Exeter Advocate, 1912-11-28, Page 6Speech t
naught a
one 1ead by the Duke
a Gor eoUs Opeuhig
A despeteh f.rora eetetre
The 'second eession of the twelfth
Parliament ef Canada was eIlened
by His Royal Highness the Deke of
Connaught, on Thursday after:
noon, with al, the splendid folliella
ties eharaeteristie of the yearlY
fenctioe. The event wae graced by
el •••-•
serer 1,veatber
with et eat, haze hoveeieg over the
Gatineau hills, osnd the esies eloua-
lel,15.5 and blue. There was nee
breath •of wind :Ind the boom of the
gons from Neoeae Point aenaneec-
ing the arrival within the gates of
the royal party reached the eers
the waiting multitudee with sOart-
ling reverberation. Larger nuOti-
tades than usual thronged the bills,
Sneeeh V the Threne.
Ilenarable re el th
Commons: ,
"I have during past StienrinS4'
spent several moil visiting the
principal cities on us of Ca -
row -coast t nol have
endeavored to Ma
ne possible aequal
ons prevailing,
9t has been u
t :eatisfaction to me
t universal prosper
gne throughout the
wts4the 013ergy
re ehowu
een disc ;Yell ia the opinioe
eimy zdv')Zrender it imperative
that the effective naval forcee of
the Empire should be streuetheacel
without delay. 1‘,Ty advisers are
convinced that it is, the duty et
Canada at this juncture to afford
reasonable and necessary aid for
NTEES Or eelEftiCee
0 --
lees et Cattle, craln, Cheese end out
Predoes at Heine ants eenteed.
Toreeto. N<)v, 26.-Firear-leinety per
ceet, patents, e4,10 to $4.20. Manitebas,
I ke$Qfl. id jute bags. for first patetre, $4-$o
ter eeeetade, and $4.70 for strong bakers'.
Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Nortliere, 90c,
l3ity porte; 2 at 82 1-2e, and No. e at
85e, Baer ports. Feed weeat, 65 re 67c, Bay
Ontario Wheat -No, 2 uew. white and rel
purpose,. .o, bin will , 0 .33. r0_, wean, 95 to 95e, ou..side arid spree ed 5
duced aecordingly. u 1, t to 90e, autside.
; "A eontruet for the eoeetruetiou 'ErZt41';4:)*Qt'nac.441.9‘:°•46ntPt'4' 4.1T:rt'ec.ln"tscil'kn!'
1 of the Nedson Bay Railway from Le oda 43j-2 .1°." 4'1' 4nd 1" 4410 for
!Pas to Port Iceleen leia beep, award_ r3e.4---,No, 2 at $t,10 to $1.15.
at .',4er eerie December deli- 5 ' -
"be highways of Cenada t t t'''• ‘e'7' 5°. Tc'rwl
ed, ot god
and the work is being Pushed eurt„;',-jc'tv'g,La.44;2,„b.0(4.1.-
forward with, all possible speed, „cora-No. 2 old Amernan, 65 1.2c. pi
"It is ab Alantly eviderm that ;I. Toronto, and No. 3 at 65c all rai
leve -No. 2 at 23 to 85e, outeide•
eons ute
n important part of au ecierit
traospertation, The ne-
r iroproe
tlaie r
4a b1 will 1) '"
Tom a enabl.
-operate with t
ble purpose,
g 031$t mg
ad is manifest,
rodueed for the
be Dominion
Provinces in
this most de-
* 'Mural eo-operation, „
atStd.etQrY to know that
my Government to
the Governments
us Provinces in prornot-
ultaral industry has
ty approval, The op-
tS vhieli were made last
in. cormection therewith
°plug t
"It is mo obse
that the trade inion
iereasing rapidly dily, tb
agovegate trade for .se
year being tile larges eor
During the preeeet year
steady inerease )as been
and it is eatieipeted that the
volume of our -trades for tbe
out fveal, y will greatly earptis
of an ious o, -ear iin on
the at
Huelevlaeet-51 To 55e. enfeishe
an -Manitoba S22.50 to -$23.. in bags.
ment o Adrianople proceeds furi- represented aerieulturel conetituencie.
