HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-9-19, Page 5DENTAL. Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., ri office. Closed Wadnesday arra:moons, HonoGrdastcToront r as at o Universty. i Offico-Over Dickson & Carling's law DENTIST Member et t.lus Ro.a.s. Ontarie and Stareeturys Orrice, Ma% Street, Exerts:le terewatdasat aianF bad effects. Office over Glad:a:en 4 riSe R. EINSMAN, Le:4LDS..D.D.S.; Honor Graduate or 'Toronto Untrersay DENTIST Teeth exacte Pn, or LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BAIINISTERS, Solicitors, N.;etaries, Coaveyancers, Cana, trees:tonere. 'Solicitors for tem Molsons Bank. et-. &Toney to Loan at lovreet ra,tes of %tempt Dences---trata-st.. Exeter I. It, Carling, B.A. L. H. Maser; MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount a Privae fonds to loan on farm and village Prop- ereies at low rates of tatevast. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barresters, Sericite:re, 'Exeter. J. SENIOR Agent Oorefederatiort t4re Areettra Company, also aaate Inetureace lead-, MC-Cla Log Canadian and British Compar.lea. Maear-Stre leetterea The "Pandora Range is doubly guaranteed — It is guaranteed by the makers and just as fearlessly guaranteed by every McClary agent, You should know "Pandora" perfections before you buy a rangej LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 4NPE2150N. leireneed MUo r Car fiuroin Ccioftty." Terrtla Peeeseesa Date* ma bes Mede Id the Adote Exeter. or' Ilersre Mabee* tattlee, Crede item alanY Ruateresse DollaglOa 'eroe far va, aatfen darn; dee eatiellelere Sold. by T. awkins Geo Manson ' caroti, ilarneallss. N. Torn. collection 10: eaultea, Mesa Dick, M.. Clare; eand maAes beat or shoe ,G'eo. alaneort.-.1. Belbadge tiadgb- . FINE ARTS Painting, in Oil, Iaedsca.pe, lairs. J, C. Hele, Maas Lielpaesteese; painting in 01 eguee, M. Weckwire, Miss Living- -stet -se; painning OIL fruits or ifcw. pre. Mrs Wieleware, Nese Water eplor, 1aectereape, MrsWiate, Mre Water potent, figure,. eKeree8 Z.:re trIolgr 5floWlee'reil,,ise.sailLtlIgW84tetIts Mrs, Hele; Sera palating, G. Heywood Mae, Bele; best pfeture, aaron Counte eeetterY, Mrs, WCeitlreare, Miss -stone ; p ogra*PlaY, )1ra" Ilele, MPsa J._ Pere -St erp.woV et" pastelle any sub - pet, Mrs. aTele, Mee Livingetene, pen. oil, sketch. Miss Livingstone, Geeeet ley weed ; cellectacess ea: pleategraiam, J. Senior ; phestogra9hre 3. Senior; photo graphs, A.madeurs, L. Griever, G. Heye wood, collection of photographic views, ela aerliOr Pen area Ink oketell. Mr.4 fele, Gaaelet Heywood; painting ill ;ail en ctiana glasea, terra, cOtta, H. E. Hus- 1;Netk:te'!4' deoeserer •aeterk. Henry Neeb, 3, Decker, Jr., colleetaerstli or coilnes, G, Anderson, 1. and 2; collee- n etamPe, G. A.'nderson, 1 and k 'tee -sales, G. Aedeeson, 1 and 2; FLOWERS Begea4s-tilberotte-Wra, Westeett, (title; begsemate, gee. A. MeRealleen foliege, J. Cottle, J. G. Slat:1411ra : ger- aniumen taream, J., cttt eaeging beet ket plants, 3fre, A. afePeetesscre; col' were ith lateifX. Pr!tiC,, 5, J. Tfe-t Son GUT FLOWERS aelesre, COttla, all E. Huston': Vail - Dr. de Van's Female Pllls A reliable Frcrais reepalatot ; tearer fails. These pills ins eacetdingly nacres -NI nteselating eseuerreties portion of this feel earees ystoos. Reese 41:144V Inaltstteas. Zr. de Tata% aro sold et alma, or titres for ale, Mailed te say addikese. Drag Co.,, St, eitheartutt. Out, Toronto, Ont., does not, NOW le lee -excelletet time to conanence couree Write for catalogue, , . FARaa