HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-21, Page 1Wo have rename a Speolialt•y.pt the, ems tion sale bill huskies'd for several yearla and have. resolved e. fugal Petxoppge• to repay as Sar our effgrta. ¶a Yeas° we are prepared, better than ever #01384- %41 osat-ail the tr.lec9A5 of those intending to leave an auction gale. Do not Elve Your list to be pa'tn'bed till_ you 112ve Galled ,. sur us and phone orders given prompt attesition, 'G hiNT'Y-S]:L'rH YEAR stt E. ONT °y THURSD.A.T, NOV MB ER 2i. 1912. '{f you have a 'p.eca of pro]lertY t46 sell., and you 'have' the ability to do. ecinitae it in an ail in the same xInnpie way you would use' 1f a mMn called up on your t ep`.trr :o, and, asked for you to tell tills. abut rt, 'then you classified advertisement, published ,with $ little- per letence,; will sell your pro: pert to the buyer who needs 'it host, SANDERS & CR .I CH CARLING'S PHONE 18 All Having sold our store which has to be vacated by Jan. lst. We are offering for sale our 15,00 STOCK of eneral Merchandi which consists of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furn- ishings, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, China, Glassware, Boots and shoes, Hardware & Grog- ere. We can save you at least 25 per dent. on Dress Goods, Men's Furnishings, ' Underwear Carpets and Wall Paper. 30 per cent discount on all ► rocicer d Chin. Some people do without life' DEATH. OFUSBORN'E RESIDENT. hies to get a few luxuries,. Mr, L. Ski rlGy of Brantford was a Pleasant' Miler eft The Advocate yester- Thr: ,euddea death took place on, r ri- dgy. Nod. .15t'h, of one of 1 sboree's highly respected residents, in, the per- son of :Mary Ann Horsey, widow of the date William "Westlake, at the age of 72 years, 5 anrindI s and 11 days. Although the infirmities of old age were telling upon her eonsewhat, she was in her usual health until about 2;3tr Friday afternoon when she dropped' dead. Born in Uncted States of 'Eng- lish parents, she, wfth her pare±nts,. came to Canada when a' ,girl, residing near Bowfna:invillo for some Year's, after which they settled on the 5th conces-t sion of Usbornet With the exception of a year or two. in a:Itbbert she has resided in Usborne ever since; Of lace she has resided with. her son, Henry, on the dth concession. Her husband predeceased her eight years. She is survived by four sons a:nd two lough- tens, John of the Thames Road, Jas. of Tllbbert, G4:allisa;x of North Dakota, tleliry of the 4th concession, ;,Eras. J. S. £•Iay s and Mrs. E. Payier: of Ken. - mare, N. D. Deceased was a coasts - tent atember of the Methodist church, anti a kind and loving mother and friend and her death wilt be greatly regretted by all whoa knew her` The funeral teaks 'place: to file Exeter cent etery on Monday day afternoon. IiEEI' WINDOWS OPEN. --.-tom-" The advent Of colder nights prompts the issue of; a Covet-rands/4 health bulle- tin with the slogan, •' Beep Your Wind- ows Open" acrd mkndelr Chia head:lig eaYs.- "With ttIO onset of. cold weath- er. tato the housed CO the people," the bulletin reads, ''dews; go the windows and ut+ goes the death rate from the impure air. The air of a closed house Is dirty, st'agnan;t, disease -breathes air Sr in which ne.11utrraai being can live las Aatety. Prveunlenfa is the winter p%argue, because cit indoor conditions. ii ; yr a -mus't spend our time indoors we nw t 'keep the 'air pure and the only way to do it is to keep the windows open. The Ira's, who keeps hia window nosed and who affords such heavy arae our as chest protectors, sour/less mad galOshcs when he ventures into the open is ,tn intia:tteiy greater danger of eon- tractian„ pneunmonta, than is the woman who. affects :taco hosiery, peek -a4 boo w,aist s rural ,hail shows who pasaea .her sleeping hears dim fresh air. Better be" access - Mr, and. 1)1rs. I A: ns lot , T-Iuron Street, celebrp.sd r e (Seth arniversarY of their weddf'ng dray lass Friday last A few neighbors and frferlda were Pres- ent and a,very pleasant evening was. spent. ?vir, Thos. Newell, received: the sad l:ews Wednesday afternoon of de death of his brother, Alfred W. New elk at Stratford in dsfi9 h year. De- ceased had teem i;l, roz aonx.a traits o lnintemary trouble, and the end has been expected: for •son., time air. Newell. visited Stratford Tuesday alad had only been home s. few hours Wiled the sad news cams over the phone DEATH, OF ORVILLE SNELL--T*4 deat': tools plate o:t Mor day Morning oP il" Orvities W. G. A. Smell, son of \1r. and Mrs. Wad Snell, Lot, 15. bion. 7, Ust4" s3; a; 0;44 cgs of 2t1 years L month, 26 dards. Death was due to lung trouble from widelt he had been sufferiang for sodas months. The lase Mr. •:S.