HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-14, Page 1We have reeds ak specialty of the auc- tion sale WI butrgaered fox several yeeTet and have received a labpr�tl patxage to xepaY ug ter our e%forts`Tsy'.s year we are preparei, better than ever to sat- isfy the nee es Of Weise Ina ndih5' to hive an, e,uetion sale. Ro not give sheer diet to bet kafith,10 •t U sou holm ,;a11Ex1 en us. Mall surd phone orders given, prom* aft'etrAkm !1i +EN' Y-S7E)=H lA] EXETER. ONTARIO. T URS AY, NOVEMBER 14, 1912. ra'v 4s4 you ila� in 'a Y You w;ouid1 ur, ea your teieV ;;epee t?, a to telt lei a pi a of props -qty t ??t the a.bii;ty the, LiSlr,>T R t: ,tire:. y ori' ed advertisement, ttblzas x�;t p, s'.atenee, will se). -1 yet r o tt huger wf o renals it ew SAI ' I9Ens. & pRerza • cAR.•LINGS.• P O:2E IS All Stoc ust Having sold our store which has to be vacated by Jan. 1st. We are offering for sale our $I5 00 STOCK o General Merchandi which consists of Dry Goods, Lathes and Gents Furn- ishings, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper,:. China, Glassware, Boots and shoes, Hardware & Groc- eries. We can, save you at least 25 per cent® on Dress Goods, Men's Furnishings, Underwear Carpets and Wall Paper. 30 per cent© discount on all EXETER SCI-IOOI, BOARD Mtinute, of; ta. B,hat'd nteetr.tg held in the Town 'Hall, 31{,anda, NoY. .11th.' nbsm?t I. A^ynpteuG, . The .following :a tee ,order of buatnese duly permeated and approved. Per ehatr--menutes of previous cnee;ing, Reperts` of coma. (Beild.svg) arc Iteets judgment applied for ; (Truant Officer) per «k B. "ere-'d- enbanutte',. List ore pups of school age not peecur tLe; (Pri 3c:nal) cases of wroeping cough deereasi ig attendance ver' eu11; Phyateel drilll- i n ane complete Insurance deterred^ Per R- N. Creecet and F. W. Giad:inset ..that the fG3i'owing Tram e e:a be comrfe med-T. Moulden, snap :e, S2; H. Spa,Ckntan, Fct^naes t,3.25Times, udve-l:tiing, e5 s returns S .reel Supply Co., booms '3Z9.65. Per A. E. Pelee .adjetteetttent J. Grigg, Sec. tit COUNCIL lee'ttng of tie Opts e.3 in the Ttt hall, 1 riday ' eYeatt , te,ne 8th let. li rttlaere rill. presexti Minutes last meeting read and approve 1 cvrrzrrrunlcatfrin wap reed trent 'til a. Dickson ct Dar1,7ng. re Um pe Tay-lar'a dotin 04 the eetetee of 'Victor; :ilha't slid Wellington streata, statin "'unless. gentlemen, "soma effort le made an r+aus Wt.. at Niro CO Lutes thee;• 11u145- we utswee eeee instrseetkd to, tette ;met; aellen ag'ain:at t1' atunic':grai CorPora- tloa of the Villre.X0: oi` EXcgt ", as wp daent neadsea,t'lr tor time reeavery or da tt •,es tor this gantfarual overflow- i€i5 at 'arM. Ta'y;i(ar's pre.it eee;e and 'los ezaamiantus compelling tEhts said eel-, Isfii;aii.en to abate such aultanco. The sett telt agreed tea meat Mr, Taylor 'and Lairs 11 e Ineltter rep with, Wm.., t stttatunica,tf at; watt weed treat :M Jt rat a etJ-d, President, Croton Roard , �« ;1t � or Ilurza s *'td , the aw 4% lag population and this Catling tar er aaxt Lag tea be lstyld, ',pit' the Town 1la1l, Cliatoirr, can Ti.53au sday, Nov, 2,1 at 'p.m. to take in crekt4deratiOn txo! advieeldlity of adveetietleg the Cauoty or 'irpa.t. aired in, that way endeavor to adt,ect .e pail 4t t'a're' stream, tat inantigre-. tion stead s2Itae cent woaaith:,that ,a paurtatg art:'a Cattrsda to -sty into our ttwr ttauatty. vett Rivera^-Tihat the Fteevo 0,31d ars atrtt/1$ of ttto Cou1101 who tart, attendsaid uteett ag..-ca.rrled. `Sard- Seatt-r.ehat the accounts be Pae sed as r'eatt.--G. Mantle. coat Town Hall 25, G. T. 11, Gtr , t eight«, 1.40; T, . Carling, 'pant selery, 25.00%3 'Firtrd, ditto, 31.25; W. 3, Mellott, ditto 11-7."51) T. Ctete'.1, gravel and freight. b7.28; I Ould, acct•, 7.20; Etectrtc Light. tom,, :.