HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-9-19, Page 1Wo have ina4te f. specialty of the, auc- tion reale b:1l,busilns lox several year3. atad have received n. , lebe 'al patr'onege to repay us for 'our of orta,.Thyis year we are prepared better these ever to eat. Berry the needs of these intending :to have an auction =sale: Da not give your. Ret to ba priatked tell you have called OD ue. Mail atted phOne orders given, "Prompt; attention. If You :have :t piece o ,property .? sell, and you !nee-, t+ha ekelaty .,a dee scribe . t is an ad, in the same simple way you would use ii 'a4 man callW up on your telApIncip,e, and asked foy you to tell tem about it, then your cla•se hied advertiselx,.eet, published wits a little persistence, w111 eel!, your pro;, pert y to the buyer wt o needs It ;most TWENT'g-SIXTH YEAR EXETER ONTARIO, THTJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1912. SAN ?? 1-ts w CR,EE4g Local Items Clanton ball team put it over. Exeter its the Feldety evening game on( the local diamond to ,the time td 7-1. Tommy Carling, the E$etee pitcher, was 3.144 tle off color for the 1'la!rt two or. three innings aijd hie support was .very in different, with then result that Clinton; had the game cof'raled In they early,,slage The latter part or;Ino gam4 was, a. better eslt"bition and worth seeing', Tonuny bad five strike -outs to his credit °erred. !gasket` for Clinton had. foot", The, line GCeP te'i;e el eetee , Kerr, Draper err: Tasker, deice:, E,w:en--7 Exete r -Royle, 7FI. Far' ter, R. Fanner, 3, BeVeden, Card°ing, Bellweed, T. Haw - den, Fir. t=ere Heywood. ---1 Cl:tit4t A2 ;2 2(0 0,.017 E,xeteA--0 0.0 01©0^-,7,, DBA'i'H.-.Early Friday morning laet the death occurred at her home, ."Wein street, Exeter, of Maxi, Downs, wife of Mr. Frank „'Wright, biacksm`:th, in her 65th yeas',", Deceased had been ill for about nine Manthg bf, dropsy, and a1- 6"eough theend, came gradually it was no less surely,: (wily in life site re, sided 0n Bowntenviele, where a brother and sister now j.rre. She,and gr. WWCsht were ^na,a?r ed, i'n 1Tnsall and have roslded In Exeter for the peat ;15 years, The 74ttnera1 took place to the Exeter cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Joe Crates wa,a up fro;zn Landon this week. Crystal City Mane Courier;: fir, 7oxrr 1Faarif:•ttS a -the proud, possesslar ,of most un:`8.ue apec`.rneig of e pota€o, weighing '1 Ibe, s o2., and having 15 t'proJgct4,0910,. + tree quest9gted. sp el r' gea ato ,ae palet in the predeetien et this CARLING'S E 1S Selling Out Selling Out 12,000.00 in dry goods to be cleared out by Oct ist. All Summer Dress Goods, iWhitewear. and Em- broideries to be cleared at cost. Fall Dress Goods IN BLACKS, BLUES, I3R0WNS GREYS PLAIDS, RANGING IN PRICE FROM 50c. to $1.50 PER. YARD. WE CAN SAVE YOU PROM 15 TO 20 PER CENT. ON THESEGOODS INTENDING PURCHASES SHOULD NOT FAIL TO INSPECT OUR RANGE OF DRESS GOODS AS IT WILL CERTAINLY $E7 TO THEIR ADVANTAGES TO DO SO. Middy Blouses 1tEGULAIt $1..25 FOR Bac. t Ladies Hose SILK