•aell went to London about ten years ago where he worked in; a wholesale house for three years. Thee he accented a position as coithierclal ,,a,ve'ler and travelled through Ont a?10 Or «ave year's, The Past two rra ire spent on, lint 1 ar btaa•.n':ss n Western Canada, returning hems, last'' J riy, since orhiich time he had been t a.rtt.^ea :o brie home of his During the past few we.ks he • has breva quite al, but Vita a:ti was ;.ot expetatett ao soca. The funeral tools, place to file Exeter csato;ery an WW1 „rraday aft 0 The b realved parents and family lavathe eyopdtny of the eliiro t<P•mmo.:�',° The Countryside MOt7iM CIABMEL T3ls:hop Fallon al"Jlit. Sunday, N'tav, 10, set I . c'nt,delt herel, The people of the parish re boarded gea srously toward the fund for, the budding or the new seminary ` in London. The amount sub- scribed was $880.—Bey, Fr- Gee- win of St. Tabards" .visited • 'r, Forster for . few days last week;—A large num. CENTRALIA and 3fit9, iYtrrr :itodge."-L of Far: 1 qu ar xisjted with lira and Sirs, T, R, i.0 e 'Sunday., Mrs. Coughlin has returned from a visit in London.' Her son, Adrian, who resides in she ' west, accompanied heN and will v'asit % sere for a gars The Ladles' Aid held a. socias SIO i day night last, at which a goodly num- ber wasin atev.4arneo and a pleasant time was spent. The music was furs, ,shed by the husbands of the ladies, while Mr. ltIcA11:-ater cif Exeter gave ah intereatfnr address on "People Iave met." ' The proceeds amounted to about. $20, fir;. I-1, Mills was to S:. Tr.onras on Sunday via:Sing relatives. The sad trtelti'ige:tee was received here this week of the death of Mr. Thos. Godsave, who died in Duluth Hospital,. on Tuesday frornm the effects of ar, at- -nett of pneumo^ia, DecwsEd was restive of Stssilses and lett here about; sly years ago for Duluth, vvhc:f, he 'has sines resided, ']-Iia• Mother James was called to tiros city about two weeks ago. Deceased was aged about 4u years. fresh air fiends" ben trona this neighborhood atte.:,dsd the fu,nerai of the late Mrs. Jolts: O'Neil of 1Sooreaville3—fir. Ace, Eller and Pana - fly Ieave tdifs wehk for. London. , Their departure from .our Midst will, bemuch Local Items «.--.,.,.*....., Toa girl who .ss rooyuCee at detecting fns the faults of men retrains an old maid. Rev. :McAlister and, :Rev. Steadmanof Elirnv:,ilo exchange pulpits next San - day nnal'ning. Mr. Joins W. -Wolper sold his resid once op. the Lake Road an Tuesday to Mr. Win. 'Br]maco'mbe. t Anadter 'surpris tns' thing is the manner in vvhh al popular, young man drops out of the social, world when .he nlarlj ets. WHITE SQUIRRELS.—Wo have seen a. white elephant, a, white crow, a white bird of the black bird .species,and many other white things, but it has ,never beeia- our privilege to see a white squirrel until Tuesday night, OnTues- day Messrs. 'Sam'uel (Sweet, and Wm. u Balkwill were out shoo tiring in, Hibbert Townrehip, anx1 ear the course of their day's spelt tier. Sweet ran a'cro`sstwo of this partiduliar spaniels of squirrel and shot both of them' Strange• to say they were not together, being aver three- quarters of a ttpile apart, but ft is supposed that they cane from the same litter. They were pure white without a spot of any ldn4i They are evident- ly vidently a freak of nature, and beings excellent epecianens :tihdy will be stuffed. Growing ole: with Glasses — Gracefiilbr Fits-UT,Eyeglasses do not accentuate age because they are young -looking. But they do give all the com- fort of old fashioned spec-. N tacles. The popular AOCo. zx3greitetl, btet, they will have the best a�a