HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-21, Page 5Antir
I at.
. ,
. AILS.A. CRATO'--j4; YerrY saAl alad some -
Dr. G. v. Refueeseeper, ueee , ea,tees, wIllat 'sadden death occurred last TI4es-
- .'" . day whe.n, Alfred, IT..rtn'
er eldest soh of
. Win. Ilarrner, passed away, Ile had.
vliwobar ot tho B.G./D.P., eil. D'afAld. 0 and been iii *nay ttkri daYs...feature
is that,
tbe YouIngOVRI,'13`frather ie be-
lieved to be Lea r•Ps Xleoth, becl
gooier Gesabaste Q,TereaRsa EttlearaftSfs
Ottice---Diser Dickson *Calflittleo
' tifftee, Cloaeds Wednesday aftwistoons.
DR- A- Fa EIt•ItAraVNi LataSs.UD
Honor Gradnate or Toro•nto altsatetraity
Teeth extracted is -Ahead Pains Or Mat
bad effort*. Office over Gladrags:in'
Stanbtary's Onrice,Masan Street, /4•0toc.,
TEICKERSMIT1H-.^Thre old homestead
farrn oh, the `serged- co nceseieh ot
Tacitershath, +beleln0-10 to the estate.
of the tate Igr, Gdo... Es Presswell, has
been. eoad tro ge. Douglas= from the
couatY Brucp, Toie price pald we
onReristand was $041,•, -,-Mr. E. :MC-
isf,OrraY, tlaiS also OW hiel WM•on the
LEGAL 'M1IIRea1. lenanta an the Irelahd fermi
rr j943 fvfaiCL:as,th purcheeer of
Near. Eltioxe aid ()Scar gloats at-
'landedthe Ifraertia Of, his brether7inlaw
Mr, John:H. Liebier aft Tavietock last
welt—Mr. fiolemon. Icipfer lae Parch-,
as'ert 14r. Chas- Walper'fa preperty ,apol
wilt talce. itea8ee0fe,41,j w weelte.,
—Mr. T., Sackeeeotileeeliekson,
Ce., Clinton, .anst, ' Davis, of their
Exeter branch, were in. -town TtleadaY
awl anal. arrp9:gemente were eoinplet7,
ed for a. hi-A.pch welt -known
firm. The derhands of the fixth:- were,
very nraderate, 94,1 ,prey sak. bi 2.00
a Year for the. PlOPOce of Prevlang Ter
the power, -to x,un th*e eixeit A byelaw,:
will be aularratted td the ratepayers, aa
DICKSON ia CARLING BARRISTERS, sooe art peaelhid,
.Sereealttws, Notaries, Can -tars -paws, Csurs.
xrdssfaMeare, Soth
l:eers tea nan. Mahlon"
Itemk. etc. •
NftrX•yrtr.stioa4 at roweet rates of inter4-st
this farm, celatazirts'1.25- stares, with
the road running through St, arid
PorChased for • $5,60o.
CLINTOli—The anarriage oatlas
Offfees-atasaoans,,Inneten st,el-s-n, daughter or `Mr.
L It, Carling p.a. 3„,,, Daekaam A. 11- • Goodwin of tdwit to Ma Saalmel
imacmatt, 04 -ay 8011) of Mr. aild
M•rsWrt. teatb. Godeeich was
4ON3ST Tas LOaaia ealernninea at the resideitce 9f the
b'cides father est Ilred.riesday afterhpon
Nev. 13t4 at throe eeloCXi the pres-
eiier o iitMedfet.e relatives' oats, the
•cereireenY bet padue.te4 .1)Y- Rev.
