Exeter Advocate, 1912-10-17, Page 5•Dr. 0. ROTILSTON, L,D.S., D.D.S. DENTI- Merriber of the, R.C.D,S. of Ontario and Hotior Graduate of Toronto' Univerattty Otfice--Over DIE -ratan & corlirea law ST office. Clewed WedriesdaY afternoons. • DR. A. R. ICINSMAIL I-64)47 11*D•;',4* Honoo. Graduate or Toronto tInt„vereilty DENTIST Teeth extracted without Path, or any had effects. Office oyez Gladnaan tie StanieurY's °Moe. Mato Street, Exeter. , DICKSON & CARLING, 13ARVISTERS, Soltittora, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coro. mieerionera. Solieitors f or tale Molsons Bank. eta. Morte to Loan at lowest ra.tes of intereet Offices -Main -St., Exeter E. R. Carling, EA., I. R. Dickeen MONEY TO LOAN We rave a laage amount of private funds to loan on farm and vtllage pat:T- erra-ea at low ratea of intereat., GLADMAN tia STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter* J. SENIOR Agent Cooteaaaration Life Aeauranoe Company. also Pim Insurance In lead - Ing Canadian, and Britten eon/Iambs. zff.wn-st,ete LICENSED AUCTIONEER ANDETOON. Licensed AsatiOneer Cor flui•on County, Terms reaaottable. Dates can be made a the Adote* Exeter, or Henry Hither's Office, Cred- iton. T,R ARLING , Inte, Fire, Acoldfrat and Plata Glee!! Zneurartoe. Colleeting mot:mote, and coat alerting auetioo ealert. - Exeter. O. GET- THE •BESTt IT PAYS L lOTT IJ alar .4aw TO791itai Oat, tstaridie ip a elan bY eU'whoa staietly firat-class work it coneldozed, Watito for catalat3uh- EallqO atow. , FAR:AL FOR SA.I.E. 7110 ttrida'alaTled '413 offering for sale that desirable 100f sr011) fawn. a:tuated in the Towmahlpo PIdduipla being Lot 13, Con. L lilheare l'eon tho pre:oases a geed frarne,,bende, barn with, founda- tion, orennrd,. Who fo4rni in well drain- ed and at,11 tulder cultivation!! Thil la an excellent tarok well eituated, and, Will tiOld reasonablek tor further Partle- ulare aPPIO to d'olltra O'Neil, Mooroavillo, Ont. . • WhL ICELLY. • AIM FOR Sa4.1.E undorefgned as offering' for sale handraal 'acro farm, Ming Lot 14, 'North Botsolary Stephen. There aro on " the promiseatigoodammo b.oue, with • aplendad cellar, also a largo sommer !cite:lien and Wood shod attached name falling well wa.for; n. largo bank barn 5ax60, with, power wand mill end stab- les equiPPed wittla Beaty litter carrier': -water in Wile at banal; good orchard with all kinds a sinan fruits; thorough ly wUi tito, atad is in a good state or cultivation. This prop- erty is nicely situated, or a main road, has daily nia..2 service, with telephone In house. Par par*culars apply ,to 11. S. Phillips, auctioneer, Exeter, or to W. E. Santiers, tray P. 0. ritava 70111 SALE The South halt of Lot 0, Con. t containing 50 acres of choice land 5 acres of bush 33; acres of grass wind. mill and tstalk on never failing well ,of spring water, well situated for grazing, Well fenced and underdratinod. Conven- ient to -seller)j and church be -ng distant two miles from Centralia. These propares wall be .sold In one or two 1 ots to soft purchaser. Easy terns of payment The purchaser to have the priv,'Llege of going on as soon as the present crop is taken off, and full posseseAen on 1st of Novem- bar_ For terms and particulars s.p- ply on tbe prentarses, to Elisha Carroh Salatsbury or to Thos. Cams.ron, Anat. Farauhair 1'. 