Exeter Advocate, 1912-10-3, Page 2wn* wou'le worx � -a Only 1;,­�y wul,�k wvitll t�blployment-" his, Sig-th WHUFFS PUPRAHVI US �' rid watched returning _n With delight, indeed, � per- f r' -she V hap,, never realized whathe, h -A is be4en during h lonely inontbs, 0� London life, 18,000 1"N �\O�v G.Cul A.N�Y AND _r� R A --,%- C E Frithiol hardly knew whiqh'part LIPS 0 c, , aT a* st p e&sant Vo the uiet -r.ning after Mr. Foun&etj b y German Financier with -4,000 1- SHE KXEW� popular, banks. and agricu o A goiietoto-wn, w anc igri were lefi to a Yiew to Ass'Astinn, tural credit societies an d in Hun - s e nscience,7" asked the garyaboutsevenhundred. InBel "What i o telrown eviceo;Uepl. sant-lit- flill there a."�,ovpr 300'amricultural Sunday school teacher, This was CHAPTER. XV1II,-(GQ-nt'd,) At the first, moment Sigrid had, tle break at� eleven, When Xrz� soe; I etio��S, of followed by dead SilQncc� or co-operativ which fallen in love iNith t. The poyalar banks, of 1�11XOT)e 290 are'based upon the Raiffeisen he sweet-na- lioriif&ce looked in to, rem them 'What clo, We ca -11, the thing tha� A;� hospital nurse, whos_ 4w t4 red, Mot.hei.ly 01�C lad, V, and noV� that fruit -was good in the morning� %Nrere first inst-ittited Obout is L�hecks us, when We do WrOng!" 11 1 - e-verkt-Y v-5tem. rftloug face contrasted curious v and �rn"d to f4erript "'M With, -pears and pears ago� in Germany, From asked the teacher, she opened her heart. to her, their In Italy there are over 7,000 With her flinereal garment�., was theg� disoussc- ie two beginning they hav dma," promptly d the sad cause of grapes, while Cee I ii and tj t societies "Gran replied sitting beside the =_-attres�cs�, which h"n f0uladed populax banks and credi, lished the little girl in Frithiof'G breakdown, and, talked <:hildrerl came in from the, for greater bad beou , g4rden, andooliduct-ed upou the, ba4isof the under thc� same system,, estA.b the, class, of past days in NorwaN% and of the bringing with them a, sense of fresh- unlimited liability of the &Ilamhold- Under, tile personal gui4ance of Mr. placed on, the, floor. Frithiof lay in. jut;are tbat I b re ay e!o I� na ness. and life. er& These banks are now found Wollemborg, of this number 736 are the absoluto stilln of exhwestion, 'What, makes we so Miserable Quiet, the, life was, it ia true-, but Practically ia'all tho countries of plir and Sigrid, who had never �seen, him elypopularbank.. Theltalian hat his; jj'fe dull iiever. one had, plelity hurope, sorving especially two popula ill ao Zor a, moment almo$�t over- said Sigrid, "is to, feel t.. r banlcs represent a capital W it were, over, t(> flo, yet not too mn,4(�b. classes of the people, the farmers f 93,00 '000 f rancs, surplus 57,000, - coino. It seemed hardly possible as hougla he is 0 that the thin worn, haggard. face S0,N"Oung; it has been 4p�)iled and 111W the Midst of tlli:s� 1,10me there, and the wage eaXners. OQO f�raucs, total 15%000,wo francs. had come now somestrang4,13,1resh The neeptaon of the popular st. on loans aver - on the pilao-wcould- be the samerace, rwrx,4 for him when lie is but one i The rate of i#eres w hieh bad smiled on her last, from au-d'twellty," elerae-at& Three distinct, romances banks may be found in the brain of ages 4 to 6, per the rate the deck of the steanier When he (But the very fact, of his being 13o were, being worked out beneath the well-known 0�rman firla`Eciel' paidon deposits is 3 to 4 per cent, that quiet roof. There was poor and philanthropist Rait the populax bankis-ve -Teisen, Ac had