Exeter Advocate, 1912-9-26, Page 6SPREAD OF OTATO CANKER mportatiou of Potatoes From Europe Is Prohibited by Order-in.Council—Hard to Eradicate. .clespatch from Ottawa says; rder-fa,Couneil has been pass-, nending those sections of the etive Ipsect and Pest Act, s with the potato can- er., )xy the substitution of a elause prohibiting tixt. importation of all potatoes fr..nn ',Europe in addition to Newfoundland. and other points mentioned. Potato cankci is virulent fun- ga.s''sease whish has done fre exkos destruction. in Europe ing some years past. Until last year importation of potatoes from Great Butani and Ireland ano ether European points had net been heavy either to this mmtry Or the United States, but the failure of the crop last year and the high prices led to heavy importation. As the potato canker Is a disease which not only absolutely destroys the tubers, but is very hard to era- , dkate, and will remain iu the soil , for seven or eight years, the most 1 strenuous precautions are justiaed, In OreBrItain a. great deal of very costly work is being under- takeu in regard to this iPest, The United States have recently taken actiou by passing an Act prohibit - g the importation „a potatoes r rn Great Britain and ireland and everal countries in continental Europa and Australia. $OMK4918 AF A At. TF -C ALITlES PLAiNED. an '6 Purcha hou,ght th Bean $eot Very Peer Term Cold en Real Ouess-"An Senna f h eVerSO, The le eentrib are for o purpose feetive inve 1111d, if mg them tram, 105111R laciag at to "Wild -cat" y °Investor" guiding praa- easihle, of. salt. through , Tim rtial and c the Matiort may be relle V*, 111.01). ATUGIO4 And , 1109„or paler hare no intereata to serttl, 1 With Metter ether thee. ; odor. NNS I A RA RAPE! PPENINGS FROM THE G:1,0117& IN OVE 61 eR 1111Dirl? and the Worl °nem) Before Eves. CANADA. is Richard Cartwrtght success - y underwent an operation, .R. telegraphers have reeeiv- e„ea, we inemaso, f D. N, A. will build a 000 bomb office in London, t to have Pew fabrics fao- to manufacture allow Natural gas was discovered by a well -digger at Dours, near Peter- , -electric 'cars may be used on. dial line from Tow:alto to Partridge, a Turkish a War Vet-erall died , Siften, father of Pre' and Ron. Clifford SU - 1 a a 0 1 3 nt nay 4 I t s e gr o 0 a 5 bl 0 Unoe Miley W donor, Rebellion or the eon( the. Conitede Man Paid a pair of boo Wright (or 85 in tile Who loaned g Coos tud. uot like eel * b pe they frould he repaid ot the ratiturity their loon lit diseounted Doper curren or in silver reins worth 40 eeldit on 'at dollar, as Zfealrati tneney4is worth today So they made provision that they wer to he repaid in geld and thus there cam Soto existence the "gold bond.' In Can oda at present it is merely a name with out signifleance; but some day, perhall atter a prolonged war --Canadian nape ey may not be worth 100 cents on th ol and then the term "gold". on 'VI foe a bond will be a souree,hf,. deep " to the owner; for gold is al - IV ts face value -920 an ounce atandard or value and It 11 ea Matteotti in value so far as i cash price is toucerued. "What doca 'hod interest' mean?" woe the next queraion. The bonds to which the inveator referred were quoted at 100 • nand interest'' Peeuliarly et:tough, ida Wen was directly oppoalte the truth. Ile thotight that It rugant that when he bought, bonds now whose interest hid been Paid on July first he got the interest front that date op to the present as a sort of bonus. Suptiose the intereat was -paid in July. JOhn Smith owned 810,000 of the. bonds then. He had $10,00 invested :old hia in- terest was six per cent Obviously . if be sold the bonds on January iirtz he wouid liave received the full six months, inter- est for he would have just