HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-28, Page 4; I I ,- - 7 - 7 1, . I 1, I 1 -4- -- -1 I I I I 11 I I . I I I,— , 4- , , , , , , , .1 I T,
77,- I 1. I I I I . I , .1 I 1, , -, , I I 1 "', 7 -- -- - -1 - - " I I , I I 1 I I I I I I
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. I ..1. I 1. : - .
.1, I I --t 1.1
I I I ,. . " I . I -1 . 1
,2, . I i, I t lojr dep u->, froill the f&TT11, As ,
11 I 11 5 "k ltlway I axt How's TWO
, I I s f% A
$ ioal fic ovaa Jaro alrea s FryffE %..,z,N D
. . - ll beiiie wem - - I I,
dy expras!rli neilzl- r I Tr airil TNITS. F;,, kbei-ner -ere . ,
* I ftgtgr , bu I I , I A IAN, BANK
li: , 4% I , -.e.j,,r foax thxt the! BeAk4fk war ,6y'll be k4id and oblfjr,;' '- a,nd` 'ere, pL Wwya ",W#Ofllo;on,anu,D ltidl)oilatouswlbrdlotanr,tw, I KI I 1, I
I , , , .
, " :, I
I I . - :: -, t 4, "'ul t a se! e0d a., Alelp,kilig hanA in the, otb4tA11P I I c tsrrh -' .
11 - " . - i 5, Owing r dy to I , I rh that cazwot, be curod by Hair# , ,
. , ,,,, il folJow,ed by trigbit- dts
- Props. -, I, , ` 11
1 Si lloers & C"ech., J- L. , b al.,y b 1, , , ze,, I .
. " " , I- 111' U41111- vriva,tdoa . , . NUy' dhe r baloni , spar. pq 1. 14' 1 I .
; 'd I I
is endtired, eq Pe 'e'c , I
I , , , , 0 I' ' * ' F,j-CHENF-T&Co.'#'ToU4NQ' , I I I
:, I -- , -- -,r ,e, Tarlcg, Cho, y ' d- 1 0'4 to ejj ,y t1eir new) heala s the, wish, 0'0 COMMERCE,
11 . I , iel- is esppetall drea I I i undersigae,4 hav4 knowis, 1P. J. Cheney toil . I 11 . 1, 1, I . I I . - I I . "
"I '> w!IL oc- Of all. . L I wwth4 I
F: I ' the lot 15 yesrs; aud b lie' 1 , V-1,14ent
ill, .1 . JIV I kt].A3 N O-V. 18, ' 12 ed, and Dr W,oaLk',s discovery accomp- - 4 I re hij*"r+%etjy bonoribio. , , , SIR EDMUND WALKER Qv-()-.110 Ac- 1 4
. , vsior 'Inu&.1, skvtap7f ,ctlqn aiad 1, —, 4 , '. 1-1
I . I I - . 11 . -------- I 11 I- -- , in all Vulfluess isui*etio z and finits6f&ny', abl ' ito - I I I I I I I
, , 1, , ' I np L ziuch gdod, st 0117, by preventing, I ,I earry out zu)r oWijrat"a =4d* b,y IiIs trip- , - AjJ=AW.DEA LAIRD JOHN AIRP I
, I I
., . I I PAIRLIAIMENT 0 N$, 4 ,-, 4011ir , olls, "'144 ene ,
11 FIE , or vis."t"ati. - I 11
- I I I , friji"'It. wbb h I i WAeLDIAG, iEpisAsi & X*av-, I I ae,Ae7iilk N*024" 1 AssistapIG ral, blanoger, I
', 'ng on, . I I . I
, I I argood, de.,Lj or jr,,Lueace 1.rii bring- Dashwood' I I . N
I I I , -
I t , , I I I . wlk s Droffigo, Toledo, 0 . --.--
. , I , , I , I I . I ., . I I I I I I . . , v
, , ,. Laot Week Saw tl i,e opanlkl,-,- tethe se. t'h,a, diFease-, , I I . Rau's Catarrh our t
. rajles, w,, not .Ioa,, axe 4Vng to the . q is t4P4 fat"mally. Afar d' '
, ,, . '10 -a twin Mr. and . I I I -ki CAPITAL ,, . REST, $12s,50011000
I I 0, - of t ,* - 5 i,tants, Qf ' .
I geetly Outl Iood a4d. mAcona murfAcles Ott $M000,000' .1
I . i , Z"011d ,session of tl"Q- tweatttk Qa;,r"aw;Rt use, ot tobar co, pl ,rh,, Lps from lhat Pre- Nlrs. Eld, I Tafz died. last weo,, and Was iyvte=, T4wWaoalals, lea tfte rilco7fte vetWk !
1 4 —
, , v ,-of Canada und ar the zn ost a'a3plee$,C1,1`4 . , one coi-'lRjoA:4y assodate, witlt Us- S014by 0115-gilists I I I
I , soti buried OR Fil u tiw
(I 1 I I I It is Ze;-jerajj 7,, ' gjr e nce, oph ac- . da.y,i, We IT sj other ' I
, , camp.tances, ,z. tj,, ,r aeX, w1d , of Its, pr 71, -c n, '
I , 11 I reco , , I _be,,aup, kjl ay -s4lvlv., . ito ibrti2#4ep wad cheer 'tile T,is Rily, ya ,,a, rills. oasupotk I
. , I I ,. wed, that thts .Sesw-Va Will be an'el)907- tLe 'Propeilt,t l, Not aIiuly of the n1ale 110me. , ' . SAWNGS BANK ACCOUNTS
, * I 1, .. I for ----.GWP—
, . -t ,histOXV , , , devctL,oll to I ,,: fy Isady Nicotine.'-! - 1' , Nadigtcr are th s ,
, . makizig Ono a:8 f: -Lr as, C4 tadlat I ,9 e,T, are ti,cely, r o reqttl ,a e XPuse , 'Mr. aind Yqa- E I
L . , tl-eir wee , q,jjpvjk a "t tt, I
, ,e, bou, KIRICTON. o its of $1 and
11 pe ,reeW,'ly
I , I
. , , I iti ccx1pexia.0-1 . L, I I . But those Who stgto g4t heaw from op- yacated by f.Mr., 10uls FrePtter - I , interest a the, current rate is allowed on all dep s I
, . Tllel sesaloal -S I -0, 'ed, 'lave , iven o eypry account Small aCCOUPts
I r -ted ,,v th tha legt&- pvait-, 11 to tl Ilir "- !q Ot the we N
I . jr, ct,ari.as paqljvZ, I ,j or Shipkaj Mrs. GA-- Bgrtoii ylaz ,ted to, Loildoa- Upwards. Careful attention is 9.1 - I
' "Ir 1, , ape The ezLb- ge,.1d leasan, ,to tgh =Ij-, Dr. wenack .1or hia .1, 11
I ' IF ,". B ,,"tt'(OrL r
! Aaaivo proarwl ta ,Ood sh wumb-ased tllf Goodayin. -ProPertY which >,I .8 "** ".
