Exeter Advocate, 1912-10-17, Page 44
antesCreech, Props.
Birirdiagharrt. licriPlatied
of the Coaserys.tive targ-tarilicat-
02,34,10 FDr ya1 :e, has
bear. ,n-tost,- ,eticeessful s orgatilu-n" °tot
the party la il'oroo and' it is uniler
zediton THE CA
Out" basge-ball fans are great ly
ested in the Werld's Serrties played be -WL E0-3tert-- and. New Terk-A thr
Um e or vt.nritting the score ,rs a tr)e,„
Fted Trish who Ife.S. been aetlag a bell
ter "beak "for sOme, time, ,,,,tweived
otice of lids, Pranst.erat he TOthhtt)
4,rartehard ett here on:Tuesday. 1 -:red's
many frends werottry to see bitni
go as he was well thought ;of, We wisit
everY success.", Oakle,Y of the
-.0,o4 he is wow ro succeera>„..1 S. Car, Qederico, branch bats been appointesi hi$
who tv""4. azr, ,f' or ., t he pre- ftlVeCessor.
'Yinee Mr, 1--.1-irminghtasn's 'peeittion will Hey- George Finkber ef Freeport,
.of org:ahl-ririg secretary and he flLr Preaed in t-lte Evangelical Church
is now in charge or ,,toe. ,Conset-vative 1at Sunday morning end evening ,to a;
campaign in East MiIe very large audiences. Rev. Finkbeit*r
‘ anothrir Ch1;5 Of 01,1r Greditoo ' beY.P,
--x-x-ex--x-rr--x--,-' -he has erado Fe'xiunite0 Staten
GHASTLY GUIDE -,T11,2,111-rain GI
td. 'many *tcttids, were, pieased to
Guide :$ vt.orrying zinc, ou.; 'ts vre the oPPortunity to hear him speak,
otlierWlst Pop us followers with Per- =B were verY 1.111ersoting and
ds,a L orebodir V-011thhUh- riSP!rtlx-tZ.
t- prroptiezaate.. GraCCCS-.- (Dr.t.) Grine and daughter 1-1-elen,
znr..'Aert"*".5 thE Gud PreParrs brave returned lyonle after vting 'het
fog those that berlieve ir Pere:Mar-1Y con- Bister Mrs. Garnet Baker ita London.
f.011owers ;ft' this Guide nav-t• heen !ars; Daniel Sweilzer who has bren
,tc believe tit -4# the farmsrs would sPetidli115' the- Somimet;in Algonquin, Park
have rod harvesters to gather TheAr Sh;e";31,c, felt' a few wefits,
Q 4'tat. no twist's' trr3t V.1101'e• Mr- Geiger of Zurich occupied tile
rordaka nto cars carRY it to
nor ,no on'e to buy It when
gt Ctere Fi a: a-netn4 in this g.ltdelnY
• rerseion ;;..no -invited, t breakf.ast, dine
t.ad suf on. .i.orrers Every day re -set
apart a$ a groy.--t-glying festival, Ho
1,vtte, e:tters the office of The Guide and
'''heerernse subarc7ible.-- Ieaves „hope behInd
7,7, ore far :himtb SencY :SW* the
-zheerful vampiationsiodp, gentlaterionds
' ensile o eentenietrit WU*. itteDrat...
whelkaArniellhftia letOaDed
diatle dta.Sreet and ol p,act
th4t,y1s4eta tontine,
tnaltelous influences,
itte•-shaelove Or deattu
„he saterroves tare tho,"„rs
song- Prom
424 glOorn thasS who
,,tto are 44.r removed
1 1- t.,`ain.
11" before
P. .;
and SIceP, takth
sOseder13" and
more 11 t
ew s$,Advertliser
es L.: mean
t,h7a Ware ve".1
the an int,31
Of the s
pretty wedtP waft
Vrednatsals.7 morn4raght St.
toter edrai, London, Fr. F-Ittnlou
Offie: i when 'Miss Kate Wee:tit:laugh
t r. ritalt Breen of 3fastanytlys'a
was married to :arr. ;Wm. I.toeltlf; of
Illdlpn„ They were pttended tay• :suss
'Lucy 13:e7a, sister of the britlo, and iNfr.
