HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-21, Page 6-EAR �F CHOLERA PLAGUE IT SATISFIES MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ing Ferdinand• Will Stop at the Gates of the Worth your While to test it Turkish Capitah ssaere i Feared. A despatch from So Aa says: Kin Ferdinand has decided not to ente eous.tantinoplo if he. takes tla Toliataldja lines, because of a fta that a massacre of Christians wi before be caa secure full Coto o the city and feel sure o ceping order. Fear a a, choler Six Thousand Massacred. g A despatch from Athens says ✓ Six thousand women and childret O 25 men 0,11d. two priests have bee ✓ massacred in the neighborhoOd janina by 750 mete Of the Turkis i.--rtftultrY and 300 13asiti-azOttk f who pillaged and set fixe to the ail aidorl him in this decision. Cove:elrt favors hi the' . M. Natchovitch Bulaar aii Fereign NE/lister, in an biter view with the correspondent of th ;Kelt° PXeseee said that Bel garia want a Constantinople AM Saleniea made freovit, an tba the Bulgarian army will halt before the gates of Conetautinople and leave the fate a the Turkieh pita; to the pewere. The Balkan Allies at Salenica are displaying a, fine crop a petty lealevaies. The arians who ellowed the GrBal.g eeks ant* that eity 'red to Fang Ferdinand that the - was now under his rule, there - stirring in the hreaats a the eks a feeling that due credit ot been given to them, fl of Sustains and Cheers. s an" _ 4 la.ges. nturus Figating. despateh k,om Balea,riaa hesd- - quarters says: After four days' murderous fighting, the Bulgarian ; army /Jae succeeded in breaking L through the Turkish position at tiTchataija in the eentre of the lines and completely rolliag- up the Tark- 4sh defence. The Bulgacian ad- vance is being pushed forward with he grateat energy with the view f forciag the Turkish tops away from, Constantinople, FromOi owt4af dears on wounded are st ass ha n tion aa thwkL Oue eorresp 4ent in describing the poor am lance service of the Bulgarians whose 'wounded are driven for tuiles lolting oxen eatts, says this is u the WOnto part of the suffering utinues7,— After several battles the won - were left lying on the harpy �elds where they had fallen for two thehot dayo aud bitterly eold hts, azid ilia worst sights in the * Is re the rows of poor fel- swollen and gangrened vsisain thero is no hope , reppondent dds from exou •Toll •a, /t 4epatb from Atli • It ia u ea that aa, Tur were engaged n▪ i the battle a, plus the Greeks a 'Vol/idle. The;v had 42 heavy guns]. The Turkish losse numbered 2,000 killed, 000 mad prisoners and 22 guns captured. The Greek losses were 500 killed •and wounded; including Afte.en of- ficers. Cholera Stops Bulgaria. pateh from, London nays - er at Tehataldje. and eon ste n is.doing mara then all t under ,Nazira Pasha te stop t, lief the Bulgaria Eye -witness, tell. of horrible seenes ix. tho aguered forts, where Irandretis of le$ ariatillla of the disease are 4 into alutilow trenehea, doubtful if J..ing Fordinan isk the lives -of any more n by marching them into 4 -atrielten city, and thereis that already many'tbo ian troops have been st holora, Odell they eaught from whiali they bad isea d Tttrkis. •deSiraiell to the res that Bul- ler intentions 14'.4 be thus a 4 Great Bri- igh the re- eady has een ce point ill that be supposed ons of raalle prevailthg 'agen tlus owihbQ- tX0which are hotbed for Co to advts tain. port toe n arra d,aU Beans--Hand-pieked, 53 per bushel: primes, 52,10. in, a jOhhing way. lIoney-Extraeted, in fill.% 12 to 1. 1 -?0 Per lb, for No, 1. wholesale; combs, 52 50 to 83, wholesale. Poultry-Well.fattedoean, drY-Pielied Mel: was quoted as follows f --Chickens. 