started on, thjt. Jataj visit, to young lseema to, -me to give, hope Vh4t Ta Franc, Frithiol With, hiz, shattered life, hi,� oording to Moo4yls, Xaga7,irle, lie ]�Io wzv5, talkinq mgs� are, an s the Morgans. in- brighter t1p tore for variously known by the, uames of ga.,st, 4 agony which would ccar<�eiv first conceived this beneficent pI , Credit a t 1, Qaisse all A, grioolg k Ille o0iere,utl and twice s1he -i�ght him," said, Mrs, Bouil-am. n oI, his, futur a do;- cor-di- Rurale and Regionale, Caisse, Onv- for the amelioration of the the rameof Blanche. "I do not think so,", said Sigrid. "Try L; you can get him to, take "That girl has takeii something perate strugg,-Je with circuln,�tanoos. tio-as surrounding agricultural peo- riere, etc, They number in the dif- here Was Cecil, -whose life was,,V, pl�. In 1847 he established a s this,," mi<1 the Aur -se, handing her a from.,him which, can never come the r t, ferent classes ov4k�r .5,500 banks aiid t -when he eijssiE� rurale, or agricultural bank,. socleties it v r 1,8 00 share - far bound lip wi h his that, clap of betal-tea, Again, it 4oes, na seem to Tao Pos- _ V� h 00 0 1�10 took it am''Vely, but evi(lent_ sile, thAt, - suffered she zuffered too�, yet had te IL�3 purpose- was aetuatied solely holdem All these societies 0-Mjoy g. ma ,q k, can.. love like, that ILjyeCu With �serCno faeo 4-44 make by 4, desire to help the fariner 6V the control of. th�p, IF 0 a ly did n,444 V e le;ts�t recognize laer, twice- in a life -0,410", I 'r Or _.,t4 _t�_ the facili- neneh, Qov r__ nor sign, There, I'Va"s Roy vficlol help" pl, ing lVithin his gr. 1�.is eyes, vbicb for so, luan� dsys "Perhaps, not Pst in t1lit N s -e to nt, a4also, itri 6T.1, had sj�,euoply 'the phantoms I of Iiis f�,aid 'Urs. 13014f4ce, nladly in love th eblUe-eyei, ties with which to help bim. If fair_'h"Iire�d Sigrrki, Who seemed ir. iluprove his equipment xn4, to in - Pel 5magination, fted themselves on "And, boides3" said Sigrid, :NOT TO BE BIQATEN, ((wb,4 I to take, w1h the 044. reaction after all her trou- crca'scl 'his acrea 0 and th.0produe- A HINT. "I)Q 7 he and by grees a, light of t girl would care ,04U� �tbillk yo . 11 C*lald 'Cat al r itiou, da,- love, �ho =411t, Dow be 4410' to bles'to have &�,vcloped into 4 total- tivity of his I"Taild S,,t,�ck. wped in them. a1s � in- ly different being, Was, dont approve o I t i pg,. Other viepe, Qf` cake, Tommy V 1'8igrid "' be exel a give'l I Am oure 'nothing NVOU14 the "I" PLAN QUICKLY GAINS toneof,,sueh relie in a,� to.'Accopt; secoodary of the party.. And yet in sPit-, of FAVOR. She­lt 'has been n9ticod that you "I think I could, auutio" if I Btood f � tha,.t teArs rtarted duce I a. -ay the, iuevitable� pain of lovO., these lie ueitber --ought no 0 ta, DC4 to her ey-es, love �of that kind r b i , do upt even tip your Ut. 'PA My 1*44�" were- ha�py days for all of tlicln� assistance from tho govemmeut,, She hiat 4own aud ItLssedhimi NTOW Cecil wx5 'of a, W1U_)1lV differ� Ur 1115 71-7 . ..... Tfappy to Fritliiof because 111, Indfrom tlw �fmst rolicd IM0, hr� �b are conig to ov4i� <1 taken take, careof. you, cut t,,NTe� Already I a's aUtY Of all t 0 el, strength. w rcttirnipg to him,; bc� Perfect And after )ma baxe b"M to sleop possession 4o.,f her, it had, stolen into �,,au�,e. 