HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-9-19, Page 4• dere & Creech, Props. , 1,1,11PSDA.Y, SPT. 19, ',12 TEAHE1,S' a doubt there ls neoed of a change the Schaal Act wirich permits a teactIer fc cahcel elatga.geine-nt wia aeh'0911 btV,rki tWk3 menthe' natica, even " fhough the teacher heal! lust lorev:Ously sign:4 art ',tares:he-tit to teach for e r.,ar, Q course, fife. school boaret has a like privilege- off roccolling aft, agree- ment on the same. ,,notioce, but ;Ilia, is rorsly, ecer, advantage of lay c hoard, A cast, in pc.l•ht has :Inst. acme :to co.anftatren. Wita. Pae Exetrti Veltatal bras Otafrtpbell. teacher of eenlanercial tasoloatlittent.: Wile had afgras an tigeasheac'of. tor tite pre.aent soliora),„,,yaar; and Who during tits vaca- tittil wag; ShreitelPfUt oa spericallist*li3 vertlitcAte WC.a:kk re•- k*i.',"•mirl an offer Xretat the Sarttaa Catieg.4 fate Btaa,rd to lacc,anta Itemi of ills (`.31S6 1117.Z•3'0..P.. depoirintanf. there, at a carts:der able itistlellse a g„ItAr7. •NatO,r5117 a. w'ata,d, O,aeeePt, 4td., as slavowls with - to• the Act and tite Stitf) I rd. bu".. apow Misa-CtimP- U7'll igc »Sartfia frna a'ad„ F.lafs biftits, to, malts the ctraf,ge illiaNs* llhe bfllIiiilltittg," Of the tccm. 'flan tv,;.;„, :ncra!Va$ arzl Milas Cret'clbettanle, of Sarnia to wok 'need hoc '-'ef.ostIP- r,foe.-"ii 7, -hat Exafs; s'altaa: is a loser by ;nu. exeltaage, fact 41fhOuga. lo -f: :tad exratfiflgiitWO1d 1-4.ex .7*1 and yea re eXpik.r:ek.13.6' COIMinercefal a 6 3-4%4. tat Miss Catnpb41.`e on.e But, 04',"" Ir••••Nratag,' satauld he swat., ae sac:, a voted -0)o, would b3 r atod flatIVY ixt,...er walk of Fie, BEND. CreCht011 911.te 4 uSt71iber, train hers attended ,hta Western Vett" :atealacton the Pa The wes,ttPX' was :deal Anti tit hints, hael -Plinklitellhar is having tha helase c'ecently baught from the ex- ecutors of the late ,Jacob Has, Palnt- al, and papered. W. II, Wenzel Cs do - 'fit; the walck,. Next' Butudallf tc-ecal,ita t1"ter Quarter11.7 eal'sr"*.ces vitfl be ha1t! fr the Evang1e31 Church Rev. Grer.ze.bach, of Iltishwcf4 will off:cis:is at the T„,erd's SaPiCer- Miss I-Iarthart Zwick:or o Lono s •st.ntag h.er brother for a few days. Mrs. V Klerr ha's fNeturfted kerne 'free), do a 17ow wee4C4 and Mrs, \WU Kerr. The Peach SotaChl g1veothe telho- d'et C'aa.,:Pbk u We4P0s441 n'..ght under sP"ce5 of the Xvil•tieft.t.e. wA$ "VfP.11 ed. Ail eceltenit Prograin oUcW 'elarl141. Aritatis 'Walker XIS reader tirf,e larg.e 4141,,APee. )ir aiad Mrs. Chas. Elbaot Certtne4.• if:sited the former's pp.rents Mr„, and Mrs. Christopher Welber Or tew last week, ood work Cs be-iing,tlarte, at the dtc Ware flagged where, sfda treeS,„ hold Mrs„ iee1 and, „ir, and Yhrger of Tterrep autoed hette. tiad, 517,50 4, -few 44,)74, tn. tow. Irfest, Tttes,wiaBixoter Fair. A, titifiti o.wit ovor ad. had, a pleatia.itt aU bzs played Ciiittori e_rs-,urn priday arad oihi,- a score, aff Tr -e Wa.5 Xlae;.!;f2.:1'4: PZA. fact that gltatett Clv), Whqt •• works off 044f, bUlti.theT Dashwoqd ..••••••••••••-6,..".