14 to 15c per lb: fowl. 11 to 13e; ducks, 14 to 160; geese. 13 to 14c; turkeys, 22 to 24e, we poultry, aboat ge lower than the above. leetateee-Good etock quoted at 80 to 900 Per beg on track, Provisions. Bsteou-Long clear. 1014 to 15 1,2e .per to ease lots. Pork -Short cut. $26 to 'ea27; do., /Pees, 821,50 to 52e. um to light, 17 to 171-2o; heavy. 151.2 to 16e; rolle. 141.2 to 15e; breakfast bacon, lees baelea. 21 1,2c. Tiara-aalercess14 aass; tabs, 14 3-4c; pails, 15e. Baled Hay and straw. Baled 1y -'No 1 at 514 to 554.50 oa avic. Toronte; No. 2, 818 to 512.w. luxvo. 820 to $11 a ton, op traelc, '04Straw-M. on -track. Teronto. Mentreel Markets, r;trea1, Nov. 19.--, Cate Canada -tern. Ng, a 45178 th 47et entre No. 1 45 to 461-2e, Barley-- Man. feed. vaulting. 70 to 80e, 141;0mile:it- 56et. Flour -male spring wheat rates $5 60: eevonds. $5,10; SWIM 4.50; winter patents, choice, 55., rollers, e.,4.95 te $5 001 feraight er hags, aaao 8,,ao. Iowa oet5, it "5Q5; do., bag°, 94 lbs., 0,40. Balla t tA. 10 $27. atidditazs, $20 to!, 530 to 535. liar, No 2 pee to 231.2o, Cheese, lineet, 1.010110 CORRESPONDFNCE NTERESTITaineg 13Q1Tu:ENOPerrGy0,3$11, nnntn A Fakir Bets Ills Just Dues -A Loquaolous Alderman -Craft In the City -New Railway Board Chairman. igCtlisrtsg7,614t:te"'enelne.. fild181(:teieGaccit4:olellinaft r?iEtevie.eagl:51:e.:!1°1s.a7t1"4htoli:rn:13. Toronto, though he has heen travelling. around the Province for several years. Dalai the last year pr two .1.tr-" Evans wade his headquarters in Kingston. where he now returns in a different capacity. 110 arrived there about eight years ago frou: whence no ono 4nows. He forthwith beeame Active in znisionary work, eaol. among naany aetivities, evelved elm pet schools of establishing a missionary boat oa tho -river Jordan. The boat would travel up and down the river carrying, Christianity to the Jews' mei the Maimme reedans of the Holy Land. Itt adveoat- ing this and other schemes "Drs" Beans often Ass:lined Oriente' ceetunte, \ added to his oietureSseuenese and imPres* waits. ant:acre-atolls for his missionary ereeluies. and the eeneatioe his aPpear- rive caused will be reealted at many lie/Ise-boat flowed in until one day A traveller just returned from Palestine as- - eerted that the river at that point woule bardlo float a chip, let elope a liouse.boat, Old Inayflower Springs Leak In Madawaska River "DrEvans was not perambed. Ile simply switched. to some other echome. Near Barry's Bay, and Sinks. The truth about Evane is that he wae morphine fiend, Ills erMs' are a maes ANY brands of Baking Powder contain alum, whicla is an injurious acid. The ingredients of alum baking powder are never printed, on. the label. Magic Baking Powder contains no alum and is the only baking powder made in. Canada that has all the ingredients plainly printed on the label. EWowirr COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. WINNOPEG MONTREAL 4 1144HrilLAI5ctirLO.SOIC DIRECTIO esoweni mis istonsesteCelee felICWINSISSRDIk, 03174..344splADerjn6pi.ntiOronitf.' 5 * funties where the needle hes been inaleeted. That accoants for his visionary eehetnes atid Ws absolute irresportsibilitY. Duke Saw Medals. Beceet when the Mike of C'oneeught wee Vic114hg Toronto, there was to be a review of the Veterans' Aselocietion. ituaried up and get ia lino as n veterao. lo and behold bis immaculate /rote; emit wee deeorated with a etrire of medals and badges for va/or, loeg serviee and other milltaaY aecomplisbreeete, that, turned. the heart ef proudeta veteran green with envY, When the Duke of Comm -light eatised along the lire his tamest pee caught the array, Re stopped, examined tbe ioetkds , is said, detected he fraud. atortly. afterwards natne F.vatis' arrest apd Liataaaanat ilrest emsteree. 