HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-11-7, Page 1Wo have ifaa4O lett Mesa -1m' tion sale hill „husinesm :for seyeral Se ark and have received a„Ilberal nat„''oN,age to repay urs ter opal �etforts.;,T4s year we are prepa red. better than ever to eat, Ilsfy at- ilsty tha neodts ort tlkotsfa milts riding to .ave an auction sal JDs not g'vq your Let to ba largoAeld tig Sou b..ave called on ud, hiag Bind phone orders s'.ve prompt fitt*COto- our' hare a pit Es of property tc sell. and you ^na;v tlae ablIty to to c crib „tt in all att. fn t: sama!rat' 4 -it way you :;mold tx e St •a. man 'en led-, up on your telenho ,e, and a ad r. "' you: to tell tttn. aOut ft, then: ,tot ' classif_ed advertisement, pub eh€:a with, a little persistence, w:11 -sal your 0M0 1 to the bun? veno needs et s TWENTY-,SIXTH NiqiikyinRomiateccesw EX TE , ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1,912 SANDE?. 4 QQR+:+...e�..'�S,u•.fi. CARLING'S All Stoc ust Go Having sold ou store which has to be 'vacated by Jan. 1st. We are o ring for sale our 15,10 STOCK General Merchandi whiclt consists of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furn ishings, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, China, Glassware, Boots and shoes, Hardware & Groc- eries- • e can save you at least. 25 . per cent. on Dress Goods, Men's Furnishings, Underwear r. and Carpets Wall- Paper. 30 per cent. discount on all ockeiYe i PLS1�1C ,SGII'aOLcEl'Ol3T Democrats Win k'OBi OCTOBER Room 4 S . IV., 1.0 ore: 1;', Wood 82, G Fitton 79, FaHarney 78', D Kuntz 7$. .5 33 ackwoad 77, M Kydd 76, A johns 75, G. 3„o".'; 71?; paws, 0. Mac, donaid 72, 1 ,Delve 72, F 13 wey 7k, ul Mao 6b, E Davis 67, .1 fwt,l wa. 67 C 11arria 67, Jr, 1V,.M Sharp 71, G Qrtwein 67, J I-Isurdon 66, E Powell fit, G Davis 64, G Ca.. aQ 60. No. 'roe 0. Vosper, teacher. "Sr, II$ Iararsa G Harvey 91, V, IIartielta 77 ; pass, H Boyle 73, I Zue- te 7a, 13 Rivera 69, 'Si Hedd,en A66, D. Knight 65, L+" Davvxs tt4, " Sweet 63 C Ma`iett 61; Jr. III.. Loners. M11 Mar.,„ c,.a _d 76, E 76, pass. ,NT,'Can= 73, M Mort'ock 73, V 151,1 72, Qi. Sar- cP e 68, Gaeie3 dal, Y4 Brown S6A, J, S, ;daarray, ' ea,Srtt ; �;oppro, ;tl• f e,rvo, G v1a.t:' ors 92, 4 Harvey 90,, i'.. awelffta 89, S Sazt(terra $13, 11, Davis b, I Sonia 33, AA V9icept 79, 13«. a=Bio' 73. 'la cwole.4l air p er 77; Paea, 63, C Flo d, 6.4 13 Gould,. 024 i-lo.i3=7,-,. 13 Russell $1, pass artleib 74, FL- N, Kinsman, Teacher, 7 -I1„ G Hind $0, 1 Jo z le Dignan 74, V Walker 74, 66, 13 ,a3chOSe*l will; ;Tr. ti., C' swell £t4, SU' Qir.tweto 7'M,: Qr Ileddent 613 Pt.. II,, 14f Weldea llastnumer $5, 1) allett, 71, N % Asan roil 33. average26, 'little Quackenbush. teacher fiooann 8 -3e, Pt. IL, G Poy1e 91, ,y arley $9. G Paves 657 .Sr, I';t,, 7,, 0, 80, n}L +'SPTott. 71. O, ltusselk 7 Quid n, 6R, . lwl i;'+, .C1. 'LOA omits 50; 'R, Claes. ;1t 0144411411. Ttleib. L Dweim, Seld4►at. IPA/ Staintlur yc tl Trott, O Webster. rasa,, Ml Prelligt4a JS Powell. L*`Ids MS ROva t. N tont gall il. a,nlera; adance, 02. 