HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-7, Page 2AGOAD HABIT
In you aro tired,
icularilr if ills
for the mousy'
*livery Pear Insured $S$
days sigairrist brealira,ge
Cords elide whgt =Ye*
-4s te0i'xgf
ala a1ttPt
$11�liester Sees Them Inc
'Jral;llester, England, is about t,
take measures to bring n;bout het
ter hygienic ~conditions amen get
Chinese laundr ens, so many of which
have lately been established in the
city. The Manchester correspon-
dent of the Lancet says "Itap-
pears ghat the number of small Chi-
nese laundries conducted by China-
men has increased at an astonish -
ug rate„ and at present about. 40
are established within the city err ,
On the advice of the medical oifieer
of health, the sazlitery committee
has now decided to issue special no-
tices in Chiiaese characters wtirlaing,
against shitting on the premises,
and naintmg oat that penalties will
roe imposed for any.offence in that
direction. There is a, prevalent
belief—lout 'whether based on fact
or not, it is difficult to say ha,t
spitting is very plevsleut in some
Ohiuese establishments, , and that
this act is not cont find to epitting
• ort the floor^. Spitting is: ;said to be
a part of the pl trcesa nn some team-
r tering 'lausinessea, as in the ironing
itr•ess it is created that the opera-
expeeteratee freely can the aetii
cle#a wltte It are being dealt with, and
as an aid to the enetaleed se -
of saliva ebewing glen is
largely practised by the lwtandry
,F •.
Its : L13IBBRED i
tithed Rae Rent .Revised For
Planting; Seelps.
ekely P'ereuetz has .devised
1 a£ ailxlplanting hair into
is of baldheaded laerseua.;
oat the process the
carefully cleansed azad
with aw $nitltion caf
The , orator iisexa a.
bel" of email
and in the
doubly foldedd•
he book, se then
lea with the aid of
which from sort to
ss An prepared with
and, of coisrse, therer,.,a ,
before, use. When the
been purr into the,
is turned ata tight aaan Ili
pulled out, leaving
the skin fastened by th
cud of the hook. ,els at
nno lttal :cot more than from 300
to 4it0 hairs ezcli `ba antplarited, a
full lrerad o lures froze twenty-
five to forty sittlzlgs, assuming that
from 10,000 to 20.000 hairs Will
oo °er za Itcad. Dr. Sxekely is some-
times able to apply the treatment
very alternate day. If there is an
aramatiou around a hair this is
pulled out and the inflammation
premptly ceased.
et New, R1ok Hood. to Be tore
Thom. to a Healt 2.yoill ltthm,
I $ 1'4I1 l'ul.pbfiosti Pound in Lae
Lah1c1 e Region.
The Forestry Branch of the De-
partment of the Interior has laid a
number of parties out during elle
,actually in need iif food to nour past season continuing the examai.-
ish the body and yet afraid to eat t ll of the uuppplored districts to
because, of the tacking pains that
find ottt lto supply of tirsber on
That is e tahe condition of the Dominion Lands and determine the
sufferer iroxa intiou—a ,iacke lands which should be reserved per -
betw en aznereile s me eptly for timber purposes.
These parties are generally in
"'rtui°^ charge of graduates of the Forest.
The txrgenrt need of all dyapep-' School of the University of. Toron-
mics, o£ el�erybody whose ergaass of to. Thework for the season is al -
digestion have beeonta unfit to per- most oorrlpiet.'el and the parties are
ferrel their important duty, is for now returning from the field. Two
stere)n1gei- stomne1.is 01 earl Cxtl-irct, of the parties have already re"
ourishxllexlt from
nfood. D �i''1
made ez£
of each
oo r, 1 - ported.
liazns' ?ink Pills give weak sto- Ir, S. lI, Clark era reined during
maths j'tthst the strength they need the past season the district lying
by gnrie tug the mood. Supp 331. us north of Lae Labiehe andeast of
giving tone and strength to the the Athabaska River 'n Northern
stomach and ITS nerves, and euab- Alberta, which is along the route
ling it to do the work nature in- which was proposed for the, Alberta
tended it to do. Thousands o£ Great Waterways Railway*,The
ciases psi indigestion have been season was wet, and, as the distract
clued by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 'was forme to be covered largely by
muskeg, the examination of it was
or which the following is but one
Instance. Miss L. A. Brown, Porti difficult, The muskegs were' almost.