CettntrY ProdUce.
tivreraloollide a2.2. to 24o; cboice deiry. tube, eeo; o'cloelt tins mormng. The Terks, vaime many of ray aeditors would
eamery. a to 324 for retie, aed 23, to 2701 who lied eieetric searchlights, listen to and dieeuse political euestieee.
hey have earned, instesA of eera-
pelling unconditional capitula-
A Naval Engegement.
litc7TO more Chaptera thp War are
reported -a naval engagement off
Varna between the Turkish cruiser
Hamedieh and Bulgarian torpedo
boats, and the occupation of )or -
Ina by the Greeks. The Bulgarian
report that they did great daniage
to and probably sank the eruiser.
The Turks report that they sank
two torpedo boats and that the
eruiser was only slightly damaged.
By the occupation of 'Marina,
hich lies to the south ef Menastir,
the Greeks, according to the Athens
report, have out off the rear guard
of the Turkish areas,' to the number
f 80,000, retreating from Monastir.
Turks Lost Ileavily.
Bennett Burleigh wires to The
London Daily Telegraph from Men.
etafka, Pasha, under date of Fri-
rim scences of a Politician -Toronto
and Normal Scheel Square --Harbor
commissioners. mans.
The publication of a volume of reminis-
ceuces by the late Sir lticbard Cart-
wrig,dit has caused something of a
tion in in political ciroloo, 'Sir Richard deals
with tile men and events of his time with
great fraultness and his book centains
more than one surprise.
A particularly chapter is 0110
Which be eaye a tribute te OP intelli-
gence and ability of the Ontario fafener.
In part be says; "No one thing he Peen
made more clear to me during irLY Pon,
tical experience than the extreme ignor-
ance of a va.r, number of othereese Anr
telligeet and welniuterneen profeesional.
weI business emu of the political doirgs
oe the day. There eariously eeoeeh,
iu Ontario St leest, a very great deal
more interest taken, arid e very great
deal laiore accurate idea, of the aims and
proceedings of the eoveral political par-
ties, anumg the heeer ela.ss of farmers
tlrelt among the so.ealled atere liighiy
edecated eleesee. Dm myself a city
Toronto feelete. Shona, $25.51:, to $2.6. dP,er inortung;---The great bombard- luanacia•ulAZreersiotrv, lteysyseofbuttbeI have aelewba04
0.teth tly. beepine intense about, .2 and from the very first wee iminensele
Hutter-Rolle, cboice. 26 to 27e; bakers', struck witla the attention arid iutelligenee
Rs -Case etieL
volcswlortas2r nrret.bna t le given to eitthuse on any eubjeet, but teey
$ • 320 Per aocoe plied hotly for o time Ivith elae'r "leY yore "rY an4 13! '10 Ilee,""!
id queted Elt 45 to 4ao per Well.
- • guns. There were attemptedwaald Itaten tar haare to an at'alY$
- e- met y new-
eeeer-24 tea fer large. and 14 1-2e foe
neenerieneteacd. $3 peT bUS)lell
ha A eeibbieg trey,
---Hetreetells M tine, le to 121ele
for No, 1. wholesale; cenulaeL 82.53
per dozen for No, 1, and $3,40 for
Welt ratted.. elea.n, dm, tette ,
ve preyed to bo of tuarked beim-
refill study of -the whole
advisers are convinced
eration with tile Pro -
well deriesi terms and
IR achieve the best re-
lines of agricultural
h :policy to be
111,20113, Ac -
1 wit 'ntrodneccl
P -ince
thi ;411
'The reven
branch of ha
there fI
whicl gves as
f theiominon
and 2
and i
ce of co
Afore t I Came.
UA oopious and welcome stream
immigration has poured into our
country during the past euremer.
The volume el immigration during
the present year As greater than
during any corresponding period of
oU7 history, and in larger •measure
than usual it has been drawn. from
the British Islands.
"The labors of the hushiertelmen
have be u blessed with au ample
return; and, although in some
tricts the weather has been unpro-
pitious for the harvest, it is ex-
pected that the total value a viz
field crops will be greater than i
ettly previous year.