1a1-2 a elly no one on tiles coetinene wIto h zriuch a bout eontlition e at the iieem glitieg. Clubs and aesociatione seare ehoieeet creamery, 301.4 30 1-2c: s, 2.04.4 to 883. Egg's, ee-' I elect. a to a•se: No. 2 stoek, 21 to 22c. Potatoes. per bagt Qnr lots. 80 to 85c. United Stafee Markets, ?,finneepolle. Nov. 19.--Wheat-Deeeroher, 1-4e; May, 803.4e; No 1 l'iorthern..6.7 1.4e; .! 2 doe 83 to 34 3-4e, Vorti-,'No. 3 yellow. 1, to aeo. Oate-No. 3 white, 29 to ea aasel!e ee-No. 2, 57 ta k0e. Primes= to 510 50.i51 r-Pirst rate,Nto, 6445 to $445; seeends' ts, 54.01 to 84.45; aret clear% 54.20 to ' fatond eleare, e2,40 to 52.70. n b. or. 19.--Wheeteallo. 1 hard, s No. 1 Northern, 655erc: No, 2 doe ' Taber, al&ae; May. 603 -So bid. to traeir teed to arrive, 3.4; 82.232-4 bid; Derember, 61,33 52,38 2.2 asire,d; 'Nay. 62,59 fimue-yeare ago, when the lauseien asep- 5e50 'War broke out, there wile practe new hed of eserYeahere tor leeturers wile could deal eu with the bjeett but none was forth - ming. "Dr." Isvami jumped into 7 -he eeh. antav. Neetlieee te say, hie ^ re a frost, although the Arst were argely attended. Ile advents.' trtr and twinned las promise by owon inures of a boat -gaging into art a ail around the world, bat 'Neu she to Orman he cabala Itm minced from tlia: fleint on the caas or would now no pictures out, 111 the 19 leetion "Dr." Evart; jumped the frontan Imperialistic orator and to one canaeity Or another be Is widely known throughout the Province. "sehenies" rarely did anybody anY harm, Nrein the forgery on whieh he ma connected, Pelaine, in connection with a private College: here, was not :es:lotus in 183 consequences, Loquacious "Sam" McBride. Live Stock Markets, 19.--Stvers, $3.75 to 88 ome ebelee cows brought 84.50. an the 'common sold at 83 to 84, while he bulls. which were priucipally canner' tock. Fold at from 82 to $3.25 per cwt, ambe eold at 86 to 86.15 and abeep at 4 per ewt , while ealves brought from to each. as to IliZe and quality. os -$8.50 to 58.65 per ewt., welebee off ehokra, y have had 0 with aaria.'s k 512 81 pe still waits her fate °rant% Nov. 19. --Gond to choice dutch - as brought from 85.25 to 85,90, medium at rem 84,50 to 85,00. vootz butcher COWS loved Gora 54.74 to $5,00, with celnume despair, So far, in lot reports, there has e disorder there, I, TURKISH BATTLES tt t s t ti BY A GRECIAN TORPEDO. This is a photograph of the Sultan's warship Feth-I-Bulend, which was blown up and sunk by a daring Grecian torpedo boat that escaped unscathed. It is probable scores. of men forming the crew, if not several hundred, were drowned, as the vessel sank in fivo minutes. PEES OF FARM PRONCTS IMPORTS FROM THE LEADING 'MAO GENTRE3 OF AMERICA. trim of Cattle, De▪ ath, Chem and Genet Produce at G3,me and libroati. Breadstuffs. ' Toronto.. Nov. 19, -Flour ---Ninety per Sent. patents, 54 to $4.10. afenitobas, $5.- 50 for finst patents. 55 for seeands, and e4.80 for strong bakerse- • Manitoba Wheat -No, 1 Northern. 931-20, Bay porta; No. 2 at 91e; and No. 3 at 85a Bay ports, Feed wheat, 66 to 070. Bay ports. Ontax•lo Wheat -No. 2 new white and red wheat, 96 to 97e, euteide, and sprouted, 80 to 85e. eatoide. .2ats--11o. 3 Ontario, 35 to 37c, outside, and 40c, on track, Toronto, Western Canada oats quoted at 42 1-20 cash for No. and '41 14e for No. 3. Peasario. 2 at $1.10 to 51.15. Barley-Forty-eir2jc4b. barley of good mints,. 65 to 70e, eat, de. Core No. 2 old American, 65 1-2e, 411 - rail. Toronto, and No, 3 at 641.50, all -rail. No. 3, Bay ports, 61 1.2e. New cern, De. cember deliver. 