Albert, Ont. say$ ; "For a. number; impassable, and the few trails that,
of years I 'waa a terrible sufferer 11,',:r3 found are in pear Coudtion,.
fx m iedage:etion, a .ad as a result rt In spite of the 0011(1410u of the
became Qowpletely run dorm, and trails quite a largo number etf peo-
ifered from backaches and eery- tale were going in to Fort '.• [er3iur-
' to locate,
ilad hems reported that, there
tomes 4lonsiderable large timber eterat
of Lan Lablerll,e, but the examine-
e. brought out the fact, which has
Sao frequently been the case, that
she quhutity of largo timber is small
and only in a few seatterod: areas,
There ie, however, <, large quan-
tity .Of immature epi ace and jaek
nine, 'which needs only protection
e troubles as well. Iliad to force
'self to eat, but neveer enjoyed a
meal owing to the awful pains that
followed eating. Igo was become
Ing a burden, and as ssrediehae after
medicine failed to help me I felt I
doolued to go through We
tans sufferer. finally a mar
sister eteougly urged: ire to
r- 'tfiilll 'uls' Pink Palls, and 1
ave, aa^e seal to be tdaaulaul that 1 from fire to be, a valuable crop for
Dewed hear advlee, aa they have
ly restored rliy health, and I Gan
all bade d£ .food with -
2.;, discomfort, and ny
say 1 .arn looking better
done for years. .At all
1v I feel like a new per.
Always praise Dr. Mil -
11 acneclicipe dealers et'k
2.A cents a box, or si;c
2,50 From The Dr.
1l eine Co., Brockville,
Business ."
Consult any of your neighbors who
have used the "t hamplon" Evapor-
ator. They will tell you to install
before the snow is on the ground.
Costs no more to buy now than in
March. Write for free booklet.
3a Wellington St., MONTREAL,QUE.
Oil was used for burning in lamps
so far bank as the twentieth cen-
tury before Christ.
At the -tender age of three, mas-
culine conceit' had gripped that
small boy with a relentless clutch.
liehadkissed a little girl of three,
and she was rubbing her lips vigor-
ously. "You mustD t do that
again," said the boy's 'soother,
"She doesn't like it. Just see how
hard she is trying to rub your kiss
off." "Oh, no she ain't," said the
boy, "she's rubbin' it in!'
If is CrLLi
to Ncglcct the
RINK of the suffering
entailed byneglected skin
troubles -- mental because
of disfiguration, physical be-
cause of pain. Think of the
pleasure of a clear skin, so
ft r
white bands, and good hair.
These blessings so essential
to happiness and even suc-
ess in life, are often' only a
mater of a little thoughtful
care in the selection. of effec-"
tit rer.edial agents. Cuti
1_l°a oa
r t .. and Cuticura Oint-
ent do so much for poor
rd rouge
-complexions,. 9
Ilan .s and dry,thing. and
fad inner hair and Bost' so
5 a
little that it is almost crimi-
r mi -nal not to
�;r Aiilrongh Cuticti a Soy ant1 Dint-
ti7ent aro soil by drugs sits and deale
5everyliere, a- postal o uticurtb,
Dept Boston U u.A;, will soar e at
libore ernple of'. each, ithS2• Pae,$
attkid callr s"opoat riefit
lExperitnont Sussessful an Northe'
Sheltie- before Dart Grey left
Canada on his return to B.nglaud
he suggested the establishment of
berd of reindeer in the northern'
parts of western Canada, Diel.
Gre>y Bad always taken a deep ill-,
terest in the work of Dr, Grenfell'
ozz the Labrador coast and in north-
am Newfoundland, mindful of the.
great boon the reindeer has been
to the people there in furnishing
transportation, rnee$ and milk, Last
year the forestry branch of the De-
pertmcnt; of the Interior at Ottawa
purchased fifty reindeer from Dr.
Greaten. and shipped them into the
Groat Slave Lake district. Now
that experience hes shown that the
deer can be shipped with .a fair de-
gree of success and that the .animals>
can quickly adapt themselves to the
climatic and other conditions of the
remote parts of the north-west, the
herd will be increased by other
large shipments. There is now no
doubt.that „the reindeer will be, a
boon to these northern districts.