cot off the January eminent... I3ut 60115 them in October first let us say. He has had his 810.638 invested for 3 months, Ond $0, of course, should get his interest for that leugth of time. He eitit't ent off the cou- pons for they repnesent the whole six months interest, So the purchaaer pays int Ids 910.000, anti els° the interest for three months at six per cent, or 5150. , On January first the purchaser gets his - interest from the coupons -930h, which - less the 9150 he paid John Smith, lears htixt 9150 net, or FIX per eent. on his $10,- 00q for the three months from October first to .Trinuary first. So his is not out of pocket. That ig Nvhat, it means to sell bends at 100 "and interest," Elnerritintes one sees that bonds' have sold at 160 "fiat..." 111 this case the bonds are sold at 100 and the interest for the three months - or for whatever time it has accumulated is thrown in; but in that case the mar - het price 'usually adjusts the interest. Thus, six nr,r rent bonds, which sold at 100 on the last interest, date usually sell at 103 on this day' before the next one, and baOlt at 100 on the day after, do t the en oppgaa (Win. g z limit, but fa. aborter fishing $eason.' Three hotelkeepers Windso ded gt3ilty to ;selling -litpior lours and were fined, isthlni Meinnis, aged 85, walk - the wharf at plefou, N.S. Be cued, hat, died of shock. go Of 1,$00,000 gallons of n a.s brought to Montreal , gar oro in tank stem per. tt PRICES OF FARM PlifitliCISP EPOBTS FROM THE LEAulfitt TROOR cat4TRES Or AMERICA, Eflc Or Cattle, Crain, Ce *O and on Profitine at Home atid Abroed. BREADSTUPVS. Toronto, Sept, 24.-Plour---Whoter wheat. 98 per cent. patents, quoted at $3.60 to 9'3.85 at seaboard, Manitoba flours (these (iaotations are for jute bags, in cottou Oags .100 more)-Pirsz pateets, 95.70: see- ond patents, 93.110. and stroug bakers, 85. on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat -The market is Orin, liMited OiterlOga, Noi 1 old, North - era quoted at 81.13, and new at $1,09, Bay POrts, Feed wheat, 65 to .66c, Bay ports,. „ °Atari° Wheat -No, Z White, red and mixed quoted at 97 to 93e, outside; new ^ o, oulside. Oats -Offerings continue light, and nlar-k.et tirm, New No. 2 oats quoted 45 10 440 Jler0, alld old at 47 to 48e. ronto No, 2 W. C. oa.ts are flrui at 411 BaY Ports. BI)rtte3N-crorint5a--leight lb. barley quoted 63 to 65m outside, Corn -No. 2 American at 821-3 to 83e, track,Toronto, and at 79e, Bay ports. ilye-No. 2 quoted at 65 to 70e, outside. Buckwheat -Nominal, Bran -Manitoba, bran, 822 to $2$, iu bags, Toronto freight. Shorts. $26, COUNTRY' PRODUCE. Olutter-Dajry rolls, choice, 25 to 26c; akers', inferior, 21 to 220; choice dairle, ubs, 23 to 24e; creamery,. 22 to 29e for rolls d 96 to Eggs -ea -44 lots of new -laid, 26 to' r deamit fresh, 24e,O Obeese-New cheese. 14 1-2 to 14 3,4e for lorge, and 1434 to 15e for taviue. Beaua-Hand-picked quoted at 93 per bushel; Primes, .92.90. Honey-Extoacted; in tins, Quoted at 311-3 to 121,2c Per Ib, for o. 1. wholesale combs, $225 to $3 wholesal" eltry-Wholes ale prices of eheiee drosoed pooltryichens, 14 o lac per U .; hens, 13 to 14c; docklings, 14 to 13e. Live poultry, aboot 20 lower thz th Potatees-Receinte are fair, and price uchanged at 25e per bag, ea track. -- PROVISIONS. acot-Lon g clear, 141.2 to 14 3-4e per lb., 191 C5 se lots, Pork-filiort out. 44.50 10 do,, mess, ip21,,50. liams.---Methant to light, 17 to 17 1.2e: heavy. 351.2 to 16c; roils,. 14 'to 141283 brealifaat baeou. 131'2e haois,-20 to 21c. Liard-The merket j firmer, with dei, - mood moderate, Tierees. 141-2e; tubs, 14 4-4o; pails, 14c. BALED HAY AND STRAW, Baled Hay -No. 1 new bay, 912,50 o813,. (;:loovocrii, Ilatrmac?kd,. T9EioticiontA: No, 2, 910 o 9913 Ilolell6t9'a,w-Quote4 at 811 ta 911 59, on trot*, Toronto. