Exeter Advocate, 1912-10-3, Page 7QRK AICD tOR • wo:FiLN Nev Health and .Strength Obtained by the Use of Dr, Wiilaems' Pink Pills. Tt: is useless to tell a 'hard-work- ing woman to take We easily and not to worry. Every woman at the head of a home; every girl in offi- ces, shops and factories, is subject to more or less worry. These can - tot be avoided. f3uteit is the duty of every "woman and every girl to save her strength as much as possi- ble and to build up her system to meet any unusual demands. Her future health depends upon, it. To guard against a breakdown in lhealth the blood must be kept rich, red and pure. Nothing can 'keep. the blood in this condition so well a$ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They strengthen the nerves, restore the appetite, bring the glow of health to pallid cheeks, and renewed en- ergy to listless people. Women cannot always , rest when they should, but theycan keep their strength and keep disease away by the occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills- Or, if a breakdown has come unexpectedly they can obtain efew health through this saine a^nedicine, 'Mrs. M. Thomas, River street, Toronto, says; "For several years I was almost a constant in. velid, unable to do my housework and spending nn?oli of my time in bed My nerves seemed worn Out and I was so run down that all any friends thought I was it a hopeless decline. I was as pale as a corpse 1 was so bloodless that if I cut my finger it would net bleed; my limbs were swollen far beyond their usual size, At the least exertion any heart would palpitate violently, and I frequently had fainting epells„ I was under treatment by good doctors, but it died me no good. Then one day my husband brought home some Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I began taking them. They eecmed to go to the root of the trouble, and in the course of a few weeks the improve- meat they were making was quite plain. Gradually as I continued taking the Pills the swelling of my limbs disappeared ; the weak spells came less and less frequently; my appetite greatly improved, and finalln I was completely cured and ahle to do my housework with ease, Later, my daughter Elmo seemed to. be troubled with anaemia, andwe gave her the Pills with the same good results,:, Wing suffer in any way when you earn begin curing; yourself to -day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all .medicine dealers or by ma,il at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont, `4' SNIPS ADMIT SHARIKS,. While the whale is regarded as the largest of creatures that haunt the sea, there are isome sharks that can be compared in size with the former animals. These giant sharks, however, are very rare, end are known under the name of the great whale shark and the bask, ing shark. The•: former, which . at- tains a length of fifty feet, is found off the coast of India, Peru, and Lower; California. The latter's most favorite haunt is the Arctic Ocean; but it is also found near the great whale shark. These monsters, curi- ously enough, are quite harmless. Their teeth are very small, and they feed on tiny matter that floats on the surface of the sea. This matter the fish strains through its enormous gill rakers. Specialist Did Skin Trouble x =o Good Very Itchy and Disfiguring, Got a Little Cuticura Soap;' and Oint- ment and Was Cured. A CI NTENARIAN. A wonderful span of life was that of John Pipher, of 10 Archer street, Toronto,' whose death oecurred last week. During his 103 years Canada has grown from a -series of little- valued eolonies,to a, united nation, Many of the greatest inventions have been achieved, There have been half a dozen British saver- eigns. Three generations have cone& and gone. A few events might be recalled to illustrate the happen- inga of this one lifetime. Although further importation of Mayes into Upper Canada had been forbidden in 1793, slavery still ex fisted in York (Toronto) until two years after John Pipher was born. He was three years old when the war of 1812 took place ; twenty-eight when the insurrection of /837 took; place,, He remembered it well. He was thirty-two when respon- sible government was achieved;, with the union of Upper and Lower Canada. He was far - past the ordinary "prime of life' —a man of 58—at Confederation. He had lived under George the Regency, George TV., William IV,, Victoria, Edward VII., George V. There were 25 Governors of Can- ada and Governors -General' of the Dominion during his lifetime. The Aceominodatinn, first steamer to navigate the St, Lawrence, made the journey from Montreal to Que- bec, three days being consumed in. making the down -trip of 184 miles. At that time the only canals in "For two summers I suffered with (Alin trouble on my arms, and on my legs from my knees down. My arms were badly disfigured, and I`kept them covered. It came like the hives, and was very itchy. 