• e We1t,41 is at poeseitt In St. mos ,thapticri `ciaoNstoH e,t,disor underwent an aperarLort. Fier inanY ends Will be Pleased ,to know dhosit she a da a's Wall, ,a4 „painb sexpectied.- Rev, ArVhar Kellerman of 13eir1i.",n how vitxi his wreats, ir. an Mrs. GOQ, 3n1), Mrs. Thun end M„ss Kingar spent Satur4ay arid ShadaY Mfteheill..-,Mr. and Mrs, P. Kraft avant Sunday wzhfriends In Mit 'end MO, Pree1or spen Sunday i'et Rota. Don, Chi ayisitIng her par- ez, s, Mr. aii4, Mr sr Goetz.,Mr, 1.40W5 Reai'.e ar.,en,d, Eaker were in geclerie"n, this week On flap Jury, hnd Mrs. ToOni Preeter and tainElY or Zuriiet. SundW teWp., ",trIth au excnZ. gentle of baSehattl Olathe Dashwood PlafygroUrteile SOMS 'of the Canakla wit() helti theit0 cOgYellit,Oit ..h...eicO I:Pa-III tile 4J pIfth Septb,mber Preyed tai they hoofe„ or ,fozgotten theca. ba'seba"11 ,pracr.,. a:: College, by, deteaeng the' ecn.ler. in of Zorf).., by, s score The, uofeti bays wereiNtertn..statiet Qw:ntbip,g ;Nagle., but d'g 4ot ictiow that they were eornp.str;ng veiN some star payers o d co747,3. Poll,z24. Req. QrZel' rtae,r, .ter the riatiViietere had the et,he;' Wen Sueakatg, laud certa4aly na,va del:vonod "tale .pill4r,"" la thet. bail bean, dry. gante withittelr.,, &earn 4 ia47-ticir!tx the. :11-7k;4tah0.9?Ifil;S,I;eytilIPE'Peg run Oa 014/74" tremBev,P•raee0!lie etelea baSe. And bif Bev. , B. Tlte:r OppeneItta „tied 1,1io. AP, fa Oa tigfd, etn, aeeeltltt tOt '-ectlVe able. errors, OP US the al:LPIte-,74!,h341,,, ta 1140 rim lt4o,,;ihq aco,;-0 otooft httt ttra last hair et qlle:f;itatiho ra*Tte. See:PG t1Lat it was Ilict• tle SOPtfAAllit darlule,te Prtivo4 gat= coulci, -out coati:nue, and OE, f41, ta their rittempit-Or- hreeder,waa Stroelt. ,411t1 Prausclike, the re - ,1L „, Mow One in to, whrolt the Weiler Ow hit the 1-ttener en 0 head 4 htdd, and Orgen. score& but tit', Z•4. bays,44 their lgttelPtkee b48eb*i, anci,laeln,Ca undegStandfor, of ZatP4. th,4 P.ft gvertAPOW to and rae.sX1 o„'.t.owI *hen -Or4. ...1141g thAA atrifgetOra, PA, la mood rrel, te(oZeu-sx itittiutotue4t.104racni.th teetclitIttf y see CgTen, trot Mine w;t1; Talt Wheal Iltfert tad one be. • .0.a4 etr soccoot.il.rt444:14:e4:.nci5ik..0 et„, Texee Piague 4 tr4N-uo1 r lererealt7t7; tom. Thto watt h who hall seen s ago. The altaist, tho ;AM" "Were, Oz of tr. Roe. satinet: lotoh Rev. Imo or voiewr I girt zgl..1zruztortort:11Tt:9 )1 sogvli: • of Cobalt, c.f.; ROY. Gralipner ; ReVi. 'n101'4310' 0; 'swat, :Ind; Teacher W4there at Elmfra DoettaQ Bergn and preSident he Synod, umpitrod the game tonne Yatures et the gat= ;hat haw Xtcd,and %Olen dos;erve raentiOn tufts -judge a 4 tly In .right Chas Fait«, and also tha bass, throw=ng of E. WilrnOclio nearlY caught a =Ian ,runritag Trout emend. to third, Mr. 'Warm ,saw several ti,g loagee Garnini recorded n the paper and from thrn knows how to catch a runnerv • Jud go Ho% of. 14.ckaun Exoterhp Pedler u Cat relatives ifere,-Mr. anti, Mrs. 5 Gravelte were Zur".cb: 13Pelile FrUlay.--„Mr, P. Bak,,r wao i.vae la Loa - Saturday, ---Mr. 41$1 Atce. S.1•fPftt-rd TitedfOrti It',eit.fldat G•rati•' 6 .Satidelf W r' hi1.1:.en hero for the aktrariter. X11., dIt75, Methetttsit, rho. 14 and P•aptied.