• MuncER , brather of the groom. The
bride WAS tasttfully gowned in a dress
a wreath and trailing
attota:ttd, and canto:I a bouquet of-wit:Ito
roses. Ti brides:11;4d wore rt. drcias
at wl.ite- salt n-14.1 carri od a bouquet of
rOsca. Itarnittiorlely atter the; or:re-
:11,7. couple lett i aWt.:riding
o itt 'ant roal Toroi'do and or,r
, vast. On thSlr return they will
res. tt
Mrs. , ata Is houto aga.
soar', .t ve.th rolat'.-ttzs Caoatarn.
-Master '1,trrl Ryan Of Lura.u, spent a
day Lot week on the fourtit.-Th." apple
packing arid st11.0 filling arc keerr"rg tit's
farmers l'easy.--Mr. J. Abbott took ;
nualars,s or Monday. -Willie /task-
* of Lutan•sporit Monday on the, farm
Ellber ot. Zurich has taken
virile at the' Old Beloit-
et:3 -Robt. Defig of Tuckersmith has
,o 'tvilketebtairao, Penn., In response
teietrram that hits brother John was
_ ..g. -G. T. R Agent Class: ar,d veffe
returened t tow,n, rifftgr speadiug a.
counts of wreks thiDliayfl aAilsa.
"Craig, and paitras.-1-1arry Iact‘bi.
who formerlyrr,an a harness short here
but or itartt$ years hats bear farming near
'-Chleellturst, bale been- obligiid to sell
2 -de flarm and retire on account of
e-a.l.ilt.--Sortrt. D. Stewart has, distaceed
-of his fine fa-ro, on• which he has Just
npleted an up-to-date :brick resideneo
-to Wm Pepper, for a, g'oecIprice,-WrCike
going home licam church On Sunclay„
5.oarre.S' E'Onthiren- wa,e---:,Setized with
sudden faintness,. and:fell on
We- ere pleased to 'Sea -ht:irt-weil
ARES.-Single t5r,St.-I12, s ITart"
thcc!'eu el trip from all Stati.),rts in On-
kario (ex--.ept north of Graxershursr, and
ot broke), froi Did.roit
:ad Ptr. t Du fiat 1. Black
3t,"•,==k 0.;Id -Suspension B-,ing-e,.
0,0ING -DATES.-,oettober 7th to
ib h, nclusive, to U piRt3
7.:e-ozIER:1:1-ang and Northern Ontario Rai].
-way, l'en-Latgamit etc,, and to contain
Pointe tin P1'-ovinceS tor ' Quebec, Novas
:Shells and New Brunt-se/Lek, also ,Sraie
rDeteber, :17,th toNi„o4erri,ber Or
,-d.usive to 'Muskoka D, .a•tig.OPr..ettre"‘7-2
it .Day, asigssie ' `for' v
River, ICeli,Wa4, a and
to s'e,:.; Gnartd"Ti'ruuni, flray, 'Several
Lidice Pei
' ‘bor,
tItINT De,ora
Thurrsday,tbed )y
Pe/Pirt .:trr the Methodist ab 470h. 9.21 Surt
day illgrat and preached a, very eloquent
segaton. •Altraough a young rtian, Mr.
Geige., has every ;Indication, of loseemeng
ono ef the loacitra. /„.e.: the migiistry.
W. B.. Gales": 'has Just receryed
cheque for $'106,. payable to hie daughter
Msle for titts Carter Soolarship, won it
The Collegiate Inetttuto la Ltendon tit
past term. Vise Is at pt
attending Toronto ViliverSitY Uid
tally 1-.44 a lorIghit, ftit‘tre. befere. her
e eXted Our imarty congratulations
'wish her mognued success,
hem has Ism coneiderable trouble in
tour village; o labs, caused •by some one
stealing' articles r fern the differ -
oat attouses 'and <banns. It ts time son*
steps we're talten to stop rids berere
Lt becomes worse, Wouldn't
geed. Ws, tai 5ta.trt •thei curfew lor It in
tOW.a. It Would hettlie means't of keeping
the youarsters err the streets' at Jigtt
and cut reff
Prafig.r Brown has been confined to
Ms bed the past week suffering from a
severe cold. We thoaete win 'd'iion be
'4.1ole.L estmle v,rork tn, the store,
The ,s11r Wets am being hablvested
The crop this yeer is an excellent onet,
Those .of Jae, Iinist's are a reeerdi
breaker aud vitt r;:•.-.0 a .:3004 average;
MTS. Henry Eilben1.8 vi tot ter te.re-
'" Mrs, Sarrittel Either iu lIblY,
thi week.
