yt 4 J , "tib?an t 1..:YC:,, ..+ie.: Il 'R4 - .{`v;`i..-.. atadr,'Spkrs s idr ri�S 0, a hriarY`:., tr ends iia �%ttai. .- , ti: t. r � d 'tiL•!Y ,,: ) , ,�. �, tea,, ,i! :,?.. We. Making Ready For Xmas are digging aut great Bargains in GRANITEWARE. All ncuat go to tmake s•,00m .for Christmas 'Stocks. it wont pay people who read this to send away for fancy goods -and Toys this wilnter. We have 'l bought heavy, and we mtust sell, o Dell heads etc., 5c. u . Bi' e r Toys, Dolls, l , p � a�s�aonEnn�.�nit choose early, Powclile Eazari?t Our GOLD FISH.Have arrived ti. globe and two, 11 complete icor 25c. Fi;elh, Food ,10e. 'owelt's Bazaar. —We will `lay anything aside f co:, you till Chiritstnnas, providing ; you nnvnke a small deposit on same. This gives' you A chance to sea what you get, and you:can get it'. at the last :minute. Tell your friends.,- IT IS A BIG.OFFER'.--- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY; we will .efiex. a now lot of GRANITE - WARE — ALL longe pieces at very, LOW PRICES'. A good range of Edison p,�nd Yicter'o Viietafola bn stock a PRICES. RPThII 'BER 'IFT3 4 PLACE Tse giety Sto za i4 This Week's Specials At The Exeter Bargain Store d dozen ladies and boys l:easy wool hese regular 25c. for 15c. a pair, 30 dozen ladies and ehildrens heavy worsted hero 20c., 25e. and 30e. a. pair. Ladies combination underwear, fie ce Itned worth, $1.25 for 85G a. suit. 21 ladles sweater coats- 'lett to go at one *third off the regular pride, 25 fur ruffs and stoles to clear at a; price 'whem wo ads cari buy. Don't forget our men's wear department. Try us for a speeilll. order suit or overcoat. - } Rubbers and Moes. ` as We sell the Premier Cream Separator $. W. F. $EAStERS 1 door north of Post Office I JONES & MAY t1 2ws+l?a r ,e taut' ,4 •w''�r. 7, 'i �°� PRONE NCD. 52 Xmas. Shopping An Attractive Display Of New Christmas Novelties The Lioliday Season is only a short distance away. This is none to early to start your shopping X,,MAS HANDKERCHIEFS 500 Dozen et all kinds for Chritetmas .Plain, Fancy or In- it;:als; 5c. to 75c. each. 'XMAS GLOVES, For Genets, Ladies or Chil- dren, Wool, Cashmere, Suide, IKid, ,Silk Lined, Wool Lined, and Fur Lined, ?0i A.S NOVELTIES A pig' " assoatanent of Jewell bosses, 'Purses, Satchels, Hat Pins, Fancy Piths, Broaches and -F ncy Cohnbs. STA:i4PED LINENS' All !kinds Of stamped .;limens Doylies, _Centre Piecee, Tray Clothe, Table Covers, Tie and Tovell raek,e, Silas to match. NECK SCARFS Silk IS Tinton ,:o� kinds and tColo if old. 5o0 4 t "4' ooi, Scarte ill ar, your a,nd GOOD FURS A nice present for your wife or girl, Peasaan Lamb, Sable, Fox, Mar -month `said •Oppasom. FANCY WAISTS All ,kinds of silk or Net Waists. Just New 'in from $3; $5:00. FUR.LINED COATS Just the coat every Lady. needs: ;We hiave some very spec- ial 'valuers, in, Ladles and Gen{ted S.WEATiR COATS Every Ce.tr oinaltion and, color in 'Lades, irdllseesb and Claildrensi Menus .and Boys.' They are all MENS NECK WF)AFl For. tlno Sgucais`:; tra ways s ow a Ye?Y 1as� sn t,itinie Mpvclty cc akwE sure Itb rep tllletrt t 11, rs 1 l r ted C?r,"��le,Ge ��3 �i, .E. Sa 8 o d Clothi Tay, 0