--Mr. 41,hor here. erareturned Kr.'iday, frOfic. - .5 t aeetiteld, The Metied,,:,IWU O4 arifest d4imer ,II tP are.v 4:31J :a Win& elf„tigr. T wKiei /3-eowo w11 v15,3 , Ictf oda £r far at' ltheben All"."1,15it'. aekth141 I% %r neat v,sif...1.4 at 305. mx,s, litalkwflt of F.:Xe1ter lane' Cin•al,t). !Stafford Mrs. Deti*.i tit 9I Ofl9 SU Mr$ t• -4 t fie, $ . TutU 9V9.0 kl ' • statt'i .,1 I! Cal4i.v.ilr tOrin- 9'. this ciretitis re- clotted heri2, SUL,., rit'...d" deifeered an 'a .8 .. Rev. Snell oil Striv,in 4.0 t a p1r2 tre. r•ft..21 Sunday, -,Airs, S„. Wr:g,it,,, wliii tuts it,leri, ;i1 $t. SeSePlik*S' tr,l, LOTitta..i, fef thet,,piltat six 'Weeks here, and - able to.bei Ella BroOksleErbn -,414;,.-4. Where isbe bits 'se., St„ Ye It • ster, Cleadid ARN,TEL elFr. For - „i rriteaday ter S. ;td, S to l'icrIva:n.-Mr. • Al, seer purchased -the- 190 eve half tnb west cif here - Ed, 11,:cti,,n fer the. sutri, of Mr. MossFr talcepOssFissi-;, Con at once. -Miss '...Tarjorle "Guinan ar- i-lvad no:arc on Friday from Chatham. - Misr losepnine. McGaiin of ;Nlarilste-o, tidends itt thls Giceson and Kilgall:rt oi S. Sosepii wora the. guests of Mrs. Glasrin for a low, days .last week, and Mrs, of tte Arlfpg- to,Iloase„ I'arkri41!„ called on friends tzre Sondly. McGILLIVRAY J. D. Drummond, the genial clerk of, the Towlishsp, was the. lucky Semi im the contest at Lo,-Aa:i Far by which he won au acetyl:in gas sYsz‘anza ling $200, given by tile Davis. Light- ing system, to theLperson who.beld the” lucky ticket, 10 ACRES OF 1_,AN,D :FOP- t.Tho, iiadersInd is offering 4fp,,r,,, sale tat deatirable 10. res ,hz,collent land sriltuaterfo4n. 'the north 'skis of;,,,bake Readane wed& "the 'Oasis :tsa sinall.:orohard ei the prernr,ses.'V fl eld. -Cheap, .Aliply to Sohn Saiiriett, riear-„„PrepSrly, by mail, I-TaY P.O. ED. JONES, Prop. EXTENSIVE Auction Sale OFCATTLE AND RgfIsEs. Mr. Thos. Cameron has rece'ved s' ln- ucto'.i &OM The, undersigned ,tio -sell by publ,' c auction on SATUROAr,*SEPT. 21s1, at ,othe o'cifeck, sharp, 'on Dow' ••• FARM, E'XFITER, the followng,yaluable , HORSES -2 yeatri"ng elide- filli- es, 2, two clYda fittest threcayear..Old, Percher two clyds fines. 1 three-yearyold- perch. oron mare, 1 one year-pld."....clzd.e geldr, 'lug, 1 thra year old cly,de_gold,ogi mare, good fatrmers and reFable, 7 yeaps old, 1 gelding, Socd ta-frnere clever, ctitigot and rehabla, ,-7 years aid:, 1patIr gaiety', es -I 4 and 5 years old, quiet egnd cATTLE-13 head of yeaiT1f.fi'g-1"ateers halters, 5 head of two yet'ir, --;e4Did steers, 1.2 bead of- two year aid, heifers; 1 cow w'.th calf at feet,,T cow due to cav i on?a sais, 3 cows due'te calve Js of Octobctt. ' „TETI:AS-6ri�hths cre14 given on crfilethitag aPP,_rp7cd..-3,Oliit. notes. A ou're.;! of 6-'13.er °ern '1:.antrtmo oWl for n llau ot 'hcs. OarrlerCr G. J.'"tita.X;I: Auctioneer l'f0Prietor Letztiro numbers as w lt 44,11/f ...feted the exhibition at 1,4rIttAn W.. 7,1CL4,VS, Mt,",',Ths;Int, ''',41."4' th,,, pa.ar. week for a.a. tr1P ATT. J. W, gftWO:11,, Plefebalitt 't ot on.. Tinktr50.14 04tet1gn3'.. ,, neral oi" a, relak:vetk-Mrs:. H C returned,. Mitt Guelph, whets #4e spett(Tr a 1 Y•TetSgi W401 he ciao. . Johns, -,-345- Eliti of Tr - ties tere.