FOR: r,SALE Tb' dereniitt offering for sale 'that desirable 100* acre farm, situated tho 2'own- tBidduiple, being Lot 13, Cen. 1. There as on, the pralnaeee ed fralnr) aeoafte, barn whit, foterlde. oral:peck. Tito foam lswt drala- ed nd 41 under eultIvatloal. Thin Is an xcellont eltUatod and will be dr Tea eoetablsee T'or torthea partle, s apply to Jeflui O'Neil, Moorosrillo, WM. KELLY, JiIXECCTORS' Auction Sale Of ,SE AND 9 LO;ra AND HOtISE. HOLD yttuNrrung, on( the premises of A HOLLAND, LA.KE ROAD, EXETER, Q i. eel Telltaxy, saw, Le, at o'clock p4n,the rellevillig Teal cetato and boueelto'id effeets,- Ifoueo and e Iota, a\tuato on Lake itoad ; 2. lalse on Motu Street, near the Nfetitodist church ; and 8 lots on sAn. trey,' street. Tho above lots Are wefleittatted.ad 'will affordexcellent building elites. Plo.no, lora, six pa.rlor chairs, El rockers, cantro table, oxtenston leatt er couch, dLnng tab, 6 clio.irs, sideboard, 4 bedroten suites, Wall rack coal heater, kitchen Tanga) and. rurniture ea.rpota and rugs, 3Proletuns and blinds, .rurana and, poles. clock; banging lamps erockery and r,lainfavra,m, bedding, wheel- barrow, lawn mower, applc press, fruit -sprayer, 22 it, ladder, croquet acts sewing macbane and carpet sweeper near ly new, books and, pietures, g-ranete- ware and other articles too nurneroue to mention. Torinss-Household effects, cash; Real Estate terms and conditeons inade known on day of eado. For further particulars apply to A., HOLLANDI or lira A. YOST the adminestra,tore. or B. S. PHILLIPS, a.uctioneer. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale his hundred acre farm, being Lot 14, North Boundary Stephen. There are on the preasiaes a good frame house, wile -splendid cellar, also a large summer kitchens and wood ehed attached; never failing well water; a large bank barn 54x60, with power wend nail and 'stab- les equipped weile Beaty litter carrier; water In tank at bane; good orchard with all kelds ot smell fruits ; thorough ly underd.reined wale tile, read ists in a -good state Of cultivation. This prep- erey 4e nircely situatea an a, main road, leas daily treall service, with telephone in house. For paralcularee apply ,tes B, S. Phillip's) auctioneer,„ Exeter, or to W. E. Sandere, Hay Pi 0. , . nom Eton SALE That firet-cimes farm beetle* situated In the •South pert olt ;Lot 5,. Con. 3. Township or laIddulph contaisang 60- . , acres of chelee la/ed. on the preenesee, es a new up-toetialte breck° dwelling,' new bank 'balm 42x70, all 'birileleed en ,good- etele watie Cement florse large ofea chard of fruit Well ;rented a-nd under-, drained an a vetood Peale of Oultivation never failingweti ot spring ',valet' 30 acres In grates the balance under culta vation 13 acres beengprepared for fall weeat. Ale° south 'half of lot 3, 001f. 3 contalleing 50 acres of choice' land 5 acres of bush: 25, acres of gra.ss wind- mill and teak an, tai,seree leaning well ,ef spring Water, well seetuatecl for grazing, a fenced and underdratieed. Conven- ient to scheol and, church bezig distant w -o milee from Centralia. Tepee properties will be sold In one or two 1 °es to stet iyurceaser. Easy rms 0± pay-m.ent Tee purchaser to have the, pnivaeree of go:qig on as 'soon ,as the presetet crop is ta.ken off, and full peresessfon on 1st of 'Ntovelre 'bor. For ternes and parralcullens ap- ply on the preneirees to Elleha Cas -roe Saintsbury or to Taos. Cameron, Aucte a'arquhea P, 0. T. 14 CARLING Lit Pire,earaldrest Fits.te doable .rlia.einess, Wan. Beer -1. and 2.; G-taea eer beets, Geo Manson; gents' boote eter Fall Fair. (Genten;led frOile. Peget1. seek-marstether, F, Elle3:11ton %left 'realer ; Steewe, Sed Saedere, John Snell GeaaelleMisle. S. 4. Hegattb, IT, E. dos Covert, C. Trgeumner, .1a.a Jeck. ell1 Rigig Tamplana3. Snell, Jas, Her., ton; Alexanders,3, Shaptcla. E, Cortesran red, C. Trieumner, 3. Snell; Rsbaea. farrelallits, F. Triebner, ; Wagnero. F. Elletengten. E. Raeder: Granee G. PIppats, 3. Saapteri, F. TrIebner: Mald- en blush, J. Shapes:ea E. Raeder: Gold, es russet. C. Trikatamer, 3. piottor ; Ben Davie. W. Weed, 5 3. Har;; 0Mart- :o, b', Tr:Omers R. 'ow; Wealthy: S. J, Regal:1h ; Duetheas Oldenburg, F. Ellerangton, 3. Snell; Blenhoim J. Andersen, C. Trott:liner; Peatte--Beurs Clatrigeatt, Mrs, Maher. son, Bell Luttntive, A. Deavitt: Shel- don, H. E. Huston, T. Rank.. sr.: East ll,urre, Doavitt, E. Raeder; Louis Bonn"t, de Jersey, T. Brock, sr,: T. 13-ettlt. jr,1 Bortatt de Anjou, T, Brock, a... Wm. Armstrong* ; Bartlett, II T Brock, sr. Plums-Du:Imes Purple, T. 13rOck, sr, Lombarde. R, Sanderti, 0, geLrod ; an other van5ety. 'P. Brock, sr.; Pond's Sreditags WM, Armstrong, T. Brock,in, Bradshaw, E. Elitiot, Mrs. Wickwire:1 Grapes -Moores Early, E. Ellt ;11.1. agera, alas. Wickevere, 14, Brock, sr,: Concord, G. Anderstan ; Rogers No. 15 T. "loosen ; Rogers. No:. 19, Mrs. .1.ita Pherson, T. Russell; Rogers No. 4, G, McLeod; Rogers 1,13 9, H. a, Huston, T. Russell; Weldon, MD, Horden; an7 other variety, T. Brock, sr., Fe .Eillet; Collecteen, G. McLelod. Peaches--Eaely Crawford, T. Brock,sr. any othcf.: vaTioty, E. Raeder. Mirscelleneoute-Col. canned Srult, 3. Decker, sr.; N. L. Horton; honey in ja.r, Bagshaw; homemade wines, Mrs. McPber;son, I. Decker, sr.; bottled, pickles and col. of canned vegetables, T. Decker, sr., Mrsa-celeharsort. eVni Dauncey„ Jude DAIRY PRODUCTS 5 lbsbuater, and, 1,0 ibe. butter, Jae, Horton, 12. Keedel; Pou;ndlrolle or prints R. Kedd, F. Down ; neatly areriengerd plate of butter, R. KYdd, Mrs. Deck; ptevate made 0 -Leese, 3. Decker, ,sr. Spec eat by J. A. Sleeves -St for hest creek of better, Seeen Moir; Speoial for 10 lbs. butter givesi by ffe Russell- James Horton.. W. G. Medd, Judge. VEGETABLES Potatoes -Beauty' cf Hebron, T. 13rock 'sr.; Pearl of Savoy, T. Bneck, sr.; T. Meek, Jr.; Empire State, Red. Eleph- ant, T. Bock, -sr.; Carmen No. 1. -Sea Hoge ran, T. Break, jr.; Rural New Yorkers, T. Brock, sr.; T. Brock, Jr. any other vartiety, S. J. Horth, Russell, Jr.; 3 new varieties, laBrock, Winter cabbage, F. Down, G. Ander- eon; Fall cabbage, E. Raeder, R. San- ders ; Blood beets, A. Deavite, R.. San- ders ; Globe beets, S. Senders, d:"" eY ; Surge: Beets, J. Weber, R.Sanderse Sugar Beet :Via n'gralass Dearing; rioar H. Pa samoke Lang Mang -olds, W. H. Dear:lag,- A. Deareillt ; Literanediates, R. Sanaves, It. Delbrfeage; Early Horn Carrate, and Indian Corn, Sal grinder -es R. Sanders; Red carrots, J. ,Cottle; yellow carrots, E. Raeder; Sweet cern T. Brock, er., W. Dearing; andiaai Corn, W. H. Deareng, P. Brock, 'er.r pumpkens, R. Sanders, S. Sanders, tur- nips ,Swede, M. Clarke, E. Rader; cattle „flower, T. 13rook, Jr., G. endereran ; red eons, wjhjlta;le yellow onio.ne ," .Spa.n- ese oineons, C. Bailee:, Sid. .aeleeleaie t erne toes, R. Sanders, Sandere, -hun- ches celery C., Batley, J. Cottle; 3 cirerene, A. Deaveitt ; Paean:Ps, J. Cottle, Jae., S'hopton, hubbarrd squash A. Mitceell ; best collection of vege- tables, T. Brock Jr., R. Sanders; Special by W. J. Caraing ,c7f.' at goied lamp for tee tWo leargesf tueneps, R. Sandere.