Exeter Advocate, 1912-10-31, Page 8EXETER AIIITEIFIi,TE T UR I1A` QGT®BEI. I ; 11312 . :TER MARKETS. 13HANC ,i D EACH '"Va7EDNESDA '. Wheat 95 95. Baxley:. , • :... 48 55 lauckwkiea...,. .,.,,,.,.• 48 50 35 87 1 00 •- :15 1 22 1 50 14 00 15 00 2-770 00 08 25 25 29 . 8 15 330 -'25 00 .00 Potatoes, per bag , , our,''per cwt., family ...QMo, os;r'.de Per ow !, ... op, per cwt..." orttlper ton- , ...,,, Bi7tau pear tort Sugar Beet meal.-- XONE FOUNI3 -- t , ownofmoney, Owner canr..va same by proving, prop- erty and plying for tta':`at notice. Gordon_ Penhale, Stephen, FEtIA; E TLELP WANTED Waited -A gerleral servant, family of three, wages $18.00 to $20.00 a month Apply Mrs- A. Blacieb=a5 73'5 Bich - mond S:., London, Onix FOR SAY=F OR TO RENT. I a.ia 1'avt.ig my house on William Street t o a rgiaty repaired and will be prepared ,o, e l:l or tont it, Terms reas- o»lbte,-Z *: BLw4.TCHFQRD, Exeter. Si 4 TEO-LIVE POULTRY AND DR- IEIIJ APPLES, WE FAY HIGHEST PRICES FO"- ALL PROOCCE.-•-STEW- 'i.RT,S Licenses. issued rt. the Advo- E;seter., BIN'S GLOVES --IN - CAPE, SUEDE, IIID AND MOCHA •-- SILK LINED, FUR LINED AND WOOL LINED EVERY PAIR GAP.NTEED. -STEWART'S, Get some neatly Printed calling cax at The Advocate, ORGAN FOR SALE -Second hand gar, in good state of, repair w`ll b Solid , cheap -Apply at this office, FURS ARE A W INTr:R ,a ECESSITY --YOU WILL LIKE CUR STYLES, THE VARIETY AND THE PRICES -STEWART'S, MISS G. E, W BISSETT, A. Moe. . W. U. Honor Graduate,of the London Coir ervat,or5 of Music, Teach- ing Colie,ge of the Western University. Teacrez Piano, Theory, Harmony, Count erpoint, ar.d 7,NiusIcal History. Pupils prepared for Musical Examinations. EYE SIGHT S'1'ECIALIST.-M:ate J J. Allen, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at The CENTRAL, HOTEL on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9th. Hours, to Ila 6 p.m. THE W. R. JOHNSTON OVERCOATS TB:.4,T WE ARE SHOWING AT $10.00 TO $1500 WILL SURPRISE 'YOU SEE THEM AT STEW,ART'S APPLES WANTED . The Exeter Evaporator 15,431 pay 25c. pot 100 Ilse. for leinrier Peelers, 23.1 inches and over. JOS. SUTTON, Manager: HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT A comfortable brick cottage, with good' size parlors• d:hiing ro om, two bed. rooms, kitchen, woodshed and celiac, Stabie and .some fruit* trees. Corner bent and .Huron streets, a. cliofce .Idea-; tion Terms to sulk. S. M. SANDERS UNDERWIELkR IN ALL THE BEST MAKES AT VERY LOW PRICES. - 50c. to $3.00-S,TEYG ART'S. $1.00 in advance gets' The Advocate to January ,let, 1914. _ . EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST: MiBs J. J. Allen, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at The CENTRAL HOTEL on SATURDAY' NOV.EMBtat 9w„n. Ilem s, 10 to 6 p.m. COMING Novel and Entertaining Ooncert Edythe Warring Nash, Dramatic Artist assisted by Estella MacCornateli, Soprano Soloist. Do not MiSs seeing the "Automatic Dolt" Opera House, Exet- er, Wednesday, Nev. 13t5h, 1912. Plan of Hall. at Cole's Drug Store_ "Usual prices. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK FOR SALE - Price reduced to $1700, it 'sold by Deck 1st, A goad investment for any. man. Apply to 1. Spackman, Real Es- tate went, Exeter. DINING ROODS GIRL WANTED. -- .At once. Cecil iiatel, London,. G7ood wages. Thee.