HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-21, Page 2folder eet/1 UP rcZe:eaL st.r-.:=4a;£oacpealY, Ltasite. tie L,ti, ftlAzits . a ONLY A 1 NTH: OR A CURIOUS M ST l EXPLAINED. ney Smith's wise .maxim, 'Take short views," None of then x said good -night to him when he left for home; they were not intentionally:", unkind, but they were awkward, and they felt" that the strange affair of the af- ternoon had made a great gulf be- tween thorn aid the culprit. Very slowly he walked through the noisy streets, very reluctantly crossed the great court -yard, and mounted flight after flight of stairs, At the threshold lie hesitated, wondering 'tvhe her'- it would be possible t,a shield them from the knowledge,. Re could hear Sigrid singing in flat, kitchen asshe prepared the supper, and something told him that it i�"ouid be, impossible to unecal his trouble from her, With a sigh 'he opened the door into the s.t:.ing room; it looked very bright, and cheerful; Swanbild stood at to;.. l open window lsat,ering the fowors all the window -box, red and „olte geraniums and seutharn is led, grown from euttizlge given by eec:', She gatvo him her usual merry greeting, "Come and look at my garden, rithiof," she said, "Doesn't it 1k lovely ?,a 'Why you are late," said Sigrid, All with th.o eecoa, her face heti with the fire, which on Haat summer day. tng at him,. "H(3w tired +, ,sit dawn end eat man ° usage the (XIV.—(Cont'd) was .far tea much situ d to ba elite to feel .any gr k= titude itis this. Mr, , Horner, ,how ,ever, left hilts no time to reply. think you have takezr, leave Qf your 1301150S, Boniface, he isaid, ve- hemently. "Save yourself the in- uoy axtce "of prosecutxn?, if you like; but it is grossly unbar to the rest of your employees to keep a. thief le your house, U there is ane thing noticeable in all suoeeseful concerns it is that /km omprotnising severity is eliQ'wf to cher trilling errors, even to carelessness>" c[ i �y latts�rae;)a, has hitherto laser easlttl, movie Mr. Bcanifaace, ctui- "and I have never QUO On t priue i alt;, and never wtil. Why We to have a law of mercy and i M*. to exclude it from every -day Ilut that is the 'way of the It manages, while callin itself' Christian, to shirk most of Christ's •eoanwands." I. tall you,,, said Mr. Verner, who was now in a towering passion, "that it is utterly against the very , stoles of religion. The fellow is nal; repentant; he persists in stielcing, to a lie, and yet you weakly forgive+ hire." "If," said. Mr. Boniface; quietly, you Blas` to 'IittIe more. a Frithiof Falck you would know that rt is quite impassible that he could con- sciously have taken the money. When he took it he was not him - cell. If he lied waisted to hide it— lei stead at—why did he :actually- re- turn to the shop with it in his pes- session t $e might easily have dis- posed of it while he was out." "If that is your ground, then I object to having ra man on my pre- mises who is afflicted with klepto- mania, But it is not so, The fel- low is as long-headed and quick- witted as any one I know; he has managed to hoodwink you, but from the first I saw through him, and knew him; to be a designing—" "Sir," broke in Frithiof, turning to Mr. Boniface, "this is more than I can endure. For God's sake call back the detective, examine further into this mystery; there must be some explanation!" 2zo' 717 4611-' Nit Rau& keezadme Dle ronAiL ISIHD0,00005 aPia:aa . it', the CLEANEST, SIMPLEST, and. BEST IiOME DYE, one can buy --Why you don't even have to knowwhut KIND of Cloth your Goods are made of. --So Mistakesare impossible. Send for Free Color Card, Story Booklet, and Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other colors. The JOHNSONRZCHARDSON CO., Limited, Montt cal. Canada.,. °iliGH SPEED HAMPION is the Washer for a Woman In the : first place, Maxwell's "Champion" is the only washer that can be worked with a crank handle at the side as well as with the top lever, Just suit your own Q9nw§t3iCr ss. .rotifer It". a::wolf tenture'^' BalanceWheelare soaccuratcly adjusted end work up such sheers that the washer 'runs along oven When you have stopped woradrg the revar. There's no doubt. about Maxwells'Charnpion' : ti - 'ieang the tis asioz:d tp RPS m's washer on the market. Vlritefor new illust- ratndho riTam oscler ot tl. 