- T Lodge et Odtlfellows bettl E t Lodge 'ROOM ett Wee, Pe tP,:e Weele,---31ra J. W rnU an W.tQ11 Qf S4ale3t.00/1 11 are bere Ifte:t lei11cle081 , -ary, aro T, - -4 eat t, 911ty .,'rcer• .1 d 7.,,k3:0 0 j. Ca al:re:gran:VI b pa.ld Ing, Corrn.rly in co rry We oraia. or pas; W99l W1i1. relatives and. frads „Fittdsen w:11 rret to 1,,as been quite poorlY of wcirs,,-Miss Nettle M11Ie ree.t4tly front Toronto, W,zet been Mr some One. kateen LCO. hOila Past . 7,41ra. pend:ng • , The maw th.aJoseph, t sho number ttpd. he had GREEN:WAY Anr:lver,sary servlbes ,were the ;Methodist church „Sunday. In splte the untaverable weather large congrega- ti:On attended the sereces and listeatel ve.tb. Interest to the forceful and logic- al 33g:ven by Rev. A. J.•S‘.11till ot PaIIthLt The artusic by the, chelr Was Pa ularly pleasrng.-Rev., r, 13ewen dem wiiII preach :11 the Methodist urCh neXt Sunday in, t.tte interests 'ot Soelety.-,Ameng those who attended Lardej lair last week were R. Engi'Sh and Selborne, E. Snawardson W"H:cks, L RdJay, Z Pollock, H. Wick ert, Mr. Melt, Miss, Alice Meliin, and Strss Grace 1.1trrata.,---Mrs. J. Foster is v2a.V.ng at the horne. of her ;son David wensa w:fe t3 ill with inflarurnatorz•- cheumat:am.-'Mrs. Schroeder ot Shipka was a usata )1rs. J. BropheY over Sunday. -Mas Eon= McPherson la vis- iting friends In Zurich. this Week. -Mr. arid, Mrs. G. °kilter,. of Grand Berid spent the weak end at Mr. Stewardson's. • . ST MARYS--Ft'cbeson Faulkner, aged 531, oa of ;;Iiie p;oneers ot the dIstricr ad for years a ca.rpenter 's dead at., bt's filame he. Bes'ides hs wife he leaves Or, son "rt Briltitsh Columbia.. Clearing Auction Sale Ot Farm Stock and IrnplaIijents, Roots, Hay and Household. effectk.en LOT 19, N: B. HIBBERT, oilkTUEISDAY, OCP. .i , 1 o'clock, sharp •- --lionses-Agric. brood mare, 4 -yr., sup. ctltrlys Ca foal; .kgric7-ge1ding, rifling '4, 4g'. -c. mare, rlatIng 4; Agric. filly, rls- tqj5 2 -yr.; .A-rsx'.e. iUy colt 1 first.: claSs ea.rmaes drcver, , Cattle -Cow, dug, tints of sale; cow due Eri.,,Decenther ; renewed coWt.;.4- cows due Ca -it -March and Apria; -4 steers, 2 -Yr.; 4 hi3'.:fers, 2 -yr.; 6 yeartng . steers and liOliiers, 5 calves. - I-Irisns and Fowl -Brood sew, due in Noerernber, 8 ,store hogs, 75 young hens and pullets, number of ducks •-and geese. I,Implernents--lumber' wagon, truck wagon, buggy, new „cutter, par bob-, olelghs, flaw; bi;ad,jor, "'lower, seeder & tt.7...1.1, new; cli,sc, 3 -horse cultivator, 1 'Eva fflor ; 2-turrow plow, s:ngle plow, n:early new; harrow, 'roller, fa.nniing- mc7,1,1, set team harness, nearly new, set •-tna tn. work harness ; set s'ngle harness, bay irack, g-rave;I box,pi': g rack, plat,. forni scales, stone -boat, ladders, num. e;•,,rgran batgs, whilfeletrees, neckyokes, , han s, forks, shaveld, hoes, etc, a, roots and. hat: i,,1:1"9usretrold Effects --d' ream se.parator, unn, waish;:ng machlno, sewing ,...