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. ntreal, Sept, 24.--Oe9- American No. jUw,83 Collodion AS est- rn, No, 2, 52 to '52 1.2e; do.,Canadiaa Weatern No. 3. 581.2 to 61c: de,. extra No. 1 f 51 7 r y feeil, CO to 61e; do., malting. 70 to WV; blink. wheat. No. 2, 74 to 75, Flour -Mau. Spring wheat patents. Grata,' $5.039 tio,, fietondE. 85,39; do., strong halters% 95.10; do.. Whiter petenta, elmice„ 95.25; do„ straight rollers. 84.85 to 94.91: do., straight rollers. bags. 9125 to 92.30. Boiled oats -- Barrel% 94,U; do., bags. 90 lbs., 82,271-2, Bran, 923,00; shorts, middlings, 822,00 to 529.00; mouillie. 9.30.00 to 855.00 or -No 3, per ton car lots,. 131-2 to 14Q Chee0.--Pineat Westerns. 131-2 to 13.3-40 Cheese-Ploest 'Westerns, 331-2 to 13. 3-46 do o finest Eat:terns., 131-8 to 15 1-4e, Bu ter--Ohoieest ereamery, 272-8 to 271-61 0,, Seconds, 261-4 to 363-3, BORS---Seleet- ed. 28 to 5(iii; do., NO, 2 stock, 21 to 22e ITNITED ST—OTPS MARKETS, Minneapolis, Sept. 24. --Close Wheat- t Sento:ober, 87 1-20; December, 89 3-3a: Maar if No, 1 hard. 003 -le: No. 1, North- 1 ;tiati8410-4, to090149:_Ne. 2 Northern, 851.4 N 3 yellow corn, 701.3;_ 1,0 710. o. 3 white oats, 30 to 310, N. 2 VIM, 69 61 1-2c. Bran, $20. Plour--Pirst pateats. .35 to $4.65 ; second Paten ts, 84.20 to $4,- 5; first eleara,_ _85.20 to 93.501 Second er.:311.:Tiith$2,,WSetpbt..‘"EM24..-IVItettt-New No. 1 rd, 80 3 -Bo No. 1. Northern. 89 3.8e: No. Northern, 87 3-11e; September, 887-8e; De- mber. 89 to 891.8e; :day, 94e bid. LIVE STOOK lIA.IIKETS. 31m:treat, Sept. 24. -The top price rea- ed for choice steers was 56.501 while Mum aold at 95 and 86 and inferior common at 93,50 to 84.50 per 100 pounds, here were no choice butchers" coveS e market, but the best brought 95 and e lower grades from that dowa to 93. - _Der 100 pounds. The quality rPf the 11a offered was inferior and only fit canniug purposes, for whieli the de - lid 'WU fair at 92.75 to $3 per 100 0 KILLED AND WOUNDED Sanguinary Battle Near Town in Tripoli on the Mediteranean Coast—Italian ,Losses Light. A despatch frem Rome says The most sanguinary engagements of 'the war in Tripoli were fought pear Derna, town on the 'Medi- terranean coast., 40 miles north-east of Benga-zi, The It.a-lns lost 61, men killed and 113 wounded, The Turks and Arabs left more than 800 the dead on the fields Forty-one pris- at . , ' To- Oilers, 3.ncluding an ,Arab chief, fell into the hands of 3190 -Italians. The battle opened a3 daybreak, at when a fioree Tifek and Arabs surPr oci and aitta.cked the Italian lines. Tho fight raged for four hours, but the superior Italian Ar- tillery, snpplentented by brilliant bayonet chltrges, Rnally routed the Mussulmans, who tied in disorder. General Reisoli, commander of 'the Italian arrair in Tripoli in his report to tile War Office estimates that the Turks and Arabs must have lost 1,000 men killed, includ- ing those who Were carried off, and that more than 1,000 others were 'Wounded, ToRotiTo conEspeNDEicE lpareeltsldfecinrcypromotion and 'eleyateil to the L $peets Mr. Baton would make a most ac- Mr- 3.'0. Baton, In manY re- ceptable president. He is a cordial sum. Toronto's Steady —Crowth-lion. James ,Pouthht8:1Febautteexneieztlettniva'nsy PtititlitiegsW, °nIllotc10'111111? oorter 'of the Exhibition, and tf he were untr_onanIng and as .vilso_Exnibition rpagoa of the resources he has at his Attermath-criticisrn -of counnu. city for organization, yet there ia aprent Iet u Toronto's remarbable growth. B1111 Permits issued last, mouth' wore 92.0? 921020 than Ai.11.