'with an iroii resolution, be TAWAS Of the Plan. The wisdom we will have a long talk,"' she said, her hea�rt almost unwrimiouslY "Ild practieabilitv of Raiiffeisens gently. "There, let me make �!oltr and had brought grave� sb4dows, in- . -Ible elrat out the re� 4 T E R -MILK as. far a,� pos,- system caw have no better proofs membrance of Blancha; beCaw-'e tile pillo,�-, comfortable." to her quiet life-, sba4oWs c4st ',by spirit life Within him was 6 W y than the thou-sa 43 of K If you "Talk,," he -.aid, 'IT �,e go.od, the sorrow of another Sigril 1,51 Wkare now contrtwtiuo, for lall and winter Milk , t, is,r and for the ti P which have beeinnfounded during to hear Norse o-neemore." spe"eh troubled her for a minute, or developing, we cans of milk per day and "I -will talk if �you %rill try to two; it oui.� girloould speak so, -%4y behad bemule, conscious that, XVA-s tbeso, intervening years, lipon, tile are pro(Weing fqui or a identical plans which he, conceived good stables, wflkhouseetc.,,and a train servio a Imam *11 sit & to deep, I wi hero and, s. y -You �Qot all Pirlsl HAPI;y for Cecil because, b and suocessfull�y estafilishe<l in Ole r6ronto before 1 0 I'dock" write 11s, lvz talw all e 'Of )Dj01'u4$'4e " '0 "' A�l - 1) * , 8 :S ng% ),d, ,It may be �sho Admitted, e,9111MI)g- *th �i MIS, URd Pay' t with, his han-A still in bers, ahe said, Y Q W111 latent socish day-dr"In, but a noble'love contomporancous with Raiffelsen yon produce -furnish $11flWelIttz on he in her quieting voice�, har ao inAnite a thing as love could not which taught her more thaii aay- another GQrman, Schultze -De- 10th 6f each month., 60ght*'l, am -d "Olaf �rrygvason,ll be bound by any hard and fast litz.seh, "tublished the first popu- thing else could po� ibly'llaVe done. r1usessen.' rules. '"But 'I 'eal) loot, help, Happiest of all perhaps f*r . Pk*,. lar bai)k or *o­operatrve credit s'o, C Y DAIRY COMPAIY� LEMITED, TORONTO, ONT. IT This, last sceined specially to -Wliother it-, is womanly or not I , 'I F v 'Wa'S full, �f mety for the benefit, of the 'People him, and while, for the th �wqujd'djc to glr�e him t& least reo'll '"Ouse his love r' P11 in 0 she w4,5 repeating it, R�y, comfort,,' bright bope-a hope that eaoli d,4,v Of Ae, WWAS, -tradesmen ;Ina iust ................... fuller and clewrtm. tiltions, grew who, ll�d been watcbing, them in, "Tell Harris to. stov, Ccoi] said 4T*bin,1` said Mrs. Bonifa,econe� He is undoubtedly entitte,41 to Nve aVe Fill tently. Marae her a little sign-, and, Mrs. Borifftee. "We will get $*me Much credit as 'Ord evening to her hiwband. I, think quite, a� FlauZingdown, she saw th;ib Frith- grapes for 1ir. PA. lck�" Sigrid FPJvL- is one of tbe sweetest to naiffeisen, aS be lextt-nded tbe iof had fallen a No one And gIaJ to escape from t'he car- girls I ever saw.,, work of the Ilatter by assisting a Qb6e ifie stirred, for they lllmew nly, too riage for a, lnipute. and g�a<L too, ,So tI)iriks if, I am different class of the, people who well tom, mnell Pfi. depended on that to be, of use even in sneh a, far-off were quite, as, much in, needof bank - not, much mistaken," lie replied. oleep. way. cleoilweut into the fruiterer"s, "Then von, too. have n()tjCed it, ing facirlitiS Pa were, tliosa in the, For the next dwvor two, Frithiol rr+­rning bk-tiirolong NOth a beauti. I am'so'glad. I hopod it Was so, faTming districts. _U�,dtw realized little,. Tq; the antmise, and ful basket of grapesand but Could , not4,!001 81are, 011, R0- AwrICLES Or, AS.,9001ATXOX. Aelight of all. lie Slept almost in- bin, I wonder if hehaa any chance I The following are som , a of the oof,&%ntly, waking only to tako food, She woukl make him Gu,,AL a, sweet to malte sure that Sigrid was With CHAPTER XIX. little -wife." articles of arssociation upon which him.and,to, enjo7 