Exeter Advocate, 1912-9-26, Page 4r" .4) crica sanders & gre-ech, pr4ps..;• 'THURSDAY ,SEPT. 20'4103 'Lauir,iter says -he 1€1 P.:strong 8drre G'hrt. Bordext,, treitspt, pol"..t:l'es. The..as majn-ritY Qr. the, peopts of the Bri-tIch Empire' are • eta:Mg - admirers of M. Borden's polities, toe Y:06iv b eai'bri ttiant • • 'apable Of Pett2ng a deal, it _rough tha • 1e8 brato tact, anti; P'Seoottal . and knowledge e-nd an the tinter raits that g,O t 0 staceeSefui swer'iri-r, but t you lack the ability t,,co be tiros You th:ght as well „ne. .w..tit•tant, t'ne ()the* necessary traits. Rue:noes to day v•-:11 net wait 2:or anybody, It lc 3.‘,41,YE3 pr OgIV 8,F II,I.gz—alkWaYS 4, few steps ahead: 4nd tbe least you an de to b an ee. Thiia aPPlies to the of - 'floe. girl as well as to alio caleeweinan, tb err're naanagk, or tile woman. yer. You earmot afford this ono sloppy habit. „ Te owg table g: •s, 912 wteat productZont.of the countries which ha so far Made their officittCre'borts to the istet:,,..tte„ Thousands ."Tiloirsihda o* hush- 'of ,bueb. _94,471 ......95,741 Eelgittra „„.„1.5,296 ...63,750 Denmark 3,885 England & Wales 68,568 3aangary 183,601 , „...• „,-.-.165,523 Lui'curnburg „.„. ,., 654 Roninan'a .,,,: 89,417 1USnBal9Iire .749,24.2.. S VCr!tZerld t,..” 3,399 it,7„,,nada„ „,„„. 06,029 Un'ted SAates 366,930 Zapan, ,„ 2.4,453 'Egypt ,. 28,946 ..Trun'P 226 72,005 '4,460 48,497 320,144 59,956 /.90;190 192,397 041 ":95:657 )15,851 *4,845 2351 48,046 ,635 3,192.547 2,990,613 1912 prodsction or wheat n the vountr'es w,lititch have so, far reported to the :,.t-,stituze is 105,7 p ecn'/U-c tbut , 1611, TheoduCtion tile' f,-outalat-eS rePOriod 1,588,96„041,306 tkda .er 11,7.7 lienVetar. ot last 1,ietk'.rt.'" cern 3.616.000 of 49.t yeatc, oat: 3 00,0,0.00, ,or 117,8 per Cent, or last year 3,616,000.000, 'tor 117 per cesarz of last Yeafr. ashwatld - George Schroeder -Who was .oPer., ate ort for caticer, same Unle. ag,o,. died • h.'8 hom.e on Saturday1ast the toner" al tak lig place Monday from, 144 reefs- deoce to the Bronson., L'oe Lutheriati Cemetett. 'Deceased was a. natixe Germany, being born at Alsace Lutring- -er, to 1869, and estnae to „0341,44a 25 'years ago, settng here. 'He Mar0 ta Raeher and afterwards lutr- cha,sed 175 *-reei or land north ot the vrintage. Deceased was i but Moderate 0:rea4astances when he camel to tile Cella try -but by caretn,1 management and in,- duistrY he succeeded in accumula,tiing con edereble of th's world's goodsHe ealraliS a w/fe, thiree Sonst"and, f,:ive (laugh tere, alsti n ag,o,.1 rather and three Isis- tere in the 0./d coal-dr:Y. He„ was a Lull' erart in rel.%-ier, and a Refer:her it) Poi- -NP -.'es Ida Glotez asit-etunned ,fron a week's vsj tn. Derl-,,olt. Mr. We Affiller hies returned from we-eleevf thIsetteloo. \, • 1kt-tan:I Z.:lamer is spendng taw weeks "is Loindea.,_ M. Ove r OrtrYbi,b4 oHalnilton 1,,day'agb hoxilp here. . McLaughlin Ids vIsitting in Len- d ;hits weeit, Messrs. /E. 'Welt:in. and, Geo. Ed/ghotter attended the Elyd•ro-Eleetric meeting held at Goderich. Con Mandaiy In the „interests ot the vliage... Rev „Emit Schroeder and Mr§s. Tooke; or Pozt Wayne, Id can home to attend too funerail,or thet rather. 