'I consulted a specialist, who gave me medicine; as we11 as an ointment,! but seemed to do no good. It vas beginning to appear on my face. "I got a little Cuticura Ointment Bind some Cuticura Soap. The first touch 'of;; Ointment seemed to relieve, and before` the Cuticura" Ointment was lfinished I was cured. I have not the east signof trouble. I think it would have spread ' over my whole body if Cuticura Soap and Ointment had not` ,cured me. I am delighted with them, and do feel pleased to think I have some- thing I lave confidence in. I tell all Amy' friends about them, and I think Cuticura Ointment is the best I'. ever saw." ,(Signed) M. J. Boddy, 73 McCaul St., Toronto, Deo. 22, 1910. Cold -Sore Began to Heal With First Use of Cuticura Ointment. "Cuticura Ointment cured a very. bad cold -sore that gaveme, hours .of isevere pain and loss of sleep. I tried lots of other remedies but nothing did tile any good till"'I'tried Cuticura Oint- ment, and from the very 'first applica- tion it began to heal and now there is 'not' even a scar left • • (Si ned) Mrs. W. r3 oyce, Mermaid Farm ni, P:1 I., Jan. 8,'11.. For -more than a generation Ciiticura t5oap and Cutioura Ointment have afforded„the speediest safest and most economical treatment for shin and scalp troubles, -of, young and old. Although they are sad by druggists and dealers,, * ^crepe ywhei•e, a liberal safnple of: each Syiflt ",be obtained free, from the Potter fat +'III� g<i1:Chem. ;CorP.sole . 7� � . 2,ti OoItrnabus Ave , Loston, lU rg A. c Canada were the Coteau du .Lae, Cascades. and Sault Ste. Marie: John Pipher was a lad of sixteen when George Stephenson completed the first railway in England:` He. was twentyseven when thefirst railway was opened in Canada, namely, the Champion and St. Law-- renee, A Canadian -built vessel, the Roy- al William, had the distinction of being the first in the world to cross the Atlantic by steam power alone. But Pipher was a man of twenty- four when that .occuTrod. --- Up to the date of his birth, there had beeu only fifteen newspapers established in Canada. St. John, NI3., was the only in- corporated city. There were probably six hundred souls' in York (Toronto), and 80,000 white in Upper Canada. The first Canadian bank note was not issued until Pipher was eight years old, He was thirty-eight when the first telegraph wires were strung in Can- ada; sixty-eight—almost at the al- lotted plan—when Alexander Gra- ham Bell invented the telephone_ ►r Revive the Jaded Condition.— When energy flags and the cares of. business become„irksome; when the whole system is out -ef sorts and there is general depression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Tills, They will regulate the action of a de- ranged stomach and a disordered liver, and make you.feel like•a new man. No one need suffer,: a days from debilitated digestion when so. simple and effective a pill 'can be got at any drug store. HE KNEW., "Tommy,” the schoolma'am 'ask- ed, "why are you -scratching your head ?" "'Cause nobody else knows just where ib itches 1'' Painard's Linime Cures Burns, Etc. *JUMBLE OP AIL TIL AGES. Cairo a Mixture of the Autique'and the 11iodern.. What were my first impressions of. Cairo? Perhaps I was, rather, dis- appointed, or perhaps it was mere- ly that I was feeling decidedly shaky as a result of a desperate passage from Liverpool, says a writer in the Christian Herald, At any rate it struck me at first that the whole ,place was frightfully mo- dern. The street cars, the hotels, the earriages and automobiles, with their fashionable English and American occupants, even the pe- destrians, seemed prosiacally up-to- date. But this was an impression which did not last; for in the na- tive quarters of the city you may see Cairo, to -day as it was a thou- sand; years ago, and even on the most ;fashionable thoroughfares you will frequently witness scenes which will earry you back into by -gone. ages—scenes which the dominant modern note merely serves to throw into strong relief, I have specially£ in mind the old water -sellers, with their ancient jure -and goat -skins thrown over their backs." It is interesting to see these old fellows parading up and down on the sidewalie, minglung with the ' up -to -elate citizens of the preerer,t day, The same contrast' is noticeable out on the street, An automobile of the lateet design is followed (more leisurely!) by a ouzel mounted by an Arab of the desert. Below the .waist his body sways to and fro in rhythmic ac- cord with the