HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-10-17, Page 3ONLY ONE WAY TO CURE RilEUMATISM Its �BeB Treated, Through h r the Blood ail ; , cl the Pa.�or,olis Gila. Driven Out. The twinges and tortures of rheu- matism are not due to cold, damp. wea then as so many persons sup- pose. Rheumatism comes from, poisonous acid in the blood. This ui m,edioa.l truth which every 'su f- ferer should realize, There is only one way to euro rheumatism—it. must be treated through the blood. All the liniments and rubbing and so-called electric treatment in the. world will not eure rheumatism, and the sufferer who tries them is. not only wasting money, but is al lowing the trouble to become more de+ Drat ted in the system and hard. er to cure when the proper remedy `. is tried, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills always cure rheumatism because they go right to the root of th trouble in the blood. These, Pills snake the new, rich blood of health, and in this way drive out the pozs- onoits skid which causes rheuma- tism, Thousands o2, instances of mires might be given, among which is the following alae, Mrs, G. R. Dulauaago, Cherry Valley, Ont., "I wa.s attacked with .then' zuatisw which gradually grew worsen until 1 was eeoarzftned to nay bed. For about two weeks 1 had to be shifted and turned in bed as I was; utterly unable to help myself. I well tirades the doctor's care an SQ far recovered that 1 was able gat up and, move about, but, th trouble still, xeauaiazed in my sys- tem, ys-tern, If 1 put, any hands in cold water, or if 1 went out in the even- ing or in damp weather the trQu- le would return, and for four airs 1 thus? 5110exed tram rhewna- unt'il 1 began, to think it could driven from my system, Fin- ttll, = 1 gave up all causer medicine andbegan to use Dr, Williamsl Pink Pills, and after using them for a couple Of months 1 was complete- ly cured and la aavc not had a twinge of rheumatism since, 1 can recem- mend the Pills to anyone suffering from this trouble." These Pills are sold by all meth - eine dealers or by avail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Tho Dr, 'Williams' Medicine Co., Broelville, Ont. TJIE OAVSE. Auntie --"Why, Tommy, how you do grow 1" Tonamy--"Yes, I think they water me too much." Astonished Auntie --"Water you too' muclzl" Tolnrny --"Yes, auntie; they bath sage every night and morning." Recognized as the leading spoof• fit for the destruction " of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Extermina. for has proved a boon to suffering children everywhere. It seldom oils. "Why : did you insist on having your wife join the Suffragette Club el"Because;" replied `Mr, Meekton grimly, "I want tot see than Suffragette Club get all the trouble., that's, coming to it." t¢mard's t.iniment tor, sale, everywhere. WHEN. "When does .-your husband find time to do_all his reading?" `Usually when' I want to tell him something' important.''' _. tit 0- es Mothers 1 Are yonr little.Ones erin r'omitching,' in �'uff , .. lj',,� . 'burning eczemas, ''or sutler torturing, disfiguring skin, troubles? tAre ou, yourself,',worn : ou.t' with o gsloeyyless nights and . - ass ,l. s n "Yl t lrl �c ie e s•n, ,e,y aritag .for t1 rn a Then you: should know. that; err most cases, a warn', bath with esttl li tl utas an a b e aPP ca om_ ®f ui, Ointment bring immediate re lief the little-sufferers littlesu ferers sleep' tired ' ratted' mothers`zest and peace �1 oItdistracted acted 1. euscholds, -Although,Cut{cura,Soap and :0lz1L',ment.nso Old': by.and dealers evekywhe,t'!, w, octal tocutioura,'',Dept:;,2NL,�O$dstpn, 1 :g� A. wilt secure a liberal scamp, eofeach th 32-p. book on ## e skin and scarp and t eat of -their -A stir s BEM'S J4Tr-1T,E: WAYS. Sir George Reid, Australians High Commissioner in London, who has been travelling over Ameriea Late- ly, showed on one or two occasions somerather addpevtlin zti es forr a public man of his standing. Be spoke at several luncheons Toronto, and just as the guests' were gathering for one of these'; events, he was introduced to a number •of prominent citizens Af- ter they had chatted for a fe'w min,-' litres Sir George indicated his de - ire that the others should precede', him into the banquet room, and he would see them later. He wished flci ent.t At the saanea lunebeon, after tbe' cbairmau bad ' called Cal h'im, to speak, there was an, awkward pause. 