3Irs Cling Saen and daughter Adetia are triefting; thisk week in Park. :Or Eldon, QOatZ Of StlidhOty :4 tntile toad eV the wedrPtv or his brother. Goetz-FlWinert-A. most delights:a ahd p:Ctateeque wedding was strielaz, ed,....34edneeday *afternoon a,. the -reeideriee ot-31r. an4 icfre Chrt.StoPher Finkhelneg ot the 13th et Stephen, w their ti4,107,111,0: Elizabeth became the bride of Rueben Gior,tiz et 'this vi.itagei.4. number ot guests gathered to wiz - the ceremony, wirich was perform - 4 o'clock by Rev. GrenZebacit. The was att;lreel in, a partivularlY beau. t.iful gown iot whIte ;satin, a,nd wore the ustaal brittait veil The bride was accent, paned by her sibter Catherine, white ho groom was supported Iv his No, b•er, Mr. Eldon Geetz ot Sudbury, The ceremony over and congratulations e- nded to tho happy couple all at clown bettatlfUl rePatat, whIch waS ed. -by a pleelsxtti. Wale 7,7 ' reee:ifed many, handearne, and use - roseate, testily:mg to the estbehat which ehe le eold.„ The, young coupe r11r...aVe Tito best bat wtsties ,of a jot f„„tt.,etads for tite future happiness Roland _Geiger or near Zurich, had a r.Xfree hit hina 'a severe blow on tbh 'boulder with its front foot while hotti- ng it withrt ai Amite yae passing., He 11 be lahl up tar some weeks, Te extracts ;from thepaasSWilaCicine m), ed by the en:roil:meat beard for oal- .)m.nistratitrig the Act governing thO Reein- s,ing of.' stallions tura, of the most"ti7.57r: tante to the, horseman Or, Ontart:TheY" •;..aave waited long for the cori149g, i'torce o tlris Act, and now that it hes' rornei'nto operatioa will tro doubt"' giVer it their hearty support. It Marks tre 4 -begianing of a new' eral,in hares „breltakt ng this province. That the Industry 3 -las flourished so Viell and se Llyg,7,11tri, der former cond:eions is a rnallaYg'br "Worklor to those who nave etedir breed:rig in other countries. Th'c .tess attained has been accomplished by •-ears:atn tend by appeals to"'in,te.11:-. gent farmers to" breed only the best. 'That 's 'no doubt the best pan P. vided generally , surceestul results arrt_ obtanab1e.Itlut though thent ,educa tional Inethod a ma y . Prvai I, , the, lark of uniformity in melted,' 4,nii ',there arc man), peOple who go,an b LUMLEY. Welifington 'Kerslake. eports n CIne CW buggy.-Mrs.tertry ITogarth spent opday with her mother here, Alm Owntmons.--Nti,esHelon EllerDnaton,laurse ot Winnipeg, Map., i sne guest 'of her brother Fred., and tayntiy.-Mr. Jas Herten heti been. very, successful at the faze wit ta ten'm elgre,y"s, carrying oft the ..red bialtet.-Dr. P... E. Stewart ot Elmira returned home on P`riday last after spending hile vacation with hie aunt, Mrs. Wm. Glenn Sr., a.nd fain- . -Mr. S. and Mist= Elle? Horton, spent Sunday in Se4ort'4-Master Soe 1Cern- 'iiek 'Is engaged wt 11. A. Glenn, J. 1%, Io 7 the fall plow -ng -31iss Margaret El- terington of Toronto 1,3 the guest of her :other here. esanhat'ort that one horse Is. as, griird,, as another, and that sloth:lag niaVeres so long an the supply is ,kent.,,, up. 4t 'became necessary, therefore, ,titat.,eine, thing should no dons to cheak,,th;s -Ke- hrogrademovement, and to at le,ist,„„se regulate tio servLza ot sta,..iliOus that the farmer would know,someIhIng0C tb ,iereed,Ing and .kind ot 'through the ,country. The present,;atel-. lion Act was passed for ttrzs. purP0Mei and its cortfyag in; force, at, fAtie. junc- ture sveri PARE.RILL-Mr. James .1.ce ',pass- sd away at lids home.n Parkhifl, r, 'Sep t 16th a s 45th - - , born "in SarOar, .111:ilt., and itttdthereT stnLt elevixt °ye -arta ago witertr.ne 'came to Parkbill. 