°44. ttithaet e°tItTeoree-Trnedniuogt, mpe° aper permits is indicated by the rep rem all the buildiug trades, EverY- Partment reverts tamord busioeta, e tete' of lifuldoe- .peraioa 154%) lien clisPoSal, but by his remarkable calla- liduLa mixt: viraelfriparnemlsrriad,104,01.14sootipthettaoffiaerlra,tre:ihzronuoeoa 1,040003 bexapredetwos&metheiyminheadvieateputrewmrd f r tb rely tn. connection with the election ot the orts Board there is generElly a good deal of _de* intrigue and wire pulling> yettr or two tfor a ember 01 the Tioard gave offense in by Ally unt/tjualty larg(7 individual .etrue- 90100 quarters, Re had also ambitions. but when the next election came around 110 was quietly knifed. The /luster- is who knifed him? II/1(1er the cireumstances tbe exhibition has been fortunate in its selection of ()Ulcers from year to year and that it continues to be serwel by public.spirited citizens. A'ITACKINO CITY COUNCIL. CritiCism of t110 methods and pd'igonnel of the City Council haS been glowing m volume throughout the Year. One pf the Italia dailies has started a campaign of systematic attaolt, Day after day its columns contain violent charges of Mom, netence or worse, while its billboards all over t e city blazon the same inessug,e turos. ,he untoa Station and Yonge Street Bfidge are still in the phautona 9 tlee. e 011111411111 feature of the build- ing activity is the great number of ex- tensione and alterations as disthigaie4ed from new buildings that are under way. Esteblialied busioesses , are mataug money their trade ie expanding and they are Prenaying to tnke earc of tho growth, < . Y. too, this term all records for Publio school attendance have be bro. hen and many ,Youngsters have not yet re-fur:led to their classes. Eurly in tile mooth the now reeord ot 45,656 pepils at sellool on one clay, bad beet: reaolaed, anti it is expected that the figure will go over 50,000 ahortly. These signs of the timea till business men settling --down for atother year's operatieps after the holiday season with Satisfaction. One hears oecasienally ex- pressed some nervonstleas About the real estate situatioo, but so far criticism has been direeted ehieily to the ilotatMn of sululivisioue far outside the oity, The flaited prices. to whieb this class of Teal 1410 ts raised by bocoo times 18 indieat- 0(1 by the f t 1 ,ecen re- eereled eales have been at pricea Which Were no higher than thoee recorded in the boom of 25 years agO. UNixr."' DUPP AS A LION. be o or fall faira in full is the turn of Jon. Jas. Duff. or .Agriculture in the queen's abinet. to step into the thuentitt. say that be did not get his share attention at the Toronto Exhibition this year, but there are other fairs IE Places Where Votes count for more than 1ey do in Toronto where he has been " the lion. of the,occasion. ; Not thq Dials much of it ; lion. Ordinarily be is as mild-mannered t* 45 000 of the lanabs that sport5 on his rich and Pronerous farm up in Simeoe County. Ile is not ferocioua sta.tore, for he is several inches under the aver- age height. But he must have a streak f iron nt his soul for hia full name i be Honorable James Stuart Duff, and hi8s. armits came from the north of Ireland, t gaea almost without saying that he is an Orangeman. '11110Y Say there IS an Orange lodge on the coriler of his farm, 91,22(1 that thenks to the activities of thez' Duff family it is ono of the most aggres- alve.la the province, pn -the stump and 10 the Legislature "Jimmie" Duff is a, ready speaker. The fOell rounded phrases that are the stook in tootle of the stump- ing politiolan flow easily from his lips ILO has it "straight-fronethe-shoulder4 manner that eau be depended upon to brier ebeers from "the boys" on hi -'side of the House. 