0. FARM TO. RENT, OR ;FOR SALE. The undersagtied Is offering for 'sale or -to rent -that death-al:tie 100 acre faint; the township of Biddulph, being Lot 5 Ne.tr.,11° Bouadhalya There le on the • prerelise'S go-od concrete house, with brick le.ltelisi atrial weed -s,shed ; 2 barns -one hank ; 2 good welas ; .4 anaes bush; god orchard. The I1nd ao well I:Ira:no:1 and • fenced and. as In a g!ctodstate of ;cul- , tivatxn. 'IltolssessiSin 'given ,l.st I.!V eg.Zof d iirr a11 work. Terms • 7:easnatlold. Apply to Wilbur Luker, • - Central.e. TWO NEW1-10T.ISES It'OR SALE. . • • • ';The'. underefigned are offerirt,,g for safe , , -two of 4...he three 1-70V7 1.10U1S8 on the Old Marneltion I -louse property, , ,tia;13 Exeter-. Thoste houses ectuippc,d wittn, bath, , closet,. 't-oilets; -fur- . flares: and all ro,otthS.'Patisred and ' Scf. ,7,vtai be' reaidt-'..:fer; ;:bccuPancY' ...s.best-",tbree tvo,it.,:r;ii7W1111. be sold reas-' Apply ito Wes. Saell' " '• •SNELL alARCHAND • egt Mtoflah3 -#0,1EfSkRO,L15 EFFECTS ..ttT01' 'STIt•EET, -EXETER Iti311,1JAY; . OCT,201h, at 1.30 the fiilowng ProPartY,',-1.• prior stey,e,,kilehen, wood" stove, alabketa*,, kitchen OIiairs, 2: .e eupboard,, cur , 1 • s .r-COP33 -ProarietaealtA , - edateard, ' A Range should be a permanent inve,st.rnent- ,and guaranteed as such, The "Pandora- is fear- lessly guaranteedby • dealers as well as by the makers, simply be- cause they know that it will give utter satis- • faction, Can you wonder that ao Many people buy 112 4 Sold by T. 1tawkins Dr. de Van's Female Pills paiahle Preach retotlatorrnever fails. 'These Pills are exceedingly powerful !a regulating the getterative portion 91 the female system, RilfU5a an clasap iraitatiens, 11.r. de Van'a Ara ;told At I&* box, or three for 11% Mailed to Any Addross, VAIO'llattbehl Drug tit, CAM:Eno:a Oat. • Auction Sale OF HotTsEgoLo EFFECTS AND WA -t BON MAKER'S TOOLS, ort ANDREW Auctiort Sale ;craw/roll aie.are Nirs Deanioon returned lest week to hor homein MSttchellt.l-Mr. and Mrs. 'rho's. Crew aneved itritat -11,annata hottee On the Volurth Line.„--Mlise Ethel Rurtcri. 'wflo ha/ beau vting at ber. home here, has, returned to Lenden..-Mr. aiad .itifres. IV. Colel'ug-folun of WIttreilie'r. were vtorts int hilio aillihge last week s V. a ,Tonteson ,hlas retumed -from, a Surnrrieeia vacatien„spena ataCal- rea'o, Seattle and (Yancoulterisah.Nir- W".• :stack Irs..a coimmentberd Ibis contract og painting Aberdeext 1 -13.11, -*Mists Edith mac, ty„,a,aaaaa aaai refturned tilome ter • spending a viek \oath- Mass Nellie HaEowcoda--harS. Bre `al -tour and little Miss Helen returned iss:st we ;fiver 'a monttt.a. vet, with Sr -lends lin' 'New Dur-` hsirrt.-Mr. G. -.load leift "last week to, commence a comtesPonastudy an th'e yea. oriaiery College tire TIorordo.-It la 11,9t Wreathe:7 problem which Is troubling us at the vir,o$Vaz,' but that everlasting query t "'Rave you got Your Polaloes up ;tot ?"