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Exeter Advocate, 1912-10-31, Page 1
We have Made a aspeclenitY of the Atte- Oen sale WI busihtedet for several year[ land, have received a,tyberal patroaaage to . repay ua. for "aux efforts., T,h1is year we are prepared, betel` Of= ever to'sat- laity the ,needs of th"ase intending to Cleve an auction stale, Do not eve your list to bol prt:aked till you Have Called. cti etc., i4len gaud, lahone orders given, prompt attealtion. If you have a e of property tai, a , and you 11,aye the abllity to de cc,' t a t 'In an aka, in the same simple watt' ".700 would rev it a Marl called. your telephone, and asked for 0 tell. ? n :ahaut : t, then you2 classified advertisement, published with' a little pers`_s=,tenes, w 12 sell your pr9 pony to the buyerw,,xo needs it most, w NTY-SIXTH YEAR E TE , ONTARIO. THURSDAY. , ©OTOB 31% 1912. The Canning Company Again � Succeeds In the Pea cARLING'S Straw Litigation PBONE 1$ SOLD O iT Ha Ting sold our stone which +, a tobe vacated byJan. lst. ' are offering for sale our $i5,00O "General Meier an dile which consists of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furn- ishings, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, China, Glassware, Boots and shoes, Hardware & Groc- eries. We can save you money. Come in and be convinced. All ioods sold; will be strictly cash and no goods will be sold on approval. This is the gulden oppor- tunity fall and wint- er to do y®u a er shop►ping. Come early and get the first choice. Sale cominneing on List week we h{ad on, Lr tinea to copy t e report of ,the judg• nt -of the Div,. istonai Cottl;t ,i.#t: tlhds Casa as :k ap- pealed in Che 'Toronto papers,:, Since then we haw, have tad Lima to ani. yxe the judg,Tarent, attd to [:cosi of our reader* who m37,1 ha*read the: cheap, thunder ecteits, ,,published in the legal puffpy bureau, ityr«sit ba irnteesta1,g tat know 'ne result of the e,itpaai by the defend- ant to the Divisional Court, It will be Trraaerotered #j:. 1t at thn- Goderfcta trial 24 ur.Red ,t i; it c flea. s aw ?ai question was 01,4t a nuisance, [hat tkte defendant 13.1asett rnnanx tted tre$Paaa retrieving the ettiaiw, end that the Beard pf Neadth (?) [acted IUefialiy, The judg- maeltt of the C unty O0127t therefore uT. Llr,nee +alis conter,tiora of the 'Canning Oe'y, the ?lv;sional , Court re-atftt ill. the 4cInp'anyss contention and abaf t gives the CeituFns Company damages o" the straw and d e i ages .far the trespass committed by. defendant. Tae. appellar4t Diseett afl co npelted to pay tail costa of the appeal to TorOnte and ail. his 'appeal Mails iia that the Onjunc- tIQit reatra9nino barn ' ikerever" from a rePtltith4n ta't his ttrespss Ls dissolved and this the !4a^urthi Cenlpeny 'u+auld. ive bee;[, pleae:.d to give t1.