17n as 'been 7 great sufferer for months butifew were aware that his condi:don was so Sitiong • 4IMUEe ha so 'seldom complained. He ieav, es to ntotarn 4e, loss- his wt .and, -two rourtg chlikte.h. on't Grow Ba Yong] • AKE CARD HkL !YOU HA.VE „SHAIR , It's a safe, ten to one betthati. the. young man who ,uses`PARISIA.NT-si,geaS an oceasilorial hair d_resser7-1.11::',1";e:Yei.: a reason, of neurae, very good. aid au/tic:tent Otte., - Dandruff ,,gerrna ,cause fatjih arlet _falling hear means thinner., hAir.:,-and,'Ai -dna time hi:Idness. • PARISIAN- Sage ,prevenrs balances, -lay 'destr4Ying the case of, hialdrie?-ss÷"-._ ',little •persistent vocitero da ridififf • If you have dandruff or it-degscalp means that dandtuff,getrins- are ,saer "p,ing the vitality front) -the.i.o'etin. of YoUr 'hair. • Get rid of all their troobles •, by •,using PARISIAN Sage. '-' is not a "die,rrtind you, iielther'dOes' contaIn poisonous sugar • of 'lead' or even .ettlphiur. It Is a so:entitle ,prenar- _Lon ths:it abeliShes dandriiff, • stone o'ca P itch, andrnakcrs grow luxur.intnt. Many young. women as .well &s rncnr AT.'e gron`lb'g b2fid and for tha,'Sama roa 10. dellghtt rephiti • GRAND BEND. %rr. P, net° e, Who bought Mr, Rub- en Stetben's farm, moved thereon Thurs. day, whille Mr. Sitobbens moved to Park- in/Al.-MT,. W.Stlent ,or the 16th concession or .,Stopl-ten was marrind to Miss Desjar-i d"ine, daughter ot Desjgdine at Klenthice by Rev. r A,* Cann:ere at the Mame Firads6..i-Mr. E. Brenner arrived -home, Wednesday rnueli improved in -yrule Green met with a painfu' accident kust week by cutting :a:SC/rand on a bottle.t.-Mr. Prin. 'baker "ha •purchased flfhy acres of land on coacesstion of Stephen FARQUHAR. Mr. Foster Bray goes' to Regina Ina few 'days 10 accept a situation as book keeper, for a large wholesale .house .in ;that place.) -Mr. D: ‘1),-Ichqcol of Strat- ford called on triends: here orr*Sunday .1a7s,r.:..--Mr. and Mrs. Da...y:d Hackney . of RO-fna spent the past week with frietids tillsvitinity,:-Mr, Thos. Bell has disposed of his threshing outfit to Ma Coward, jr., who, is conducting the 'bu-ness at Present..--„Ba,.our -Issue , a• low weeks ago we stated -that 'Mr. Jobi lqhlicol had rented Mr. "Atistrioti"i fa.tan, It :should have sated that he ',bought ,rho „farim-Mr. C. Gowans of Anderson a,p.ent a few days last week on Thames and Mrs. \V"., A.11,ison re- tire:tied to R.egina this, week niter a short. ey. in' these parts' . 