- Oke, Preprieto.r. Delaware, Lackawanna and Wester, Coal Company's Z1111,11TON Chld The best hard coal mined. Burns to a white ash.. W. a LTT9COA1.. .. .. IA Bus, Dray and Teaming usiness Your orders in our line will be' attended to quickly and satisfzal torily.. We are here to please the - public needing" anything in our line, -and we ask a trial from yen, Orders left ; by phone -or other ' wise at THE'ADVOOATE O'$; ;••,-2EO,,NE 25, will receive w p,1. attention. ro Y)G reee fliv LOCAL DOINGS. The more worthless a nnan becomes the snore gric',vannea ire has. Train up .a servant in tine sway , she 'sheutd go, and si,rst thug you know she's ge rte. I£ al epitaphs( bad to ,Ile truthful It weuld be better to, leave ,some tomb- stones omb•sto ee blank. Edythe Warrine Nash, Professional Dramatic Artilat. Opera House, Exeter, Wednesday, Nov. 13th, 191.2. The season of Mack and grey arluIr rels opens on, Nov, 15th and. closes Dec. let. The penalty 1. $5 for each squirrel with coats, killed out or Sea Eon J. M, Armstrong of Leona Htil arzd C. M. McCall of T.haanxnsviile were iene on Tuesday On stallion inspection, duty. tetany of the etallibci• owners of this neigl;t,cr h:aod brought their animals to Exete: to be .Inspected. Mrs, Wm. Stewart and family last week moved to Toronto to reside, after lining in Exeter only a f,OW snantts. Previously they ,resits 3 con the N. E, Boundary of Usborast 'Mr. Stewart is at present .c'a frust .ens prctian du* in P'o.k Willia r. It is net :necessary to express the 'tope 'hat the boys, will remember that °-night ;s Hallowe'en, but the citizens Of ENe'e7o d tope :tt'fak the boys will z tiiet'Veer t. dot the boy life of a. Own is largely judged by their actions on Hallowe'en, and that they will be wise in their generation and avo,d doing darn - age to person Or property., Somebody i'ia+a suggested the idea 'of Painting tine lowest cellar step white, if your cellar is dark, thereby 'prevent- 1;14-, mishaps and also doing away with ,i;t feeling Pot 'thea last step as .reu s4 dr,il. A,w'hSt'e it pt In the a:en- t':'e Of ilio eidewalk, tai; ght be of advant- age to song pedt1.!trians on dark nights, but others would, require a phosphoric paint to guale at+1iai;• watndering feet. We arc always. glad ,c vet local itenis i -r:: ar you, s.adsr, wou'd like y,au Self, a.id if you have any on nand t 1:i tinar stlid them along. Don't band- l with ani advortl::s,ndnt into them, for 1 they l;elan to_the .ca<Shier'e department, a;id if they at:se not worth pay ng tor in a legitimate way they are no good to us. I.1' you hays anly friends visiting you, or you expect' to go away just say so. The latter clause may gratify your creditors and: the fireti your friends DG` not meddle with, a busuness you know nothing of exnless : you conantence at the bottom itound ox `,t1io ladder and work tcward,er the :trop., For it ,yuu are successful enough, to reach the tiop round you will Sheol t. cid'plenty tea ap- plaud and aesialk But he -who com- mences sat itlze top of the Iadder finds it an easy hnattdr to descend, and oft times with. great rapidity,. And when he has reached the bottom he will find hundreds there wattling to kick him. ' °BIG COON.. 3Spssrs David Russell, and Richard Qi. ail a while ,.visiting at Nelson. Clark's, Uoh'zme, on Thanksgiv- ing Day, shot' n. l*g croon, which on being weighed tipped. the scales at 36 holiday. DIVORCED - frsyr Hunt, %wife of Rev. Ernest Hunt, of Boetton, Mass„ Iast week secured ,er divorce from her 'hue - band. Bev and lire. Hunt were resid- ents of Exeter, for several yearsr, the former being rector of Trivitt uMemor- al church whip h re THE HUMAN iBIRD,-Ona rot the many features with Guy Brothers Fem. cue `linstrels this ,seagonr "e „Herman': know,n as the Human ,Bird. Iiia is trealjy a w?otalQ vet, got and