Exeter Advocate, 1912-10-31, Page 7VAR DUE ON A, litATTi1ESS. How >a Sufferer from Sciatica Pound Permanent Relief. Fierce darting pains, pains like red hot needles being driven through the legs to the ankles -- that's seiatiea. None but the vic- tim can realize the torture of this *rouble, and many suffer from it hopelessly in the belief that it can- PUI1 CII S EDITOit. When Sir Francis Burnand, ;dur- ing his editorship, was once asked if he thought "Punch" was as good as it used to be he promptly re- i Plied, "It never was,'r .: This reply J was both witty and truer and no; doubt Mr. Owen Seaman is tempt-, ed to answer in the same strain; when those individuals .who are al- ways glorifying the past are de- ! scanting on the present position of ""Punch," It ishardly necessary riot be cured. ThIa is. a mistake; to state that under Mr, Seaman's sciatica is a nerve trouble, and if editorship "Punch" was fully main-' the ,starved nerves are properly tamed its. reputation, and Mr,. Sea - nourished with rich, red blood the trouble will aeon disappear. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills make lust the new, Pure blood needed to feed the.'' sciatica, nerve And drive, Out the racking pain. It has bees proved over and over .again that they can '; do tbie and we offer now the follow. ing additional piece of evidence, Mr. E, H. Pastoraious, Harrow, One, says; "Sortie years ago I ev as terribly afflicted' with sciatica; starting lust in my hip and then ex� tending through the leg to the foot. M the time I was attacked I was aveey from home and had to be brought horne Cahn a mattress in a airing waggon, and the agony of the trip wee alreost mere tsar! 1 eould endures, Reaching home I Wale net, able to lift up and remain- ed in bed for six weeks, The doe. tar- did .not help ine end I tried' Allier of meth -eines recoe:leaeuded icy ttei,giz1TQxa, 'I paid . 5,1110 a bottle, fol• cite preparation, but it was no better than the rest, and I began to think there ways no Cure for me. Vhil'as sillffer�g this untold mieer•g Arc, Svilliaarns" !Puck fill" were re- 1 cozmaended, and 'my wife got me e supply. In the course of a few' weeks I began to feel 'better and oould get around with, the Rid of a, ase, I Dept on taking the Pills , 11 the pain disappeared. 04,d 1. well as ever I diel. 111470 old sra attack of Elie trouble and although I aisle cow 65 ago I feel ail xi c• = !;Chis. as i all of which I ascribe ama3' Pink Pillai," ziuttering from ani+ ,e or bleed trouble, lee -1 izrraeelf to -day by the ill. ams' Pink Pills, u will assuredly dee for you coy 'have done for others, U ive t'heni a fair trial, Sold, by eelicine dealers or by mail post ail 00 ,cants at b4X or Six 17.4)X08 loan 82.50 from The. Dr. Williams' odioine Oo., Brockville, Ont. Notting iinpto eai at ebild's toffee much as Sangria sweetly. An ittlp !lined: by flersisten the child's sing ect, the benefit of l al.ize pleatsautly will peaking voice. Neither dre,a nor adults should sing higher or Iower than nature intended them to. When. a boy's or girl's voice is changing in pitch they should be ad. vised not to sing. The voice should be used sparingly whoa one is suf- fering from a. cold an the bend,sore throat, or weakness after ilness. In such oases muscular action has to make up for laek of Jung power aced' energy. The result is a thick- ening of the 'vocal cords and an added huskiness andharshness which may not pass away. The most obstinate horns and rwarts fail to resist Holloway's Corn Onre. Try it. For the months of April, May, and June of this year the total births in England and Wales num- bered 216,496. Elgin Years el Bad Eczema r' - Miss Mary A. Bentley Montreal elated by Cuticura.Soap and Ointment Miss Mary A. Bentley, 03 University St., Montreal, writes, in a recent letter: "Some naive years ago 1 noticed small'plmplei break- L" on the back of my hands. They ecame very irritating, and gradually became , worse so that 1 could not aieep at night. t: consulted a physician who treated me a' long time but it. got worse, and I coukl not put my time, in water. I was treatedat the triospital, and it was just the same. 1 was • Bald that it was a..very bad case of eczema. "Well, /just kept on using ey xything that 1 Could for nearly eight years until I:' was advised to try Gutioura Ointment. I dirt so, and 1 fount: after a few applications;tle burning sensations were ells:appearing., 1 could sloop n etl, and did not have tiny itthiltig Burin -i the night. 