46e, Toronto. leye-No. 2 at 80 to 82c, onteide. Buelswheat-52 'to 550, outside. Bran -Manitoba bran. 522.50 to 523, in bags. Toronto freight. Shorts, 522.50 to $26. Country Produce,. Buttee--Bells, choice, 26 to a; bakers', inferior, 22 to 283; choice. dairy tubs, 26e; creamery, 3183 32e for rolls, ana 28 to 29c for solids. Eggs -Case lots of fresh, 32e per dozen, and of cold storage, 26 to 28a; strictly new -laid, 40 to 45c per doeen. Meese -14 1-2c for large, and 14 3-.4e for win. E PANA A CAN Merchant Vessel Rate To Be $[.20 Carrying Capacity. A. despatch from Washington says: President Taft on Wedne'sday 'night issued 'a proclamation fixing the rates that the foreign shipping Of the world shall pay for passage .through the Pan.airia Canal: The proclamation, made under author - of the canal net passed Gen- , ea nal iri Angust, establishes a mer- (;laant vessel rate of $1.20 per net L TILLS Per Net Ton transports, colliers, hospital ships and supply ships, 50 cents per dis- placement ten. _ 4. Upon army and navy trarfif ports, colliers, hospital ships and supply ships, $1.20 per net ton, 'the vessels to be measured by the same rules as are employed in determin- ing the net tonnage of merchant vessels. aonof a,ct,ual carrying capacity, The Secretary of War will pre - with a reduCt1011 of 40 per cent, ort pare and prescribe such rules for hips in ballast, o Mon sae as io orris : roc uhri ,nicasurement of vessels, and - such regulations an may be neces- sary and proper to Carry this pro- clamation' into full force and ef- fect." American coastwise shipping was exempted •from toll ,payment by Congress.' It was to this provision of the act, that Creat Britain cliPlo- matically protested, but norefer- ence to the incident is: made in the n President ,s proclamation. . . . On Merchant -vessels carrying papsusligers or cargo, $1.20 "par net 8Sel 1;6 00 cubic foot -o ual earning capacity. On vessels in ballast ";-:it:biout lo•asesagers or. cargo, 40 par cent - less than the rata of •tolls for vessels ith passengers or carge. ". Upon naval YeSseha, other ti - 9 Ito mediums at from 83.50 to 54,50. and eau' ners at from 8235 to $3.00. Fair to inedi. um bulls went at from 53,35 to 54.25. MGR- ers and springers. 550 to e80. Light stock - ars went at $3.75 to 54.00 per hundred- weight. Lambs rapged from 06.15 to light ewes front $4.00 to $5.50; bucks and culls from 52.00 to 53.50; good (eaves from 87 00 to 59.00, with roughs at from 53.- 37 1.2 to 56.00. llogs, 58.10; e8.00 was paid for the most part, on the fed and water- ed basis. 114 ENGINE BOILER 'EXPLODES. Fireman Fatally Hurt and Engineer Critically Injured. A despatch from Hamilton says: Two men were injured, one fatally and the other critically, and several persons were shaken up early on Friday, when 'the engine of G.T.R. train No. 11,, an accommodation running between Niagara Falls and Windsor, exploded at the "Y" near the Desjardins Canal. The nsietims were :--George E. Cook, engineer, Niagara Peals, Ont., aged 55 years, badly scalded about the breast, face and bands, lacerated about the shoulders, and suffered from shock, will probably recover; Samuel Salt, 'fireman, Niagara Falls, N. Y., aged 38, right leg crushed, had to be aMputated at the knee; skull fracturdd; terribly scalded about the upper portion of the body. Taken to City Hospital, where he died at 1„30 in the afternoon Or. ivAtarSe'S hdo Root Pills 2cact1y meet the need which so often arises in every family for a medicine to open up and regulate the bowels. Not only are they efTective in all cases of Constipation, but they help greatly in breaking up a Cold or La Grippe by. cleaning out the system and purifymg the bleod. In tile same way they relreve or cure Biliousness, InCliffstion