Exeter Advocate, 1912-9-26, Page 2-U,I)rUpV�Y1 uLl�opw tv -J_!AJ;,Z54 UVr ;Jt�xj, VaILIK; -Lk, yyob V11 VL'qr, 4-W-rZ1U0,a`Y Lq­u lie, read that paragraph, iust this Then cami-, t4e� wrench of part- day wee'k he 4 n Asik at AnY' Rellabte St and 11 � ever slept ing with poor SwAnbild, who broke �siDce, �bo:n. -When -did iny telegram Ato lb To Try ,down altogether, and ha e left reach you, by the':�yer in the desolate little bedroom sob� "Not until, Thursday. TQ.'4 -see, bing ,her heart Out, while ��igrid though you sent it on Wc itb her aiwt,, morning, yet it had to b6 fqrward� went downstairs w; r baide a hur,ied to Major t ed from Bergen, As vo were in an Brown, Qsca-r, and Ka�*vem, theii, � out-of_the-,�vay place on the I)ovre,- with a i)ale, toarleeis fac(�, she 'cl;r .,Qbed ii1to, the stolkjaerre, and And you have been travellin For Studeut and Faculty .1 � � -4,1, _�; i � I I Q V�l " 1. 1, -� .;III P I CRAPTIrM XV11-�00WOU'Ped,) You," sazd '_,Nfajor Brown, glancing was Tlyen s OW;.,v awV -4 e ei er .5 lice J One ink n1ling of A qicdium =20 vy. 4terman s Jde;al re,,�,t,�on of 1)alen, 0 r1a 0, ut Sand will )N-eito About ^Pop ivqrds� Think -.ybp "My i-, slippiug 1>y," she at the direet�ofi,, At length the fival chango had � 4 (Oh the travelin to t at 4t a,savirig , g was )aothing r UQo%I , ol kiine t4 nicanS, Yog can write conveniently, She ste"Uped _�astily forwar4 to C�A anywhere, with tbl* pen" that you qa" sAfoly in your po k thmglht "and, somehow been iy.�Ae. Ryhau-en -Was "j"le4sed, it was the ternlile auxiOy aP4 tile P, Waterman's IdeW fna�;e,; poor %.yr;flng good and good wriling better, tlka it irow him, with �klshed �Ua that almost iie TnoSt of I., I aud the�� Oravo on as rxpi.dly as�!-slowness of overytbi The rubber bolder is strong and finely Wshed, and the. pen, pqiq� i1g -ou for of their Maddened thilig niat- ar �17U har-dor a,,,d col�lder than 4Qfore, Cheeks Ind trembling bands, it naight be for the last sta- Ine. )3ut � 0 eat will lasty eenrzd an oiterllikv be�fore she had i4 -c, 4W, gold, AVitli averag;izare one NViteraian'sbd a�_' rhi's tj�,j�jb_le call -as a. mere 'd subseu,,;te -C Yards. , s 'A ey, At any other time _R tj - , Pr' es, $2,50 and up� Urn �helters . now. I am, -at least WIQ a IAf�tprvw- Ay�p� anfl, bean tiful J�x forest through -w-hich to, See him. Wctermay�; Jdea!3 or grt Jhety�fbr Vom a nd the Wrn it open, 64 few wor�dsl Your loca4 deaUr will vvpPl� -storm was too iruc'4 for n ie� TT I' Withi'n f,par4,�yZed her, they wore passilig, -would haw Cie- "'This is the house� where, ho� is L. E. W4t I erman Com ny,1,1mited, xo,7 Notre Damp St.,W Mo,ntrcat, go, oil hating g Mqluen+ all, ��ep n pa uritie, p0rhaps I shall For'A 'Wed to Sta d lighted her., and the �silvery river Iodgipg," said Roy, as the cab drew infect S�valii�ild, gu4'mako her turn still, then she, became cQU$ci0US of in the valley below, vith 1G many up. "Are y Oil fit to go to ),ilu now" st another n1,irroNV- the- VQiWs around, windi siteh � , 14 you not better rest Jarstj'�' into ill, ug -s and its mutsical ripple, or hearted wqman� M, ur does olle him -direct- we were� alinost blown a -way woalil llave made her 1plag to, st'ay, "No, x1ol I must go to ex ich 1, press, wbi left the, Gare do-disebarged by the postal authorj� bave to live -with peopl� that rub at Folmwen", s',u one. ��'ow she Scarcely saw them; 4 J All phe Wd. An<l, irdeed, it, 5eerri� Lyc% in -Paris at 8.35 p,m., o�on- ties ona4molint of his eccentricities, he heart of tlm m k 11 one just the vrong way, ��Vhen, in V to til isted almost ,�-xelusively of mail Therl� was a suspicion thathe- "But isacli V teest, ed at the exci e. ent. ha ta. e, s melbrQd as tbes makw $lie fell asleep before sho h*d' there "' 544?d altot4er, "We brought the sk-Y4�sgutele,-lared that his e h�ozs away all her f figue; 'her cheeks, vans, Three of them, wer brok �pa� not e re1v sane, The magistrato Solved this, �robleln,, b -at wako JV,7 must resT f.Qr half qu ho�ir, were quite 4 tiafol." Oac.