will aston- ish) you, See him cit thei Exeter, Opera House on Thursday (neat, Prices 85c, and 59c. BROTHER DEAD. -Mrs. Silas Hand- ford received word on Tuesday of tenet dearth of her brother, lir. Gteot Lewis of E,khorn, Wis., who had been sick only a few days of blood -poisoning, the result of a scraltdbf on his hand. : Mn, Lewis,, Who was in; his 78th year, was well-known here, having visited in town. seve•a' times. HORSE HAD GONE. -After attending a patient at ,Cent'ralGa on T ur day Dr. Hyndnaam came ottt of the house only to find thlat his horse and buggy had van shed. Op, look.niig .drown the road he caw the bvi'gy but the horse was not to to seen. Sometime latter, hpwever, `itt wars round about three miles sweat a- ereEs the river. Some damage was done to the buggy and harntesls. It is sup, posed that the terse broke the tie -lire and escaped DIED IN WAPELLA-The sad news was received here least week'et the death. of Mrs. Charles Kydd, ,who died at Wapella, Sask., :on Monday 'Ocd.; 21 at the age of Bt.3 yeardsti On the. 16th inst.; ' • deceaised was ` operated on : Dor appendielrtis, and while the operatl`on was as +suc'cess coni;plicat1'an's set irf and she passed away • as above ,s'tuted. T;ne:deaoeaeed wars a former resident of --Osborne,butt left these parts over twenty-five years ago, first living at Listoweli and tater the family moved to the West. Besides the husband :she is survived by fivesons and - two dau- ghters; also one .brother and one sis- ter. -Mr. Wm. Westcott of Usborne, and Mrs WnL: Snsll or Winnipeeg,1 Main., The ' ate Mrs. John Delbridge was also a sister. ARM NEARLY CUT OFF. -On Friday morning leIa` hle ir. Robert K dd of the 41A' cnncesraioni oaf . Usborne was en- gaged .with othdr men. I ,cutting, rails with -a r_1-cuilar s{ai}nt the saw. `became loosened 1-,o'm the frama and Vying off fit 'rut k Mr. Kydd.en the lett arm, about four i,tdhes below the ah,oulder, eever- itig Use big a auscie, and( the bone and; left inannSring by the lows muscle and tleah. He was knocked down; by the blow and Dt was, oin?,y when the nen attempted to -ra.ttse him that the extent of lite injuries was ascertla0ned. He was immediateity taken to the hoose ;and Drs, Hyndma(n &MeGilidewddy 5umi1loi.- ed i hay set flaw, rbcne and connected the tnue'cles and /a Ihop is en erta r, ped t na thl ^*savtad and bo ,come.' t afTle"r0is, IIlt xs;,-it` was be - fe=e, ' efoie,'' The" pat¢ rat" etd chloroilarm, although r fo...np gre+3't t mall without! rs and is, suf- Beeei,nuts are ,q fall ite plentiful this The egotist ire all..I's and expecte the rest to be all ea -as I Mr. M. M. Doyle: sold a load of horses in Tot-nemto. blast' Week. A. large nuaniber aot1 Exeter people •.00k in tlC Towel 'supperat WhalenTuesday night. Miss 'Sttanbury of Taranto sang a pleasing sole Ch, Caven Presbyterian church •Sttndsl}. The Main street League gave a. pleasant Hallowe'en, Pumpkin Pie Social til rthe chuirch on Tugsday evening, Mr. and Ma+sC :.Art Mitchell of Us- borne ,have the Sy,,nlpathy of their many friends tin 1'Jb19 death, ofttheir lit tieonet, 19,,m,:irsgiv-•tng, Day was a. very :tuiet one in town. E.nteirtaining visitors was the principa''occupatiemi of those who were not away themselves. Bettie, .daughter of, Mrs. Brpwii, has returned fro;tn 'T'pronto Hospital where she spent Senna weeks undergoing treatment tor n!ervons trouble. Owing to' °tile, quail being almost ex- tinct in this province ,the Governn ntl hat. deemed it advisable to prohibit the shooting rot sarr«a for ons year, commen- cing Nev. 14, 1912. A number of the fruit growers of this district held a meeting at The Central Hotel on Tuesday night. The growers and the companywho took. over their orchards; have had' sons little• difficulty regarding the payliien?; of rentals. The editor of the hensall ObserVer was badly infOrmed when he said, --"The sanitary inspector at Exeter won out in the Court at Appeal iii; the celebrated pea straw ,case. 