4n91 he has it aunty in - nee nt sits Strolling dow from the Parliament buildings these co evenings, with his hands deep down 111 11 a set ing Otago O los ears and a, half -smoked eigar hie teeth, he Makes a figure that the Stranger looks at twice, though he might, not guess he was Minister of Agriculture. "Sirande" Duff's critics say lie lacks ag- greasivenesa bi the management of his department. But at all events he is him. self a successful farmer. Politics are not his first have, though he has been in the House for fourteen years. But if you were to ask him, I think he would 8117 he likes the game. IIis a- genial soul, O whom hand shaking and the other arts of electioneering come as second. na- ture a,nd of the qualifications; of Cabinet -timber vote -getting, is not the least. MORE HORSE- RAGING. 'The "merry-go-round" is still with us, "merry-go-round" being the graphuc. de- scription a.pplied O the Canadian horse racing cironit, under whose system On. tario enjoys or endures, according to the sympathies of the observing, a period of continnous racing, lasting from May un- til October. Toronto gets about a month of this sport and supports it handsoine, ly. The fall meeting at the Woodbine is less crowded. and less gay than the spring ' function, . but. it is in -its' way quite as iinpressiv,e. It provides the same cross section of society, ranging from the black leg to the society leader. It pro- vides the ladies who go in for that sort of thing the Aret opportunity to display their new antumn gowns and Bonny is s11.‘" who has a fresh outfit for each dav of ;the' function. 61 71600 e re ment Henry Legace, ledgerkeeper )3.2 the Bank of Hochelaga at Montreal, t0.0 was arrested on 019 a charge of embez- tc'io ling 35,000., 111 Geo, M. Fairchild, jun. a Quebec 13,; author, Was found dead in his bu grounds at Valca,rtecr, having been aCcigentally tbot while out bunting. pe - sal GREAT 13RITAIN. The Social Democratic Congress we itt Gerfnany detiOlineeS cOmpetrtiou at in armaments . An Anglo -Russian conference is 50 to take place at Balmoral on the gr., situation in Persia and Tibet. hei cord, a St. Catharines To s fatally rcrushecl NVI1011 $1 OM his lorry under the 6. nit Inspector Carey ad- 11„a 'iogarao frultgrowers to use rutor cars in making ship - FIRST 310TOB LINES. Christian X. Reaches New York • ' From New Orleans. A despatch from New York says : The fleet of craft in New York har- bor looked with wondering eyes upon a strange new vessel which glided swi'thly and noiselessly, wiht- out smokestack or sails, through the shipping to her dock. She was t,he Christian X. of the Hamburg -Am- erican Line, 7,300 tons burden; the first motor ship which has visited the port, and she came in from New -Orleans to get fuel oil to TIM her to Hamburg. Her captain said that she consumed ten tons of oil a day. He calls her the first ocean automobile. CUTTING CAPERS-„,, Mr Nitwed--`'Mary, for dinner think we'll.lhave boiled', mutton with caper sauce. - Are there .any. capers in the .house?" ma'am.", ) Then g(;. oit in d eut , nods. e demand for calveFi liwas good, with ea of tuillored stook from $3 to 910 and 55-1ed at from 92.50 to $3 each. Hogs re stronger and prices advanced 10c per 100 pounds, with sales of selected lots 58.65 O 88:90 per 100 pounds, weighed cars. ' °onto, Sept M. -Choice butchers, 96. - to $6.75; good butchers, 56 to $6.25; dium, $5.40 to $5.75; common, 84.90 to 5; inferior light weight steers and fers, $3.75 to $4.50; cows, $3.50 to $5. - bulls, $3 to $5.50; canners. 92 to 95. ers,-•$5.311 to 95.75; buns at 95.50 O 94. - stockers $330 to $5 Milkers and Spring- -The market for milkers and spring - was unchanged at 950 to 980 each. 1 Calves -94 O 9850, and 99 for game - thing ' very choice. - Sheep -Ewes, light, 94 to 54.50; heavy etves and rams, 93 to $3.