wlahas of all tor a. lance.r :az.! a it ppy maiden -de lin. their new ho -Mose rs Thomas and .A.u'gustus 2torrisey, left on Thursday for "Dctreit to attend the funeral Of tthteir brother—in—law, M1ir. Samuel Cassidy, wlro died in that city on the laths—dales Lavey of Dashwoocl visited Miss Maxie Guinan, on Sundays. --=Miss 'Pearl Breed of Moray was tine guest of tifiss 1Iary, O'Brien on 'Sundayv —Mr, Frank LaviT et S,eatorthi visited his sister 'Mrs. P, Glavin, or a few' days last weeks -The farmers in the neighborhood are busy with their fall Plowing, and its the, weather continues tine they w2sli aeons have( it completed. Death --Another of the oldest residents of this townsh:fls passed away at his home on Tuesday, Nev. 12, int' the per- son of James H,ayea, .aged 80 yea% Ho had been in flailing, health for some vnontkve so thea ?hips death was Trot un- expected. Mr. Hayes leaves to mourn four daughters, >fa's. Ed. Hall of this place, Mos. P. Glavin di Stratford, Mrs; Delaney and Mess +Teresa of Dettro?it, and ane son Johnin, with whom he lived: The funeral took pla"e to the R. C. cemetery here an ,Friday morning at 10 oselock.'. Death of Mrs, O''Neil.--Ohl Tuesday:, Nov 12:h, at her toads here. one of the foremost and faithful parishioners of Adair R. C. church, died, :She was days-h'ier oR V tanat- as fermardy of MrGi]]ivm y:, but now of flet 11110am, Wash. Some twenty-five years a.,o she was jetac f;s holy matrimony to John O'i'tefl, sea of Arthur O',Ne.l AT Parkhill- During these short, but happy years, she spent seem- taiga in t e Wegterh 'Stales, and nine Fears ago with ;her husband at,u1 taarriiy settled Pali the tine farm formerly own:?,d by iha late P Curtin. Col, :the eve ortht + 31st Of October e e was audde:14 stricken wIt1a, a, true or Pastia ae. She nee iv- ed the best care a loving *ann:lt. doctors ;andnurses could $ive, but a spite of all she hovered between life sod death till Tuesday falorn:ng, when her soul passed peacefully and cairelY out er tills world, Tho respect: in which Mrs. Q'Nc•9t wau held was strongly and duly shown by itl:o very laTte crowd. that followed .l a fuacral to the 'Ci iriolt, on, Thursday nroralins. Solemn High ,)lass was chanted at 10 o'clock! ky 'Rev. Fr, For: ester. assisted: by Fr. goodw:n of St. Thomas, as deacon, and Fr. O'Neil of Parkhill as sub -deacon. During the offertory the chofl' mattered beauttfutlyi ",Hark, Hark .).ty Soul." lifter Mass Fr. Gcadwin: delivered. a very .interesting eloquent and :ihepress:vs sermon, point- Log oint!;ng out in beautiful flustrat.ana, the at iablo and lortblo Lite or the deceased, showing that ' her whole attention was rclrtered in hor hes o -and church, both Gu the spiritual and temporal welfare of alt wl`uhfnl her care: A dietingti, shed position she 1relid svasiOthet honor of be- ing president of tenet .Altair Society. She Is .survived by her flatter and mother, brothers and sisters, who were unable to attend the fur.eral: Besides ° these she also leaves to niournther lose,, her hue - band one do u. th ter, 'Leena, and one eon,. Arthur, at horde,. _sal of ,whom have the doepo9t sympathy df a large circlo of relatives and Yrkrule. 'are very struci d light, simply ttylishin appear - mice and can be adjusted to fit `you gei'fectiy They can be put on and taken off with one hand. Let' us =plain n the Fits-l'Jrs®fltallty Wedding Rings and zs Marriage Licensee Getr014, ed►al st • ELI/TV-ILLS Mr. and Mr's. Harry Griff opt London visited Mr. and Mr's. Wilbur Hunter on Sunday last!—Miss Millis of Woodhanx is visiting heir cows n Miss Meda;Coul- ti,s.—Anniver(s'arly services will be held in -the Methodist church meet Sunday. Rev. McAlister of Exeter will preaehin the morning at t,OJ o'clock, and the pas- tor, Rev. ;Steadman, in; bide evening at 7. A liberal. •offer:'ng is asked for. - rs. Greason and children left for their new ,horde fin St. Manys on. Tuesday.— Mrs Earl is vtsibiing yin, Seaforth.—The W. M. S. met on Thursday last. Short brieihd papers were given by Miss Up- eha11, dills Othella Heywood, Mrs'. Ell ;Cbultis and others. The Decenn,ber Un tint' wall be held at the parsoluage,r The ladies will also serve lunch. Mrs: R. Skinner win;l _hlave charge of the inissi,on study : for the nest rneeting• A collection is asked fort ni aid of therest fund.