^5 ; riesseTayler, ace«. 0,30; Mc - Lag Mfg. Co., waterworks, 20.04; The Mall ' and Empire, advertising, .».l. , A. >IOpu * Co., acct. '3 O4.$2 ; The halbert ter North Co„ tile, 104.57; ILK- • Ha tulma;n reedited account ? a Mallett surae and board, 56.00; 3rranjes Robertson & Co., 13.20 ; R. Davis, Ioban 21.00 ; J.Norr'tt 20.50; Sid. Sanders 16.60; T.Saxldea'tt 13.00; T Houlden..1.1.00 ;; john ICydd. 8,00; I1cit'1'k Ford. 6.00; Wm. Kydd 8,00 Jose. 'Neekea 8.QQ; {WAtt. Creech, 16.60; Geo,, A.tkt on 18,40; T: X ydd 4.0a; S Handfeed 6.0Q,t-'retail 1.1.08:7. 'fir. <Badrtlyan met the Council re Local Option petition. It wah• uovedt by gr. Lovett and r3ecOnded bot Mr. Rivers that the petition 'bo received and that the clerk seo that the damp eorttairis t to re- quisite number of qualified voters, and report ti,t the next meeting; of the coun- ci1;-?Carried. Scotti-Levek)t-That we purchase 250 feet of 214 ino i i£re(hose, subject to ilir. Weekes (fine &fel) approval.. Carried. Adjournment. T. B. '.Carling, c " Sour Grapes " -*^-- ea Last week we note a senseless a trade o41 the Cannfn> Co'y, and The Advora•te, glowing out of the fare that 'th=eir legal wretee hes: raked t•teeptlee. to the truth e..e, told by up le regard k0 the tad ;t?enta of the recent; It h, vectrnalfs 'da'ugi[r tg lia;ng on too long, Ste says a, girl who markt-es before She 1g ithifte 14 robbed of her gielboktle NO L\XORE APPLES WANTED AT THF3 'EXETER CANNING FACTORY. Growing Old with Glasses Gracefully Fits-U Eyeglasses do not accentuate age because they are young -looking. N But they do give all the com- fort of old fashioned spec- tacles. The popular AOCo. law-sui"., Canr>g Co, vs. 73iesett. If wt were pee sed •ot the. warped mind i zt etoppe to dee twisting of p;arapes,: ,o the creinteg; of reeeningl,ese wo,'ds, ,0 two self-puttery. sad to the hYPee; lyres$ p)sie4 ; if we eared to etoee to neo le -vele ef, rhes vie. ds s ed to go bake avec tt;-. evidence. it , 4 w„.eited re. restart to. the Junto .,.g u« words to a gale gess nt�.rtni:r we. fat:vied he style' of th lE�al w *e: w'a edop;, s the .et hoot-boS nreteoci of kart of :>iattd. tenet ere to tri=ll , paint elle/VP:1 ; lf. to -ed t't •adopp; she le of ;tnau3Qd width says "Y u at he liar"; :2 wo eared a e .g :rata ills o , or the legal puffers, as cone e'd with elide;ice and judgreeett of w;ts,e'40 sail judge; :t all tree ju;nbl:d rola and, guesswork. n.atte red ',t aat. wo might w tc a` het: el.. of fataciful stuff to t:eve, 'e a.t4 !^ .,those who,care for t a xietd cr« lton►sl:k We nA'ht. ie l;aa ttoaltl, be?, the ,[rinds Of the publlr at? to ,Less actual stature .af the 1ad;;slio;;;±s In siuesJt~on, we could: ,stye as to the mat. is sec Uinta toa"ve1Le ee of mate. sauce wo do Pelt: stoop to our f?10`ttd'8 lavtsl ~tat 13-44.11, ,bri4e nets^ da we *ream f#ta tittle matter M a wi<�t '.', .estrus T it to Pay that rev idus a�.a,tuaterwstp of what the tf lith lit aA WON t'b sante, *MY dLttl ttn� 1` vel, drd, > 14 we .stand on the Canning Co'y not .'y ,S1u:sauc'e,. .314 judos and Jurs:nteru ,sustained; the: ck�lrri meld- awarded daasragee, and the Lou -t of apP x after the Jirds- srtertt n tirstt regard, The Company was ca -mane judge ;eltdd,t stnouidpay thecaets o,T t1tQ catutty hRik t .scales, the other deftvtdent should pay Lha ttlYlatol>, cgwr &airy. erect? our learned friends ckn':ewied5e that, then, cKnowledge that the can. ny Main the case. Isn't fit ri 6uffi Tao matter of who Pays the dittor- C.1Ce fn the tw'o -saran Cost seminar has'. to bearing wet " Nitho w.°ne the rase;.'" It o. num chot<r'abe ;to 'go; to London. t:osat Exeter by ;RSzy ot, Clinton and �, cu L h A e,c t route u th d, t: Stratford, insteady it c(ntei u 1LJttl.