HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-9-19, Page 7nriNZIJ-CO XAT1VES are entirely different from others both in their composi- tion and their effect—complete evacuation without purging or discomfo%. 25c. a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED.. 155 THE TRUE CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM Due to ;Adie in the Blood. ---Can Only be cured. Through the. Blood Not many years ago even doctors �r 'thought that rheumatism was only a local pain caused by exposure to cold or wet.Now they know -that the trouble is caused by the blood becoming tainted with uric acid:, This condition of the blood caus- es the muscles to contract, stiffens the joints and irritates the nerves,i If mot promptly treated the stiff- ness spreads and the pain grows worse until you are a helpless crip- ple, tortured day and night. If the disease touches the heart it means sudden death. You cannot cure rheumatism with liniments, plas- ters or hot cloths, as so many try to do. You must go right to the root of the trouble in the blood. The scientific way to cure rheuma- tism is to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which make new, rich blood that goes right to the root of the trouble. They sweep out the pois- onous acid, loosen the aching joints and muscles and bring ease and frcedero where 'before had been pain And misery, MiSS Beulah Sheppy, Morpeth, Ont., says : "Following an attack of measles I took inflammatory rheumatiean, My joints beearne swollen and the pain was almost unendurable.` I doctored with two doctors, but the pain was only re- lieved while 1 was taking their me- dicine, and soon returned, For sib, mouths 1 continued to suffer in this way. Then I tried electric pads, but they failed to do 1110 any good. Finally a friend persuaded rite to try Dr. Williams' Fink Pills, Mr and I had not been taking them long before 1 found relief. 1 con- tiabued using the Pills for a time and soon found 'myself in perfect health and feeling like a new per - sena. 1 rioyor lose an opportunity to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink rills as 1 cannot say enough in fa- vor of them' Sold by all medicine dealers tar, by mail at :a0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. \Vilma limns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. When one is inclined to worry the remark of an old lady should be recalled :---"Nos, dearles ; I'd have had an awful heap of trouble in my time if most of it had hap- pened." Comfort for the Dyspeptic --There is no ailment so harassing and ex.- hausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defeetive action of they stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, a preparation that has estab- lished itself by years of effective use, There are 'pills that are wide- ly advertised as the greatest ever eompounded, but not one of them can rank in value with Parmelee s. Don't attempt to light yottr path through life by burning the candle at both ends. inlnard'% Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, We feel sorry for the man who is unable to distinguish between . a friend and an acquaintance. `You say you are in love with Miss Beggs?" "I'm sure I am." "But I can's see anything attrac- tive about her." "Neither can I see it; but it's in the bank, all right. 1" CASTING CANDY TOYS. lalaufacturers Are Getting heady for Christmas. About now is the time when can- dy manufacturers begin casting candy toys for the holiday trade, those various figures of hard, trans- parent candy that havebeen so long Tfamilial:. } ture for the fie he seasonmant and sale of these goods now lasts annually for four months, frons Sep- tember to December. Fifty years ago these hard Bandy figures which young folks so much fancy wore likely to be given to the children at Christmas only, along with their other Christmas gifts, but in later years they have come to be used as well, for gifts at fairs and festivals, and so their season has been ex- tended, but ,the toys themselves re- main in the same old, time forms in w hiclri they have been handed down through generation after generation. It is doubtful if the children would like to sec them changed. There are still made the same fazniliarleandy houses and candy dogs and boats and dower pots and houses and fmshes and eats and rab- bits and men, all just as before and now as ever the little elmildren to whom these figures come stand them up to see if they will etand alone and then in due time they peel: tap a eandy horse and bite offr, its head, and then Anally they eat the rest of it, all just as they bane always done and they like them much as ever. But whip these candy toy n their shapes remain the sank there have been some ehangea to details of their llliaizafauture. in old times they were made in just two eolors, recd and