- 50; lambs, 96 O 56.40, and 55.50 for culla. Hogs -The hog 'market was again stron- ger, the bulk selling at 99.10 fed and wat- ered. 25; GENERAL, Ste 25; ers ers Nrea The powers disapproved of any outside loan for China. • o.. DOCK HALIWA.T OYER. All Welt Duke of Connaught Re- ports by 'Wireless. A despatch, from Montreal says: New of the Dula of Connaught, as the new dry clock for Montreal is called, came to hand Friday when a wireless message was re,cei-s-ecl from one of the Dutch tugs towing the clock b,y the Canadian Vickers, Ltd. The position given shows that the dock is about half -way on her long journey by an extreme southerly route from. Barrow-in-Furness to Montreal. It has taken 19_,days 1-0 negotiate half the distance, so, sup- posing that a uniform rate of speed is maintained., the Duke of Con- naught ma,y arrive at her berth in Maisonneuve about October 6. "D OWN 1VITII RUSSIA." °reign Minister Roughly -Accosted , on Arrival in Lainlon.. A despatch from London says M. Sazonoff, the Russian -Minister of Foreign A'ffairs, who, it is -re- ported, has been invited with -oth- ers to meet the King at Balmoral and talk over Persian affairs, ar- rived in London on Friday. A member of the Anglo -Persian com- mittee, whose identity has not beeu revealed, welcomed the Ivtinister by displaying a banner with an anti - Russian inscription and shouting "Down with :Russia; clear out of Persia„" The banner was- s•eized and destroyed by the, peliee, 1)4 the 1"11;ali w, not, aested KILLED ITER II-USDA:ND. Wife of German Professor Con- fesses to the Crime. A despatch from Berlin says: Mrs. Blume, the wife of Professor Blume, who was a,rrestecl on suspi- cion of having murdered her thus - band while walking with him in a forest near their home, has confess- ed the crime. She states that she killed -the profesor in a moment of mental irresponsibility. A written confession of her liason with an- other milli was found in her hus- band's pocket, and her purehase'of a revolver has been proved, , The woman is but 22 years of age.‘ Her, husband Was a well-known archaeologist, and was connected with the Kaiser Friederich Mu- seum. /WILL REMODEL THE OLYMPIC Titanie's Sister ShiP 10 be Fitted vith Inner Skin. A, despatch from London ' saysi The Whit Star Line has eoancelled future . of -the steamer 013,113 pie says -the c err esp•onclent of. .the, Ohro•nicle,' at Southampton. • He addi that, on the return' Of the ,01Yrepie from' New York early in October the 22111 be, sent :to 13elfas3, where ,slte •willbe' fitted ,Nyitli an inner. ,Slart. and ''addi3iona1i.„-.4 11091012 I " 1.1.8 120Tlo, it •1s SIJ 1 ,mths' Other papers confine their criticiSMS to particular sections of the council. , Consequently there is likely to be a lively contest peat January, But the set: prising thing is. how few are the changes in the personnel of the Council from Year to year, and it is doubtful this year will be any notable exception, When a man gets to be alderman he gets so muelt free advertising by having his name con stEntly whit that he builds up a. repo- tation whieb, inalte his re-election al. moat certain. Eveu eritieisna in a city as big as Toronto, where the candidates eau know persooally only 9* small fraction of the electors. seems to help him. Uncoil- seloualy be gets the reputation of beingWs ] . n ess he makes som92115'e is. take or is dishoueat. which rarelY IMP" peep, he has a groat advantage over all newoomers. Neverthelesa, there seems to be a vague, but widely 1z9(1, dea eld, ithat a commission form of goverimient woold be an improve - Ment on the preSent elective systexn. Judg- ing by the vete last year on the ques• 'Lion of establisiiihg.a harbor commission, a proposal to make the change would oarry on a plehiSeite, But the oxistiog counoil will not likely let it go to a pie- biseite. Which, to 