, , , xeter visited her am elcomed, Accounts.l.nay bi . I I
I , . e opened and operated byrnail.
. I I I ,j -R ; jorkg a,, , Tile vij u for the future W , I . I I . .
, I, Jo I - frieftdl 1-W!1A - - I I .
, ,. ,ae been worio
-" , I '' i 1 , -4 hard, ,,L;4scovery, Y WA.S 5!a lld 47 public, wact on 1'akst Thur6 dirtii 1 r0W-,,-1X;j%a Qla& I
, 11 I ,, ,, I I I . and eeldq= has parli"ient Opene4 -- ,,-th a,-,,pl , aa al, lix,itter ot daty. 7. ko,,rt d I . T.Ile property Is ,just south of tre ya Shier left to b tjejjd the,Co servato" I
I I w I . Accounts may be opened in the narne$ Of tWO Or MOre per -Ams,
; I ed. ; Th a dc- : hezr bo.,W s W14, ithon Country free, fi,orn
, I I , 4, o aizl,lstry ,qo, w ail prepax , realItY a P&r - Of MUSIC Z,a TOlt,'4t0*—A, number oj -survivor,
1 . -i _ . . - -T villazi proper,. t4ou;wll tn .. . thdraw Is to be made by auy one of tbem or by the ILS L
. .,riart=-ental reports al.Oo are nearly ,all L,',, ,, ,i5cerZ,a- of cholera ne CaZnadla:n of th 3 corpomtjo.j.t It ' ,s nIci 4y located, Our YoUng poop!- p.tter4ed th,el birthday wi , a I -
I , ,
. ip .Snapea, -h!le the estiulatts w*111, also jourinal *! Cw , I
I - ' " I , qrAr.4V* and -ill nr-lm A V.hk, place for Mr, arld. party at W ,Alea lalst weelc Hlr. A, ,T, E-X"ETXR PRANPH--G. L. WAVGH, V..anaa'er.. Branch *,Joe At Credltoa. .
, -'be preEented at An ea,rly dp e , . , , Paul left Oil V#'edllesd,- - to allend,Citrist. I- I .
- . I I Mrs. Balr T'4 ,4:rtea to spend tille'l-, decK 1 . I .1,
I , I I
I I TI10 big o*fstA.ndt' ' I I - nz )reara, There aay. two Moro 31age iliae at ihis old home,ne;ar Lozz dorkl -ED.-. Q.....X.W I .1 I I I I I - ,,.,,,--q li I
i , ,)g questio.x of the Th'2 examV - L v
I . _e wh
I , let) Ja I . I 11 I .
:1 , . f pnipoaal ot , nk?s church prolp-IM-teR for Sale and u riY ptending -a, beawltu-1 new bra s, pulpdt, -as, pre. -- L
r r :, : session 68 oz, coui se vie , , .- h ur . I '
I pre,n1jej Bojr4ekk tp inaji e an enjergancy Be, or . -St
. Monday ever,4T,4 whelk:the-Y oPegn- purpia%er pa;a get paxticalare rrOM IR- eented to , Fawl ch ch last Weak - .
1, . I 'k coiltr bution, to, t * jxa,rc qt the - Ire. e4' v rt- pr BroK,onshim in mealary of +-I-e the -r-U- Mr. 2; 0 WS. M I
.1eir pa
i ( Ilp ,r, Ejh roo ,A for the eatertai
1. I . An early annOullqe n , or. th", bolte., n-,.i uj, OF th5 Ba.,nd Boya 'knd the I .
. well a; t en ' -&-r ank .
I I I ,4ed a,nd ,the C-0-6 *OCO all daug,llters, The PUIPIt wa$, Id'edlVat'd h o D I
1, tie IT T.tie &e,je ,of CW.6ra on Saturd y wa k FrancIs ROW;"40n, bY thOir 807181 a,14 i e Nois ins '4
1 qC tho governmeAt is pxp--t4 4 f 41 t L-Iends -n4sht b-- widely cop' WIth I
-, : .' I I I .,premier, Wjt hout =ticl.pat n4 tha.pol. , . .ed dk9posed 404. 4k.Ough Pe-IMP's On tl`4 at niornir earvice,; I I
I , I ' - a We deplore the, fact that who.,Lo, ittle, prices re,a, 4Zed were, UO* - Iticarp9ritted 1$55 1 11
I ., tcy ot ttho govern,me,nt, it nIAYI, - Kud ii;Ocrd r`a$ult, .
.. ,
, , . . . t';,,** *boys ge, to qu"donable, places ot quit -
F,- I . I th-tt he Will' proek to the ITO,"et Pro-, .,a 40 atraid Of ,e ,.v,b t they alle%j1d, hp.,m beon., . R*oora, of Proxr"o for ri" yoam lw-1911 ,
po-IS, fiar ald t o Uaa mvy ,,?il4eh -ill =nuseme-iit. yAt — 3 .Ow— BETTER TRAN THE ]EMST I
. . l be If-, keeV= with, C nad3ta.posttfbq g`e'ttT',-b 014 Of tl be3l -rk p4h of 4e- ' --0- cgpiw - 7 I POW1000 I j;4PWPW I .
, ,
I I . . as ,the lrMt -k, of thj ,0-,,er_S,t)S
I , tmpqrta_a s* a r grip wh4g-wo id t " P I I
-1 I . iDpmue co d';", In eh.k, nq,w.. . b O, PY 0 w "`411 The Countrysi e wwlo 1 11 -r,e,1R,e*u,T adm'ttetl gat Po"erve - - - , I
_ D,Cqnjn,;o." Coas, ST4 't, , ,
,4t Wjtl` ' ,Th6 poj,"Cy a -no NVO,^ kly Szo;f .
