HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-14, Page 7GROWING GIRLS AND, ALL
Should Rcep Their Blood: Supply
Rich,; Red and Pare.
Authorities Put Annual Loss In
France at $40,000,000.
Forty million dollars; yearly is
On ,teasel you seo women done by rats -to the estimated figure of the damage
n every
and gevery girls in theonecrops and property
g b deadly in France. The publication of these
clutches of anaemia. Slowly but statistics by the. Incorporated So-
surely a Paler as of death, settles ciety for the Destruction of Vermin
on their cheeks; their eyes grow has given an impetus to the earn -
dull ; their appetite fickle; their ps,ign for the.extermination of the
steps languid. Daily they are be- rodent, which is ,also known to be
ing robbed of all vitality and
brightness. The trouble, if neg-
lected, becomes more acute until
the signs of early consumption be -
a transmitter of disease,
The examples set by several
American cities have, been foil ywed
with great interest ii France and.
come apparent. What worsen and have led Dr. Fontenelle to mate
young girls in this condition need is a special study of the subject. He
new, rich, red blood, and there is finds that the role of the rat and
no other medicine can do the work the mouse has been very serious in:
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in mak- conneetioe with cases of pneunlon
ing this new, good blood, These ia. For a. long time it has been no-
Pills make girls and women well, ticed that this disease was more
and briatg back the charm and deadly in hospitals than other
brightness of perfect, xegular places. The pneumonia microbe be -
health. Here is a bit of proof, Miss comes extremely virulent iin� there
Lillie O'Carroll, Norwood, Ont., blood of a mouse. and, if a sick p
" son. wanes in contact math a, mouse
per -
says *s .--�- .c1 -borer two � ears. ago my -
y 1 mlorobe, he will be gravely attaalked.
liealtli began to fail. I was weak, by the di«easo.
run down and had no ambition for "fir li'seaselle says the ho
anything. 1 had frequent head- =D �s of euel e especially that eao
ankles, would be contpletely tired ! p"
out after the least exertion, and P"ries" are alive with rodents,
pneumonia efuerohe exists, there
fore, in conditious calculated to in=
Crease its -virulence and its murder-
ous powers of destruction. He
verges the neeessity of All immediate
and relentless extermination of
rodents in every hospital establish-
nicnt in France or to aLny other
eountry where the rat or mouso
may be found.
The depredations of the rat in
Praarlee on property are enorino te.
It is reekoned that for a farm of 50
hectares of wheat and pasture lands
the losses caused by rats reach an.
annual miiriinum of $200. The de
struction by rats about $1 to eaelz
inhabitant, ,or, Fontenelle Saays
"This is tote high a tact to pay to the
at tribe and the ever-present dam•
ger from the rodent's propagation
of maladies like the plagno `and
Itnsumonia ebows the wisdaam of
carrying on m determined war of ex-
had little or no appetite, A doe,
torwho was giving me zrlediciue
finally told :nre he feared I was go-
ing into consumption, .which, of
course, made me very much down-
hearted. As the medicine T was
taking was not doing the any goad
I decided to try Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills, and I shall ever .feel grateful
that I did so. My story Tnaiy .he
summed up in the words "nine
boxes of the fills fully restored my
health -perhaps saved my life, and
I cin: now as strong and healthy as
any girl."
Every anaemic sufferer Gan ob-
tain equally good results through a
fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail et ap cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 Troru The l.)r. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Wrote Back.
rA friend once wrote to Mark
Twain a letter saying that he was
in very bad health, and concluding
-"Is there anything worse than
having toothache and earache at
the same time 2" Twain wrote
back-•` Yes --rheumatism and St.
Vitus's dunce."
hiinard'e Liniment Co., Limited,
Gentlemen, -1 have used M11CABD'S
LINIMENT an my veesel and : in my fancily
for years, and for the livery day dls and
nearidents of life I oousider it has no
o ugh
.L would riot start on n voyage witlsout
it, it ' it Dost a dolor a tattle.
c.AY'P, ,1'. IL, D S•TA.RDI1�T,
. 8chr. "8torlco,St. .Mdre, lIawouraeka.