'Papers will be laid before you
which -embody trade arrangements
that have been eoneuremated be-
tween the Dominion and certain of
his Majesty's possessions in the
West Indies. It is hoped that these
arrangements will prove of great
advantage, not, only to those pos-
sessions, but to Canada as well. A
bill will be introduced for the pur-
pose of carrying this agreement in-
to effect.
The Emergency Grant.
"During the past summer four
members of my Government confer-
red in London with his Majesty's
Government on the question of na-
-cal defence. Important discussions
-took place, and conditions have
A Treat
Crisp. delicately
Ready to serve without
urther cookingby adding
Often used with resh
or canned fru
"The e
dma Poatrun cereal Co.„ d
ndsor,- Ontario.
lies, but these were repulsed with Zoorieioa5eosninditurde or an explanalon
eta, elauglder, New positions nee ot aigi,aocZt:niP; :o"1-ticul7tr
torts have hnen T- ("'"941er aUCI MI/Egrjther W101, Yon te'd
eu thee , Maey e. time, erel emeetimes atter
meaty 9r statements made h7 enYeelf
times past and ealled for explanations
heaviest fire of the siva>.
ax this 6ghting there was by far the tne lare twaity yeere, linee hCell
if they thouglit there vfa5 any dieeretwase
quoted As rollowsr-Ch Cheffie Grcelts Toraedo Gunboat. army between iny thee and. former pose
getrit45, 13' tc, lea h,,, A despatch from .Atliens says: Ontario et scotatt (num.
Live PoultrY, about tte lower than the A Greek torpedo boat entered the 'Of foleree the sereentege of ouch men
on treelt, aed New Broas. taaCia a Turldell guaboat there. e wboio e'en weulti have found in most
5o per lb.- fowl IQ to lee- dtunts 14
eve, ha.rber Aislie en Sunday and at_ woied vary el ifferent ridings Eut
-Hoed etoelf (Meted ee 8D to ' etking the farm popinetione of Ontario DS
bog, 0,14 trnbe,,,_,.„.v„...pear,a.iiac,e, et the ic,038ntanstitucermiceenaaocoisuldnerrilleercilt.iiibniebae_raerf.
ea ee,
,our.icien e000rs abandontxl the fleet. tholightfel, intellignit • d, Lu
oveseersr read men, at 'emit es far as the political ° Aelthridge nay. now eleepy wasto,
unb04,t tato ellerliug, the
Itistory of Canada eeneeened, They exceptionally deeirable induetrial
e, 1
,p,cocks. .GreelCruarines weat had their limitations. eo doubt. but, as a end to beautify the eity by a tenerei
Ola 'board, but were unable to atop le th" st'"a. bonest government, „waterfront boulevard and driveway ex -
r suecee
WO rates, and
to obtain
• der existing
a f the bauT
the lst y of 3nly
Teing art extending t
will be submitted for y
ation and approval.
"Several other bille will be sub -
ted, ineluding measures provid-
ing for increased rePresentation of
the Provinces of Alberta, Saskat-
chewan, and Manitoba in the Sen-
Estimates at Early Date.
"Gentlemen of the House
"The accounts for the last fiscal
year wilt be laid before you. It
will be satisfactory to you to learn
that the. revenue has been ample to
over both ordinary and capital ex-
"The estimates for the next fiscal
year will be submitted at an early
date. They have been prepared
with due regard on the one hand
for economy and on the other hand
for the neeessary development of
the resources of the Donainion.
"Hole Gentlemen of the Senate:
"Gentlemeu of the House:
"I invite your earnest tonsidera-
tion of the subjects to which I have
alluded, and inveke the blessings
of Divine Providence upon your de-
Nothing is w4irse than a bad loser
-unless it be a poor winner.
S14 tee $14.50
12 to $12.50
11 a tore op era
r Terceate.