'How elan asny man examine Pur- er 9" said MX, Bonafaeo, sadly. be, note is missed, and is actual - ted 'upon you. The only pts- hays dot a "Planation, is the tion 'ere :oven Derr Si erstsen would tot yourself whenyou took it, grumble at. The heat has. tire, Then the least you eau de is to , .you, and yon will feel better after of the case, `What sort of a. mala "I used to dislike him at first, and he naturally disliked we tie cause I was a foreigner. But lat- terly we have got on well enough, Re is a very decent sort of fellow, and I don't for as moment believe that he would steal," "One of you must have done ill," said Sigrid, "And as I certainly never could believe that it, I am forced to think the other man guilty, Look, Frithiof, why hotald we wast time and strength in worrying over this 7 .After all, ;,.hat difference floes it make to >.as in ourselves? Business hours roust, of Bourse, be disagreeable enough to you, but at home you must for- t the disagreeabies; at home you are my ''ero, unji stry accused, and b. .ring the penalty of another's crime," (To be continued.) rLA TS AND T0118000 S31011E' Varieties of Growth tilled by Influence of Tobacco, Prof. Molisch, the plant physiolo gist ttf the University of Fragne, sae ahowli in some of his earlier work that large numbers of miero- organisms, plants as well its ani- mals, and the seedlings of higher tits are extremely sensitive to the uenee of tobacco smoke, gorge tag evenki"'ned thereby. Many of deleterious effects eeperieeeed formerly attributed attributed to the quantities et' illu?ptinra:tixtg gas «.sInias Iaiaax," ;resumed Mr. Ile you have had asoaaaeth tip." But Mr, Boniface interrupted He eat obediently, though od almost choked him; Swanhi°d faarzcying that he had one of his ba headaches, grew quiet, and after him very sharply, "You rill please remember, Moines, that you are in no way eon - with the engai;ement rrr cars- ward was not surprised to find that of those emplOYOd iso t,.;s he (lid not as uaeal get cut his writing materials, but asked Sigrid to go out with hire for a turn. "You are too tired to try translatingl" she asked. "Yes, I'll try it later,''' he s "but let us have loal•f au htours' rt ttogether now." She consented at one, and we to put on her hat, well kuowina that Frithiof neves •shirked )us work without :good xe Tanis then leaving strict orders with Swanhild not to sit up after nine, they left her absorbed in English history, taunts and insults showered on and went down into the cool clear bion. , "lair," he said, trying iii vaita twilight. Some children woro- p3ay- to govern his voice, r'you have 'beets ing quietly in thea court -yard 3 Sig rid stopped for a munute to speak to one of them. "Is your fattier better this even - I" she asked. "Yes, miss, and he's a-goin' back. to work to -morrow," replied the child, lifting a beaming face to the friendly Norwegian lady. "I should have thought you had troubles enough of your own,"he aid, moodily, "without bothering yourself with other people's." "But ,since our own troubles 1 have somehow cared more about them; I don't feel afraid as. I used. ch crvfluentiy vitiates the Melee - ere of such rooters; but Iilalisch's perivaents left no roost for doubt. itis really tobacco stroke that {:elves the harm. His pictures show- ,ng„tho growth ;(if pea and vetch seedlings in the presence and in the t absee of tobacco smoke arm very tr(eanking. has more recent "e .perimenta scd older platnt"s of various spm iaminding altec;ea of ,spider- t, echeveria•, t7iaaterriUM, selag le, and "others, "olaea Qf these showed any til effects from lee treatment, although exposed''. for a long brae to earl 4trilosphere filled -with tobacco smoke, Other house. That iaa entirely my affair, gas is set ,forth in our deed of part, riership." "Whieh partnership will need r vowing in another rix xaolAt est" said Mr. Berner, gnawing red with anger, "And I givo you fair warn- ing that' if this dishonest fellow is kept on 1 shall then withdraw my capital and retire from the busi- ness." With this Parthian shot be went out, banging the door behind him. Frithiof bad borate in silence all very good to me; but it will be best that I should go.'" "I would not have you leave for the world," said Mr. Boniface. "Remember that your sisters are dependent an you. You must think first of them," "No," said Frithiof, firmly;; "I must first thin]- of what I owe to you. It would be intolerable to me to feel that I had really brought any loss on you through Mr. Hor- ner's anger. I must go." "Nonsense," said Mr. Barldface; "I can not hear of such a thing.. Why, how do you think you would." to do of sick people, and people get another situation with this mys- who have lost those belonging to tory still hanging over