I I I , , a a'a,th,4 reuloua Vp T"le, vamny ueraid , , WWIQOQ ,1 , 410010W,
I 1:1,4 Preauler advocated W1410 1 oppoe. tbe, social U3 vre 14 1 Qt uontlwa N X.I i belt ran)47 arA
, 'a 35042 1
lt!ctn. tho reriman lt %rF Po'llair WAI, - be f ,the pe,ople to Under tho gu!dwice of VVArAK targlorle wee)ty p,i,px, prhatod th, , Pub. I)ePodo " " $29s,67717W a 1 .1311
, drabEed 4;A.tor utter nw urer ' 61`JAJ, . ra- ttW cl7L%'tMb- yot vre do not go 2at'er tba I 4 41 11 I I Ilighers 4ra 40i,"-41ed to lna3ca Itat!u
41 to. ' Loans aW Investments -, WR49?4457,090 , 8, 5 6 1
N ,
'tted't,d '&'-q gig$ Vc Q ede a g aiM 4- bjrt 44iy be So to . I r ,,,, I
I I : t1pik, and. . t wilt be e,4bn't7 b oye, We Nrait ,for thernr to cOme , .Ue,r. T ,ey are *VAXW4 40 eXPOn
*pecpic begl=e tbuiitY b9coT.n!P. .,Iaw ch h. If they 40*110t como we %471 parzy to a ,
. , .qu;lax. t ctr T,Ar :roujj
, ,g frli 4,4a olyo'tt w4xirr - 48937,284
1 1 1 - "' , * - I , ,ar taubapltbera ot, xala TotoJ A&eets $3310"11921 1
r i Orit -or 1 10 VA AT, mea aurea:, b ,' jlt eorry, btql "'r feel plmt we hxva do,i,e arid all eapygd a ;;oQd tl=. r4ue th,,xrk evar Their, beautifut Pic- I I .11
' . . ,
, ler'v' TzVARUV,*S",
I our, duty"tut the ffYXA -he go,o`l Out - pla,cs ' on, tk,tre, "MOtl Is a de- , ]Ras'S A Agollt* AaVorMPOrldellt
l I 'be brouZ ht down by the 901FOrAmPlIt will Nqr_.trh the'M Wedded-7to weddl= tooX kip alube "
, ida.x4a
1. * jftej O.o boys, who nlr%91011 I ' for th1Q, homa "o -V4 _ Orsilchee in ,. or ,
, , Wedije,a4y, Nqv
I . 'em4:bqr 27l:h q;. Ugqtpt act -
"be. tel-, B,Wik, A,ct, wbieb W'A,'be Ifitre- recrc%xtion.a, I - , . jjgtiItt41 e,abl, . it to
I. ,iducod by Ken httv .k, '11"p; I 'll "thelx ?.nivaeraanti; 044, 1 1 NlIjtii )11 of vq.0 via" 'to,,M,143, MAgW'q, oa,ro to axy tbat, no o'-4 -40 .rep4vaa a prin-cipm OW14 Vl tbo World, .
, , W, T, W t .R footing , L , '- t rpoaa hajkt Copy -,o,,j,,,,d paXt witlo, !A f 'Idouble tl,,
I w1w, an,eotd them on A, v.001no .W, . or 0 - :,
bem- or rqpq qants U-%d01%,t*FAd at --.d "Wil'a A-lobts of neylwzi e iy pw. I .
I 't 'm ook!71-17 , , W,,Ilct they 04LU x V=,'dika jikonoy .
I _r.=t gme44 A 4*11431*L IgAAKliNig *V63*0" t*A*tX,0T%V
-towards 010 jjiPatel,,tj<gi ,pf depoe tors'ar,d . "t, viy-Imcolitna VW frfqAs in
, , , plac.ft the saoctim a the church '%,atasl . vltirtKer No rkktsta k-.a, ca,,,. be m%40 ft sellding Q
,the );eneral. pubUc, and towards tho prk- , ;*, r . -1,
L 0 ,, 4rt;s ot the, vai*d, PARK IRV V , 1QP,, I L
Pi , ta,t the boYS Want to do t4en1w)'( one, doli,a,r W oua gv*t Weakly . A'111"091 I I -
I *"-ntloll or thase4ous rajlu,rj ,a wbPoli ,,,,.,,apt ., particular,a ZeXt week. ,
V , )rpaxs Tlio has. -we bolie", .tjxo proper , ' , ' V N - Ir, stal Braimebee. I-ot,,ere,st4lioWodoLtbil bo4t4atirrent te.
,have occUrrea Within TeCent , ,%Jr. and Wa.r 3' "Ittaft 4ro kDoffif- fol, 1.0'13. Ever$, eUbAzdbe,r gets t y;%
_ ' - 11 G.A- , lr;eagg eg* 01-40 2a
, 'bill W411 be ,aeM,t to L"I" 7'
tte aal%140 ;, L _ `; Way to win q*W8--,-PaXktr' Ing to ]Ra., , I
. , I %Oali, wftore, they Purpose MMR- picture, '!Z,W Ilet`*S L , ., - r ', ' , I
d 9 r t"' . . 00 11
'Cozrn=rcO coznmjt%41,, whexa, 4 by 29 InclWa, 41W- It 4 th' bigge'sit NO EXETER BRANCH I
.V"`wijt'be Otte, Ing their tutUMhQMe,- ,.a I " 1. I
" .7 - je;lp of .stock a4ld iMPW-, Jaellar'#1 wor - 1i --),-"-Are4 to-da,Y I Agent# r
, tr-prough,ly threolied. out In CV*gf liho, umtlo,a , *t
. HXetf
,se. Tile ,r,Ljor the Dplitin,10A 001F41,11=013t,
I L N-TaFtertir ar -111 V,el; for o0ft, I I .. , Wom= in 5-1,4TA"Atork 14 1-11 a, Sweat Meals of the za OOAXUA RyaA wa's mr- ,. - 1.