/5 1:2re per lb
rt cut, $26 to $21baav.
ta limes -Mesa=
, 1512 so trot
tst, aeon, like
• nibs, lasear, eet
- Onte Catiadi
2, 45 1-2 to 46e: extra l,`;0
4S1 -2e; No. 2 loeal wbite, 420;
white. 41e. UtTla0arobi-1,
62e; Malting, 78 to Sae. Ruck -
0. 2, ,55 to 57e. Flour...Manitoba
patents, Brew. $5,40, doe
etroag bakerie, Via; Win -
Choice, $5,35: etraight rollere,
do., in bags, 52,35 to 82.40
--Barrels. $5.03; bag of IA
40, cle'Bran, 822: Aorta, 826 to
a. $28 to $39: monillie, $30 to
Ua 7o. 2 per ton, ear lete. $13 to
'345. western, 12 1-4 to
3.4e: do., erre. 1114 to 12 1-8e. But-
--(holeest crearneer, 301•4 to 30 1-20;
cowls, 283-4 to Va. Rtr.rts-Seleeted, al to
ele; No, 2 Kock, 21 to 22e, Potatoeli-Per
bag car lots, 82 to 85a,
will expire OTO
A bill ro-
tr shier-
sof, r
.1,11011010 11101a II )
Int soap
1101141DsD.11 lwr4111:.1010.- t
tc 'it
tiS; lit4H
nilltnierie Me 1 teeenee11
The a t$ ' -ttO to leer respeetive '
They tit en eve Oparties. e restate ar Sheet, eberigen is hard te
. If they,hed a faul't it lay in their sterna) tending from 'he Iinsal
the, inrush of water.
blew IQ the, gunboat with 0. tor- duet which at the hoe= tbeir bearei nein/ridge's district can eeeily eepport. an
whielt sometimes lupde titem eendore con, foretell without beam Imagniatior The
elo. they eeplly condempee. Once they bed indeetriel population of 1.00,004, end the
telten a side it was e matter or extreme cstithileliment of real ebippieg reeilitee
difficulty to Malice them nbange it. en )vill glee Toronto a stronger grip lien
woe reeneete iliev answered Ten' ncernt ever en am dietnibtithre bustuera 03,11.
Peace Negotiation
A despateh from Con
ys: Negotiatiozis for an ar
ere begun on Sunday at et
the town of Teltatalja betwe
Bulgarian aud three Turkie
gates. The Turkish Comma-
• chief, Nazim Pasha, `Gen.
she, and Rechid Pasha,
r of mmerce, are the three
Ottoman egates. Nazim Pasha
had s. conversation on Saturday
with General Savoff, the Bulgarian
Commander-in-chief. E the wndi-
tions for an armistice recently pro-
posed by the Bulgarians are
fed negotiations negotiations for peaee proba;bly
wfll beio
gin nnediately.
ifty Children Lose `I'heir Lives i
Spanish Circus,
A despatch from. Bilbao, Spain
ays A terrible panic was caused
on Sunday afternoon by the cry of
"I'tire 1" at a moving -picture show
here. About fifty children and
others were killed. Only one wo-
man up to a late hour at night had
been found ong the dead. The
number of injured is not known,
as most of them were taken to their
homes by friends,
to -zee ,eteee 4110Realise 5..eeeeee le ten, tele. itonar 'be filet :7,fter Toroutael
dere 'whey tbey elicited the intele tiler 4100Wof a 1)41111011 reoPlo "MaY 404 be 00
cultivated. Time were lergely of Scotch far Ipthe disMett future,
stein, and 45 -YOU 33101v 0413110 Is 4, -----
mat 05t0t1t 3 Seatell Colony. et any rate SIR, 11,41)1V-i.RD CLO USTON DV S.D
bey were a eleee of whom rine country i •
frbt lee preed, nnd Het men trete witrtia
united states maruots.
Minnettoolia, Nov. 26.-Wneat-Deeember,
3.4o; Afar, 851.20: No. 1 hard, 83 3-4e;
No, 1 Northern, 8134 to 83 1-4e; No. 2
'Northern, 791-4 to 81 1-4o; No. 2 hard
Montana, 87.1.4c; No, 3 wheel, 771-4 to
79 1-4e. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 45 to 46e. Oats
-leer, 3 white, 251.2 to Me. Ifve-No. 2,
65 to 581-2a Bran -$18 to 818.50,, Flour-
Firet patents, 84.15 to 54,45; second pa-
tents, 84 to $4.2.5.; first elenre, $3 to $3.50;
seeond -clears, 82.20 to $2.50.