'Everyboid'- wondered what the wait, was for, VOW know yet, but the fact is that the Australian knight would not arise to speak un- til all the waitresses had left the m. it George, who is a man of coan- ble girth, described Virtue only man in the world w1u anted a whole 47Sa Itinent," This sally provoked a laugh.. his request a stenographer, as brought to the luncheon so that remarks could be taken verbal - a and cabled to all parts of the Empire. places wa Tdi Coatfia.'aIca lrixilior' `galkes t+<i Poston. . A housewife 2was recently surpris- ed when nook served Postum is stead 4if tea dad coffee. ;tae sl as "For, the last fzvo ox sty. yews 1 have been trozaa`.ed with uervOus- ness, indigestion art trtubls. I couldn't get any benefit from the doctors 'medicine, so finally he or> dered me to stop drinking coffee, which. 1 did. (Tea is just as injuri- ous because it contains caffeine -- the drug in coffee.) "1 drank hot water while taldng' the doctor's medicine, with some improvement,,.then went back to coffee with the swine old trouble as before. "A new servant girl tore me about Postum—said her folks used it and liked it in place of coffee. We got a package, but I toId'her I did not believe my husband would like it, as he was a great toffee drinker. `'To my surprise he called fox a third cut, said it was "good stuffs" and wanted to know what it was. We .Have used Postum ever since and both feel.. better than we have_ in years. "My husband used to have bad spells with his stomach: and, would besick three or four days, during which time he could: not eat or drink anything. =. But sitee he ave tip coffee and took to Postum, he his had no more trouble, and we now fully believe it was all caused by coffee. , "I have -not had any -return of my.-formertroubles since drinkihig Postum, and feel better and can 'do mare= work than in' the last ten years. . We telt everyone about it - some say they tried, it and did riot like it. I tell them it makes all the difference as to how it's .made. ;It should be made according to dirt e- tions—then it is delicious." u Tame' given by Canadian,Postuin Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the book, "The Road to Wellvillo," in pkks. "There's a reason." Mvor read the above= letter? A new ono• Appears grow, time to time, 'ho* aro genuine, true, and full of humanlntdrest, AVOID THESE: ° a �Aatomobilc' coming down the. road •"rvith , ,twelve -year-old kid at the wheel .' Barbed wire fences. Co around if it's a mile. Man who wants to, tell you how to run =om it business..,l Ten to one he can't ',run his own.r Man who wants to give you some- thing `llin fore nothing.There must be t � something the matter with t Matron who has daughter .who is taking singing Iessans. Goldmantel clocks if you wane •.tq gfil+,x,� .. to catch a train., 1til'ince pie for bio sfa�tr, 6 ',title -made shill • KINC BARD Tlae tasty touch Vas, nreanti so.muoh" for 3;1n04y0ia, aYtor- Hoorn t,ea or socii1 ec4ping. ideals E Nourishing et thorn From your Oroner 'trade supplied by JOLT ra S*l,; BIRKLL+ el3zE1fl 1NC?, IHAMIL.rON. R best Work in Camusl .. god Toda:lst, ORJT1S1i RIVE ss?CAN, IDYFIng CO Y, 0. BOX- 5Z 5.; steaal ra;.at Maypole Soap FOR HOME D'YetNG a:$1es nd elye* at -• ° one oper;tioa, gip. ..- ing remarkably{'.. den,, bteght, fast colote.Dyescaatoe, wool, silk ut ua:x^ BRM. 24 640414 n, Wiflgavesissyateaale, Colors lee, bEaclt 1.5o styour dealer's orpostp t) vii h. Viic let "Haw' to l} e" fawn l;, i. G 11fI#1 r R. Ifaaal , ltn; FOR^aT r is czkttrely dlflrx int free 6eltiotlrs,P.1R°tw+ tr+i#aXcktiaraet,l`ts.tfllaxcar2:'6C'*SCAGTraillt mastlari slpxusarkaliar, laQta t brk iii4 Pa cit tu9i p!ice g[or7r".