-irach'ne end athec articles of household ; fb:,,r cure. ;PosrtiVsly"..'no '"reserve as -the' proprie- cirr- trawsrented. b.rs 'Tern -es, -$5 aincr 'under cash;; aver that safr;'12 months aredi"..11 on "ihrtitshirig 'ap- proved jo'..nt nobs. 5pr a8r efI per cash o credt'almou" nt'S 1C: l'eu o -Enc, --as 49T:" T. CAMERD'N. Propr:etorrha o. Auct:onaen AUCTION SALE ot Fairol Stok Said IrnPleatelita, HaY Roots tund Household Purgture. Thot, Cattle:on twos recolved instruct - ons to sell by public tvacti:on, On LOT 0, CON. 1, LTSBORNE, 1% rates Southl otf Exeter, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 4th, 1912 at 12.39 o'clock vharp, the followIng Horses -Brood (range NO yrs. old, sup, posed to be En ,roal, drat; brood ana.re ;1ged, ,aupposed th• be Cm foal, general purpose; ff.11y r'..sffig 3, agricultural; fil- ly 'rising 3, genera/ purpose.; 2 geld; fngs .r:Ig*Ig 3, agricultlural; filly ris- ing 2, agricultiorad; 2 geldings rising 2, agniculturad;, snare toal, agricultural sueking colt, agrIcultural. Cattle --4 cowls duo rt Feb., 'Marchand Apra; 4 eteers crilsing .2 Years 7; 4 11,-.X.fe2s ri,sing 12 ; 4 calves. 1-1dii-s--Tainw0rth boar, regZsteirecl.; sow dunrt Ocit.; sow‘ due later ; 3 shoats., Fowl -A number of pure. bred J moanss._and P4Illeptl9e.frierrls-lumbere‘ wa-gon, nearly new bruck wagon, wagon, box, 2 gravel box- es -and mialrfulre box, ir.ig‘tit wagon with shafts, 1101caido top bulggy, road 'cart, bUggy pole to fl,ift piny boy, pair ,bob- slreghs, 2 cutters; `.clinfe nearly new; 2 sas double 'team hainness,, set double hairness, 2 sets sIngle bajrneiss, number hense-„collairs, btnder, neaTIF new, mower; good; hay -loader; arde de- ll:very „rake, horse rake, seeder and dr1Il :sprCelg tooth' cultlivator, dise, Set har- trowes, land -roller, 27turrciw plow, 3 single pfews, 2. fattatthng nih1s, one with bagger attached; 2900 lb. truck scale; grass seed sower, nurruber grain root' "PolPer,455 gal. eqddron, large horse power with jack, savrIng machine, eiircular saw frame and belt, Beefier, ,streAv cutler vvCithi carriters, water tank, stone boat, forks, shovels *hoes, saws, chains, whiliflettrees, neckyokes, 'ladders and numerous ot,h.er atticies., Quant:ty cedar posts, [including anchor posts; alsol some second -,hand posts and fence.slats quantity lumber, oak, maple, basswood, elm, number 21,4 and 3 dn tIle a quantity of Alfalfa haY, also marl -golds. and l'sq71- tr:•It'leitaen 7107hereSTHE CANADIAN itoa,;,rarshesinp uthi isteoec, te ittione rot atnhde:m - NK the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For mat many years doetors prononneed it r 10eal, diS case and prescribed local remedies., and by constant- ly failing to cure withlocal treatment, pronounced t incurable. Science has proves catarrh to be a constitutional rilsease and therefore requires consti, tutional treatment. Catarrh Cure. inanufae. tured by F. J. Cheney dr, Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market, It i taken intentally in dose,s