E. Ford pastor a WesleY -Nletten
diet Cattachr
e two e, Unite rasanarint of artrate
Naffs to Islam on ;team arid vfilatre nroP-
erflea law rata* ct Ward*.
tiftiOntitt4 & OfAtOMPAT
f/arttaisto, polteitore, VtrOter-
Aen4Classateslaratand Was bigasarttaas
ny. ale* Fdre Inatarance att
ceetealloc,,totel *400 DerMARtiew.
igerteffee Steteors,
WM, aletOPRION. teketlowd Astotteasee
or Heron Oelmte„ Terme reeeleekeee„, clogged.Liver and Bowels are
fame' can 04 eeeeee et tes maaastao inactive a4- the St, Onaantr awasat from
Jiletter. Ram” lifRiberoa OttIce. Oesd., undigested foods rin4 feel naaan.
re an, ofgos tho sy,atem ne;og
t tae great frolt rerrOdy. )aKe yOu
111d. " too flue ra, Slew Porirone
ta,e, alra. Aeelds4st att4 VIM* 94wart • Winirlpeg, Juae 27, 1911 ot Abe haether Mnrelo9k, ot Salnwel,51tY
teauseinee, Colleattnig aneonntin and con- Atter taking three boXee or your V1g- fds,bo,„ 50 eintansia: that
ducting aauctitaa sienna: a,- ltaeter. Ont. tette- for atontacts arsd troublee of recovery entorteRned.
reei elrong and well and able to do Califoraka. Where afr, atal
-.ow a woos.. Mre. A. It, Saulter alwaYs aanad tiler winters
Sold. at all dealer.a in 25 a -ad 5L1 earit
boaea or mailed lay 'Rae Fig Can
Walk‘ everthu kf
Eartielb, Asiln0ld WarrM, was ideked ba" Eet °t-lettOts itomedlatelY onnears
a. horse, and serieUslay, anaisreda take A position in advance a the others
„lean Wetict'Al 'team o hareea made an 'ma egplantitiOn offered for' this effect
excieme MinawaY frorn the Zone IMO s tot a sort of Stereineeple
01,1 MondaY, ale24tOrInV conterit4 nroalleed-thia eye itself, delleadinal
thcrecwagtr fsfIr
:on!clgttlti'popouesoliod:he T/Magi) Of blue (Mee
we !
;11,ar4e,s8 s,m4stiert, likauShitiftiteilt of
athe odb
eye towardoafardone
• other
I f on looking at bueand red lettere
Ori a black baekground placed ten or
tb1::fiTet: ftqbeanUNItIl3r7 71:k1:"tlz
0!ne f icl}t te
ot n re'4-
halt t:ot the pupil of Leach eye en the
Outside and Jon will set thik red fet-
ters retire behind- the blue one*
if you screen the puplia outeaide
toward tbe use you Will aee the red
lettere Adynci, appareotlY stilt fartber
ahead of tbo blue ones.
U on tilts ottsor bansio Val Y4*ture-47
See tiao W. in advance screen the -Ito
net- side a me puptialst Your oion and
tto rod wiR 04)**0 Mt, Vont,
Bertitital "Meet* ore produced with
ene eye alone viten, thatoott ot letter*,
vpd or bins rbi14,-Ssro Posited On a hack -
stetted Of-ths OPPOeito taloa fleeing
red, rings ,ort Ole raper and uotoir t�
right eye 'frith tho tamer it4o of tbe pu
coyered the sippearance la that of
eircular net Illeete,refoUng or a blue
To prodnee UtIseeffect n lts bigheat
degree tiro paper Must be bold to tito
tett and *Toping in that directiou.
When the oilier side of the pupil le
screened the red tingsidU beeoract
cular treachee in. the blue papere-New
York Sun.
Curious Visa* From Rod and Slue on
:Meek Ilackgreand.
II on, a 04reept, Jot black velvet lalaaad
at a distant° of tea feet from tile spee-,
1,41Or',.14rile etteri re papted, sonte
bitter, seas red thewin tot, ppre to
be at. an equal distance fromlite'eYee.
To aonee persons, the -yeti letters will
Hee= nearer than blue lettere, while
t -O Other persons the contrary .effect
Win bp pangested„.