Duluth, Nov. 26. -Linseed -On treck. 51.-
341-4r to arrive in November. 51.341-4; to
arrive, 11.29 3.4; November, 51.33 1-4; De-
cember. 8181.4 bid; Jannery, $1.29 1-2;
Mity, $1.33 Wheat -No. 1 hard, 83 3-20;
No, 1. Northern, 823 -So: No. 2 Northern,
80 3.eo; December, 813 -Bo asked: Mn,86 3-8 to 861 -Se.
Live Stock markets.
Ittantreal, Nov. 26, -The to price realiz-
ed for the best cattle was 0.60, while the
lower grades sold from that down to
$3.50, and hullo from $2.50 to $3.50 per owe
Sales of evves were made at $4,25 10$4.50
Per cwt. Lambe. 86.20 to 86 50 per cwt.
Hoge, $8.75 to 89 per owe, weighed off
care. Calves, 51 to $12 each, as to size and
quality. _
TOrOilt0, Nov'. 26.----Cattle-Choleo butoh-
er, 8575 to $6.35; export, $6 to e6,10; good
medium. $5.25 to .$5.75; c.ommon, $2.75, to
53.75; cows. 83 to $41 bulls, $3 to 54.50; can-
ners, $1,50 to $2. Calves -Good veal. $7 to
88.50; comtnan, 83 to $3,25. Stockers and
Feeders -Steers, 350 to 1.050 poueds. at $5.-
25 to 85.35; feeding bulls, 300 to 1,900
pound, at 52.75 to $4.25. Milkers and
springers -Prom 850 to $80. Sheep and
lambs -Light ewes. $4 to 5450; heavy ewes.
83 to $3.50: lambs, $6 to $6.65. Ifogs-$8.-
20 to 88.25 fed and watered, and $7.25
Kiamil Pasha, Turkey's Grand Vizier, Declared
That the Allie.s Overtures were Im po'ssible
Turks Resume Fight.
A despatch from Constantinople
says: The battle at the Tehatalja
lines has been resumed. Cannon-
ading was reopened with great vio-
lente on Thursday evening,'And is
plainly audible here.
A despateh from London says:
The formal suspension of the East-
ern war proved ortly for a day.
Turkey rejected the Balkan terms
for an armistice apparently before
the plenipothntiaries had time to
come together' at Haclemkeui.
Kiamil Pasha, the Grand Vizier,
declared that the allies' overtures
were impossible.. He ordered the
Commander -in -Chief to continue
• fighting, .
Decision. o/ the Porte.
A despatc.h from Constantinople
Says : The official announcement of
the Port' s decision with regard to
the armistice is as follows :---
"The Bulgarian Premier has ad-
dressed to the Ottoman Government
a document containing conditions
for an armistice which were com-
municated on Thursday to the
Council of Ministers and were con-
sidered to be unacceptable,
I "Consequently and likewise n
view of the fact that the Comman-
der -in -Chief has been entrusted in
principle with the task of negotiat-
ing conditions with the plenipot,en-
tiaries of the belligerent States --if
these plenipotentiaries are invested
with the necessary powers -and has
also been directed to communicate
the result of such negotiation.s to
us., the Commander -In -Chief, has
been instructed to continue military
operations, with\the help of the Al:
mighty, until reasonable and mod-
erate conditions are proposed to
The continued successful defence
of Tehatalja, lines would undoubted-
ly strengthen Turkey's diplomatic
position, but • defeat, after pro-
longed fighting of her own choosing,
would inflame the Bulgaria,ns' de-
sire to make a triumphal progress
into Constantinople.
Popular clamor in Sofia is de-
manding inere strongly each day
that the advance shall stop only at
the Bosphortis
European military offleials con -
Gained in Weight,
bigestion Restored,
Health Renewed
llere Is More Prod of Quick.
Cure For All Folks That Are
.Weak, Ailing, Nervous,
More Praise for Dr. Hamilton's PHs!
"For a, period last •summer the
thought of food excited feelings of
nausea," writes Mrs. C. A. Dodge,
of Bloomsbury. "The heat had
made me listless and the distaste
for food reduced me to a condition
of semi -starvation and brought me
th the verge of nervous collapse.