7 L'. United States FOORROW WILSQN 7 11r 511 81- DEN'T'> The greatest political upheaval in the faisrcr}' of the ,State, s has just, taken place lin ?"itne 1Ti,_'edl Sza_t:ex4, From the Stb�ln a 14arde to ate. Gulf of gt .x - c , 3..-hd team , "Q ,4*la e to tbs. Pacit;e c ,'airs t'ettrap of a Dennourata.'c ?anndsi?tie, a e' saint e,. few car abet« Torts savvy ^_ave ei :het made a1 the fianat aceoet :Yin',,, alt 1'.altotlal d3ftorettco ,v73A tri, o0Y1n, ,;;sat tlaet final result„ It w..=: a ii'atearlda for Xie .Relau4ltcaaa par' ny, ane4' ,ars igtltf4114441,44, 'Ciag i• MAY tor-, ever blast its topp p d6ftre tatlta ' .diner lea,, Wo4)3 ow ' '73 Qn, the. a cltoaol tapas=, 6f New ,1erecY., hag law ;,et .ell et£d n cf the' Untied SW, tea ray a ed Di n qc ,'nCy, 4414 T,nl?ala t 33. ebalt Qi Iradi =. has been rises• tea ti's vied p: Rsidoa cy, Tiwclora a weer twit a p"ea:dent et States. w77 tnra poor r4rnd r cA;t, and Williaant Reward Taft laaa3 114;trd united ,Aoanoeraox istve Roosevelt credit her ,a:.dfnb r pva;rwlaeAlzatln vietQry. for he aataat4cr the rode-ribboc Ueputtlk-. (watt A which now ka,Cla.ir io ala „tss it upc4:t .telundatioaa owe Republica.;; party. a314 owvn. a3ta4to 'oaf New lvaa,�t a tnuti4 atT1 Gid will "eeon vltl pre- a ea is fist always d refined ea t. afar' acason fto „giva;n bk Alto old avorlt4es Tho Gu1y •13ltatlters Minstrels before. Gra>oad Ci atAmes, iapcclal Scenery Elegant now Fi:;e't Part wld ch is a c.aivolatlen 'w'th eight very twiny End. MnoOA a ivVert lot tine vocalists. The ctozond part sot the perforanaanco will in- clude, 12 First Claus. Vaudeville Acts, spinong them eevccul Eurapcaat Novelt ;cast onF`agedonily c31.: tits season. ars usual Tho 'Celebrated Sliver Concert a h u o the l3snd will make p�tcla,d� the day f sinew on tltq Zria1gn Street at: noon. This engagement lea torr, nate an=S}arton3 ,'1`hurs day 'November 7:tln; Secure your eeAts early as tSteJ,v kion't asst ,any snore and bo sure to wither* the grand pernar- mance. Prices 35d. and 00c,. Seats on sale at Cole's Drug 'Shore, NEN BLi1:cK5,\fTTS,,'-'alr, Drum Mc- Donald ivrileiltes oto announce to the 3 .7mm67 and public iroinPrallY that' lie has opened a thew blaekan71tha business in Davis' Old Stand on Main Street and %elicits their patrianagd, ; Early Closing On and after January let, 1913, the conowing is ,ohankis have agreed to close: tthetr • respective places of buai- ne>ss` at 6 ,o'clock is the evening, except ;sig Saturday nights', when they will close at 'Malt past tea, -Janes & May, J. Af Stewart, 1W. W. Taman.; Z'4T,. 3. I3eannan ; Ti. S<p'arktna{nw 3.. Senior, . 3. Grigg, 3aw•kias & 'Son, 13. W. F. Beavetls: pt„ .1'li. •Iowel' J. Beverboy. Growing Old with Glasses Gracefully Ilk Fits -U Eyeglasses do not accentuate age because they "are young -looking. But they do give all the corn.. fort of old fashioned spec- tacles. The popular AOC°. SalerD-e on Every are very light, simply con- k structed,styliish in -appear k ance and can be adjusted to fit your .erfectl They wit one band. Let 11 a ktin t•' the 'ts t3 Ee ®rail : Wedding 3fn s acid traxge Lacer Loo lc. err; teas" 1zc