1 began after a whale to ttse Cuticara' Sap. 1 stuck to tete 'erticttre, treatment, and thotrt;.bt if I could use; othe3 'sornedies for over seven years whirs no result and after only having fe J ii pi .tore an,l finding ease from Cutrears Ointment, it deserved a fair trial with a severe and stub- born Casa. 1 used the Outiour a Ointment rand Soap fo>• nearjy six months and `.0 am glad to say that 1 have hands as clear as anyone. It Is nay wish that you publish Ibis letter to all the world, and. if € eyone doubts it, ies.thenr write rrxel• Cuticuru Soap and.Ointrrcritare' mold by cirri iwte and dealers etetyiv io For a libereo Tree sample of each, with i32 v. rano?r, send to Potter Drug & Chem, Corp, ors coltwaibus ivo.; Boston., 1J. 5, Qa KiNC OSCAR sanoixss "The tasty touch that means so much" for luncheon, after- noon tea or social, evening. Delicious! Nourishing 1 Get them From your Groper; Trade supplied by 31)r324 W. RI `i{t,s do terBEZNING, kis 3ali TJX,. Sim Thousand trappers now eend tin their Raw F. Why notyou? We pay highest prices dud express charges, tltarge.Rp:a iatt,, sendmeeey •y goods e,,s rrcti, ,', ai,,EgD pt slcJata, are saki eranaere east[ sere ileal with, its retie a !tease, We ere tile, lance -Uzi. /UV Uiih.iaCe--rrY Limfo acd111nanarEe.i' aR ' JIAL.LAfil TRAPPERS OWE, shook of SG Pases.rsailed FREE. Write to -dray. to John Flaltam, PSs3t Drf't Sq ,TO QNTDAU Front,S ,E.; 'man $ worthy Successor til ,illustrious humorists who pree in the editorial chair. Mr, Seaman in his youthful days had rro intention of adopting a lit- erary career, and after leaving OanibridgeRwlere be attained high star ytatson ,Agiir:ts' WOO; in ati'7 its detain are tiro ude l In tb. cause attracailt�' ill ctuded in he Cantr13 Tolai;rrti}r�' School; 3 Ger.= rand St. F 1'Rraet e. t:orreop ,nQ> mon hnrlteld• F a Johllaten, iron, W. 1L -,hYe't, ('-ratletaatt, LITES WITHOUT AIR. Snails Can +xfet Int.efnite1y With - old Inhaling It. While the anan has lungs, heart; and a general circulation and is in every respect an air -breathing erea- cure, it can nevertheless exist inde- finitely without inhaling the least breath of air, the element that is usually considered the essential in existence in all creaturessupplied with lungs, "To all organized creatures," said Leppert, "the removal of oxy- gen, :nater, ncixtr'isbmenti and heat causes death to ensue." When that statement was made Leppert did � not appear to Consider the enail as oynaeSzpaead oannb"ezatnhgi h"gavreefaoptr rhxpdte' toifamt"ea`nrys: tr all the usual life conditions can ba removed in the, ease of the snail without terminating its existence or in any way impairing its func- ti The common snail retreats into his shell on the approaeh of frosty weather and the opening or month of its shell is hermetically sealed by a secretion which is of a silky ter- Lure- and absolutely impervious to air and water. Ia this condition it is plain that it is deprived cif three Gef the fou elements of life mention, ed ztlaove---air, water and nourish. merit, 0 These Pills Cure Rheumamen, --. To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parmelee's Vege- table Pins is recommended, They have as pronetineed action upon the liver and kielneye aid by regulate ng the action of theee organs act ie an alternative in preventing the admixture el uric acid and blood that 8441ses