Taprodure this effeet both eyes west
be eraployed. When one eye Is closed
theietters areal' seen at the same disr
tariee. On opening tbe other eye oue
"We- are eiemVa to- I,earri ,othat Mrs ,
recovel*ig ral‘dlY Croat teSs
effects or the orteratisao-,We anderstand
that ./ohn H. Stewart, who recently"..sola
hie tam'. comitemolates rnoviug to gen^
e,r1,11, before lort,.—Wro, aloir and familY
Moved laat week late isEd .reeldenee on
ging atreeti,—C, A. McDonell end Alf
Tee, tor are heave from Rockland, New
Ontario. where thoT haw been tWalting,"
deero They %cowed one fine tspecimea
--Abe Cateettey of Toronto vitated his
pareate last afeekaa-atrin ,Darld Ilowatt
.who aoeinlarlY reaided hero, alt quite fl
* tantlie fst Rracetield,---Geo. r. Ger-
, Who formerly resided. here WIttv
•unCie ,lasueio -Reitriey, AM left 2t5
•ear* ago for the States, was la Town
weeks --A. McPaasraen raceivesi the
aaal latelliVetstle Met week, that the wife
WiriTssa TZR7R pItOg 3ANt#14§,r 2ND
Toeaute, Qat., C * Hire? Ciaes
commereial *boot, Atcoromend-
iter by termer otodents. Graduates in
*Atm* dcinan.d. Write for he•,,v
Tho medereigned la offering tor eaie
teat deetrabie 1.00. nero tarra, aRonted
so tho "rournah!,), D,Sexliolpht being` Ltd
13, Con. 2. There la art the ererre,ees
a Rend traim, idolise. born witk ronnaa.
tion. oreazetat. The Wert !et well drain-
ed arei tulder eunlyxt1011, %Ida la
e=cellent farm, well ,4ttuttod aad, will
be, *sold rokaona.ble., Ivor forthor partio-
Oar* apply ,to Jotat goon:milk,
Vanls Female Pills
A ;41tott, rrtztanviltto ;zoo taw% Tztoo ereey etyour triggers setter from rheu-
m -duty duel -der* or eXte$41-of mie acid
11 laackaab,e ratiscatar ins:
pine are *ate -Want newer Ia segelating Ass orneing lama
aenerative portion of toe feinale system. Rouse st.U1,3va 44 .
gat ocap unttatioa3, ',v. dot Vito*. are sold at and c'ett 4 ur.44 4iSltt itShIng skin or
rAnli IrOn SALZ
The undonsignod otterIng for sala
his btuAtred rrofaPirt. beereg Lot 14.
North 13<amaere Stepnen. 'More aro on
the orcovsoow ftgood, frasne hotste, with
al:Iles:dad cellar, also a. large aturuner
Stitratews and wood abed attachea ; Mena
railnur weal water; a. large bank barn
!AVM. with power wind mill and stab -
lea eguloped w4th Beaty Inter Wrier;
water In tat*, at begin; soma orcaarct
with. ail 'kande of tatuall fruits ; thoroatgb
ly und,erdrillood with, tile, aaid Is in a
good *tato of cultivation. This priap.,
ertm n'Acely situated. on. a, main road,
1 -,no daily malt service, with telephone
in hottee. For parincularsa rsaalY ,tO
B. S. Pall1Spa, auctioneer, Exeter, or to
W. Z. Sanders, Hay P. 0.
a;1" 11 ,
l'arsons•otf Part49e0 Fair,. while lyy7
/rig•to res4Y0 tii)io ffee Ito tee Xtu`nSi-.0 ;t,
rage etore, with coSal oil, the biane flew
oat wittl, expkos„:4,,e effect, and he tied
his face badly scarched,':. ..
ct Oa has. or three for SE, ',faded te =sr address, freleent rsearahoe Pahl% inane you to send A SYMBOL F FREEDOM.
orn 0,41.,,,wei, out.. forzigeacrousPrea-frialTraiainorit of my well.