'Abp. Canning Company pay all costs." Boo. Neelands should note that "the VerrY opPxsite is the easel Mr, John. Campbell of Hay has sold axle .residence On Sinlc;as street, recent lyly vacated lay it •", Phil. ,Rowollffe, to .sir. Wm. Schroeder Sof ,Dashwood, who has entered into parthhizsis p with ;Mr. R. S. Phillips In the implement busi- ness, rand will, move here ,shortly,., The sale of the rpdaperty was put through by 'sir. Ithill1ps, the price being $1100, W. W,. Tan'ta.n \was in London deli-. night.i James Sweet, Jr., ',Was .tionday Wm. Welsh of London spent the hol- iday here, Mrs. Wm. Burke visited izi• Berlin over the holiday, 'Miss Cecelia Ferguson of London was here this week. ' "4ir. and Mrs;. James Murray were in London Monday., Dr. Follick of St. Marys visited his parents Monday , if -r. Geo. Peddler its visiting '1m.s bo- ther John here. Mr. and :first 'Aft r ee; a Lrn Logsdon Monday, J. l7„ Atkinson was drawn from Clin- ton on Monday; Mr. and Mrs. R, Murphy were in, Tor- onto tthle w6',01i•. Mr. H. Lambrook of Brantford wa,a here this week. Will Greig spent the holiday ,at his home in Clinton+i Miss Ida Arratrotng visited her ale- berg in Luckntow. Mr. John Farmer at London spent Monday in -town I °'k' It/ Mr. Robert Sillery pals returned from a trip to the ,week,. Mrs. Lammie ot* Detroit le the guest of Mrs. E. Christie, Frank and Fred. Walters of Detroit; visited here lio,.idaly. Ethelbert Westcott of Hamilton was In town over Monday,, Mr. Mark Mitchell of London was In town for the week -end. Mr. Wallace Fisher of Montreal was home tor Thankegiv-Jng., Mrs. C. T. Brooks ;returned - Friday from Victoria Hospital. Mr. William McAllister of Oakville, spent the holidag here. Mr. Will May spent the holidays with his resents in. Mitchell Mies Nina Kinsman left last " week for Saskatoon to reside. In Clinton on Miss Smith visited, at herr home cn St. Marys over Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell o1' London 'were visitors in tow/} ch is. week., Miss Ida Rowe of Foldens Corners was hoarse for the holiday. Miss Mathews and Miss Drew, of Tor- onto visited 'Mrs. S. Fitton. Mr. and Mrs. Johh Case of Toronto ,spent ;part of last week in .town. Mr J. A. Sanders of:Woodstock spent the holiday w51th his parents: herb ' The Misses Stanbury o't Toronto 'vis- ited at J. G, Stanbury's this week. Mr. Al. McDonell was confined to' his ream this week with a heavy cold. Mr. Frank Mallett, Sr., has moved in- to the house( west OE itt; GeO.Cudmore's Mr. J. N. Howard is building, a barn at the rear of Dr, Roulston's residence, Misses Mary and Lela Culbert of Lu- can visited Miss Whiteford this week'' Mr. and Mrs:. Geo. Hockey and O. Southcott were in Brantford-for the lbs. Mn. John Essery of Usborne returned Tuesday fr'o'th am extended: trip thr.ough; the West. idr. and Mrs. Parish, who have been in Essex fo5, some weeks; returned hems this week. Miss !Stella Gre(gpry of the Chatharnt. Collegiate !staff spent a few days .here visiting her mtotho'r,_ 'Barry S:rause'r of Sea1:rrti visited at W. Statham's. !Reg. Bisssett returned to Sea -Cot -eh with ht L Miss Edith Heideman, visited