yellow, and with perhaps two flavors, lemon an wintergreen, whereas now they are turned out in many separate calors err tints and in many flavors. ere, instance, is ono caud ?' naanufaae- RSH SO BM ABY CIE HEAR DYNG Head Broke Out. Spread' to Arms, Legs and Entire Body. <;Ached So He Would Scratch Until Blood Ran. One Box of Cuticura Ointment and Nearly One Cake oT Cuticura Soap Cured Him. Has Had No Return. "When my boy was about three months old, his head broke' out with a rash which was very itchy and ran a watery fluid. Wo tried everything we could but he got worse all the time, till it spread to his arms, legs and then to his entire body. He got so bad that he came, near dying. The rash would itch so that he would scratch till the blood ran, and a thin yellowish stuff would be all over his pillow in the morning. I had to put mittens on his hands; to prevent him tearing his skin, He was so weal[ and run down that he took fainting spells, as if he were dying. He was almost a skeleton and his little hands were thin like claws. "He was bad about eight months when we tried Cuticura Remedies. I had not laid him down is his cradle In the daytime for a long • while. I washed him with Cuticura Soap and put, on one appl'i'cation -of Cuticura Ointment and; he was so soothed that he could sleep. A.ou:don't know hey/glad I was he felt better. It took one box of Cuticura Ointment and pretty near one cake of Cuticura Soap to euro him: I think our boy 'would have died but for the Cuticura Remedies and I shail always remain,a firm friend, of them. Ile was ;cured More than twenty years •ago, and there has ,been .no return of the trouble. I shall be glad to.have you publish this true'statement , of'his cure." (Signed) Mrp. M. C. Maitland, Ja'apor, Ontario,, May 27 810:'; 'For more than a generation .mothers have found a speedy, agreeable -,and; economical treatment for their skin -tortured little ones ,lit .,Cuticura'-Soap and 'Ointment, Although they are sold by druggists and dealers every- where,aliberal sample of each may be obtained free, from the Potter.' Drug Or Chem. Corp., solo props., 55 Coluinbtas h ve:, Roston, Ue6,A. reer, who makes these gays in car more different shapes and cano in nine separate colors and in, nine separate flavors. They are cast in iron moulds, These goods are ! now it as assorted clear toys and they Are put up for the .trade, in boxes of five pounds acrd in pails of thirty pounds. Their produfrtbon is started early to give time for distribution, and Already the easting of these toys for the present season has begun. They; are turned out annually in nail- lions. g.8r. 0e Gordon Hewitt, %e - minion Enton okmgt$t, says, referring to the infantile death rate from intestinal diseases and diarth, spread by the house fly, he believes that the so-called harmless fly is yearly causing the death of thousands of infants, as wen as spreading the germs of typhoid fever. are the best thing to rid your house of these dangerous pests. The Tragedy of the Larder—unexpected guests and ne KING OSCAR saeniNes la et, Them From Your Croher" Trade anppliei b9 4obnW efoktc,ed, Greening, nannuten 1. WHAT MARRS PESSii`1 .. Sitting three hours on a, fayc.irac'h board at a circus behind a pictakre hat Sieseping a runaway ho mac and having your name spelled wrong in' 1'he newspaper notice. le sores simply covered his ,face The nxoeaseg mail on t4o karst and head, and 1 had to tie his bands day of the xmierlitla. to keep hind from scratebing and Digging up your old dress snit making them bleed.. The doctor only to find that the moths bavoi gave zne seveirac kinds of olntment's : eaten one tail off the coat:. The but they did no good. 1 then tried otmly' timing tea do .is w ail, lentil t'taurteexl ho? es. of an: advertised roe theyA east the + tber twit eb and them} mne4 Stroll: -tbere was nor ern rov - yob hitt stave Tit edo. mat l T treed anther of t,..-. Living ing next door to an a uateur alsd several medicilaal soaps, larionetist> "little r stall eonf it 'frying o� find the beaantiitil to rs'aftoir. One da a tff ,; stiction 10 Tiiaidly Pictured in the.. a4r don't ,ye try ,Za u 1 ars trclad vacation .folders, STS. SAWS AND INSTANCES. Ifewgag—"You know, 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' " Eluegag- "Yep, And a bird on the•bat costs more'n a dozen in the hand;" HER METHOD, Kinks—"Do you save muoh l" 4 r• tc , I save �� lakes-�• ivo_ As soon"bis a a dollar my wife saves 10 cents more by spending it for something that's marked down," CHf re COVERED WITI! ECZEMA Zarin -Duk Worked Complete Cure. !lira. A. J. Cameron, oz Melita, ¥uam., Writes c �` ,hen, my little boy was si' weeks old be had eezerea. 