41t. RICHARD CARTWRIGHT - DIES SUDDENLY Sept Richard Cart.. ,w45gift .dised very caticIrclehly-at eleven oo'.. • Mortrailrig, int the General I-Ibs- iv,here he had best?..,since , under- a,n operatein tor, biennia' a few day's. ago He was not thoUghtno be .4.4-agerettsly'411 uatft ad, 'hour before his deetfn RItthaird was one of the old- te4tc.,1 the Parliatmentfanir axis of Canada, Int=1: wa8 i..CXT: nearly hal' a ea-btu:it 4n tiq.. pa-I:Earner-Its /af Canada He was ni'..niister `of, trade and -commerce for '15 "years fn. itene lake; ,I..lattr3e-r: cabl,atat , FIRE AT ,PAI.KHILL , " tire of unknown ,orig n deetrioyed the P'ranklirn , f-tousie, ,stables,., and the bath 'of. Mayor F5aareson, adjoir.:ng, ,on S?piember , 19th,,,- The recf,dences of a,,i•rc,son and. W. G. Ka,ines,.were ,• „ „ , , ,s,eer.ched, „and, , had . a,,. close, call ',front, doelraYed.- ' CRAIG ,suad.ert deat1-4.-ocour,:r !SIAN, 'e'd.",•3W' hien TIo.):.r).- ilo,dtetne,,'a well-knO,Wri , • , • 1-zgigy'respand es drP o1: ptflmuny passed a;Way,Deceaedo ` ie ttt grig 2r" triA HEN .1.-lugh McLean left. hist „week ,for :the wa-Milss Police), left ,Iast Week to re. cde.,fn Toronto.-iNtes Butt of Toronac has beeelatives here.t.--Mise1 Chapman,. )of , 13uffale vi•sited'at'.4 Ram -ries, last week:- Traarea*-are at Wertc.Patt-ing.n tin ow sWittilles, la the Yards. --Mrs. Nesbitt • has Teat - ed her .hoirte and Intends' maviing,' Teroato Carisiele Of De troit as the 3".4ear pt hits Parents, :Mri and Mrs. Oatrtele;t---Mr",. -anti 'gra, Charles D:eko Ceslgary are the guest of h.'"e, mother, 5fre„ T. 'Hansen Petty lett tor 'ream:Ion, Where he haat'se Cured a good' nosItien„-A bad -accidelit happeoed, at, the Hensall Fleur Mill by whieh One or the, ernploYees Rebart pow ey was seriowsly hurt., While endeavor lagt ell?..Ye a conveyer which had become eltwed, his hand' got' ca,ught .23. the aAgu,7 ebnp4 apPV.aincek The finger:a, especially rho second one were erus„lied badlyags.o q back ot the hand and titt• cords ot* t`taia: arm :which we torn sonewhat..-31iss 'Morton evang,e, list, et Toronto, tnek charge et the oarrice in the Methodist Church last Sunday E: J. Carlisle and ester, Mrs, C. 'Ffall,y idaof Indian "Head are the st6sta of their parents, Nfr and 3frs. Robert Ca...tliele.!--/Is.,te Warr, enar, had the misfortune to loose valuable horse -on Tuesday, The animal was recent purchase, had Arablan breeding, g'Ivihg,' prOrr4ise eXceptional gped,-At isttilot I'sfetutd; an in-, teresting and pleasant, event took, plate, when 31r. Charles E. DIek, weI known • but who for' settle Vats has resident AIna.. waS united •ir.„1 to Itifdas 394..ny Isabelle Tall,: at piam . • , • Miss Peeirl 'Wurta. lett. 04 ,nioras4e, to vx.t frleinfe in,Detrolt.- Tna br'ek work on the" ne.,W, School la completed, atqc1 reakiY 'for tha Edmund Decnort of Armada .3lich, I ✓ :tt.ktig ;with „his Intothor Mrs, J D chert Sr, -Rev, !Mores Elmos et New York, is '4:Siting with his parents 3 and 31-rs, A. G.,P:..1.71e4, this weelc,-Mr. and 3fre Fred Wiood of London ..11s - :tad the latter`e parents. Mr, and Mrs. oh n lirlderlanAN -31r. Krueger of, De. vIalting Ws. ;PANT -In-law, Mrs, S'ppA strut Ottter rends Inteiwitt Tal Wurm lett, on ntIrsday, t ‘reingVeS atad friends in DotrOlt tor. a feVi weelcs,-34r.,Poter Lamont has been en tits ak-t fo7, 4 few ,daa res, centlY, but Ps now slowly recovering. -Mrs Samuel GO'ger ot Sen.larts Sask. who has been Vting'he7 Parents. nx4r Crad:itteit or some ti,"rne,, and Mise•Laura. Geger of 1..awn. 1nt u7`neaday tor „the west, -3,1r. Solentell Rochler slut 31,:ss Leah Schwart2entruber Weil5 Ungted marriage on Tarareday meriting', at the Evange19:4 Paremlage.byXtev, C4* F, Brown. -Mr. J'acob Halaerer-iar Mak: irg so4fle. alteratlans to his town Preperty at the south end. -Mr,. Jona FRtz of G,2,41,11.' 