=trr it he asked for it witt ut any expense to Itltitselt, "rhe ,judgment ole. appeal al- sa vales '[ills CPuaty Court judgment. to that while it gives the Cannlog Com- Ra;ty` the tonnages, with Division Q4411 4M°A818, -wh%eh det,P11,40.31t. twat pay, the detendaxst is alioweektp set oft ht:s coats o defence in diva flaunty Court orit. Tito 114eat4cc► or coats rentalne, there- there t fore, 'far ib t.. n. officer lo pzld tire lawyers to aqurabblea over. The »atopa5ers will be 'La a better position to jrtdge 1414 wj.ne 8114 who ioaes wtten tto year'e SIIIa;nct 'statement 1a before them, theat le 3t suppression of the ifs - tares in Vats tn,ittor Is not. ,reaort;d to is said, hales been donee l7a the past, In tyle" meantime who PaOr lnov- mg' tho straw? Jug, the farts arc c.14 oniy' to be (:en- dem*t d, but are 'Ocaving tbenlsetvea a .)e cable to the taw; Tbes.e facts could ea ell} have beai obtett;d, and "would only have [raved, a number ,of de- positors a few anxtletts Milauteo, but. woult: :ave prevented a traarilentar•, doubt being cast cover one "of our tore most Banks in Canada.., The CanadFon' Bank of Oorsinterca, e file second` strong- est Sank in. tirn Dominion, with a PaPital of ;+15,pO0O00, .,and reserve fund of .4,1,..2.500,900, Its head office offie=all a=e elanservative and f:ap- able backers, and, "we cava assure,, our readers that there .is nothing: whatever in t`•t0 reportof lest week. THE EXETER. WUNGI Cao ic11..a 3 :ra, t a Ttowaa.Hall Friday evezain.;, 25th, em1X 5 all present lfinutes o, ,><es 4th ,and ,8th we+:e read ar rd aPP-ove3. "Dy -law No, 10, t r ttr rate, was read th'* meeetle4rY. 'lumber or tineas and ff.nally pasties, ort anotir, of :Mr. Scott, s,co,'tdtd by aro, Lovett, 1.,,evet[--1'orti-T:sat the hie ecOunt ba passed as react $19. -7 , 'Ga Atkins.* $iii, ; E. .550; 80c; J .S „ jf, , W Kuntz $1.75; Moo it llY3., 1)2. S Sander's $18,50 ; T. Sanders $16.5Q; T '13axelwe'orl $9; N Vale $41; R. Quante y�$tt ; T. aloulden ;1.4 ; {��= h:ydd $11.10 l if• e7., .-t $25,51); fila Stich M' w Knott $9 .7. sweet $2'' SP We t - colt $19.25; J. IS=ydd $2„ ; Il. R^abtrc $4-; W Kydd $128.110 ; II. RorneY 21,. W Treble $4; Mrs[. F. wiulle; $1.; C3.' -. ad.a Foundry $1016.39; JaMeee R ob rt- 5at 0), $67,50 ; Harniltob and Tor, unit, Sewer; P1P`y cp,. $7,50 H. frac-- Mii n 3.50, 'gal So•u;hc)tt, EX,eter bard, 50,00 TOtul ;1+32,9.25. 'SeettRives--T at fixe reeve and l•rw*acttrer bo,;tuw $2009 ids eurarelt q P Ys'as.-04, rigid. vett"-Rivera--That the t erlx R 1 eras Sloe Stone Quarry C'o'y *ip ;forr, yr�ice of srvsaed a:o1`.tx rIt , I• . + h, .R Exeter -- easeriedr 9l ett-- ora That the fire etal,^'.sre tidYoileed fes" sales, iendere; to he t o clerk's hands' by Friday evenif Ircry 22, a, 7 Um*, .and a,lsp to w.ti Chn Gutta Verona Bobber Co, for in price of 2'.$ 5n. rubber l',1aoA,-C,irri'd, ., 8, Carling, Clerk THE CANADIAN BANK OF COM'1 3,113110I:+ NOT IN TROUBLE Ort T"hurledty of last we an u„ fountied and perfectly, redicutous runteur wart circulated !si town a t'he effect At The c axaadiah 'Bank of Commerce the teGovern- zits ve- r at1 was 1lelrrs; ;investigatedb� tnsrat for sending bra 'false returns. By tIle business and professional men the report wail' treated es 2. Jake, but a number of the deploaitora, who 'hare not ab wetll ,ia1#3aatn$(ti as to the stand.„' lag. of the 'Ba(nkk, becatattt alarmed and were lncktned to demand their money. Tho,lecal. ,;le,naxl er of ;the bantt,, whom w4 ax once.intorvTewed, stated tha6 there was absolutely n:0 .truth, tn,'tho rumour and that he had discovered ,the herr of it, and had podittxedt out to son respon,etble, the great ltaTna1 which might be done by etrculating � !believe true report of ih1 alt nature; that the penmen tle?s"ptenialb119. tor the rumour 4.1bl/tight it tot be true at the time, but any' o passim$, to statement of this nature, wfttheut first obtain.