4,13 00D. cheaper,- Thebaarr It litrom tweetIt seetiona clamp dtngether'hycne �tcv, Cana iia tt trade machine. Fetter in gnatity ext xasit and like worica better,'Uette5 fh}t 4a, a in prise, i'+iseg't.t entottieepl les. eetaxese.Lisa Nee L V "' is the only :oocicetter Mad* iu a sad;}-sndiasnse, couvecienee 1r:' eel c ttttnge ndditrability as sun- crier to a Bing �renportesl. t` our dealer does mit handle "MaxweVa _, f Purity" writs las. i)1v111DMAX1,'G'i'K:Yr SONS, .11za 02 ban with. this barn and 44s:eriug that you have of t iveeh s treatutent made, ma. great d belt, ff a iaeet. 1 persevered. and within nilly of aaiaio a ; ren a miaeratlk every .sorewere, healed l to Zaazl Buie, his scalp is per - o; on yern felt'':lie'altliv' i and his ban, has buy of lime Takbig ase on a pllitr, Seeing a iding.' lay in She (italitii tliatk°rAced hAld gam,'' skin diseases, cats, burns p ars€anmg aise Zant,fluh PIT *NV. An dealers and .am-llu +o., -1T, AFTER THE AY'S WORK what's more refreshing than a. Cup Of Te<a i Ile ours it'1s LIPTON PTO ftt T'EA Gcc ffr#hOstfOr,theranoar FARMS FOR SALE H. W. _DAWSON, Ninety Celtvrn® Toronto. Fgrms yi fioitaRan FIFTY 1ORD F'£i fBhewaz: asd. Alberta at r:rent, prfeeo tern* "'IT FARMS a#riet ref 0ntArt9, CUE', 41 dine YOU WASP To BUT 04 tock, grain of dairy farm, W. PA ON. `i`eariSnto. 16T ovzs1Ao TB era tt5« steal via 'en rlelk femme Willi at. O2 village pro4pert n., The Western Aeal MIS rt trashier ttm eeeatatafo we nd lia3 .110 RIG Ill "tlt3ltl. Duet or Rceethmmnds Postum from Personal Test. No one is bettor able tea renlizo the injurious action of caffeine — the drug in coffee, --'en the heart, than the doctor, Tea is just as harmful as coffee becalms, it, too, contains the drug caffeine, When the doctor himself bas been relieved by simply leaving off cof- fee and using Postum, lie can ee fer with tall conviction to his own case. A Mo. physioizan prescribes Pos- tum for many of his patients be- cause he was benefited by it. .£Ie says : "I wish to add my testimony in regard to that excellent preparation Postum. I have had functional' or nervous heart trouble for over 15 years, and a part of the time was unable to attend to ray business. "I was a .moderate user of coffee and did not think drinking it hurt me. But on stopping it and using Postum instead, my heart has got all right, and I ascribe it to the change from coffee to Postum. "I am prescribing it now in cases of sickness, especially when coffee does net agree, or affects the heart, nerves or stomach. "When' made right it has a much better flavor than coffee, and,is a vital sustainer of the system. I shall continue to recommend it to our people, and I have my own ease to refer to." Name given by Cana- dian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville, in pkgs. "There's a reason." Ever read the above letter? A new ono appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. 0 SLEW 5,000 B1JLLJS. Statue to •Spain's Most Famous Toreador. The citizens of Cordova are about to erecta statue to Spain's most famous toreador, Legartijo, who participated in 1,700 bull fights and slew over 5,000 animals. When it was represented to the 'Mayor that Cordova, had given 0,1 K tbins, in if they mavt ysenteq ('•ord iSI water. m hand cholera in .a }tanner and is sure to 3isturbaauee of the bow. �Jm tt intim a high -c ..,feiencc and art. The design, which will be carr out in white marble, represents Le artijo in an attitude/ of perfect re- pose, his right hand resting on be. hip, his left retaining the foldsof the mantle flowing to the ground, his eyes calmly observant,. as Span- iards have so often seen bn watch- ing the, struggle of his collenl;nes until the moment for bis decisive interference had come, lu Daibition f elk for We eiurlfwsttt d nam'rm you'd birth to many deserving sons who still awaited their monuments, he replied that the municipality had considered all that, and had come to' the conclusion that Legartijo was its most illustrious child. The phil- osopher Seneca, had been a failure inasmuch as Nero, his pupil, did him no credit; the great Capt. Gori- zalvo, the poet Gonzora, and others had undoubtedly possessed great merit, but had; not endeared (� them- selves such a mea- sure selves to 0 rd o elan s in as Legartijo. Although twenty years had pass-: ed since his retirement from the arena, his memory was ever 'green. His stately, elegant ,bearing, skil- ful, kil ful,rapid mode; of attack, and the absolute precision of his death - stroke •had transformed the bull- 'E6). 