HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-9-19, Page 8ZXETER MARKETS., is -tA,Tt1 D EACH W,SDNE.5D.AY Wheat '462 -02 Barley ,, T , T48 Buckwheat oteatoe - b P ,p er ba Hay, per ton.... 11OUr, per °Wt., family Por, tow grade Per PAW :e LtogyS par stn., Shorts per t014, ,. Brean per to* ... Sema' Beet. meal:. E .ET E. ADVOCATE, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1 00 115 1,22* : • 1 50 1400 15 00 1t 05 23 24 23 24 SO 25 00 20 00 Mr. Sam. Adair was ;in tow,!' ka°^ Day - over the BUILDINGS *FOR SALE,—Kitchen Woodal - d, one bent of stable and Hen QUee., Must be isold; this week as I_ ani aeav7 ng town Apply to W. l Sr BLATCHFORtD, EXETER. TER., FURNISHED HOUSE OR ED ROOMS WANTED.-4ppl: Bawden, er. Advocate QZF:ce. aTisrataa'e L:cen tees issu+ xl a tire• Dais °free, Exeter. P,I SSIR-I- o S. , G., VQ - A Cr2ATE QP NEW TOILET SET, JEST QPENEIy THIS WEEK. SAVE MONEY 1 "y BI 'lt;G HERE.—STEW. SALE R Shipka an axe - tier, Sal- o. and ,hastei;s SePt ,'1t t'.1.e Property of Jr;3, L ; E.3, '3I.ACR: 1'A.IT+F°F'T`E SILK - 30 INCH WIPE — PRICE $71..,_.5, EEA TIFUL WEAR GUA13:14.`I'1,`IteE1T« —STEWART'S B S RREL,S FOR SATE Forty Qr fatty ll.4 barrels, salt a -td. sugar sizer t ac, cash at Exeter Canning Factory,. HE NEW LADIES' AND MIS S -S t»t`ITLES, THE OI+O NS _ AND PECIl EDLT NEW. lBr LOST --Tu Exeter doh ar te41. par >J b, leav,•pg, air LOCAL DOINGS.j mc-+ilkcs0rca$ics tattLAk.at -4. .,$R The man who call please h'-mself ease pleased, Mr. and Mrs. 1124. Ni ereec,' leave to; 43,y on a Yls:it to Bra . M. C. T a tfoxd front h„ r Brooks ,s z-ecova__~?g nicely operation f, St Joseph Idos- p'tal, London liihen you are a.Spi.leiing to the high est place, fit honourable to reach the second. or evirtx the thfrd rank Mr. Tinos. Bc,Ssett, Jr..•Winton), street ',s confined too hiO bed suffering f, to an acute attack et` erto:*n1aeh trouble. Twenty notices of application for di- vorce to cone before parliament next sassier, have been t*oed,'with the Govern - merit Many a ren cackles when another one lays ,but a busfaess titan ;Should not dkpenc; upon co zpett.t,ors to• advertise for 'lar"tn Mrs, 13enjzra n Case has moved !rearm h, ;• hoarse on the London Road to the firs°dense recently purchased froanr Mr.. W, Howey> A -84re way to toe Yait,n :e by tr.:y.. :1g" to say' . Cine. at mels. taking only ten 'minute for 'lu7ncheon, with the and tte,zt oi, bus nese problems. Though there gra o„-ly € 4 °t' -n' -ate 3 t„; Reuse of.,Beftwe, 1112ny of ,the, * ;nags tn34, age, -there tnav, be"een deaths its the past k..;;„+„ +' $ anazas Mar n cry Tuckereruith, tugcar of .Mrs, Hugh Oke of Exeter; ceuveri as nicely frern the operation her breasts in St. Tos€,p?z HosPitel, Mfr. C'.?ae, H1,'rve+y* Hata rented his tarnzn en ser;eessionl 3, Ifsbo;t! e, to Mr, Her, r' Rhode of Stephen, Mr. Harvey n VV.;h to t, w1 Ditto the property he l.ur- ci',as:d front the Tate Tahoe Prior. Regular adverts ig rates are charged or insertions .an The Advocate of Cards Thanks, In Nfemo,._;nn Notices, and tuary poetry Notices of births, ages and deaths are :nseried Ira!; news M;', McKa,.r...er, w"ho has been teller the Bank 'o.a; Ca n ccs sera las so. a , e.1 eve word front lneadquar e ween o rept for duty