HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-9-19, Page 2as she hurried down the bill to, the Whenev r HAMU-00 UYSPEPSIA dependence, "and I shall be blamed e you feel a beadacho coming on take for it." N.A.DRU-CO Headache Waters; TABLETS' "The only comfort is ", isho P, thought, "that the WorSt �asl b 7bey stop headaches promptly and, surply, Do not contain opium. morpbine, pl�enacettn, acetanilid or other danger 4.5. N LY A MONTH Prod of Qreat Villas 1Q Lie pened to us;'-wbat comes now must drugs, 25c.abo)paty9urPrP&gJst's.. 125 be for the. better. 1K.Pw the wind AL CO. OF CANAPA, L11MIT90. Tliere is only one, eTzplauation for, the is raging round, tlAe- house And f enthi4s�ipstie letters that we �;hrie4jng at the windowsl And, OR, A CURIOUS MYSTERY EXPLAINED- receive praising Na-l).ru-Co Pyspepsia oh, how dreax�r and wretched this yo 11 haven't, I ost, PTettj clothes, ;sometimes make 01 'tablets ung Lawyer-' Tablets, 444 that, is, that these certaJuly do, =e any kind of stomach life is ca.e yetVy Friend -"Oh, ),on'! girl forget t1,14,o things her, mother s trouloe, And in very low- spirit-, she blew get a, client some day.' used to teach, her. wn to' I,�Jerf_- is a, typical letter from Miss out the candle, and lay do 09APb�,-11, X CHAPTIR XVIL Eliza, Armswortlry, Cause, N.S. i sleep, AS beist. ishe might 'in a, bed Xe4uwllilo, 1�oy turned. over in Althovah it -was the middle of An- I it is witlt pleasum I write to inform I ' in the you thA 'N1q_JDf 4-CO4 IDY$pt ' which shook beneath her . t a dozen scli e$, aDla bttcrl, Cold wind blew his m m � I gust, v Tableti illaxe proved of great, value to gale, ind ha at length decided to leAve 14-'rit.Wol round the dreary little. posting sta� me. I tried remedy after remedy but (To be continued.) Take A SCOO131UI during one of th.E� t intervaIS2 tioll of Rierk"i'll, on the pove'rileld, itbout, any lasting good. Having heard ie w' of Each- -A. While. he went for Itheir owa doe- and at the ve�ri tinie when Frithiof of your tablets curing such case$ i as givird lay <lying iie, �utol,- ble, hea�t of I mine 41 decided to, give ibein a fair trial, 'EMALS MND KHARL ,ra 1) Side By Side TheT pro tisfactory in my case, outsido the door, and promising LOA4-011, �SiZrid, gbiveriug with veil T�m remarkable $ucces of N44-Dru-Co t9 lieed cold, pgge4drearily along the, bleak ocked Hats and Coat Tails Disap- Takq� 1$t, T,4wrence" . geVn1,,Z4 q L is such a succ I pyspe Tablets ess a_s mountain -road wA lier'aunt. Ap- can oxily come to An 1ionest remedy, Pear ]From British Army. Granulated in on�s Dr, Morris, who wows an -re o subject c, were div-.- compou iug toan exception- The British W,41, Qffice� contem- -and any other old pa, , utly tho, th y laded aceord 5�00P friend, l.lzteiied to Ro$'ls xlescrip� -cusnug Vas not At all to the girl's ally good form � I m1a. fi<)m Pure m- e- i dieuts' 1) gpert chemists, If yeii are pla:bes miother gi orm In sugar tion, and returned with him at taiste, for v 4 walked Along e: gantico rcf as the. it -o #0011PC' Wth TOU17 Sionaaell just aSk mili 1.ry rigging. The 'generals a -i L0?k at "5t, Law - 40 , de ar Druggist About Na�Pru-Qp to I s ouco, Much to the relief of poor there were, two, omiiiolw'll e be de red of thei Tance" sug;xr its dv r co�ed hat, Miss, 0=1 er for�� unded by the wtte, v� bo was fri h �hl-ad, )Ror 444 70" ghtea- pressions in Dyspepsia Tablets, coml- and theircoAts talb% are to be ishorn .