from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It, acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one lattedred dollars or env ease it fails to cure. Send for circulars, and testi, menials. Address:F. J. C1LEN1Y & Toledo, Ohio Sold by Dr4ggists, 73 cents, Take tia faroily pills for 1OpetiPai°11... RANOTRU R"'"" sysTgm FARMERS' E.;XCURSION IlEw QNTARIQ SEPTEMBER 25t1n Round trip ,accoad-class ticket will sIted from tt!Oz i Ontasko, Brooltvkile, Ottawa,: ,a44 Wegt, to all eiet!ons on Temiskalptilg and North- ern °Mager Ii*lvtay5 irtelnding, the r,911. ow:rig HAILETRIIRT, EARLTON, gNOLg- KART. monarrg, COCHRANE. MATH ES, NEW LISKEA.11,13. AT 3,4OW RATES Secure kets ,arod. .N11 put tt-t J, eat ..oa • o Jaek Johnston, the negro pugafstic champion, silmt RerselE it reiVOlver 4'44 !alertly after., The reasen assigned '„,s that hAe women aliPrrited her. She letr,aw that it would he so rind him. wan received of tuTton, Mts., -or ormer well-knowst g. • Deceased,- in cern- her, W DBrig,ht, currW on 0 Inc *stab - 1' -1;ment ,:41 S94(9Tt1 99 many none. Household Furry:ture-coolt!rhg stove,1 heat,:ngstove, extensIon table, side- board, 2 kitoheer tables, a number of claw:Ts, ps.nlor set, racking chairs, one Ocilvaie Organ, bedsteads and mattresses' or:b bed, crea•rn sisparator, Dais 7 chOrn large „milk can, seri platform ifou,se scal- es, 'Incubator and brooder, nann,ber sap buckeye, pain for boi,lingi „sap with heater 2 ladies' buckIes, carpet', linoleum, Pic- tures, d:srtles, pains, Pats, Pans, etc., etc; also the grass land on farm.to. rent• Lor foc.lanca of season. Proil 5,---SUITIS at $5 and under casti elver traelt amount -12 months' credit on furnishlng a,pprOveal'" jo nt ne-s 5'"per, cent. off tor 'on Credit 5Ot'8.5 Ja-PiN T. CAMERON,,',.,- - -",--P±oprietor r ' A'tfeL).4 r"srf Semi-roo47 Stare To soovilli-o•aot P issarami-seadr Mu town scuwarharesiceti-nraiy rage to twarastitIosier trom mt. Watt tend ler `Tahiti, eye' lime Ono at $20. vitli• my!! Isook emmantec !coo* ceneustee, ent414t the oyes rtise Ram Mk 14444. 04441041114hCkar -74144." Geo far neat thetatti 4taltitrilta /Donde* St..1,,00doo. CROMARTY Too late fog. last -week. nosh of Guelph returned 1 Y and has resumed ner dutRes a reee in S.*. 01 -Mr., and .Ntrit Will McLaren and ,Z$Ir. and :lira. .701-41 StaceY attended the Bean,-McLarett ttup- Cain Ut Seafacth, last Wednesday. - M;Ss Annie Butler returned front Ber- lin, last week after a pleaiant visit with fr'ends.-Mrs. O. G. Wilson la visiting with friends fn Torfontp.-Mr. Will Yeung ot Brarnoton O11 gra. S. Speare recently ;—Iff.s.s Ethel Norris of roraterb* ot Itibtort, la call. InV op old friends itu and around the v11- lage Rumor has itt time she may no returyt---Mr. Chappel met painful at ci11nt last Friday while 'haul - in grain on .tho farm of Mr. George Leary He waa elfmbling on the load when the rack broke letting Wm fall to the. ground Hs arra was broken above the wrist Ho has tito symPath-Y of hie rends ae t WU1 31eCess1tate 1dg taking a rest al thA 'busy tltne•-.'Wellingten Crawford went to Ber3to last week to undergo medtral treatment. --- Misses Janet and soa.so MeKellar attended the ExhIbitIon In 'I'oronto.