known, rellableChrealcursavrithrefereliceaaad
For Sale
Teat deetrable tegno reedence on
Willa= *treat, F.xeter, south: of the
riven Three lane, modern comae-once:3
electric ligtts and !unlace. A. number thi$ 0, ea alai *oat today tar aaas
et trait trees and intebes. Good. lova free package, to AIRS. M. $1,Osiasaaa,
twtte tt4PPPtielPalatloc; 81,10btl; C
for the tahrosq, either an wholc—tand,
bulldinga, maellincry, etc.—or separate -
lowest or any tender not nec-
arity accopleck Per particulars all-
pas t T, alcCALLUNI, EXETER,
PAREHILLS--Tne remelt:a' Jelsa
McDonald, Who -w•as( ltilled at Barl'ania. The oay 'mark was
eqn junotouo-
nMond,ay. were brought jae,ad. kali ha.. "s b d.
hero .1 -0 -day. WaS a ru'ulb.,•1' "):
G. T. Ice "floattil?, ga-t,
r&aynfrack be`wn 1-f.A,rrrkoh
at.rd Voron;xy Tfae 01,.”19iui
struc him tlae+ lies.d. while -ix' 3
ehoaged ehoveltitrgr,, -t-,,aas, tn
ti4t.•.• pfclted was r rct
particulars by mail. (This IA no C. 0, D. Th. Liberty Cafe Gatos Away Hack to
seltern ea No matter bow mazy saaybave
frof Early Greek Timm
In your case let la,e rve *.0 you, ee eoit.,
cleanse* the Natal and rcralwes the eaten:. Ano anguishing markg of a stave, both In
for g' wc4knecl• v4441404 .4'444it4P4 tuc GreeCe and oriental couutries general'
a) -M. you ,w ill find ohroai cure a most satisfan ,
larY gesle seralatmthat r so you feet th‘lt 14(C tyr Was the lack et any covering for
is worth hem a Mass nat your friends 0- the bead. Accordingly the ear, came t
be considered the Insignia or libertY.
aud whea slaves were given their free -
ern they were presented with a cap
as aia ernblem of it.
In Sparta the helots wore a cap of
degskin, and this was reekozed a
badge, a vervitude, but upon gaining
their freedoin ibis was replaced by
cap' of a different nulterlale of another
shape and Ornansented with floWers,
that rheumatism ean acinrailsCbronicers ered. h realms re From very early times one of the clis.
sueceeds vrhere all ene
The uader,sanned ere offerang for sale
two of the th;roo now aousea bent oss
the old Mame:nes Haase property, Mani
Street, Exeter. These houses veal be
epped. wala bath, closet. toilets, no.--
nace, e-nd all rocene papered and grant-
. 'W-.11 be nearly for occupancy ki
abo11t. thave weaken Wall be sold teas -
entitle. Alaral to 'Wes. Snell.
Tile Grand TtaTak Railway is the snost
direet route Vont all points East
through Camada. vla Chicago.
Double Track, Peet service, Finest
Roadbed, Modern Eqularnett, Unexcell-
ed Dining Oar Servites
All elements pr ett.tety and comfort.
No mare doctrinal° Tout° than via
Grand Trunk to Dots aft, thence via
Cincinnati to anakosbnallle, Palm Beach
ata.ssati, etc.
Round trip tickets, giving enofce ot
all, the beat awates, rogether with lull
informatand poservations, Maar be
obtained anam (aeareet Grand Trunk
Agent, or write A. El. Duff, D. P, A,
Teas:into, at. N. J. Dore, Stattoa Agent
The Usideasi•gned ts offering for sale
• that -f.lae 150, see fa.rm, lthe Town-
ship of Stephen, ben g the west half of
Lot 15, Con. 8, and Lot 18, Con,. 9.
There is., on the latter a. good frame:
• houee, summer kitchen., and wood -shed;
bank beast; never -foaling well, with. wind
mill appllances. Al! well. fenced and
drained, and in good -state et cultiva-
tion'. For partinada.rs apply to
• IC. SCIIROIDDER, Crediton. Ont.