this painful disorder. They zuust be taken according to directions and used steadily and they will speedily give evidence of ir`benefcial etfeets, !loners, Ile settled down as a master at Itosall School. Later be acted' AS Professor of Literature at Dur- ham Celle ge ef; Science, Neweastles- en-Tyrie,. In 1694 he began writing?. for "Punch," ioiniug the Staff three years later. In 1942 he 'MIS appoint- ed assistant editor, and in 1he; assumed full, *antral, Mr, Seam*,', hal gamed a great reputation, as writer of satirical verse, and amen Not Always 'ilio Italica "Hs was at getting to fa,s own wedding,'' "Better late than nee+era I sup - so" "Oh, 1 don't know." his well-known efforts in this direc- tion are "The Battle of the Bays," "In Cap and Bells," and f"A Her- a of Chaaff," Mr, Owen Seaman h lamented in verse the strain of being; funny once a week, but he apparently bears up well under this strain, for hiswit remains fresh and eparlling. REN B4tBY' IS ILL. 4`�Ixten baby is ill---wh;In he is troubled withconetipntion, colic worms or cold; when his teeth stir bothering him or when he is rest - e and cress And doom not sleep; well, give him Baby's Own Tablets. They are the mother's greatest aid in keeping her little ones well--- thoueands of mothers give their babies no other medicine because they know the Tablets to be abso- lutely safe, They are guaranteed' by a government analyst to be free from opiates and other harmful drugs found in so-called "soothing" mixtures. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brockville, Out. Scottish oil companies alone have', *entreated for 200,000 tons of oil fuel to be supplied to the Navy. Donot let a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Sickle's- Anti - Consumptive Syrup at the first .in- timation'of irritation in the throat and prevent disease from Iodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglected colds are the cause of untold suf- fering throughout the country, all. of which could have been prevent- ed by the application of this simple' but powerful medicine. The price, 26 eents, brings it within the reach of all. India has 147 vernacular languag- es, the chief of which are Hindi, Bengali,Bihari, Marathi, Panjabi, Tamil, and Telugu. Nalnard's Liniment Cures liphtherha. That Was All. "Skillings, how came you to qu_t working for Spoteash & elo l' "We had a difference of opinion- as to the valve of my cervices for another year." "Was that .all ? "Yes ; I thought I was worth $4.- 000 to them, and they thought I wasn't worth 40 cents; So I' '1uit.' What 'else could a "self -res aecain man do?" ,nae He Took CA N PILLS I+Zr. 11 A. Julies of Wtn:aaipeg3� writes : '1 have beret a st:fiererfrow 1�itinloago for same years :past. 1 mot your Mr. Mild and he advised me to taire GIN PT1,,T.S. I have been taking them at intervals Sluriug the early part of the present winter, and up-to-date have had no return of my old trouble --an fact 1 fael better ikon 1 have for yeara, and think that may old enemy has vanished for good and stll.'' 500. a box, 6 for ,2.50. aamuple; free if you write National Drug nodClienaical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. lac 1114 $d*g.r Uoard azt.ndS atomthe414a,. set of the way' or the curer, This allows. a # at,t a.,T pat ata flake tooth, Vo other abater tom at semis at, (Train". NO cher wtsAar cam At w rixai wWA crank: kaeldtlatrfaat aril as top hOrr. AP you sae hIcan•alrai "Favortta^-the chum that nlakaa Quality boner? wM1te fsseaialogiiss year deytar dne, Pet hais asthea. 89 DOW NAXYtElt ee SONS, sT, hair's, Snl, Qr .Lott'., tor That . iiltier, "What's your opinion of the high. price of coal this year?" "Well, for one thing, it's liable to prevent my wife doing her Christmas shopping early," Trial is Iuexpensive.