- WI QF FORMER EXETER COMMITS SUICIDE. Apparently in ,h- tez3Porary insane condition, ?d s. Nelsi?n, aged. 43, wife of Mr, Rockford B. Nessa i, 650 '15aterleo Street, Londor tormerly of Exeter, at 5 o'clock as IrLdaJ atterrJaon at tempted to force a qua:nity of carbol_c 301d ,down t.`•"a throat of Mrs, Ball, a sick neighbor, and failing :.h her °:peril- tion, ,,swallowed the poison herself, dy. in,g Fred t e effe is 20 marc s later. Mrs, Rapti its row .confined :lo Vktor,a Iiospita3, sufferi f,on %:•:,rribie buries abou, h'a month h and fate, where. ttr9. 1q14;4 was spilled won she s ,:u fled t0 free rere,4f from th... -other won -Art, IS's, 1110:80!), t: app;ars, ?ore _ let xn p];sr had he , employed ploy.,d toattend :rye needs of Mrs. &tLt. v.':.o had been sloe.- Fined to b.,1 vr;t".^, a two-•.voalt.+old baby boy. Alttzo h mot sleet4r2$ 114 lam Ot5g [bel?'8 1191,18s, l rs, 1•lel a^• ;Wats a 13iA5a econaiderabdy throughe1,tt ,tile' anti there wax ne+thing',urauattal ,tat e Bpla arae ce t** the house, at that hour ft^ Dill 'ep ane rfror.,:to bed, p.?.1shed ,Rant away' and hurPied in he^' tightdrers to a ne::ghl oes, and when: yaey returned 11rar. Nelson was discover - d, lying uaaf tlse ons upatt a lied in e,:• tl,er rte ra, where site probably drank` .e, P lieu: • tee Mrs. Ball's departu,r,4 An inquest wins Censide,ed 1/11110eP%sary Was, plaint/' an Cain +a 8111.0 10, ed was 11r. Telsct,t',s second wire 1111 lead, 1 o,, chli(ko. .irk. Nelson, a well known~ in I x:Mto-, is tare- o; the Tgilbot rebt #1:a4t'14t MA, NPs \IEK ,l W GIRL, ICII,I,ED 1 V LONDON, Mive A.ttttife, StiaVi1?, aid' 441, a,.io lyaer resident of E-gr';rs '11:34 attending tic regui+tr 4u:1e0,k.a ehemb?rma,'.d lit 4 Tecurnso'.t I3gttee, fi oadi)n, on F:. • evening ar 9 *[clock, received a re at t°ta base o2 the skull fresn lie wardrobe, and. `cl ed s ;only ard. Mists Slav2n was alone at IA)=aone o 'the moans, Being I" .1" t t 'ii and Judgtog front 'her "1 faccKett, :t :a' evi`er ra3rh t into the ward- C1ex t,t,.eap4lcd backward upon her; firatshins' her head to the floor, George 1i O'Neil the prop;wetaar Jar t"ac House. who wee Pasini through a lower terrine.-, hreard the crash, and suspecting semetteng was wrong,,; ttur- reed upstate, find tZa 1.to unf9rtuntite woman. bleeding pmfuselj fnant tate t r' � o r u n d on m u,-: and P cs nrablYQl a Ping a: d tion A doctor vra•ev hurriedly called but lift was extatet brefdre he arrived. Dr. Ferguatcaa, t:oria'ster, later viewed the body, and becomr«Si aware Of ttho polo- able facts of the case, declared 'au Ir, - quest v. -as unnecessary, ,Mas Slav -ti and a. sister Miss ;tfary, have been employed In till© hotel tor' acme ;year's, A brother,. Thomas S]avin; reaidea near Hee sall .Tlae remains of the late Miss Slavin were taken to Bth spll and thence to the llama fat her brother; Wm. Slavin; Concession Mluckeeamithti from where the funeral took place to e';CcTag- gart'a cenietery, Chi selhurst,, on ionda y, TER AND DIGGER, THAN EVER Guy Brctthars Dig NA':rnatrele will 'coon be here avid GecO tSja says he wilt pre - duce to 'his, ;nz zt' Onicirkds a reaat, first .