5s r.,,st,„-fng wDt MS brother, 31r, • Cbarles Fr1.4.2.-Mrs. Brenner and family or MICII4gart, aro visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John :Albrecht, and other re- lat:ves in tovrn tor a row weeks.7-311ss Olive Prang and Mr, George Tri,„ ot London were cpgetly married herp the other day. They will reside in tendon. -Mr. C. Sf.M.peon, ot Guelplt, rig nt, iho'homo +at Mr ',and Mrs...,W.M. Wagner, Goshen ,L-ine north; and other elatives, for a few weeks.--MrRc - N. Denornme et the Sauble. I.;:me and Mrs. King ot Chicago were united in marriage, on Tuesday last, in St. Peters church Drysdale, by Rev. Father Stroe- der of Zunth-i-tita Tuesday the home or .3fr. and Mrs. DartZol Gingerich, Iron- ton Vale, was the scene -of a llaPPY event, when the t eldest daughter•Mitie Emma ws.s wilted in, marringe tg Valentine Gerber ot Stanley. The ce•re mony was performed by Rev. Bender ,of Tay'Atock tin the presenho ot a number ot 4,nvIted guests. CLANDEBOYE Mrs. Dorcey atacr chi'dldren of Emerson, Neb., who for the past couplet of weeks have been vfaaiing relatives in this' vic- finity, left tar their, home last Week -Mr; Harry Shoff aind hid sister. Mrs. Dr.) ot McKeohnie of _Toronto are visiting with to:ends there. -Mr. and Mrs. E, 0. 'Jones of London spent a few days with frtiends in ilkIeGillivrAy last week., -Mr. Wm Carter Ls quf,te 111 ait his home here -Quite a 'numb'er of fares in thl:s vicinity riave their oa,ts out yell and a few iheier• barley -Mrs Wyatt is remedeirtng her residence and when b'harough ba. one of the finest -n the v:Ilage.-Mr. Steve, Collison, Who for the past couple months has 'been 4fst,Ung •trends inthis, v:cinity hasreturned to -It's holm n Edmonton, Hogan of E.mierson,., Neb., is spend Lng a Lew daps v,r2Ititr.lends here. EIDDULPH „There4-.palndect- away, at the.. residence of h,:e son,...Joseph,-On Wednesday,,Ser.: erie :or, 'tre ipiieneni's et the tOWn.. ,stifp of E.540.-4a0h--, .1Irr the. person of the 'lale Wm. ArrnfAage; aged" Si "years. and ratorttfrsa.' Bet -eased,. Caine' from - the townstriP er '1,'-irfgetoin in- 1819 and sPet- tled on Gone. 4-5, Hiddulpb., where . he neeideci '.ap to the tilple of his - death.' He hewed oolt as hams for lifniself,and family from titse.dense *areal, and, was well' known ats a mnint of, honesty, and strict integrity, .He,..is.,-stirylved. by 10 c'htildren, h5s -wttre having, predeceased hrn twenty-three ye18re, .Those to •meurn, Harfrifto ; Thoinas orr the, homestead; Ja.rnei L.; v. S.'; Kin- cardae, and •Tostepit at home; Mrs. R. Plodgrits,"''Usborte'; drs .. Thos. D. itodg'ne, Mrs. ShrniVb. llodgins, Mrs. Jas. Coursay ; 'Mrs: Wtfht....POwe, E'd- dulph ; Mrs.. Chas., Sprawl, Lucant also , , three brothers and two -5isters-73', R., Armitage, merehant, Lnearit JarneS: London; Crawford, "Ca1arY,"Alta. ; g.'e -Jane- and' Mos!. Ribil.a.rd 'Armitage:. • BETTER' THAN SPANKING," Spankling, does, non care catildron 'nail wetting. There „is a constitutional CaOse for thin' trotable,- Mrs. M. 