,Mail Contract
- SEALED TENDERS addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received at
Ottawa until latsan„ on Friday, tae 20th
December, 1912, for the conveya.nce of
Majesty"s Mallo on a proposed
tentract ter four years,. six. areund
tiMaiI ContractIla
SEALED TENDERS addrossid to the
Peatmaster 'General, will be received Mt
Ottawa. uatll Noon, on- Friday, the 20th
Deeerairer, 191:2, for the conveyance ot
lialestha's Wats on a. proposed
Contract far tour iyears, six round
Will Give $5O� To -Sick
Readers of The Advocate
Farnoua Scientiet Who Originated the Now
Wonderful "Howe Treatzrient" Offers $1,00
Package Free to Sick and ailirg
It or'4er elar7 reader nof the People Who ainifW• fto.r. Rhaumasiera,
dvocate Wala /nay not havo heard of ICidney Troablea efottlasal, Trouble, Later-
. . .
thia wonslertal "alkaaraa, Treatment" may, or ,Rawel Disordern, ce,teeeh, Broeetetie
an OPPort*RtY to teat this cele....1...sthrha,. Chtonic Caanahs, Weak Luagas
brated medicarte, tan ;IOW faartre :vim- Lumbago, plies., Urinary DisaraeassFea
atilLot, i‘D$taely.latnreease '..zWstrulN41 4.481,z,eal$fezoto;atk..,:e. t1,1:;ein'teerT;frojjadx,swealtoof.,wnthar-itae4.11,diat,0:4,34nWderaerkteir,if
Paber, to Prove „the wanderfot cialp,rlitt 4°5°0 irea,treent ereat.
iorwo tool to.040 tor rtImrc.„ el a tiae anneAte aria helve tbettagesat-
se .
141 tilte Otter the selogtfee en, tter
ad= itreew '17;a44 it'91 '°3417
that there are TrAuy pc.cyro who 1:1WY SitIqUid It strati:gate:in the kal-
i:0m staffers* tot, .5.e1,415 wttr,4 toa, atet drivers rheuni.ltiem, pen:e-
ons:moo. 00,4,40 a.o4 many ,c4 them two, One from rile ,Iblood as it by manta.
nt largemov7012.1.0440itteur ozonerpe.017:11,1.:I5a, IT:aotrtiol,euafle
wst43hyvo.popple Who Say r:t beams*
tate about' inveat* meiney,m, megurgne,• „aaps reader of TA•44 Adracate wag will
ago t� five, hundred :readers , th
heeattae they ba.Spe tleapatred eaaa tan thie 1=4'4=4h -tory mouse -info that ha4
getting Wells flaliallealade ISavfa told ane created ao madla excitensant by Sass
that Utory eeld ream talest„.,,„or tb4 VP:ii`4$ Can Citt4r)( absoiatosy tree, n tat
tsoolo v000ta ha:ve teat), assatprworta,, 01..;0.01•treafment" by 441-RP1i, 111 t.t*
• tbrit Tax treatment had eere4eteem COV,A011 below at ,,yrri •ting letter
A: similar custom was observed In
Horne, where the presentation of the
pileus, or rap, was always a part of
the ceremony of manumitting a, slave;
hence, arose the proverb, "Servos ad
pileum recut."
Also on medals the cap is the symbot
of liberty and Is unsually represented
trips per week as being held in the right hand by the
Over Rural, Mali dteute teem. Kippen, point When a cap Was exposed to the
people's view on the top of a spear, as
in the case of the conspiracy against
Caesar, it was intended as a public in-
vitation to them to embrace the liberty
that was offered them.
The Goddess of Liberty on Mount
tleventine was represented as holding
a cap in her hand as a symbol of free-
dom. The Jacobins wore a red tap
during the 'Trench revolution, and in
England a blue cap with a white bor-
der Is used as a symbol of liberty.
The custom which PreValis among
'university students of wearing a cap
Is said to have had its origin In a wish
to signify that the wearers had acquir-
ed full liberty and were no longer sub
ject to the, rod of their superiors.
The Bird of Death.
In New Guinea there is said to be a
r9noraous bird -called the bird of death.