at w'oed branch,' He left for R CQATS WITII THE NEW Y01, WILL WANT ON"'s, GtJOb.. EVENINGS. — TFa77 T'S. Get some neatly' t The Advocate. APPRENTICE WAIN. terbering. Apply to Ere' er. CeITin6 cards ca lea GREY SWEAT FOUND. -0:1. Street, Exeter, Seitvrday trig' t, a 'sweater. Finder rain have same' by. IT= at th4a oif:re and paying for tilts nOt'ca. wetdi,. *cad of, asking, w.; -.2.t other mran sthe.;,' ,tow,n, let ev'F.r."5' n gel h:nrself it`s,: he can do, If glen puts the question honestly ho w i tan eurp'r°seel to tlnld 1n how many ways can help boost lits town. And tl',:e what everyone ought to do. It ;s t;:ousand times better to be a boost& .an a knocker. Mr. Gordon Hymnse of: Brantford, for. erly oi' Eretel", !F( ;the vet .of an ce'dent last week :n, that city. In cross - a lg a street ext a bicycle he collided :til a buggy, the abaft striking him in t head and te:trrin, ' a gaping wound the to'. He wa`ei. ill:clay taken ` to the c`ty hospital, and Is ;!n the ,Oddiel- ew's ward, where he is receiving evcrs mtent-ton Mr. Mark halter of London visited here this week, 1~d Walker of London Township was hone for Fathr D.ely, 'Alt' Wm. Drew I's confined, to 11's bed ow:ng to illaness. N0.man. Geddes of Belgrave ;$ ince fgu3st of SYni, Rev. and M s. Me 4 j1 ater returned last week from tlle:ir vacation. Samuel Poplestme of 13lyth, v's- .ted with hie tnoiher ble,alo. this week, Mrs. Mor;innore, r Londori visited her .pother, Mie, Stnale here on Saturday. Mr. A. McConnell, of London; is shak- ing maids: w:lth old friends iStt town this week, Mfrs 'hi,T, C,, Howey; and Miss Howey tett yesterday mons- ng to vt sit at Hghgate, Mr, John Mitchell ; again in a rather critical condi`* oyn, 'suffering from the old trouble. Mr and Mrs, Wm, Hopper of Beigraye visited with 'Mr, and )fro. C Biraney a sew days last week, M` -•ss. Etta Wet a>redr friend, Miss L. tt'att, hue been v.ls.fing':, in and around Cryltra1a Creel'lion and Exeter. Miss Edith Mol;neur, left Tuesday to at, end "tsps Amoral of the late Mrs. (Dr:l H. ='d. Cowan of Lor_don, formerly of Exeter, Str, L. R. Teckae n attended tl ecourt 1 Goderbell thio w..dt a vrowll plan, s;outor, lea haying a^eoe«ved theappolAt mann from. th ogoveralntent last week.. Mr, W. I1, Hooper,: wino ha ,beeri,ol?la v"at since SIa y islet with his brother's at Pew City wnd, Baxdall. Penn" return. ed home last week, and reports a vane pleasatit out:'.!n,'. The f'ollowi'ng toottt this section were a,os tt„ pn tbA pet3 ,,u1 ' In 'Godaria h I tl<ab Wesly+Ifesea.* 3aet, Hill. Ja,%, B::atnell, S. Martin. Nowto'a'i Daker, H. SvcoUkake, fl3oWdeln and, :tit. Mar-, lock oR Snnaztrtn. 3.1cnda,,, Oct 28th, well in all prob• ab.l fy b3 Previal'nned Thanksgiving Dav by til; Downin'-ort Gpvernment, Rev, RcAl;Tste: accup:ed, ilia own pul- "at on Sur.da'y anter his v3c41ton. nsnd reached Nary lino sernzonls'usern'ag, and yen"115+ v. £Ie1 Shaw, B.A., for year r of the rresbYter',a11 church a.c mondv:Ile, died Tuesday atternoonl,tol• :r1s all operation for an internal ail- . Be was 55 years of age. Ali tcae°i-ers who have to ePttiea by tra,'n and who purpose attending the West Huron Teacher's Assoc:a,4o are urs cd to conte tis Godor'ch, the n'o^ht before i.e., on ;the