'Summers, Bou W. 849:.Windeor, Ont.*, -Will souct,frce 10. anytrio tbo, horn" o treat - Ment, ',WIth." full :Instructions. Send no money. but resSrlie,,biai-„,4,041,ay ,'11,4011r, el hlred trMitie pou thia blame thai--:nli:Lid can't;'At-k4t' nt,C.Ixoti, tiro ariade'dif lag tie ' There is score Catarrh in thissection at the coon trAthan ail other diseases put together, and until the Icst few,years was, eupposed bo be ineur:able. For aTeat many years olootors proneancediit a local dis ease and prescribed local ramp:lies, and by constant- ly railing to ears with local treatroeut, Prenotarced tit:mumble- Science has provmt catarrh to be e cOrAti,MIQUaldiSea•W end therefore requires contti, tutipnal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mannfae. turedby 12"..7. Cheney to Co„ Taled.o. Ohio, is the oniy caned udo al cure on the market. It is take internally itn do:ea fr 1.1) drops to a. t aspoonitila. it sets da' -ectlY an the Wood. and mucosa lurfaces of the syStett. Tbey Offer one hundred dollars for any easeit fails tocure„ Seed tor circulars and81001810 testi- AddreWP-3-CIIENEY At Toldo, Ohio Sold by Dr gists, 70 cents* Take Hat 18milY1.114 for eendiPatton. GRANDTRUNK Vara 1.A.4131E.R' EXeonsxoN N!ElVi ONTArtIo SEPTEMBER 25th- , Round, trip seeond-e10ss ticket WI ha "issued from citations in OntaVia, Brockville, Ottawa, 'and, Wont, to all e.,:tatioris on Te:iniskamtrz and Korth, ern Ohtee:e RDway, Laoio.d4.az the r.on. Pglat-U-"""" HAILET,PURY, EARLTON, ,ENOLE, FrAT11.7,,•M0NTPITII, C01:URA7M nA9T-3 ESON, NEW 7.41s3mAnn, AT LOW RATES ttckets ,a'ad tell particulars .7, ENIGHT,7' •GtAnd Truak from 3. Agent lev,Nsil $114.W, alator.' 'the PritanY• ondville. passed a- et 3"tuies4ovonag e,t the age Or 65 years. tropease4 underwent a er!teat operaition from an intearnal troutleoh Sunda'-, front wialtilt Ile „had boon outre7,'Lig ter a-considerapie time, He -stood tile opereVell weU ul'Itu-tVnt4 ly, but 4 rel4t9Se eet" i -ready Snits To specie404w TP 'MIMS le co Setakear tram Is rpOr IGSVP Yin Cal Yale at-er43y snit ins4e eoficr fa= pat- tams- Sroil tor Xlistins chee!' same ado alo arida are* book sea self,. roettrid,or Cistaisleeit, 174,474 the IWO ;Oct eresrlAehe ettsia. nere yvu see4. strkr.koblko "410" 051 for XCa ifend‘teS.Ir th=1,41t4. ailiN4114 ihigti,netz Solve* Auction S of Farm Stoat and Ilinglom t CONCESSION 7, USRORNE T. OCT. 8th, ,1912. At 1 0 e-lwk p. n14, rho rollov4rig property, 'Zz;-e4 zrtrre, colt 3 y.re, old,,s,red by A.don, record 2.20;,S; colt it !'c' od, Wired by .kidert 2 renew- ed nktIi cows; cow duo in Dec,; 2 two-5e3r old -steers, 3 yearling steers, Yoartiitg Zttell'er, 2 spring Catre$, 1 hog. Nlassoy-Ifairnis Winder, Brantford ;now,. el', lent! roller, 4Nti, harrOw, act iron hairrows, 2 walking plow, sulky plow thirito-turstow gutlig plow, set sleighs, cutter, lumber wagon box, top btlg" gy, wpgon, 2 root pulpare, 2 sets double. harness, ,set single harness, cut. tine, box, linty 'ratit, why0,110.111.10wi- grind stems, tpfalittity