absolutely .noiseless tread of the great clumsy animal:. And the man himself gazes silently aria steadily straight ahead, look- ing; neither to the right hand nor to the left, as if there was nothing in front of him but limitless miles of sand. One cannot fail to be ire - pressed by this striking blend of ancient and modern. SILK FROM HORSE FLESH. German chemists are reported to. have ;succeeded _in utilizingfibrous` animal refuse—such as the flesh of - dead horses -for making artificial silk. Treatment with acids disinte grates the flesh into ` its ultimate• fibres, and these ,are given a silky appearance, with, great durability by a kind of tanning process. The thr'eads produced greatly resemble. those of the -wild silkworm; are. about two inches lon g. They may, be vulcanized like true silk, aantl:, can be ,rnatle airtight and water- tight by immersion for acouple of hours in a caoutchokc bath under a pressure of four atmospheres -Tips materiel seems topromise some thing. cheaper than silk for balloon envelopes, insulation, etc.,' •though, attempts to spin the fibres into threadshave not yet; been .suocess rib• HARD RD TO SEE. Even When the Facts are Pinin,. It is envious -how people will re- fuse to believe what one can clearly see: Tell the average man or woman that the slow but cumulative poi- sonous effect of caffein --the alka- loid in tea, and eo fee—tends to weaken the heart, upset the nen- vous• system and'eause indigestion, and they may laugh at you if they don't know the facts. Prove it by science or by practi- cal demonstration in the recovery of ,tea and coffee drinkers from the above conditions, and a large per cent. of the human family will shrug their shedders, take some drngs and -keep .on drinking ten or. coffee. "Coffee never agreed with me nor withseveral members of our house- hold," writes a lady. "It ener- vates. depresses and creates a feel- ing of langur and heaviness. It was only by leaving off coffee and using Postern that we discovered the cause and way out of these ills. "The only ,reason, I am sure, why Pest= is not used altogether to the exclusion of ordinary coffee is, many persons do not know and do not seem willing to learn the facts and how to prepare this nutritious beverage: There's only one way-- aecorling to diaieetions—boil it fully 15 minutes. Then it is delicious." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. THE DEPTH OF MEANNESS. Little Jonas was the son, of pen- urious parents, and the 'son bade fair to 'outdo them in frugality -a fact that worked extreme hardship upon Bobby Graves, his seatmate. Bobby came home one night look- ing so depressed that his mother asked the cause of his trouble. "It's that. Jane Peterbo !" burst out Bobby. "He's just about the meanest thing ! Hp eats my apples gives e even never- sm .r sect he ev 11 i a p, g; a bite offen his, an' my apples are good an' his ain't -very ! An' to- day he made me do his 'rithmetic samples, 'cause he didn't know how, an' he wouldn't even lend me his pencil to do' 'em with l" THE QUEEREST ONES. "I .suppose,' sail the city man, "there are some queer characters around an old village like this." "You'Il find a good many," 'ad- mitted the native, "when the hotels fillnp' f, STEL 49--12 Sardines Certainly; they are always acceptable if they are really Sardines. If they are BARD SES you Can be quite sure of a tasty lunch. CO Them From Your Croner ,. Trade supplied by John IV, Fickle & Greening. Hamilton FOPFIGNI BELIEFS. Some Cliri0ifs Superstitions -Are Indulged In. In Spain the wedding is spoiled if one of the guests 'appears entirely in black, or if the bride looks unto a mirror after orange blossoms and veil are fast in her headdress. When a person's hair ends split, taken by the superstitious for a sign that she is either a witch or has been bewitched, As blond hair splits more readily than dark hair, all witches, spirits and sorceresses have blond or red hair, according to popular belief. Likewise, "ae- cording to the standard of art. O11. tha iu brriage eve there is of- ten much good-natured rivalry be- tween the groom' and the bride in the Slav countries as to whn shall blow out the candle, for the person who des will be "first to die," It is inepossible to trace the origin, of this superstition, yet it prevails in, aristocratic society as well as in the peasant's hut, even as like this, that "to insure the life and health of the children" the woman must crecup/ the right side of the bed. In addition, she must pot smoke before her forty-fifth year. There is a superstition in this country and many others against burning e. broom, The bud of birch broom is . used in Southern Germany as a preventive against ery�sipel.as. These buds, a piece of w wax and some other articles enclosed in a pink silk bag, scoured with red silk and worn on the trackk of the neek, The person must change his shirt every Friday. Some persons have periodical: at- tacks of Canadian cholera, dysen- tery or diarrhoea, and have to use great precautions to avoid the dis- ease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to' bring em the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial as being the hest :medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. v THE KINDER FATE. She—"It was dreadful. He rock- ed the boat and she was drowned." He—"Lucky girl 1, She might have escaped' arid married the ,idiot." Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast via Chicago and North western Tvy., Sept. 25th to Oct. loth from all points in Canada to Loa Angeles, San ;Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Helena, Butte; Missoula, Kalispell. Pocatello, Nampa, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand Jets etc. Through Tourist sleepers and. free reclining chair ears from Chicago. Variable 'routes. Liberal stop -avers. For information write or call on B. II. Ben- nett.. General Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto. Never looks well—The blind horse. VERSATILE CHILD. The little girl was having a great deal of trouble pronouncing some of the words she met with. "Vine- gar" had given her the most trou- ble, ,and she was duly grieved to know the 'village was being enter- tained by he'r efforts irt'this dire -- tion, She was one day sent to the store with. the vinegar -lug, to get it filled, and had no intention of aniusiizg the people who were gathered, in the store. So she handed the jug to the clerk with; "Smell the month of it and give me a quart," WONDEXtPITL DISCOVERY. An eminent scientist,' the other, day, gave his opinion that the moat wonderful discovery of recent years, was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just, think!! As eclat as a single thin layer of Zam-Bus is .applied to e wound or a sore, such injury is in- sured against blood poison 1 Net one species of microbe has leen found that Zang -Bek does riot kill G 'Then again. As soon as Zana-Buk is applied to a .acre, or a• cut, or to skin disease, it stops the seaarti.ng,. That is why children friends of Zartal',uk, Again, As soon as Zan1-Buk applied to a wound or to a diseased ". part, the cells Beneath the ekin'e surface are so stimulated that new healthy tiesuo is quickly formed, This is why Zane -auk -tures axe per- manent. Only the other. day Mr, ,Torah, of 1Q1 Dolerimier _ Ave., Alontreal, called upon the Zain4l3uk Connpan,t^ and told them that for over twee- ty-five years he had been a martyr to eczema. Hishandswere at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To -day ---over three years az- ter his cure of a disease he had fell twenty-five years --be is still cured, and has had aro traec of any return of the eczema! Al•I druggists sell Zara -Bilk 550e. box, or we will send fre box if you send this advertiseanen. and a1c, stamp (to pay return post age). Address Zam-l3uk Ga., To :onto. Minard's -Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, THE USUAL WAY. He—"You know, my dear, X is• an unknown quantity." She—"I know ie is. I've never seen one since I married you." It Bids Pain Begone. When neuralgia racks the nerves or lum- bago cripples the back is the time to test thevirtues of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the pain and produce a sensation of ease and: rest. There is nothing like it as a, liniment for its curative properties are great. A trial sof it will establish faith in it. Hostess -"Mr. 4 Mann, you eat roast beef rare, do ,you not?" Guest—"Yes, rare and rarely-" Mihard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. AN ENDURING EPISODE. "1 supposd'you and your wife can .remember ;your first quarrel," said the:: meddlesome person. ''Remember it!" returned Mr. Groiveher; "I should say. so. It isn't over.. ;yet." Corns cause much suffering, but ,Holloway's, Corn Cure .offers a speedy, sure, and satisfactory= re - VERY SIIVIPLE. A rather simple -looking lad halt- ed ':before a blacksmith's shop on his v,ay.home '1romsr school and eyed the doings ofthe' proprietor with much, interest,. The brawny smith, dissatisfied with the boy's curiosity, held a piece of red-hot iron suddenly un- der the youngster's nose, hoping to make him beat a hasty retreat. "If you'll give me half a .dollar I'll lick it," said the lad. The smith took from ;;his pocket ;half a teller arid held it out. The simple -looking yung's-ter took the coin, licked it, dropped it in his pocket and slowly walked away' w.nistling" X15 