, Pdillente . do —I
. 'q &
L, I ,, to, tt,o zgt which allow b5i ' tq toa rk to 'Pirko out -by the, pollco 40 net PUY' du,crtO oiz Vaad,&Y AT4 WAS Well attflnd* 'CaUNA49A. Diogeo, - CX3LIZ40, Solloitars. $,D. ECURDOW Xnager,
, L L
, - I WIN -
, , , i .
0 I` r, ,,,-, .. 1,="41- — LL I" I
e - tuone y on, graln. In 4 ,W jSr4 tlit lim 48 w1ki aa the Women wbo, ed, Mori" ":.,:,:I:: ":": 0:1:1 ::Il ll:.": 11 : : I
4' .t would The WgxtbOr 411414 Ah' P"f te,;t 4 7% Mr, '%V-0441 y UOT'%V0 j4,)4t,8 'Vaj1u*4je ' . -1 I.. 11:1 1111:1 " " :1 , I — -- r-- -- !
I,. -on Cattle, At Present XL* '14. a 7411 ,be tre,jUgnt It.,4"ea ,of ilt repute, I I a I
L , 4,:saier , ba13 t*eA 0 Qrre- t k to the far. .
I made until gr4M Mtllea A I . SUrpriae 4to tt,Q wom,),M 'W,ho !S so ,,I - AillvairitagE X1voyMr,,*jdL jp*za by &Aittt, the other I I
I - ba'a, m,e,-a ,at -.tau dt! gitu gatttils thv(r FAVC TO You AND, zvcxy 411IT" surrm
I . aud 1.4 !A t ,Q eleva-t -k" W"te'ltt otrtct I day .-- 10§ J94140 0MIAt-orri, Who, hag M -A
,'Y aoxiou", to $52 am namt.'s or the rom FM y0ji—my SISHR $NqFr%""Mzh**JVl.*X"T*1
Xg.rmar xbInks till$ to a, dzit-010imion, publi'shed Were She tQ r1fid Ig9wing Aofia, AAA oute;140 worlK. flul'.01,4d 0, 114%borr4N. AV I I I
. her OW ,A
I , n .L L b,on te, ehln! ti% % S, 110. Tairawwomap!
I azd it .s x1so cla,im-,d tivat 't loans husband's, tgharl.a. brothoeS orcout.- , P. The)M ta W j2AW:4 a=VagQ PWWV A tor th,o V,xst ne"'11, or eight ywa. lla;e4, -1 TUnoW*Q=WXsUfrc .
: vpuld to ma,de: on %:rmera* ,w-ni.ia tI.ere ir*a. nania !ij A. list 0,11 n=, trrequ,,ntOlt.a, t us wl, Whicu ,inea4la a, bW Crop The re-jiTned t -,r VOWRIO,i, to axc, P% 4, "M -1 I luvefoem4lbegum. *-0000-4*9. I
4 "'Aid no; both k Msh to jiai.lce", Ill, lhe of, jj*usaa or this 14n n104 -,Prtr4- " perraanorA one,-Mgaw PauwArd,m, wto I . -
, _o. In police court. I X=#= Ito=
r J, -,01 Me$' of %pploR are otlu - -. I W*Mta Alnut
,,, tall. WIM 0,10 canisequorit f n'0est,W,1X Great quaat '
ill .1,'4, I- . TAO work In, "Mit or, the NVOInaen ,of bal.av ,,,> marl, t has bft,n ve,r7 ju"t'gimprovigir -4314 :4 q 11, X ZSCIF" your I
Another Iniportagt. bill whick ,will be 4 C ,tj,o rc1*rnja,tjQk1 01 MCA in wtmho orcha*a, VWre: 11ow o," a txjr v 4 y to recovcr r -!-Tlio -: ili ri I vrant to I
I r ton ts ,no. I
,lopewrig -of !in Mr
11. or axlO for t11.=, faTijore zow aave jthelr falt 'Work done . ` ama without,
TiRtroduced ,sh,ort,'17 'attor iho wno. Zong a,ge, UoZ V).st their coatroj tock,w,00d oa * ,
tire, 1-1,0U5e, will W ;- , 4j7g?a.suriPL toVLaN 1S,; to 'gjj,pa Ida HOM NP(Xilt to I' p to 'good etyle. T jo. wo.1ther hap ,)"; --- " Orslaud Wom L
W PtUil$114n,'. nt ot a feW frr- I I 1. "J-W. 11, , aw,hsax 4.K.
, agr IS .it go,nda t jo 4ttaad LhA f t,vwral, of hVr a) a- " r t!nI0h$TW up. t -i", , P1, I ' oil ,I RMW
, 11 V1,_1
., I _
azzIcUlture- fn tn , vrovinces .vi's =s r IM1.1 Viriv IL9 mig ',*.
. '0110 of t'j* L*antorie CC a feW 41OUVIS 104 Ill faine- ver*a alld, the tnP,40A dau.AtOri 4' f: L TrS . , ,= -, 0aremraror
,e plan%s.of jhV Va.rjLy j%o`Pp' Jle voucgi-tioo .gjg zi-,
0- But th'ar ro.-4 duty ! s I 1 - *1 . 4,:$ LCUCMrTXIOMOrWbl*lSb4lSCb$rge$.%MoLr$Wo,olA.
Wou to tive turctw , . i'a S ,who OtEen Ituseell Pec"t. I ' ffl "" _ _
- ,L, I I, , , , plazimit,atorF*IZLiorottlxcW4)%ob.Pmtuse,$qamty
, ,' , r Lacourag, iiitikit or ttc young boyi$ w14 girl I , I I -4 I .1 L ' "
r,bte lr o'r, , Aw , 11 VA %",
. agric4l*ure and to Co-ope . jvlose. are Jett to tbe,ns4ras to roam the I CEN7ER-,a-TA or Wnial Perjods, Uterine or 9Y.Arfani Tq=ors or
. ly ww l thS prqvl.lacial, -,Ov m0r,M,Ae *, 41 '. ,,to. ikjgj , Ck on* bowel$.
I ,It attex n- ;bt whille the'r - Grovahs. also r0j"s, In tho h"d; i0*
-11, ; o;:, L - , baftlnZ OQWI% ft4ginof nayopfafos. CrespJAZLION).