you? 1, who,. them, I want always to get near - know you so well, ani eenvineed oa er to them," your perfect freedom from blame; "Sigrid," he said, desperately, but strangers could not possibly be "can you bear a freshtrouble for eonvinced of it." yourself t I have bad news for you Frithjof was silent; he thought of to -night." Sigrid and Swanhz"1d suffering "Roy?" she asked, breathlessly, r - through his trouble, he remembeher mind instinctively turning first to fears for his safety. "Oh, no 1 Roy is still at Paris. They heard, to -day that he could not be back in time for the concert. It is I' who have brought this trou- ed his terrible search for work when he had first eome to London, and he realized that it 'was ehiefly his own: pride that prompted him never to return to the shop. "If You are indeed willing that I ble on you. Though how it carne should stay," he said at length, K about God only knows. Listen, and "then I willestay. But your theory s I'll tell: y ou e zaotly how everything the theory that makes you will happened." ling still to trust me—is mistaken. By this tinge they had reached I know that there is not a minute! one of the parks, and they sat in this day when my head has nal down ona bench under the shade of been perfectly clear." 1a great elm -tree. Then very quiet - "My dear fellow, you must allow ly and minutely be told exactly me to keep what theory I please. what had passed that afternoon. "I am glad," she exclaimed when he paused, "that Mr. Boniface was so kind. And yet, how can he ih:1 k that of you`?" "You do not think it, then r4 ' he asked, looking her full in the [nese. "What ! think that you took it, in. senses. The note was there,' and absence of mind`? Think that it you can't possibly explain its oris would be possible for you delil,er- ence. How is it possible that Dar- ' ately to take it out of the til] and Dar- nell could have crossed over to ;:pin it in your own pniket! Why, your till, taken out 'the note and of course not ! In actual delirium,. I suppose, a man miget do any- thing, but you are as strong and well as any one this. Of course,, you had nothing what:eve- to do with it, either consciously or un- consciously.'' "Yet the thing was somehow there, and the logical' inference is, I can account to myself for what thatT must have put it there,"he must otherwise be an extraordinary .�"I don't care a fig for logical in - mystery' You had better go back Terence !" she cried. "All I know to your work now, and do not:wor- 'tint t,h�tt you hacl nothing whatever to ry over the affair.Remember that do with it. If I had to die for main I do noii, hold you responsible for taining that, I would say it with. -hat, has happeined. Tnv list. breath." ter' this, . n course nothings caught her hand in ills, and There is no other explanation than this, and you would be wisest if you accepted it yourself." "That is impossible," said Fri- thiof, sadly. "It is equally impossible that I can doubt the evidence of my own pinned it in your pocket? Besides, what motive could he have for do ing such a thing'l" "I don't know, said Frithiof; "yet I shall swear to my dying day that I never did it myself." "Well, there is no use in arguing the point," said Robert Boniface, wearily. "It is enough for me that nore could be said:- OTd kPTER FXV his he walked clown'.:tae" sort. of avenue of pianos :Inc. nR,Lmoniu es in the inner hop, therecame to :his rni:nd, why, he could .not have told, v'ordts snohen to him long before by that ecileft t euston,er 'who had- on mind so lasting an impression, "Courage 1 the worst will pass.'" Though b:c could . not exactly be - u ve she words vet he clung to lisi . with a sort of , .d ,. perat o'o. 11so he hapnenod to. notion the cl<nlc itnd practically adopted Sy 1- Y1 Maxwell e -" 'ch mpltina ' Wea�J 5l rr. Famous' Wherever gloves are worn. Noted for. their Fit and Finish. See that the tradflmark ti on; ,every „love, :,e,,.r— _...e. a r m, of tobacco smoke,, butt did not re - spend to the illuminating gas. ( l.+.arlier experiments showed, that various nareoticsprovoke abnor- mal developments of the breathing holes on the shoot of the potato. 