HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-10-3, Page 5•DZNTAlla
Member of ins It.c.p.s.oL Onto -a4
Honor Graduate of Toronto tIlltiVeredtre.
Office—Over Dicksong..; CarlbleS 16'4.
-at ice. ClOsed "Werldesday at -
Plena: Graduate or Toronto tfulateratty
T'ecth extracted "wfitillout„ pat% or any
bad effects. Office over Gladmant &
St,anbarY's OfV,te, zurn street, Exeror,
Solliteltters. Notaries, Conveyancers. COW
missionara. Solicitors for the Moitsoos
Bank. etc.
Money to tens.n atlewest„ rates ot h-t,terss
Oftiees-31a,ln-St., Ermber
1. R. Carling', B.A. L. N. Dickson
liave 1=ge arncaurtQ PrtVa0
fund a to loan on f arra and valage Prop-,
ete8P.t. IOW re.tes o taterest.
Barristers, $otte!tors, Exeter,
Agent Confederation Life Assnranoe
mPanY. 4140 Ffxo r-n-s‘tranee.
trg; Canadtl Mrd Cefftlianlea,
Maf.11-St., Eeeter.
ENSED " A ocTioruma
1.4eCMie4 AU(tirkile'er
COWit5C Teriris reasenabie,
DateS 'ar e Made at ;he Advetttate.
Exrter. or Tiqf4f7 Eilber'a •Office, Cred-
e Acoltkut and Pia, 014e
11N-tkog avounta, artil t.ten
Exeter. Ord
this splendid
•range places you
under no oblige-,
flop to buy. We
guarantee the
"Pandora- just as
pope because we
know its perfec-
tions just as
171111,Eri sen001413EPORT
bridge ; piliow sh,ams, M. Hannan), '
centerpiece, ',Mr Zs/fatirt1ott, May Del-
Gaulings i Arghwil wool, W Siheia-tr. Q
NoFrf:a : Afghain Patchwerk, M..rs'Han-
Titfloyt thet g,
PuPhis of S 8. prb. S.. Steplyira„ for tlie
month of. -September, marl& being bas-
ed cr.: attendance, beh.aviour and prepare:-
Von of lessens —Jr.;
Trtbrier 109, Lela Sanders 142; C.';'02" --t
sone 225, M. Jaeob 3,60, :Sanders
• 13. 13:s2va-tot 123, £. snalaton
13, 'Et /1100,rth 183. 'Yriebner 178
In class 15, Y. Presz-
eater 169, R, Persone 1.f,Blake
190. Sr. Jacobs 205; El. Stan -
lake 111,, V. Hoglanthi 141, G. SchrOeder
170 Jr, 1I1 --E. Proezcator 3,
Ja eche 188, /304 Preszca tor 162.
Parsons 183, C, WaliSt 188, N, Sanders
160 Rtfmer—E. tahroeder 115, J. tvi1-
26o, 0. obx,):isio 80, J. Chri$ C8:
Bez 130, B. prenratsur 145, H.
Schroeder 148, F, i,a,rsoros eon.
Ely Thompson, Teacher.
Mon Fall Fair.
on:totted prom Page 1.
e•-; ch.:Pka, Douglas & Sons 1 and
vw Le-.ors.3,17Kte & Son,0,1a,,rk t Chicks, White and SOPS, 1 and, 2
13.rown Leginoras; rose Comb, White
Pf Wurdeir; crt,Its, Wureleit.1
and Sons; Blua Andalas;ann.,
ye•Aaer, R ark;eIenicksr ,
1& Pelande and eltieks, 13
1 a 2 t ro'aads
Beatley ; Houd,tas, 13
ks; H Wurdell ; Witt, Orehingto,us,
oulfie 0:4!eica, Doupe, R Clark: Or
tett buff, chicks, R, Cla-rit Oagne
•,clits also Etarkinge and eilleice,
l'urd61 1 a/tad 9; Toulouse Geoae, D,
Iigla & Sens, Wle-te & $ons ; chichs,
rite & Sada ; IfOrtg long
SwOltger Ebney Ones", also Common
Ocoee, A 1-1 Sweitzee Peitto Daeles and
young., Deuglatn & Sella, 1 anti : Ayies
Mary ducks, Wbffe go. Sons: t3,2er.a
Tkers! A H SwelAner, Writte- & Sens
YoUng. R Gist*; Yoang white and Black
Reis, A fi
6"--001. II:goods. W.:to « Sons
^ Po7ret„ 0 O'Brien ilantame,
-., •
top buggy, ,:kleLeirty
Lod 2; 9tingle opoo bugZIN dflto.