It is about the size of a pigeon, with a
tail of extraordinary leugth ending in
a tip ot brilliant scarlet. It has a
sharp, hooked beak and frequents
marshes and stagnant pools. The yen.
ent with which It inoculates is dis-
tilled in a set of -organs which lie In
the Upper mandible, -just below the
openings of the nostrils. Under them,
in the roof of the mouth. Is a small
fleshy knob. Mien the bird sets itS
Ontnsio, (Soutbaeaat) to vommence at
the Poetanastera General's pleaeure,
Printed notices, containing Surther ?A: -
formation as to condaticlne et proposed
Contract May be seen( and blank forms
of Tender may 15e tibtainnd at the Post
Officea of In.appen, Chlselhurst, and at
the lattice of the Post Office Inspecton
at Londerna
• Superinteindent
Poet Office Department, Mail Service
Branch, Ottawa, Gth November, 1912
Mail Contract PI'
• SEALED TENDERS addressed to the
POstma.ster General, will be received at
Ottawa until Noon, on. Friday, the 20th
December, 1912, for the conveyance of
HiaHaiesto's Illtaale on a niropoeed
Contract `ter four years, sin round
'• Over Rural Mail. Route from Karkton,
trips per week r
Over Rural „Mail Route trona, lolensaill Ontario, (Fara:Thar Way) to commence
Ontario, (Saaalith,Stesaat), to, 5°Eimenc?•.at the Postmaster General's pleasurei
▪ Poe:tin-ante& a General' , pleasure. •Printed notiees, contJaining further •5a -i-
, Painted snetleass,. cantalning further -in- formation as to renditions of, proposed
"rosniatian Is to .condations of proposed Contract allay be %ear: and blank forms
of Tender may obtaaned at the ,Post
Offices of Inarkton, Parra -than and at
the Otlice of the Post Otfice Iospecton
Post ..Offleo- DePatatment, 1VIall Service
aroorco, Ottawa, Oth November, 1912.
ter doctere ond e;;reretabee els?• tla4 fait? crib -ring, their cattO their own word*,
her, -,no reetter what the tliseaac„ 3-,,araeo gidd. 41,eronto, Canads.,
walst to prove to a limited nein- t'lleY breler0,104.P143'-'4111-4. t°4TY. t.
matter how long 'they tnay have setter- ril°'119Y rl,c'ed Pent aglsi st,„1 cOaxgc
tiooa aceent-eitith the, wernderfulL reaalta ystite at Oace fee orde,r to b'
that have been morstedit" receive. tree trOatrattat-
ed, ho matter how blue soot tilocouraged ahlr, idact 'qv= bef,p0e-
-that my trea,ttne4 reallY aaul-4i1311Y. .4-f$••,‘ %Wu ealer liggted, yew obnowi"
Wanted receives a pressUre, which liberates the
beak In the flesh of a victim this knob
Fos Fail and Winter manttla aat
11 tour
144DY Seals.
Baby seals are; at first snow white,
Centraef ;may -be seers and; blank forme
ria Tender may be tit:stained at the Post
'Offices et alensali, ,Hatendale; and at
tile Office of ,the Post' Office' Inspector
l'ost Offiee ,Depantment, Mall Service
Branch,' OttaVia, 6th• November, 1912. ,
senora and ittocula ter the, wound-
afraart; tellable person to se
well-kaown fault and ornamental
treei in EXETER and surround.
Ing countana. • ' '
. s
which makes ,them'' invIsliale on the
oVi4at son ACRES white lee un 'Which they are born.
, , ,
black, and when the little ones are
Please ;send On a. 'Foil $1. Couraq, of Treatmeat for ;ay eaee, free and
postage paid, Nat aer, you isrlatialse.