Expression: of Vacancy.
"Whv do you suppose he has such
a vecant expression i"
"Well, he thinks of himself a
good deal,"
R7lnard's Liniment ' Cures Diphtheria..
One Excuse.
Mrs. £-Well, if it isn't Mrs. B.
What a stranger you are 1 Why, it's
quite five years since I saw you.
1ttrs. B.: Yes, Why haven't you
been to see me.
Mrs,' A. -Oh, dear, you know how
bad the weather's been.
During the poet thirty years the
population of Germany has increas-
ed by twenty million.
Ngi Covered
With Eruption
N. Trend
Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4, Fears.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured.
A Quebec man, N. Renzi Talydif, of St.
Casimir,, writes in a letter dated Mar. 31,1811:
"1 had a very bad akin, all covered with
le -tuition, eight years ago. I have had all of
both my shoulders ::severed with it, and the
high part of my arms, and my face, but it
utas the worst on my Shoulders. I tried many
different remedies tocure it, but notbiny was
any good. At last /went to an apothecary:
II aslcod me 11 I had ever used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. I told him no, and I
bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and a
cake of Cuticura Soap. 1 used, three boxes
asf Cuticura Ointment, but I am glad; of
the sarno, for Cuticura Soap and Ointment
completely cured'pm, of my, skin eruption.
spread the Cuticura 'Ointment on all m
sore- Parts, and I tbinlc that in'wsahing my
face with the Cuticura Soap, it hindered my
eruption rrom itching and burning. I tried
/litany remedies. during three' or' four 'yea
but Cuticura Soap stud Ointment ourodme.'
!(Signed) N. Henri Tardif. .
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are; sold
$hrau ghout the world, . but to those; wh
jalavc suffered much,; lost hope and are with
Out faith in any treatment, a 9lberltl`'sampl
ai each with a 32-p, booklet -mu the akin
*lnd seaho :will be mailed Iree,,on asppiication
Address Totter Drug Fi Chem.'Corp„ 60
;x:111 '.Ave B Ston, 11, 4 , A. '
Iiailige of Food Gaye Final
Most diseases ,start ill, the alimen
relAy canal ---stomach and bowels.
Ja. great deal of our stomach and
bowel troubles come from eating`
too much starchy and grow food.
The stomach does not digest any
of the starchy food we eat -white
bread, pastry, potatoes, oats, etc.
--these things are digested; in the
small intestines, and if we eat -too
xnuoh, as most of us do, the organs
that should digest this kind .of food
are overcome by excess of work, so
that fermexataation, indigestion, and
a long train of ails result.
Too touch fat also is hard to di-
gest and this is changed into acids,
sour, stomach, batching gas, and a
bloated, heavy feeling.
In these conditions .a chane from
indigestible foods to Grape -Nuts
will work evonders in not only re-
lievring the distress bot in building
up a strong digestion, clear brain
and steady nerves.
A woman writes
"About five years ago I suffered
with bad stomach -dyspepsia, indi-
gestion, constipation -caused, I
know now, from overeating starchy
and greasy food.
"I doctored for two years with-
out any benefit. The doctor told
me there was no cure for me. I
could not eat anything without suf-
fering severe pain in my back and
sides, and I became discouraged.
'tA friend recommended Grape
Nuts and I began to use it. In less
than two weeks I began to feel bet-
ter and inside.ef two months I was
a well woman and have been ever
"I can eat anything:I wish with
pleasure.. We eat, Grape -Nuts and.
cream for breakfast and are very
fond of it." Name given by Cana-
dian Pastum Co., Windsor, Ont.
Read' the little book, "The Road
to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a
Ever read the above letter? A new ane
appears from time to time. They ars
genuine, true, and full of human interest,
A Martyr.
