HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-28, Page 1R NEW -YOUR, SUBSCRIPTION Now is the tet'zre to > air lit and have your subscriptrc to ;The Advocate re- newed. eCrewed, We "ai:,nsCo,-g'We, you all. tate focal. news in coi;xc.se and in'ter'esting: form, and we believe we five up to the clamp. Help atong the goodwork, .77 C:4JIII3ING RATI S _s the sea;s'u; o' the year you are renewi.rig your newspaper r uh. • scriptidns. The ;Advocate clubs with all the City Weekly arid. Daily parrs a..nd t iae'az,ines at: terms that are a big :tsducearsent< Call and, get :our rates. irwENTY-STS' BAR EXE'rER, ONTARIO, TIIIIRSDAY, NOV EMB ER 28 1912. SA & -0 CARLING'S PHONN All Stock ust Go Having sold our store which has to vacated by Jan. Id We are offering for sale our 15,000 STOCK of General Merchandi which consists of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furn is:hings, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, China, Glassware, Boots and shoes, Hardware & Groc- eries. �:- a can save you at least 25 per cent. on Dress Goods, Furnishings, Underwear Men's F �, Carpets and Wall Paper. 30per cent. discount on all fro erina: a, Sale ori EveryDay. SOME OE EXETER'S NEDS. Nearly every townz of note. in Western lntarlo +T.ae a Board of Trade, or a Canadian Club, or bot, and why slao?ald: not Exeter eleo ,Haves them? ti- mogt any week one can, see accounts. of visits of d stingu7shed Men, toClafbe and Beards in the surrounding towns, when interesting and profitable ad- dresses are ;heard, dtscusetons :ake place, united action try ;,ar�..do in 'various ways for the better.mtrnt of - the tovrri. It is now almost beyond the memory of *than that a'ny'thing of tilts riFture fraa taken place in, Exeter.. Is everybody satisfied with the pres- ent conditnoli of the town, or do we dr - sir,;. any improvement? Ts ti..ere no possibility of tl:e hiss of Exeter getting tol:,ether and bei.eg" a,reeabie trill working together for the advataceanent of conditions here? It you hails an idea along this tithe let ua '.,e .•t" frena, you,; The colones of The. Advocate are open for the. discussion, of all sub seta leading toward e bettering sat tie corn- ditiond, And when yet:, write, do trot forget to deal with your smatter insuch,lt, fnaczaer t yen may alwa yrs rather It. es rat Q. 513ICTTIT ' IN TUCK aper ldeht pox sow 5g1TH ?llarFaTtt \Ir s 7'a rarer/ aOde on the g besse'U ~»n 0' TEACHER TEACHER tW 4NTED ar Second l'soieastonal for S. Oben, OAei milia from Celt - salary and qual:rledtions. iY1t, BOWDEIN, Crediton East BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED To colt 24: Conation pictures a roe, each and receive a beautiful fountain pen tree. 'Write to l' to Webb Supply Co.. Corbett, Ont. Growing Old with Glasses Gracefully i4P Fits -U Eyeglasses do not accentuate age because they are young -looking. But they do giveallthecom- fort of old fashioned spec- tacles. The popular AOCo. Local Items DEATH OF JOHfi ESSERY — There passed away at his home, Andrew Street, can Saturday ,hist, Nov. 23rd, air, John ,rx one. of. the sideet.and most respected residents: Q1. Esete✓ and trsse cif t i i very earliest pioneer settlers of Osborne Township Apart from the inf rmit;es of old a'g'e, the deceased er jayed hirs us ra.l health until about "two ira.M.:,tsa ago, whop he was consper'pd o take is bed, and gradually iron ig Ick 3 reasa;t from day to day rise' vSial. co:d was eraapprd as Saturde.y, r?orn gra Zia srie��ta. I vQ.ashire, E;.giand. t:A. year 11327, the!. deceased cause to Canada with, his parents wife : but seat, years of age, firs:, ser~tting on. the area: it 'Gsborne, now oceuped Ery ..?s soil, Si, iil':'arii. oft L.er'1ga2, Itosd. a tea -6—... of C•..:i;ralia, when- t:$:.0 niti[rys w s ,at..