HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-10-3, Page 4IILIAll«,ENT TARE ANNOUNCEMEN'llr, aourtoement thatt Parl'antent intoned for, setae. tlene 1\TO,X75.11 be means tie* Wore long the 'PeoPle ada. Wal have before ihesn'tthe result of the dekheraDOns teak, :plaren Lonclotli darn. the 'past suflInter -berween represtidvce of tee 03,Ttac.'- ImPerfial Bob. , ,den gcyezemelytt D3 tO' attnal.aate tna. v41 lbfis.-e-Y, and, Is! it° make, that arr nountment 14dd-or:a:viz, to ox - n heartng -of al! the people, al/rot:G*11' esent atl-ves. Tltat tile „p9V.:hyr to he annoattced w'll fully reall'ze. the oa-Tet:tations Of Mess • an who 'believe that Canada as -t: Br 1. sh ttation sitoald da her pa' « to, ward Prlzlah, deflenee tl.s. se? -«`s, svs;:lltts to he mare -than probabEe, I s also m hz safely assamed itla whatever' pt,c- Pesa2 govelnment maKes .i:'arres ,5551-:: 1151', 5;."1,5a d:711",r5t1"4"5-1 "055i5t1473 4:5,"n sser'f.it 0.3,"2-41da,'S P0'13" a. «47:ea; sc,fge'l,lvr-- -,,,,7;.7, BeenT.17,0-3 emplre, • Bordera, -7',etvetn-tf•117, ahd. f:$ tOit'fat.11`4515R f04.3d,, 154117 11:,;"oble.nY Whlela 7,54 El% •;,5t . the tteedi the,t • veth the,. :,:ereasing • , "topart,tace 4.:50515'15".015 atat « warti-,2. re' ;:tlett of the iietag Yel5.rst sefv«ce Innen Danada, coun the Illa'AlteutaltOe Meta the prote..,,'`op rtla:Is ti«eO-711PAle Dasliwood . Arntnes, 'of 21)nwood is sitiagat Mr... G. Naidiger'st -„ M. ek-ver Graybeld has ,.t".• turned. to Ham -gem zto resume- .17tl:s. cle.tLes in the Moisoas Maud and Bertha adt of Betrolt are vlts:BTeg a; -their home here., . „Nir.H.L Kraft has Ms_ 'alder -mill run - blast, and is oPell. tor •tnt,s5 every day of the wOelf 'SaturdaY. 7 -Bev E. tScht.'oceder has rotttrned t9 Pena' rc,I.P.,k ;XI:Zs,: a, weeks V...,155'.!t here; Ars. A, INXnAcrtWil oP•etrOles tng her pa-r.mtat.a, Mr.„:1%,1:obae4 Greio. A Mad dog 'was, Shot Saturday after- , oon, by a atemhant; of Dashwced aziawood. The deg had Ne f•torn, i.t, CaPmel, and wl,34p, arrlved be, wliateie ha :sappad at one man Ind two boys. ban lifs teeth dtd net ate the- l'aesh, ether case. Tee t-1'..xed up WA -it other.' doge, nd as net lertown yet what damage 4-41 defte,--Ex, Crediton • Geo, E:lber acrid Nelson Schenk, hese fk7f.e-ranglng a-; Glities • and, Po.nett,l'ar4 past seascn,, •re«uracx1 !Mate, Botit are leoltlng 1755,11-1-e' '53«. itsaCtit„ Mrs. George El -t - who spent a few --„yeelts no: -.7n yet ..«ed W:ta 'AC:" /1.4sba'hd, 1.1g.).ts.t U lmia-le 4 1),"45):1'SSS.. trill to 4,„turdaY. tre "Fowl Sapr 'range a. Ct:u."eli Shed on Thursd thaweY,t. e - Lt p«roglitto 11 'i)e reader: ) s'app, Tilts nen w hO ohs should bn sor51PletSd o b; tia oa ptopxewfl ✓ fatlater trouble with the water aa e,ser.55,7. I-51. C1Y(11 nazd Yttvs..i." U135',5* 4i'15 Nrat1•17 11)0314 Ot S. Erow:. • D. and Mrs* Orme IttotOred. to Ler.- dOrg Oae daY Las. tvo,7•It And spent tre day, thegraeaze of M.:". 