cvolliai of ,the ::,pith last., an order to be pl'ose 11 .tar the opening session at 8.80 on the nkorn:rng, of the _'6th '.net. Otherwise they will miss Mrs, Mayberry's ,tkrat: lecture. An open air Band Cceicert ?s' to bo.Seven pn the square On the eren'.tig of the 26th. The London Advertiser of Tuesday last says in pa''t,—The death, of :lira. Mar- garet G. Cowan, wifee of Dr. Harry M Cowan, now ship's surgeon on the Pa- cific liners running between Vancouver *and. the Orient, occurred here under pa- thetic circumstances on Monday, in view of the fact 'thatt leer husband can- not now be communicated, with. and may not learn of her demise for a consider- able time. Mrs, Cowan resided with her husband's parents, Dr. T. and Mrs. Co- wan, .'London. She had been, ill of heart trouble for some time. Both Dr, and Mrs. Cowan are well known in; Exeter, as they resided here, some *ars ago. The interment tools place at Galt on Wednesday.. ORGAN FOR SALE—Second and or gen in good state of repa'r will be gold cheap-APPlY at this offipe..,... BUGGY RUG LOST -Between Creel'.- ton and Exeter oln. Sunday morning, Sept. A. Finder kindly return to oz niet ai'y Advocate Oft ce, . 4',....^1; 1 1SISs G. E. W Eassnvr, A. Mia, W. U. y, Honor Graduate ;of the London Conservatory of Music, Teach- 1nS College of the ,etitelstorn ThilVersity. Teacher Plano, Theory, Harmony, Count orpolat, and Musical History. Pupils prepared for Musical Examinations. DRESSi LIKING Miss Mary Tom hos returned from Tcrrnt'o and will re -open her dress- tnak`n; Shop on Sept 44th. Patterns, cut to nrzasure a specialty: Shop clos- ed. every Thursday afternoon and even- ing. Shop at back of re's:dense. W 1NCHELSI 1A Mrs. John Delbnid;e was taken to St, Joseph Hosp+:tal, London, last week, where she was operated on for tumor on the breast. The operation was -suc- cessful and itis hoped that her recoveryl will be early. Mr. Delbr:d„e spent last., week w_t'h her and her daughter is at. her,beds:de this week. Later—As we ,go to press word has been received that Mrs. Delbrdge is sink fira' fast and that ithere is,no,hopewhat- ever for her recovery. • SEAFORTH—Mrs. Alex. Robinson, s: dead here r e fm herb 106th year. Until two weeks ago she was qute active, both mentally ,rid physt`ca11y. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal r• Company's The best hard coal mined ; 13ur:°ns to a white ash, W. s IE ETT, COALMA Bus, Dray an Tearritirlg Busineis Yotir orders in our line will be attended tprutiexilskIt and satisfac-' frIt'itirjl`y"-' We are Isere-to"pleaee the tilohe,needang anything. in • out` tf . e, and we ask a trial from you. rptrders, left by ,;phone or other "louse at TLIE ADVOCATE OF WE, PHONE 25, will "receive V 4 prompt attention. Si M.: BARROWS DEAD —Mr. Will:ant Barrows, a , former 'well-known hotel - keeper of Exeter, having for several yearn kept the Commercial House, died Sunday morning at hie home in Regina, Sa sk Soule el= oar, seve4 years a.go de- ceased. moved from here with: h!s fam- tily to Londibin, whims he conducted 13 livery business and about five months ago went West, settling in Regina. He had been Zn business, only a "lshorl,ttime when Fie became eoniously all and lived but two weeks' longer; Ms' wase and two children, Edwin a1nd, !Sabel, aur- ViVe- BOWLING—The fust event :n local tournatment has new reached *'nal stage as- follows,— , First Round. Creech defeated Carling. Collins defeated GIadnan• Seldon defeated Taman. Snell defeated Bawden, Hcemann, a bye. Secojnd Round Creech, a Seldon defeated Neaman. Collins defeated Snell., Senn' -Finals, Seldon, a bye, n Coll°ns defeated Creech. ) the the DIED IN THE WEST.