HOSE REGULAR 50e. FOR 40c. EL:ACK LAC)1I LISLE REGULAR 50c. FOR 4Qc. BLACK EMBROIDEIRIES REGULAR 35c. FOR 28c. BLACK COTTON.REGUAR 2 PAIR 25c. NOW 10c. A PAIR. Men's Half Hose REGULAR 5Oc. FANCY HOSE NOW' 40c. A PAIR. REGULAR 25c. FANCY HOSE NOW 20c. A PAIR, Men's Shirts REGULXR $1.25 FOR $1.00 REGULAR 75c, FOR 05c. REGULAR $1.00 FOR 85c. REGULAR 50c. FOR 40c. 1 Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. W. J. CARLING Do not forget the Thursday half -holiday, commencing in July. enormity Mr. Ma-meln,g admitted that he planted thio seed aped expected theAl- mfghty,to do Ms part, but when, be (Mr, eiann'ng had begs exca,vat`.ons en the potato h41 4t ltookea xis ,t he had struck hie winter supply of the, humble but iridespeosable tuber., HAY COUNCIL Council met Sept. 7, at 2 o'clpc1. All members present By-law No. 7, auth;, oriz'zng the issue of debentures of $7,. 000 for S. S. No. 7, was• tinaily ;Massed. By-law No 8, authortzng the issue of debentures for ,payment of the tel)- p; o'ic sYsteen, wag l'aeussed andread the first end second time. The clerk was instructed to atot.fy Jos. Lawson to observe the specified erne of comple- t'-art Of :the Bell bridge androthers, other, wise the gQ1,4104. vt(1uld be ebl,ged to take action. at once, After pasa.a3 ac - mune to the alteettnt of ;61$5,49 the ecting was adJo,rned until Saturday, 4(1 5th day of October, at 2. o'clock, SFI17'KA '.Messrs Wine, Swe+tzer, Schwartz and Shenk, ;ted. tit:aces Halla, Shenk :and .T Fanner Galled, on F. Qa,ser. Sunday.-- Mrs, unday.-'aired, C, FC beiner Galled Q 1. • Mrs, SWel. l` r;i Sutiil;ay lei t. Aird, f. Heltzrean. spent an few °days ,,wtith Mfrs. John Ga ser, --;sirs, Got tleb Fanner s quite Lel. We lope to soon see her. around again., --Mrs. Lyda Swettzer's sale wall h9 On 'F day, Sop;, 20th at o'clock f 'a'nd, Mrs, Henry Swat zer and airs, S. Swo' zi'. and daugh- cr Martha, auto to Pad -a-431 one day sitwe#11c. )I se I", 'r1 Keys spent Stan dais :n Bzeler. eter all Pair :thstandisag threatening iarobabil- ra'iAl the Exeter Pair was a Fkucieas, .n point of attend" co, exh;b,te} and financially. The gate o eipts amounted to, about $575,20. Never :n tete history of ,the fair )was here a Keener competition in the horse ga, en both heavy; and light horses, nd tet.: Judges wereentany.times.at, their wits end en their decisions. The cattle rte ep and hogs wore also well reprr,el "seated by a class of animals that speaks highly of the quality of -stock raised .tt thiaa community. The poultry fpr'sed many excellent birds or aner t and tho root, vegetable and horticultural exhibits were of a verb hightorder,a, T110 handiwork of the ladies formed a mag- nificent -array and; the coiupetltlen was keen. A very noteworthy piece of mech- anical art in the Palace was a parlor table made by, gr. Garnet Hey- wood of town, \vllich reflects in a great degree the mechanical genius the maker possesses,' The table ie: made up lot 11,53C pieces of veered' kinds of wood, the whole being beautifully tdesigned and placed