a, deliciousr sense� the, success, of thoso barks, hma been of, ease ana relief, See what, I have brought you," "How can We tell that she has established *I Sigrid. re-entering iho slck-� not left her bm:rt, in, Nbrwayl" "He is *lit of the wood now," raV tooni a, little later on Im not think- so said Mrs. Tho -capital of the society is not, said Dr. Morris, cheerfully, -you I x fl%ed,,but varies according -to the cAvie just in tiMe. kiss t­�Ick, But Frithiof took the basket and Boniface. "No, I fee, sure that. number of stockholders, - fl -test It-sce, for youmlf - that "St. U*teuce I will give you one pi4n,* of advice: looked, with a p asure wbieb a emnt be, from the way -in which Ole The capital is divi4edinto shares Try Granulate4l'iq-,iscitoici�asugarasinoneytaubay6 le. 0 life th;rc. If there $1 to $5 par value each Get a zoo pound bag --or even a 2o pound bag -and compare if p�s;ible',stav in Englarti and few w�ctks, ago Would haye beenim� Pcaks'.f her of (i. e" With him, he po&sible to him, at the lovely fruit Isany rival to, be feared it, is Fritb- "St,, Lawrence" witU any other bigli-grade make your hi6e iof. Thev seem to, be. wrapped up !irancs, lira, marks, etc., as the, ,lit not -.ao,,- m ay be,) *ug , to be so much alone." and flower,-.' gmutflated sugar. (,(You thin),- that bt, may have I 'You have come just at the right in each �oiher, a.n4 it is only natural, The foundational object of the Note the pure wlilite color of ,,Se 34awrence'l-its 'such such an attatIc again I" aisked time, for lie wiM insist on, falking t<)*, after all their trou-ble and sep- society is to,procure; to its st"Ic- 'uniform grain -its diamond-IiUc sparlde .. its ivatrU- AWREN wistfully� of all the deepest things, in "heaven Aration and this illness of his. 1101"' holders the credit necessary for Sigrid, i ghe is detting again, and bow lesssweed4ss. These are the signs ofqu6lity. "No, I d-on't say that at 01. He and eal'th," iaid Roy, "an(l this 6tron I, L he tak�S f their business to stimulate the ha- And Prof. Hersey'sanAlyais ia thaproof of purity 'EXTRA has a wom4erful constitujilrl,�n. al"d nla�ce$ a, good diversion." natural �be game ? bit of saving eurplus,land to provide -4,99 991ioo to xw% of part cane sugar with no there is no reason -wby -he should I" flThey are from Mrs. 'Boniface. He is siwh� -a fine-looking fellow, a, safe and remunerative invest- impurities wliateveel. insist oxi having 11$T. U over break down again. Butheis sitnotIciudoiller? Anddo,740u somehow he dwarfs everyorleelge." Mont for -Such samings. �4&W=-NCI� 0R4XU%4ATSDl1atyourZrocer1s. i'lore likely to get depressed if he knov, Fritbiof, she, and Doctor (To, be continu(;d.) The shareholders shall be mutual- I I 18 alone, Ld you Will be abie to 11orris. have been making quite a ly reMpongible to the extent of thodr ST. �LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINER&SILIMITED, P40NTREAL pravent'his lifo from growin,% too deep plot-, they want. to transplant OLI), BUT GAINS RICIMS. raspe<-tive private fortunes for tbe MOWREAT- 66A us bodily to Rowan Tree House, and liabilitios of the society, -which lia- So she lived through those quiet Doctor Morris thinks the move Wcalthy ivided among the T.1panc C��il(l Not Ite it bilities are di i se d ay s in the, sick -room. One da -y could do you no barm mow tfiat, you shareholders pro rat&.'- -ter." No person is a4�epted as &,sbare- ROY' in at his usual hour in are getting bet Until lye Was sixty. the Morning to relieve guard, His �Iace lighted up wit� some- Too old. at forty does not apply holder unless lie is well known to brought her a fat envelope which thinar of ifis formerexpression. in Japan. Wakao-1ppel, the rich- the dir�ctora, a.citizen of -the same he had found.