—'Many of our readers wi11 regret to learn of the death of Wm- H. Campbell, formerly of Har- puriney, but more recently of Exeter. Mr. Campbell coed en LloydminsterGesr arai Hospta'1 on _.S.ugustt 25, and, the re- mains were interred to Lloydminster sem etery en August 27. He was about 70 years of age and, died of weakness fol- lowing prolonged diarrhoea. We have not learned .any add,t:tonal particulars as yet WEDDED.—A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized at -the Thames Road P.resbytenran church on Wedneei day after noon, Sept. 11th., when . M ss Christiania Louisa Russell, youngest; daughter of Mr. aind Mrs. David Rus- sell, Exeter North, waist unt'ted to Mar- ritage to Mr. Robert E.'T_t ney of Hay Township. The bride's wedding dresaj was of blue silk, daintily trimmed with, a- white pearl necklace and silk cord-, titin; and soutachis to match; while 'her travelling dress was of navy blue serge wth .white hat. After a short honey- rnoon the young couple will take up house -keeping on the 3rd concession of Hay. The young couple w,i11 have the. bast wishes of the,'' many fri{enids for their. future happilness and prosperity) HICKS' :SEPTED R FORECASTS. 4 , re,gular storm period. :s central on the 28th, extend4ng from{ the 26th, to. October 1st. The mercury period. comes at th s thne, the Moon in full, on the cele_tlal equator, and, at an eclipse node on the 26th. Ali these, being near the centre of earth's aurtuintial eqt nox, call" nr_,very' active and V.:olent disturpance,e.' E-Turrficanes itn the south-, « and ,°;:inland` rstcrnia oehaleJallY, a're to be' e&pectl.d, A very low barenyater anywhere ,fa.t'thue; presage danger Thea 26th s thO.centre 3rd to,.."..„4.,..Artnquakes wi 11 ' `¢e re- po+rfeit7,1 t.ireshone Tre' otithw 1l 'lenge to very co fl rIn the extremis`'tri4th' and nnorthwestern sec- tEans, ,rain w511 'end in dashes ,of- snow,` and sleet,` followed by tree444g temp',?'- atu es at t t.gbt I4 ary ll` `1 t ts ltax h4+ rpt x$ of a asutein c iSo lied n„volvnng t o ONLY A NEWSPAPER Gt3Y 'see a man strut thru a jam in aHall, Take a " seat ',mid the speakers and chat with then all ; , ` "Ie this Murphy?".I ask, "That the • crowd he defies. "No," says some one, "He's one of the newspaper guys.” i see a roan pushing his way through the Mines, Of the cops where a fire brightly glit- ters and shines. "Chief Kenion?" I ask, but a fireman replies, "Oh, no, why, that's -one o1 those news- paper guys." I see a man start on the tra1 of a crook A nd he scorns all assistance, but brings him to book. "Mr . Burns?" I enquire. Some one scoxnfuliy cries— '`t "Burns? Naw. He's just one of them newspaper ,guys." I ,see a man knock onra Pres:de'nt's door And the sign "No adrolttance"• com- pletely ignore. "Is this Morgan that privacy's rights he