- Doupe, Judea. MANUFACTURES (AND IMPLEMENTS Sewing machInes, S. Martin ea, San, 1 and ; Organ, S Martin & Son; role lectior theatre goods and tulle:shines, W. W Tamen ; wheelbareew, J. alureay ea Son, D. Russell, ; turnip pulper,. J Muriae el- Son, 1 a'ed 2. De:nese:12 cloth. mess arovni 1 and, t2 ; blankets all wool, J. rDcker ,sr Mess Brow n ; aver:see, , :Teem ; Hnr,$la b, Miss N. aroeria mg carper:, Merle' all: Tom; f salt a'of eerr' re and, Daa'ad'Srai 11 salt lee packeng ,parposes, David. ; 'saiglet rearm -see; Ware Beer 1 and 2 ; ra.e, et.aeldeeel, I. Cottle; Dahlials, cac- tus, J. Cottle; daildie,iss J. Cottle; glad. !bit'ekDr, HY-xistlloCI, J., G. Stanbury useturtisams, J. G. Stactintry, IL E. :ens Petuaitt,s, singles 3, Cottle: it6tun. double,' J. Cottle; phlox dreMmell- 43, j, Cottle, C., ihnitey; stocks, 4. Cot, swert Peiare, G. NU/teed; ereelereaaiss, j. Cottle; zfin. Was, 3. Cottle, C. Biztney ; basket. fr. 0. StanharY errangemeet d'eseer table, D. G. 5te-abet:1y, 3- akar: reel.: astattais for funereal, 3- G. FO' -rest tt and 2: lere-de're bouquet. J. 0. Stanbury novelty futeni flowecs, Dr. Heald:nee and 2, Dr, Sweet, Judes)a', IlIES WORE "tvetsbable,:a 14v1n atone, H. E, Hasten; sofa, pillew. mount ed, G. Voroot, IMes Livinglotbne.,, piano dratpt. Mao. K, Ton; sideboard scarf, 3. G. Poreist. 3.. Dr, llZa% holds; Mr, 3, White, Mabel BrOok:pa coahlon, Miss Tom, glee Livingstone; Lo„oadry bag, also bard bag, Mrs, White, Mabel Brook; Darn. atasa Tom, atra. White; buttpn bolee. Miss Tonle pazehialg, Miss TOM MrW s. hice: pillow (shams, ;Niles Tom, : Crab, Pillow cases, H.lius. on, areee Tent; dress, DiTst Wh4e. Nceb: undorclothing Dfrs, Ilasangs; stab. totvelsaitss.BrOwn H. Huston; drawn work towels, Miss Dyer, Plea ham'. ,sow'trz, Mss Tom rancY A'f.gbato, 13a Tont; Mounted tea cosy, Jas. Horton, Miair Tom; wshable tea cosy, Dti‘os Brown.; case Der band- kercitiks, J. G. Forest, 'Mrs. White: towel rack, Chas '<eddy, Miss Brown; tatt!nr, leas Livingstone; notting,MI mss Livingstone: photo trams, 12. Huston, jr. 0 Fore's; aancy, apron, H. Hustons Miss Livingstelle i col. dining table lineri H. Huston : ornb. contro piece In whites R. Kydd, :dies LeAingsto,ne; In colors, Miss HMI, ,Ddiss Livingstone; crab. tray loths„Mrs. Hest:lags ; hemstitching, Miss Brown: lunch cloth In white, H. Huston, Miss Livingstone; in colors, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Wickwire; laces? Pattenborg, Mrs, HMI, Mrs Whitei laces Honiton, Mrs. 'Wickwire, Miss Liv- ingstone; laces Teneriffe point, Mies Brown ; laces Dueleess, Masa Living- stone, Miro. Hin ; Queen Ann darning, Miss Livingstone, slumber rug, allesTom Crocbet work -shawl, Miss Tom, Mabel Brook ; slipper's, underskirt and fascin- ator, Mabel Brc‘ok, Miss Tom; infant's jacket, Miss Livingstone, Miss' Brook; infant's bonnet and bootees, 12. Brook, H. Neeb ; edging, Mrs Hill, M. Brook; work in wool, Mabel Brook, Mrs. 'Dck; table marts, Mabel Brook; fancy breed, NI:ss Livengs-tone, G. McLeod; irisb point, H Huston, eirs. Hill Knittedwork -slippers, _Miss Livingstone, H. Huston shawl, also tascinater, Miss Tom ; lace Mrs. Hai, Miss Tom; Embroidery-Wal..laehare airs. Wickwire, Miss Livingetone ribbon, Was Livingstone, 3. G Forest; shadow, Mss Brown, Mies Livingstone eyelet, Male Brown, ease Dyer; punch- ed work, Mrs. Wackwire, Mrs White; Roman, Mrs. Wirckwire; Hardanger, Mrs White; Mount aielleck, Miss Livingstone Mrs. Wickwire; Hawke Back, Miss