Inq and itulf.n- golds, tura:41s tund core! in field, about 70 itene, and ;minty; artZclos too numer- ous to metion, Thei*, w41 (also be offered for \sale the ,scuth bat or, the above named lot. Terans-$5 tund under ca,sh; over that amount 12 Inc/hilts creclirt on furnishing aprtroved notes, 5 per cent per annum oft tor cals, MRS. JAS. EARL , JOS) WHITE Propriotrtess., Auctionee*, NADIAN BAN 0COMMERCE: SIR MAURO) WALKER> Eresideut ALEXANDER LATI(0 , JOIIN AIRD Gengial litlanazer Auto -ant general Manager evrrAL, $15,000,000 REST$12,50Q,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES 1-ssued by The Canadian. Bank of Commerce enable the traveller to provide birnself with foods without (inlay at, each.point of his jovrney a convenient yvt htleneDsiVe tnattlet, laley are Issued payable lo eveiy country in the world in denenlinat4ons ot $10, s;$50, -$100, $4,00 th the exact equivalent in the Moneys of the prin. • al cox tries skatsd on the face of each cheque. They are eennOnlienla a s 41olacte yatEaLteltto:; b. identifying and easily negotiated. EkETER En4ACH-G. W'AUCH. Manager. Bram pita]. ve it s and Irtife To I Asots parated 1855 cf -Progreso' for MO Year -1 P00,000 :$.1,;67:11700 -,27,457,090 RA! ,000,000 00,000 2,311. 001 3,00,192 • 484371284 rat:whoa .datiardal. and' Agsn tAt anti VntreaPPILICIOntSin Allthe Princinal,Pities ia the Wert& it ittitItie: IfigititS5 SANK DEPARTPIENT SAVIN Intereat allevrefl at highest current rate. - EXETER BRANCH .Agaata at ]bete F fOrthe GovernMent, Diog & atnI4Din, S011eitera, D. ILITBDOIc Manager, bor Wage iv newVo.4 box, gravel Ina I box, right wagon with k top buggy, road cart, gy polo to flit piny bur, paIr „be 2 cutters, 'ono morly e ouble •hagItosii, Set doubk! ht artisans, 2 sets tothgle nuspbpr horse collars, binder, nearly new, mower, good ; hay loader. Ode, de- veryAke, nerle.'a rake, }wetter and drill Ong tooth cultWator, disc, set liar- ows, lead seltep, '2-tu1:row plow, 3 rtgle plows abniing solile, one wita 2000 lb, truck scale; ✓ r, number graiire bage, root puper 45 pai, caluldrOn, largo hohe, P0W WUisawing machine, cular saw le and, bolt, k.'4touttler, straw cutter welch carriers, water tank, ono boat, forks shovels hoes, saws, chains, whgt.10tAXis, neckyokes, ladders and mtmerous other artZcies.. Quantity cedar poets, iinoludIng anchor posts, alstr some second-hand posts and fence slats quantP,ty Iumber, oak,, maple, basswood, elm, !lumbar 2% aind, 3*n ti.lo a quantity of Alfalfa hay, aleo mangolds, and turn - fops. Household Furrritum-cooking stove, 1 heail,in stove, extension table, side- board, 2 kitchen tables, a number „ chairs, parlor net, Melting chairs, ono Octvae organ, bedsteads and mattressee ez:b bed, cream +separator, DaLs 7 churn large m:lk van, set pla,tform house scal- es, Incubator abid brooder, number sap buckets, pan far botaingt,sap with, heater '2 3.4rEes' bicycles, carpets, linoleum, pic- tures, dishes, pal.1.8, pote'. pans, etc., etc. Tennis -Sums of 45 and under cash over that arrtolAnt 12 months' credit on fundisir:ing approved joint notes. 