in , Strat- ford and :Misses Emma: Heideman and. Doris Emsley in , Berlin., tIr.. and Mrs/ W. S. Cole, Mrs. John Hawkshaw and Miss Allie Handford ware in Lucan for the hoIiday. Mrs. Thos Gregory Its visiting;', Mount Forrest whof,o'she was called ow•- i•ng tir tlio' asuddelr d>eta`th 'i of heir ,'broth- er, roth-e ,16,ir. Richard Hampson, rat that place. Mr. and Mr e James Collingwood and farhily of 'Hamilton, Fire_ vr11 and •tansky ref Caa ,iia, Mre..'Wrn. W1l on cups hitterdaugSof Fetrolea vis- ited wi'tiblk " f Mrs Piper was in rLoidon' this Week). 'Airs. Geo. Mantle wastizi'+London Sat- urday at-w day Mr, Wm. Blatchford was -i the a week. London Mies Winnie :ja'ew•ard: spent , Saturday hi Letndon. i la s t Lr•Sweet: r ) visited in God.-- ich thio week. Mr Jas. Gould, and Miss Lela were in London. Saturday. lir ;01m7 Floyd of Godericb: spent she holidays to toweb hies, Witt Wilson, of Petrolea spelt the holiday •here! ' Mie s Cruickshank, teacher, spent the holiday in S.as ia-. Mist Ida: ,Matz'chand et Berlin was tomo fo; Thanksglvtog4 Miss L. Martin, teacher; spent the holidays at her honia here. MIs's Elsie ;,SeCaplu;nii 02 London, spent tl e holida`sr at her hov'nb here.. Mies Beeper, dudes—it. of London' spent tete week end at her.; home here, Miss Westland Of Wyoming spent the holidays with;Mfiss. Byndman, Mesta s. George Crawley,, R. Treble and E, Flynn were In London Saturday, Mrs. (Rev) Snell, of Parkhill spent the week-1nd with tics. Wes', ,Snell, Mix's Victoria Miners of Goderchwas a +visite: at her l«,ai'nehere this Week. Mr. and Mrs. Huston of London were visitors with ?ri'r, and Mrs. Jas. Taytor, Willie Snell, 02 QbstIlatii College vis, ited at his hasue helri over the holiday, Mies Ida Link,, tetter .a visit here and in 'Stephen, returned, to London Fridayf Mr,s, Percy Mollard, Stephen, epen.t the holidays with relatives: near BerlinL ,ir, and 'lino, Dyer Hurrdon, or Buff, ale, visited the fortnbr's father lir. Ni D, Hurdon. Harry Sweet and Eric Hurdon, of Lon- don College spent,, tr_4 holiday at flier -tomes here. Air and Sire. Robt. Verity of Toronto holidayed this week, with lir and Mrs. T B. Catling.. Mrs. Neeb and son of London spent. the holiday wttli Sxs,. Oha.s;, Sanders, Lauylaail Street. I 11. Biese«t lead Douglas Stewart et To.Pato spent Thanksgiving Day at their homes here Mise Mabel lfeTaggart, of Chatham spent the holidays with .lig pare ire ; Mr and Mrs,: Young and family of London were guests of air. and Mrsz, James Beer. Miss Sara% Sweat of Louden and Mr. Frank Sweet of Sarnia were homes. for TbanksgIvung. Mrs. and dies Graat.a'xai ,,: Goderic;h visited at with. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. L.•n- dentelt over the bloltdaye, I rr. F. Dis jatrdtinq of Lumley and lir, E. Keys, Shlpkay visited with Mr. P« Moth:ad, 'Stephen, ,Sunday. Mr. and ,Mrd. 3ioi:iti- Ti Westoott of Hamiiten, formerly of Exeter, spent to few days during tthe weak w zth rela- ativee and friends' in and around town. Mr. hand Mrs, 3. C. Inwood and 'am- ity at London, first' A. Evans, Mr. R. Bissett, Garvey ;Acheson, Win. David- son et London 'spent Tnabksgiving in Exeter Mr. ilii. Foilspd, pi near Detroit vi a- ited itad>s sister Mrs. ,iunroe this week;. His little daughters, who have I been visiting here, returned home with :him on Wednesday. lies'ers L. H. Dickson and S. G. Baw- den lett on lno'nda y on a trip to Ed= monton They will be away about three weeks 'lies. Dickson and is 1 it s Dolly and Mrs Bowden, accotnpanied , them 'as fair as Tarp/tip, where they will