+. a a;lar"t ..4at a 4e'at w°, da. ic,s, Jie ru,ttr bu.te4 more rNe av£:r. e POlfe;r e=t,tr. . tial; ;rams formln4 velili,s.of, this disteiet e beautiful tta,r,rnrs .aorw enJo ed: by tsasc foliewin"g, 1ST, E,asery was k ;r,v r 4s ;l Proal r`mts faTalar 4$d a v Orr y eitIzeoll, beiTO a ans:aa, of str.ct c,ieg°.a:ty axl4 beinesty of purpose, In the year I ", he 411 stx'led Graaf H#cies 1114 .;ow bereft wry a,,Iptl .to t'he happy Mlforl were, born two ,abna and tirrea dee glxtl«e *at et whit t.. o s the homestead. Robert of Stepbe a Braund of Brantford. Hs' !s .oleo survived by one brother.--Jea.ph in +GbTca,g0.--and three halt lar4iters and trreo half x ir,terae.4—Samuel, London a Char Erin eint a•,t, Altsl., Harry. and R1Ir•73. l a CIr'4'r 01`w AT* Crryaata''t City'. aal,.. ;,fray Eva, t,^ , .Cstra1ta, and ASrsn E s to or wiew440, about twenty - ago deceased ,vIWI his. rasa :d from the runt and ha, aided Int •Exxer, pro' -0 g otatsy and esteemed citizen" In e wag a 'tNanwn and In r e o;;sis*att xttember of the Meths Imr+slt. The funeral Watt Ply a T.xe ter Onectery on Tu is ay, HURON TO. TRY FOR A, P I13I�ICz", CA\fPAIGN are very light, simply con- structed, stylish in appear- ance and can be adjusted to fit you perfectly. They can be put on and taken off with one hand. Let us explain the Fits -U personally. Wedding Rings and Marriage Licensee, S Fitton Optometrical Specialist litfc EXETER COUNCIL A slumber of re,p esentatives froth severs: municipalities of Huron county nse« in CL;iator da Thursday last to d s- :usa a publi r,.y campaign for Huror4 The following off tiers were elected,— Preeldent, !da.yor J, C. Greg, aforth vice-Pres'ident, Rev, Leckie, Bruese<s;; secretary, Janes Mitchell., Coder:eh; treasurer, Rerve B. C. Muir,, rig's, God. Brie .:. e nieo".»'ve committee. Reeve Gov. enlegk. MeI illop Tow:'ishiP; 3zayer S.Is ton, Wfrig,: ani ; Johan Ba SfOra , Cltaken , Reeve Heaman, Exeter Ile. Cal 1.,,Iv: stc ;e, Grey Towfabip; +.'ard4^ S: wthetns„ Porno, er fiizy zepr'eset.•taetves of the' e a• y, A. H. Musgreve, '.t,P ,k', I W. oudfoo , M,P.P,. `+-I, ¢S R`, f,la.It'. ; E N. Lewis, M,I''. J. J, Meraler,;'.P.n 0r41 J I o=Nnulu, ,iS.P,, were named teinerr rti v=k'I ,,ms*It pts, None of t,telr;t. were present, 'f3:0 urriniazu or t&no ffoiise of c2mrnons being in Ottawa, a .tad the trip- resentativ44 gm, the Legislature abseL,t ler thi't rams reaso t. Sr„ icFsep:i E1liott deg e'iz, +r.o L prt enK the insnf .trop, 4epa - rat; rat trf 'QGltarlo :tai tr4 aid, laid, toter vY aasdtna !stat Lotreto;i ilterature in Let:. mi wpu d Nave tai n ac :,z une In informing ,2caad".itg !ms's n r.,,tnuralj rc. el n caeXPressed them - 8 eivIA hemevs as ,stro,agly in favor of 1Lorougi:- iy " wri`,'sg' 'up" tbel district :a the near; future and furnishing CanadSar, aganta a Grea; Drita,irt+ with 15tera,ture, Jia..41 B411E 414 of CUUntua orcup°,ed < et char. It Wilt be membered ;flat a attempt uta :mates at tete las, e,s- shin Or the Vomntw, Council to ftevute+ a fit. rax tat $2000, hitt it that . Ma', Rs„fi a fvaral ar'd others urgedthat zit carttpats:t ? � undert'gele, to raise funds from t e t?al9lt'es. supplement with, the .,n fg1artt provided in such califs tixt to 'thri r,,oeac11. for aid, :l atast Of t>i a representatives eor 1 t the County coupe i• would dy wilt Substantial aid.:And the aS:..r ftnw..lt<. .7.,..t,\o.i ,,,. have the ri,r(,i it Walt on the ceuZc;t :at tx> ting. s Meeting o the Counti, held In, the Town Lail Friday everting, Nov; 2. All members present but CounotUor .Le vett. Stiven0--Scutt That the accounts as rend be passed; -7. G,rlgg `�f,; J€as Tay IoT 7 "ac 1 Jonas. , May X5',1, T. Brooks 75c, 3, Wright $1.154,; D. Rttasell, 3e., $:47.0;5 ; R. Gilles gravel, '$11.43. Dole) a �; gate tit Gliaxton tilt W. Cresol), $�0 ,Gl, S, Standford $11.20 ; W. Treble $4; W. 