Liv- ingstone, Mrs. Haertings ; shirt waist, J. Decker, r ; French( and eyelet, H. E. Huston ; doylies, Mrs Wickwire; man's night shirt, Mrs Hastings; brakar ng,, Mrs. whits; Corionattion braiding Ntess Tom, T. Bropk, Jr ; Patch 'Work 3n cloth, Mies lacen, J. Decker, Jr quilt in eilk, Miss 'Pam, Jer G Forrest; coentdepane tufted, J. Decker, Sr; counterpane crochet, J. Decker, Sr', J. Decker, Jr; counterpane knitted, "Mires Torn; rag mat sewed, Miss Tom; rag mat hooked, Mts. MeAvoy, C 'Keddy; table centre, Mires Livangstone; veopl socks heavy, Mrs. fiseleleherson John Moir; ,socks fine, Kra: McPherson; fancy ,stockings, H. N'seb, m Clark; lad-ies wool err silk metes, Miss Tom, Mese .1 C. Hall; wool tor silk glove's, Mess Toine H. Neeb ; men's 'wool fancy artecles, far dresser, Mrs. White; work on scram canvas, Mrs. Hastings, Mrs. whim; bead, work, Mrs Hill, Mrs: Wickwire; seneeewalest, H. E, Huston; Mess Livingstone; ram:elect/1 cress stitch, Mrs. Whiin ite, MISS Livgstopo; drawn thread work Eine, Miss Browns Mrs. Weate ; drawn -thread work course, H. ,E. Huston, J Dececeir, Jr. fancy start wa 're t, Mier s Brown ; handaeltelechitets with Initial, Mabel BrookBr , Mies own; novelty in fancy vvoIrk, Miss .Tem, 'H. E. Huston ; col ladles' work, Miss' Liv- ingstone, Mrs. Hill ; stenciling, H • O. Huston, Mies Thompston ; metal c2 -aft, 12. E Huston, J. G. Forrest; leorrie-maac bread, H. 'E Hoston, Fraek Down; h.orneemade Mies, H E Huston, al Clark; Hai-e'er...Bros' special, for best 1o12 of bread from Medea Firoure M. Clark CHILDREN'S' NY,ORK Dressedi dole, e doll' S cloth4s nee/ eel cushion, safe. bushiest mounted.; darned -stock-age, crochet work rot - ton. also in wrool; 3. Anderson ; G. Man see, A Daalise. Nena Carling, Jessie Hamilton, Judges, VARNISHING DAY. t Brings ManY—SurPrises at the BoCr' nab Royni AnanernY. When the hanging committee Of the English Royal academy has completed the voric a "hanging," the- artists whose pieturea are exhibited on the academy 'walls are forwarded a piece at pasteboand known as a "varnishing card." Thia eard Is the first intima- tion the artist receiTea that bis picture has passed triumphantly through the processes of judging and iilittogliOg," and it alloWs him to Visit the academy on a particular day-“Tartlisiting day" -just before the galleries are thrown open to the public. Hundreds ef knights of the brush are to be found In the galleries of Burlington House on "varnishing day " and here and there are flights st" steps and leartre- alsed platforms covered with artists putting the last loving touches to their canvases. Hem perched an the top rung a a pair of steps,1$ a Young ladY with smiling face scraping her picture with a palette knife and putting in fresh spots of paint occasionally, while on the floor at her feet is a young mai whose features are the pleturo of mis- ery, bis eyes roaming toward the ceil- ing. ts canvas is hopelessly skied, and he b silently abusing the members of tbe banging committee for their lack of judgment 'Tarnishing dart briags many sur - Prises io the, eXhibltera.. Doe man will end ilia =VAS wrongly altMed, and another, an impressionist, may be star - led to discover that his glorious sun 'sot, over which be bee taken so mueb pain, 1,1'u:sable down.' 4i5d for the erst Jinni be realizes that ao !pm. sionist's picturea cart be 'tamed about aneeeect , ywayWithoUt Pee-UTagglacgering tb Tamer had one of his paintings hung upside down, and old scarlet:al- ai:Ins well remember tbat a Wale can- ras, "A steeping Naiad." was once, ow- ing to lace or space, placed on the wall in an upright position and renamed 'The Waking Nalad."