�' IWAS her eyes, tIlOugh so into Wilile t1le train was going at asked him"for hi5jeasou for rob, early au4 w4b a reatic4s, qr,3vmi;,, x4�\ropjjug in Jespalr. wi*�Ial, Were _701 q�f eagerness, A speo, of =ty or hty miles; a n bin- the xnail�;.. Bazencourt, who -wrong, my 4 aw, e' 9 �o, About, wo W il bag. Corp rAhieh she could not bowe e#lajri� hope T,, SaW Fru Gronvoid. iell'ild, "But, there is of time, (To be coptiuued,) hour. a 's wer; had fulli admitted jiaving in it, e-4, ilressed b4stilv", Put on all the ct4jd, wh'it. is it, T dear," :--aiA lier ancle, kindly, r#Ted 6peu, hof6ds and 'n of ted the deed quit-, alone, w sen, proad Let me read y4r�ol;$ �0 I - 'I ail wrap$ that, p4a po;seised, AU4 went D"Come ar<i take2a turn with me; Foriptipas we're, �,tolev,� of b -is acllieverpont, A'A . . . . . ash di, Then c;ir4e an alratst irresistlb�"e'lt wil� rest �pjlx aild cerW1A4luQi.Rnts of c, a �4 out into tho frefh, worning, I tli at� he wa,5 t w t no WIO,, , , 0_ Q Carry of Sto mw�,d WAnd $ro with Idul" (1, $lisp "I'l �,Vn I er out Ills s Impa se, -tw 411r.it, 41t* A a" re porl.n. obomo to -vhi4�h , . the end, N Leaving tho 1114ftP high�road, "be teArs. eheeked 014"; by t W6,ii E12 "Ba7encourt,, was to buy, it, piolage4e, to beconlo Of, go-rAgAv 5ti,angersd and by the. to over. § gw ti '14 animals, he, presen,6 tquer the Of im- strao.k. ort to the left, lntefttr t ivhQ was traccxl to Belgit'" , 4 A fant ur, as , � mer "of wl master her. ak-e 4 fortuve, and reivi4ur;so� guining the top iA Rjerldusho.All xl",essity' 41 explaiaing 0 -her aunt. P;ktlenee t who was arrested as he was tlying m. x1rollad, her la'y one great undulat- 4, It' 3,'S "n L"ngli$h, " V'h � 4d in a !'See," be. c 'd at le to nVg ax ng as t1ley 004te some of the scri*p, ou, thoso wh0m be bad robbed. -eep of gr4y vousitry, vaTmed aw tremblirig voice. "From- Boill. sg J0 t4. wh;cb be bad ma4o Ouxusy er,�isure% ,t, , w1i on one of the, j re5 by the bx�,glit sunlight Of thl� sUm- 4 1 It ;sa�)s omly� 'Fritlxiof dau- Wwlders, "I will give and changes. Re Avg,-, ­xtraditc'd, mer Inoraxog, aud relierod here an a0e. 2), ap d in, the, wurse of the exzi m0e noise, tbere, by Thi purpleallwou, 1 0 laina- yov, now w4ile We are quic 4 44 tioll it 'was .16a-rTxc4 that he bad been 00 great riches. as,sa POO rhiUl! you 0all 90 At adone tbe faouoy -for your:p* ge, gloud, 0 "N - , _ mid Fru Qronvold.. H, ere, 1" 41, chtelc for llfty poun& in 4 pepso call be, wrou,- with FrithiofT 'Dan jyqu will bave, time to got it vas'W Me th1%,", she thou&,, llcwrel�* WO gowusly illl Sft�, it w4s ",nt frora "'i4,;', than w; she' pro -1 Would N-1 lle4utiful then I It '040 London yestorday. You, sholl not�_­ testW that it, NY -as far too� much'i Could get out of all the, littlenesal lose a moment, WA. dmr� 'Hom is "No, 11 _0; You will Ae4ca it PkIl ill and narrowoossor one's Own litart, your uncle, I'll toll him overytWng. 