19221917 observers who believe that the mire for the evils of de. niocraeY is more democracy, is a, thing to be thankful for. ezr TURN 17OUR TIME INTO MONEY There is a firm to Toronto wile give hun- dreds of men And women an opportunity O earn from $250,00 to 51,500.00 every year with but, little effort. This firm 021992111)20. tures reliable family remedies, beautiful toilet preparations and many necessary household goods, such as baking powder, washing eompounds, stove, furniture anti metal polishes, in all over one hundred preparations that every- home uses 07027day. Just one person in each locality °en seoure exclusive light O distribute •these ol ig r neh ors They is pay 100 por cent. conimiseion .te their agents. Write and seoure sole agency be- fore it Is too late. Address „The Homo Supply Ob., Dept. 20, -Merrill To. ronto, Ont., for full particulars. Soc0*1 reformers, who would abolish racing and the gambling that is ra.mpant in connection with it, seem for the pre- sent to have run into a street with a dead end. ,The game was probably never as flourishing, as it is in this year of grace 1912. And the serious-nairiclecl won. der how long the country is going to put up with it. An interesting incident was furnished the other day when Mr. Abe Orpen and one or two others pleaded guilty in the police cdnit to taking beta' contrary to tlm 'law ,and were fined.$1,00Q each.- The announcement furnished a wild gasi) of surprise. Ilot because anyone doubted the exist,ence of illegal betting, but because 'anyone, particularly Mr. Orpen, had been "eaug,ht with the goods." Betting -on the ponies is an everyday in. cident to hundreds of Toronto -workmen and others, who, can scarcely be described. In a factory some one man takes the bets. WlMre Le places them the others may not know, possibly do not care. They.' are happY if the .horse they backed wins, which may not be often, The bets are paid promptly. Of course all this is illegal, hut it' is '1101. being stepped. The serious defalcations Of two bank clerks gave some prmnise, of lifting the lid from a serial's canker,but nothing came of it, .and tlie canker remains. The youths werethe victims of 'crookedness, and some Orie iimde a killing. Who, no one professes tie, know. 'Whoever it, was: took unneceSsary chances. Because there is no game herder' to beat than horse -racing, even, without, dishonesty; And there'sal, ways a steady supply of young lambs and old ones too, ready to, be fleeced. DISSInTSIONS Itt EXIIIl3ITIDN,B041l.D. . ' Ilbe steries 'of 918S9e11st(34•441,,ilielioard of Directors of ,the ExinbitiOn'"Associa.. tion continues.' It 'is .fortunate they did not leak out, until after this year's, fair WaS safely, past, but,the trouble May not be smOothed aver time' :(or ri t 7dar: The most interetIngrurno 18153 „. feat that there 'Plan.'gfii 3 15 Plant the two„nre,sent 1sl 1. -TY the ordinarYcon- e J.. P. MORGAN; JUN., 10BI3ED. Burglar Ransacked Rouse With 40 Servants. A despatch from New York says: Burglary of the mansion, of J. P. Morgan, jun., with the ransacking of every room while Mr. Morgan an(' his forty servants slept through it all ,is confessed, the police, say, by John Bernaner, when -1..611u- ar- rested late on Friday, IU his pos- session were found seven watches, medals, diamond pins and other articles of jewellery belonging- to the young fina.neier. The burglary occurred last Janu- ary, but the news of it was not made public until some time after- ward, when Mr. Morgan informed the police that he would pay it re- ward of 85,000 for the recovery of the stolen articles, many of which., . . were pricele,ss to him for their asso- ciations. A MARVELOUS ESCAPE. -- Felt Faux Hinulred and Fifty Feet, Then trod Lunch. A .despatch