together ina. way that makes it nothing short of a mechanical marvel, Mr. Heywood was upward of two and and a halt years in building it. Tho apeedinS contester were good, par- {{ ttcularly the 2.4.0 trot, In which 1 the Dill, Jack Hunter and, The Rabbit made 1 a good race. During the first heat iii the 240 class just as .the horses were entering I) the ,home stretch two of the 'horses clashed, with the result, ".hat the =drive ere were bath, ti urled fro'm their seats, and a general n tlkup eusued, and et looked at first as though serious dam age would be done but luckily only one tart was damaged, thaa•t of C. E,ilber'Sc Son. t . , rr+s The concert R'iv'ers Lea the Opera House, Fair night was well patronized, but the attendance would have been much larger had the weather been more favorably, the heavy ran preventing many from being present_ Wikl J. White andDon- ald C. MacGregor both; maintained their previous reputations. Mr. MacGregor, baritone, sang with remarkable effect and lairs songs wbn' for hire a pronounc- ed taiumpn. Will J. White was indeed pleasing in all his selections,. W. J. never fails to please en Exeter. To put Get Ready For The Season opens Sept.16th and we can supplyeverything ou will need in the e s on Guns andandt All'1rflUn Ammunition, a trid es' C r loaded with either black or smokeless powders and any size of shot you want. What about a good gun? Sell that old blunderbus for sera and buyan s -t® date ham- merless. Come in and let us show you a t 1113d1y he is deal good. visa 'Flor- ence Flore nce MacKay, makes an excellent ac- companist, d_splayiing remarkable mus - teal ability. Following ie the Prize list; - SPEEDING CONTESTS Open Race Jr, T. Murdock Thos, Iio:sser Be.t", Ross 2.401'llrot Roedm aster Dli . The Rabbit Del hos, Rosser Jeek Hunter C., FFlber & Solt Mabel B. Haynes & Gettler IORs2s 1St 2nd 8rd 71st • Druust,--Brood mare and foal, also. for foal, B. 5i*::,.lien sP R 1) Bell; 3 -yr. Essery-, F ElIerrington, C ' yr:gbt,. 2 -yr -old, Jae Horton 1 and 2; team, ,3 and '1' Boggarth, Alex, Sinclair, Wm. eke .Ag rpt etralf--Broad mare and foal, H tkeN, ,l, A. 1, CHit';ien, T. Hartle ; foal, II Afewe g, T Harris, A McKinnon; 3-Yr- ced, gVsti ,.drover, 3rd, R. Metpnald ; '2- yr,,.old R D Bell,'w' Mahon, 11 Tayler 1.yr_old„ R Noirthcatt; lean,., W. Hamil- ton, T 'I, Chapman, W Butler. General Purpose, --Brood maze and foal M Gould, J Decker, jr.; real, Al;Gould,. J Decker, Jr., A. "Elcott; 3 -yr -ra"t"e John. Selvee, Hammon Tiros„ Wm. Hamilton; 2 -yr -old, A Eleett,'W Dunsford 2 and 3 1 -yr -old, A Elcott; team, Jae. Horton," S Pyr, R Bt'orclt $ W. Shepherd, Forest, judge. Carr'age---Brood mare and foal, A. Re:- * ^ln foal, ditto' 3-yreold, A. Ether oil , "- y.-cild„ L Schroeder, B. LLll.ants A Be'e'nert ; A Reichert, C Truernner; single, W, 13,. Render, G wriehe,11 glcNeil, Roadsters --Broad mare and foal, W;lb Hunter; 'teal, Will) Hunter, T Harris ; 3 -3r -old, 3 Decker, er., T Russell, J: Deoker, sr. 2 -yr -old, 18 Northcott. 