'Westcott $71 ,;It. Davis $2; S. Sanders $1f, ; G. Atkinson +21; T, Eton. de $8.40; ,T. Nonrg 423.73 ; T: Sanders $S1 'rV. Gillespie $7,.25 ; Gea. Cudnore 50c;, The Clerk xeeoirted that he found tha rcrlufs;ate nurber Or names on t'itet Local Option petition and au or •same bona. ride voters. Scott—Ford—That the Councic geoopt the pelf tion of the Vete. payers and tiila;t a by-law be, prepared confirming same, and that n,' vote be taken on the said by-law At the Jan,. uary Municipal elections at the follow- ing places watihin the .said vitlla'ge of Exeter by the following Deputy Ro•' turning Officers and Poll. Clerks, Poll No, 1 at Silas Handford's res:* dente Samos Beer, D. R. 0., acid. Ed. Treble, Poll Clerk. Poli No. 2 at Town Hall, Joie. Davie D.R.O., William Murray, Poll Clerk. t Poll No. 3 at Job:i Mitchell's Office 1i. E. Huston., D,. R., Oy and A.G. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4 at Nortth, End 'Fire Hall, R. G. Seidotr, D.B.O. ; Alex. McPherson, Poll Clerk. R.ivere—That we adjourn. T. B. Carling, Clark. 'PP„a3 chaIru i in his address went Ota; tea allow that Huron had haat nenxlY 1000 irx 'populat on ani' adly "tor a decade, aaad yet the 'land in Huron as the .hcap- ca„ in Canada wawa you consider sprat sits, railway facilities, roads, and - the serial, educationaal and religious facZ1 1L;4s. Tac very 1azte number of :immig rants last year went principally to the places that were ndvistlsed. Hie idea \Amu that the County. Council ought to spend four or Siva tltousen.d dollars a year for three years. Pasnphicts should. bo prepared and a, 'mans sent to England to boost liurota County: Oi course, he considered it mreceseary that each muni- cipality tun= cipality should give a. grant �Vh!]o hit were :an favor of the cam- paign cotta delegates .thought that the municiipalities should. be approached first and others that the County Council ehould act first, and, this Idca will be curt curled by the tenni-140.e.. GRAND BEND. Hr. Murrien Mtotved ;on the ldorrlsh, farm. last week, aokrtiv of the Dena.— Mr. H. Smith and. wli(fe( of Larkhill were in our burg Thiu7 eday.-Mesars' John Scatter, and edlnr Waflfter and See Ray., elle, jr., lett Fnidiay for, New. Ontario -Rev. Jeffersotn of Crediton will take the 'service sin tS'utidsy next in the, Methodist church. --The government work at the dock is coni,pleted.--Mr. and Mrs. Stew;a{'aidsohi di' G;re�enway visited their daughter '1•i'rs G. Oliver Last week w last —Mr. Webb's horse ran away Thursday. Luckily no damage was done. —Mrs., Joan. Young' is on; the sick list. Flour Coupon OF H. Cook, SonsCo. This, coupa'n is good for 40 cents on each ba'g ,of 'SNOW1 DRIFT, our' best faan,ily flour, i�virg you the ipriv'.lege of, taking one to five bags, providrmb 'tihiis coupon ,is presented to us on or before Decanter 31st, 1912. Our regular �sealtng' price o: our SNOW DRIFP, flour without this coupon its $2:75, if you':' present t'•nis coupon each bag of SNOW ;DRIFTiwill . only cost," you $2435 for each bag. Our shill is