5 per cent. off for cash, on credit amounts. JOHN MAY, T. CAMERON, Proprietor - Auctioneed AUC TION SALE of Fahm. Stock and Implements,' Hay Roots and Household Furatture. Tho e Cable:oh hais received instruct - lions to sell by ,pu,blic auction, on LOT 9, CON. 1, USBORNE, t 134 mrdes Sceithl Of Exeter, on FRIDAYJ OCTOBER, 4th, 1912 at 12.3Q ,o'lZiock Eflmirp, the tollowiing Horses -Brood anArre G yrs. old, sup- posed to be tb Soal,dratt ; 2 brood,marps Aged, supposed 00 &el tita foal, geneeal purpose; Italy rIsibg 3; Agricultural; fil- ly 1r:610g 3, general purpose; 2 geld.: brigs rising 3, agriculural; filly rig- f_ng 2, agricultural; 2 gelding -6 rising', For Ten Years SRO (,) 7 .J -Why wait tilt the ..eleventh "hour? BEING OVERSTocxED vrsTH pIAN,os AND ANXIOUS TO' CLEAR: OUR LARGE STOCK IN TWO WEEKS, WEI HAVE DECIDED TO CUT THE PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL, DON'T HESITATE IP TOti, ARE GOING TO BUY A PIANO THIS FALL, Come i.n now LOOK THEM OVER AND YOU WILL PE SURPRISED WHAT LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY YOU A GOOD RELIAPLE PIANO We mean businees THIS IS NO BLUFF A.ND kS SOON AS THE STUCK- IS 11 DucED FOR- MEB PRICES WILL PREVAIL. -THE ..or..,DowiNcI. prknos ARE CZRRIED IN STOCK.— Gerhard Heintzman Heintzman 86 Co. Nordhelmer Krydner New Seale Williams Ennis CALL EARLY WIPILE THE ./i„SSORTI") ENT IS LARG CAN BE ARRANGED, Wright Dominion Stanley E4SY ERMS A Study •A0 i4o* Ale friscied Dept, TOU MiliY s at Qpkeyou destrs * lob. Way est tmtn- nany day Poteas . . 104 at*rd a4 learn tatis or part • curs. ACATION CO EO. SPOTTOr(D. P. WARD TL P_1dett Prhc1pt HomeIt ,N. , vary Woman Interested and should kzow , bout tbe woodarttd. s..3‘, Marva Whittles Spray Nk"...0„,,',...„, \ '• t eek-.• Miriam, &mitt Var L .Pr b. catizot eopply dm MAICEEL, accept no other, Int $end stamp ibr illus. trsted bools--sesled. It gives fall particulars and directions invilnable to ladics.WrfasSORSUPPLY CO.:Windsor, Ont Ueroscal Agents for Canada. , 1:47ertiCZ I ZaCeetZ) t'26F , - ST. THOMAS. ONT. „ Unsurpassed for „residential edneetion. The *idea Collige.lIonte" in which to secure a training for your life's ,work. Thorough courses in 'Music, Painting. Orators, Bich School, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ. taent. Beeident nurse insures health of' students. Rates moderate. Every girl needs an ALM.t. training. Handsome pro-- 4 pectus sent or:Application to Principal. 42 Will Yon Write for the largia foe catalogue ? of ts ..school, and yokk,wirll leamn hot4 YOU CAN ,3UCCiEtp, It wZi,i then rest wth yeii to decr:do:1(f .SIIC.1 CEED. • • • 'We, are placizmg students flu _positionS PAYFri(100 and $700, per annum, and znainY apialicattions foxhelp w,-Iticti we cannot siMply. The best titre to enter our classes' is NOW. ,WrIle tor, our tree catelloigu,e. at 'once. D. 4b bradiC4LA.N. Electric Restorer. for Men Ph os p honolrestores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all urinal weakness ayerted at once. Phosphene] will melte yon a new man. Price Pa boa or two fon 116. Mailed to any address. The Seebell Drug Co.. fit. Catharines. Out. loesh c)ceries • We are now well' establish- _ ed in business and., we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Allkndsofprotnee sr, exehan a