Post • • • * p • +4 • • 0...4 • •••• • Pratillaqe• *R. I., • II • 4. • • • •
Street and No., •••,••• O./ 4•.•-•••.•••••., • • .• •
Age ./310W icing alticted? •
Maltis a. crates (X) before tha dieearsea pots have. Two oroeses (XX) be-
fore alie oao front which you eutfOr sae moan
....Rheumalla,sre ....KidlloY Irani:to „SiMpara Wood „Yensala Weakss ,i-, s
,.. 1.fut11111.1.2; 0 ....131,041or Tmub' p, aarasaa „„anaomn Troable
,....Catarats ....Weak Lunges ,„,pnopies „a0vartaa Traaata. ,
......CO,natIpatSen. ,..Chreinic C „„Eaaema ,...Painful Period.s,
4.,,,Pilee ...Malaria • ' ,..Neuralgia. —.Hot Flaanee
.„,Diatiracea ....Aethnua „„Heati se So ..,..,13earkla do'con. tosan
..„-Terpid Lever. ...May Fever . ' „...D123'41ena ,,eucemaoaa.
....,/adigestactn, _al-Is:art Troubles, = a:Nervous, is
.7,,St4)1113.01 Trouble ......Pcor Calaula`laa ...,Obeany,
other symptoms on separate state-. Correspondence In ar. languagAs. .'
_ ..................
Iffity Have iti Nerves ? "
This is the reason wky rronsen hove "nerves' When thoughts begin, to grcror
cloudy and uncertain, impulses lag and tbe warnings of pita' and distress are sent
like flyina uaessages throughout limbs and frame, straightway, naae times 'in tea, a
vroinanwill lay the eause of the trouble to some defect at the point where she fsrst
felt it. Is it a headache, it backache a sensation of irritability or twitching and
uncontrollable nervousness, something' must be wron4 with the head or back, A
woman naturally says, but all the time the real trouble very often eenters in the
womanly organs. In nine eases out of ten the seat ef the dculty is heret and a
woman should take rational treatment for its cure. The local disortler and milems
mation of the delicate special organs of the sex should be treated ateadily
Dr. Pierce, during a long period of practice found that it prea:ttotam. mace
from snedicinal extracts of native roots,vvithout theuse of alcohol, relieved over 90
per cent. of such cases. After using this remedy for many years in his arivate prac-
tice he put it up in form of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that would make it
*sally procurable, and it can be had at any store where medicines an, aandled.
BIBS. Lusa B. H-SavErN,S, of Zeus, Va., writes; "1 had been falmat in health
for two years—most of the time Was not able to attend to my honannold duties.
Female weakness was my trouble and I was getting very bad but, Os Inas to Doctor
Pierce's medicines, I am. well and strong again. I took only three betti, of 'Favor-
ite Prescription and used the 'Utica Tablets." I have nothing but praise for
Doctor Pierce's 'wonderful medicines."
el the' finest ;oar e era fc, Pawn '• Their eyes and-. noses are, however, ' •
Early, and geod delivery . guarans• suddenly alarmed they elope their eyes,
. ,
'. ter.,,d . •Thi,rty-t ve - years of w -,L..91`-'.' .
bury their noses' and•lie quite still. It
ness ex.perionce enables us 'to l'r,-, Is ()talk when tlien , grow and begin to •
_ . .,
, , .
seek their ()WU read that they, become
Stock sold and 'delivered to trade.
" Ise t ,in Our line.,
for tato s. rgericy
Write for tarms.
•. •
Mail Co ritract• Mail Contract
dark and sleek.
SEALED, TENDERS . addressed -to the •
- Toronto. Pontrastes Ge.r.eratt. will be recalved at
Peetmaster General, will be received at „
Ottawa. until Noon • on laride.y the',20r1, -ra4 Fun 'Far' UttC:farice".
Decoraber, Itc)12-, /fox convelianoe of
Idajest5-'s /44•11 on a posed
Contract 19r -four 'ye ar. S r0.1,.1aAct
trips 'per Week - •
Over Rural ROulie No."— CW,Inchel-'
• ' -"Oth
Ottawa Nopn,' on ,Fraday,. tie InVented adandy 'story. tO tell
his wife when ot bailie after .
uflhlt INIMENK=MagaillWASIMaigla"."1111111
,1+4 ja$'+.77 .7!ria++.1ijs, on a PrnopoSed Con.. . • „.