1 nlav prove a long 41 - and be -.1lentand quiet- trom, all the�,,,Vjd, you go,,kn t, tbia 'd paek -Nvlaa P ness; and$ in. any case," lie added, vornies Aud w-Natious 404 dislikes, "A you need. "ther of life., 'But it one �WUW girwo'y's I The girl obeyed-, it iseewtd as iflpeusos." ,havo a great Wide Open §Pace likis jwLen 9aw Ze bw moved stio was Sigrid 'ivith 4 'bqr4ble ebokipa this that Ono could to Into witen �,VOPQUAO 0111,V Of th§' .0110 leAr-theilin her throat, thanked Mul for his one began to got I , teirible fe,-Ar lest, lihe sbopld V14W"hel but, tbAt "in Ally A��ase'-' rang ter a thue v,'ho rose and wtdked "the I -Eingush stoamor, er �6i all through tile drive, quifldV h0llle, 1111,1 Of an, eAgV1r h0VQ,' lu�ve murmured -and rebelled'" 9,all throllgh the lvait.lxig at the ho� 1DOUIBLEW 141neSs,'to begin Arhat she righil'� elf, "and X)OW te at, F"ishe thouglit to hev� , I K��elvedal. all, tbrotigh that Can OF folt, would, A*, & new lif�. �QQ4 is Wing t* t4ike IrcUl 'Me fkWu Nvoary- pourney ia tb,4 traijR, Poor S!-44 I -she had yet to learn �j a, C.1lanee f . , �jn h ho W�t it was not until allt Stood on BARUL G- UNS' 6 MR g up. 0 W . . ... ....... 'board the, II -Aug -1011, that teaTs ealue that ivitl�' fresh i-streugth 0oMQs.*,hard it is to -try tdo, l4tv, of tile thie battle of lif4e,!J "�AJTe baVQ �� loj- U410 TRAIIN Iti)lRURY1 ,jU9 Vat 'tile Ito her Mief, and that of those to VbOm Muehiroutes, dear," &Aa Fra Groinvold,�' 1,e4he, bust , and colifusion on the (I T111; j, larle is &�,m% intich will be required, Mystery In France Cleared UP AS- i� ;P wjz�_Qzv_ A40 00TOR19 into the roont, �� I land file, steamer, the busy sailors; t1le Nveop'. V w*ro verX cheerfid t best was"'will be to ry foriing enligrants, the Wack mass, of ter t 31ore Than Eight Nonths. 141ornan- at brellUast. Afterward, the, r-tf6y afternoon, boat froxajpeople. 0-4 shore waving their hats Bight months of inquiry into the No. 115 Vilen tRey, were st4n4ing in a little JoQj-', sho even Christiania, it goneraII7 gets tolaDd handkerebiefs, soille sobbing, FensWonal robbery of the In(Mall Royal Damascus ste4 xmp. out$540 tho I Ubill a little bot,�ro the, SiturdaY some singing to eliver the travelers, niall train betwoon Paris, and, Dijon, pas��.ed ber arin within Siigrid'S;ow� from Bergen, your.uncle say�s.11 and W&W, the beautiful eity 61 on the, night of 3�"40�reniber 16 last, Harrels, Vana Breech, I�ront action Locks, nicely quite, tvn4erly, ant, talked in the oNylien can I startil" UlWd �ig- Chriatiomia w-ith Its spires and toir- luk's proved that tile exttaor4hiaI7 ved, pistol grip Nval- most amiliblo w4y imaginable, of the 44. eagerl �ra, all this had, W Sigrid the stran- feat, NvIliell, it Nvas slippose-4, only engra 4e.01ursWu whieli Nvas being 01anned f1l"flu, nut Stock. must start, almost at once gost $eeling of unrealityl yet it, wns a thorongbly, *rgalliZed �and could to xcousswold, -1,-elvedal; it, will,be a, ter- a sce t -b , no 0110 P 41 . . K Nvas com'Taitted, by a 1 for LIM ne at resent coll1d AUL?MPILAI� I , price Uok! lookl" �oried SwanbW, rible tiring drive for you, 111n, afr 'raving nianiao, singje-h&nded, The I errily, '1�here are some travelers. , ttid ov�or forget, UJOLZO n 7,o�',g,"ty-ibur kfloW��ters, and a I Two candles alld a st-olkinerre, oam- road. But still there is thne CHAPT44 R XIVUL Vor sale at your, dealer, ing Up the hill. Olt! 1 hope they to do it"iy1lich is the great thing� Will be Vice, and that they Will At 0xi the following Monday after- i ifliedoes tot carry these, vou will take the guns, ivritedirect or come ll�on,. Roy Bonifa-ce, pale and worn, stay here.1- night train to d6istiamia, it 'is .4 caused quite a littlo quick one, and I ge yo ere with all that he had been thmugli, and see them at our store. The arrival, 4 t 11 th "de,* ` - - �zek Itute, the Of excitement, and W411Y in ten hours, quit � in� time to catch Accerpt no subsfi bustle e paced the arrival platform, at Xink's speculations w4r0 =AdO As to the the aft4kril,0021 b4oat, you see. Your Cross Station. 