tvtll haytla walk back. T:no Clinton Gua Chub will hold lhclr i2nca as>nual sheet .on Thursday olid. Friday, Nov. 27 and 22. "The Ladies of Gwen Cltu4clt intend. !ding as:tea +Flown town on Saturday seining, Nov; 3Oth (St. Andrew's: Day) ,-vain 5 1,0 10 o'clock, Nptice later. Tz1e trouble with Ihe .mint who, stops sntvkln. `a That he ttpp:;a,ra tp think the m:attia; n{ sufficient fht4reat to the public to justity,Iiinn in eying a,»,-s:;tde. Copy fcvtn ,St. 1ihry* Journal, Oct- ober 16th., --“Mies ndyther warrim Nash at London; lriiore ria dramatic and humus owl recital On the ppera (louse on; Tues. day evening, S(110 'mai assisted by Mies Estelle MacCbut 11;'ISvpt:ano, of Leon - don. 11lsa Na,* 1s aa, yjoung artiste of great promise, ;old paw ed terself to possess exeeptttanal histronle Mat/ , Her various auln beran were all greatly enjoyed by a +eyrlipaltlbettc audience,:lilss AraeConneil ptioved an efficient assist- ant ssistant and gendered- a couple et eoios. with great arceptancea Iihie recital was MM'.ss Nas'h's fire't in 'St. Marys, and those who heard her Tuesday evening are hoping the .heave the/ olapottunity of hear tang iter agail nt" In the Opera 'House,. Exeter, on: aW7'edn[gsda,7, Oct. 13..,Tickets 25c, clbildiren 15c., reserved seats 35c Plain of Hall at Gole'e Drug Store `. THE HUMAN TAD -One of the many teat res with Guy Brothers Fam- ous Minstrels ibis season 's „Herman" known as the Human Bird. Has Is really a wonderful Wet and will eaten - lets you. Zee 134En alt thEt Exeter Opera Hottse on 'P,harsday next, Prices 35e. and 50e. POND-HODGSON:-As will., be notic- ed in ap ot'ntetr corl'ulom Miss DalaY Blanche Holgsaoln, *daulghter of the late Thomas Hodgson, •wam 'united in mar- riage an Prklaty, Odtiober 18th, to Mr: Allan Pond, biook-keeper and stenograph e- at the Utniotn statIon, T'orontn., Miss Hods,,aon will 4av(e the best wishes of her unany'_friends hie for a long and happy wedded life, Mr. ' Wright was in London this week, Mr. I. R. Carling was i:n, London this • week on. busi)niesst Mr.• Wm'. Burke of. Berlin Is visiting here with 57ns. Burke. . Mr. F. Gun i'es is' on, .buls)nests Fun Lon- don and Chathra`m; this week. Dr. Ross of 13rydq Park spent Wednes day shaking hands 1'vritia old friends in Mrs. Iii. Dillfing returned Iast., week 1rolm a several wejek's visit with; her daughter,' Mrs. Sc. Mills at Wildwaod, near. Si. Marys... Cg:t,.ND1BOYE NO MORE APPLES; WANTED: at the Eve e. Evaporator until further .uo3lce. Pe.cple hthis viteinity "a e !1 stks- pansc await3nyg Nih;e arrival of a cax. of; coal. '`11hray alyd coanpolled 4o come, down t, wood 7ni tiho •neanttim9 Coal sol1`>ng aJt 734O to SAO. InIn iteigh. ing towns, and 11-4Wrd bd.:get.,-lMr W. 1. Colwell is shilipp.'ng Ioirge quay t•'te 105 c+ r2 y i oirn 3np G. Thr 11. --;Mrs„ Me Nec io, who 'ljaa be7n A spending the, sUmn e i•iu sh's plinoe, has returned to }lett nam .n Tarotntc lire Jus. Flynn is SOYll mtt7t tine.,bnvp .