•• ' fur, flyur 'yearns, reand• trf.ips
, ". ' ' ,Decpii3.13er, 1912, f9,r •aLalive.yariee- Of,
- •
' ,
• OveY •"Geod one, 'wasit?'' ,
1-1 nuse For Sale
, a "A peach; ,It wolininantisfyaany wo-
as-) f-oni E:reer, Ontarto, • to , 'sea, •ItraY). , from, ',Y3obilharn, Onterio, to,
r t' de. ilabie property .i.n Centralia.. ;-1-1.erleea thte pleasure or the, Poe,t3Tiastr C 'Cr) rnnlen 0 at, 1,110 Pl• Mr9 _ e ,1:31d it sails,ay, her r
IT1 e • "It would hare. but
• does cvantainflig furrh-er..-n7'
• know.h C3t0'..,e3. property,
ed on the T.-,,ondop. Road,. T e Pal. Inds soatteees . eantainang -Curtner P.rilited ,
'd house, provbsed, ',for:nation' las to cendlitio f d • - •
teen,100,tells coetract may be '9een,l,and! - " ,
Dad at ti'4,CC05,6't Tande,17., may •ttii ,obtairiOd at -the, ,P s t
t oods; ranctio,n E13m-s larlaeoopement --.
f el ,
sas"'41tead offacei,e„3.„, 17774,-27N,
° W
l'afTd7 VG01
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,he3- i30,31,13 lag gEs
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' WitItlass eneY , ' .,saperinten e stool
• O 'at , Mail.. 1- est 0
'ath Zievonsbera
Li1.$011-38-10.?? 1 v ^ Depass "
A PP I t31 1 ce
Lee, Ottawe3ni; LJ
, ;4+,+•+ T41 ++.I+ter,
• w..„.:gtaboAtudlititth..,
aneh, Otta-Wa= ,
7 +
OUR NEW 'METHOD TREATMENT win cure you and make a man of -
you. trader itainiluence the brain becomeaactive, the blood purine i so that all
pimples, blotchesand ulcers heal up; the norTo3 become strong' as stez1,,, so that
nervousness. basbfulness and despondency _disappear,. the eyes become b;7131:tt, the
face full andelear, energy returns to tho body, and tie morel, physleal and mental
systems are invizorated; all &ales cease—to, ore vital waste from the wine=
You feel yourself arisen and know marriage csanot be a fAilure. Don't let quacke
assd fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars.
Peter Es Sutamers relat,es his experience:
"I was troubled with Nervous Debility
for many years. Ilay it to indiscretion
and excesses in youtia 1 became very
despondent and didiatatare whether I
worked or not, itmagbaed everybody
who looked at me guessed my secret.
Imaginative dreams at eight weakened
nie—my back seb.edohad pains In the
back of my tead, hands and feet were
cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite,
fingers were shaky,' eyesnaurred, hair
loose, memory poor, ete, Numbness in
the angers aet in and the doctor told me
botettredparslysis. 1 took all kinds a
• medicines and tried, many first-class •\ ---
physicians; wore an electric belt forthree
months, but received little benefit. 1
atroise a
rhgrwr was induced to conSalt Drs. Kennedy in sa.,..„
KentleaY, though I bad lost all faith in •-•
• doctors.. Like a drowning man commenced the Neve laraspa Teats-as:az end it
saved my life. The improvement was like magioan could feel tnevigo oiag through
the nerves. 1 was cured:net:tally Mid physically. I lavve sent them esaaY patients
and oositiallOtO dO So. R NO
FREE. 'BOOKS FREE If unable to call write for a Question
Blank fot Home Treatment
Cor:Atichigart Ave. and'Grin4old Si. Detrwt MC
'' All letters from Canada -must be addres,
, ot#,,,reartadian Correst.S3*
: Ont. ff'., 0,3
ribatellY call at our Medical Instate:ea in D
retroit as We eea!
our 'Windsor offices„,which are for CorresponC
CUIretnidianarp,imaxitr;e*s',S,1 -:lyd,dwresins 14;1q.ri ,i.epttau,ets nie, VA:, „net!