cu ; Per
4 tter, W Rabb; boX ottter
arty Aft Son,
W1 siflwheat, and il-rOwed
3,1 13,70141adiar: red f
sent;, liartne Oats arid
11,rethour; eren,, ulna. Of
po:; ilYnalatily Seed. Of.
oune I Writ. battle, W
o; Corn, trazetweW ad;S.
ela' west COr11* W Wahl:ins.
corn, lit Gregory,3 A Kirkby
Ilttral New 'Yorker penalties
T Crew ; Reaorty of Hebron, 1.1 ,
nhents, Eiriy t.Otaorge, J. 'Hodge
variety W Tilackler; j COM; V±,Lrittly
not' naMed, 0 Behilw; Swede turnips,
Ei Foster Itlavleat
turn:Its, /ledge, R Seises garden
carrots, W Jamieson, .1 13 .Epplott ; leng,
ed inaligoi, 13rostor; inter, .110.ngsal,
Foster, D Roger; suga' mange". D
Poster, R 'Seleee; heaviest inangel,Ttat-
cliffe Bros, D. Ft/liter; long blood
beets, 13 13o1Iay. 1), Poster ; turnip
beets,„ PI Holiday, 3 Cottle; wheabbaga
3 Cottle, T Crew; red cabbage, IN".3ani-
leson, Holfday; Wiktidngeteed cab-
bage, T Crew, ijetniesen; tomato, \V
.7a,tfas Attleinsop; caullflower,W
.1ani:cson, Miss Atkinson,: celery, J
Cottle, W Jamieson: long cit•ron, and
muslomffon, W Sinclair ; round citron,
Offield; pumpkin, A. DnIeId, T
Crew ; Paranins, Crew, j Cottle;
table squash, W Jatnlesen, W Brown ;
whito onions, ¶H Holliday, \-%r Jamieson ;
rod oniOnS and col .vegetab1es W 3a-
111'eson, II Holiday ; Specials—White
turnips, Mss Atklneen, ; Yellow globe,
W Sncar; table ,Eiitiussil, T CnO.f;
cucumbers, W Sperling;
James Sfore, Judge.
5 lbs. buttex, N„3. Gurin'ing, „T. Roach;
factory butter, Goa, Jacques
Col. ▪ bowie plants', Mras. S. Brown, 4
N. Sher; Gereinikuns, INfrs. 8, Brown,
Hackneey Madge LiFeehites and cacti
Ifrs.t. 'Brown ; rare plants, Hackney &.
Madge, A. Duffield ; col. cut flowers, 3
Cottle, Mss Atkinson ; bouquet, Mrs.
Haribarn, Hackney & Madge; foliage, 'IV
Hanna, 'Mrs. Brown,: col.- leaves, g o„
SweoLzer ; col. wild „plants, A.Duffield:
Mrs. R.W. SweLtzer, Miss Annie Roy.
Soki by T. a
Van's Fernale Pili$
A, rel able French tegniater; never falls. These
18 aX e4ge84lnff17. Vrettlit fogalating tho
r-attepQrtton Pk 00 female sy-stga. Rotnto
p Imitations. Pr. de Yea" aro sold at
it. Or tfor SIO, Mailed te say address..
11 1:411; VA.* St. Catharine/a Ont.
Auction Sale
MAKEIt'S TOOLS. on ANon.sm
WA, 132'•13j1,one bleciC taer
5' 11shCiti.Mdz. ON SATERDAY,
.TOOUR 1.40 o'cloeit
..apbea‘rd. be walnut
complete w:t.; raotrewse
bureau, eireaser, a:de.
es. a:ogle bedstead, 1-'4
clIA'rs, and 4 resn.1
ic:Icheo eltair,, dp-
it uUands, 2, chivies. 2 waell
^ainge, coat or
s 2 box stoves, 1
YaZda of
: lies;1 Set8 of win-,
t o oxit, poles, to.
s, 3 cupboarAa, gran -
and a lot of cooking utensils;
inachine, wash tub and board,
IS -derma
pas, 2wrthyerta, flower -
and. lawn anowe'..., Skagens sewlng mac:
i;e, a number or flowor plants. n:gitt
70rnacie, 4 lamps, a. alumber of fowl,
tr.ay of potatoes arel cabbage.