--IfaurIco Erb or Toronto visited old acquaintances in this part last Friday.-*.‘fiss:Nlaggie ler of Owen Santulli spent a „week with her brother here receutly.-Most of our v'llages attended the sale of John Maud son last WednesclaY--Despite the busy season there was a good crowd and everytleng went well. -Mr. I. .McCann spent a couple of days In Toronto last week at the Exhitalion--Mrs. Allen, sr. left last week tor, the West. She Intends beng awes,' two months. -The harvesting Sa nearing completion in this part of the ne'ghbonhood. OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, LL.D., D.G.L., President ALEXANDER JOHN AIRD Gerreirat Manager Assistant Genets/ Manager , CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits gf $1 and upwards. Careful attention is giveo to every account grnatI accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened ancl operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more pexis, withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. as wr..WrER BBANCH-G. L, WAUGH, M.anager. Branch also at Crediton. The IVIolsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for iFive Years -1900-1911 $3,00Q,000 $4,0005000 $31000,000 4,600)000 $2,6771730 35,042,311 27457,099 38,854„801. $3310901192 48)237)284 Capital Ileserve Deposits Loans and Investments Total Assets lissG313rmaches in ..uada1 and Agents and, 00,rteetIonde t tn ailthe Principal pities ip the 1Vorlap 14. VIINISItitt, BANKING' blaSINESS TRANSACTElipt SAVINGS BAN:Ic -DEPARTMENT #341 Bt4044,0,, Iotereat ollOwed ot wabeetoutreut rote. EXETER EIRANCH .Agexts at Bxeter for the Dominion Government. Oa &CARLINO, Solicitors. N. D, MIRDON Manager, a 4th. when 1.4curY. 0 Patterson ot lith. Mr, ILI4V place at the ill. on Wednesday, terson 11, la Xi us F. McLean, Alta. Tbe eercraqtly wso Per-, Rev, A. Graham, lio A, in the the near Mai:mita or the opt. The br:do, who vise aFkatttended, wore a' lovely rat:e vown of white e''.41t net over white silk. She h;on regaW.ad as one of McGar- v fa'roet daughters, lustrous Hair For Women • AIIISIAN SAGE, STARTS HAIR CROW IRO AND INCREASES, ITS .et.BIJND- ..4.11C00 NO POISONOUS ST.IGARt OR LEAD ce SC1,1'1.11,111 IN mr.aca-xTpur;„ isr It you haven't 011,1044 the nia.rvellous benefit deri,Ved front, using refreshing PARISIAN Sage, thonfotl,ern hair grow- er, beautifier, and dandruff remedy, you have mDssed. a Teal treat. Every Wanuan .eltould'use PARISIAN Sago not only to banleh dandruff and other halr troubles, but to prevent tailing ha:1r, bahdriess, graYness• and taded hair. PARISIAN Sago puts life and. luster into allY Pafti011's 110111. It keepa the scalp abld hair inunaculately cleatt, and causes the hair to come in thlick and abundant. PARISIAN .Sage is not s,d,ye. /t does riot contain a pszticia of pciscn- ous lead. to discolor the hair c,r any in- jurious ftgredlent. Get a bottle to -day. It arily costs half a dollar and is sold at drug stores and toilet counter ,s everywhere. W. S. Cole guarantees it . For Ten Years $2OEQ1MO Why