-To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the di- gestive system, a trial of Parme-'i lee's Vegetable Pills is recommend i ed, should the sufferer be unac- quainted .with nae-quainted.with them. The trial will be inexpensive and the result will be another customer for this ex- cellent medicine. So effective is their action that many cures can certainly be traced to their use where other pills have proved in- effective. The fall of one inch of rain is equivalent to one hundred tons of water per acre of land. r,Sinard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. Displacement. "Do you -think the automobile will displace the horse 1" "No," replied the reckless driv- er. "We can't even get the pedes- trians off the roads." All mothers can put away anxi- ety regarding their suffering chil- dren when they have Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator , to give relief. Its effects are more sure and lasting. Having 922 beds in constant use, the London Hospital, in White- chapel, is the largest general hos- pital in England.. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Cargdt in Cows. A Rebuke , for Father. Little Mary's father had denied her a pleasure which she had con: fidently expected to enjoy. That night when she saidher prayers at her mother's knee, she concluded' with this petition : "And please don't give my papa any more children. He don't know how to treat those he's got now A Modest Order. Mr.' Martin --"Now, , then, Ben- nie, what part of the chicken would you prefer `i" Bennie (who has been invited to Sunday dinner)—"Why; I'll take a drum stick, a little ° white meat off. the breast, the gizzard, as wing, the neck and a spoonful`' of the etuthin'. 'Mom made me promise not to ask for a second > helping." elitevA1lTa'6 Xtl:iJ is chi ratbfas Foley, OH Oity. Ont. Joseph pillow. Norway, Me Charles Whooten, Mulgravo, N. 0. Rev. IZ, A.. x:xustron-' 4ulerave, ;1'. S. Pierre Ganders, eenr., Pokexaouehe. N. B. Thomas Wasson, SheAteld, kl, 11. Not Merely a Game. Too many view :matrimony as a game when they ought to consider it their life work. ' Stop -the Cough. --Coughing is caused by irritation in the respira- tory passages, and is the effort to dislodge obstructions that come from inflammation of the mucous, membrane, Treatment with Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oilwill allay the inflammation and in cense quence the cough will cease. Try it, and you will use no other pre- paration kr a cold. All-night banks are to be intro dueed into London. Mnard's Liniment Cures. Distemper. PEARLS OF TRUTH. The society of good women is the most educative process through which a man can pass. -Mr. S. W. E. •Russell. • Barring spelling, there is no rea- son why English 'should not he. come the universal' tongue.—Dr. A.. Graham Bell. If everybody did their share of the work, the world would get along very well with a three hours' working day. Mr, Will Thorne, M.P. Humanity had not only a duty, to keep children alive, but also to give every child 'a chance of living a de- cent life, and becoming a decent citizen.—General Bramwell Booth. There is no policy like politeness and a good manner is the best thing in the world, either to gel one a good name or to supply the want of it.-Bulwer Lytton. Whatever may be the pauses un- derlying labor unrest there is noth- ing to be feared from courses of ed nationwhich demanded self -deny ing effort and encouraged intellec- tual interest.—Dr.' John Kerr. Prepare) Yourself For Winter's Worst Don't welt till yroa4 have caught one of "hose nastyoolds-forlifyyourg against thorn by lacking x courses of a- r w o Tas a °reptar&tion o ess 'I'ltis "bu6ider lam'" is rich hi the xnedletrl*f a(ad nutritive properties of the best Norwegian Cod Liner Oit--without the' desagreeab1at taste. It 3393 aantains Extract of Malt, Extract of Wild Cherry and valuable klypophosphites, which ton® up the whole,syster: and part!, culariy strengthen the Lungs. Throat and Bronchial Tubvs. In SO0. and .