�waiting for h& in the - "How I should like never to see P-st -man in the province of Yaman- locality, and known to 'be honest, hall. She opened it eagerly. and this hateful room again!" he,' --X- ashi, wbo, haz just celebrated his sober, and economical. made a little, exclamation of disap- claimed. "Ybu, don't know how I ninet.-y-third birthday, did.not learn 11 PRINCIPLES OF LOANING. pointment and vexation. detest it., 'The old ghosts seem. to to read until he wassixty, nor had "Anvtbing wrong?" he asked. hauntitstill. Thereisnotbingthat he begun, to� amags his great for- The, shareholderG alone are eligi- y "Ohl" she said, 'seems so, ri- I cazi bear to -look at except your ti-ine. bleto borrow mo-ne froni-thebank. diculclus when I had been expecting picture of -Vergen, -which baz a -one -ffe was a, rag -picker, and his. first The specific purpoze for which the su6 greattbin-s from it me more than one, good turn." monp_Y-making venture Was the pur- loan is asked must be explained, "Have you lade, an;y"other s6t- The cliangeto Rowam Tree Hpuse chase of a. nuMb6r of cry-st,-d balls., and only -the necesisary amount ac- tuaJly required is loan,ed. (This ?" he asked. seemed to work wohdpars� in him. bicb he �solclat an, enormous pro,- in oill to s are "Oh. yes"' said Si -rid "I began The boirse had always obaxined fit. After, rpaebing tlie� age of sixty PriuciPle� Of loan 9 y h 'Double Barrel Guns tempts I'll to, try in Norway anXeve';n, atten�pt- him, and -t -he recollection of the, firsb he engaged a, tutor,, and, as soon as holders inauxes'to a great degree ed a. story and sent it to, one'of our time he had entered it, using it as a, lip- bad lmrntd to read begaa, Obi- the 'seourity of the loam in that the best novelists. to ask his opinion." shelter from the,sborm of life, much neseclassios. a studv which be pur- borrower Will naturally protect his of -1he 01125 ow "And what. did he as Roy and Cecil bad used. biLs fa- ;sued until his, nb�e�iefh year. n investrn-ent, as a,, ahareholder). The management of the society "Well," she said, M!;1'191 "he ther's house as a shelter from the -with ar wrote bmk very kindly, but said drenching rain of Be,rggen, i,6turne,,d rests the 'governor, bo 4 of 12, 16 & 20, Gauge that he could an A SPLENDID SUMMER. auditors and the general not consciZnilousW to him agai . d again through the directors, recohimend anyone to, wribe stories -quiet w-6el-s that'followed. meetings of the shareholders. These whose 8ale idea in taking up the Sigrid -told him all the details of "What soTt a a summer have you Will all vary in number according Damascus AM Barrels, left prqfession was the making of mo- her life'in -Yorway since the y had had here?" to the volume of b,usiiiess tramselet- barrel RChoke Bored n octa. n ey.) I last, seen each other, of- her refusal ."Great! OnceWel went tw6 -whole ed . ;1, 1 . I - � I Roy sat musing over the perplexi- of Torvald Lunclgren, of her rel.