--Mr. Wad: joan 3.ontera marIlle left laat w.eala for ,thetr aew hamar In Godertelr, while xr. and Mrs. Geo, Kemp ot Salem :hare moved •into the vacatede. Suburban Obseealena. That gr,ass--a have to 'cot the,graest aitarnida the beaa Of• aeerieettlidaga T14. Is the b lattle the Jaeoneminota to gamy, ,-:1•,,Lateatthedatoo.tvoleelelpat;e4aDyefre.:otQueht eo- And whertlgaaann,eyening off riltn‘atid Taloa and ,rates. ata. then 14vo. oat the gra again! • „ „ , Pat' theta Will eaenre. tinte• AI right . . m vmerb:::,nur bro4Aueantike.theervie4SPhatIltt' Tear*. 101411 net lowe. to cut the grata • ,And'af. at last the, reoromom bo 2ret:t4 Aetna verdant realm og 020, 'PO to647 and bladetesa bourne. (Tb) t etlYos at.P.3; tshuerb eu!raboen e)e4, TtriZrzt, te 11114a d tut At, aeast 'theroll bo oo araas! to cuti , PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorptiou Method. If you stiffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Ptles, send Me your address, and 1 will tell you how to cure you at home by the absorption. treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with referenees from your own localit y if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs4 M. Summers, Box 840 Windsori Ont.,* STREET. EXETER, ctoo black (7444 QC En Chu:reit, len SATURDAY, 001013ER 1Oth, 1912, at 1.30 o'clock Bloat! eonboaod, black walauf ! 8 beti- room poitea, coMplete wita rnatrepses and *K.:ngs, human, dreseer. aide. board, 2 lottiages, ainglo bodatoad. 1-2 doze!. .porforated chta'ire. awl 4 reelt.:ng' cha..ra, 1-2 dot. kitchen ehaire, drop- lesti tanle, exteneon ttbt kitch',1471 fl•TkVail Ei1atiar3S. :2 clocks, 2 waala eta nds, Natfonal ralrige„ coat or aeootel ; Scuven..r baseburiter, 2 box atovea, dozer; Mate, lartolourn, 40 yairds o rskg earpea 18 yarria a,taia. carpet, 2 on - cloths, set of (Vahan and a lob of glass. ware and othor dIsAhos, 5 nets of win, dew binds, 5 Estate; of tratairt poles, tai ournter o piletures, 3 coPbcatatin, gran- ittowa re and a lot ot cookang uteneila, weaning manhiate, wash tub and board, halt-ticaert paiqs, 2 wrg.sigore, nower- stand, lawn mowor, Sager aewing mac; halo, ,a number ot Clower plants, night commode, 4ampa, a,!number of fowl, quatitnY of Potatoes and, cabbage. A quantity or bordwoott lornber, a num bar ot cedar ;plata, grindstone), even. pieno ; worithoticla arid screw, a. numbo of spotter; and ritros, wheelbarrow, nearly, aaaw afore% *2 buck zaws, hand elegh, semen door, hoes, forka, sho- ot, apadca, and othar articles too numa teams to mentilon. Terms -Cash. JAS H. DENNIS. 13. 3.- 1JXLLIPS Pre pa:hater A uctiolloor. wommoonasurorm Auction Sale OF CHOICE OtaT'TLE at the alETROPOLITAN HOTEL, EXE- TER, Oa SATURDAY, 0020135111 12, '12 at 1 o'clock ellarp, the tollowang vale - able atock, viz,- . 31 HEAD OF CHOICE CATTLE cen- a'sting of - A number of choice tresh calved cows A. number cows due to calve this fail. A mambos- coats due to calve an Spring A. number of etto'..ao young cattle. Teams -6 months' cred•if will begiven on approved joint notes. A discount ef I per cent. per 2.11TMITL allowed for cash. Dec.s7on of auctiskacer JOHN SHANNON, JR. B.S. PHILLIPS Propnicter Auctioneer. Auction Sale OF CHOicE CATTLE On SATTSIRDAY, OCTOBER 19, at one o'clock p.m., at THE METROP,OLITN HOTEL, EXETER, A carload of Choice Cattle, including a -number of YEAR- OLDS, a number of, 2 -YEAR-OLDS, a number at pow,s, and TWO 'COWS, with - CALVES AT FOOT, The above are all in good .conditiont, Terms -6 months credit on furntshing approved joint noes. , per bent. lifer armum off .for cash. , , :„- - G. J. DOW, . THOS. CAMERON •Proprietor.