equiped with. the latest and snit modern flour mill niachnery We also. have secured the service's of a first class fiber, wilts was pre- viously orntpio'yed by one of theiarfeat Mills in Ontario. Consequent- ly onsequent ly we are, offerim this inducemF.aat in order to give every woniian ari oPP0rtun ity to try our SNOW DRIFT flout. Every bag .guta'tan e. d. We are eelliinlg' bran aft `3;2'2.00, aid Sh"y7rtie nI X23.00 per, ton, in ton to tis 't,t f^` ARE LARGE BUYERS OF BEANS, BRING 13S OUT,A SAMIPI:.E resented by r• H. '•COOK; SONS . & Co. Hen.sall, Ont. BOosNNG. Help your town along by boosting:' Wear a bright and hopeful tate. De not be forever roosting a3omewlfere near the wailing place. You can't help your town by knocking, :'f its fn a bats ward groove, bu;t ,sepia optimistic talk- ing does a lost' to tssake things move In the thud one town was sticking, evidently anchored there for her people all. were kicking, all were dishing up despair. Ali were groaning o'er their taxes, shedding" teardrops in ,a stream, all had hammers, clubs, and axes ready for each, helpful schema.. Sex the village sat and rotted till w booster landed there; soon the trouble's seat he spotted, saw the, fungus, in the air, and he jarred the village croakers, stirred: them up to hump along, till the place was .full of jokers and' the breoze was full of 'seg. Citroens forsook the habit of bewairin ' this and ;that, and the timid business rabbit rustles lake a tiger cat, and they all turned iia kerwhoaping, $aarging forth the ham- let's .praise, and tfiat hamlet, Iately drooping, filled its neighbors w:kh amaze. Now, atTaie story, true as preaching shows what one tonn mancan do, ii 'instead of doleful. .screeching, he yells "cockado}odledao" For. you 'stimulate your ne:gbbors every time you give three chaeerts, and the harvest of your labors will be reaped in coming years. -Walt 510.sen. �lQtI1GS OUR MADE TO 24131ASCTI•1Z CLOTHES. M E WORN BIr !1tt TEE.5T 'PRESS»- MIS IN THSS LOCALITY. OUR PATRONS SOUND OUR I'RATS ES .1C+RB \i 1 ARE LEARNING OF THE EXCELLENCE OF OUR. WORZ. —ANT? SO OUR T,ATLORING BUST.,. NESS GROWS CONTINUALLY. OUR: SORT Or V ORIC 52EETS THE. aIOST EXACTING SCRtt1TTNY Tra.A.r, CAN BE PUT UPON TATLOI•t'tNG, .AND, 81" O11DB1ING Mr. FrankSweeit ward hams from Sar- nia over Sunday. , Only four weeks to 0nristnraLs., Have you 'started your s'hoppin'g' yet . " Do not ago looking, around for a bunch sof than -1;s .to sit on; be up and doing, and look -cn tbo bright side of th,ink's. ,, BIRTHS , Martin—in, Exeter, on Nov. 21, to • and Mr,s.wF1] um Martin, a.da,ugihter, t,teCuitcugl Ira fIontsall on Nov. 18th, to Mr and Mris. Japnes NeCullough., a d�a.0 ghlter. MARRY.&GES Mlxl+rn—kIobba, Im Devizea, goat, Nov: 27th, "lHecto:r'Iil]aon of Whalen, to- 3liss Maggie 'Hobbs of Devizes. olz^4--FI>apidO s - At the home of the bride's tnvot(hler, ;VVtnnipeg, ;ani Nov. 20th, Chari s' W. Long, son of the tato Wm. Long olt Exeter, to Maes Vic feria E. F.lallikiesh, -sof 'Winnipeg., 'DEATHS • Esisery--I•n'Exeter, alta` Nov. 23 Jchit Essery, aged` 85 yelre, 5 •nteritl,a. Taman Tailored Clothes IN EITHER SUIT OR OVERCOAT YOILT WILL FIND Ai1SI1 Faultless in Workmanship Faultless in Designing Faultless in Fabric ea y toss Wear Goo.rS. s Warm lsters. TI -IE VERY LOOK OF, OUR ULSTER: COATS FI'LL'S ONE WITH THE GEN- IAL WARMTEi OF ANTICIPATION. THE PROSPECT OF SLIPPING INTG A BIG R.00r,4IY GREATCOAT ON A BIT . ING WINTER DAY IS ENOUGH TGA. MAKE' A MAN 'ENJOY TIIE COLD, WEiiTH'HR. $ 0 $12 $y Ta to °aid Fur ishet° e t8