The policy 'which the United States
Government is following is Alaska
might be 'laid down in Canada. The
plan followed in Alaska is that any
responsible man who wishes to es-
tablish a herd of reindeer for him-
self may do so by making applica-
tion to the Government for as many
as he can feed and care for. He is
given over twenty or thirty animals,
as the ease may be, and at the end
of a certain period -three or five
years, as agreed upon—he must re-
turn the same number to the Gov-
ernment, and keep for himself all
the surplus stock bred and raised
from the herd during the allotted
term. -London Globe_
The Strangest i3igurnent.
3Ie-What, in your opinion, is
the strongest argument in favor of
woman suffrage.
Clever Suffragist The mental
calibre of the women who oppose
Love and reason are seldom
Ike Pilsin is authority for the
statement that if the fellows who
bragged that their words were as
good as their bonds paid him what
they owed he'd be able to keep his
word oftener.
Mothers having once used Baby'$,
Own Tablets for their little ones.
will always be found using them as
long as there is a baby in the home,
The Tablets are acknowledged by
thousands of anthers as being.
their -best friend in keeping the lit-
tle ones well. Whether it be con-
stipation, colic, indigestion or
worms; whether baby is suffering
from cold or has simple fever, or
whether his teething is difficult, the
Tabletsare the one safe remedy
which will speedily cure him. They
are guaranteed by a government
analyst to contain not one particle
of harmful drug and may be given
with benefit to' the new-born babe!
or growing child. Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brookville, Ont.
Romantic Husband—Ah, how I'd
like to be back again on the old
Prosaic Wife -Huh ! But 3 notice
you had no desire to be back until
you knew the harvest work was
pulpwood or lumber. The land is
generallyoovsrod with muskeg,
and the soil, zlcaw ie~reg first -claw, be -
eremite lighter and a ndy tewerds
the east, where it gansista +Gaf sandy
jade pima ridges with muskegs be.
eween. The =drained muskegs
make the timber growth slow, but
tha whole distract is more suited for
timber' than fear agriculture.
And Toot It from a,'Moto
a` Czar.
"If you were on the horns a a
dilemma between a nice poor young
man ora horrid old rich mean, which
would you take V
"I'd twice the horn cal plenty.,
Cure For Consumption: For consump-
tion, weak lungs, lingering coughs. laryn-
pitis and bronchitis. Names and addresses
of those only given a hew days to live by
specialist and doctors, ; after taking this
cure are "alive and well will be sent on:
rattiest. Write Wm. It. Copeland, 511 Pape
ave., 'Toronto, Ont.
Par. Better.
Miss Waf1ee-"George said I was
the best singer he ever saw."
Mrs. .Hitt--" Wouldn't you rather.
be the best singer heever heard V
Minerd's Liniment Cures Colds,' &c.
Mutual deception is a popular
game during courbship.
vutckheadaohes--nouraigic headaches—
blinding headaches --all vanish when you take
Na.Dra-Co Headache Waters
They do not contain pheaac tin,, acetartliid,
morphine, opium or any other dangerous drug,
25o, a box at your Druggist's. 122.3
011 or
xilN 'IIXt'Ei tt Wt wwl+l C from a 'l�rtrotrto
house ut tw tory' low prlee, ,end hats it.
labeled his own product.
This ,greasy imitation is the nearest one
we have yet leen or the Aian that overy
Tont. Dtolt And1larrY has trio(' to intro-
Ask for 3iT 42D'S and Ton will get It.
The follotivrng conversation sone
took place between two Quakers :--
-"Martha, does thee love me?" ask-
ed a Quaker youth of one at whose
shrine his heart's 'holiest feelings,'
had been offer d tip : "Why, Seth,"
answered she. "we are commanded'
to love one another, are we not;?"
"Ah, Martha, but does thee' regard,
era with the feeling the world calls
love?" "l Hardly know uhat to
tell thee, Seth. I have greatly
feared that my heart is an erring j In
one. I have tried to bestow my
love on all, but I may have some-
times thought perhapsthat thee
vas getting rather mote than thy
4 '
inard"e Lioisn
Not a Permanent Return.