1..nd Mrs. 0, 1,1,:ker E'lher,1P.I ntpleted ta collee'ren ,of the Inguease eennt:-..?Von av,,',V,a th 2I w. Co. anti'slin'ettary services -valet 11`174357Vh k7s,','5«rei Rev. Tefferson And, Rev. M„;14:, Stfset 'Church, Ex e4 &j4s,ror the day. Rev Pow - sermons Were vtsl tnd tivet On MOtrilal *vetting. A ram Was rendered, supp at. A verJaYable trf 411.„ 5' vi pleasad to' smOing tMC. r.eta! Z•fr%. Itt`litz and bolt. Elk Of Nev,- Hamburg gpent last Sunday Cra own wa,b. .).1,r, and Mrs. Clias,•Zwl:olt. er. Mr. Bro:wa of lioandork Yls7.1!,,ed Ale Anzus,t, Ewald last Sunda,:.i 'We are pleased to state Mat 31;ss gust,e Ii:uhtt has recovered front he entEllnests. John G. Young- moved; 111.:s househiald effects from. Louden to town on. Sat-.. urtlay Mathew FiInkbe:nor Is having his i-roLl?Se panted and 'papered to be +ready for occupancy the flrst a the month. - :Mae England of Tavistock spent last Sunday tn town the guest o Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oestnechert , k,t14 ttl.fanhe.7 vete.S Valit.°,414; 4 rX05r.t:154 .:54$4$217,, ,A13. th3 1* effect fit's Sent Of Ihree4 • " CO'43.; ve! e I 55, «Z*.,ti w h4 cup :n '53.nd s a fellow ttas "C. travel way often 'w:1lrout eve,t dr;ult Tr.,7s preity in haired hygttnl' thr: O.auntry gettlng too tualth Of Even ,7,f, There was any danger a Th need ,uot grab a glass betAveen ,and ,Mkb off t%e,pet.931'ilale There is often v.ore danger "„n not ieVng 4 :man have a drn1 c. wa;er when he needs Zt than in all the germs one can muster up 31,:st inlaginattO0., •th-,:ng keeps up there, w.',11 soon loo laws .aga:nst eat:ng f3a1:14W:Che13,5 sauSag,zs and store p:es, forn all these •fifir.qe there, aro more 10dIng pia.ces for '..gcrn,ts and lbacteria. than there are ..,en,;,lhe ,-edge of a dolniting cup. e - A reVtllw of the 1(nte stoek s.tua Zrtk, England, ,shows. the wforld-wdie tr...titoo 41. the nordhalt xneat-produc:ing '0;rtilr13ls IthAs ,detilte 4114 net -sd scan we aro boatmd to have m`glrer -prfees fer 2nt..sits o ou, new ruling, The suPplY etattI5can• tr.- 'ent 1cws nosftglas be'Ing .on- the •uptva.ird grade. Tfois number 64: Ineat-pit-,. niaanInals in, Canada per head-ofl TopulaVort does not s".how -r.zut--)75twe, 'xnent. Esperi:nilly :Is titlis trtie ot Onta.rio fitere the liwtve stock buis:tietS la the •thisf branch of agrituiltuirt,e1 The, far- 'rner, therefore, inead 'Lion about !.nereasing the ,nonlber ef naoetiodUcanlmals farnvi: 'ComParillg the cost of edtioat:on, to `the farmer and the rdent, bawn, the Brute Herald quotas IniPlector ,Cool, who takes as' an eXanInte Schciol Seefoi. No. 2, Brant, wh!ch pays Its beaCher a saaarzr of $600. Per,"'ar,,11.a1T-'1- Aster deductring -the varpus grants irrOgr 'the -.salary. th-e Inspettor ff.nds that a man ovrneIng a 100 acre 'far& n thils -settitar. and assessed for 83;309 WoU'id. pay a ,school zeta par year -Vf $7.07., In 'Walker:1On the Tansvector ,awnS a. hotiSs ..ssessed at 53,100 and,tillts he pays • ts.thoOl raite of $30..1.5: thus 'showng' that the leyv for eduicagon )n -the town nearlY fve bane th,s.t hZ ilia • Cempared witia hls town brethren %Ito farreere wound