- ••Atetioneett Clearing- Auction Sale ' FARM STOCK' AND IMPLEMENTS 00. LOT 11, CON. 6, 'STEPHEN, ori TUES- IDAY, OCTOBER 291L, 1912, At vtne o'clock the following, property viz., Stock -2 Working' horses, co -w duel to iv: lot week in Fielortilar,y, 2 2 -yr - 010 steers Co ,n1i111g: thireb. :1 heifeo 2 - yr -old conning three, 2 yearlirig 1mi:fee- s sits21:, 1 -brood slow.- and 4 pigs 5 •weeks old. niplern t wagon , binder, mower,' ,51.11ky p1,0 w, disc $eeid 00111, roller' set ol barrows, pt,:ale ,scufiler, straw ,cur- ter, t root pulpsr, gag- plow, bolt sleights 'fa nnino• mill rack I sulky cart. sei ;of double ha.rness. Teri•n.s-Sums of S5 and under' caSh. • ainount t- months' furiiisinittir approved jot [1;t riptes. 3 aer 0101. cOf Lor casn, on credit all 101.171tS. GEO. FAT-INER, JAS. STANLEY Rropr:ater• '•A.uet:onecq4 10 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE , rbrws.soF et% or VILABE PROPERTY .AND HOUSE HOLD EFFECTS on ikLa.IN ST., EXETER. ON FRIDAY! OCTOBER 25th, al 1.30 o'elook, p.m. the following ProPertaa- • Real. Estate-Lot.a 24, 255, aod pt. 26 or; Main Street Exaster, o wl4ch aiar uated a good brick Neese ad kitchen, frame woodshed, brick stable a num- ber of apple trooes hard ad fieft• Water and other conveniences: Heuaohold Effects. -1 nappy Theught range. 1 wood 000k stove, 1'coal baso. burner, 1 coal heater, 2 extenelou tab- les, oevoral, small table, 1 couch. 21 sideicarda, 1 Itttcheri cupboard, 11Oech. room suite, a number ot klichea chairs, pictures, lamps, diabee, and other art.. lobe too nuariefotts, to ;motion., Terms-Ettecta, CanKt Beal Estate, trade known on daiY nf eale• D. :siir.a.,S 13. CABLING, Proprietor .A.uctioncer, Auction Sale FARM, P.A.RM iST,OCE: IMPLEMENTS ra0usEU01.40 EFFECTS. There will W offered for oale by public auction pa LOT, 10, CON. 1, HAY C n THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1012, Ar 12,30 o'clock aharp, the following va I uab le prop e y ;- larsee-AgrIcultunal Mare 4 years Old in fcp3 to Gold ICoY; Agricultural geld - Ing 4 years, old; Agnicultural colt ria- lto, a, broken .stenglei and double; 2-yoar old carriage horse by, Na Parole; 2- one-aear old PerAo; ono; driving mare S. years old, by Texas Jack, can show 3-minote goat ; fi11r alsOng 13,troken. Cattle -Thoroughbred cow, calf at foot cow years old, duIel t3 calve Nov, let ; ,2 -yr --id ?heifer in calf; 2 -yr -old helfea oar at foot; 3 yir-fold ;heifer, :supposed to be in calf; 2 -yr -old tharcughbred.Ayr ,shlre n cant; 0"year oid cow in calf"! layrooid cow doe ti cativo in Dec; 3 yr-elo heifer; 7-y1 -old ;steers; 1 year old heifer, 5 prang calves. Hags -Yorkshire S3lAr in pig; 3 pigs' 3 nacriths old.