denies?" "Morgan? Shucks. It's just one of t]nose newspaper guys." And some day I'll walk by the ' great streets of gold, And see .a main enter unquestlioned and bold, "A Saint,?" I'll enquire, and, oldaPeter'11 reply, "Well,` I 'should say not he's a news- paper guy." &:ss My-- a Hawksbaw is visiting in D trot, 1i.ss "Muttart of ,London; visited _licit this week, Miss Martha Lew'ie visited, in London" during the week. Mies Fanny YHatter er of Toronto n 4 is V_ e- :tng at her home here. Mrs R. i' Creech, v'_s:,ted Miss Lily }Sell in London last week, hiss Ed'th Rallis of Detroit was the ,west of Mss Maud; Rollins on Friday night Mr. Fred, May of nlikc tell wait the guest of xrs brother Willis= he on; Sunday M,^. Harry Pareoin,s anal.. Mr, Sage ot'; Lo .dory spent Sunday and the Fact- Days 'n1 .. Mr.townGrabom of the rel ev ng staff of the Bank of Comnie:,ce 'spent Sunday in town, +tri Wm. BI>atchtord who hap been :!n Toronntso for tie summer, returned. hone on onda,y.. Wises Gould of :yiudn at, Munn., Is the guest of her gragrIpsr+ente, Mr,. end Mrs, Richard Gould. Mr, and Mrs., Cali xna 01 Woodxrtock visited, with, fir. end Mrs. Nelson"' f •estie a few days last week. Dr+ Browning', Who has been 'visiting ln`.s ,son Dr. WIll Browning, 'Caledexnia, Wan., arrr"vsd S=oho la,sti week. items Etta Bussell of St, Thomas ' was the guest o; the ;wets ='«VatInic ' and' L:vale Sanders during the week. Mr, and i'rs. Ed:,, Stewart and tittle on, of Lt311dprn ape* a few day's at:. ? :$ old home hero during tile weeks, Mrs, G. E, Anden'aon and another, Ml's, Elsie, attended the funeral et the form- er's brother, Ben'amh Elsie, at Port Colborne no this week, S'1"es• Crocker, of London an old Exeter boy, ;who left he=ro about 25 t've years age, .e shaking hands with old friends icl town this week. lar, T. A. Anno,s, of Burford; spent day last :21 town. Tile. doctor and'Jil`et. Amos <Alt'end returre.r4 to Exeter about November iLst ,to make; t'h'is their Esme. Dr, and Ure. T2 a ' Anndensell teasel daughter of W%nn;,pa , Zfa11,, ,arrinred here Vedltyv to VOA for a tow weeks friends, the g ueate' of Mr. and Mrs, ton, T;nc Wast' is appa reatlY 419 w4eLln than, Vest they are well P lea sed With unsay western home. Mr and Mrs, Jos. Cobbledlek of teal,. Sary' arr»,ted, Iwo oat Thursday bast to sp rid to week wifth relatives. Prior to r,etOren og' to tin 'k' horino t'n t the west.'] They lett Ca1g°a'ry last' 3une on a ta;'p to i urop., and htxvee1 but recently so, turned. They ',intend spending next we.k ton Nrw York Cay Others who attended London; Fat',r last week wore,—Bel Foweli, W. W, 7'annam and wie, I`,i se Lula Jolene, Slss' Dolly D;okeon, 3. A. Stewart and, w;afe, 11, G. Seldon and wIlo, C. V Snell and w:Ie, W. H Levett, and wire, ,:titrez NV • T. Acheson Oscar .4andersen, t4. S. R .naott. W. D. Sanders and children, Samuel San dere, sr.,, Will Heideman, L. Watson,' C. Heywood, John raid, C. Heywood, D. 