$: i,14tt ," aiktt4"a`" t'ati .. w i # ivoelliT oink 1itt# .ta$ +Pa 'kk`T,I+S t1. " rile illy tr, ;esitter' all. ie 'nit "a. ,tt�'+ Psek iivaiat� Cct atltedaataitr a sans exar 'R aKa +k aa4Adl�a't/Tv�ml a, r' HtS.S4';+IM1'M,tR ZAtP.Ik yp a aaticilo R, ;HFM�+�.7T�t1P.� M s Mays, cant. Y Mahetlto the there at at any has taa'ge is ing; noon explanation. tiality o'clock "microtia movements nine from plates, evening through ward euro. o'clock ing approach hour. o'clock more of and o'clock, til about his safest that career, ness supposed Iain credit ant. lawyer, the when know if sir,” case case., IlilCt`l<LO R A celebrated interesting : are more nine o'clock nine o'clock other periods also discovered of microbes less at three'o'eloek and three than at of the ...cam.- hour" in the their and they the bound Be. noted every there were of From the and more all kinds, then, immediately the it was always .three researches, time for S 3111.81E '1 "1T1M +. lliaie inarda that and duxin 310 a Merit- after- '.L'he par- nine the by the Ave to going in the home- plea- i six even- of 'the nine germs good; nine un- to is the I' i a ;ease of` his ivit- of?eer- to' the g the truth 'You "Yes, dat win de rtp*atry'tyy`r,t,able at slatai the scientist Baas a annourtccxaeztt microbes in. the'iair in , the morning- at night 'than of the day. that the ,percent- in the aitmospher in the o'clock in the any other times, ,advanced for the microbe for and p.m, is that is controlled of.people. From morning they are homes to .their working from five to nine are again journeying streets, either ,,or in search of that at or about :morning and indications , the microbe "rush" that time on until atmosphere beoame crowded with some bad, some after tide began to ebb, lowest around o'clocl;ri According "after lunch a nap. WHAT WILL HAPPEN. A Southern lawyer tells of came to him at the outset wherein his principal was a darky named Jackson, to have .knowledge transactions not at all of his employer, the defend- - "Now; Jackson," ,said "I want you to understand importance of telling the you -are put on the stand. what will happen, don't„you, you don't tell the truth. was Jakson's reply ; "in I, 'expects our side will m 'a L r.� s Sro: a f,< a• G' n .a, i` t >� �y fi Nwtlie �'k. EY, �.e l c 1 , rpt �tiS r Er u + t Tp�� A.. Yd a Ailk s � 1 u di t' Baby's Own Tablets are baby's„ r best friend: and the another's great- est Aid, : They .cure constipation, simple e fevers, bxeaa,k up colds, expel worms anti' regulate the stomach a�zzcl i oweils., .Conteereing 1Sheut.Mrs. °Napoleon elle er, $t, Martel, Clue., Writes; "I have used Baby's C)vtn Tablets' fox oogstipation and simple: .;¢ever forboth my little girl of tree years,a -any- boy of loor. months ami • have found them e k- 1' tirely satisfactory, stud. always keep them in the hduse ?' ;The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by reailktt"2:siat,O a box from The''Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, 33rockville, Ont. Noy lS € Sot E. FEliENT THING, e.wkzrxs, junior, was ut to ;be married, and on the of this momentous occa`siorl lie, discussing the' forthcoming; riff with his father,,' "W �, saying, 1 leer her' -a ' at ai f s , w_ a ' I.tnu�t Confess that I don't feel so z. sure of Alis marriage ;bus -moss as I did at first. In. fact, I'm funking altogethe>r." "Nonsense, my boy lt' responded his parent, "What du you mean? Mandie's "a f406, girl, With a little BRAI 0J ess delight ayes tlI t tired feeling PTON 5 money and plenty of coraampn-sense,. What .,bore do you !alit 1;, "Ob, yes, 1 adreuitr that .`' replied. Beery ,junior, "But if e ,p11, fine far you to talk, father. Inas rie l my moil -ter; brit I'm Tying a total stranger "" F•lt1EIISP1OXt,° LE want-! nkH#,ta6 , Ciired These P.3`Seticn on chc, hemorrhoid oid Vli'+Irr at are swnlleu,, i.41,04,114e4 and rged with Weed, is ilat canse:s e terrible pain' and stinging ailing. of piles,' ni�Ela a icd ,,t. n kat will be feund to give a Bolero raztarnin Th a aaaa Pearson,. Allaert a .,- a''itea.' all for tbe« fit row malt- >lalt. taut laffired g'r'eatly 'laser Zu uk and f, a 1 etlantitalt+l nag three or fritts bo* ',ted a ccaxrtftltxte core." gist: at -e Sanford, of Weston, ,. "s' i `o,, ., ;$4y,,$ ; "1 suffered l n dada, �n lames, but atirn'. .