Sick. liearlachen, Rheum- atism and other commie, aihrients, in the fullest sense of the words Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are 41 One of the epectacular fIgnses af the Toronto City Cottnell is Alderman Sam alellride. Sam is deeidedly lociutieioue. That is clue of his ebiefest elainse to fame. A favorite pastime of the reporters at Council meetings is lo keep trock of the ntlinber of times Sam spealm Sometimes the record runs to eerprising Agures-onee it ran to 75 different speeches, which for a session of live hours' duratiou reettne that a crazed ono speeelt every four min- es throughout the performance. Na - ut turelly Sam does not talk very lona at a time, and 6(ns:et's:ties what he tiara is not much to tho point, Again it is to point- ed for some of his fellow aldermen, for im bee the faculty or getting under the :skin or his companions with persottel merits, Generalist he is goodenatured, but the other day he threatened rierese the Ceunell board to glove his list dowe the long throat of Controller Chureli. The geed people of the town were greatly shocked and the newspapers read the Council Ieeturee on the indeeeney of bear garden cxhibitiOne. But SAM afterwards apoiogized and said 1m did not meltn what he odd. Picks uneoputar Side. Another claim to fame Allernsan Me, Bride bas is that he generally -votes orlth the minority. Ife (seems to have a faculty of picking °tit the unpopular side of an argument. As an "opposer" he is an int - pert. Be was instrumental, in blocking the Etmober Boulevard scherae for it yeer, las ground netensibly being that it is a seheme to make it millionaire of Mr. Rome Smith at the expense of th,a city. If the projeet had been unpopular Aid. McBride would have probably supported it. Newspaper e and others threaten Aid. McBride with defeat at the polls for his obstructive tactics. But he don't worry, Every First of January since 1905, with one exception, be has bobbed up serenely near the top of the poll in ward three. Re seems to go on the theory that by op - Peeing everything he gathers in all the votes of tbe knockers and soreheads. They are the ones who don't forget. In private life Somali Isnewn to fame for his support of harness racing. He ie an ardent follower of trotting races in Toronto and throughout the Province and illumines the meetings of Council with horsey talk and the picturesque atmos. phere of the ra•ce track. Graft In Toronto. A Toronto journalist has been making an inveetigation into various fomns of "graft" that are practised here, and has Sound some surprising illustrations. One charge he makes is against under- takers whose charges, he says, are often extortionate. A simple, though thorough, ly decent funeral, can be made up on the following chargee and still allow the uedertaker a good profit of $13: Coffin .......... $15 00 Outside box ...... ........ 5 00 Embalming ........ ..•........ 10 00 Yet the charges often run up ,over 5100. Not long ago a Toronto undertaker sent in a bill for 5534, but in this case the exeoutors contested the bill in court and had it cut to $129. The casket, which was a line one, had been charged at $250, though the eindertaker seiraltted in the box that ,at had cost him. only 501. Prob. ably ninety-nine out of a hundred people pay the charge, even if eetortionate, ra- ther than appear to be mean about such a matter. Andthis feeling is played up. It le charged, too, that nurses in the Institutions stand In with u.Idottakers and receive from them gifts of canCies, flower.,, tbeetre tickets, etc., in return fer which they, give prompt notice of death, so that the deoher ran et en the job before a Some doctors are also charged w ib getting eOneeeeienr