- Poultryi---'About 70 chicken, 2 geese and 1 gis4nder, Implements -Itlarsselft_s Harris binder, carrier and truck, 6 ft.; :Massey Harris mower 6 ft ; 3 lhoe itlassey-Harris drill, Kerrir manure ,isttreader ; Floury single riding plow; Fresib and Wood walking plow; 3tpte Leaf Cocksittut plow; land roller; diahnond harrows, Frosk & Wood ;seuffler; Massety-fE-Iia.rina1"-, c1t0iatr; lunicer wagon ; ,Portlandbutter, ' apeti buggy, buggy pails, .iight wagon,' 1.C•ft hay rake, plg rack, pair bob -sleighs; wood rack, gr,avelblox„ extension ladder a3ft; •set of Sling* aiid 150' ft of rope! nearly no Iry ; Islet heavy; brass mounted - harness, nearly ntsw ;;; 4. -lay fork, set of Plow harneals, ;sett single harriieSS lig,ht collar an,dhairrtertr, cutting boy, Saskatchewan robe, 2 pair horse blan keb.s, fanning anlill, poIpaa sugar kettle, a number of cedar posts. ; Furniture -Dominion organ 6 octave, dozen dining, robin chairs, arm chair, recker, gents leiCycle coal or wood heater, bedroom, 'suite, Pandora range, coal or Wood, with closet on 'ten, nearly new; coal h -eater with oven ; of linoleum, nearly; now; .T\Tatgnet cream separator brooder and incubator. About 20 tons tbreothly hay and. 500 -;bus. man golds,acre turniPs, about 406 bushels of oats, a quantity 'of mil4e,d. chop; furies, hoes, slie'vels chains :and, a (et of ether Fgq..t.CISS WO I-Ma/1100,as LO nastition ; - Tlhe reolt previoutsly sold wIll be offered forsa.10, gentainingt, 97 acres being '11,ol; 10,.' Con. 1, Hay.; 3 mr:les iorth 00 r and 2 . and 1-2 miles froth Hertsail oti--lE)andon Road, weri fenced, in, goad. ,stalte of cultivation, sprAng ,Creek running throug,it iarm, good 1?ricle hbuiseatid bank„ bar' p7, -,0 - perry ell in good; xErEAte of repair, tele. rilione In, ltou;se. 1n A 1. neighborhood Tetrne-.$5 and under ca,sh; °vat' that . , ' r-'tourtt 1110)111118' credac fUla*,S11,1.1, ' .• ' 'Tho irr do" s- tsned ;'..a,-cafersatgaioa: -ale - Lila t1 �9S'" 'ec0iLnt- v dpit 10005 3 per con pe, • ' tt r cais' • • west , , ' niaOca • 7-r, • '.;; ''`i'll•liteeS' Land,' 'S. orSt' a1oU3rr 7‘. ,4E,A 51 .trh . , 0'6; porooldper'ctliica0R- ie. - 611; -'''Nel[;',9.r. JONES, Pl'eltl; 1'1 ItOTT, --733." ` AUctioneert-- An Unfortunate Abbreviation. -cardinal Gibbons was discussing Gil- IrtOre and his band. °Gilltere," continued the caraittai, 'tras fan:lotto for hb playing 0/ Mo• Zarra VWelfth Mass." On one -wee. alma he played It in a NOrth CarOlina town, and next day the local paper announced. that he 'Tendered with great effect Mozart's "Twelfth. Massa- chusetts." "---Popular Magazine. ong Can • an at This is Mrs. Forbes-Roherboa HaW0 DitteSt Atlifrage story; "A. negro woman was arguing* and ara going- with her husband, and when she had finished $41d, See talt don't affect mo MO* tball a f1e4 Otte. "WelL rtkgatk,' she answered, Ts awnaiteep ye seratobW an's Edam Compan!on. QUeen of my heart," he softly nig ',Well travel feat and far Along the dewy cetrotry roads 'Within a touring car Or On a White, pelatial yacht Beastath the nteonlight Pale Aeross the blue and breezy bay 1'11 to -Re You for Salt, aTogether in an aeropiarte We'll mount the a,zure sky Alta aoaa among the fleecY clouds! Apd wItle the eagle an or 14 OrreeeilY motorboat Well alai= by cape and highland." Ana then they took trolley ear .ked went to Coney Isbad, --New Xork Timm. At Last. Warren Chambers -So Cashier Mor- ral has gone =flag? They say he has been stealing tor fifteen years. Barclay hiarray-Why, when they in. Testitated his books a year ago thought he came out of the ordeal un- spotte& Warren Chambers -So did, but they have spotted him now. --ruck. The Essential. - "YOU see, wo have good streets, ex- collent lighting and shipping facilities. Trade conditions are good. We hope you will locath here." "1 dunno," said the visitor. "Things look good. But tell me this." "Well?" ".