,quantity 01 hardwood, lumber, P. nura
ber of cedar pasts, gndaterto, cern-
pieta ; workbench and 'screw, a nunabeg
of spokes an wkleolbarrow, neari51
new; saw torso, 2 buck saws, hand
sie ab, screen door, ,hoeta, forks, ahoy -
Is, spades, and Other articles too nunll
emus to mention.
'Terms—Ca sh.
P re prlei(or
'104, tuated, and 'w:11
onabio.,, Ear' further partio.
to Jailm O'Neil, Mooresville.
The dId is offering for Bale
-s burtdr#d'acrQ Nen:, tzeng Lot 14,
rth Boundary S4;1110n. There aro on
prendses a good frante house,' w!tli
%splendid cellar, aloe a. largo ,sununer
kitchen and wood '&e4hed attached; ocivr.ri
taUng well water; a, large bank barn
71.1x110, with,power wind mill and et
los equipped wiah Bes.t.,y litter carrier;
wat,er It; ta!idc at baro; Wood orchard
with aull lidnds et small frolts; thorough
ndordnditiod with, tile, aa,
nd le in
good state Of cultIvat,ton.
ty pron-
arle nicely situated, on a, Main road,
'hos cdally 1=2 service, with telephone.
In house. For pertfeulars, aPply ,to
B. S. PhillVa, auctioneer, Exeter, or to
W. E. Sandere, Hay F. 0.
rhe . South ,half of Loi 3; Con.
centaining 50 acres of choice land
,.3.3 acres of hush 35 acres of grass wand -
mill and tatair on never if ailing well 9r
-sprirtg water, well situated for grazing,
well fenced and underdraiined. Convert--
lent tO ephool land church being dietspt
two miles from Centralia.
These properkles will be sold in one
or two I els to stilt purchaser. Ea'sy
, terms cif payment The purthaasor to
have the prdwllege of going on ns
-soon as the, present crop is taken off,
and. full pctssesiben o lst ot Novem-
ber. For temrs and part:WWI:3ms ap-
ply on the premilses, t,o Beebe Carroll
-Saintsbury or to fillet. Ca.rneron. &tick
"t mut= P. 0.
NoT10E' '-horebY g,iiven that a Court
will be held, 'pursuant . to The Ornarle
„Voters' -Lists .Act, by PIlts PIonlour; „the
, . judge of the County. Court of
" County. of /Ripon, at. Tow.n Hall, .E,x.dIer,
oi the ,Dth day of 'Octob-er, 1812, at
•.10 a.m.' o'clock Wednesday. f.to heae and
dsLernin- conip1ant of errors and, on -1-
...'ossiorie .trn t,he Voters! List ot the
fcipality of Exeter for 1012.
' Dated, the fa&rd day ofi. Septeenber,1812'
C]erl o1 the, 1,1uni:c:,pallly 2L Exeter,
A B:\I TO RE,IiiT .0,11 35013 S5:LE.
The, undansclgried s offering f.or sale
!Or:" ‘Le.„ rent that: dest:IraJble 100 at.; rel farna
431 011 townall:rp ot
" NrTtrli BoundtinY,,, There es „on, ' the
Pl',eins'eS good eon:ere:be USC, W]dil brick
k1111Cheleuncl wo1od. shed; 9barns—one
,geod, ; d a'crea push, good
td, The Ilaind welt dred and
yjn3 gplo0 sriale o. cuL-
' ois suss ron g, iv:en, 101 :Can..,
ot doiing fiir,11 Work. 'Perms
PPIY50 ' ,W,lbur , Lultei•,
3iSTW0'34EW1 E003143 FOR 34,1111
Auction Sale
T131, on SATURDAY', OCTOBER. 12, '12
at 1. o'clock sharp, the f011ovoing valu-
able :stock,D
31 HEAOF -013010E CATTLE con-,
sisting of -'
A number of choice fresh calved.eows
A nutm.bor cows duts to calve tie.s." fall.
A number cows due to calve in Spring
A number (if choice young cattle.
3erms--6 montns' credit 11 be given
on approved jotiht notes. A discount cf
-1 per cent. per annum allowed for cash.
Deolsion of auctioneer final.
proprietor Auctionoeu.
Clearing Auction Sale
There wllj be offered for sale by pub-.
1:r auctlon, on
.Let. 17, Concessient 1, Stephen,
About a Eatlf M1e Smith, of Exeter!
On TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15th„ , 1912
At 1 o'cIeck p. m., -the followThg prop-
taorsers—Nlare 7 years old, :n foal- to
Rs ; more 9 Years old; horse
d years broleen ts.nz'le or -double I
mare colt, '2 .,yearrs, 51.1ried -by ,.1.r?:11.-;
ta'1re ; sucking colt, sired by Rakerfield
battle -9 cows s'uop,uaed to be "..t.t calf ;
cOvi duo :n Dec: 2 -years, „old ; 2
1 -year old steers; 8 spr:ng 'calves.
P:gs—Brood sow due in, Nov;
h a1t foot. '
Potdr,ry--7 liens and pullets, 4 ducks;
I I pl ements--.2 lumber wagans; top
buggy, Eght wagon, witth eltafts and
poie .cutler, McCoaarritk
-ly iiew ; sc niower, diliaaLr'ow,
rj_irc r cat:‘vate'a., ,land roller, 2 walk-
-5117 plow.s, seed dr:01,. stYz. d:anlond hay-,
rows, -sulky' halts, teal:L-1111g 113-15, sl"one
treat, wagon box, new ;' ggavel boxL, .storala
rack, hay rack, .set scates, root puipee,
scuffler, set- heavy teairry' barn:ass, scit
5,‘ 1121 e hiantress, set, g111 t t r
5:13tS,;,0 e, whilf fist rees 'neckyoks
forlas ern •ns b acne, 9 '111.14-abeir
h01h .vas and '0;ther eert.oles too nuirn-
eroile 0 nentIon.
4.11 w:ll be sold 1,,,ila
,Lnut rese.res aC
the le::cprStrrac Es qui:at:lug the Leann.
el' s. --Sums of, 5 i SY aafil undeb cash ;
ever, that 311001 19 3163105' 01ad: un
turn: sh1,rig approved join1 notes. 5 Per
0535. o13 11-05 c a s 3 03 31e .2 11Eount.
W..,001INISI31„. THR
. A tio -
eu.l P110P
33535i9• '119 u ec:
set 6
0 ACRES OF La.N.0 701.1 SALE
und at' a :rzned, :sr' Off n
T-, he 1- des,1,11a11e: -1/6 'acres 1'113.0. ott:cel
cl s tuated 0 toe no rill 3135 c
aiild west 'or. th;e Q. "T1. B., t,i'ac
There is a small o.rchtir cl or
03 511 71033305, 551E1. 00 sold Ci'0331-
J0li Je1t2ttb13Q11t,,pr( per [-:y , or
Onave.h.sterps, W S,parling, S Doone;
onts.n:o, a:iso Wolfe E3ver, S Dtoupe,
; Spy, R Selves, W S!Irie10.10;
2ien-110111 P4ppl13s, Ratcliffe Bros.." W„-
Sparnng ; Wealthy, Ratelliffe Bros; Fat-,
la water, Ratc1".ffe, Bros., Hanna. ; Tal-
man.sWeets, Ratclilffe Bros, W Gowsns ;
Baldwin, Ed Copeland, W 'Sinclair;
SriOws, 3. 13. Epp,lettit, F Delbrldge ;.
greeniga, R.atclitfre Bros., Dawson, Bros
Ring of Tompkins, W Siriclair, Ratcliffe
; Ma5des Blnsh, 0 S Atkinson;
Dawson Bros.; Mann, Wt Gowans, W.
Sinclair ; Alexanders, 8 Ef TiaZts,- D
ger; . Golden. 11,tussat, F Dolbridge, W
Gowans; Ben, Davts. W ,Gbwaais, Robt
Doupe ; Rithson Pippins, R Selves, E
Copeltand Celveir,ts, R Selves, D .70s-
; Swest pear, .7*, Sparring, S.PL, Tufts ;
DucheSs of Oldenburg, Ratcliffe.' Eros.
13 Copeland ; Cayelgle, Red -Streak, Wan.,
W Sitticialtr ; Pewaukee; W
clair, W Gowarils ; St. Lawr rence, Bat-
J31.'019:s R ,Sielvqs Far,. RI;ppin, 4.71.
Epplett, 133 d418 aDpies., Rat-
cl:,i,ffe Bros., .17a1axeSon. Bros. ; red crab
apples, W. 7-Iatitna, 13 Eoupo: pjuna01 ay
Drown, W :1-taaaina ;; Fall pears, D.Ke111111)
1111 ,Prelhour 5 wilarter ' pears, n, Ketn,p,,
Da VT SOn Bros. ; • Peaehes, bIrs, Mare' lott
GrEej; pes, Sirs. °CkwEire. Mrs'.