Tnksfra �viaes and Fowl Sup-
per. --The altsgivIng Services la
connection the 3fethoci3et. Church,
lit be held on Sunday7Oct.,27th, when
Rec. T. T. Go.- ge at Wean wilt preach
at 10.30 n.am. and 7 etre., an offering
wilt be takrfa up In aid of the Truste
Fund, On Tuesday evening a Jectr fowl
supper -will be served commencing at
5.30, followed by a caolco program. Ad
antosion 25c. and 85c.
Mr, George HeywOod, spent a ;toy days
In London ,ft4t:r INTek.-"gis a J. A. Hant:4-
ton nand, Ines Lula. Godbolt ispent Sun-
day In Hthbert-Mlas Rea Godboit spent
Sunday at Saints -bury.
Everybody tweerns ,to be btley 'taking up
their sugar baots this section'.
The Annlvedisatry Servdoes Of the Cen-
rLla Church will be laeld
Sunday next, WThtett the pastor, Rev.
tchford will preach in the morning
ley. McAlister of Ext0r, in tbe evening.
WINGRAM-The local ,poilce are con-
fronted with a wystetious robbery., The
sum, of $10, all in bills,was stolen on
Saturda.y night fromi the till in the
ato-o of Wallace I -Bough; on Josephine
street, betweep 6 and 6.30 In the
evening, while tArrs Hough, was In the
basement preparing tea. Tact store was
unoccupied at toe time, and the loss
was not detected until nearly 7 o'clock.
ST. MARYS--T,hemens Lane, a highly
respatted resident of 13Ianshard for over
56 years, passed away on Sunday at
the residence of his' daughter, Mrs.!
cnsts. C, Atlunson, at the age or 72
Deceased was a Liberal to pohrIcs and
a itSethodist in religion. Three daugnters
and one, son survive. The funeral was
held en Tuesday afternoon, with sn.
ferment in Kirlrhons Cemetery.
WINGRAM-It is understood that the
loal„Souncli is considering making a
propos-itlion to the tomPerance forces
connection wttlr tho cancelling of three
out of tba 11.,re beelITS ee now existing
here, end not s.ubmitting- a meal oPlion
by-law in Jatnutalry, as bas been
proposed The Tonal optiontsts, however
will favor no ,s-uch, campromlisc The
petitions in course, of circulation, ask-
ing for a local option vole, have berm
largely signed, and the temperance,
farces are confident of. winning at the
.LLICAN-,Thirty- students front the
t.erra ri high tschcyal' want ft) Forest on
.-Friclay for the ahrrual field day or the
lecal. institution., The Lera,o 11 voan
the football by a SOXe ADS. o 0,
et hi 1 e, Fot7est w the girl's basket
bad coolest, :1.13 o 7. ;Tile relay raro
era ,th the Locaniteta. wssito::e
H•••:•7(.• ttes s1ii thestudents at a
enlcJya[oLr b a n net •
Mrs.101 Eid t • and ,Mre.,•..,-3,9,110.. 4idt, Were
atit' 6-t)4c"
A Friend of the illlssinloi Pilots
In'the Old DaYs,
They Were Fleeted and Anchored I
the Channel of the Rivet- on Oar
Nights and Showed the Navigator o
Down Trips Where Reefs Were Not
in the QUI steamboat days otath
blississippl, before the government had
Undertaken the duty of marking and
lighting the "crossings" where the
channel swings over from one bank to
the other, the riVer pilots had to devise
their own means or finding: their wa
through these diedeult and dangerous
In the daYthole it was not hard to to
and on moonlight nights the landmarks
which every pilot knew by heart. could
he seen plainly enough to make the
eros.sing possible. But there were
Many nights so dark or foggy that tint
shore marks were not Visible; then the
i; bad to be -candled"
Candling, was resorted to Qrity on the
dovaett trip. Cuing up the river the pilot
tight "feel' af the reef with idta twat.
and If he did not tind the best wale
the drat time be voulti inte4 oft aild try,
again a little to one sitie or the other
vtierever the soundings showed the
deepest water to be.