from tin clerta kers Then there 15 tho Janitor's "graft." This flourishes in an apartment house', where from ten families 59 :nay . reside. Na. fatrally„ each. family worild expect to pat. renize the grocer, or the butehar, or the dairy they preferred. But the janitor recommends certain neoillo. If hie advice Is not neeepted the deliveries liover nomo right. There la'a)Wsys so:nothing wrong, until he gets his Way, The presumption Is that he gete his "rahoff." The Barber's Craft. Then there is the barber's "graft: few yearrr ago it used to Cosi a modest 16 cents to get a hair-eut, Now the same A despatch from Ottawa says Nine lives are believed to have been lost in the Madawaska, River on Tuesday night soon after 7 e'clocla;, when the old wheel steam- er alayflowor, a small 50 -foot boat, capsized and sank three milee out; 41).Lic.B.aroryf'tshBat.Nyviaveftevie- olpireinaguion:rda, ten of Whom, were passengers and two members of the crow, three passengers, namely, Gordon C. Peverley, 3, S. Inalach and M. J. Harper, All of Ottawa, and com- mercial traveler's, are alive to tell the story of the terrible disaster. They were feund by a search party who rowed out from Barr,y's Bay to an isla.nd about three miles -down toe river, in a very exhausted eon - the brief story of the die, ter that could be obtained from he three survivors', they say that th Mayflower sprang a leak soon odter the left Barry's Bay. Her hold rapidly filled with wat-er, and thoseon board quickly realized that dem was imminent. There was hardly Moment to decide on how their lives could be saved. A howl- ing wind was sweeping down over the river, which is nearly a mile wide at the point where the boat sprang a leak, and the water was lashing tile suies of the illsfated beat with a vengeance. All around was black. Net a light coald be seen any- where. The boat began to larch a : a little more and then ter- ribly, when the old coal -oil lamps went oat 1.)7 being erashed to the oat, and in a few nanutea when all was in slarltness the boat keeled OVer broadside and sank suddenly, throwing passenger, crew, freight and ail, of which there was a good deal aboard, and machinery, into the icy water. The wooded shores throw back the cehoe$ of the cries of the drowning souls, The three survivors were able to discern some spars of timber floating near to 30 ley a dos t the water. Each. tried to cheer the other with words of eucouragement, and half perished irt water that was clogged with iee, and almost numb- edto the point of unconsciousneso they drifted ashore, but more dead than alive, Words, they say, eould not de- scribe those hours of suffering on the island up to the time they were found. Titer were too exhausted to walk, Or even to get to their feet, Tbreughout the long, eon( night, and terrible, even colder day, in a blinding snow storm, thev waited and prayed that help would come to them. Death seemed in- evitable until M last, when hope seemed practically gone, they heard the quiet swish of oars and the Sound ef human voices, and from that moment from sheer joy they remembered nothing more until they awoke in a house with kind faces around them and kind hands to attend to their wants service costs 40 cents, made up this waif.; llair-out 2Sse Barbera: 100. Tip to boy with whiek ........ Se. Total ........ 49e. And the by ittiay be fore 'because he enlY gets five eents. Another form of graft, goes on amen?, foremen on constructien work where cuten- ess] labor is employed. They make a prat'. tire of collectiefr it commission frorn the men they take on. Some foremen are said to collect from 515 ta 520 it week in this way, New Beltway Board Chairman. The appointment of Derield 14,, Mein. tyre, ICC.. of laingst.on, to the chairman. ehip of the Ontario Railway and Muni. ohm' Board is regarded es it promising ore, Itis knowledge of munieipal law ie admitted. 