„.What kind of a ball team have you 1g6tr-Tirashington Merald. Summer Stuff. They dabbled their tootaies, side by each, In the rippling mountain brook. He was a pippin; she was a poach- Wondorfull Bare a look! Ho lashed In that little purling etreara. Ho swore ho would catch, a whale. His swear was only a summer's dream- Torriblel Hoar his Waill He waded out of tho crick, by Ong, In the hazy sunset glow, and ho hadn't caught a gol darned thing, By golly! I3ut had, thought -Cleveland Plain Dealer. Just a Precaution. "Why are you startbag out with an umbrella on such a sunshiny day?" "I am bound for the art gallery." "But you cannot exhibit an um- brella." "Of course not. But a. notice on the catalogue says that one must.leave his cane or umbrella outside before he can enter." -Toronto World. Kindness. 'Do you ever go out of your way to do -things to make other 'people hap- py?' "Yes. crossed the street this morn- ing to avoid meeting a man who owes money to me."—Chicago 'Record -Her- ald: ' The Busy Man. - 1, "Away, away!" Said 'William Biz. "I ha.ve no time For politics," Then, just to show His proper bent, He bought some bait And fishing went. --Birmingham Age -Herald. Benefited Anyway. „"Sorrs' you couldn't attend our ban- quet last night;dottor. It would have done you -good." -"Thaok you! It has done me good. have'just prescribed, for three of the miests."-Boston Tra.nscript '- ;The Literary Courtship. "They ' started in a purely platonic way to read 'Docile' together." "Weil?" "Now they, are interested In a book that tells' laow to build a $1,000 house." --Lenisvil le; Courier -Journal. • a , The Darkeatil-itatina -How often, oh, how, often, were ;you told • In, your youth, • • ; i"The darkest hour is,. Jest before the ' Elow `often, ,oh, how often, .dicl•You 'find the real truth-, The' aaakea.t hour , is.' just before 'you ' pawn! • • ,--'NeWa York - Sun. • , -„OboastoftnilY, , • ' . ; nrfdlrer-DO you ever -get Into --trou- ble , ' ala count of eareleas. pedestria ns ? 31.-rart , °X4I044:0134.7;e,:iis4.:",',:ao,h:Eiz.zw•asot:d,n,otnailia&Pr , • r # ZURICH Mr, reale-art Wargraer, Wit.° wars, Ben. 01.117a,y ILI, is recoverisz„-771.t. -Fred Gran- vilte, Casith,...atif taltrielifikre at the home ot Gorg-go Denanay, Salable Littet.-)Irt. end birs. Fred. Sawa -wort left .for fltat;' iforaia on Y;'-ednesday, where they ex, pect ,fot the •winter tyronthet- Lee 1..aatterae, 9..vi of: Mb. John, LaPorte Wae' -aPetuted for appendicitis at a Pet -reit hospital. operatiOn Was a success arid tha patient is saaid,',:pci;, cleloS! TfloeIT-r---;!-"ils :Maggie. Campbeeli Ear in is visittiitg lare'r Pareata, l‘Irr- and Mrs george Deal- 07.11Mle hots returned ttotrae; innaroaed hanathi. : , „ P„ Aeft for" Seekattolanava'n to look 'Whet' Oia faraelag irtteretata 'In. that preview. ' -aaa tap death Of Ma, Coargea,Campben Zurich loses one '•of its most valued of -Koreas. doceased, metved, totown frottli his tsrini SiCranley township about faux years agts, and though oa quiet and retiring disposition, te aoade many' warm, frionetf.4 bath,: yourng