MILIT:iCqt,', Ted girap-es", W'teltwirrt-
rpne, piano arcarf,
Afghan, Coifoat'; r.va0011.014
enab fit balti/ng 0101111; ideaj. Iloniton lace,
'.3.0115qu2.t Xr's '
Pla :111 1:7,10ollen ,sliock11rfg.s, embitoid
braz,7ttl.;4ftfr4&r1c 15U431t 15 1331-
1 35 i3 1 11'4UP'
ery,, OWel rapkt . 13.
a. ,itta att.embf b.
Mrs., Hanham; 13atteenb.0rg lace,
051011-o',1;11, '17-149:11lei BDO
Sinclaitr 5e351'coabc 1370
Mrs. ; ,Ipititted; Ia,0„4/. Pott9r1.'
enabr(r,tdery-,01 sAar eyelet eipbroidertr,
Tente/rliqe 1*.e, Mrs,' Hatibarn,
Mrs. Marn:ett ; 501, novekt!es, DaWsen
Bros., Mrs. Wrelcvelne, 1 bead. work,
Crolre,'ritou, Mrs. WtIokwirrie; alik 0&I
pi4row-, 34rs. farxtt,„. May Debride
anti). in linen, Mrs., Wiloltwiro• Han,
an.; pnt. lace, 3., Greighten, Mrs.,Wick
wire; rag gnat, M B0etho4r, VAT,S!nela,!..r
na-ndmada 1,:1=6,vea, :1‘trs. )farn:Ott, JIC
ilaZolwoOd plat:Lia w0110. souks, wool.,
en mitts, Mrs. 3-arti_Ott,„ Ntr •S"ineisUr
or ateicklaws, 3. Creighton, mrs
farriett ; niending patches, IC Doupe
3%rf3- Hali.h4rnl table doylies, Mret
Wickwire., F 0:anhaage ; „toilet .mats,Mre.
Wickwire, "Mrs. iffp,inharn ; crocbei; 311
wool, :Mabel Ereblt. "gra,. MaMlort
euebion, :Mrs. Itatet'..Ott„ T OreW ; n'taer:-
,seveng, Airs. Hanhan).; plaid sewing,
,13 VT41,-.Jsen. Mrsbranita.m; butto-rl-
130153, Brook, ,Ias. Ore4;litnr.;.
.1107 1oandKecNueEs, 30r4- Wfclwl-re,>4
brown, bahdlitarch`let ease, N.
UaTr:Pkt;.' f*tr'rt waist, Mrs. Kafi.-I
44r1,1t5a on net, Mrs. Marriott; .)r.,
e:gr-r041; WerkIng s01rt, Ni.„ Brethentic
Hodgert„ Jean Ai. P-,tton, ludge
arid a:re:male, VT ..4,1011411
or t3t, T, W:iganal
. TrF4,tor:apIls GatOlIngta.;
in,nr:t drawly,' Jas, Qel13ecu, 13,
pot/It:ay eta., glase, 11. Tayle
Wickwire; pat.nting int 00, rfiro
15. 4,ylor. A, ClunnIrt;;; p21O1513y fle
n1F404Pe, friV.t. flowers, A, OU:j1,4143.%
QP4 china, 3. Taylor
8, H. Tufts; pen, and erti.t. elseieh;
ponno; pYrography, lIfre
013tn,- 3,,i-rooper & SOu wa-ter
ianderape. .1, T'Aylor, Mrs, Wickwire;
'meta; Walt. 'NV; 1370I'101
1".E..,r"-os,' dos. ,Crcallgitton.
w:rc, plInsrs, Mrs. WiCkwire, T. 1I -
:3t133 1 currents. T, Crews; pears, Jas.'.
0r.-6311,1:011, w, ; Gooseberries, M.
3'aspborrles, Jas,010131310),
Sweitzer. tomatoes, , Mrqultrart„ 73
7.1.71i"ants / any Other varety., T. crews
W. S',acalIr; 1:4Mte,rnade bread, John
Cirqui:art. Nire. Marc:oft ; Pits. 75
Dawkion :Brea.: ;novo- sugar
DoxIP. Dawson lIros. maple SYrnit
M, Gregory s3tW9!T5S. 3135
honey ex
Slater• 4:sril
3, gene:Aga, 13.
cano.d'an tweed.