©. e‘314114r, but he, getsa there just the sunt. By taking, the case to Gabe le`h eft ,'will cost, the plainy.tf only taro excuse of the county court ecele over the divtasie.l court scale, as wo have repetiated1y said. Now it those coats arts greater that the, ,other coats then will the company haveti pay more ttean the deteuldreept in. costs; and it the matter Is the other way arpuatd the deCendent will pay t"k a bulk, of the (oet. Thie wo halo stated beforce But, the pzoportioltate amount of the costs that each will pay 1\ 8 Ant yet been settled,. As. we have also said before, thla't la ji. matter that, the law - yore have yet .to ,ja,ngae, cover) But, no; our friend theke he knows ell about it -and Valeo Est orb: dy s cctled-lc,. his own mixride, W@1ty. try', to tell the public e,lOt of balderdash about what It le going to lie? Itcell people, were. as wise as he theca wauiki be o need of. law- suits. or. ,lawyers, or ,judges. who so often disagree. What :we'took_ exception to in the legal puffery buz' au'a- first article was ,be�atemeflt {old by the "knowing one' that the defend)** wort the case and that the 'company was ordered to pay the costs on the coutetycourt scale. Alt of which :as pt rely, and simply fals0. Last week they west further and 'said that the plainitaeffs "have beep ordered, to pay all thele ' ,opponent's : solicitor's) hspexesess." And that is ,also ;false. Ise that plain enough? hT Local Items MORE _4?PLk?S WANTED AT I EKETBR 0.411 UNG FACTORY. . dies d .; me Triebner, daughter st% fifty drank TraebneM of Sr,ept'' n. was taken suddenly all of Yerrhage wls;ie tai lows s eepeini at erre^. 'J A. Stewart's sore an Saturday est, and St Wats a first thought that the attack r ght.� peeve fatal. A p •ye1c an was ,,nrned- Mately called and atter be;;: removed to t ;ho:A':' or, M. Quance re patties: sno.h. aig,ls co* .-np,roveme;°.t, and on Mo .day was taker- t; her home, and :s 3:1.'cal;lr,`X ra;pmd p:�og.„eee ,;o recovery., Su^.iati last a va uable eow Le- loagl..t.g -a filter AVM, Sweet, Lo dee Treed. Seuth, baa choked w::t a per,". ;arc.. Dr. Sweet wa,e ca9red and all: ^zos;ta;e- •sten to were re.4�Ir ted zo to di'- Ledge. 1ta o truetton,, bt. veeeent `.e1 tt was d areal. advise -hi. o ;p ee a:e ..5 „', t93e:elen ureas ;made throat F:tId the, 10 ato wars antall pieces tet e„ t: o Whole oo was re i vedfi B' this tuna tss the ew'4 Site wee saved and ethe rpW ee.eels 'to lee out of all r1a+ e . sTEPEPN ED G =:T'olralti-.--'pttc tsonv ar a4a, and ,Sear I rr ISiebner At .e =s a . nces's;i�an of SiepL^ot was the acerae .at a 3ayous send hePPY eva t y'ea.7erday' tWedsneeday) eget-rpm when. his era T r r a zd tt ..rr ..l .e .Lha br e ria .,, , irt,*e , bec;rttt id 'Sial, .Albert Falmer, re pxdsperUu Young ',feriae' of the SASTIQ tit#raaltip. Allcut elZty swats were prys2 t frvtasr Detroit eased cl<ge=jnt patter at tfle m tan t'.a d+:,n, Toroxtto and elsewher.•,, gathered arch to'witness the cslresr ,ani , which was performed by Bet, C. tit . Sanders. B. A., rector ti: 11rnttord, and cousin of the bride,, At ,Lour o'clock :tt the tatecncz)x. the bridal couple basic their piece bares , a gi eetul arch 41; eYc,<• greros and ot?