"She's very fond of her chil-
"That so 2"
"Yes. She told me yesterday
that if it wasn't for them she
wouldn't live with their Lather an-
other minute."
Minard's. Liniment Cures Distemper.
Natural for Them. •
Husband (imp•atieutly)-''is is
possible, my dear, that you cannot
keep those children quiet for a me -
Baby's Own Tablets are
good for all, babies. They
are 'good for the newborn
babe or the growing child-
-the babe, who suffers from
constipation or the one whose
teething is difficult or who
has indigestion, colic, worms
or any of the other babyhood
ai<lme'nte. The Tablets ban-
ish. all these troubles -they
are perfectly safe; being
guaranteed by a government
analyst to contain no opiates
or harmful drugs. Sold by
medicine dealers or by snail at
25 cents a box fioin, The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
p 1€I C +:.5 .;4 t'THOR,
The Crown Prince of Germany
as written a book anent his httet-
g experiences in Great Britain
and India. He recalls then] with
evident pleasure, and throughout,
e adopts a very appreciative attic
do. He was paarticulaely impress -
with country house life wad
lagflisll hospitality, as the follow,
nig excerpt shows; "These English
country houses are, to my taste,
the most elegant and at the esus
time the most comfortable places
imaginable. In my Ii}dean size tehes
I have already paid tribute to the
wonderful hospitality of the Briton,
land I should like to mention it
again pow. Each guest is, delightT
fully aired for. iia a house of this
kind, and the .care is so quietly and
charmingly exercised that the reeip-
lent is never allowed to realize that
the host is putting himself to any
trouble: qn lits behalf, The Eeaglisb
excel in this Art Qf gt�rtiai and
thoughtful extteertainint,"
Ire contrasts the iiaistaYkell ide
that prevails in Germany tbat
If love is really a disease, it is the
most contagious one on record.
;The sins that par no dividends
are they ones that shack the world,
Music hath charms, but it isn't.
the songbirds that make the best
When: a girl throws a fellow aver
he realizes that youth tenet, have it$
Every man has his pact?, all,d it
is generally about twice as much as
be is worth,
Some people never,.' enjoy good.
hewlth, even when they have it,
If it's the unexpected that hap-
en;-, why* should it be unexipeeted'
Almost as many people have been
polled: by tori nruch.xnoney-as by too
The farther a lean can see the less
s he apt to be sure he is right.
A man's ideal of an;ideal wife is
ne who believes everything he tells
We never realise how south it
costa to visit friends till they return
the ,; ist,
Three 1Iontbe in Iieepi ad and
Came out 'Uncliref
Zara -lint Cured 'itis la Few Weeki
Mr. Fred Mason, the well-known
upholsterer and mattress itianaufae-
'curer of St, ;Andrew's, N.B., says gin,:,.
"'I had eezeuaa 00 lily isneeA twhic l
aimed nae terrible pain And Immo,
aanience. The sore parts would
lrnd burn and tingle, and then
„'tabbed or scratched, would
very painful. Where the
got warm, it burned wtrse,
the inching and burning :and
ting were altncist unbearable.
remedies, but got
decided to go 'to
Re special treat -
treatment at the.
td Hospital for
ks, tweet at the end +f
rant cured, and al,»
aav to Sgt. A friend advised me
is give Zntr1-71uk a triad.
"Almost AS 'scion as applied lax
tik stopped the itching and the ir�
itation. 1 ,persevered with the
in, and it was: soon evident ibat
could do uie good. Batt. day the
rats reduced, 'chs sore spet
ts1 Ileal, and byr the time T
act used a few boxes of lam-Baak
was quite cured.