semi to be mightly •'Most women and soma mere en"a"'-gddlete: - teed te the talk ha.lof.t. usee Teet'e nerve force than almost- any wPr,k which a hulm,a.:n bejlhE,, "can ',sag -aka; et woanqn L,wlyo„,„„aire nervouseak, and '•'.'incapa.c)iated for work Will Ifidulge in 'eclied" and Whol.i'y ines.diess, ,conye.rsaltl.oh 'by the irOtt&.tiinti"StticY 4neanlog frdends itaratnvalld £r lafterno,o3). and .e.ettract -more -e.:".talfty from the -ailing )orbe- than Would F...f rightly ap,plied, restore her bealth. '«Voreart.enftt for heaset:«eid la:Te a maid to do •thc'ir woT, 'Sind iren p-nd a largs propor tThn o the-a- fl1filtting, about among teeir friends, recklossly exPend;nz their already flag,: Ir:ng nervous cn-alty in purposeless talk, talk, talk. xrrere:r-_,hz, to go ,-u • Eundsy. Dr,„ 1,.a..671:{7, .F.07 pcor 1th but deatil wa 5111t0 ted.. v, as: &coo' Oa 1.-n4 tn5 do 1,-F:a vias 451' ton[ti : ' ' • tr3 • I .Abhatt, e We<751‘."10:44$''' iha. rs The, ,,deceasload eitith Oket,ti 0015tbr-50,7.1 towa BIDDIJLPH • Mr. L. P.11.114rs „of Denfield, who is work „ng hZs farm on the ard eon, of Did dulpit had the In: df ortune, one day last week to get both bones in his leg brok- en while gong tin to water his,liorses, -Mr. and Mrs. A: Noyes of, Cart -isle were tto guosts of the latter's brother on tho 3rd, con.-,:tIr.Mehael Arannage,ac- 'compan:ed by hfs daughter Florence ent ,Saturday London.---M:ss NeUe ,}hejna of Vittorla, Hosp:tal, Landon, hoe ,returnad to her cittOes, after is,ix we.-ks stay w.','Ch{ her mother a Lueatt. -The sports were a success at Lucan I -Egli School an Fitt-7,day last, when the Forest pnpla eanie down, en the tra...n, and ,spent a pleasant day.-MIss Beta TriPPg of Ansa, Craig spent Friday iu B:dclulph.t--Miss Parker of Crag spent Vr;day last f.rt Lucan. GRAND BEND. and INIrst, Gedi Zinfe, and son, of New Cnta;rio taxa vitstiog „with: the tor - niers paentsm-INfat Fa -ed. Page lost a w..eleable :horse one da tv lasti week. Sam MeEachon l,s15411 smlies, 'since a dau2,hter arr.:med. Thunsday, 26th ult. - N11,. p. Baker sold 111,s .house and leitato Frani, Tet,rau nt Illvedferd, the ng $900. -Mrs. Ruebegr Wasen,',A11Q hels bean 5.5:la:It-lila- here Re% for healActroe) rri by Alkossa‘. E51 -re was aco mpame Mos. Jos. G11, Irs, Pettier and '75111.0 visiezed there, jiet,,,urnin'k on v.:;sit.114,--- 'in Csnipbell 05_1:7 burr; lersU week4.---Oly,rus Greehr:bas set scam gZ1 nets flil'thia lake, CTENTRALIA. ed Fa:rhall of 1...:ondon 'F1p,..,.kit Mon- dlyar til'rs: no me , ';`,51'gs, J7ehr. •7\-V:Iseh (11‘;-ove to Water1,20 Love- ther diughter, Mrs,. Aldw-,Drth.-Id'isls •.p7na 'Wood oi, Lond_on spent Sunday • the IvEsses I-landrcifrd ,l,Tonday to his horde In tio We r., Clarence,- •DapIani ,ie,..:rt,h6c. ha, r‘i etS15: fhankcgvkM serv:ees St. Pa ta-Lek..s Oncurci3, • O'DIllen aiod chltdren tu.'..:11,9c-'. MO:1day,, Irath 0vIls:t- wit): Park: frLehils.