11* has now the opportunity to show the other qualities which will enable him to stand up to the job. Ile can easily make it one of the biggest in the Province, Mr. McIntyre is unraarried. Once, when asked wh3r, he replieci that he bad never had time. Me lives with two maiden sis. ters. It is again remarked that Sir Janiea Whitney in his appointments shows a strong predilietion to go outside Toronto. MORMON PROPAGANDA. Great Mission in Southern Alberta Is Planned. A despatch from Raymond. says: Three hundred Mormon mis- sionaries from the Mormon town south of Lethbridge are to engage in what will be the greatest mis- sion propaganda , ever inaugurat- ed in southern Alberta. The work is to be eondueted during the win- ter months, and all the territory south.of the main line pf the Cana- dian Pacific Railway will be touch- ed. The mission is under Preeident Grandley, former President of the Swiss Mission, and he will have ae- sisting him business men and farm- ers of the best ability procurable. The plan is ono which has recently been adopted in Utah, where it was found to be very successful. MAN HURLED TO DEATH. Oliver Poirier Caught in Shafting in Cornwall Mill. A despatch from Cornwall says : Oliver Poirier, aged about sixty- two, met a horrible death in the basement of tho WQ.ave she,d of the Canada Mill hero on Thursday af- ternoon, when he was in the act of oiling the shafting. His clothing caught in tho shafting, and before the speed could be shut off he was dead. Both arms, - both legs, his neck and every: rib were broken, while his body was a mass of bruises. Poirier waS born near Col teau, Que., and is survived by ,his mother, his wife, two sisters and two brothers. County Judge Reade has -upheld the decision_of :Magistrate Blake of Galt tha,t lareu cries may not oetrVer- tise in local °ption clnistrietisn. eist i1)e- ng a form of 5olicitigbtiss. MILLIONS IN IlLA,OR FOXES P. E. Ialanders Prosper Also in Agricultural PrOtilletS. despatch from Charlottetown, P. E. I., says: "Pritee Edward Islanders at home never before made so inuch money in a single year as this year," said Publicity Agent McCready in an interview. "The farmers had bountiful orops and are getting top prices. But- ter, cheese, eggs and poultry will this year bring, in more than be -.41, fore. Of 187 lobster canneries the product will be somewhat less in quantity than in sonae former years, but better prices will make this good. In black foxes &laic the gain has run into millions. Of say 400 Old foxes, the increase has been at least $2,000 each, making $800,- 000, while as many more young onesn: littered last spring, sold easily for, $5,000 each, making $2,000,000 more, There is already quite brisk bidding for options to purchase the coming crop of young, due to ar- rive in April, 1913, at $5,000 to..$6.- 000 each." BRITISH NAVAL GUN BURST. Some of the Fragments Were Blown. Three Miles. • A despatch from London says: While the new naval 13.5 inch gun was being tested on Friday at Shoe- buryness it burst, some of the frag- tnents being ,blown three miles, Thirteen persons were injured. aue UE Banker, the Business Man and Shrewd 'eves - tor to.day places his surplus 4111 -Bonds. Bonds bave the security behind theirs, whielt abso. wally assures osiesneitt of 111'111;34/n1 and interest. They pay a high rata of interest and are easily con- verted into cash. 'We are in the marbet to bey and sell Bonds. Write 115. J A. [MACKAY: StCOMPANY Doy:a0 Sank , , LIMITED MONTREAL' TORONTO T„oztl=ssinto Manager