--14r,`s, 11.. ",Hodgins s 2 big a, few, reeks .wlet$ won, J. Hodp,ms,, of Lon- odgson sold e car - 7 Mer( Hicks of Cen a�ltmt•Cattrol -M Parry Sound ryrelaks recan;tly1 •wit31 o.ld wye pare Mr, Thos Ro- v141e a ;g e4QT 4*.i:And e •b" c'ly-, The Countrysi4 VILLE N0 MORE APPLES WANTED at 'tete Exeter Evaporator tnitfk further notice. Tao Ladies' A!,:d will meat. at the hog: of Mrs, Il, Skinner on E,r`day afternoon at half -oast one, -Mr. Segel Johns, Charles andbett and Miss Laura Godoott vis°teei`pw ?:='iethome of Mr. Geo, Gridba1t, Sunshine, on Sunday, -1 - G. V. 3edd Stave a trepar7 .44 tb; . $14i la.y. Sc1oa?, Co..ro',lo,n held at liallilten al a..a zi.41.odtstrSw tia,y School last Sun slat:-O•c'=_:rg .o the unepttttd weatil0 t..e .. a _.,lin; fin these pa,,a, : ,ver' 1+:'i. de'ayed, M -s Gteasoa'a sale b , Tuxedo °µ� s wa attend'd. WoAy will ba EC: Ya .,o airs. G.e. ssnn a: d hfr u iia.c,:'� nto.lx twat' trAtst.-Rctv,.. Stegy;d- £:.A actclre-seed the Wcttat 'B .4itztiia ' Cst*iia'a o; `z fit $ ereIfs 1341kwill aver; ,npa i ed t„iatl and: 4r, ked lie;he -SFr. -Ston HAW -gm le sat ;..e sick 1,4at,14i. Walter Cutbuutt cs ;tin «s7 Seafv;2h and. Sara;ttard.. tit e 'rata;a , is bush, fin- ishing the •tearaawot;'ic, In the vis''"nitY of T'ull,artelta Mir.::Robert Wilcox :is matt imi v:ng • Q,6 laart as we would AM lv • oc Toe late Cor islet week. 14ii,so L(zio Jami$ et London elaent T askegiw4,ng with nor parents. M. a .d. Mrs. Silas J ',;aa,;r.-air, and Ora. It,, Skinna7 and Was 11'odiaara; attended t! Wi',aleal Fowl Supp -A- en Tuesday even, lanS yL^a, Jest jrawiene. Mrs. Qke and of Exeter visited bird; Withw 1 u:ater la'•ttow ,days last well. -Mr- and hirs;;J'.R. Steadman and san Master Park lot Parole?. visited pa,rtiOnailV Over AlutadaY., gist Frere rat- ted hone Thanke,Tivlag atornisag tt'w.n to tet+. svdde n death" of Mrs. Szeado .%' 's. Lrathe; Mir, Park :Duncan tat Wyoming;, r'dOtkltT CR1hMEL. NC 14Q13 APPLES WANTED at sae tlxetO; Eva3lorater luatll further notice. D . find we. Tata a r Kiri LL2il4on v:8. lad t -.rends in tltra3 n ghborlcaod for at f4�w days last week. -Maddens, }3ros;, a'.ippea' a ca: lead cattle to "Toronto la t week. -ilia N 13V Ryan, alter opendi:ng sev(zai weake vislting ktor b:ct fere in Cb5 ag.i, returaacd home lace week. -Mr. and Mars. Johan. Rowland spent a few days visiting mends rad. 11,'-$s. John Quilled purchased, :a andsc ane driver,-pa'yzing for it a good: LJgurc.-Ryan Bros, ,elh;ppc4 u. car cat- tle to Toronto 1.1.4 week. -Mr. Joseph,; Lilo; will hold saY1othea'' sale here, on, Thursday, Oct. 14t4, of household ef- to .'tt�-. c F. r tiler entetds Going' to Lon- don to reaidc.,1-4r. 'Frank Glavin et Belton visited his Strento. Mir, and lure, 1'. Glavin for a .few days last week. Qtil:£AR. NO MORE APPLES WANTk113 ,at the ExMeiater E vapo rator until further notice. Thod; McCurdy1'eturvicd Friday last fmm asetez�.lwasks visa with, r f kt d n sinthet0"" Weit arid, Lo 4 a in a; Angeles Cal., where ho viai,tadt Iiia son,. Mr. Me Curdy -saw a good deal of ,the West being do all .the provinces, and /Al thinks very hdg,hly of tile country, and the prospects ipr its future developed; ment. MIr, and tare, Fred. tiepburamoved ;itis tine