--National Maga- ins. FUNNY FRILLED LIZARD, Carries an Umbrella, /4as a Whip Tail and Walks: Like a Bird. The trilled lizard is found In Austra. Ilan woods, being tolerably abUtulant ha Berth Queensland and the !Umber iey district of Weaterle Atletralla. It lives on beetles such as are teund On tbe tree barks. It IS about three feet long, measured from head to tall point. Wbat makes It remarkable consists at two things -its hurried walk and Its fighting anger. It carries a sort cif natural umbrella top about its neck, whieb it elevates suddenly with an alarming effect even ta ordinary lizard killing dogs, main them as an umbrella opened, in the race of a charging bull; berme it is called the frilled lizard. Its teeth are not of much IISO as a defense against a vigor- ous aalmal, but when it fights It uses its long, lithe tail in a way to bring long bruises on one's hands -in fact, could it be properly trained, it might serve as an automatic switch, which, like the magic rub -a -dub -dub stick, would' at tho word administer a tbrasb- ing to the disobedient child. From the scientific point of view the creatdre's peculiar method of ambula- tion Is most interesting, because it pre- sents an absurdly grotesque appear - ;wee at such times, more especially from the rear. It walks bipedally or on Iwo feet, Ilke a bird, and so Much does It resemble a bird in its walk that it SPPII1S to be the connecting link be- tween the ancestors of birds and the ilzerds of today. A Real Discipiinarian. The other night we heard a father speak thusly: "William, your mother tells me that you must have a dose of castor oil before retiring tonight It is your bedtime now, Take your medi- cine and go to bed at once." "But, papa, I don't wauta take no caster oil." "You must take it, and immediately." -Atv, papa, Idowanterl" -William, if you. don't take that med- icine put you 'fight to bed this min ute without giving you a drop of it." William was so scared that he took It. That's the way to enforce disci- pline. --Cleveland Plain Dealer. Eye Photograph. An image impreased upon the retina ofthe eye remains there an apprecia- ble time. This is the reason' why a torch swung rapidly peems to be a cir- cular flame. The, sensilglity of the retina is different at different times of the day. Dvery one fits iabtieed how on waking in the mondng and -looking at the bright window, then closing the eyes, he will observe an impression or phantom of the window for an appre- ciable time after his eYes are closed. bomostio SoolkkeePing. "'And, what's your reason for increas- ing the'servants' wages, pray?" her friend asked. "Because my busband" complained that ray dress and millinery bills equaled the household expenses, and I want, to show him they dci,s' not." -Lon- don Tit -Bits. ' Teaching the Teacher. Mother (whose children.-liavllad an education superior to Ler own, to her small daughter, whom she Is in the act of ernacking)-I'll learn you net to con- tradict me! Small Daughtei:(betWeen her sobs) -Teach, mother, teacit-Lon- don Punch. A Mystery. ,."Mumnty, darling,,,, where does the. re:01;746n It goes ,olit,?'? ' "GoodiieSS:.knotv's my dear: You m1ght4ust as well ask me .witerar.ded. ZURICH Miss praa.r of Bueire.loe N. Y., svis3t- ing e at the being 'aIYa area. airs. Tao. .:foeseeirolle-^"Me. garnet Megel, and eistee Grert;:a or Detroit are vitaiting relatives in town and .