-Mrs. (1)1::) ;11:5Cuaa lef - day to ShJL in Lotdo •BlEiNSALL Garnet ease, of :Toronto, :s at hOs 11,oine here.14-Mrsl„ :Small, of lDe., visit& Mrs:, Hummeston. Davfkl, B. 7...MeLean the!, West Nisttiag ads and relanvos.r-Dr. Scnoellagl Zia vtait1ag h1 sister- Mrs. Geo. Gram.--.Tatnes Bullard left for London; untlerE,'0 aa °per-at:A1n:. tor appendicltie -Tom. Berry lhc,c mitttnett from the' the Old Courtty where ho purchased a a,ttat- ber of horses -.Mrs,. James Chesney left last week to spend; three Months w.:th hen daughter ,Mrsp., Treble 0110 he faqM Man:toba,'-Ori Friday ,nlorning Mrs, Be ard Thompson...Pa,ssed away after long and tr-ylnr4 d'Airless« -Bleceased wile& ma:tlen name was., Soaanna. Loge, was b5:57`11 :1C1 U:Sborgl5e5 Wih":er'-±3 she g,-4-ew up, and was marrled. tcx 53-01-01. Dah,n, of London. Atter a few years/ of niarr- ded bulz she, „continufad to thett JOty anti' abou‘t nhie Years ago- wf1-4al.1 'she' was rear4ed Eerhard Trointsoq of Itys v'llage who p-,-edeceasad f".er ahoolt threq,Years•-)Ifts Bestrlee Cadmore 4,retuwned isst week fter :5Pen.d'avZ some tne visiting, ztilss Kathleen BIacleall a Bothwell and Iter Mas Florzare, fWaikerviliei- Mt,- and Mrs. Neshrit left ,to „res:de 011 Tetvato, They caMe here -,beat 11115.L --:);:y seven yealrs ago,‘ --A very pret-Y use weddr, tooIv plaiel at the Lonie oA. "Mr. at:i.d Mow, ga1eo1r47-NieWett, neat' etoa Wednesday at13412:4-noz,n, ;51..15s .„, $3,00 Reward noo. •The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn thst there le at keastooedreade4 disease tha science - has beenable to cure Menke Eltsge5f4 And that Is Catarrh Rail's Catarrh Cure is. the only positive cure new known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bein e constitutional disease requires . a coriadtul: tional treatment. Flall's..Datarrh Cure is taken in. ,ternally, acting dreetty upon theblood and muctn.ts statues o , the systent,'-therelay desttoying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pallet strength by building up the constitution and assist- ing nature in doing its work. The proprieters have so much faith In its CliZatlY6 115:71.(070thiit they -Pifer One Hundred. Doliara to twy case that, it fails to cure. Sendfor list, of testimonials. Address FJ. CRE,NDY & CO., Toledo, Q. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents. Take Rail's Family Pins for constipation. RAI LWAY RAND'IRUNK sysT Ehol FARMERS' EXCURSION O NW ONTARIO SEPTEMBHa 29tb,, Roun'd tri.p second-class ticket will be issued, from. 'stations in, Octant), Brockv?..11e, Ottawa, saltA 'West, to all etaCons on Tern.,...ka,p.r,nz, area N:Ort11,- era Ontartlo Ratlway, Including the f• °B- owing polnts.- RAILEYBI.IRY, KART_CON, ENGLE, I -TART, MONTEITH, COCTIRANE,MATH ESON, NEW LISKE.4.115D. AT LOW RA'PES kets and fall particul , KNIGHT, Grand Tr nk oidest daughter Ellzabeth S-,:eure d znarrlage with, 'Robert rom 3. son .cif ItoWzt,, :McLaren, sr„-, vit -tad Mrs, T,:«70,, McAdan lcvlal-ff -to 14t3don,--',Wai L. v:sitlag tth ileP broti • p11.autt Ot.hz" fr:ends.-Filmer p, of Pevrol "„is 137111 t01" a pamn`t-s.., Mr. t1,3d Mrs, iltnry S.c*r.'