�.cx bea stiful deer? a4;ons. wr,e. �;he ;tretie words that nlaikti,h+'u' mfr:, and wife were spoken, brtde'+a gown, was particularly beautiful, be** lug made or 'w to 'silk, trimmed w',th sequence end s` aetaw lace over satin, while her staler, d.1e* Julia Teebner, foetked charming Dr t. dress at silk San - toy, trimmed wit's rtilaavrr lace and brad: trimming. The t;rayni was assisted by Nix'. Fred Penhala o . T'oraa«o, rorntarly of Excac.n The hroon's gift to the brides was a hss:tdaolina cheque, while that to;the bridetsptia d; was a pretty broach, and a pearl tie p:m to the grosntsntan: The ceremony over and cou,ratulations extended a dainty wed- ding crupper was. served; The eve;atlig was -afterwards spent la chat a-nd eaoc- lel anmusemenGs. The grits to the bride fornsed aat, magnificent array:,. comprising or'tAcies et ,use', beauty and'. valuer Owing' to the indisposed condi- tion of the bride the hotleynteen trip has been posit -it -led 1 to. some future time, The young gouplo will have the f best wishes o. A Moet of friends for, a long and 1ap`py wedded lite'. BY tLLrYing to twit the Canning Co. and The Advocate with the t supposed display cif 'botrrowsd' wealth. oar friend is not 3uat as, dISCreet aist'lre might be. We maven noticed a, display. We never ' C knew the company dol be rich, and we neve: wea.reelo 1,Y'etsp rxy wt are, no Sir Ch.; But, in oeder da become rich we did -lead; aegoadh nstl+tHe ution,1 t share -t leolde'sthat was a ,help to the tieiwn ant. on a paying ba.,:is, roam !selling their stock at 75 nems ore the d'ellare, that we might get ora ion the ba kf a ourkt, and sinciddent l.ly'.,aorr oth...wbse atrteltntpt to secure revenge for a fancied wrong, and then chuckle in Ole newspaper over; the , thought tha. we ,had bea.tea oust those who' afterwards secured the control of the institution, and saved am industry to the. town because they had faith in the busilnese, Oh, no, the whole trouble, with our:. Z,:•ic+.id ;_s mat he iso guttering 'rearm `he disease km/0WD as "sour grapes" Sale on Every Day adnce taken at the sale at CaBb Pr°ic ts''�%ti19�{ are very light, simply con- ti stnccted, stylish ita'appear- fiance and can be adjusted to fit. y"ouerfeGtl . ' They can L be put on and taken off with one nand. Let tae Amin the Fits -U • ere Wedd"ng Rings abci \' Marriage.Licenses ,\. •, . . S Fitton a. Optometrical Specialist H]!lt1';Sis Sheoi+e-In leatr:ei,n'g, 'Well., on Nov, ea', to gr. arta Mrs: rlQuilia Sheere, torrneriy of Exciteer, a. gone Joe Alfred;. Hodgins --111 1Centralda., on Nov. 13, to Ur.and Mrs. lWear Hodgins, a igen. Kraft -In Yaleh,woiad ens Nov. Sth, to \Ir. and firs. 37d. Kraft, twin sons. Lnmpoet-In 'Stephen, an Nov. 2nd, to Mr,. and £lire. Samuel Lamport,. dauk;hte". Shier -At Tolodblelm,, on October 31, to amd Mrs Weglee4 Shier, a daugh- terL (Net,'te. 'Denten Bettechisn At 1$e'ury, 'e Nov. .4th, to .M7"• 'and fritts; I. ,Bettachyla7, a son. SPECIAL TRAIN TCO PORTLAND, MAINE, FOR •SAILING S. S. "TEUTONIC," DECEMBER 14th, Fo,: the accananlodatian of passengers' sailing on the White brae -Dion ih on' Line Stealn{sh;lp "Teutotnnc" ft1om Port- land. 14a:imn Dee_. 14itihl, the Grand Trunk. Ra.rlea, wt U rrun a special tra:inil' con- aisG n,g 01 Vestibuled Coaches, :Tourist and Sire's class Standard Pullman Sleep'. ug Cars teal +ria, Teeente at 1.15 p. S 'day Ddo. 13th,' runh_ng direct acic'at .Pa bland arriv':mg there ea r 14th. Berth .,eserv- rials ,It#1ar° ti4 iubli`pa ticulareeon >je obi mod �" ease t G•. .Ld 'T u,t5k Agent D': tt Onion .Sime) n, 0 r' to the 9.9 MARRIAGES Fail -and Winter Clothi In Snag Overcoats and Men's Furnishings IflVE .A FUEL AND S VO7rf.... i'LE1TE STOCK Or T113 NEWEST A P fii,iu I7 1Y N INTTsl1t CLOTHING D x � SUITS OVEROOATS, SWEATER CO,ATa. AND MEN'S FUJRNISHINGS. Nadiger-NaUsrhwarger-ln. Dashwa'ad;, on Nov. 12, Ed: ,Nadi'g,er, to Mrargaret Neetechwamg'er, both of Dashwood. h'ahne-1`rAie{bn;d,r1--In Sttephea, ole Npv. 13, at the home Of, the bride's parents, Mee Albert 1aihesF, to Miss Minnie, -daughter of dn., and, Mrs. F. Triebner. -all o'1 •Stephen, Bissett-BohJ6n;s'-Its ,Winnipeg on Oct. 30th, by Rev. Ooloko, of; Zion Church Mr. Harry Bioses ^, e1klea'i son of Mr: