HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-10-10, Page 7A bite of this and a taste of that, all day long, dulls the appetite and weakens the digestion. Restore your stomach to healthy vigor bytakiit a Na-Dru-Co g Dyspepsia Tablet: sfter each meal—andcut out the °piecing°. Na -farts -Co Dyspepsia Tablets we the best friends for,, sufferers from indigestion and dYsP e sia. 50c. a Box i:t your Druggist's. Made by the. National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 149 FEN -INCH GUNS. Two New British Ships Likely To Be Equip -Lied With Theist. Fifteen -inch guns,°which hurl pro- jtteotiles weighing .1,720 pounds each, Will probably- be installed upon the two British ships of the super- dreadnought type to be built under the naval programme adopted this year. Messrs, Vickers have manufac- tui+ed shell a gun, though the Marl- borough and: the Iron Duke, two huge ships to he launched this ;inonth, will, carry guns of smaller bore. Directly these ships are launched at Devonport and Ports- mouth respectively the keels for two ships authorized this year will be laid. One of these ships' will be, it is declared, of unusually large isize. Plans` for it provide that it alizill he equipped with fourteens inch guns, but it is rumored in nits Kcal. circles re es t h sat fifteen-i7icll guns will be used instead ? The same size guns may be ,installed upon the other new ship, The displacement of the larger of the* two new slim is given at 30,000 tons, her length as iO0 feet and its speed is to be about twenty-nine knots, While the aside plating cif the ship will be heavier than that of the Iron Dzike class, 'there will also be more ades nate " proteetien against attacks rem dile {Lir,' The recent developments of air craft have shown that the broad funnel openings leading. down to the furnaces and engine -rooms need to be sorcencd. This will *be a fea- ture of the new design, and probes- hly also steps will be taken to give hotter protection against aerial at- tack in the ease of vessels already in oommission. It is also stated that the new Bri- tish ship is to be armed with 14 -inch guns. The difference between tile. weight of the projectile thrown by tams gun and that of the 13.5 gun at present in use is only 150 pounds with practically the same penetra- tive power of hard steel plate.' A 15 -inch gun, with a 1,720 -pound shell, has been completed . y Mesrs- Vickers, with a much great- er penetrative power, and there is some expectation in naval circles that this gun may be mounted in the dreadnoughts of this year's programme. "HOW are you spending your va- cation ?" 9n an ideal way. I'm pleased nearly all the time." "That is rare. What is your method?" "I spend two days in the country, then I'm glad to get back to the city. I spend two -,days in the city, then I'm glad to get back to the coun- try. It's a great scheme." THIRTY YEARS OF DISHGURING ECZEMA CURED /river since I was a little girl, thirty years ego,.,(', had suffered tortures from eczema in one of its worst forms. The disease runs ',toy family, and mine was of a scaly_ and 'most disfiguring kind. The eczema formed: in round rings, and them 'scales all over my face and limbs. I have been, sinothered'_ from head"to foot. I was born in Leamington, which Is famous for its sulphur, baths' and pump. 'waters, and one would think that after taking. ' the treatment there reg. ' ularly as I did, tho disease.would :long ago have been cured,' but it'.. was sot I attended the HIospital-for years and years,, Bayou will;see; o' me' I gave ;it a',fair trial ;Everyone In the town,know.of myccase. My ace,was',disfigured' very betily. A doctor ofd me. that 1 should never get,rid:oflt. I spent pounds in doctors';;bills, and Fattended' iteveral hospitals but 'nothing did any good. "Then one day:`an_uncle .of,mine;recom- 7toended*the Cuticura Remedies. I took his advice, and commie ced to use the Cuticura 1;15oap, To my astoni,thsnent an improvement at once set in, and my hair, width -had been•a complete: -mass of: seales,:and scurf, soon began to look in 'splendid condition; Then bought,'a box of Cuticura dintmgnt,�wad this cleared yy skin wonderfullye,,a,, 04 few;, '. e ks', tithel traces of::,t �ql �y, eruptions ' ; 8d cormpletely ;disappea AANOXIAny7s"kin .clear an . r,,,,..,d healthy. agtl. t . ka��Eo, �ie'•Cati- cura,,YRsmedtceal ,: �ffit�e el�a"ciird of " �ezemair--gmttboiirJtw e e founded. iIu Re`" .n.., ,k , odids..a�if tro th; their ,t, o, .u. d �bno japiei�o C iticur,s ea "oea Iti i hnn oufde kes of'.chea er ,.x hada #ad ¢ �egs^fete. zn9.' ,8 rl • xtt"�' t" .17 �. Fr ancia w;T7ie (RIX, 4�,� ,s ��gg••Ki'" h, ioF oa, Sir- haafaEn , •Jnr �6�: p V k w I� curi;l�iia.Olntm , kyr ' 8�resoiet� f. ry.. try, -hent ,. "leu♦ chargeu7nay5dotow,by t;hnding to '"Drag&i OhemskGorp= 824Cuiumbt isc a1ii? plat z!w CROWN PRINCE AT OXFOUI