."I see your married daughter is
home again V'
"Yes, but only for a visit, ray
dear, only for avisit,"
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Should Have Good Lightfor Studying
A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects may
last for lifeq .An oil lampis best. The light from the Rayo
Lamp is soft and. mellow. You can read or work under it
for hours without huffing your - yes.
The RAY() is constructed $ciezrtificatdly. Yt h the
best lamp made—yet inexpensive wet etotiom cei-
made of solid brass—nickel plated.
' Lighted wit? oUX removing chimney or
l asy to Glean and r+ewiek, Made in vmious
y es €tmi tear all purposes,
1rrSt?t`t'TR;EAL HALIFAX ST, dOtiN
A Galin t' $TORE OF YOUR OWN..
I,.,mdplawu=P 1?rarlsiks,t anal, snore oggra3,aad Ton eon stw+i
atom elm"raodstel tivo bili aaaltretlatan eo.tin;
ffi yl4ctlesAcli ard:ITU o;,arery salosoada. alta Corn,
1f0 tt4 blAC104+414kaFe AUALianoodOstoigcoss41
norgoradItigr, rat thlaosn4y attire odd q.ifll ba
tie Cnr701 y -v kedr.. eco will. Ova SC to ycat:oc0.
ll, ss tht40olecaqlaCa,hrxcIsterAnd aU.S17011will
roli•rtaoog your triondr,onlr30 batter pro�irdalto4tialt
11oraci3r.¢anMsrectumaa sit ,u7lpasmen. Thoraowl1
ln.al;lo*d7 r4Prir-AkM,a1toao. Cwrnatlon. Ln1• of MO
laltar,nal otro, Wood Waletno4Joebe70Sub.ppOtUP
so dim Sorge botUei wind borsontot r:s14 ecral:labal$.
Evor1bodr wania Pule lovely Pastoruo at outs' eco, a
ttaiia. Its P Woo bot oalrea. •
Omni s.45 petU1l gartoosot1- 07-'Watrostioa'stth
woo asate, rettuuauk tratow urf $3.00,an41lx
,poluplateoand atera axaatira1II.0 trnte61bot
rgt&o aha atrl vtpt 2.w wttk to roa�BS03.UTME
B raw tack wiradorrul o![ar lo: 4rMs4t hops An
jos. ]fq the. lkat al Your rwlrhtq:hopd lo Rot. Ong
irau4arnslotora. A.ddreni,.
RM 't 011 sAt'u.
AWSON, NfnetY Colborne Street,
8100 1iLONTiir,1." VTATTI'NG t#'.•
for youngmen as Teeegtapbarr 1
and k3tation Agents after six months' at-
tendance' 'here. Advancement .rapid.. Ilav
and Mail Coarses. Write for free book lu.
Dominion ;School Railroading. Toronto.
Vegetable- Battery.
Scientists tell us that there has
been discovered in the forests of
India a strange plant which pos.
sesses in a very high degree aston-
ishing electric and magnetic pow-
er. The hand that breaks aleaf
from it receives- instantly a shock
equal to that which is produced by
the conductor of an inductive coil.
At a distance of six metres a mag-
netic needle is affected by it. The
energy of this singular force varies,
but in times of storms Pus intensity',
increases in striking proportion.
One never by any chance sees a
bird or an insect light on an electric
plant; nature seems to warn them
that they would find their death.
is the direct and inevitable result of
irregular or constipated bowels and
clogged -up kidneys and skin. The
undigested food and other waste mat-
ter which is allowed to accumulate
poisons the blood and, the whole
system. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
act directly on the,`bowels, regulating
them—on the kidneys, giving thein
ease and strength to properly filter the
blood—and on the skin, opening up
the pores. For pure blood and good
health take
i r. Morse's �a
l2. ra 8 tut fs''It R.00t: a . I s
Protoot--Pr•onorvo— Bea utify
Sansplee and Booklets on Application
JAMES- LARGMUtnt 4 CO.; Limited
e Street _ . ToBoraTO
$'8� Ilatk�lar t i� re
C&NOER'TII310RB, LOUPE*, oto. In.
[VJ tercet and esternet, cured without
rale by oar Ramo treatment. write no
before too fate. Dr. Bollman Msdtoal' Ca.
Limited. Collincnood. Ont
'ii EARN SILV'iii%,.pLATIN(i PAR,TICa.
lars free. Spcoihltios Agoner, Boz
lE36. 'Mani/Peg.