Tonics were useless to restore an
active desire for food. The doctors
told me my liver and kidneys were
both at fault, but the medicines
they gave me were too severe and
reduced my strength so -that I had
to abandon them. At the sugges-
tion -of a friend who had been cured
of blood and skin trouble, I began
the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. The
difference I first noticed was, that
while they cleansed the system in-
stead of feeling weaker I felt better
after taking them. Indeed their
activity was so mild it was easy to
forget I had taken them at all; they
seemed to go right to the liver, and
in a very brief time not only did all
source of nausea disappear, but I
began to crave food and I digested
it reasonably well. Then I began
to put on weight until within three
months I was brought to a condi-
tion of good health. I urge Dr.
Hamilton's Pills for all who are in -
poor health.'' -
Get, this best Of all -medicines to-
day and refuse a substitute for Dr.
Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut, sold by all druggists
and storekeepers, 25c. per box or
five for $1,00. Sent postpaid by The
Catarrho9ione Co., Buffalo, N.Y.,
skier the allies' terms harsh in one and Kingston Canada.
to our leading publice.and. pro,e-4- FalitOltei 111,0111reill FillanCier rel$SeS
lona men have enrung. Thee would ,
o'er hlue benks, and even eneh a Away in a rew iteairs.
rroidable tiocoment as theemitter-Oen-
ars report. with a Mel *bleb very few 4. eeespaten trom Montreal says ;
f 011V -illoMbars ParliaMmit ever be-
neSS Saturday afternoon to So
criticism of Waite.
tr pftbicaliPa5rIlk: Thboeoslc sisurl9490(nrattettronoatbatliat: jiodrInivletrrcily SGe:nbec'r71 C1411:11risat4son; ofthe'
ware Illaitee Ile rerely mentioes Melte Bank ee t rre
ot mon rea The we t- OlOW11
Death eame with startling suoden-
w upon them.. •
exeent.10 ceeenre him, lie SVOUSCS
at disloealty to Alexander Ilcieltenzie end
of repeatedly ruining the preePeeta of the
Liberal party In the House of Ooramone
and in ehti Province of Ontario 1)5, hie
bungling polities, Ills contbret in tryieg
to publish his rumens 'West. Durham let-
ter provieue to the ttleetion of 1891 is de-
scribed es "trenoberoue" to Laurier end
Cartwright, the Domioion and Ontario
leaders reepeetively -In the Rouse of Cone
teens. Hie reeIgnation of ehe Liberal
leadership in 1807, ooe is led to infer, wet;
the at of a quitter, when vietory Wee
Ono of the most serious obeegee agninst
131nice1 that he deliberately and need-
leselY eetranged the Ora.nece Order frorn
Hie Liberal party. Particularly by his at-
titude on Riel and by hie direct attark on
the Order in Perliameitt. This, Sir Rich-
ard affirm% will take generations to
Oolin A. littedonald he eeaks
vehemently, but with some mellowness.
Repeatedly he deelarce that $ir John's
Pacific deal fled his subsequent re -ender -
}melon by tho country did more to de-
grade the Dubin, life of Canada than will
be overcome for generatioes,
Ot Laurier.
Of Laurier he speaks cordially, but with.
out any apparent entbueinsm. No doubt
he will have mom to say on this subject
in a Second volume, which the publishers
promise later, the preeent one stopping
short at the year 1896, Alexander Mac-
kenzie is praised for his personal quali.
ties, and bis weaknesses as a politician
pointed out. McGreevy is described as an
honest man, but a ecape;oat. Of oaar5e.
Sir Richard. during a long life, came in
contact with all -the prominent men of
an interesting era, and he gives hie esti-
mate of most of them. .