hotnse recently vacated or Mrs. J. E. 3ScNicol. Mr Eaepburn who is con- ducting a black ei'mithing business Ls kept quite 'busy.. Serene Ike old times to hear the anvil rung again,—Mir_ S. Lamport, who has been on, the sick list, is on,the end.,4- M' . Nprman. Pass- more assmore returned horde ,last week ,from the West. He reports !very1rald weather out there.. -The Auction' Savile of caattle and Horses of Messrs Gardiner and Scott last week ,vas a success although the crowd or bu(yerts was small on account of the butsy time taking up rx+oots.- Messrs Edgar i3uinkim, Alymer Stewart and Ed. 'Shone, Sit., are engaged pack- ing apples fotr J. Gl. Jones of Exetel'. BIRTHS Skinner --In ,Utsborjne° o!n; Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mims. •Iel`villei Skinner, a song. MARRIAf ifS' Pond-llodg,sanr=At the,Methodist par:'- 0 oL" .. s nye, T{ anlGo, by Rev. Dr. Wilson. on Octobeir 18'tih, M. Allan Pond, o+' To,)onnto to :1ilss Daisy. Blanche Hodg- son, dau h+tdr 1oT the late Thomas Hodgson of Erte�t Penhale--Fr(aytae-In Exeter, on Oct. 31 by Rev. Jtae,,Kes'tle, Asa son of Mud.. and Mrs. Wim. Pdnhale, to miss Ven- ctta, daughter of Mr. and MrPc Pater Frayne, all- of Exeter, DEATHS Doupla:s,-In Rrucefield, on Oct.. 26thy Allis Douglas, 'aged 76 years. UfANUTRUN $Ys EM W I:NTE1;• TOURS TO : CALIFORNIA;, COLORADO,; MEXICO AND PACIFIC COAST ' POINTS The Grand Tirutn.k Railway le the most direct route `ftk)irn, all points East through Canada:" via Chicago. FEATURES Double aT. ck, Fast` Service, Finest Roadbed, Modern Egvipanent, Unexcell- ed D Ring Oar Servir04 ' Allelements x£ safety and comfort. TO '7711 SUNNY SOUPH Nq n q• e dFsiii�atie .� ;route . than via: G and- Trutt k to D troit,thence via. Cincinuati eta Jaekgsbanv tl1e, Pain Beach' Nassau, ale.' Round tripr Gab."tgiv.ing chpr ce all the best +^btiltes,:•"'ohether with full riierinati+an and ,reserv><itions, .may be gbtained,, ,glom, A war eeast Grand PTunle A r1L ,o) wxi1t E Duff 1) P Ap !, s.Asr�>• �Ftatlo3 t '0i}t., Fall Winter Clothing n Suits, Overcoats and Men's •, Furnishings and Pt.ETE STOCK ©F PALL AND WINTER C SUITS OVERCOATS,SWEA:TFI COATS. AND MEN'S FLI'NIS-IINGS. G IIs% Overcoats COME IN BLACKS, BROWNS, FAWNS AND OBEYS. PLAIN AND DIAGONAV., TEE 7 IPTIbST COATS yv,EI: s3 FiY SEEN AND 3,unzi Y.'la IN THE LAT-. EST ST'I'LES Suits OF ALL CLOTTiS AND STYLES MADa. UP IN THE BEM OF GOODS'S7 iP-} ABLE FOR THE COOL AND COLn:,- - EATHER. Sweater Coats - ARE JUSOI THE THING FOR TI513 NEXT FEW MONTHS. THE NEATES71 SAND BEST OF MAKES, CATCHY, COLORS, AND GOODS. PRICES RIGHT"" Men's Furnishings. THE STOCK IS COMPLETE IN HATS CAPS, COLLARS, TIES, SHIRTS, So1L,. UMPRELLAS AND UNDERCLOTHING. -WE WAN'P. YOU TO, SEE Tamil. NO:. TROUBLE"TO SHOW YOU. made -to -Measure Clothing EVERYBODY KNOWS T71713"TAMA.N'` GARMENT IS 13.1GT15, WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON OUR ORDERED GOODS, AND OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE THE SATISFIED FEELING :THAT AL- WAYS BRINGS T:cIEM BACK AGAIN AND WE WANT YOU;: A`.,L TO 01i,ERS. TRY US. ailor. auld Fur