-sreciesity.,--alirse Lank again ea citriarge ref Iereeterle: millinery depatimeateaatev. and Mrs. 0. F. Brown• accompanied by Rev. and Mrs, tech or Melds -epee 'ere for SebevlaittsF, faich„ Teureday, ,ore, a eitort vecateert tr:p---13fre 0. thk. efeeea has returned 1 rem Preston, reeeoraPaa0d by 1*. 0,,,au.ghter, efre. Barnhardt, 'wile exPects to ren-aea fin town', for a rOT Mrs. Fred Southkott ha a returned to her parental -borne, after spending the last fCW -,X110,11t4-s. at the Bend. After a, bort stay Mr. and Mrs, Seuttleett p...cr to lleeee for cailiernia„--Miss 3.da Vaurm left for Detroit, witere ehc tra tends teking a cettree ea the business collega-Mr. Glees, pro:4 04: Bergtx was " town last Week. ge tVot; smr,c1, brother jolea te the beePistal at weooisveeic..L.Don.,ps•nlo absence or Nev. q, , Roy, Geiger kindly consented to teeter lalearges of the services ln tbe Evangereel cheetah. last Sur.daY, and next Sandeaae-Alered afeliek lost a heavy mare worth aboat e300 irotel Wale - stroke. Mr, )1:e1:13ck ha u sustained sev. oral losses it.f.S sealskin LI hits items lock ,KTRICION eptember. kith '44.14 e,Xed letter .daY., the hastory ot St. Paul's' chureh, 1<ir ton. wheti the itlitleit waa consecrated by tale loedearip, tbiO 13,ish,OP efHurbUt The biultep was met at: the eilltrearalae by the macre Q4 Rev, OPci, Wr RAM:. and Meeere JOhlt. church wardites. After PILES CURED at HO by New Abierption Neffled. If you auffer from, 1.1ee4ing, itehing, blind or protruding Riles, send me, your address, autl I wili tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption, treatbaent and will also send some oi this home treatment free for trial, witli referenCS from _your own locality if re- quested, immediate relief atul pennanetie cure assured, Send no money, bt1 tell otliers this offer; Write to -ay to S.Trg R. Summers, Box 840 Windsor ROOFIN6 'twos loager and more ecgrbalreloarrotection, per do/10.y,, of cost, than metal rooting. shingles OZ' any other ready.root- ing. With ov.L'er SOO imitations, Ru-ber-oitlis still the beat Made 15 3 Perrnancnt colors Rel, Brown, Green - and naturalSiate. Look info it before you decide on Olt new roof. 80 - Selo UN, TIBMANDARDBAIRO/- Ctasea.theatzti&etreat. tattosse The Dashwood Planim-- Mills "vita OASHWOOET., BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND SahjeCts taught by expert instructors at the Y,M. 0. A. LONDON, ONT. Stade:Its assisted to Positions- College ;at aeasiao from Sept. 3rd, Calegue rat. Enter any ttrae.. alt J. W.WaSialTelt, Csartatid Atoicattist rean, sefin981. 'f011iteited • bear COMM . 1:/aa roma/444. amot,her powerful 'Oernfon. 4114' bAninK tfiti re,lidrk4 Ia Cor.,„4-19 ,and Was listened to with, ran,' as - op by irlae largo number preen, which not only faXe4 00 pleating ro,Me"ty' the, edif.ice, but also fine4 tiv, ales Tito musical pari of t,Ze, eery -eel w.ae W511tivildereil ay tee eleear Peder ablo ,n1a4aFement Attvcd Vettl as Healtal. oIreeade li!Igtiijr. friends he siva; two scloc moat effece-i'vely. pryer off -rd, riee was t - Ir ien. pree tetelt tee b'et.ea. Ly arid reale:eel. Tnis was trati4 , of, drilS le ee rum- sh`p weevil -red tn the ever, LABATT'S LONDON LAGER INDIA PALE AND F.XTRA STOCK ALES, XXX STO STANDARD 13EVEIRACES 31 JOIL4 LABATT, MITE% LONDON Why Women Axe Not RICEIL. Minx is a millionaire 'many Cults ,orer ha the possession of blood,cells. Wont* an is not quite so rich,for smentists haw proven that the normal man boa fivis pin. lion -the woman only four and a half million to a cubic