in going down the river, tower.
that was impossible, The Pilot lutd
tind the chatanel the first time. for i
the beat struck the current would drive
ber hard on the reef or else swing be;
broadside on the bar and In ten min
es imbed tier in the very whist of it
with tons of drifting sand
To guard against suela a disaster
'When nearing_ Pies Eye, Beef ough
or Treinpeleau bars -or anY one of
dozen bars of enind dilliculty -ova 3
dark' or hazy night the pilot stopped
the boat at the taunt of lite met, With
two, men to row, a Mate r watchman
to steer. a "Cub" pilot tet Manipulate
the "candle latoyst" :and an tdbier pilot
to take song. the yowl was low
ered and permitted to drop down the
channel below the steamboat
After the pilot bad determined the
best course by taking soundings the
**cub." under his direction, anchored
two, three or even four or the candle
buoys, one after the other. 10 the
ter of the Channel. and then the men
let the yawl drop down below the reef.
where it iay a little outside the vhan
nel. Then one of the men swung a
Intern- a, signal at which the pilot en
Watch came ahead, steering for the
tiny lighthouse9. and running over
there. otte by one. until the reef was
The candle buoy was made of a piece
of two inch light pine plank,•„heveled
for four inches at the "bow" in order
to prevent its "diving" as the 'Current
pressed against it. A tin "Serowe"
with three legs, three or four inches
long, was tacked down to the plank
Ralf of a common candle was placed
in each sconce, and after being lighted
an oiled paper chimney. with a base
corresponding to that of the vanilla
stick, was, placed over the light to pro
tect it from the wind. The outer ends
of the tin "legs" of the sconce were
turned back over the base of the paper
chimney to bold it in plaee. and the
buoy was ready for launehing,,
A hole was bored about six inches
from the end of the plank. Through
the hole a small cord some ten or
twelve feet in length was rove and
knotted, and to this cord a Intim or
coat weighing - perhaps ten pounds
was tied. This served as an anchor
to bold the buoy in its place In the con
ter of the channel.
Such was the procednre fifty year-,
ago or more. Since the government
boats heglin patrolling the river and
establishing permanent lights at al:
had crossings it Is seldom necessary
for the pilots to go out in n soundlog
host.although it is not an unheard of
proceeding even now
Rut the candle buoy is a thing -of the
past, Probably there are scores of
present day pilots who never even
heard of the makeshift little lightships
that their puzzled ;predecessors were
wont to launch amid the darkness anti
doubt of former years.-Youth's-Cotn
A title as Long as a Preface.
Many old pamphlets are distinguish-
ed by titles as tong as prefaces. The
umdor of one, published in 1640, evi-
dently did not shirre in the modern ed-
itor's enthusiasm for short title fiend-
ings,, for thls is the narne under which
his publication was ushered into the
world: "Scotlands publick Acknowl
edger/lent of Gods Just Judgment upon
their Nation for Niel/ Frequent Breach
itt Faith, Leagues, and Solentne Onthee
made to their Neighbours 01 England
In fornon ages, to gratine their-Treah
erriiiS Confederates of Franeo."-Lon-
dot: Mohr!.
Rome's Triumphal, Crown.
triumphal' croven of [tome- was
made of laurel leaves and was given
to the general who nebleVed a great
victory over an enemy. ile entered
the city not by a ante, but over a. Por
Hon of the wall which was thrown
down to afford a passog,e. At his fir
neini his lahrel crown was placed to
1.11S: bier and btirled with the body.
Sores ,
We 'Of-tett:boast-111st we are .nevef,
()red, 'bait 'etwe'-are,'sor daneOiteid that
fre'do 42(.flet•e,0l'ci. he.w"T often*e 'bar
come great a
$100 Reward $100.
rha readers of this paper witl be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease tha science
has beenable to cure in allit,s stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curel$ the only positlye
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease requires a constitu-
tionidtreatment. IIall's Catarrh Cure is taken in.
tamely, aciinZflizeOly upon the blood and raucous
surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the
fourttiattom of the disease, and swing the Patten;
9trength ,by building up the constitution and, assist;
nag ;imbue in doing it$ work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative, powers that, they. offer
Oua Hundred Dogar8 ler arty case that it fada to
cure. Saud tor liet 01 testimonials.