His views on"publitt questions were made
known pretty thoroughly during his life-
time, but he leaves a enecinet ageount of
them for future generations. The depo-
pulation of Ontario and the issue of pro-
teetion receive the funetst eonsideration.
respect, that is, • they should con- , '
cede, to the &,,arrisons of Adrianople
)roilto, on Saturday, Charles
and-Scui;a,ri the right of marching as founol guilty of the
oul with the honors of war, which /- Joseph Rosenthal,
irtiirdor o
financier appeared to be le be
usual health Saturday rooming,
and drove down -town to his office
t o'clock, later going to the of.,
fiee of the Royal Securities Corpor-
ation. While there lie was stricken
with an atteek of heart failure end
lost oonseioustiess. Pro was hurried
in an ambulance to the Royal Vie -
feria. hospital, where he passed
away at three in the afternoon, in
spite of all that medical science
could do. Death wee% due to heart
trouble, from which he had been a
sufferer for a number of years.
Steamer Lord S---tratheorta Pulls Iter
Into Deep Water.
A despatch from Quebec saps,:
When. Pilot Roux. of the Royal
George sent a wireless message
.ashore some days ago that the
steamer would be floated off on the
e4th inst., he evidently left a mar-
gin of ewelve hours in Case of aca
cident, as the tide was high
a.m. on Sunday, while, as a, mat-
ter of fact, she was floated off -at
4 et'eleeek, Or an hour before high
water, on Saattrday afternoon. The
steamer Lord Stratheona, having
a hawser attached_ to the Royal
There is little doubt but that the hook George, commenced to pull her in.
well have mfluenee on future genera-
tions.. Sir Richard had undoubted abil-
ity, and a turn of the wheel of fortune
might at more than one stage in his ca-
reer have made him Premier of Canada.
Doubtless he would have made a judici-
ous Prime Minister, but in that case
he would have scarcely left uo his delight-
ful reminiscences.
140 (lift for Toronto,
Sir James Whitney, has replied in char.
acteristic fashion to the request of the
city of Toronto that the Normal School
grounds should be turned over to the
city as a civM park. The Square is worth
probably a million dollars now, though it
was originally purchased by the Gov-
ernment for a few thousand. The argu-
ment that the itICTODAS Should be handed
over to the city becauseit was the eity's
growth that gave it the increased value
IS knockedinto a cocked hat by the Pre-
mier, who points out that "the Province
as a whole has been unquestionably the
chief factor in the increased values of
property and of the great increase of
wealth in the city."
The Premier dictated his reply, but it
was not delivered until he was on tbe
middle of the Atlantic on his wa3r to
England, where he and Dr. Pyne are
spending a flying visit preparatory to the
session. The efinister of Education is one
of Bir. James' strongest personal friends,
dating from long before Sir James was
called to the Premiership. They are both
fond of art ocean trip and will no doubt
manage to get some enjoyment out of it
even during the chill days of December.
Toronto's Harbor Plans.
No proposed civic improvOment has ever
created inore, perhaps not as much, en-
tliusiasm as has the pittns of the Veoent-
lY appointed Harbor, Commission. They
call for a total expenditure of $19,000.000eof
which $6,000,000.is to'be contributed by the
Dominion Government; and most ;of the
vest will be raised by the Conimission it-
self by the eele of bonds on wiiiob the
'interest will be paid by .revenues from
docks and rentals.
Doubting Thom,aSes-smile when 'members
Of‘tile COMMISSI011 declare that the whole
expenditurewill be made and the scheme
carried'. out' Within ten years. But be
CommiF39ion insitE. that, it meane it. The ,
Dominion .Govenime.nt, work, consisting
chiefly of clre,dging, will begin at once. and
Plans for the Conunissions' own expend -I-,
tore are well -ander way. .
The eltief effects of . the improvement
plan will be to make Toronto practically
an ocean port, to ti:rn the vast area of
to deep water, which she reached
without any grating sound. The
Royal George, at 6 "p.m. left for
Quebec under her own steam, mak-
ing eight knots an hour,
The Bank of Montreal has raised
the salaries of .,012t0 employees, the,
-increases averaging $100.
John Connell, St Thomas, and
Charles Ryckman, , '
London were
killed in a, radial railway collision
near London on Saturday
vest en
T iseasy to make 'money,
, beit bard to save it -why
not exercise the same care
In , the 'investment ot ,your
savings as do Banks and
Trust Companies and buy
guaranteed bonds
We specialize in Coverii-
meat, Railway, Public Utile
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you derivesafetyof princi-
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We emu offer seeuritieS
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Oua'rdlan Bldg, Royal Ea'als