millianetinghicaid. -A decrease in number of red blood corpuscles and a penxitt "bias pale "-in fact, is anacinic, the blood does not get the right food and probably the stomach is disordered. Dr. R. V. Pierce found years ago that a glycerie extract of golden seal and Oregon grape roots, queen's root and bloodroot with black cherrybark, would help the assimilation of the food in the stomach, correct liver ills and in Nature's own way increase the red blood corpuscles. This medicine he culled Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By assimi- biting the food eaten the system is nourished and the blood takes on a rich red color, Nervousness is only " the cry of the starved nerves for food," and when the nerves are fcd on rich red blood the person looses those irritable feel- ings, sleeps well at night and is refreshed in the morning. "1 VillS attacked erith a severe nerams disease. which was caused be a disordered Ertoraseb and liver," suites Mn. Js. IZVELY, of Wash- burn, Tenn., Route 2. Bra 23. AS me friends thetiebt I wouki die and the best pbysiciaas gave me ip. I use advised to try Da Pierce's Geldea Ideneet Discovers-, and dcrtved =ch benefit arem same My case lased ran so lo r -w. it had leecreae po chrenic that nab:bag would effect apeantrnteno. ,WtDr. Pierre's medical,' has dale much forme atd rectum:mend it. I beur'oly advise its me as a spring tonic, and advise ailing People to take Dr.Pierca'a medicines before their di:fezzes have nm se lase that tbere is no cheace to be cured. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, 50 stamps, to pay for wrapping and mailing only. J.D.Lrvitur, Esa, —1110111111•0111111M11111111, MENalfOU NEED NERVE EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM Thanerves control all actions of the body so that any. thing that debilitates Om -will weaken all orgras of the system. ;Early- Indiscretions and Excesaes laave ruined theusaads of promising young men. Unnatural Drains aap their vigor and vitality and they never develop to a prepeeccindition of manhood. They remain weak - 11012, physietilly and sexually. How you foal/ Are you nervous anti weak, despondent and gloomy, speckS bofore the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, baelful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memorylifeless, distrustful, lack energy anti strength, tired rnernings,, restless nights, change- able moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, etc. This is the conditionour New Method Treatment its GUARANTEED TO CURE Ire have tre.atea Diseases of Men for almost a lite - tee eed do not bave to experiment. Coasult us FREE OF CHARGE and we tell. you whether you are curable or - We guarantee curable casea of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, GI PET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free -Booklet 00 Diseases of Men. If unable to call write for QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT VVoneledul Nervous System RS.KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. 11()TICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to cur Canadian Correspondence Depart- ima=milisamitam meta In ea tedeot OntIf you see as personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as;a-e see and treat ' ao patients in our Windsor offices which are for CorreSpondence ate14, Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address alnetters as DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY, Wm• dsor, aat. Write for our private address. a