351 01 carriage
; doubleset
. Taylor, 1
5. 33mtbOU
ed, F. Caul:amp, 13.
boots oral elesee,
Sh.lor ; suit c
13. N. Shier.. A.
' J.Ohn. Plotter, an old Jar
iflghlY respected reaident -died Saturd
after a prolonged /illness. Deceas0 r'fra
stravved by hiS wIdow`, and a groWn-up
Went 'an One-rah:oh Zr appeadtettq. -D
J. 0-4114. 01 0470,11g1erre Erdrd Dr: T. 13.
0,7010.01 L:troari and Dr...Hadley WtIliamg
.1.4etrdoli were itr,„ attendance. We are,
351,04 repQrt hes. yettth altangstiticely;
109./IESVILLE--,Mtts. FL°°d 01),-Vialritl1.
peg^ and :hes two daughtersare ylfatt:ng,
frfendsEe 44194A, P411:1:
^-'4entlarg'Y c't 0.41P,177/ al ylaitipi friends
itere-ofe, Ogtehel. Olonetnen E,s. under the
care ot VapdctPr 1313 fa/ sot expected to
tragaon lafe 'usual healtn,--34T4'. Pr:11119s
of -1..onclon tovtgtsb1p- has bought' '1:t0e
tar,rn:owneg,d. bypr.Ar;47:04„r
"We ;neer Air. F:afoto egrtonds goixg wost.
ST. IIARTS,--BY f.fhe collapse of,'„
tfold a.,t, the cenasisqplant on: Sept. 24
Howls 1WP,§ badly 'Injured, falling
bot 18 feet. He had both legs, tarok-
crle 01 VeMPOUV,C1,
a nici. tas-
in'Yeeelved S4Vere
eeaigwu'ads 't„and a cut across, the
nose. Hls wounds ,reoulred 111055 a
naztter01 stftches, arid be WaS olao
badly fart:deed. Tho rs3ured nau 55
02 years or age.
Subjects tanght by expert, instrcctor
at tbo
heathlii felt
ntains no oil or tar. la dean,
°Oarless, waterproof, germ and
rrnin ,prof and practietally
ildeatrUctible. Makez., houses
draft --proof,, easy- to. heg, and
coiniortable in any veather,
•come in and see it-
• Sole 'Paella -44m Nifoutdocturmns
CF34.3;fut.1 frAtged. MOntrealL,
The DasivemodPanxiMit,*
Co./ Lieraitet,
• EDAst-ovvoor.;
A uctiori Sale
013 VATTLE AND ,130343133,
recelved Ini1314,3it5Oil
irerri„ ,t,Le 130d50e1fe'1;acid 740573
11),ISTRO1). 111l1QTE1,
ab 1 O'citoek,, St1alr10, r -7,/o
lieard pg. rFE't? res
10 ;:tier'e,c-1, (4 t`A"04114.14441114.0ltere, :
- 13-113-65Nr41,' 0471
f:r..LLIVO.S4nt NO, 000 5,15
04 3-130,
;(I, (pa:et 1114e;:.'ab
014:1„ 1133 retlahlo; one ..^,,y; 43aa,a1
mare bno.'4e...". to .-apneas;
gs!3rg; 030 4-75017,49,14
75er43s,--0, mos. credit ci:.;
1,21w; 1,;
91? 52313, 933' anr:Ig.tt 011 1(i
Y. M. C. A- 111.20..
elkta asaiSted to positions. Celieg
gessIon from Sept. 3r3„ Catalope
free. Enter any time,
IW.Westeemelt 3 W, Westervelt, Jr,
ptineipal OzattereillIcrountast
Clap Me TO YOU.AN V R =ER sumn.
INQ FROM W0M53V.AnteeNta,
I valor verve's sulk.
4.1 lwlaso,Yemeirawatd, (441 cer en. yeharge. uty h
ment with fall .;ustruettens te any 531135
omen's ailments, 1tract to tell ell women
this care— you„ ray reader, for yourself
daughter. your mother. er soar sister. I, warlt
tell you how to one yomseltes at home vithan
thut.shAl2.014.0vof azd:et. tiiklsevne caranomottslzoilt rwhtaisrogatwelarex,..
erienes„ ice.ow better then an.irtlecler. I know
that =Thome treatment is a sefeemi sure cure for
lacement or FailIng uf the Womb, Profuse, Scanty
51'P$inful Periods, 1,SterItte cr 9varian Tumors or
firowtha. also pains In th a head; hatk and
bearinC down feollngs.nervousners, crreptne feel,
ism up the spine, melancholy, desire to crY. hot
114:wahcou,t tsove:terl4rtaa:csio, a1sicclanne,:leadtedlabdiaLid;rirteraotu:einest
where caused by weatmesses peculiar to eursets.