Address P. 00., Toted°, 0,
Sold by all Drunists, 77 cents,
Take Hail's Family Pills for constipation.
}LAY opuNc./r..
Council MetStaiSerrdatY; Ot. 5' '4'11
the an,caibeRs presenv,. Bylaw No. 8, au.
titorla mg the .f.0.9-UO„,$.,18.000 debark.
tares for the telephone system, was
duly passed. The telephone debenture
rate. was .strenif, fit for each
telephcne, tor an annual payment rat
$T,1 e. The Com:toil bought 8-4 mfae raf
telephene itecaest which are mostly ttn
goe'd,” tshape, and will taake good tele-
phone poles.. CIAIMs 10.7 sheep it:lied by
dogs wero ,presquted, to tile ,0ouricila-
Petor .11aberer $42, laid ester till next
meral.ing., A large nurriber of accounts
were paid. Cratingl will „meet agaild •Ort
Nov, f, 0,t 1. o'clock,
Semi -ready Suts
St $15 tad V2t)
fet the priee---and earne-sern
zle pocket -always Ms same.
yew Clothier arid wad to* or!.
beo *a4is of "rises eiya"
r at S70. semi dinctatiAtzal-Peuir.
14=tittd Iv:entreat, tor hock emitted
you cannot let la; To tow.
ihtst-rrabg littacrt4
T., L. Ita garth, ISa uundasst.„Loadora.
Mitelooll, Oo. 11, Tbe tato Rey. 00?,.
Smith was buried yesterday In the
1,Vocillagui cemetery, 'Deceasedwho
W4'2 82 years old, WItc8 0110 of the pie -
nom preichles of the district.
FTILLARTON.-Thc ftmeral Mrs.
Hannah R, Gibh,S Was largeLY attended
en Nit:today., Deceased was in hc,".7 89th
yoax and was Atita or tole plotrons
the district. She leaveis a grown
urge,- or th."eo sons and one dauglator
Vo More Dandruff
Or Falling Hair
No poisonous sugar lor lead, -no sul-
pbur-no dye in PARISLAN Sage,.
The cleanest, daintiest, most refresh-
ing and dol:oixtrut tn the
world is PARISIAN' gage.„ If you do
not use It you care daLly msing
glorious treat. It ',Is simply splendid
for roteo, women and bhildrenlrt It is
sold at drug and toilet goo0 couaters
for. only 50 cantle, a lagget bottle. Ask
for PARISIAN HaVei tor yottr own Prio-
tection..The gfirl wp.h: the Auburn hair
Is on every caAtierti itind bottle..
PARISIAN Sage drives out ia1 don-
druft and stops Itair txt,om fa.Uing frx
two weeks. It stoPs itching scalp In 12
IT. Is a hall- notinilshert and promptly
puts life, luster and; beauty -Into dull,
faded and ill -looking hair.
Hugh D. McKlinnop. of, Brs..ntford,
Ont., vArites.-"I cons:der PARISIAN
Sage the best proaratIon for the cure
01 dandruff, falling hair and itching
scalp that I halve evor used., It Is an
excellent hair ton 'C "and; dressing and I
shall alvslays be pleased to highly rec-
ommend PARISIAN Sage."
W. S COLE Guarantees It.
The undersigned tis offer -111,g for sale
that fine 150 acre faan• to ;the Town-
ship of Stephen, beiJog the west half of
Lot 15, Con. 8, and Llot 16, Con, 9.
There is cin the latter a good fra.rna
house., summei kitchen' and wood -shed;
bank barn, ,never-fadling well, v/ith. wind
'mill. appliances. All well ...fenced and
drained, 'and in good state ef cultiva-
tion. -For partiCuiars apply to
J. K. SCHROEDER, Crediten, Ont.
For Fp]. and Winter months a
attaart, reliable person to sell our
wellAtnotvin fruit and ornamental
trees in EN.-ETTIR and ,surround-'
• in,g country':
el -the fin.critt nursery grown
Stook.•Sold and delivered to trade.
Eatly and,. good delivery guaran-
teed. Thirty-five' years of busi-
ness experience enables -us to of-
'er the -best agency in our ILna
Write for terms.