'r ype Soap
With Maypole,
Soap • there, is no'
trouble pad no muss
in hoe'',„dyeinn.
DDyb cotton,wool,
silk or mixtures. 24
colors -will give any
shade. Colors 10c.
Black 15c -,-at your
dealer's or postpaid
to 13yc” from
E; ti l0T Gel; ils;idroal
Cleaning and_Curling and Rid Mores cleaned
Those can be sent by post, 10 per oz
Thi best place' is
Reeomruonded in Prince Albert Dis
trict, in Saskatchewan.
The Forestry Branch of the De-
partment of the Interior has again,
during the past ,summer, bad par-
ties out examining the timber on
some of the regions ,still in the
hands of the Dominion Govern-
ment, with a view to• reserving from
settlement lands more suitable for
forest growth than for farming.
Some of these parties have finished
the work assigned them and have
made their reports.
Mr. C. H. Morse made an exami-
nation of a district north-west ffom
Prince Albert Lying between the
Shelbrook branch of. the Canadian
Northern Railway (on the west) and
the third Dominion meridian (longi-
tude 106 degrees), and recommends
that the tract between the meridian
on the east and the Sturgeon River
on the west should be made a forest
reserve. Phis land is not pure sand,
but has some stretches of sand
among lands of better quality;
none of it, however, can be classed
as good agricultural land. At the
present time this tract carries, in
places, a good stand of spruce,- as
good a, stand as will be found any-
where in the country. The repro-
duction of the forest is good, and
this should make ono of the• most,.
valuabl:eforest tracts in the west.
Therate of growth is good. As it
is ;calcnlat.edthat- the ,present stand
of 'Gimbel. which is held 'tin der li-
cense, it out in ton yea •
cense, « 11 be cr 2 u1 tc years,
it will be seen that the necessity for
looking for a future stip], is'c]ose
at hand..
The tract lying between the rail-
way and Sturreon River was found
to, be of good 'twritultural quality,
and, as tho timber is pretty well
cut out, it was not considered ne-
cessary to recommend' any further.
reservaiii,unbeyond tele time • re-
quired �for ,the removal: of the:pre-
sent stand,,
1 Qctod Rouse; Buildings* Orchard.
Cheap and on easy terms.
I:4*L;31`IC'•6Tx 1AGk 1 6 WITR 0001)
buildinge and ap1110 orchard; about
live miles from a z M.1ton.
H. W. 11AWSON, Toronto.
t� Aaars-rive; hUUTts BRobt Lox
• mi don market, sail clay loam, two
acres orobatd, frame house, bank barn.
Will exchange for. city; town or vinitige
property, ;or for larger farm.. The wear.
ern Reay Estate, London. Ont.
r egleetet'l Duty.
"She blushed for shame."
"When someone questioned her
the other night she had to admit
that her children had kept her so
busy she hadn't bad time to read
the latest novel."
AN 12
11 takes a truly great nmato can -
•ince oti1_ier perigee that he is -great.
nerd`s L.intment (,ares hart
iii. 004is..,
Are your hands chapped, cracked
or sore? Have you "cold cracks /°
which open and bleed when the skin
is drawn tight? Have you a cold
sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw"
place, which at times makes it agony
for you to go about your household
duties ? If so, tam -Buie will give you
relief, and will heal the frost -damaged
skin, 'Anoint the sore places at•night,
Zam-auk's rich healing essences will
sink into the wounds, end the sinart
ing, and will heal quickly,
Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says "My_
hands were ao sore and cragkedthat it
was agony to, put them near water.
When,I did so they world,amart and,
burn as 551 had scalded them. 1 deemed
quite unable to get relief from anything
I pub on then.. until: I. tried Iglu -Bak,
and n succeeded whun all else had
failed. It 'closed the big cracks, gave
rte ease, soothed the inflammation, and
in a vary short time: healed my hands."
Zorn-nuk else cures chsingracket, minter
ec. meta, pidac, festeri'iw sores, care 11000/s'
arid, backs ,abscesses, . pimples, ring eta,
cede, 3bics50, 1,m/sea, scalds, 'sprains: Of
druggiste,aecl stores, or pint free from' the Zemt-
Bak Co:, Toronto. ; Price Jie a jarz: „M ny