-fastentertainment. 0 ttaa always given a geed irctspeetal,3tt and refined s;:ow and g'ua.ranfeea thio 80413'01 tie surpass ' anY even; ,,given by,i old five rifles The G •BL+atherrs 1•'tinstrele before. +strand Cest"u#tteae'Special Seenerr a h ch is Elegant new Fine Part w d revelation 'w tit« eight very Sunny End Men and a' t et ett fine vocalists, The second part 9f the performance will in-. elude 12 E'fret Clans 'Vaudeville Acts, amongvthem seve'ttl European Nevelt les engaged Only434 t"h41 season, usual The . Celebrated Sliver Concerti Band, will make a Pafrad4 the day of the chow on they Street a~6 noon.' This engagement lel for one nig'hkonly, 'Thurs day Naventber 7th, Secure your .-seats early as thele[,* don't cast any more land be 13Ure to willies's tnq grand Perrier mance. Prices grid. and 50c.. ,Seats an Bale at Cole's Drug 'Snot e.. .APPLES AND HELP WANTED Apples two and b 1t Inches and -ova, wanted-wiinter, stock: Nice ;25 cent' peT hundred. SOc. for superior clua1it5e Help wanted trio-aimmirag. apples, at the factory. E3ETER CANNING CO. Do You Want A Gun For The Hunting Season We have a complete line for sale also a few to rent. Ammunition for sale, lttoi7:• OPTOMETRICAL SPECIALIST; WED DING RINGS AND MAR LICENSE li yid eta AGES eat of HOTEL: BURNED, AT, S;TING,HA•3f. Winghan, Oct. 7291;�-Fdr`e originating in a chianney alano's1 gelnpletely wiped out the Exchange Hotel, a, two-story hostelry, the property of a. E. Leppard here •tc: night. Practically all the c lm tenth were laded, but the lofts, it is undettabcod, will Jae gittte heavy, al- theugt• partially covered by insurance„[ 2 KILLED, 30 INJURED On Mvn,d4tf evenMg, train con- taining Talento ectldiera, w1ao were re- turning from a lehani fight near; Streets- ville, ran bead -ern into the Dfetroit Flyer at (Stree tSville junction. One coach was 'teLes'cop!edr and nearly every one injured, mrta's!ti(y' of the 48th High- landers I Murdolck and John Bana- tyne were kLlleda ' CONSERVATIVE ELECTED Geo. W. Neely, 'Straight Conservative was elected the Phrvincial Legislature over William Sutherland, Independent, in East Middlesex oni,Monday last bya majority Alf 551. Chad. 14. Mills, Con- servative, was aster elected i_n Water- loo by over 1300 majority. . Miss Newell. walla &1 Stratford saver Sunday' 'wirth herr. pare,n,ta, Fis 'heries Inspector Campbell of Syl- van was in town on otf_icial duty last Tuesday 12rr Phil. Rowtclifte is niloviing ' wt5th his fain -61y ; to L4ynelen; this week, where they intend to reside, A young' titan` frlom Toro .-rite wale nearly killed near Forest w,hele:'(ahioot- ing rabbits On thanksgiving Day. The Charge tore tha/ough the flashy part of the leg ntnd ftoi-ty4sevten `stitcihees! were required to, close this wound. DIES ,,,FROM` LOCKJAW mormomorom '. i l and Winter Clothing In Suits, Overcoats and Men's Furnishings WE HAY A A FULL AND COM- PLETE STOCK OF THE EWES FALL AND 'WINTER CLOTHING IN SUIS OVERCOATS, SWEA'T'ER, COAT- AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Forest, Oct. 25.