%_ days without rain." ID'Germany there are"atpresent' gonbree�ch, engraved locks and s of ihis �barac' ties �_' ordinary life. Here was� he tions.with her aunt, of the early 18�000 institution trigger guard, double boltpigtolgrip wal- PAIV KNOWS EVERYTHING. ter, of wbi�ch over 10,000 are country with mo -re, money than he knew moyning on TTJ,erkinsho. And h�r V,71lat to -do, with, and here was, the story tocluched'llim. .,Willie -"Paw, what is a bragain popular banksi There are some dif- nut stock nicely carved. al Aie consti- woman he loved struggling in vain "It was just as if I bad W.O.T11, a counter ferencas in the det Rrs of + w t an n a, fp -lif id Paw -"Any oman who is ou tution, d management of the -se to- eal W shillings. crape. veil all my .e," she sai ID mv s. . on.", banks, d-epending upon loca "21y fa-ther a�nll -.1nother come looking up from her, work for a, ShOPPi 91 1 tion s. WIN home ta�night, " -he said at length, moment with those clear, blue, te o I I hu and. if you will s1low me� 1 will ask practical eyes of hars.. "And About five, I ndred of tbe Pumbpr :up a bility re, based upon�the, limited them if they know of anything like- there n, the mountain it, s , eemea, as For sale at your dealer; if he does not ly t,�, suit you. Cecil will be, very if some one had lifted it quite, of , the shareholders; aad t4e. re- ..96VZAfl marning 9,500, follow the pl,,-�u of carry t46se guns, write diredt or come and anxious, to meet you again.' Don't wv�ay." limite4 liability wid mo'r on u might, go for,a drive Her w�)rd,S sf.; r C1 .v%,bjn hi un mil- see them at our aore.: tbin� r_ in an yo r 7 -,m ffi n -,s. D111.7 rrow afternoo,nq I uness .sense of loss a va e- tllalit,) ong am.6-nbex with her to -mo y gue -Ora "m Jilg the last yea� -of 1910 the gr�ss Accept no'substitute, the Lidim Arms Co. would be here with your brot.-e-f. sire v�rhi-ch be had once or twioe 74V busine,gs of the Gerinal-n' societies 0PUl Sigrid &dly asse�pted, and. the, felt)) ef.-or o, iterd �o ovor 's brand is the bda at p, ar prices. 6 -000"000,000 d at�41 St, With. a, n�ext -day. both Mx9' Bonif4,we� and "Sigri,�3!" he �sai a &=A/4U&"/, �rnarl�s, erni'll to $!,_500,000�0W, Ce,cil drove to the li�%le bous -e,s, �qrn V e, at su�pj. .,ecl eag e.ss i _hl voi* _u rid "Siff, ri on't go ac again TE �(?talogue (Enghsh V xhall. Roy, ig Zfe-1111 brougbt S d vu 11 "A b k �N ,W IN ENGLAND, Co n le, -n w., I "nglan -he or4 nization oF1 edition) n1aining the to the carria,- , a,.d with a t �1 �f o.r a,�r and leave,'me?" In E d t '!No 4 -will new n ks ha,s only r4eqe vpry lhi�ppy satis-fie'd �r len0,e , "I -_ �w I a feeling" intro- dear. . I 1p Hunfi�g By�,LawT, .9pular bD ftrin1v "I )6fl_ been undortalce'll and t1teir sUCCOSS du�cecl ber to his mother.. ,`,n�l tvat(,h- [I L� , free on Te 11' SI'( s ques ed1the warm raekiug, wif;b,Ce-il, J,N�ro' `f som�, -_ort of Tb- is r_,Ibill a matter for future. devel. Iment-tho4ugli it may'he, safely Pre- "T- can"t fbink whf'at woukd be- night I meeln to ta,lk, t4.) 1AT, r. Rpni- --X tzaw,.�r, ?m v, P"L U N om�,� of Frithi-of if if;_had bot been i Pace, a�bout -it, S dicted asAhere is opp6rtwi- i ample i, 11 , n i i ��` � - 4,nes-."`�soid Sigrid, pl�`lce Ch,ere must k�mot I ki h,nq 11 zed� wcessity tor T1r 7'r _y and a mmgni/ It'� th. CLEANEST, SIMPLEST,ond n - all (.T. S,n�k `to�ar �o­n, has pra-eticallv� sa 'Ve"d his cam db�," BEST fheq,6 banlcirlg facilibies 111'1111r,�l &s­ 6YE. o�,� -len 112Y� to! c.n� l­y,7,Why yon don't b -,r t�ldnq oc,,arp_ 6 th"31, Rn.w-h.t KI triets. - There, they "It is, i`q 4� are, kr, :,I, s�j N7.3 of Cloth your Go a wrence li:s' illne'ss,." "fni,ke'S -an(-,Je�spalx, s;-,; T�pons;bjd !i, i I �,,,�91 I_ credit.so�-ietie village 'n C: ­I, sto�y Booklet, ..d -6, t roil r .11-1cht f"M-u r,7,�-Tt- of D3'6.i ov�!r,otfi6r vre socle les OT a� a! 0�, �aiil S "That 1p�� �aptt A,TAT theteiAte Co,, Ll=t� MT7 z In C 10,pifat,,e. ho A M # ;r0111­1)"Q`�1�,5 j,�:, iame plig oll- rk M,