"Sipco Hien Zara -Bark has cured
oed-poison in my* finger, .
eczema, blood -poisoning,,
pi es, ulcers, sores,; abscesses, vara -
use ulcers, had leg, cold sores,
bopped hands, cuts, burns, bruises
d all skin: injuries and diseases,
•-T3uk is without equal,
tlOc. box all druggists and stores.
post free iraau.. Zan -Buk Co.,
Toronto, for price. Refuse imita-
"en You Gel
Run owe
--catch cold ea ey-- rnd dre« ?, Sgt teal of
en oyiug,thel;eeawinte Breather.-,.thenyauneva
Tnl3 Na--n4-Co Gonermma e;sba4ies the swell'lcnowa nut;,i3;:a ;and
curative elements of Gad. Aver Qese`i yeepboseletes tcs ieekt up the
es,. -Extract of Wi!d :Cherry to`: get on the lungs and br.nohtal tees-•-
s syd Extract of Matt, seNebe l adea,centa .lug NUI:eak,le r' trifflentftseif
helps the wr.a'+ aed diges'dvo prganS to essireeaae ether feed.
The dives r 41e lite a raw Vod ,Liver Oa i ex:ta et elaaexItt
eed the Compound as des ded°y p,easaat to Wee. ie 50c, And $1.00
eittteS, At ysit r Praiggtst s- age
1` , iTTQNA RUO,sky CI 1ii1C�i%. CO.OFCANADA. LaM;T ..
Wife (soothingly) -"`Now,' John,
don't be harsh with the poor little
innocent things ; it is natural for.
them to be - full of spirits, and
they're doing'the best they can."
y Husband -"Well, if -I could have
a' moment's peace I would sit down
and write that`chequc for fifty dol-.
`� lars that you've been bothering me
o Wife (sternly) --"Children, go up-
- stairs at once, and if Thee another
e 'word from you to -night I will pun-
ish you severely.
A '
ANDY 8'FGI e' or wonQWd .
4144 lsat.0 n$ t4CctS:t etre c'i l acral. rva *tot
M1nard's rLiniment Cures Colds, io,
The German Crown
guest must bo always amused
There is nothing of the kind in
England, The meals are all at set-
tled hours, and at these the `house
party' foregathers. Unless there is.
something special on foot, such as
a shoot, each one is absolutely his
own master . in the intervals. As of those only seven a :Few d,asa to Use bg
these 'hoose parties' are usually specialist, and doctors, niter 'taking this
Composed of light-hearted youn cure <are alive and well. will be sant op
men and very often of beautiful
women, there is every reason why
you should have a delightful time.
The whole house and home of the
host is in the fullest sense of the
word at the guest's absolute dispo-
sal. He has only to say the word,
and he can ride, motor, fish, shoot,
sail, play tennis, or golf, flirt -ev-
erything is at his hand, He has
only got to choose. The Scottish.
castle in which I found myself was
typical of this perfect hospitality."
To Prevent Small 1rauds.
`Fraud is practised in many forms
in France, but it is news that snails
are receiving: the attention of the
tricksters. It seems that small
frauds have become so serious that
a society has been formed to stop
it. It is called the "Syndicate of
the Preparers and Dealers of Snails
in France." As a comestible the
snail has an enormous clientele.
Snails are sold by millions But
the consumers axe not quite cer-
tain of the origin of the snails they
eat. The fraud consists of putting
the snails called the "Little
Greys;" into the `empty shells of
Burgundy snails, whichare of su-
perior quality.
(aaa+�[ar&l4Mix;R?ft�Aat'tsa, r.
Tillie to Go Moine.
Well, dear, 1 guess the honey-
moon is over."
"Why do you say thati" pouted'
the bride,
"I've been taking stock and find
I'm down to $2.65."
tl n.- or c nsum
Cure For Consume - o F a P
tion, weak lungs, lingering coughs laryn-
gitis and bronchitis. Names .and addresses
The Town Clerk • of the City of
London has a salary of $12,500.
11. 7.
1SSITE 46---'122
request, Write Wm. R. Copeland, 511 Pape
Ave., Toronto; Ont.
Colored people in the Union of
South Africa outnumber the whites
by nearly four to one.
Mina!d'S Liniment: Cures Garect in Cows.