-es by one of, Fri� h.Qr black itional, CUe C awa-y whe-A th and of perfect Crystals - its ed out ol her sen fur bat entirely account �N Prug and mi al C6� of ild e=-ite- for the, shadow tbatoversPread lier Qau4da* Limited, aucl sold throughout oy am in I comm pure, white sparkle- thiof's naro-Kysins of wi ps. In the Ae I Ir present its even grain, Test it P t, face- the p0miniQla at soc� a box. 144L en<lors� are : be replac by the, 014t b7 POin 4414 XPA WM Pee "Do Volt think scriously ol dre5s such as 7aim V .said, F -rix Grouvold, em, $aid ii�,vl the, 'exoite'vent pl�adeally, "I am 'gorry to have to purely �ioxaethiiig will happen AbsolutelY L$ worn, by oMeora of lower raiik. AbsolutelY having 4i 'of lav� irt aay suizIX, a thing A but 4a -A be meaut to go On �i" t -14S of t ed,,aown. Frith, o�f yot4, Sigrid� n't be- n t or�S a e , 0, wretched wa from *'cl' plea , -se , d at the chaAge, though Rob- Best Pare y, apart ra sort of sttlpor, taking no notice it re.ally seems, to me that vou aro t "tho og W the other, I am _05ap�,Qinted At a"I &f 11�s the iart t�llat, 7,91i 43,14 lcitehpiier' Adopted it in Ce Of 44 tbo South, Mrivau e4wp4igu_ Tho IT we can manage, to get 1im, ilul Pou roless A.bsolute 111v thiAk � thcr is A 64a onl� Q( tb�o cuoic.qst ripgariq ever Te6nied-with a slaudA;A of purltv optintig, for mo 1P LQWQ11, 11 itt lw wll nu�,] t'hrk,,a4g'h. All 4M,,re11c§, I iet th.at, tbpy will A'Q long"r be be ��qq Rg xislit"'_rWd - lu r Swanhild I think 1 aiks for sb.ar 1XW Dr, XTorri-i, in hU yet y< 0ii ;%lisOrbing attvAtion, Nv,�re uot IQ M kb no im �iQCAW,44,0011 b 'I- w��, 111,-, for Nyork-omy sort ot r"Pi P a, rupt w4y. "If -11 �Sin%7 f;taU4,ing lu Rareo's, light., i1p, ;& should try �1*rs doesn't soein. tQ� compensate ox<*t every d'ealer sells st, Uwmiact� befbry xuarly Y�:,rt h4d better -uay wb'ch work, C�eept tea,04ing-aii Oliris- them, for having t* look like, iipy .4 am-ure ,-ou is - Ae tiAvft. But I CAU."t bear to leava otb wnd forhismotheir. if­he'has i ing to T er soldip 'r,9 TAVirtEo, "Ho hu,41il a "Ster, 'ITA She is $j v -NCE SUGAWREFIX9M grid 0, k t! iber, and. unelo Would QIiicet to Mi !s ebe -, illed. , - �il have, done :m 40.V0.11AS, .01 t1wer sort 4A, ja AMng to ji"Stify tr, yixkg for -hin& f,44 vAnt help thiRM 9 Of her, for he- will ;�,oji in sayin- mwli t A r ', n� - 1.04 need'careful nurts-, ag. Yull svl V you, �8;11 the Old tim& � wbon wa were Wl. villtake cliargoof him I Vor�- well W11 c­*,Qd� Fiqj Qpoji�pW, k dreni and of the svn'M and to-morivw, morning, I wM js,�md 11J);d uot tbat botanist then. Pon't you re membor when in a, nurse, who will sei votl at 1111- talk to you incessantly'? Doei 1110t we had the island all to onroolves't el- ty for a, Iow' bours. Lvidem`y the: English om"r y4.)11 about, ed to ru,,h down the, fir-hilli, md uv lit- bas had sovio shocL., Qn,4 i�helt�*,er he 2 ba s the. opp(;rtunitj I" and to frighten POW 014 Orol" 4t mcil writiiig becauso the I makeout what it Ued L-eeAuse vro She, stol The wfauisvt4l "ITOL last, autump, I boliOvo; had, a subjOet dow 4 relilied thought Of th0se past 6 4 indefd" I 'Im "iFxre� lie xva-s jilte,4 hv Sig4d.. �And probf;h�y tbe o�llcer� �bliuded I= wdtb teara,,, aud bvc%,uf-,0 -vv- N4,2. lomqiv- for Lor father's pros-, All ElmliAl girl vith Whom ho� was p4i*rs tallilvig' to me. bevawv Z kLy 'the to t,4, L�� It all' a Q 'erwhOmed her; tbeyi W95 bad Wen so' Much to eavh PM-rl upvn t4e t�,o (4 th,� otlwr lblt�s Q,11� that there wa "Aiid that'l s1%FV0sxvW4 the X Is, not .,%u Uur in the to � ay,when 514iQ did mot,wiss him, i. i !Tr MUSt' b�e the onle 6t, is 1his r, er he ravc,,;-, uvin T, girl's naln, tlu� so'ing dauril And. I Q� da Whit i S- t li,.� r ncing to meet, w !eh 1, v�ld vou b. 0 might' ga uevwo 40!ew iu 0-ta W t tte� �Ito '14., -jag him the 'Bridal he'r. IM of the Kardangor"i" "Major B'M-vv� hari got U3 suieb,;� RNWNE", 0 , exilaimoil Sigrid, with 41% bes%utifid trout for &UPPOr -191w was i ar- 4�.!d �F*me moutbiAgg. 64vis nt-,)w impatkut little stai4k ot 64. Iootw Unit, uncle sayi, I inky go out fish - I to, be� formr thinking of jug, t�oo couu'�, 4a,y.'And, you!ll voino MT LadVL R, Tfie doctor. ave Med OlWa,­ tlli� lvret&�il schouling and MaMi. with us, woll't voul" M g a st, can I 'not, evc1i try, to 1 49Y*11 IM4.1 b&ter take Ravc-0 'd, - Vou k1low "That explains � all. I � sumose amuft, a Middle-aged, E 11glislnuan said, Sigri listlessly., Of J& rcinde care n tho poor follow houi6stly cared for ivho if, 41%ppointW J� I iaeMr 0).