$1.00 12otiley, at your druggist's. ao s NIATIONAL, DRUG, AND GiiEtlt1C)d. CO. Q1 CANADA. All winter long—on the ,Zero days and windy, Must -ming days—the Perfection Smoke- less Oil Heater gives them real solid comfort It saves thein many a cold and sickness for it easily firms the rooms not reached by the ordinary heat, The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trim- mings rue-m ngs (plain steel or enameled turquoise -blue drums). Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for year,. Easily moved from place to place. At (Molar* £e 'rel arrr THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limit( c TORONTO ST, iO N MONTREAL WfriNIFSG liALIFAX A Talking Clock. A talking clock has been planed on the market at Berlin. Instead',` of striking periodically they clerk calls out the exact time every quar- ter of an hour "in a ,clear human voce." The rneohaanisln can be so adjusted that these rannounee- meats cease at a. certain time and continue again automatically after a stipulated iriterva-i. That when you put a salve onto your child's slain, it passes through the parts ata 'enters tls.e bloo4, just -as sutely es if you put it into the ch.itd's.stcmaclr? You would not put a coarse mass of anlreel felt, colored ,Pap" va:f=ons frnxa it poisons (sisal as many crude salves are) into y'oetr child's blood by way of the stomach? T hrn why GO so by way of the pores?? Tair no risk. Use always the cure h rb.x1 etsznaas provides fe Z,an-Bak contains ao craw of any animal ail En rail, and no poi coeds =naval co'..r- ing matter. From start todzic t as puroIy fxalwi. It will a.et sot , taicasa, ata ccs- r:aa, erispions, varicose aicozr ctia, ;auras and b caasszz ru a qu1ekiyu' than any stat:~ I .nod.• x rep;artttor,r ,l:s a:reii:eft4: r etogi firs znati.:t:_gt of c dQ or emit, of a ri !arias, 1n.Eaa.Kdd comae an Cvu. ...:ion G; It s putiby0 u`, s echo vc proved ti. /IN dr-dcliq..2 and .,for'er lOc S0.. or Lccerz-.b«r: Go.,:Q'ororto, JO �. is SALE, H. W. DAVISON, Ninety Ceibartta Street, Toronto, H1is7nitEit leOlfi>aS-COtlll'l'iC iTAL `ORF It i Qood. nouset iyuiltliztg3 Orolxnrtl, Clap And- on eaaav tltrSr"E, EVENTY•SXX .MILES WITH GOOD buil81ns and; apple orchard -r about; five miles from Hamilton, H. W. DAWSON, 'Toronto, TMPROVED WELLINGTON COUNTY' ll Farms, near Ontario Agricultural Collage. Send for Catalogue, Sones & Johnston, Guelph. MALE HELP wan-rEO, LiAaNa , THE RAILWAY STATION work and earn more money than h any ether trade. We qualify for all Canadian railways, 'Positions meati. Write for free boot i8. Dominion Scheel Railroading, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS. ANGER TUMORS. LUMIPS. eta. In. ternat and external„ cured without pain by our home treatment. Sirrito no before too late. Dr, Belhman Medical 'Co. Litnit�a. (',,lli,'awn rd, (Int T EARN SILVER PLATfNA-P.A.RTiOiT lara free. Specialties Agency, 13ox 1Q'6. winni»et". CARPE DYraiN and Cleaaleg. Thta is a. Specialty With the British American. Dyeing Go' Aeo4 partienlase by plat and we are sere to satiety. r: '+ Med ,11-t. Adtlresa Box 233, Montreal When buying your Piano insist on haven an . OTTO GEL" Pfarto Act'i.or'`a ICe .ba.. °. - ttt'•.Z si::a ezie ° ' CRIDOSOTE Rrotaoot— Preserve— Beautify Samples and Booklets on .dppiloation JAMES LANni4LIIR & CO.limited' 18741 .Bathurst,'Street TORONTO nnsrsactsernamsktarame ALL aims ANT) l<lfaWS; Smoky, Stades and Fluos,a ter Flumes, Engines and Boilers P"Lp S Hp E ug3 64'tl lbs. ^ R ru,'wli"vS 4iS343?.s"•. iS, v T1T".. ""i:an n� et•g anal IViayF3olit Sbap i- i- u C t.. S. A (4 F# r) lyi:"-., DY Giues ticlt, even colors, f re Iron r,s_aba and absolut- ely iliac, Dccn not rinichnodt or kettle:, 4 calera will give. any simile.. Coors l0c block 15e, at ' g ycoa ` d9rlor a or peat - bocci • with booklet `How to:. Dye.' tram ED. ISS E 44-"'12' h cifillCI St CO. I units -al fly 1 4 4 1 4 1 a P4 4 4 a s 4 a a 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 r 4 i 1 4 r e