..teli of Deion:t is kieat-t or het' pareWs, at d Mrs3,'H. iS,'hnelN.-*Nfr. Wm, 1ek., vlsiting Ilis Cnik Mr. Aild MM. Hy. Eckateln, n.eft, 1.4"ste,,Mrs, KaMputan and Mrs Uer:111 priklet,thtg. at the Phis uf to471n7esIpt54rest0, ;gr. and Walla 11,"clt-- at on r7t410". to -7: Mettoa„ t"*e ow'tzr tIA tile lane -Ss afer. Mre. MevrOom.:--M'es V-Cdit .,d()3 15 's.tbt,g ilex* f,w days, -W61, W4ter. - 2 -feu% to erl to Port - who 'lee nt fem, 5, ntend. • ce parents, lila parents for soiaa ret land orco--Mrsl. TTy • vis:g2ag ;-„er Nits. Casper "Weber. ter weeks, returned *0 her hen's' „ iticnrY Eeltet0.4t 13VC'ilteln Lti,e, r10e5d *Ix 5. two weeks' '4,11nass troM. pleu wit:41 dovolOped *lit° rhicunt011ta. T funeral took plats e)53, Saturday atter- nocn;to ib vengel!cal centetery, BrOrt L elt TG-Tl;e :aed away On Stattly laciPaleg- one of ltlest Set- th,rs iat Arisa OralrL' tha Pettion ot Mr ec.rg;5, MaePonald. Elapeaseii teen Z�o rppnt:OW4 Px5t wW aucer. so l'hal Ti.'`,0 death was ,17501: ernied. Zeiletaveta to mourn Ws loss 01(0 von, itahotlt. at 114;Ple, 1•4\4 vele, hav, :we4ecPa.s0.3 TAP' sante years .age. One 1.roth:w, aoha, Tesc",des :n Toronto', Semi -ready Suits at 515 mai 520 T ook :o iia Om -44 rame--rerra 4-11D, 11515 vocttet-alwaye die eme, Ark rens Clothier p4 Karl to grlA bet* 2.24 sample tau/0We Quaa" serge et 520. Send 41;4c1tOSenslIca4y. lApaist44 Mx:Ural, to; kook eadiled "sir P. If ran ea.PC:q% get it la 14941, #ralf-rrlIkj elailnettg. Daygarth, Sa Pundss 81,, London. Auction Sale Farm, Farm Stock an cat P 10. CONCESSION 7, U5130 ESDAY,, OCT. St11, 101-2, s O'clock p. Tnt, the fo11ow:11g vl:Z1-Aged num, colt 3 Yrs', .rod by A4c1b11, 'record 2.20; colt 1d, sred by A.:den 2 ye;;w- 1 1OW due ...rt Doe.; ° a•4,a+z* Pld steers, 1 Yearling stems • ' he'ger, 2 spring calves, 1 bog fares .1).".(ncler, Brantford mow,. er, land roUer, 44kiia narrow., set .`,,ran lin.rricwe, 2 walk -lag Plows, 'sulky plow thgto-furxrw gr.t(rtg Plow, set slo:ghs, cutter, lumber wpgan and box, top bug- gy, l'ght win, 2 zoot' pulpers, 2 sets double, hrtnnesS, .ae iJe harness, cut- fing box, ha'y yoe, wh.e,elbaraiow; 2 nd stones, .q'ualogry has. and utan- gOlds, tUrnEps and C*r11 1a fleld, about 70 hens, alnd rrianly eat:Oleo too numer- ous la rnetZian.„. The/v. wail edge .ha offered for 1salre the south boar of, the above named lot. Terans-S5 Bind under 'cash; over that amount 12 movrths creat am furn!shing approveo Janat poles', 5 per cent per annuim offfor easlit, '.Nirts.. JAS. EATIL JOS; WHITE PraprletrOss, Auctlaneeri, 140011SVILLE. r30tta-4104fitte-1). verY pretty wrdd.aig toOl< place at t.1,3.4atne? Church, eland*. boyc, Sark, 2l1, When teazle, OztlY dauGhtet or :.‘fr. and[Mrst :.Tha:rlest Xliods*- became tile latildp of Mr, George B. Bore of Landont Bev: Lowe of Lu - tan' Pert0r5W11 the tereattttoy r themes- ence of one-handred and twenty guests, W.bo were u‘sheried. tat by Mets$re.. 