e5ootulrf.eretri fartee btooluper,oev:5itioy..yoquult4;balyt. yoncoitteitsaureur.e.,
Itementher, thin It will cost you nothing to glee the
treatment a complete trial; and if you should wis1a to centinne, IL will cost you only about t
rents a week-, or less than two cents a day. It will nut interfere with your werie pc oeMpation,
Justsend, rno your name and iiddress,,,tell.me how you Suffer, if you N1.1511. au.4. *5314 70441111
trfatutellt f or your case. entirely tree, ttl Wall% 'wrapper. le return mast. ahem:tut you Ire*
of cost, ley book—"WOMAN'S OWN' A,UVIS -It." with exploilato‘ty Iltustrotloes show,
bit w1,5,,,wouten,„ stiffer, a,10,11,0w they eatt casily(dm themselves at home. ttverywotIMIS $biltILA
htkVe it, and learn to think for 'herself. nen when. ;he doctor says-0"You must harem; opera,
tire°tIniCtl"yY..°4Ictaculldreeds deellf,00rldY:rtzrs;oternaTIITT4Antrogth*errsw°0ntf cDttaultCrterusta.1 tritillteule;r1r1u$ hIlermine
treatment which speedily rtud effectually cures .1.e100rrhce9. Omen leltness and l'azaful
frregtilar Menstruation iu Voung Ladles. Pr umpnesa esul 13551515 always result fretrt its use.
tellNaSellytsrrlf?crrerYct lelivethis'11211OntrcolfrT Csontuitelialt.tdtreale$1Qyt caY°tIlr73°:11uwottlitt".;‘dls4essceittultviidannatitIvesilleglegekg
well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your sedress_. and the free ten, days. treatment. is
yours, also the book. Write to.clay,,as you. may uot see this oiler agaila, Address:
MRS. M. SUMIYIERS, Box H.840 " • " WINDSOR* 011t•
W. G. Methl'e :or Da:rY
SparVng 7. and 2.
C. E. Hackneys foo Draughf,
T. gegartitt!,,
Woollen 015US tor 10 lbs ' but
er. C • S. Ittic,:itada,
Dr jos& for gents turnout, 14 L;
13,rat)clon •
3. 'NrCeneeo fort mitre-,.•eltr,i)
The ceneert 07 tho evening of Vain
night, Elven by ".ttiss Afairtetta „LaDell
of Toronto, reader, and Wal.ter Edwards
of irr)ronto, corned1an, was, la.rgely at-
tended and Kghly, pleasing, These cn-
ter4iners are popular everywhere and
givt excellent eate.,afaction.
Auction Sale
The undersfigned auctioneer has re,
ce31/41'ed 'instructions to sell by public
a uCtion, 0 .
LOT 5, CON. 1, RT.DDJILPR. one'
from Centralila, 'WEDNESDAY., OCT
16513, at one O'clock P.11141115 foll*wtmg,
property, v1/,
130R8E8,-3 brood mares, dtaught, 2
seven -.,years and e(ast years 013, sup.
to be 0, foal ; 1 rni*e rising 4 years
old , 1 Silly a ld 1 gelding aletty two
','ears; three. sucking cotta.
CATTLE --3 cows, due :In 3tarc13, Apr!'
and May; 2 heifers, 2 -year-old; 2
sttetar,s, Ypekts ; felt cow"; tat heifer
nsang. 4 yonrs o(lci ;1, 5 yearling steers;
YearlIng loefor ; 2 Calves.
110035-1 brood Sow and,9 p"gs ready
to wean.
IMPLEMENTS McCormlick binder,
11e3,r1 y nevi; Mower ; rake; seed-dn":11;
d: -cc; set 'hatrrows ; riding plow; walk -
0n3' plow; wagon wilth. gravel box and
track M.Icado ; fanning ; 2000 lb.
/scales ; 'sel of double Work harratis ;
sei single 'harness; cream separator.;
gra:1i tags; bag holder,' cross cu.. saw
forks, shovels; whatletrees PeCk
yokes and other aril:cies too n,urnar-
ouE t.0
All sunis of $1,0.90 and under sh:
over that amount 12 months' cred:1
be g,iven on fuura:shilng approved joint.
notes , A distoutut Of' 5 r.rt
annuan off for cashl o erec11,t, arn.rt•unt,s.