(i luoh for fishi-ag. her, 1Jn(1 Was S11400ked � tO 'I'M the alld 'fin, in a" Tou,4.hall caU4t th m, n piragraph in this weelt's 11dk i� thorn", $lie ;Idded,: with a droary little inn, Nvith a. han4ful of�, little Aud, throughout sup- Attornoy-General of Ontario. DOUS -v 5, ve -f bmi Time.' Tour friend, bas had�a luQk. , loreiiInlors! . I lia oukN -spoke, 4114 I'V6 the SL eseape, if lie t01114 but;' see it �� III court*,aus, to, moro; per she hardly BARREL M that light. For the litisband of that and it I like, talkirl� to him, it is firet opportunity slipped aWaY q111- No conceited girl can understand For'Blact- Powdet heartless little flirt must be the xacrely because ile comes fr4uni 1:0,tiv, ODIN', however, to be pursued w'hy every wan Oie Meats isn't in most ini,�,erablo m4a alive. We shall Bug and," oy owanim". love with, her. ''J� NO. NO bay detest-, 01 Aon't ish to, be' b "What is the Miatter?", said the sofla e Another of those w a, MI o a able causes celebrelh, andthe xiews- you,", mid Fru'Gronvohl, '*but na- child. "Are ,,,ouxiot corinxig to ­0 Papers Iving about in every house- turally'l have the f"lings of a mo- sittirig-room 7" "No,'" said Sigrid, "I am tired, 110 poiS Id will be filled with all ilia onous details." t1ler, and do not like'4 to see Xai,60 eclipsed. I accuse you of nothing 1 and it is so cold in there. I am go - I As Roy kept -ivateh thvoUgh the Nvonw, ray dear, tll� , u a slight for- ing into the Idwhan, to buy some long rights and days that f ollow- n ward e�is_a littl%dof1cienev in tact. stanips. Frithiotis latter ought to ed, as lit listened 1;o the, delirious rayi-.qp of his patient,, and perceiv- There is no occasion fo r� anger on your part.11 03 go to -morrow. As slie spoke shcopencA the door ed h*w a man's life 4nd he�;ilth had Sigrid bit her lip bard to keep of tbe roomy old IdtiRion, wbich been ruined by the faithlessness of back tlie retort that she longed to is '(116 PridO Of M'Oykill- Its three avain girl, lie became so absorbed make. In waxin weather.Hierkip. windOW$ were shadod by Enovy w poor Frithiof, so 4evoted to him, is 4a, little paradise, but� on this muslin curtains, its spotless floor that lit altogether forgot his windy- day, under a leaden sky, it was strewn with juniper, the walls, vpeci;ians and his microscope, sceined the -most depressing place painted a peatock-blue, wero hung J used to be haunted by the, It" on eartli. W -covers, warming - ith, bright dish thought that he bad telegAphed "I shall go in and -write to Fri- pans, quaint old. bellows and kit - for Sigrid Fal,*, and that he should thiof," said Sigrid at length. And Chan implements. There was a tall have to ineet her after her long escaping gladly from Fru Gron -old elock in a blaek and izold. case. journeY with the news that all was� she ran up to her room. a pretty Corner Cupboard in shaded over. And rememberingthe bright Illere we are at Hierkin," she brown, and a, huge *ld-farhioried face and sunny manner of the Nor- wrote, "for a month, and itis more. tabinet with Cunning little drawers wegian girl, his heart failed him desolate than I can describe to you, and nooks and corners, all painted at tbe 4 --lit of her desolation -1- -A (I ar out shootin all in red and blue and green, with 0 "T. M New fs#T 12, 16 a 20 Gauge Barrels London TMst Steel finish, left Barrel 'flChoke Bored" Front adtion Looks, piftol grip walnut aoc� Mee �$10.00 For sale at your dealer, it be does not Carry these guns, write dir ect or Come axidseetbern at our store. Accept no substitute, theMON ARMS CO., brand is the best at popular prices I, Catalogue (English Edition) containirig 'the Hunting BY -Laws free on requesi. D:ti st-Larwance Blvd MONTREAL. Aw 3 Z,�919' 11 WMMIM gill B tit Frithiol could not even take in day long, and scarcely a soul to an amount of gilding which gave it Nunn= "AUKKUM29MM the idea that she bad been sent speak to, for most of the English quite an eastern I ook. f N "Ali how oozy T the fire looks I" or. Nothing now