wait till the - eleventh ''-hour?,' BEING OVERSTOCKED. W.ITH PIA. NOS AND ANXIOUS TO CLEAR', 0,UR LARGE SPOCK IN TWO WIABICS, WE HAVE DECIDED TO CUT. THE PRICES WITHIN THE IMAM OF ALL, DON'T HESITATE IF YOU, ARE GOING TO BUY A PIANO THIS FALL, Come in now LOOK THEm OVER ANOD YOU WILL BE SURPRISED WHAT LITTLE MONEY WILL 131JT YOU A GOOD RELIABLE PIANO: We mean • business THIS IS NO BLUFF AND 4.S SOON AS THE STGiCK IS REDUCED 'FOR- MER PRICES WILL PREVAIL. THE FOLLOWING PIANOS ARE CARRIED' IN STOCK.— Gerhard Heintzman Heintzrnan & Nordlaeimer Krydner New Scale Williams Ennis CALL EARLY WHILE THE ASSORTMENT IS LARGE, EASY TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. Co. Wright Dominion Stanley xe er ritario 1 Home Stud TitoovenSeot amht.1ouegeuag reopIe aro te,.,og Thetruetod Itt their Borne Study Dept. You may finish at College it you thetas Pax veheoevar you wish. Th/rty. Teara' EtPerlAnCe. Largest tnalre, as -in Ca11a23. Enter any day Positifons guaranteed. If you ve.stt to nave board and learn while you earn. write tor partl- calars- isTO VAawriozi Quton puemeee coltego EO. SPOTTON B. P. WARD President PrIncipn virmalassenommumemasausummis - V Woman is interested and should, knorr tiboot the wet:Aortal ..., Marvel wh'"'"g sznv . ... uh_zeer &two for . kt. if he tatanot supply the MARVEL. accept no ether, hut seed stamp far Irina - hated book -scaled. It gives Pall •-•/ I ;venous and d•rectione Inclinable tot adies.worDSon s IIPVIN CO.,,Win Seer, eat .., Ccoacrut Agent* for Canada. - — 1 iCagn,Cir (T:CaCt,i8i)Cde ST. THOMAS. ONT. Unsurpassed for residential" education. The *Ideal Gollege-Iforne" in which to secure a training for your life's work. Thorough courses in Music, Painting, Oratory, High Sciesol, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse insures health of 'students. Rates moderate. Every girt needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro- spectus sent on Application to Principal. 42)- ------- IIENTRAL / # ./ /./I / ? ' ,STRATFOR D. ON T. , ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Our teachers are a.11texperienced tn structors. Our cotrrses are better than ever, and the equipment Is more complete. We do more tor our graduates than do, other similar schools Fourteen appLicaV.ons for trained help were received during the past , week, some of those offering over $700 per annum. We „have three departments, Commercial Flortp,a.nd and telegrphy. Write for pur ifgee-catailogue and see ,What we hro doing. D A. MeLACHLAN, Principal. , Electric Restorer for Men 01 restores every nerve in the body Phosphon to its tension; restores proper Aim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonot will make you a new man. Price SS a box. or two for $g. Mailed to any address. The Seobell Drug Co.. Bt, Catharines. Ont. ., . , Fresh G„pi.. • roceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe , on the best Of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we ate meeting a lone- telt want and giving the best of satisfaction • All kinds of produce taken in exchange. J"kt•3',•%"•',' r