+' now elt'red ine.". Williai a :Tkanty, of Vivo River, encs Co., ICS., 1 Suffered t-errribly. #sen. atti pins, be 1aay2n at txtea4 he�aa� alums able, 1 t *mons ossa lit l ev ytb t tried. gage t.l slagate;it good. 1 u, trying ': a ri+aus remedies, lad tnf atlax-Eta s •a id nre 1 would Aftera. All gle,etricallly driven, machine to Olt kl»dllng wood as ► rtivelt;�-,. t, •r Tial Ropiil�,:zolt'Qf',laixaaa�?c,`>; has /p- ied 30 per cent. is the last 20 eaxa, - , Blortro1�•tic. ek£hintg is tamed lay a tl t i ew pros esa tQ ,produioz blaxde�xttrd sm; clonal dies. Pl beriar will be gi v e a a wireless ca 5t t2OO iwitit 2,500. lies radins by al, Freud) pa h9xlire az ob esu ti'chits 4 Pro a u' > ar n l ! lir z.# ng cyan- t'lr:e rdintg' t4 raeel. tzt ecx rt estir 1 wakes China predu es almost Q00,000 tins of coal a Year, A redbot poker will soften -, ptatty and matte its. removal arotancl window Palms sat eftsyt, matter. London has more than 2,000 n a- l tMl eauritbuses axid' the number 2la E,l 11< ia'g ineren5ed,at n matte of a,bunt thirty a week. It has ;been esl2u nt ,d t{taafid at eosts aa. dollar tr4 top aan rrditzhi^y passenger train .n aviu t fifty mile speed. alt Alt baternatzo2tu1 eQn4 s en - dreilog4, €cliroato10 will lig. {tell' at itladrad a Godber of neat year. 4 For .treating returned by it taaniea:s n New '" itlt de rtinu ' has installed tlaplete sat r sli ffili in plant.,1 e,,f, p ! t lf: Snafu's 4,1ACeti d mirseaa cam p' 0ttl .ate eacially ,reeordt ui ais 3a.1'o� : uk ductile yielding but abottli 4,4 10,- !aria tree ttltas a. wear. le 'tile,�cab which is" aadiatg via (Ain is as ewer wltoel frE t1t the bot.' 1‘111,4 coats c +1st f a ncloseid. 't An favor ill affair 1a10tt 1 r 110 it""ow. 1Jasaxdeara° sof illi i� gestive ap ►alratus allottld'' tae dealt with at Oneta bottra colalplintioans airlso that Maty tali ilTittzeit tta oopo' with. The sttxetit aremedy to this end and ono tltait xs within ra acih of all, is Parmelee's Vo 4et llladill t, the best, ialaltive Anil sedaativo alta the maarket Do net delay, but try them. Hutu. One trial. w a convince ainyeno 'that they are the best stomach regulator that elan be got. $tau ---Do you believe ,a Man knows when be; is'In love? He -Yes; and he doesn't know anything else, tonsil's Liniment Cures aandr ft. u He ---So you lost that handsome little dog you bald i She -Yes, in a railroad aceident. 1 was saved, but the . dog was killed.; He ---What a pig i. Very many persons die .annually from 'cholera and 'kindred summer totnplaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J' D. Kel- logg's D,t'senter ' cordial, the medi- cine cine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say. it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues theeparin and disease. Let every one inquire of himself what he loveth, and he shall know in his heart what sort of 'a man he is. Nilnard's: Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Grace—"I'm sorry your brother's marriage has -turned out such a failure ands:s such, a ;rich°wife tool" Blanche -"That's just it; rich things never did.agree with,Jaack. A Remedy, for Earache,—To have the'earache is to :endure torture. The ear is, a''delicate organ and few care to deal with i3; considering it work for a doctor. : Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil offers a, simple rem- edy. A few drops,' upon a piece of lint or "medicated cotton and placed. in the :ear will• work wonders in 're- lieving -pain e- lieving`pain, AGREED WITH THE' COURT. "I wish to;rrtako a 'notion." The speaker ,stood . a little .unsteadily, looking at the judge, wh.o ignored him. Pausing a moment,/the would- be maker of' the motion ° sat down, fife was a; good'• lawyer and a friend of judge, the. presidingd ep :but, at times he vias not quite in, condition ,for ro s o rproceedings.T le deco z cut1 judge shook his he ad i and r leaningin g ford=aid, •said sternly e "The court t' A that ' of, the opinion, Mr. t ��yy 7 9 you are snoby uite -ourself i" "It q b." "Well, that's thofi st correct o p iriion.I.ve heard Ifroi this eon'i"t,J''.. he- remazked'With an- air- of solemn app rUta a "returned to his chair; iihere l e (rurii€�,rned in "iinperturable n3 illy �lkACR C a TY na Good Houser B a i/rw.s; 0a Cee p a,en ,ems easy e m:s !t. buildings and anopia OVUM; etl & from Harm alsaaa. ;amaaWWclat, 'crenae A DTIV WANTED A 'veere tcra W t'}a�$t>e@ leas 4„b An3k :hh elii a nd Kart trade. anw a at. toiek1, 'Drente.. M: Piano Action Tor02at om . 