and Old who ail sincerelYeatoarn his demise. At the titno he and hl a fetinally Caine here to live he •Ife.e1 lo very poor he-alth, the Change '00,1minigi to' trim g.reat deal of gOnd Mod It is gala' heeeetlY r.p4trat 111,8 tad m2,3,adyr aga-he at, tacked e4e1,,, arid 1-3.1s dr.ett was leoleed for some" week -it, tHe brgati-hed las la -St Werdneskicry morning.. „being. fit the 71-50 year of his Hs leaves ono 'son, George, ota the hetntesteftd and thrit-a elaughtera, Mrs, 1-tlagrphiann Of Bella. and '7.11S.ses and Maggie: at loathe. The haracal, took ptg,ce Friday caPholataa trthaaie l'etelet Ktatitt wets tgr..inding the' Putt -214r kr:Ives O tivrashIng tri-nerltra-,e ere Ileverttor „belt Came - with the :result that engine, liaVirig,117407, tag to coincel rat -s; awaeh Tt. IttzAtaed, ottcb „eurleue that tis WhO19; outfit was ratti4-1 IXec. es. and the oquiPritent ria se badly wire"ked that lir. Erupt thas VS but a riety." maehine. /TO ri aces lila lOstel at $1000.--Tbe Z•;.tr:leh ax Cornparia gave tie anotual ercurats. too -Wednesday to ”..e t,t,,r213y-t,e-,-3, Char- rianea wese eoppafie0 by the compary, and the PareY took in: flier Bayfteld, Fair. Ia addltf.orr to ill -is' a.- lialetcheOn, was-eery- irr top goave on !the north side of the Ever, aft ••:r which all we -re treated to a rids tho lake SELHERS2-.At the aueithe age oC Wart Morris, tri ITibbert, ;KAT. Chieela here, ono Shorthora paha* brought 5135. rd anottbet" thoi saline 4blored 4192 Gado cows mid at tnalll 584 tait Yearling% nit. frOnt,580to and- emir; rales at 535. IN. *Of 'horses sold ter $625, and a two ataar old tor $215,, BUSINESS AND SFICMTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the rh14/ Caintoo,-Ta big flour mill whi.ch for ..e.rier third oil a century ,has be -sr/ icr'.1.0.Wn. Falr'a tlea changed hand, 'top purchasers being John, Setio-nitala id RebarC King. ERO „ha • setsgavaaao. 014.11. • ROOFING Is strongly fire-mile...rig -rated first -0;4a by Fire inattrance Corn-' patties. It will not iPite frcm. sparks or horning breccia, arid has saved many a building. Made In 3 Perrnan.era Criers —Red, Brown. Green —and la natural Slate, Sole Casualian Mfrs. 76 TRESTAMMIDPANTo„ assenessatatab taCaisda.flanheaalikoireaL The Dashwood Planing MR cp., Limited. DA.Hwo,. "You'll fled ICS Lab att' -London. Lager Now Perfected - Best Buyabld. TRY IT JOHN LALBATT unare NDON.ONTAIL. GRANO TR )ii( RALLWAV Y. C. A. BLDG.. IL.011iDON, 0 -NT., Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Ce.talogue free. Enter anytime. Westenrelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. prhicipa ourvritcrtegigataat 9:41..)7 DOUBLE., - WAY be,ty.reen Terent.) - frail, and Trote altal o' " • eheal eilioe in Canada. • hle Troele and Soild T at, . tweett 1,,focItre.).1 amd Cr:10 1;3; betwen 0:ttarlo points, N w sad Philadelphia, via. N ^a Falls. ah•tOOTH 110,a1)" -1"3"a FINEST, E'QUIPMENT ELEOTRIC ) PC Lt..7.q.kri SLEEPERS Fail particulars, lx.rt • rcate-a• - ;ions, etc., front Brand Trunk Agents, write -AO E. DUFF. Dist:ant Passenaer Age it 17 -on. onto, Ont. -aria, How The Body NH& Germs, .2) Germs that Let into tho body are Lined in two ways -by the white cerpuscles of the bhxul, and by a germ -Riling substance that is in the blood. Just