CAPITAL, $15,000,000
REST, $12,500,000
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce, are a. safe, convenient and
inexPeasive method of rettlittini.", small sums of money.- These °idea,
payable- without charge at any bank in Canada (except in the Yuko'it
Territory) and in the prinotpat cities of the United States, are issued a
the following rates
$5 and under 3 eenta
Over 5 and not ex:c4:din- g $10........... 6 "
" 10 " " • IQ 66
44 30 44 50.,.,.,.....15
ORDERS. Issued withemt delay, at reasonable rates.
should be naade by means of oor SPECIAL FOREIGN DRAFTS and MONEY
EXETER BRANCI-1:--G. L. W-A.TITGII, M,a,nagey. Branch alao at Creila012.
eorperated 1855 -
Record of ogross for Five Yeare--1906-191,1
Capital $380008000
Reserve $3,0001000
Deposits - $233677,730
Loans and Investments 274578090
Total Assets $33,090,192
$4 000 000
35 042 311
Uas saI3rauches in ..,4snatla, 11t1 Agents and Gorrespandentsin allthe
Principal Oities in the VirOtid.
at al Branches. Interest allowed at loighest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
0/ zsoN & CARLING, Solicitors. N. 0. MIRDON lSranager,
VARNA,-Mr, Jamee .tcQucon, el
2nd concession of "StenleY had the as.
fortune to lose one at hi$ klorsca fn
peculiar ntanner. bralto
r,117'-ou311 the covering ea the top or al;
1,vell and fell Lnbut was prevented foarn
getting' down ve,*• tar by he c8'bbtng,
inclines ,was secured am.1 the an:ma
b7cught up, but It dfed shortly after:
Arthur, 'youngest SOil ,Ot Mr. 0, Tref-
fry, tot front a -tree and pleieeatedhle
&molder 000 day last, wok, 4r. Trer-
fry hal also had exceptionally hard
lueir of late, 2*.taving lost two mares a'ual
ono foo withal two montron-Ur. Drov-
er found ono of his valuablo Inareo tan-,
glad la 0 wdre roam recently. She lad
been there Moat of thO night, and when
fou.nd appeared to be dead, but, after an
hOur's work oho was rot onto ner feet,
and tor now recovering.
TJar. undorsOo'ned auctioneer has rot
oe'ver* titnat/rue*otne 'to sell by public
auction, on the predn'istos of the Pro-
pninter, on LOT 17, CON'. 7, STEPI-IEN
One and a hale$niles Ndirth of Credito
on, TI-IIIRSDAY "OCT. 24th, 1912, a't
nne o'clock, eharp, the folleveng valuable
property, y.N. --
HORSES-1 gold'ing figric. 6 years
old; golding, purpose 8 years old, 'got
by Albion, generell purpose mare; blood
mare, 0 years old: blood fillY, nising
2 years.
CATTLE -6 cows due to calve in
ch, Apnid and Mply 2 year ,old neife4
due May 1; 5 chotilce .steera rising 3
yea.re. ; 2 heifers rsin 3 years; 4
Steers rsliig 2 Ye(arrist; 3 heifers ris-
'log 2 years, 7 calves.
HOGS -9 pigs, 3 momiths old.
IMPLEMENTS-- MasseY-Plarris binder)
nearly mew, ;mower; 13 hoe dr.:II and cul
t: -tor; Frost and Wood out=throw
POULTRY -30 hens.
2 zets diamond barrows, land roller,
3 wallung plows, Matssey-Rarris twin
plows scurfler, sulky rake, heavy
wagon,. nearly ',new; 1 second hand
wagon, hay rack, nearly new; hog rack
wagon box, nearly new, root pulpter new,
new; gravel box, top buggy, cutter, pa,:r
of tot- 'sleighs, pair of ;ight ,sleighs,
fannint, rual, 12 hundred pound Seale
rend stone, De Laval cream separator,
2 ladders, 2 gond sets double harness,
2 .sete of Whatletroes, 2 neck -yokes
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logg:ng cha,ins, forks, hoes, rakes, nand
also a coll'e dog, and .1:10er article,s1 poi)
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Auctioneer Propr.etor
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Books with Bell Accom satin:tent' 'Soles Duetts Quartettes
Double ,Quarttets and Glees.
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Opera House, xeteri Wed. Oct. 2
New Progranana
9 Accornplished Vocalists and Entertainers.
Music on a Peal of 171:Bp
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TItousandu of arribIttluuta Young
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