• ropne,0 AucConeer
Are the Fly and Mosquito Dangerous
The fly, with' -spongy feet, collects the invisible germs of diseases, spreads
them over our food -arid poisons us with typhoid and cholera.. The* mosquito with
its bite itliein'S into our.veins malaria and yellow fever. The bacteria of eonsump-
tion or grip, are everywhere present for us to breathe into out lungs. The blood
whirl flows through our veins and tateries is our protection. It should contain
healthy red and white blood corpuscles—capable of vrarding off these disease
germs. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is a blood medicine and alterative
made entirely without alcohol, a puns glyeerio extract of bloodroot, golden seal,
Oregon grape root, queen's root, mandrake and stone root, which bas enjoyed a
good reputation for over forty years. The refreshing in-
fluence -of this extract is like Nature's influent:m-6e blood
is bathed in the tonic which gives life to the bbod— the
vital fires of the body burn brighter sand their increased
activitysonsuraes the tissee rubbish which has accumulated
during the winter.
" About forts' years ago while in Newark. New Jersey: I had chills
and fever.' writes Mn. flactuau, Mums, et Notice:al Maim:7 Home.
Hans. "TN:motto Kansas City and in the aring of Ifin the ehills end
fever:et:tuned. Doctors and eve/weaker 1 tried failed to do me good.
Ilnally I saw Dr. Zeree's Goideal&dical Discovery advertised. I took
ono bottle of it and-thrwelaills vatrisbed. In about a sear afterward
I felt them usasdatt back Eel got another bottle and have never had
ariSt symptoms of se- ,mt, or agne.siztee. insist is all of ixvents‘ YepIS ago.
for I had tbe chills about twehre years before I started to take Golden
Medical Discovery:
K. Kamm= Esq. Dr. Pierces Pleasest 'Pellets are for Elver ills.
Confined to His Home for Weeks„
"Heavy work, severe -straining and evil habits in youth brought.on
VariCose Veins. When I.-worked/lard the, aching ,would become
severe and I was often laid up for a: Week at a.,;,.time. My faintly'
physician tolc3 me an ope'ration was my only hcips=but 1 dreaded- 11,
trtalseveral specialists, but soon found out all they wanted -was rey
money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than
rogues. One day my:boss asked rae whyI was oft work so ranch and
I told him my cortdition. Me advised me to COnsult Drs. Kennedy & '
Kennedy, as be had taken treatment from there 'himself. and knew
they weresquare' arid skillful.. I 'wrote them and got The New '
METFIOD TREATML2M My progress was somewhat slow and during
the first naontlas treatment 15851 Somewhat discouraged. However, , '
I continued treatraent for three .montlis longer 13.11C1' was rewarded
with a complete cure. I could only earn Sit a week in a machine
shop before treatment, now I ani earning 521 and 35501 10030 a day.
I wish all suffererSknevi of your valuable. treatment.
13334137 0. LOCUST.
▪ Y11.111 BLOO. 13 t ISEASEE)?
BILOD POISONS are tbe most prewdentTand most serious diseases. They sap the
very life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system Irill.lcanse
• serious complications. .Beware of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms—our NEW. METHOD 00158 011 blood dieeases. ,
• YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEL -Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken
3103 70111 system. You feel the syraptorasst,eraing1over you. Mentally, physically and ,
vitally you are not the man you used to be or sliou.lcibe. Will youbeed the danger signals2
spEADER ypur blood been diseased? '.'..17,are you 'any weramess? our NBI7 METHOD
Are you a victita? Ha -e you lost hope? Are you intending to marry'? Rea
E.s.mnrENT•will curb you. What it has done for others it will do for you, Consultation
Free. No matter who has treated you, write for au honest opinion Frac of.Charge.
13ooksFree—"Boyhood, vanhood, Fatherhood."' (Illustrar:d) on Diseases of Men.
boxes or envelopes. Everything Cenfidential, pup ' tation List and Cost of Treatment
, , ,
DRs KEN , K ,
. Cot,. bitieliiian Ave. and Grisviold SI., .. 'Detroit., Nick,
. - ,
Alt letters frac- Canada must be addre
to our Canadt:,.., Correspondence Dep
efb Pul.'ailoi6ryt:15:71111'0'; °C a nucall
r a IdaVi d bs °lira noeffisl 11: eeognntlwly; chvv13' idnada';see°s:s*; inCt letters°'rroIeisPy°onausa edti: leZer:
pall t our 1\redical Institute in Detroit as we seezndy
DRS & ICENNE.1?Ys 'Windsors Itt,t
Write for our private address. ,1 355t1