11is heart beat rel;lti"814 *1 the t -Wo SPortSmen U11010 NVIll tal�te V*JJ JJnd Se V n quickly as the engine darted into Uon Antis Co. bra -aa is the b�est, ap,d the two IvAies in the stolk. to the tj Isight and One carriage atter VLt ain, an�l if ,IOU like -we can popular prices. jaerre. telograph. �other flitted past him. For a 5 to wme friend to meet q "Is there any one of -the n, of You at the Chrlstinnia Station -, tile life lie cou Id, nowhere see her, but .4 ngli. i'dition) ame catalogue (L SIX r Falak here?" asked one of the worst of it is, I fear most pfop, hastening up the platform, and C011taining the M12fin V -Laws, travelers zs hc�* dismounted from are awway just no,\y," closely scanning the travelers, he, free ou request. hio variole. "We wery at Dombaas "Oil, I sball not INant &nv 0114u j, at length caught sight of the gol- ast night and promised to. bring sai4 Sigrid, ,If only I, e�n c�tt'h den bair and black dress which be this on; we told the landlord that the steanier nothing matters." had been imaging to hiins0f, and we meant to sleep at Fokstuene, but "And t7o not w�oqy, xnore thi�l heard the clear voice say�ng, with led the CLEAWESrSZJPLFST, and DFSrHO,.qr. he s"i there. wai,no qui�kcl` Way you z,,an belpr" said Fru Gronvold. Something of Frithiol's quiet decis- of delivery. Seemrs a strao b"E. ." can buy--Wh7 you don't even have to 911 St -Lawrence Boulevard ge m0do �'Who knows'l 'You i ion: kaow;�hat W"of Cloth 4yoUrGoQdS are �uddo of deliv�rihg telegrams, doesn't 1111W,li better." may find, hira ,,It is a black trunk from Rull, of -so Mistal: 8 xre Impossible. 13 Send for, Feve Color Card, Story 'Booklet. and MONTREAL *tV F or left They would not have sent un� and the name is Falck." ook10tgiyfnr results of l3srelm: ov�rothpx colora. "IT411y, Miss ri'MICk, I See it is Th- JOHNSON-RICHARDSONt CO., Umited, ss fearod-" Slg�rid broke off -Roy came quickly forward.,. - 1P . IV �ithiofll', she asked, as she 2 took her hand in. his, He is istill living," said Roy, not daring to give an evasive answer to GET BETTER LIGHT the blue eyes whioll seemed to look From COAL OIL (Kerosen into his very heart. Tests by Prof. mcKerp, ow. McGill �University, Montreal, OnL le oi "I will S to your luggage,' 2 _%_52041 Je Lamp is the most economical and gives Ina lamps show the Aladdin Mant adilia, I-burn- butee -fore you X, 12 --ch light as the Rayo and otherlampstes e . it is cao said be to him t d 90 To introduce an. noiseless. Guaranteed. Better ligbt than gas or electrire. you must have something to seat; the Aladdin we'll send a sample lamp I see you are qu�ite worn out with AGENTS WANTED t'e-P"'e"I 10 Days trial 108 Che' ue W e n ill b cessary. Every Ask for Particulan the long journey, and unless you home needs this lamp. one allent Sold over 100Q on T -N back auarantee, not one returned. Another sold $800 worth inJ are calm, YOU wil I I only agitate. Ton"yEveninzs made Profitable. Ask for, Instributed Amon',Canadian, days. agents Prices and trial offer him.' MANTLE LAMP COMPANY 20 5 Aladdin Bldg� Mbntre6i slid Wile peg, egg She did not speak a word; but passively allowed him, to take her Farm ers. WillYou Get One of Them? to the refreshment -room and get In addition to the ty-seven fi st