LICOR,terirng thO `i`AdVs'tr N1-' , 1,1 ', rn-41h .,rp, are attendira to the sojc ,%l en- CZANOID339TS, ,
' .r. " Tile runoral ot the L%tt Thonrie. Ood .- I I,- tag up the SpInoo wolvaClioly, d , ryo hot'
I .. 445hes" Weariness. kidney *ad 44*r troatles
I Last eessie,n tji,e, Senate k!iliei:%CtA 7104 Gagsmen H or vn06-mvorir,1,-, to, reform I,. — amm wtuo died , rt Duluth, -111 take = tQL V
I . "A 4" -'('a. c4se ,of peopl,e who were hopoless, Mfts Dr, W', A. ,To*q poid ta-mily liava Place tr0mr tl" ! home *1 hle, S!ato.r at I Ill - whore, caused by %P*Akoessespocullar to aurocxP
. .11 ,
, I ." . CotapieteS00OWUsat nent
Introduced by I -Ion. Frwrik Coch6 ... , LL ,, I Nvant to,"nd, you a
, mlovvd to Ottulw;%, jwlWe lie 1134 ac, j4uta,ij t.o %t. ja=D % cemj tery, Cta,ado- I I . , , I r Iran to PrOVeL to YQ,a tuat Ton canCure
4ik , . ,I . I ,
signed to early out apotll;5 ,- 04 - 1h zox- a.go. . 111, entird
cepted, v, Ooverii;lmork positlOn.-IM10 far- deboye, on :Frld4y t0ternoom at :! O*cl()Ck 1. : umff at bome. twilly, qui and surely.
Premier Borden*$ prii-CieCt!,On plAtorm, ". r, mcluticri, that it will cost you Avot4or
r, ry thing -,it E, Colw$ll 01 U0168L Plata ha4l Z'Pul- -tavetue;
I -e I Andrew ca.meallea Gifts now total mzrs , vourid hore roado- eve 14
i ,,%, 7116EI.Suro to encourot, t!L , b',UII4,1ng unt 'List Week wriflLbrA,ve Moar"'Oti.their lot ,U ,1 j,", treatment n complete trial*. and it yLoit should With to Conflutle, it Will Co$t you only a uttz
. 41 co I , .t ,at=, nip ,.is oijrf thit ha.s layed
11 or ,17,ijg,liways by a plain at CQ -(!?,-,ca, while Jolirk j I WCCL or less than two cents a d% Poe
a 6za eum, at $382,000,000, f; 'JL ,pork delle 110W.--- '.Nla ny ';4Qt tt' e 4,) aggg in 2 1 1, ,It wilt not interfere vdth gour work or c apation.
IF, *,, L, -IVIS .uud 1. Nvill s"d S. , ou the
, be 'Pro k _ . *3,78, 'Wr. Sa torits wortul cents a I I .
L ,tweer ttLo Don-fjjj,!pn And thj 44 . I diSttl just xand me your name and address. It I Meb%* Y*`u aikfftr jf you
' in ftturn mail. I'Pirillalsosenclyou, fft*
T I "' " =*unt to Voung n, of eggq in t3kiree weekis. It aaivpia can treatmi ntr(?r),ourc,ist,.cutltty M 'V
D. - Ptocke4elrerls $1751000,- a 0: _tWa ct, who , went I f e ato vftp S P.,L)"
1clat goverA nenjj$.L It 'Vf'ILI ajif-tt,bel ()0(), And ,t,,,jA wonder is Where ,I'd - tMn, oi,mst,,myl-"'k--"NVOASAKI-SANVN ale, Z1 , ith.phnAtoryllbotiratiousshow*
L ,to tho Nofkhvt,at on tilt, h,Vqo`%'t ex- beat that wv4 vm)44, 111W to hear , ,X I%Al. AD I _
txoduced -by %e 991ernpiant ant it' .i; , 5
, p 0 'Z' % ' ' n t', Teturn!v9 ho=." ,, k q Ing why, Womert otifter. and how theycan eas y cure t1temselvits at 110int'L AVery Woumn Should t
' believed ,in vto-W of t1w, 41 `8 _ they Igel it all ? " I curstons are- Wm I haveit,undlearn to think for herself., lrbenwheu the ,doctor ;ay*"YQu must have an, opern,
, "a th3,t ill- O.mar CQanln$ Iialft Wa0s Ma;rr-'td -01% I uon,,x you can decide for yokurse% Thous -,*44610f Pivomen Uavc curtil, timmitlyes with zy home
. , r Ren- ' I —
, rnent behind the mexam . I , I Vancouver fha s received A sh!Pule"t M,adiiepday to ,Tjss Morgark, ot L011-4 I rtmidy. it cure& all, old or you? To 41others of Daultliters, I wIll expl#in a simple bouic
. e,
I . i a cedily and e octually, cures 1,eucorrlicca, Oreen Sickness and Wnfill or
I .., .mto will not d.I.re W ulaell defeat' It. R-joa-t ormcr Dr. .W. J. n treatment Whitt . . . nudliealtl%always.,roultfrow.iisu - --,
, 11 — I 01 5,%06 boVes Of butter from Now don To'A'AmIM P -TX: LOtton, Of Stmth- GODS . , Q irregular, Menstma= in Y0120glAdim rlumpncss
-- Z and, ray, a -as totqjy , oxxt the 91`,a4n OtO'-O fjollnes' jury here Monda.7 'round i Wboireveryou live. I can refer YOU to ladle$ of 7wr ovm loftlit
I I LX-svho kuoiv and win gladly
'Id of Sjr. , Ires all woman.a distasta and makes women
, L , L tell Any silae= that this HOM a nt Ct to. aud the free ten.dayav trtatraeutis
, To ,SA'VE THE POVVTOES I . I of : tr. Saloon amd intends 'start -V '2L the death Of the 111,,ge ch4i azid Tie t=i really
I . ' well, strong, plutup audiro'eiUSt'L just send rue your addrc
I I L ' . thopping wV1 and a. feea, sbore;-- 'Mr. Mrs. W. J. Tte Wos ot, t Lls ,plue wb4ch yours, allothe book. WritLto-day,as On MAY notace this offer sgaia. Addle": I
I I -, after apenoing,the samnler occcurrod 'in this loca.1 hospital on Mon- 9,840 0 . A 0 WINDSOR, Ont.