-Eev. S'te'adlrnla,ni' was in HensaIL a•n Tuesday.—Mr. and: Mrs. Balkwill visited at Mr. '1'obt. ,Seliery's Sunday —Mr. 'Rlobt, woods is visiting ids daughter in Strarthtroy, GRAND: BEND, 4adeto Measure Clothes BIRTHS Hunter—Ln U,sborne, on Nov. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Murder, a daughter. Thiel -At Zu1r bh, oar :Nbv, 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gaor'ge Thiel, Jr.,a son. Atkihson—In 'Winnipeg, tnnipeg, Man., on Nov. 13th, to 'Mn. a.nd Mrs. Railton. E. At- kinson, (nee Millie Bissett) a drug n -r. ter. Green— .:Grand Bend; on, Nov. 18% to Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Green, a. daughter. Durand—At the 'Sauble Line, Stanley, on Nov. 13, to Mr' and Msg. Durand. adaught&ts it` ,.,. MARRIAGES Tianno MN er —At the bonne of the bride's parents, on Nov, 13, Freder, ick Hannon of LOgan to Mabel Lena daughter Of Mr. and Mss', 3. J. Miller of Staffs,. diacMath—Goodwin-In., Clinton on Nov. 1SWinniFred Evelsrn, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goodwin, to Samuel Bitdhds Macviath of Goder- lob. township. Miller-14illeih—lar Dashwood, on Nov: 19, August Miller, to, Miss Laura :Mil- ler. daughter Of dr.. and Mrs. Henry ;Miller—all of Daedtwood. Messrs. S. Pettier and, P. George irons Ailsa Craig were here.Saturday.—Cyrus Green's home has been brightened by the. arrival of a daughten —hiss. John Baird entertained sotmie of her friends to a quilting Thursday afternoon Ethel Oliver of Greenway visited Mar- garet Carriere 'Sa.turrdhy lyes, Steward son of Greenwlay is v.'siting'• ter skErter Mrs. George Oliver,—Mr. Robert. Pols took le movies; date his farm, which lie recentlybought from James Rush.—Mr. biaaim Grattoh moved'into A.'Disjard, fine's ')rouse Thursday.—Greta, daughter or WILUann Baker, Is on tile sick list. 're.—On Saturday moiriling Mr. John sou hrott s house caul 'ht fire and be - 07,4.1. anything could bel done hu sed to e grow nd onlly a things being aved. This 'its, cul t' i«a' loss to 'Air, ,e utlicott The cottag&. berng brick for i r first st E �s e1''. vA y litt'o dam- , ed -and ln- ed,and he�'xa fe'd to build os'i'r *.n' loin OUR, MADE Tp 'MEASURE OLOTHES' ARE WORN BY THE BEST DRESS, ERS ]N THIS "I ocAt Izr. OUR PATRONS,, SOUND OUR 'PRAISt LS^-SiORE MEN ARE 'LEARNING 01-,' Ti'IE EXCELLENCE OF OUR Y,�.ORIi —AND SO OUR TAILOHINq BUSI- NESS GROWS CONTINUALLY". OUR SORT OF WORK". ItiEETS THE MOST EXACTING SCRUTINY THAT CAN BE PUT UPON TAILOIVING, AND EY ORDERING DEATHS Nluttart—In London, .Nev. 16, Mrs., tut tart, widow of the late Geol. Muttarl, in her 941511 year. Hayes—At Mount Caravel, on, Nov. i2, James Bayes, alged 80 years, Westlake.—Iii Uaboinne, on .Nov. 15th, widow of the 'late. William; Westlake Mary Ann 'Harney, widow of the late 'William Westlake, aged 72 years, 5 ;months and 11 drays. Harmer.—In McGnldivrav, en Nov. 11th, William,Alfred Earner, aged 25 years 2 nnontih '. Cooper—In Clinton, en Nova 13, John Cooper, son of • Mn..1. .Cooper, aced 28 years, 1a more he and 3 day Case. -In 9'oronkte, Nov, 17th, George Allen CaJse, fonneriy of Exeter, int his 54t.: year. Snell—In U,sborne, on Nov, 18, Orville W. G. A. Smell, solar of William Shell, aged 26 years, 1 month, 26 dayd, Godsave--Ia. Dulutih, Nov. 19, Thomas Gtiodsave, formerly of Stephen, aged 40 ,years, Cattle Sale at Centralia Thee will -be, ttoid by public auction, at Centralia, '.:Or R(HUR,SDA,Y, at. 2 o!eliock, ;p x•;irsu, a carload of choice co a s and a ' itrar of ro l cattle i, . J,' Sh�annrres lyroprietor 'lh Brown, Auctioneer,; Seaforth. Taman Tailored. Clothes IN EITHER SUIT OR OVERCOAT YOU WILL FIND1IE Faultless in Workmanship Faultless in Designing Faultless. in Fabric eay-- Wear Goods .earn. Ulsters TEE VERY LOOK. OF, OUR ULSTER COATS . FILLS ONE WITH THE GEN - ESI., WARMTH ' OF, ANTICIPATION. TI -3E PROSPECT OF SLIPPING INTO A BIG ROOMY GREATCOAT ON A BIT CNG W1NTER DAY 1S ENOUGH TO l-11iIKE , A. MAN ENJOY 71.111 COLD WEATHER. 8t0 8 14. ;,i-6 Tai ], and Fur nisher°—Fxe •