Became a Student. at .Magdalen College, October 10. With •histutcr, a.MYiagdalen man; the Prince of Wales went into resi- dence at Magdalen,; Oxford, en Oct.. 10, occupying a large suite of rooms' in the cloisters. HLs royal highness will attend (history lectures, but it is understood that he will not try for a' degree, As: an undergraduate at Magda- len the day of the Prince will be mapped out about on these lines : He will be called by his servant at 7 o'clock. Breakfast is at 8 o'clock and the undergraduate may either partake of it in junior com- mon room o o i hisown ' z n cams, e } H will have tgid its servant when he was being called what he will have for breakfast, which at Oxford is usually very copious, including ba- con and eggs, fried sole and salmon cutlets. Lectures and "reading? are from. 9 until 1 o'elock, followed by a fru- gal luncheon, consisting ordinarily of bread and cheese and beer or water, 'The time from 2 until. 5 is de- voted to exercise, and then comes a shower bath, a change of elothing, tea and a couple of hours of read- , t 7 cemee very excellent plain dinner for about 2s. He must dine a fixed nxilnber of nights in hall during full term --usually about five nights in the week.' After dinner the men gather in the junior cosrur on room and take coffee or visit one another's rooms or go to the Union, where once a week there is a debate, or to one of the many essay societies, which are a. feature of university life, It is possible to leave college up to a certain hour, outside which limits shave m n to get special leave from the dean. But from 9 to midnight is for the "reading" man the prin- cipal times for work. If he "lacks" during that time he is hopeless. IT'S TIIE FOOD. The True Way to Correct Nervous Troubles.. Nervous troubles are more often caused by improper food and indi- genion than most people :imagine. Even doctors sometimes overlook tide fact. A man says: "Until two years ago waffles arid butter with meat and gravy were the anain features of my breakfast. Finally dyspepsia came on and I found myself in a bad condition, worse in the morning than any other time. I would have a full, sick feeling in my stomach, with pains in my heart, sides' and head. "At times I would have no appe- tite for days, then I would feel rav- enous, never satisfied when I did eat and so nervous I felt like shrieking at the top of my' voice. I lost flesh badly and hardly knew which way to turn until one day I bought a box of Grape -Nuts food to see if I could eat that. I tried it without telling the doetor, and liked it fine ; made me feel as if I had something to eat that was sat- isfying and still I didn't have that heaviness that I had felt after eat- ing any other food. "I hadn't drank any coffee then in five weeks. I kept on with the Grape -Nuts and in a month and a half 1 had gained 15 pounds, could eat almost' anything I wanted, didn't "feel 'badly after eating and my nervousness was all gone. It's a pleasure' to be well again." Name given by Canadian Postum Co.. Windsor, Ont. Read the book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. !, Nothing will cause another to lose confidence in you more readily than a broken promise. A promise should be a sacred dui just as y, js a debt must be paid. Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the excres- cences away , by using Holloway's Corn Cure, ; which acts thoroughly and, painlessly. "Darling,'"I left mywatch up- stairs, p stairs, and I'm too' tired to _go and fetch it." `Sweetest, if you only wait ,your watch will run down all right." Minard's Liniment nt Cures Burns -Etc. "I wishcomplain," to said the bride haughtily, . "about that flour you sold' me. It was tough." "Tough, ma'am? asked theg ro-� cer. "Yes, tough. I made a pie with ` it, and' my' husband could hardly cut it," Two black -faced ,_ minstrels were giving an . entertainment` on the. sands of a certain seaside holiday resort recently. While on'e of them` was telling funny storiesabout the humors of ,'boarding-house land ladies; the other wexit among the crowd' making a collection. He at length, went up toa stern -looking woman, who promptly snatched the tambourine from his . hand and poured the contents into' her lap. As she it -Opined the empty tam: bourine t,011the astonished minstrel i4 he exclain%ed : "Tell 3 -our friend' lie knowli‘,Yd;so much about land- yj dies' that I'm the one he forgot it spay tl1e 1& t tiane he wars, here I" AXVV HIGH SPED CHAMPION 131e Washer for a Woman in the first place, Maxwell's "Champion," is the only washer that can be worked, with a crank handle at the aide as well as with the top lever. just suit your own convenience. e Another Maxwell feature -Laver and 13alanceW h eetare sq arrrately adjusted andwork up sueii speed that the washer runs along even when you have stopped working the lever. There's no doubt about M axwell's' Champion° e being tha easiest running washer on the market. Write for new tllust ratedbooklet ifyogrdealer does not handle Maxwell's 'Champion' Washer. iMvrn MAXWELL & SON'S. St. lbws Get. 92 -Every Pair, Insured OBS stays atg:ainat 4roeskage Cords slide when you move. No pulleys, no harness—just comfort 1 Canine:Availed "EZIE“ n sunset, atDealere or st aid r Do p f0 50c. (PRONOUNCED EASY)e SUSPENDER) THE limo 5l15PRIDERCO.TOROj1Tt\CAIt THE ETERNAL BANQUETING. Plain Citizen—"What is the most necessary qualifications for a pub- lic career—a good head ?" Prominent Statesman—"No; a good stomach." Baltimore, lid., Nov. 11, 1903. Minard's Liniment . Co., Limited. Sirs,—•I came across a bottle of your. MINAImD'S LINIMEN"T in the hands of ono of the students at the University of Maryland, and he being so kind, as to let me use it for a very bad sprain, which I obtained in training for foot races, and to say that it helped mo would be putting it very mildly, and I therefore ask if you would let me know of one of your ,agents that is closest to Baltimore so that T may obtain some of it,,: Thanking you in ad- vance I remain, Yours truly, W. 0. MoCUEAN. 14 St. Paul street Care Oliver Typewriter Go. P. S.—Kindly answer at once. "It is said that impetuous peo- ple have black eyes." "Yes; and if they don't have them they aro apt to get them!" Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is a speedy cure for dysen- tery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and com- plaints incidental to children teeth- ing. It gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. It acts with won- derful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if they have a bottle of this medicine convenient. "How is it I never see yell about with young Flirton, now ?" ` "Oh,. 1 married him a fortnight ago." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. "Dickie, Pm awfully sorry you use tobacco ! I don't like it, and mamma simply loathes it. Will you Atop when we are married ?" "Isn't that • asking a lot, dearie ?" asked Dickie. "I, wouldn't care for myself,'' answered the girl but you know it makes mamma very ill." "Well, then," he promised cheerfully, "I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll never smoke when your mamma is with its;" She threw her arms around him. "Darling," she murmured. "That's so good of you! 1 was afraid you ' -d insist on smoking once in a while after we were married !" The real life you live sets its Mark on you in the eyes of any man or woman worth knowing, and all your finery and education and char- ity can never cover that fatal seal. X11( OSCAR SARDINES are much more than a delicacy. Their _ FOOD VALUE is unsurpassed. They furnish just the nourishment needed when a heavy 'heal is neither acceptable nor desirable. Cet Them From Your Grocer Tradeb W. Mottle supplied regHamilton Allti ltlst disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life -pre- server because it killa. all disease germs. Floors clean; car- pets bright; home fresh and sweet, No dust while sweeping. Ask your Dealer for it. McLaren Imperial Cheese no, Limited Bole distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO MFC. 00., Limited: Montreal D COINS COME FROM JAL. Cairo Authorities Find Criminal at Work Behind Bars.. For some time past the Cairo (Egypt) ,authorities have been mys- tified by the fact that a large quan- tity of counterfeit silver has been in cireulation, the origin of which they had been unable to discover. At last they have eneeeeded in lo - eating the source of supply. The counterfeit coins have been manufactured in Tourah prison. One of the prisoners was found to be in the possession of a most in- genious instrument amade to coin:. five piastre (25 cent) pieces and a quantity of silver bullion was dis- covered at the same time. The man, who is a penal convict, confessed to having been engaged in coining while in prison, and accused' a. fel; lois convict of complicity. Out of the eleven milliin'i natives of Egypt, only some 600,000 can read. and ,erite. A Safe Pill for Sufferers; :There are pills that violently purge and fill'the stomach and intestines with pain. Parmelce's Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing and beneficial. Try them and be con- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine. Poets are born—therefore they are more to be pitied than censur- ed. rhmard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Willis -Then you don't think an investment that pays over 6 per cent. is safe? Gillis—Oh, yes! But I don't think one that promises to pay over 6 per cent. is. Sleeplessness. ---Sleep is the re g at restorer and to be deprived of it is vital loss. Whatever may be the cause of it, indigestion, nervous derangement or mental worry, try a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulating the action of the stomach,_ where the trouble lies, they will restore normal con- ditions and healthful sleep will foI- low. They exert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is unrest theybring Sam Slick once said that kisses were like creation—made out of no- thing and very good. Complete in itself, Mother Graves' ' Worm Exterminator does not requirethe assistance of any other medicine to make it effective. It does not fail to do its .work. BRIDGET'S CHARACTER. Bridget left Ireland with an ex- cellent letter . of recommendation from ,her last mistress, but on the way over the letter fell into the sea and Was lost.' Not knowing how to find work without her recommenda- tion she appealed to °afriend to write one for her, and he gave her the following:—"To all concerned Bridget Flaherty had a good.' repu- tation' when she left Ireland, but lost it on the way over," egtalar of the bowels is an absolute neves- city for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which dolls is there C as"got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causing biliousness; indi- gestion and sick headaches. Salts and other harsh „mineral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. •. Morse's Indian Root Pills --entirely vegetable — regulate the bowels effectively without weak- ening, sickening or griping. Use Dr. 144 ze's lt, t:1 CARE FOR SICK ON TRAINS. German Railroads Have Special Cars for Them. Excellent facilities are afforded in Germany for transporting in- valids and cripples, who, are unable to, walk, according 'to T, J, Albert, Consul at Brunswick, The. German railroad system provides a first class ear for invalids who can afford to use it, This ear is fitted with every possible convenience for the sick. A special apartment, opening on the level' of the station platform, with a, double door, so that a stretcher can be carried in without the slightest difficulty, is .set apart for n • i, the ' . a y lid and attendants. Th e balance of the car contains a kite's en, where meals can be prepared, and a sectionhandsomely upholster- ed for members of the family or ae- eolupan.ying friends. For. invalids who travel second or third-class an apartinent on an ordinary car, as used, opening in like manner with a. double door en the Station plat- form. The charges for transporting sick and helpless persona have hitherto been moderate. • ?or invalids travelling third-class the charge has hems the cost of four tickets, free RA I FIE ItaILLIONS OF PEOPLE Worts your while to test, j' TEA ustains mesal Cheers. FARMS FOR SALE., H. DAWSONt Ninety Colborne Streets Toronto. UNDRBD ACRES—COUNTY EEA1,TO ys � Good . House; Buildings; Orebaxk,, Cheap and ®u easy terms.. Y EVEz�Tv.Q . zx ACRES wITIi GOOl? i•.7 buildings and apple orchard; about file miles from Ramilton. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELI' WANTED, ' OIi CAN Ea6T&Y EARN 060 To $711 monthly after attending hers six months. We teach railway station work i for Canadian Railways. Free Book 13 es. plains work and wages. Pomtnion 8cbool Railroading, Toronto. transport being granted for two MISCELLANEOUS. attendants. This rate is .still grant-ciaZatinit, TUMORS, I,6i1PS. eta, rtk a terns- and -sternal, cured without ppaip by onr home treatment. Write al+ hiheforcmitrct, tooCnlilate,incwooDr•dnLietnt:imau,iiedicai Gs. : ed when the ear ecntainiug the in- valid .apartment belongs to a regu- lar train with a fixed destination; otherwise in the future six ti4ketts second class must be purchased and an extra rate paid if the ear has to he specially ordered. SIX YEARS ITS OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby's Ownalways a Tablets she b will a:_szas: l use Y them as long as there are little ones in the house. They are, abso- lately safe and never fail to euro constipation, colic, indigestion or the many other babyhood and child- hood i� cod ailments. Concernln�, thein' Mrs. E. Simmons, Hamilton, Ont,, says: "I have not been without Baby's Own Tablets for sig; years. I have given them to my three little ones and find them e:eellent during teething and at other times," The Tablets are sold by macdicine deal e's or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "People are allus impressed,"! said Grandpa Stubblegrass, "by what they can't see through. Many a stream gits credit fur bein' deep when it's only muddy." "Tis a Marvellous 'Thing.—When the cures effected by Dr. Thomas' +clectric Oil are considered, the speedy and permanent relief it has brought to the suffering wherever it has been used, it must be regard- ed as a marvellous thing that so potent a medicine should result from the six ingredients which en- ter into its composition. A trial will convince the most `skeptical of its healing virtues. All honest men will . bear .watch- ing. It is the rascals who cannot stand it. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. - FOR HJS FAMILY'S SAKE. Paterfamilias was a very robust man, but he called in the doctor. If the truth be told, Paterfamilias was so healthy, so big, and so ro- bust, that he had grown into the habit of bullying his family. I don't know what's the matter with my family," he remarked to the medico, "but my wife is nerv- ous, ervious, my children are suffering from something—I don't know what: In fact, the -whole 'household is upset. All the servants are bordering on nervous prostration. What do you think about it?" The doctor was a friend of the family, and knew a little of its his- tory. y "I think it would be all right," said he; "if you took a six months' tour of Europe—alone." "Me'?" replied the father un- grammatically, in his surprise. Me ?'' "Yes," replied the doctor. "For the health of your family." DEAN SWIFT AND ASPARAGUS Asparagus was a great dish with Dean Swift. Dining with him one day, George Faulkener, the Dublin publisher, asked for a second help- ing of his favorite vegetable, buf: Swift pointed to the stalks on his guest'splate and said: "Sir, first finish what is before you." "What!" exclaimed Faulkener, "eat my stalks?" "Aye, sir," bel- lowed the imperious Dean; "eat your'stalks, or you will get no more. King 'William III. always ate his stalks." Asked once, when he was telling the story, whetliet he really did eathis talks, Faulkener replied "Yes, certainly ; ;and you lace dined with pean Swift you it would have.lbeen obliged to eat:. your stalks, too.'' READY FOR HIM, "young man. ,I satin- -,o„_ nit your ern? around "''my.' daughter's.. waist la envening. d1 " ";A' su 1,inose you not eCT how sbe st> uggled ?" }:1 CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Caa be doge psrfenly by :our rrenob prq:ew Tr/ it, British American Dyeing Co, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. la .4elia ItT CA- XVI: MT X cumosoam M3aa3ra- 3.,t -IbEtt,t.a e I Protect --- Prese,r-yea —•Besutlfy Samples and Opal -date on application JAMES LANGMUWR & !O., Limited i87e1 Bathurst street TORONTO ELEGRAPHY Wet Station Agartts' -work in ail its details/ .are included in the a:aims of training included in no Central Telegraph School, 2 Ger. rani St. E.. `i'eronto-',-Garraspind- once invited. T, 3. Johnston, ,Pin. W. IL..ha ', President. Maypole Soap DYES SO EASILY With Maypole Soap there is no trouble and no muss in home dyeing. D es cotton, woo silk or mixtures.: 24 colors-willgiv'e any shade. Colors lOc. Black 15c --at your dealer's or postpaid withbooklet 'flow' to Dye" from ; 1o8 F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal EATING POOR MAN'S DINNER. English Newspaper Men Try It, and Find It Very Good. A party of London (England) newspaper men recently met at the roams of the Society of Medical Offi- cers of Health to eat a poor man's. dinner. It was, of eou.rse, such a dinner as no poor man ever eats, but that is because he does not know how to lay his money out so as 'to get the best and moat feeding stuffs, neither does his wife know how to cook them properly when bought. These things they could learn from the secretary of the so- ciety, a barrister and an enthusiast on dieteties. It was interesting to learn what can be done by judicious buying at the open air markets of London, where the food is probably cheaper and of better quality than in any othercapital. They started with h some tasty soup made from parts of fish usually thrown away as useless by thriftless cooks, each helping- costing elpingcosting about a fotrth of a cent to make. The foreigners in Sohn are well aware of, these economies. Then there were admirable cent apiece herrings, haddock and three meat courses, any one of which would have made a good mea]. There was roast mutton from Aus- tralia -9 cents a pound in the open air market; flank of Australian beef—a part commonly ignored, by English housewives, but good to eat - all the same; steak and. kidney pi -e-, costing about 6 cents a portion: and jugged hare made from colonial hare, bought at 50 cents for nine pounds and tasting as . good as the Norfolk variety. The lemonud:cline• was so allur- ing that most of the newspaper men came again for more. The dessert, was 'West Indian limes (five for a cent), pears (4 cents a pound), and 50 0n. The meal cost much less than the tinned meat and fruit so 7auc ] pat- ronized b\ the poor- and was Fii.r more nourishing. HE CONFEtSED. "Captain, you told me this boat would- reach the dock byL 9 "Did 1, madam ? Well 17111iyt have lied to you. W, '.e'71 be these in about:tivent;y minutes," "Blue the land isn't in sight yep,';' fr> Jd F.1 So 1 see. 3,1a.•dani, you hsnir p3 aught me in another lie.?'a y�hbl No books can belbarxozl'ec1 ,izoiYt> ^•�;, the BritiSli. Ainseum ,I.ondlon, exp 'opt for judicial purpose5t;� FS