11 .' 'N Iln. Boy,le, M RS -M. SUMMERS, BOX
I , "Marly comPlaints are; ll eard !,litills (I'- I Crediton in ,Dbc West, bAs return0d;-'2\tr. ,RarTY 'day n1g,lit la,%t. was due to qtairviatiOn,
I -1rict and from va=' Yua p.:Lrts or , the Shoff, who 3oft toil th-p West a,bout s. and roundly censured the parents for — I
', Province that 'PotstoL a are rb u ll ' Qo . ' ' in objil-. Ago for ,his* hoaA4, Intono8 zo- not looking attor t1ho chilitund provIdIng, .
I xe,tiy' Mr. Jas. SM109, of it iA jt pro par food.
" rop Mr. and Mrs. John Sweltzer r.1sIted turning ;at , I I
L I ,T.L,st th;ELt a ja,r.-a portion ot-Pla e. Nlr. And Mrs Mozes Anw In 'Exeter TrOndork is mdaltl felonds beft,-Mrs'; L James Street Church Shed I----- --
I AFhIcT, II&S baea ha,r,"st-ed .9 - emir III, With & tier-
' -ti
rt:a'te17'e1L e . Zra,s. Atkinson 'is v
I., I -with dostructon. Tbe bla,me, Is usual- Our autolats took Advantage 0 the vou'q all'MeTits. I , ,
, I I I . tl iy placed upoia the well aeA,soft,', but Cjno ',,A,Mther ja4st Sunday and had .40P I MONEY BACK T1,r, is a aaxze number ,of People Home $Iudy
11". . L . 1. . . thic-, "Planilation, 6s mo re.pdpular tllcirl :,.,:,elr caTts. OUt ,for VL -.00d long sp!n who 'use this shed who do not In any Thousands of araWtIous young
L -.jSciea,t,rIc. tile wet weather 'I'o deut W:I)L'dt be tho IWst fbW 1012. , 0111.Y the pes.,111114t '.Vill, thin), of rnnl Way give =y ,supporu,to the church. people are tW.ng tnstructed In
I .
11 I
.1 I nt C! aq ZwIcker rrAdo a busSness trip bilk at Ole t1we Iliat lie IS Paylll. the I'% ,The Trustees think that alt such -Icnie Study Dopf. You maY
I .W,AS very favors,hle for .l i developnle* , " DANDRUFF
11 ,,of tht germls of decazr; bitt tile gernis , L' their I 0
,. I laN ojede to. de- o Toronto On A-COI-idaY. , lvewau. . should contribute f -ii oomi , w&Y to the f.lriish ,at College, ff You desira
l - , The ,gewing ctrole m3t at the holne I ;
I . tnuat bzva been there, f plendid . Pay 'whenever you wlxh, Thirty
11 I mdy' tho trouble -
I - velepe. ,The wa.y to reir , , ,. ., , -of .Miss CLAM IMetrizLe, ozr Mlotr ds,Y even- "t ! nr wronlrbi- REMEDY wt.Cch they avallL them- Teaxs' Zxpor!enco. I;arv"t t ".4-, ,--,%,
Same porsoT14, onit f, , accommodation
d , *Z0 , -,--
I I 1 . is to prevent or destroy the g ms, W jri - .Ap Jiad, -a viary, ,enjoyable t!me- (.nitm- the.v zire tos) Llmv it) make, inlit !; selves of, and wou]d intimate thAta,nY I era tik CamaAa. Enter any day I I
1 . thier is dons tly sprayllix thia Plants - I . I . - PoaftWna ,guarantood. It yait
I All, fruit krcrw , , I!;;s mArtha Wand 1 `aLS: returned home hp,-dm,ay. ,VE GTJALRANTEE PARISVI-N SAGE wishing ,to do SQ 4811,0111d. remit, or hand
. ;?,with Bordeaux ntxture - - I .
- FOE D-kN`DRT-TFF AND FALLING I same to their aecrptairy- trea surer AIr save board and learn.
- ' -ron, Detroit af& - visiting her s:sters VR'Sh toL
I erS aTO taniik r With. tho jood reauLts 11 I - " .
11 , L .1 1.i, of 'rkatL . for Be"ral I weeks. - While Tou earn, wrlte for parti-
I I . .pro ylol, trees , L re lorn fwili,t, 1'1: IR S. ,Aartln- I
. . :that VAlow the r I Jdhin Key's Is recovertrig from IL 1'ho,e are men hn a — " Exeter, Nov. 26, 1012. cula,ra. .
1, ., -is iillawk:y` I., 'Jig caus jjjl .Jjj,p ('()jj(" [j()jj I . L
L -ppaxerytay Sin good results nla'y - attaca of blood polsow. - (' wrs !iTi-iin I .
I 11 I 'be expected frqni, tho.,epr byjag',Oz pata- gever, ONE APPLICATION OF PXRlSIkN - I I NO VACA,TION
I ' 'by a. ruls i n1all. SAGE MAKES T M SCALP FEEL I ai.nton Buaftess College
I 11 I p,t 1.111ing In love I . I I
I -00,ds" Where this has been ,dono tilds T:ze iEadies Am Of the INk-thodIst - I " ; 4'
1 L pjiL,ats did not lit9jit, during . , 'FINE AND ADDS LUSTUR SPECIAL TRAIN TO PORTLAND, I F. 0. SP6TTON B. F. WARD
. . . year tl p C,iurcb -&ra tivbas- a Bazaalr next' Wed- I ,rhe ,11ceevzsInn man is the 01,0 Whi TO Tg4E Il:AIR - I MAINE, FOR -SAILING q. S. I
growth und the PvMtOeR. th`eniselv s '2LxO - O!'DL I President , RrIsnal
,k da f , Ihe 4:th -a. f rem, two to I,jjj)w q %vil.,vt to tend !nmip-. I I
, IL rely free from rot Tli-D co-,st PV21 . L "TELTONIC," DECEMBER I - -- -
-now enti . i -t p M. -A.11:8tould a.evend and' pStronlZe Destroy Vine daadrat germs that's the 1, I I L
, I -
1, L applyiirilg `hp, rnixture la, abou L , 11i
. I ,,,Of I . lja . firi th;oBr ,wor ' we %v4-t,k, ,-,j%,t,j% vrod'i for tryiT19 V, only 1 nown wa,y to eradicate dalndruff I I . I 14ztli I I I L
-per acre. inhe exp?aditure Voe s not , lwillt of If . I
. EverY are ,is heard the coi: -
I I L, L I v .L is 11ttla hp ,.rjjjjjj -ijine ot ii : wotild tlll have t,. and P-KRISIAN SAGE co,qtaArN Just I . L
. .1 see;m very rnuah in cornTi .L." *,Eroil,:'WA-4, ` 'e hign itaxeis. 16tbll. there angers
I . I ' - ' 'elits tha,T ,wIU deStT*y germs. Far, the '
I I -ulte obtali,ried., Clpsi land', Xrt l- ' ' ' I I the Ingrs& =commoda.tlon of pass
I i , tbe Tee , e ivb,en the Jaxg -- ain ount NIN -'. 111 RP Nl jANUARY (Ril ,., , .