'Simpson, and Alex, Hodgitns. At 2.'30 P.M. the tirlda entered the church lean - tar os tale aril. q ber falter: to the strafrts07 tho wledA:ing =rah, played by :atlas Clara ,Shoehottont Londoz,, cous'as of the br,:ttid. The bride looked teandseme tn a gown of embroidered Brussels net over wlrite sllk, and wean. Ing the customary bridal 'veil and car- rilede. bauquet of rases. The brlde a'no) groom were unattended. SC5-553 Jean Hodg,'nes of ,Stetalihroy, z...ous:n of the bode, acted als flower .4;11 and look- ed dallnly In a gown of pink silk, with, beaded trOmmIng, ahd carried a bisget of pink caritatilonst After the ceremony all returned to the Inticle's home, Whtse a, clafinty ddnner was served. The even- ing was spent galulas ,and dame:Cog, unt'a the „v4ee enicaU hours, when Mr. and Mrs. Bero lath 'in atm auto for their home Do.,,,,Londent, q‘he groom's gaft to the trude was, a handsome fur coat, to thf,lower 1r1 a locket and chaiiji and to Mss Shoebottom a brooch set with paa.rls. The ini'sle and -;room received many beautri.rul and costly presents, among them being a handsome cheque t.--orn the biDde's tattler/. Mtn. alnd,Mis. B ere will be ar ihaerte tto the.,r trlfsInds after October 2011I, id 78 Oxford St, West London. BRDSSEL S -ST. Pa uFs' Presby tette. n Church, Calgary, ,has extended a call to Rev. A.. C. Wishart, pastor COE, the Melvtlle 'Presbyterian Church, Brussels become Cit,s P:aiskori, 541 a..,sala.ry OD $2,•;.• 500. The Et. Pawls, congrega ban 8 one of the young and anost prem:s!,ng oneS 'En' the. Western cities, ..,:, SEA F. jia{nies 0, Rs,:d; dted early- Son , ey ▪ rnorcr, a.f5,ter e slazrt f:rtne.s ' -crn& d'1".&C.5t to Seafort 'lo • he hati ,W ass ' 1;55/ed. 'Re 'farnrfry' "af., ,sons and WM.` ot • Mrs+. Ttio,s. -Wheeler, oi ; Zin. J '5Ois aph, 6«11a4")..'5 of s., ('--ms Da icila5nnt TaSertna,,'W;ash.', and - • DYor 1:roP51 roan,ager'' Any Woman Can Have Bealitiftil Hair D'ANDP,UFF DISAPPEARS, FALLING HAIR CEASES, WI-IEN - YOU " USE PARISI-111S SAGE.' No- prer,sr,dttort bas dose so rrrucIA to stop falling ; ' eradicate dandruf (r. and mAlce wom3 n'5 hcjtr leen-at:7.4'ot -as PAR- ISIAN Sage: 31 -le t:no only etarto.i-tr- dest,Oyer„od the da actrui-f microbe, the cause: arf, Ings , PARISIAN' Sage -1,z, rnos 'cledt).y uM2191: !OffiCky or ,,ii,;-.r.e.atsy. It e's not .• c a -11;21'M • o 1.15 'sugar 01 lea‘r pr 'sairlhar cr . , 11 LE...5 a :,m,:t4 "dre:0.1.r.ig lor 1,10-.. 71111 VI:OC1 5.ds11 frmanl lbsiro:as -ha:r „ that doMPlels .0-nerr and. -clatlidi!6:.ollt4tilg alrl oma With 5 E CANADIAN BANK OFC OMMERCE EDMUND WALKER. C.V.0.. President ALEXANDERsLAMD - JOHN AIRD Oc-s1 Meager Assistant General Monsatex CAPITAL, $15;000,000 .REST,, $12,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Aoconnts may be openedftt every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to operated by mail, and will receivithe same careful attention as is given to all -other departments of the Bank's business. Mond may he, deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank s4 EXETER BRANCH -0. L. WAUGH, Manager. Branca also at Credlton. o sons Bank IOCCp porated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Yeare-1900 Capital Reserve Deposits Loans and Inv stnaen Total Assets $3,000,000 83000,000 $23,677,780 27,457,090 $33,090,192., 41 00;000 4,600,000 05,042,31,1 $8,85001 418,237,28.4 Elias 8313ranches ._,anada, alad Agents and CorrgSigt0dent115t1 ail the Principal Cities in the VVorIci. isANKIxo susINEss T4ANsAcTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT a t.