'Ti .An expertmake ker c new piece et fural€itere an leek as if it wars a0.Years Bali d so can the average small boy. The Real Liver 1'ill i . torpid i, r naeztzis a dired system, saean,,1aaasWide and Ix►,, lxe incl#; teen, - eh ilit . The very beat xttedieltfata to ttr cruse the liver to healthy netiorn as 1'amrnableo's WI; table 1'Bls. They are compounds d' of .purely vegetable substances of' eaarefnl selection and: PO other pills have their fine qualities. They do not gripe or pawn and they are' eeable to the most sensitive'. omaach. Xether—mlsTellie and her bus-: baled are still guar oiling." Father -•"What, does he still object to her wearing high heels i" Mother ---"Yes, and why should she lower herself to please him.'- ALLZ,.S ANI;?S1ltnENO1 Smoke Stat' and Flues, \'Va- €agi,nes and Boilers A1TEo s° 9'4quTa, nit rahSub $car Island, Aug. 26, 1903 3fin,rd's Liniment Co., I,imitnL Dear Sirs, --Your traveller Is here to -day and tie res ,r•etting a Iniad" quantity of ver IfitiTa:iLD'S LINIli17N7'. , We -'find it to best Liniment on the market, making no. exception. We have been in business 13 years .and have 'handled all 'kinds, bnt have dropped them all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of.' W. A. HAGERMAN., "What brand of cigars do you like best, Snooker V" "The brand you have in your pocket." ' Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones apply Holloway's Coin .Guise and get relief. Throw mud at a man and: most of it falls' off; throw flattery at him and it sticks. Minard'e Liniment Cures Burns, Eta. " A. mail can dress in ten minutes, :hut it usually; takes his wife 'an hour or more to straighten up the house ,'after he does, • Nearly every man " wants credit for knowing more` than -he really does. Women'secmrno gest admen t —the root of°so muchof their.<'' 411 -health--- otr tlYY ieids to r P P #ne eEitle but'' ccsk min nctien of Na-Dru-Co •Laxati<r es. 1' � r •':cr , ryiJC. it O 'Et �(iUr 1r c 1 t Sc bx Y i�>�s L1 E0 L rr U b C Mesa 6. PfA . n o aro etc r , A Curedatlalloitt aperxtloalta, All'wbo era a1Slid watt tLis dleeaso and wish to be au raad rlairrnanently,, safely and quickly wr3tvr this great Homeopathic remedy, which will be vont .poet -paid anywhere in the world with full instructions for using no aaa to et%t a Derms.rient aura. Brice $L Address 40104 T. WMT homeopathic Pharmacy, Arnprlor, Canada. Most Economics Odorless glil Lamp ever invented. Burns ordinary 1 Qf! Kerosene Oil. "A „o.. light all night for Peanuts Ye of 8'43"t'" L.J.A. STJRVEYER 52. ft. Lawrence Boulevard MONTREAL. Eight Delightful Cruises to the :WEST INDIES • AND THE:. PANAMA. CANAL Leaving Now York by the Palatial S.S. 24,EOLTRE and VICTORIA LUISE Jan 4, 15, 28, Feb. 8, 25, March 11, 25, April 1O, 18, 21; 28 Days -045,5183, 075, and up. Also Cruisos.to the Orient, Around the World, Italy and Egypt, etc. Sendfor Booklet, Stating Cruise. I1A MBBJRR.C-IMEBL.CAN LINE, 41.65 Broadrfay, NSW IOl L FRE TO, GIRLS We trill;: �. give e C this beautiful. b utS.ul l9 izntgosa Bracelet free of all ebarge, to any girl or young Indy who will cell 45 nets of our lie;ndsome , Season ' Oree;:fzig; sceI1i0 and fl oral post -cards rda- -',at :ib •" conic a set '(cis beautiful cards in=tach• sea). The e rx annT. Expansion +.c eu is of•roll®do1c1 plate, and", fit r 6 any fl U, - Send your name -and,,' we: trill send you the cards ,,Wien sold sord,u6 the; Si and we, will : send you •.the bracelet.' :;Address OME''WA1lRl� Toro' Cnt, 4�l 4