visit for a week Or twet, Auction Sale OF CHOICE CATTLE on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, at one o'cioek, p.n. at rHE METROPOLITAN HOTEL, EXET- ER, the following cattle, - A CARLOAD OF CKOICE CATTLE, mciudirng a number of, Year -Olds, 2 -Yr. Olds, a number of Caws, and 2 Cows with calves at foot. The above are all to good condition. Te^m•e-6 months' credit will be given on approved joint, notes. A. discount of 6 . per cent. per annum off Lor cash. G. J. DOW, -T. CAMERON Proprietor Auctioneer. NOTICE All empty cement sacks must be returned at ONCE or else paid for. R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario FurnitureHas Advanced 411 whrolesia,.er-s have advanced thelia p0`tces '.‘ort Furla1thare. But we were fortunate rla fl11iing our, large warerooms before the advance therefore. We are able to sell at ell prt:tes, Come and inspect our well assorted stock of alt kinds, et fun-niituro. Also everything up Lo date ren the v¢idertaala'tng line Phone .20a Residence nest to'the store: dertaker and License Embalmer bolts Mr, and Mrs. EXETER ONTARIO our Watch and Jewellry Business is incomplete without "you" as a customer We have a stock of goods that is complete in every line— ` atob,oss Clocks, rias Glassware, Silverware Etc. and our list of customers m o isbecoming lar ,er every day but it is still incomplete without "you:' We want to see you in our store, to show you our stock, and we feel sure you also will become a customer. A. Marchand Watchmaker and Jewellry. Seasonable Oonds at Espacia We have a balance o1'' this ;loves, neckties, fancy collars, turere Price. Seasonable rs oweat r Beate, underwear, hoaltry wblob we are clearfrg out at nla;tufae- Anot:'•,er, case of tI`soee yard wide 1'la nnetette to salt tow 11e..a y Clearthg out our,' telt les than halt price Dt, you want a. rp v .aeuit ear 'e coat. Let us get;yo a ti d to-ra' i from Grieve Swift Limited, Lordpn.. T^l:e price as e-tirrslA, and Ca, style til'4 est Thele Get ante are made by people wii'.o knew have, Let u,s supply your wants tors.,oee ztxid Itubtr e, We sell the Premier Cream Separator The Exeter r Bargain Store • 13. F. 13E1:1 1 door north of Post Office 25p. 59c., $l.QQ and $4,-,g5 ,1,1 mazy eaeee . JONES & MAY PHONE NO. S2 Heavy Winter Goods It is getting along the time now to do your winter shopping. Winter will soon be here, and you will End us well stocked with a good line of Winter Wear— ables. WINTER COATS A few real ;good ones ,Just in this week. We are adding some thing new in; the ,Coat line every week. We are showing a Reai Stylish: Tweed 'Coat with large collar and Reveres and Belted Back. This, week for $8.50. SHAKER BLANKETS A good large wiitite shaker Elan. kers for °slily $1.25 a ,pair. DRESS GOODS N,otjh3n 1e1't 'gut in 'tire's':•de-, partnient.' Every .stylish, color and fabric shown here. 'Come .here for your Dress Gioodsr. SWEATER COATS All colors. A11 kinds. .A11 sizes For Ladies, Gents," Giirls : and Boys. High and low reversible collar!. FUR LINED COATS; Our Fur Lined Coate' thus, '`fa11 are ,trade wivamersr. We can give tO you at ltowest prices. WOOL BLANKETS Good large fluffy wiped blan- kets $4. to $7: a pais.' MILLINERY Have you - ordered yiour New Fall err Winter Hat. Every style and sthape aro on cur tables, Leave your order early. ew Hotise is hire We have a big stock of New Goods for House furn- ishings.— New Rugs New Carpets I ?ew -Matting , Linoleums Oilcloths Bordering Curtains 11adrasee '• Tapestries Headquarters for the celebrar li Ste" awy7 , rothin 55,