\al )5rapehes., interest allowed, at highest current rate, EXETER BRANCH A DrnKs oge:BtLS laNta,Ziltieo.tr karthe Dom4INiezTuovuett;;ToNn janoger, agr,:eadturad; mare foal, a Wog colt, ag4ct4tura1. ttle--4 cows cluo In Feb, Ill 4 steers stfing 2 7 r'..s'arg .2; 4 calves. Icgs-TaInv,'orth boar, Xe,3i:sfe-T dual 00.; 'sow, duo lator: ettaat Fowl -A attrula:ar07 ptgp,h,Tcd he;rls. and lemonts-llumbec wagon, nearly wagon, avalgort bog, 2 gravel and nrantsro bOX, /ight wagan wtli afts, top isiggy, road cart buggy nolo to fr.it any btrgg,y, par ha, 2 euttews, pup pearly new ; sita ouble team harness, set doable . 2 seta 8:mgle harnons, horse eollwrs. boder, nearlY new nowor, good bay loader, st%le ralo, horse r-„tko, seeder and drill tOOth cuittvator, disc, set nar- rows, land roller, 2 -furrow plow, ertgle plows, 2 fanuilng mills, one With bagger attached; 2000 lb. truck scale; grass seed sower, number gralln bags, root pulper, 45 gal, ca;oldron, largo horse power wi:tb Jack. eaw:og machine, excular eaw tram and belt, scattier, straw cutter .14.114 earrl.ers, water tank, stone boat, forks, shovels hoes, saws, chans, whlttlettrees, neckyokos, ladders and numerous ether a'rtlelese quanttty cedes posts, tincludtng anchor posts, also. 150M1.1 second-hand posts and lance slats quatte.tY lumber, oak, Maple, basswood, elnil number 23nlnd S t UR) a quantity of Alfalfa hay, also nrangolds. and turn- tps, Household Furntture--cooking stove, 1 heatle.ng stove, extension table, side- board, 2 loaahen tattles, a number •of chatirs, parlor set, Tacking chairs, ono Ocrtvae organ, bedsteads and mattresse or:b bed, cream eeparafor, Da.ls y churn largo mak can, erOU platform house scal- es, Incubator and brOOder, IldnIbPr sal) buckets, pan for boeLnsa.p with heater 2 lad'es' 1o:cycles, carpets, linoleurn, Pit - tures, dishes, pa.C1s, pots, pans, etc., ett, • Terms -Sums of ,.$5 and under eah over that amount 12 months' creEt on furnishing approved Joint notes. 5 per cent. off for cash, an credit amounts. JOHN MAY, T. CAMERON, • Proprietor , Auctioneer ATTOTIQN SALE of Fajr1111 Stock and Implements, Hay Rodts E4nd Household Furniture. The Galina:rob hat reco,:ved Instruct. tons to sell by ottblIc ageti,on, 00 LOT 9, CON. 1, US330rINEL t 114 nifaes Soluktil of Exeter, 017 FBIDAT, OCTOBER 4th, 1912 at 12.30 o'clock sharp, the follow:ng Horses -Brood glare 1,6 yrs. old, sup. posed to be Ztu foal,diratt ; 2 brood,rna4s aged, supposed tlo bel Zia foal, genesb.1 purpose; fEaly risffig 3, agricultural; ly tr!sing 3, general purpose; 2 geld: 6nge r!siing 3, argricultitiraU