made any differ- have been driven away by the bad I ence to him. Sleep alone could re- weather, and two girls from Stock- cried Swanhild. r heart said the kind 0 store him. But sleep refused to holm who were here for their health "Bless YOU What kind f a come, and alread�y the death -angel are leaving this afternoon, unable -old landlady, "sit down and warm hovered near ready to give him to bear the dullness any longer. If yourself." the'release for which he so greatly something doesn't happen soon I A11d one of the white -sleeved ser- silo. Will yours longed. think I shall grow desperate. But vant-girls brought a littlel chair which stood by a long wooden set- �c- 44, be,? tle and put it close by the fire for the child, and Sigrid, her purchase Made, joined the little group. Sit- ting there in thii filre-light, ishe felt more at home than she had done d oo -or for manymonths. "Gome, Swanhild," sbe said at last reluctantly, "it is ten o'clock, Concrete and time you were in bed." And thanking the landlady for her kindness, the two sisters cros�-' ed over the court -yard to the sit- ting -room. F you -were to build two silos -one of wood, the other of concrete -side by side, and, "Wheye in the world have yor then could see them as they will look after five years of service, you wouldn't have EXTIRA been?". said Fru Gronvold, knit- to think twice to decide which is the best material. In a few years more there ting vehemently. � "We couldn't wouldn't be much of the original wooden silo left -the repairing you' d have to do would be ublesome and cost as 'Much as the building of an entirely new one. But the pissage of think -what had become of you as tro five,. ten, fifteen or even twenty years will make no dif f erence'to the hard-as"rock wall of,the thing in sugar both." "I went to the kitchen to get oncrete silo. C =an d the 6est-is some stamps," said Sigrid, 'coldly. 'this 5 -Pound Sealed Package "And it was so lovely and WaXm CONCRETE SILOS� LAST FOREVER Old Sugar LoBJV' - I I I of t834, n there," said. Swanhild, gayly, ND, rain, fire and I htning arc alike d6fied by concrete. You need no insurance against itvs r�'and Fru Hj �kin has been telling THI� ANADA 4 of V4aag I n INP truction, because U RRgFININGCO.. ,, Extra Granulated. I des' i9t,cannoi be destroyed. Co�crete silos axe best for another reason. The In: this: darton 5 pounds full, me su�oh beautiful stories about the concrete keeps the ensilage atan even tem crature, so that it "cures" refore contains Trolds. Her mother really saw one, morc food-valu6 for your stoc . k. P, 'better, and the weight of Canada's finest do you know." e fresh After this a cold-g�ood-night was YOU C,AN BUILD ONE YOURSELF sugar com s to you _7� exchanged, and Fru Gronvbld's m2tter whe6ar you have evcr used concrete or not, you can build a concrete silo. Our book, frorn the Refine,ry, . and N"What the Farmer Can DoWth Concretc,'! glyes all,the Information you will need, not only brow grew darker still whon.Major abOUt slloS, bUt about scores of'other uses for concret6 on the farm. it lsn!t� a catalogue, nor A absolutely free from an taint Brown called out.in his hearty way: advertising c1mula A handsome book of 160 pages,�well Illustrated, a d written for farmers. . It Is y free. Just send r �an your narn't and address on a Rostcard or In a lette nd the boo�, will be sent Irle or impurity. Ask your !.'What, g0lug SO, early, by return mail. Falck? We. have missed you sadly 'J�N�yoa buy Cement be sur6 Grocer.for the Ago t,"�nighf`, Them, as sbe. caid some- Address Publicity� Manager IN thing.about the English mail, �Iyes, the `C,a,n,ada` lab�l 6 on 5 -Pound Package., ment Company, Limited ""y bag'and barrel Cana& . Canada's yes, quite right. And I ought to' Ce _fw-tners have founq, It f.: be Me CANADA' ST;,,GAR REFINING be writing hom�, t&O in tead f so (�rald Building, Mdntreal� p ayin� COMPANY 11MITED MONTREAL. "That 0 means that he will nothave -hought 8igrid anbther rubber," t J