prizes of, $SO each,:the Canada"s finest sugar her 96me tea, ,To please him she twen , r re will be.eighty-one other cash prizes, ranging fro ".P �ried hard to eat and drink, and be- in $1.0 to $25 in our at its best long they were.driving to Vaux�- hall,' and all, fear lest she 'should 1912 PRIZE FOR 'FARMERS break, down was over. This.,contest is along �fi� same lines as the In addition' to thus brin' di 'd d 0 D No w she said at last, "tell g ivi e inr me more about his illness, What one Which *�s so succe.ssful last year, except classes, so as to Live small, users'of -,cem ent an, brought it on T" that there are three firries.,as many,prizes, and equal chance with those who -use. more, the Your love of therefore three tirne Contest is also divided into nine divisions The doctox says it must have �g as many,. chances for one been �15� each contesmlit to win. Every farni�:rjti Can- 'for each province. So you 'you need or. Y, ought on by a great shock, clearillness and see and 'it seems that he hea.rd very ada who uses "canada- Cement is eligible to- to compeic with the otlier farmers. of your o,�,n P,U .r 0 sad news that d co. ete., The conditions are,such, that large r It y, Will be, a.y.,of Llady.Romi- MP pl�ovincc, and not with those all 'over Qah,,da. aux2l andsmallusers of cement havc eq L al o 'becau'o , �,yoU have I ncver W u PPOr- Don'i think that S gratified by this 5-_ "I knew it .-,A-a-s 1hat wretohe& tunitiesto n a $50, 1 Wi 'Prize. �d cement, you cannot, us win a "Prmc. any Pound Sealed Fackage of, ffixl in -some way," cried Si The contest ii ' diVided into t1iree classes and there of last Year?s� prize winncr� had "M ciinching her haDd. "I wi8h she aie firsi, second, third and fourthpril�cs t,�50 $25, never used Cement beforc 6ey, $15 and$10) in cach clai�. enteledthe Contest, We, will send were, derwdl!" A CLASS "A�­: Prizeq to be, ainrd4d to th� four fgrmcra in, cich, �rodnca you a fiec book, �'What the She is, as Frithiof inc�ssantly 'ho 11st mosi ­Can;da­ C=cnt ontheir farme 10912. Farmer Giin Do With Concrete s ays, 'Wo,roe than1Aead;' replidd. CLASS -Prizes t. ba�:mwdcd to the four, farm-cIrs in �iac� t1lat will not aray h, 'CA -Ip�'You pr.yincc �VhOL.��nd.�hwographiO the beii B,6y� "It. is a miserable -y. A Contest� but will tell',ybu cf6r�l P_ V��rk done with "�aaadall , CemwA .1, thdr fnrr�a W paxentl�, he got hol-d of some new�- in 1912. uld want to kna%v a Granulated Sk thffigy6uco go -P I d=n'to'b, awardl�d to the f.ur firm6 CLAiS "C- of , Cement htllejafm.� pap e r r�, J it all, and vas in tach Vravincc wbo mno tht b-tt descti:�- i do*. bw ecnd 'I"s Canada's finest immediatelv brok�en J-oiNm by it, pi�t .( ­tc,�tc work. ue your cali�,v h- =3? name 1ndrtddrcw-dAy.qn4 C�l Ymn e. Is free bo.kA.d full pa"iculre sugar, ft�!­C�.da'l C­nt. (Entries th They say lie was' hardly himself ' "on Me Pfize Contw 6- f.r th V� bit prf%t jr�­t b. =om9.nkd by Vh.t- W untouched by human, hands. E ivite he * left the shop that hight, pa 5 of the Wori. The a let-cr, 906 - and the n-ext- evening -ivhexi I &a, w C)f bu� �hds of sugar 'Your G corltiins 5 ftill bou him. 1 iourid him,, d�JiriAvq A�dr,�s P _it� M ANA,11:­ a' a A C brain that i's ff.ep-' �d J can supply YOU., F,rize COn.-St. C-ana' a exxxient, Co i�en she f.alterecl., mpan t4i y Urnitad b e been e s he seenis 6 hav out sot�J, Wi Canada. Sugmar R, I I I 41pirad Of h6alil;:,f-or a ld-� 'but he� Can" ould &ive way. But if <)J I P �W Wi it, ow _�im any slee Compan �7V,, 1. could get -11 P L4�'� Mi �J"tr 4, "WTI )W red -over �;65 �4