what this substance is, we do not know. The blood of a healthy person always has some gerta.kitling substance in it to ward off the attack of disease. The fountain head of life is the stomach, A man who has a weak and impaired stomach and who does not properly digest his food will soon find that his blood has become weak and impoverished, and that his whole body is improperly and insufficiently nour- ished. To put the body in healthy condition, to feed the systcra on rich, red blood and throw out the poisons from the body, nothing in the past forty years has excelled Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a pure glyccrio extract (without alcohol), of bloodroot, golden seal and Oregon grape root, stone root, mandrake and queca's root with black cherrybark. "My huaband was a suffeaer from stomach trouble and Impure blood," writes MM. JAMBS H. Mamma, of Frank- fort, ir7. "He had a sore on his face that would form a scab whichwould dry and drop off in about a month, then another would Immediately form. It continued this way for a long time. He tried every remedy that anyone would suggest but found no relief. He then tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which completely cured him. He has stayed cured now for two years, and 1 recommend this valuable medicine for impurities of tine blood." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. JOE Mamma Es. YOUR LOOD IS TAINT11 ULpeiERmplEs, GLANDS, BLOTCHES, ,J3LOOD DISEASES ARE CO .,rtd.' ,Y THE NEW' WideVe call the attention afflicted" th any Blood or Skin riptaon • our New Medina Treatment 5.50. g 4 curator these complaints. There cuse for any person halving a disfig.u.- from eruptions and 'blotches. Ne whether hereditary or acquired, our si remedies and treatment neutralize all eons in the blood and expel them fromro t. system. Our vast experience in. the tn. anent of thousands of the most serious at' complicated cases enables us to perfeett:„.... cure without experimentingo ltre do busiLt,i-- on the plan -Pay Only for the Etaef51,'1'°u Derive. If you have any blood disq,;,e, con- • sult us Free of Charge and let us 'prove to youhow quickly our remedies will remove 'alt evidences of disease, Under the influence of the New Method Treatment the skin be. comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, 'fallen out. hair grows 171 again. the eyes become; bright, ambition and energy return, and the Victim realizes a new life has opened up to '1 4 4 4 4 4 1 ,11 •41 'YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER- ' XOU ARE CURED. . CONSULTATION. PREE . . • Sencl for B ookiet an bite,aSes' of &Tett ",THE GOLDEN MOIVITOR" 'FREE , If unat,k � call,write ,for 'a -Question List Lor home',.TiOatrzterrt Cor. Miohigeh Ave. amt. Griswold St., Detro;t9 11/11cli. Ai (IT!E Alt let.. fi.om Canada must be addressed, vw, to our Canadian Correspondence De„10; gottmentsmatzstrgeg „, ment in 'Windsor, Ont. If you desire t .see us personally call at our Medical Instittite in. Detroit as we see and treat no pat:tents in our Windsor,13ffices which are for ,C, Orrespenclenee and Laboratory for calaacli.an;buPuiessh°111374-''44, e,s6aat94:16,tter as fQ11QW: DRS 'KENNEDY a KENJI ihdsoi 'Qat. flor 9* " VA9Addreso. er7.1 „,„ 05