--Tlobert Clark, ,aged 59, one eft thra beat known fanners et I3ooaangtlet Township, to dead at his home atter' n, very' loris[; illness with. Iockjaw. Decently while at. -work out On his fields, rir. Clark scratched his hand Very re1Lglvtlty on a •rusty- nail, Nothing was thought or the wound ,until blood poisoning developed, followed soon after by lockjaw, F.AR Q UH_1R. The death occurred at Rusbeldale om Thursday,. October'„24th, of Mr. Cecil Russell, aged 29; ;yearS.t Mr. Ausseil: na'd been it1L of heart trouble for about two years. Thh end,catnas very suddenly, however, u.'s he ,had t1a: n in Stratford tube previous day.,,' He had never been unable to 'attetnd t a ale usual duties. He leaves ,, to ntpuinn lids ;death a w^,ie, who .was Miss ' Delia AScNte.a3 rota this place, and . two children.' The funeral on Saturday was very dar eIy Lettended, trhere beim: over (80 rigs in the proces- sion, The. e.ma:ins were :interred :ta Roy's Cemetery. ENDED Ups LIFE Blyth, Oct. 2.9; -John AlcB?ien, a. far.timer residing in Hullett Township, was 'found dead to -day. He committed' suicide' at lois hornis by hanging. He had attended the. funeral of his friend,' G, lioore, on1V r: di litltle whale 'before, and was very melancholy. He had been subject to fits" of degressiOon :for sone, time Deceased was 80 years old. FIRTHS Gibbynge-In Tuckdrsnlitti Oct. 16, • to Mr, and, Mrs. Bert Gibbiings, a daughter Dedard-At Zurich, on the Oct. 17th, to 14.•x and MrA. Dennis Bedard: Brown --In Stephen, ,on October, , 20th, to Nix. and tire[, Dean Brown, a dao. ghntrer IgARRIAG>ES hooey -Swart -Art• the home Qi the bride's- parents, lalrtchaell, by Rev, I McRae, assisted .by Zev.. Georrge W: Facey, fattier 'of the grooms,RafeMac- Lreod, daly dyaoigihit„nn of Mr.: ;and ,MrrsL W. A. .-Stuart, to George , .Willrilann, ,spin nt Rev. anct, oat., Georges W. pace'$*' of Kirktant. Coleman -Townsend -In Clinton, Oct. 23 Francis J. Cole:nei 1 of Egnatondville, to Mise Florence, youngest daughter of Thos. Tawnselndi od Tuekersn'aith; Overcoats COME IN BLACKS, BROWNS, FAWNS AND GREYS„ PLAIN AND DIAGONAL THE °NIFTIEST COATS II/LYE SEEN AND MADE IW IN THE LAT- EST STYLES. Suits OF ALL CLOTHS AND STYLES I,LADB UP IN THE BE.S,M OF GOODS .SUIT- `ABLE FOR TETE COOL A.14D COLD l'WEAT,f3EB. t , , .DEATHS Lydd-lr W apella, Sask., on ' Oct 21, Mrs. Charles Kydd, form ly of Us - borne aged 63 years. Nelsen. -In London, ei Oct. 25, FraaaeLe.; Amelia, beloved vvOfte of Rochford R. Nelson, tat.mrnzly of Exeter, aged 47 years and 6 months. Laughton-l'n Parkhill, ,on Oct. 25th, Louise E. Vagi' Wyck, beloved wife of. Jahn H,:'Laurght;on, aged 52 years and 9 ane nthe. Slavin. -I-n Y on'den, on, Oct 25:1-, Attu J„ dauetter o the llate %S ilItam Sla- vin, ai Exeter.. ( Russell -In R,urrseldalt, on, Oct. 24, Cede, 11us e11:, .aged . 9 °years. Winn;pep had a foot '.Ytondray�nigrht. n Sweater Coats ARE JUST THE TI3ING FOR THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. THE NEATEST ANIS BEST OF MAKES, CATCHY COLORS, AND GOODS. PRICES RIGHT Men's Furnishings THE STOCK IS COMPLETE IN HATS CAPS, COLLARS, TIES, SHIRTS, SoX, UMBRELLAS ANP UNDERCLOTHING WE WANT YOU, TO SEE T,LIEM. NO ROUBLE TO SHOW .YOU. IVIade-to-Nleasure Clothing EVERYBODY KNOWS T,fIrE "TAMAN' GARMENT IS R.IG,H11, WE PRIDE O.URSELYESON OUR ORDERED GOODS, AND OUR CUSTOMERS I- :A'GE THE SATISFEED FEELING THAT .A.F- WAYN BRINGS'TI-IEJS RACK AGAIN. AND WE WANT YOU,.A.I L 3O, 1313 CTJti 'POMERS. TRY U'S. e Tailor and Furnisher -Exeter°; 9'