"What a lot of nerve that man
"Isn't it sol Why, he even has
the nerve to put pennies on the
church plate Sunday morning and
look the man right in the eyes while
he's doing it."
29 Broadway, New York.
"1 bought some of your GIN PILLS
at tiictoria, B.C. last September. Four
remedy i B.C.
at 60 years of age, to
give perfect relief from the Kidney and
diladder Troubles incident to one of any'
age. I urgently recommend. GIN PILLS
to friends as being the one thing that
does me good." B. G. WOODFORD.
50C, a box, 6 for $2.5o. Money back
if` GIN PILLS fail, Sample free -if you
write National Drug and Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto, 131
-,, Toy Steam Engine
has blued stool
boiler and firebox,
flirted ;with steam
whts.le, safety
valve and single
welt spirit burner.
Polished brass, SL
tings. Almost' one
foot high.
Send=:. us youg.
name and addrosa
and we will sena
3 . you 30 sets of
Christmas, coenic
tf and floral 'post
oards to sell at 13
cents a set (six
each set. Wiser
sold.. send us...tat
money, and we wit
send you the enc
gine, lull chardaa
prepaid, Write, tO
day• Address
1105,, ER-lt'k°uiEli'EN
Dopt, 110, Torento:
heat a good sized roorn
even in the coldest weather.
E e*cal. Burns nine hours on one
gallon of oil.
Ornamental. Nickel trimmings; plain
steel or enameled tur-
quoise-blue drums, ,
Portable.asil car-
rived from room to
room; y weighs �` only
eleven pounds; han-
pita i4�
doesn't get hot
e m
Doesn't Smoke
Doesn't Leak
Easily Cleaned
and Re -wicked k
Lasts for years
At Dealers Everywhere
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Coiborne Street,
XwilNEXT require
Five . u ndred
graphers and Station Agents.' Good.
wages and advancement rapid. School
endorsed by railways and ;has direct tele-
graph wire connection. Free Book 18 ex -
mains, Dominion School Railroading,
ANCBR. TUA1OILS, ounoS. etc. :tn.
terns:, and external. cured withone
pain by, our home treatment. Write no
before too late. Dr. Bellm(an Medical Co..
Limited, Collincwnnd, Ont.
lars free. Specialties Agency, Box
1836 Winnipeg.
lirse r. 1-. ME dbe3 lRa "LW
Protect — P're,n rve— Bon utify
Samples and Boolrlete nra .Application
JAMES LAN#Ih Ulf? 'c 00.1, Urnitol
1874E Bathurst Street TORONTO
h6a Heart of a, Plano is the
,Action. insist on
a,Ct a
O +,'b 9 IGE .'
',Pisano Action
dTaLi. 50ZES,.�•
Smoke Stacks
and Flue -s, Wa-
terFlunes, Engines rand Boilers
'OLS,019' " V43S'T0h H 0o ,
A. Good Donee; Buildings; Orchard.
Chep and on 'easy terms.
L buildings and apple orchard; about
five miles from ltamilton.
R. W. DAWSON, Toronto:
5 tories in two thriving towns in
Western Ontario. Doing goodbusiness-
Splendid opportunity for the right, span.
The Western -Real Estate; London, Ont.
and all kinds or bookie hangings, also
LIKE1,50 eiEnNsis
tVrito'to lid ,abrn?tSjxira. , Gold Medalist.
Sixty Thousand trappers now scud us,
their Raw Fun, Why not you? "vire
pay.hnf hestprices and express charges,
ehnr5e no comm ceive end Bond awned cams
day gecda aro rewired, ,Midiona el dollars
Felarelable`pn�d trcepera oath ycnr. Aeai with a
house, Wo aro rho tarred in;onr
`i=Ri" , tGatione a . „the lastEdition• Edition of
:flA±Aril S TRAPPERS :CiJiD ;
sa l,tt1ok of 96 Pages:Mailed FREE.
Welte 'o -day to.John Milano, MYut
Dept. Eta . TORONT0,111 FrontSfi