7 NOT AT HOME. Warder (entering cell)—"Your wife is here, asking to see yer, sev- enty-seven." Convict (in desperation)—"Phew! Te1T 'er l'm out l" FINDING OUT. "Father, is it true that two can live as cheap as one ?" "That's an old saying, my dear." `-`Do you believe it ?" "I think it can be done." "But if I marry George do you think you can manage to support him with' the sum you now spend on me every year?" Even the watch a man keeps on his tongue will run down roceasion ally. licve you xxmt imply heeauso 1 have u°re wron on llceta,ltstb 1 thou le have somtt of it," � tr9l kinrr�>rA�sAt, W CURTAIN . sisa oceafIt~ tb man or .wemnxt lafltatiit inftaly about because so certain a relief is ret Blasi lloway's Corn Cure, The laughter and tears of aa. w o- etlually deceptive. Mktard's Liniment Cures. auras, Etc. N(mthing easier than fault-finding —no talent, uo self-denial, no brains, no character are required to set vp in the grumbling busi- ness,, few Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast vitt Chicago and North Wei'tern ItY•, Sept. :nth tit Oct. lOth from all points in Canada to I.os Angeles, San i'raneisco, Portland, Seattle, victoria, Vancouver, }Selena, utte, Missoula, Kalispell, Pocatello. Nampa Salt Lake City, Ogden. Grnnd Jat., etc. Through Tourist sleepers and free reclining choir cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop -overs. For information writo or call on B. 41. Ben- nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St-, Toronto. BURNED THE' WIND. "Sam, were you in that riot las night Z" "Yassir.' "Did you Sam ?" "No, sir. wind, 'deed two niggers the wind." run like the wind, I didn't run like the I didn't. But I passed that was running like IS S lJ 1, "38---'12' 4 e. r Allti disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life -pre- server because it kills all disease germs. ., Floors clean•; car- pets bright; home fresh, and sweet. No dust while sweeping. Ask your Dealer for it. DlacLaren; I 1peria,1 Ohease-tio, l Imiteel Doi e distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO }NFC. CO., Limited Montreal Ti Wee % NO13'011, Made good. thin) 1a1. 1 sepia. a. Levis, July I4, 14p5. Jlinard'a lrinhnenc Co., Limited. Gentlemen. was badly 'kirlte� hr arty horse' last ;1to. and after using ,!eves preparations on my leg nothing would do. .Ary le %vass black aft :tet. T seas laid up in bed for aa fortnight and maid net walk. After using three bottles of ,your AfINAItITS LINIMENT 1 was perfectly curet!, so that I croupd start on the road. JOS, DUBES, Commercial Traveler. "But I heard that you've pro- posed to three other girls this month." "Well, you see. I--er-- er—was merely rehearsing for my proposal to you.". Mothers Value This OIL—Mother whowho know how suddenly croup may seize their children and how necessary pronzpt action is in ap- plying relief, always keep at hand a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, because experience has taught' them that there is no better pre- paration to be had for the treat- ment of this ailment. And they are wise, for its various uses ren- der it a valuable medicine. Pro aphis JAMES !,A .i Flathn, t :e 'u O 11 MEL. Piano Action, keen buying your Pia nsist on havin•q an 1 ISAE NOcty .and Second TACTFUL. She -Why do you wish to know my age? He—I merely wished to know at what age woman is really the most fascinating. The Cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be got at any druggist's. An ounce of intuition may be worth more than a pound of tui- tion. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. THE USAGES OF ROYALTY, A patriotic Scotsman was present at a meeting of a • certain society, at which an eminent Shakespearian scholar dwelt on the virtues of his favorite author. At the close of the meeting the Scot approached the lecturer, and the following dia- logue took place "Ye think a fine lot o' Shakes peare, doctor?" "I do, sir," was the emphatic re ply. "An' ye think he Was mair clever than Rabbie Burns ?" ":Why., there is no comparioon between them." `;`Maybe no, but ye tcit,,uq:.. to- nicht it was Shakespeare w.IM wrote `Uneasy. lies the head `that, wears a croon.' Now, Rabbie would: hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SA1OICE STACKS. Agate for Charts. v;.nt Tem Casand Beating Semen's. € OLSON IRONt 4°ph5 TORONTO Enganos and Shipbuilders Maypole Soap rDYEHING Washy and dyes at one operation, giv- ing remarkably clean, bright, fast cosors.Dyes cotton, wool. silk or mix- ture,. 24 colors, rt ill give any shade, Colors 10c, Mack 15c at your dealer's or postp'd with b'k- let "How to Dye' from F. le BEN DICT & CO. Montreal 105 Cheer and Wine PRESSES Best of the :Kind. Three Sizes: Junior, price $25.00 Medium, " 30:00 Senior, `` 30:00 L. J, A. SURVEYERR 52 St. Lawrence' Boulevard MONTREAL never ha'e written sic nonsense as that." "Nonsense, •sir ? cried the' in- dignant doctor. "Aye, just nonsense. Rabbie g or at, u would ha king ie kept that a, queen, either, disna gang to bed wi' the croon on his head. He wad hang it over th' back o' a chair." Nearly every girl secretly believ- es that she could win fame and for- tune as an, artist's model. Tse PA RUSSER Tread softly - Ste -to safefg. alio PWA .ar uelrt CATS PAW 'NUB&E1I SOLES 'Embody the patented features " of Cats Paw !!eels. ,, 4 a i A si'