from Paris says: II. De Astley, the English aviator, with•Miss Mary Davis as a passen- ger, went' 'from Bonn to. Liege, whence they started for London in a Monoplane,. , While trying to de- scend R,ofichin camp, near Lille,. -the. leyea: wotild not worlr, • and the. ma -chine. came, down vie- leai:tly 'distance of 450 feet. Ast- ley and his woman pas.senger had a marvelous SCap Q. Peyl. Ware, found seated , in a beet field by the:ruins of the moan- pl. e, eating crackers and' jell y. Gun Ble E „IA° 05 'BATTLES -III , (I j nrin , 0 o au „e:op'0;toh ',:froni London says: There •was'an .ci<Plosiort aboard the' b attleShip,., King Ed:war 4, .• • in .off the Fcqish ooasl1 in which One. ,The man' .,.:WaS'•:•;_t led. and eyeral,.•,h;u-rt.,t, KitEcLwhrd VII, 93 THE STANDARD ARTICLE • SOLD EVERYWHERE .. t i .. 1 . li I i: • I 1. .1 .o-riaria netsetap. itit„v.. ',......,4 . ..10 'sp ..-....:.ritrt iliwgtprAI fg6Vih, 1105:111. ill ' ,tioo, ,li•••,,,, .1,--...,-, ,,... „,•, tai.igirt.ifIbt,-viel 0.1411..tiiioLoolitolitiiiii2ippli 1. sinmsti. fe ,cobe. .&• - . 1.1 '..- - -'' .,..,,,404,100no. owl.. ,11,, i.,• . ,i,„„•i , rattis....... anal or otiowpwitiouv..,-.141tipolotiltiiiihim In.any otherrilp.osep • .1 ii 1, H • I. p . -. ,i ENIT.GILLETT COM -ANY Ltm rreD TORO N T0,0 NT riAnwroN TRAGEDY. Man Kills Ris Wife, Then Blows Off His IlLead. A despatch from Hamilton says: William G. Wills, 118 Tisdale St-, shot and killed his wife, and r,hort- ly after turned the weapon on him- self and blew part of his head off, Wills WaS a man well liked by his friends, but it is told of him' that of late ho had been drinking heavily, He was a color -sergeant in the 13t19 Royal Regiment, and had some retiiitation as a erack shot. Thursday afternoon he and his wife quarreled over a sum of money that the eldest boy had earned. It is stated that Wills wanted to get the mr107, but bis wife refused to, part with it. She then walked out of the house by the back door and klown an alley towards the, 40 -eat, where she stopped at a, gate looking into the road. Wills, in the meantime, had se- cured a gun leaded with buCkshot. Re want out on the,..back verandah, and, spying his wife leaning ever the, gate, took careful "aim and fired. Part of the shot took effect .the wornan's. head, killing her insthntlY, en seeing that he had uecemplished his purpose; went Upstairs . to his bodroore, where he reloaded the gun, pointed it direct- ly at his face, and pulkd the trig- ger. LA111P EXPLODED. St. Thomas Woma n Seriously Burned. A despatch from St. Thomas says: Mrs. Charles Eveland was probably fatally burned on Friday night when a lamp she attempted to prevent from falling off an iron- ing board exploded in her hands. The oil set fire to her clothing and Sbe ran into the street. A neighbor, Thomas Nichol, extinguished the flames and in so doing burned 114,. • hands severely. Mrs. Eveland had befOre seeking aid placed her baby in a place of safety. The fire in the house was extinguished before seri- ous da,mge was done. ,MIKADO RECEIVES _GARTER. Invested With British Order by Prince Arthur, of Connaught. A despatch from To}' says : ' With ola,borate ceremonial Prince Arthur of Connanght, the repre- sentative of King George, invest- " ed the Emperor with the ,Insignia of the Garter. The Empress, -the members of the Imperial fa,mily, the. Cabinet, the ' elder statesmen and councilors were 'present. 0692115A0Me32=6CM.C.CARM(IGITtra,,,.....t..,, "MrSrMoLVEEmeEMEZzaw2m9zzrgve.pn. P444,14(401445 44311.,41.434 We are pen to buy or sell the following 1 11117ITE 5_7. I.P.WRENCE FLOUR MILLS COMPANY STEE.'L LUMP/ANY OF CANADA, LIMITED , Send, For couieptorrybo- Canada Securities orPeration, lornitea Montrqe1,` hlitolaaondon, Eng, 45." tve 13 03 50 09