I ;i-oo-a bo.grunibl . 1, . I I . WINTER TER A F, K
" L - a1s tb, - fact,Mt I 1. . . - Dandruff causes fal-11119 h0tr And sailing on the White 'Sts-r-Djainin',on I
11 eerva.b on reve - . I dge and culv-art th s "Lf ink Fort_ 11
I I I . gent 'Ob, ,' Dxpd,nded for bri Wn I c I I L
I the blig-Irt Os digo to' P, - pa.ra- , baldness because the , little dandruff Line Ste Sh4 P
. I I I n in ,'.s bie t` yew- is colis6dered. These impro ve- whf, f a 111"Ill iv.ii,t- he h: 14 :ill thi, L -T eotqnl -0
for,JTL6!L Cln'd
1 . IL . . I . TO germs rob tvlle ha -hr roots, of the noura ia.ftd Maine, Dee. 14ibh, the Grand Trunk
, I I , lar th. Y . L
, , I a1t,_ pjo,ut. Which at f".Xalt - , V 'N R&IJV & win L :ruin a, speclal traiA con- 11
IL SWLQ" and grad- zhen,4R we must I axe a4nd a s . are jjjojjp jtf- w:tw- ni, fri,-nd., ht,;Zin ish,neal, that should ,90 to SUPPLY life, L
I L L the 1.0 wer 1(41V1%S LL O'C', I'LlIA L b ji,, -or conje rtlairid a,tealcthere shOuld-. "Oil., L . unnis.,joll, I . Vig L I . Y .
11 Whole," la,rjtj.'[Ljt 'Z4 , L I . ider a 11111:1(-y ") luster and I Coaches, Tourist
L ovelep aaos tho -,, P I , L or td " he -r. - Slating of,. 'Vestibuled L I
r . Lajly -, j - -muhedliate tkeed to reiilaco . - I - , . .90 cj .
11 I , 11% be any I PARISIAN SAGE costs but cents _IrSt aSSStapslard Pullman Sleep. L
I .-tinaliy Onds its ,Ma,y A,own bble tubers, ,tbenl for some time to i qme. The 1;residential rave is no heautY, , botblo at dru6-glsts and totle t goods an4,,F ,I I eo,v bg T*wnto at 1.1 . 5 .P. . 49 ,;,-
I ' I
,-. I .',,e1r1St attac ln,&-Iftio,se WaTesl, Ltor, t1he I Sur-, S I air. Browin. has, ,been Iri, DasIlwc6d , , . U&M-Aeed lng-, .Ca", ,t4, rua4n, . T -direct ,, v .. ., ,
I --,,, -I..'' I ,..Iltest l counters everywi,lVere. It. is 9 ni,F,riday, DOc. 13 , ,-'.It:, "': " '', L
,tLd tjh;Df- , " on 6u, " ., . 61, cut
." 11 ,,*a , , - 11 . r,fi 6kV pla.ot'- ' 6 'JL sur e. pa3t Week Sln.essi. I . raff, -'stor, 'aiLing hair - to th D 3,ck at Far Stratford Bws.,00 . .
- ihe'; "do"ra-y-eid.", ,Tl, to banish dand _tI,jr^ arrWng thc .e I _ L, '
, . ,'Cunlbs to, the-, h, u l A number "rum hieTe a4ttpaded th6 Tp. I . - rL. 1. 1;- . , -
" . ,
I I , ho ' 'm I - -4,88,erV- L 4Seq,.p1ore lor,,:Its qcM 4ts &nd ra
. ' 1:; , L " " air- * !; , tull, particular. c a , L dt , L , . ,
i L . ' eg of ' ,,, 14, Sts hen Sundo'y, Scheel iconve - -, :
I 1, 1' 311% lik'r `b'hter =" , )lant lft64ct , rition -in .N!o q mj,n t,e rrk-t that they hnre Deelt i3c Lroh, or , moneybaer- T- g'rl ,j g 00 a, Doc :L4" Biart4
I - -V e -f ery bot- l 6, than d,6'. Nfj 'd"therl-'siffir'.1ar . ich()01S,
t ., " .Q,VeTlp pxn r. , -t rivilizerl lwyond the point of b)Ull, with th? Auburn Ha'r ta, on I . , I
, ja ,k,eta
I . I - ,, 'ns, tig are .1 and- . ins tructors A
L A t. produ,ctLiQ, can w Ar e,sdja,y. Mr. Jl 1-1. - uvtoAat, I - -
I .n n, t Dlshwocid on +Th,tful and daintily - ed titok rand.-Trii k Courses
,L I Rne Temg(Iy ija spfay, ng -L j jjtlj -;B— t,J,,. It 18 a cmost, del- be obtain . n, nearest G I I I
, , _ . _ "f ()ur_ il pjtz,ni ln and Md! ss Weida Bairies7 are their pie In tbAr ringers. I TiGrIcedi Graduates are ,placed
S,StS : L I I . . i
: I Aea0: M1tt,.ire,. w k'!ch con. _1 I 7."Pres. and zec'y-T as: respectively of I - . perfunled dxe--z(al t t quIct'ly ItLT!ger- 2,g&- t or write ',A 9. Duff,, 12 . P. - A , &rd exPe .PLCZL- 11
o , ked ' lime,. .fOuL 11 . I . I , I atep t1he scalp., , I 1 Uniol'L Statdion, L TOF9 ol , Ont&rio. . in good pps Uoals The th ce .ip '
-bourlo , O,C, froslfil slac: , I., 1, .11 I
. , I I S I , , rs o,rga.,n,-7-%t len. I L *o inan Is rure of hill -elf, which -4 1 ,
': ' , . N Mall ordoq, jt 11fA.,, dh., rgr s prepaid-, I I . I tions reedved to4ft . ffer, a yerage swi. i