filly ris- trig 2, agerlcultiura9.; 2 geldings rising ••=1101•01.111Mill•M•solilil P1.1111/ - For Ten Years $200 00 d Why wait till the eleventh. hour ?' BEING, OVERSTOCKED WITH PIANOS AND ANXIOUS TO CLEAR OTJR LARGE STOCK -IN TWO WEEKS, WE ,ITAVE DECIDED TO CUT THE PRICES WITHIN THE BEACH- OE ALL, DON'T HESITATE IF 70U ARE GOING TO -BUY A PIANO .THIS FALL, Coate in now -- LOOM THETA OVER AND YOU WILL PE SURPRISED WHAT LITTLE MONEY 'HILL BUY YOU A GOOD RELIABLE PIANO. We mean business TIIIS LS NO BLUFF AND k,S SOON AS THE STOICK IS IZEDUCED FoR- m.EP. PRICES ‚HILL PREVAIL. THE, FOLLOWING PIANOS, ARE CARRIED IN STOCK.-- Gerhard,z a -ileintzman SL Co.Wright Nordheinaer K.rydner Dominion NCI'S' Scale Williams Ennis -Stanley, CALL EAItLY -W11 ILE ‚0132 ASSORTMENT IS LARGE, EASY. TERms .' .4.111 -t..., -*.ED., , . 0 s d Thousands Jot anlItaleus you people Aft bettla Uttitruelw 11 trolex "How Study Dept, Too May ray,4313, At Coilege it you destre Pay whenever you w?,81-4/ Ttylrty 'rears' 14xperIonee. Largest tr4n- In Canada, Enter any daY Poe:Lions guaranteed. It you vr,:sh to save board and learn wh:le you earn, write tor parti- culars. NO VACATION Chiton Euedrness Ct';‘Ilegu GEO. SPOTTON I), P. WARD President Principal aterestalaed shout at the wooderaul Marvel WI'IrUn $pr.1 Douche aslc,,sour druggist for It, If tab c'tnriet supply the MARVItlx, accept no ether, but send -stamp „tbr Illus. *hated hook -scaled. It gives fall particulars and directions invaluabla to, isOtes. 2ZlS0Rut'aXc0,Wtndsor, 0nt ueneral ArtnItt5 for Culnucto. ST. THOAIAS, ONT. Unsurpassed tor residential education. The "Ideal College -Rome" in which to secure a training for your life's work. Thorough courses in Music, Painting, Oratory, High School, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring enviroa! meat. Resident nurse insures health of students. Rates moderate. Every giri needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro- spectus sent =Application te Principal. 42 Will Yon CENTRAL STRATIFORD„ ONT. wtrf.t.o. for the lams tree catalogua of' tills school, and you will leam be* 3CI1 CAN ,SUCCHED. 31 w.:11 thenreat wlth you to cl.s&:dpt, 51YOU ‚HILL SUVA CEl)-%)Erea. ;re plata!nig Students ith positions y!ng $000 and $70.0, par annUin, and we have many applicadzons for help wh:ch we cannot supply.' The best tlme to enter cur classes' ts NOW'. wrr.ite tor cur free catalogue at once, - D A. M'oia4cEIL.AN, Electric Restorer , for Men Ph OS pho 15. mailed to any addreSs. The Scobold Drug So., St. Quinn -loss. Ont. .. fl01 restoresever.Y nerve in the body , - td its 'proper 'forisicin ; restores .. vire and vitality. Preniature deca-k,atid all sexual. weakn6ss averted at -once. Phosphenol 'will make you a new man. Price 535 box,' or two for , we are noW ed in business and we 'believe on the best of anthority-(nam„ ely that 'of a daily increasing business) 4aat we are meeting a long felt Want, and giVinfrs'': the best of satisfaction. All' kinds.of rodaoe,,taken exp, and.e) Itt4Alt 5