1:,xperinoente with tobacco smoke on the potato ando u other plants led to, the same results, often, with the acoaunaalafion of xnasMes of liquid under the swollen areas, Insome plants of the bean faro- ily the • tobacco smoke caused th leaves to drop off in a very abort tine.. The sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) a and the lack locust (no - bine pseudocacia) and others :. lost. a.31 or nearly all ;of their leaves in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours after being placed in an atmosphere containing tobacco grebe, To a smaller degree smoke salols wood and paper and illntninatt i it u tw gas produced re5l S soli ar „ tit he fames of uii09ti11e had very IitK le intluence.Seientifao American, des a fr best Your love clegl"lline$ end purity will be gratified by t% is Pound Sealed Package plants, however, responded in vara- ous strikln, ways. Breluneriaa utiiis and Splitgerbera bilabe (dimmed their manner of gwroth. When placed in a large e Jar veld a few puffs of smolt() from a cigar or cigarette waren blown in, the leaves of these plants, ordinarily growing at right angles to the stem --that is, in a horizontal position—hegan to turn on their stalks, in the course of from twenty- four to forty -tight hours, until they were in a vertical plane. In the case of the brehmeria they contin- ued their rotations beyond this paint, describing a spiral. Similar disturbances were produced upon. these two plants by illurninaiing gas. But other plants used in the experiments ,showed similar effects Because they act so gently (no purging or griping) yet so thoroughly N"+r Q = XATIVES are best for the children as well as the grown-ups. 25c. a box at your druggist's. National Nag and Chemical Co, ict Caaada,tfrahed 2 r .o P . pireirW 0 oft 0 ed Sugar s a�lada's finest su a ,1€ ' from the Refinery, ntouched by human ids»Each. Package ccau full pounds of ugar Your Grocer supply yott. ,anada Snip9`. Company, flied FREE E TO GIRLS ea�utiful French Ctrressed Ilflf,L ie inceee tall, eyes open. and Out, reel eyelashes, completely droaaed lu satin, , with lace and ribbon trimming. Beautifully trimmed hat and real slices and etookingu, ben tie sorer name end address and we will send Yon 30 -setii of Christmas, scenic and floral postcards to sell at 10 cents o ,not (six beautiful' cards in each sot), When sold send us the money, and wo will send you the doll, all charges nrepaifd, `trite today and earn your doll now. ,Address HOMER -WARREN CO. DEPT f29, TORONTO held _.t 0sst. Von still believe in me the worst is over," he eaid. " vith the root of the world, of course, soy eSlorael e.' is gone,.but there. is no... y help for "Puttheremust be help," one rar5_ITi�" o .el :2 ... must be.. t„1_r1Ct. J nvii,:t The ct}ter:nilaal in: the sh<>n+ ",v ni t a, or " . t I'hthve Jai,:ii,, h e. tilt_ t ce�f n �, r ''Tor.:' 'hat ":psi7.pose i' srid I'ri_'-. 11-1 f. s,i<ily. lir lt'iri' done i wits t ut tTIV krt.,,W (T tion,t gr runt;; You may be paid 5 0 in Cash for improving your walk like this 420. 108 Canadian farmers will receive cash prizes (twelve in each Province) in our big 1912 FARMERS' PRIZE CONTEST a " E held a contest last year in which 36 prizes were offered.; This year there will be three times as many prizes (1.08) and therefore three t Ins as many chances for'':you to win one of them. You do not have to use a large quantity o cement to win a prize, ",•Many of Iasi year's prize -winners used comparatively little; content.' E contest Is divided Inn, three classes and in only '' 'l4ERB ,viii bo four prize, (Myra, : S1o; Second, encof these (Cars "A") docs the amount qt 50; Third;' 513;';Fourth, S10) 10 tach class ecmeat mod count ,n .rr,,di sa prize ,inners. Clan, in -encl. Province. Thee you have only : to corn is fa, dohE Nw best s mcrctc work (thcr nlze •pets with other farmers in your o,vn Province. makes no diikrccce) Clam' C" is for seiuline in the and not with ` Mose in c11 parts of 'Canada. This Lest rind clearest descripfion of how' any piose of ,rives you thewbcst posoihle,. clams to via a:650 COSTS D DTIiING TO, ENTER -There pre alivuletely no "otrinn'' to tide offer. There is no entry fee or rod tape to bother with.' ,.You einrwt loss; lr1ott se they, tn,ro co.nta•yet tnakc of, concrete in curntxaine:for the maxi's will be more thazr `. worth their cost: IVs have nook, It'7eat i7tc, Farmer Can Do With Concrete, that ‘,.11) glce, you all the infhrmation about 1,he uno of coact, 0 yea cap recd: at at be ucnt to y<i r free Iv an pen ask us for contnlefc p.rn: t le:: of ilia 1'rt.r.0 Cca:osi. Ask for pa,Pcalars today, just edy Send mc: frce,;yeitr bank and,fu11 iu tSir: olarol the 1912 Prize: Co c.,..""on a poet clyd zed Man it to -day. ; : Addrez, Pu -h1, ov ir'iaua,gor, 110 110 eulties L' 11MPisi�i?alo,`1llea'4 /;/•,%' �rj�%.�,'/;�iyv�i j � ii -''7 ��'j7� v'i'ii%% .f�x/�u..�..�,./..,�i�.rtc<Gaw'. �U.T'F�/.�/.�..lrl�:�;flll�i'ifr.✓'