:, , I -pounds 6i Jyluas tolne and IfOrtY ga-110118 I' -7 ' L I - I . I I ,,,, 1, , , ""' , . --TI edepart- L 11
,,, L , H. F albar 2s ke jwrh:ips i lie reasoti lie as,erts lik i)l)lll- by ; 6 ,S- T, J300th Ce., 'Ltd-, Paziadle-n
' j'L " , L - , or, siI33 per'annulm. : lre
." j1d S ' - ppi ed ,by pt busY ,these,da,ys ary "',
I 4 1 I xture is' i'll "'AcG' -!,1I.-, I 1 '
;11 I ,6t water. T In -TI. I '', I 11 L' a dtgg ng Well's 'Vray" L 1"'S a ions -40 positively, djIa+,r,1buta.ra, Fort Zri'l, On',. ,W- I S., COUN. Til;ants, COMME'RCIAE, SHORTHAND &
:; . I I I nno ag,, ched - I I . I I ,L ,,, , I
1. L I I L - -
11, 'td ' I - I -, TE UEGRAPHY. ', . * : I , . , ie
, me, 'jl s O,, a ,h;wrid force pi -. 11 -6 jab. I ,NrEETING OF HURON COUNTY . " 1,
,1.1 -Lcaj. .drawn , , Cole guV.raoitee"S It. .CIL I L ., . L I , . , - J,Z i,
I "' " - :to o;, ba.rrel, nlo,An, --d orl a rt, ' ,hi,ve; a .swaumg ,ri.rilij L L . L , I I t.j 'a
, , , . I I xe we go rz tp et along without L, Write or freo ew , ,
. ,, I I County,fairs may g -- — ' L'
.1 I 'by a. 1hor'se. sfPr'47- L I 13 A- Me , ,Pr*iicIPal-
, ':' 1, is #a ,A I that thP L 'blbltg. L I Ux'-
, 11, I . . L -, "as dur-, , ,' - ' % I 'I - I . .
i I 1 agricultural e _ I.ACH
n;s vilnter. 1;It' W a4S 3. SUCCeSS la8f , , ,
, -b lg anay, E 07' six,:,, ni - F r _)' _ st'jould Lb" Pr,fj b ,stock. races or Th,e council of the Corporation, of, the L ,.
1-11 I I : be der I D L 11 I,— I ' I L ;-a _ 'a te for I L , , ,
., ,ie , " a"Id I . I I I "
, , 'L 'daus, I , ' , ,
sea go j , , -I I I -S I BlIt they must t1:1ve.peanuts, tifffy,' a . in ,the coun I
;i,, , - . _ L, F P'te "3"13 "of tel 1. , I I I I
"I jag tlic" I _ . .1 ",' _jj C,f L o ur boly a. L 1. . ' L . I .- I I County of Huron will meet - ,.., . .1 '' I 11 1, I I I
., ' - ..
j I L tri. tt-ie town I " , ,, ,
I \ wo t1nain two ,do,- ' a erry-go -roukkd, an, orator and, a flying 1 I .1 I , I I , — I IL _ ,
. L
, L ,,, . 'Up" th,p L 'Ba,nk st*LU sPeat ,) I . cil chamber, I _ 1, , ,
-, I I ait 2 ,C(yst of littLe-nIc I _ . I L . I of Goderich, ;, I
I -,91', A 'Kr. oal :Lsy I I , I
I per O'G.r6L J , I'C ul - I I I , I I 'L . ..
, ,,, e jrst Spray jjj'- I I . I I L - I
. I
.", " . I L - - l 11 I I . L 11 :1 I bul Tuesday -, - the 3rd dc ly ot Decc n.Ib r L L . I
" t.- , C- to,iraxds tt- -, e J U;),Y. - I I E, 1C oppiv returned toL Lor', I I I . PSI- L I I I I I I I I " next, at,g ,o'clock. I I ,, I I . , I I I - L
be d,o,n .1 CL I 'rI , ,, , I I
L :i,,
' '' ' '
, , 1-1 r. A- n"g I . L I I
V'i , . t, ns I , 1,.,j . Sunday i- Godielt&li with fr`epadal machine..
.. , L
1'01,N,-- : .' nd a , . I . I I . '
11F PV.111'2 I jat,-, ,growers sb,c,uld cut till: R out, "I' -d a brief ,stay _n L . I All accou"Its f r settlement inust be I I , : , I , I
-, , ' "' , i, ,or. -N 'Lf" , 1, I
'ffi ' , , I I ;1 .I- , d, , 2 f ondilY , VeXl I , 1. 'L - - 1, , , ,, , ,
, , , '%", I --,t ye -air. , I 4 , L'. I 11 I I SUFFERED, , N Clerk before, this date. : ,
Nl,'&',4 ,"' -10 re, C, R *Ulal n!e I placed with the
' , I 4, sery I I . I , wn. . I I LL I L 18b, 'I - I I
. ,; %i I . , "
I to I I L -
, , , ,, L . er _ L : , I - :1,
, " -, - I I , I ting was 11, . I I I f; emb Z, 1912. r res
. ' " . ', . ea .1 Nov I ,
. LN,v I L - , I P , , "
, -f I I I
Ij ,' -' "', . I ------- t he usu l c,oi,,ta xa prayer in . I Dated, ,
L I" I I '. I
1," ' '),` L I, ` L , the hloial(ef, of Ar- and lNIX s , I I I I 77. LANE Clerl . -, .. -1 , 11 I& " I , L
'N , ,.1,lSBPTIC, "; L ,-,-,old . a, I I
"! ."
,Aj, y ": . , I 'ANT. I I . ` F ' ' , ' I
I -A POPULAR I I I I , ,., , , ' L I ,
. - '
'i 4'. 4, ., I I , I w Fi;nkbe6n-E r, lAorth, cl here, on , WIT: i BILIOUSNESS AND SICK I I I % I . 1, I I . I . , L_ L " , ,,-
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