'Mack, Dr. Hyndana'n, Geo, Hockey end wife, G. E. Ajndonsotn and wife, D. B. Sanders, :airs. 1iarehand, Wes. Snell lames Gould, Johan Blatchford, Rev. D. W. Collins and son Paul. NOTICE All empty cement7eacke must be returned - at ONCE or else paid for, 04014 R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario An Advance in furniture In Quality, Variety and Beauty— but NOT in prices, is the movement now being executed in our store. Phone 20a Residence next to the store. n. 14. nowE Undertaker and License Embalmer. EXETER ONTARIO Men's all Suits sdOvercoats We have just received ourfall samples of shade -to -measure cloths from Greene Swift, Limited, London and can give you some very close prices. We can save you money on either a suit or ovesrcoat. Our watermelon stripe overalls' are just the thing for hard wear, See our men's low shoes $2.25 a pair. Ladies low shoes $1.50 a pair. All summer goods clearing regardless of cost. See our yard wine flannelettes at ilc. a yard. We sell the Premier r Cl°ealm. Se a5° al'atOr e Exeter Barge;. n . Cour Watch and Jeweiiry Business is incomplete without "you" as a customer We have a stock of goods that is complete in every.line--. Watches, CIoC, Rings, l s Silverware Etc. and our Iist of customers is becoming rhe everylarger day but it is still incomplete without "you,' i We want to see you in our store, to shote you our stock, and we feel sure you also will become a customer A. Marchand Watchmaker _ a mel Jewellry ieneraI Aui1dry Works 1'iclw Castings, Plow Pointing, Gang Plows. and general repairs to all farm implements on shortest notice. General castings, piping, tubing, eto.. on hand. Oement Silo forms uaanufactured. Particulars on application to J. Murray 86 Son EXETER ONTARIO ,1 Cr 5'Tl A\VA7t'." of a lot o2' nom' ecvuld hardly* pleaei a11Y bettor than those f:gorge. Those who w:eh to purchase relsnnlo flour at a reasonnablo pnkto, will do ,well ta bug their flour from us. Wo use only 'the haat wheat IN, T%RtE \TILLING and the result to the beat flour ollta`n- able. Our flour ks atwags :?r perfect; condi? ;on and cannot tap to 61vo Datta tact4oin. BARVE,Y BROS., 11XETE,R, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 New Winter Mantles For Ladies, Misses and Children door nol'th of Post Otiioe We have otoo or the best condo. lac¢ne ever shown in Exeter. Every garment a 'distinct style. The big heavy Blanket Cloths with the large collalrs and Reverrs. Revere* ,sitle cloths and plain cloths. They are great sellers, and we want you to see them ttefore; you. buy. ' AU prices from $13. to, 525. each! MILLINERY We announce no Formal Opening but are now ready, ,with the New %Fall and Wt4nter Hat. All the New Paras aha New York Models are en our tables NEW FURS 'JUST. OPENED They; are right, up to the minut- All the new Ideas are shown yhere in- the Popular Furs. -New P'aris- ian Lan b Ruffs and, Muffs, New Perisiani Pa'w, ;Ruffs and Muffs, New Perieian Fox, • Ruffs and. Muffs, New Mims' Marmot, Ruffs Muffs, New Thibet Ruffs and - Muffs, New Sable Ruffs and Muffs, . New Wolfe Ruffs and Illuffs, New Wolfe -Ruffs and Muffs,: New Lamb Ruffs and Muffs. NEW DRESS GOODS. Nothing left out iof` our New, Dre•se Goods. Thee new,tweeds, Z''hepc rds, raniarnas';. Serges yo,la3 d,clptjis of all Brides. .,1 J LADIES SUITS We are :showing a real stylish line of Navy and Black Suits, for Fail Coats the new32 'inch length with silk IShnin$s: { f3 Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing e,ntsIRO ;ji fr -11 trIt