V y WITH THIS TEA there's Purity, Uniformity, and full weight guaranteed inside every package. LIPTON'S TE,. Goestavthest>f'Qr *..o tai FARMS FOR SAL4. pAINson Ninety caiborne fit, rcrottta. VE F1I TY." GOOD I'�tI'ltOVL'7D Fames in Manitoba,Saskatgtiewat4. az ad Alberta at right prices on ease tomo. FREIT FARMS IN TEE REST FRUIT district of Ontario. All sizes at right !rices. TOG' WANT. TO. &toe) , grain of lair OR SELL., consult rn A5 s 4 tt 1IFry AC16ES 111 --Soil clay loam excellent farm, 'Price Pori dollars. The Western Rea; deo. Ont. . TR--. lid *sera more tclAie ter trade.. n , ratlwars. es tient& eC' or free book in Deminten Sidi ail ding, Toronto, aIiSGE14411E01,16, l M C,Fia, TUMORS, LUMPS. Ftp. lo. tergal and external, cured, withzrsnl' psitt d9 our potne treatment. 'rite n,4 before too late. Pr. lie{imam Medical Ga., Litrtkted, Calitngwood, Ont. !`t Ai.I4 fiTilNE � YaII?m"7ki3f' Vr der Stones,:: itlrtt7 tro, Lumbago and kindred iil1nien cured with the near German "Sahel." price 51.0. Another ire for pfabetes-Mellitus, and rare -lure. ,: Sahel's Anti-t?iabetss: ' Price St.QQ irons" druggists' er direct, The Sanol. Manufoo. iurtng Company et Canada, T.i:aiited, Winnipeg, Man. OLEAN WALKINO 0i ish Arne oar oiatreal, Toronto. 0,zawa, an OR1"QSQTP1 ti • a.t Iree Sle uu;t Preserve--- Baautffyy nd Booklet$. on Application ACES I ?+11 lilll3 C(3., Litottod miatlaurar Street TORONTO ULTCON° T.P OI,LA I3 LE, "Your daughter has so much tem- perament." "I am not sure what yeti call it, AB I know is that her mother u I can't do ane,thing with her." Hopefor the Chronic. Dyspeptic, -Through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons al low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they be- come chronic, filling days and nights with suffe=ring. To these a course of - Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is recommended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These' pills are specially compounded to combat dyspepsia. and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are successful always, ToPIo no iSitk11s4 Action. lnsslnfr ore rho NOSTALGIA:' Mr. Farraway-"Were you .home- sick while you were abroad? Miss Beenobroad—"Only while go- ing over and coming back. Then I was awfully homesick for the land." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. " Gents,—A cus,omer of ours cured a very bad ease of distemper in a valuable horse by the use of MINARD'S, LINIMENT. Yours truly, VILANDIE FRERES, Don't spend half your life in the making of promises unless you want to give up the other half to the making of excuses. i A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Extermi- nator, and there is nothing better for driving worms from the system. When a man buys a new hat he wants one somewhat like the one he had before -but it's different with, a woman. I nard's Liniinent for sale everywhere, WHERE LOVE IS. Alit'1'e giil was- lost on unci t street, and was brought into the police -station, The officers tried in every way to Iearn her name. Finally one of the officers said "Tell me, little girl, what- name does your mother call your fa "Why,'" responded the child, in- nocently, "she don't :call -him any names; -she likes Tread softly - Step safely. CATS PAW RUBBEI1S1 iLES bode the patented features of Cal' ':Paw libel s. 1E,•0 tie 'OTTO I- UG L Piano` Action, BOILERS New and Second hand, for heating h, i tr and power purposes. TANTS AND SMOKE STACKS. sRen's for Sturte. vans votttil,tting ;uta rleattng Bpetemt, POLS1314 tRoinl=°oKs 1ORO U'3O'< Engines and Shipbuilders APPENDICITIS Cured -without operations, All who are afflicted, with this dieense and wish to be cured permanently, safely and Quickly with this great Homeopathic roinedy, which will be sent post-paid anywhere in the world with full instructions for using so as to effect a permanent cure, Price 52. Address JOHN T. WAIT Homeopathic CanadaPharmacy, , Arnprior, Crier anti Wins PRESSES Best of the Kind. Three S€zes Junior, price 825.00 1ledium, `` 30.00 Senior. " 3G.0d. MIVOMOIlaapiOrletatIMIAMIO L. J. A. SURVEYER, 52 St. Laatrrence Boulevard MONTREAL. disinfectant sweeping powder;, is a Iife-pre- server because it kills all disease germs. Floors clean; car- ' pets b.right ;: home fresh -and sweet. No 'dust while sweeping. Ask your Dealer for it. � Imperial Diecse Go, lLa�cirare111 111 Limited holm distributors for °uterio 17:7E SAPHO MFG, CO., Limited ` Montreal � ypole Scan e CLEAN am myn Gives eels, even colors, tree 'horn streaks and obsolnt; sg ely fast. Does' not starbands of kettles 24 colors, Will give ,nv shade., Colors Oc, black 1 sic at, gout deal rs` oil post paid jvilh ,boobel °`%lotis lo; Dye'' iron BEielalllCT