3 Decker, jr-, W'ni. Armstrong; 1 -7r -old, 3, Decker, jr.; pair, John HeY, jr,, John Sparrow, Gro. Bell; s iegle, C. T. Rosser Jas. Horton, G. A'. Glenn; lady dryer, SV R Elliott, A J Clark, LV II Bender; T. Robson, London, Judge. . Sf4ciate--John Taylor's for Single Dr:ver",,C. T. RosserR13'. Spaekran'e for lady striver; Miss L. Elliott ; D.Russel's for Readeter foal, 'LV,"lbur Hunter; 3.3, igfeerier's for best mare or geld,ng :n any class, 3. and T. H'Pggaith,; ;Liv Beer's for heavy foal, T. R. Chapman; Masons Bank's for heavy, team, 3 andT Heggarth; Bank of Coru nerco`e, for heavy feed, Beneen Will°.ams. C.:ATTd.E line of 3 Y Real Good One :.. ' e have •thele in stock, and can shote you the original of above cut, a ,genuine Ansley considered by experts to be "The finest gung in the world, also repeatin ; rifles. , .. tario Shorthorns -Henry Sm,:th trot first' set' 'end In all the classes. ,Grades -Cow, 7 Ratcliffe 1 and 12; P Coates 2-3t'.holier, ,P Coates, J Rat, cl:ffe, T H Shapton ; 1 -yr heifer, Wnr. Coates, 3. Ra,tcl''ffe, W Coates, heifer calf, A Elcott, 3 Ratcliffe, ,T F3 Shap - ton ; 2 -yr +steer, W Coate; 1 and, 2, W,H, Dearing; 1 -yr steer, W Coates 1, 2, 3; steer calf, A. Elcott, J Raitclii.fe, W.H. Dearing. Jersey --Cow, W, Armstrong, T.Brock jr.; 2 -yr ine'.'ter, T Brock, sr. W',Ar'mr' strong; 1 -yr heifer, W' Arm'stron'g, T. Brock, jr.; heifer calf, T. Brock, •er., T. Brock, jr. ; bull calf, Armst?ong'. Wnt. Pridham, judge. Sf-HEEF Dorset Horned -J H Battler swept the list. - L inco7n,s--Geo. Penhale got second to all classes. L eicester -G. Penhale swept the list. Robt. Robson,. judge. Yorkshire --Boar, C .Harvey ; boar 1-3'7, and boar 1912, B. Bran. and W. Spar - ling; sow, W Sparling, R, Birch; sow,' under two years', R( Birch.; sow 1912, R Barren, W Sperling. Berkehere-Dawson Bras swept list. T Russell, R Delbr°die, Judges. P0W..TR,Y, , L'ght :Braha'nras, T Brock, sr.; chicks, 2 Brock, sr.; bu6f, coch°tns, J. 1 -lawns; Barred Rocks, J -VP Ortiwe'.,n, chicks, 2 B Carl'nng 1 41d;2 e White Rocks, J W Ortwe'an ; LangehaRn:s, Johns Hawkins ; S Lace Wyatndottes, S'd Sanders, Jno Haw k'nns ; chicks, R Sanders, Sid Sa iders 3 White Wyandottes, J W. Ortwe:n 1 &2 chicks; J W Ortwecn, John Hawkins; Golden and Buff, and, $i'1. Pencilled Wyan doltes, J. W. Ortwein ; Partridge Wyan- dottes,' T. Brock, Jr. ;c1>A'cks, T, Brock sr. ; Buff Orphthlet'ofs, W; II Dearing; chicks, W H ,Daring land' Andulus- ians and chicks, WI 1'Dearing ; ,Black Spanish, M Clark, Sohn 'Hawkins ; chick John Hawkins ; Black Ivi:noecas, J :tTaw- k5nis ; sed caps, 14 Clack, J Hawkins; Whatc Leghorn and chicks, M Clark; B own Leghorn, S5,1 Clark, T. Brock,sr.; chicks, W H' Dearv'nw, f• Clark; Black Leghorn chicks, John Hawkins Poland, John Hawkins ; S.' P. Hamburgs, ?S Clark 1 and"2 ; Bantams, J Hawkinns; Touicose geese and young, 3. Hawkins; othea young geese, J. Hawkins ; Pelthi Ducks, • Ai Clark; Rabbi=ts, Jas. D'_ck, D Russell, jr.; other rabbits, !James Shapton, T. Brock jr.; pigeons, Garnet Heywood, Harvey Bios. Special by Jones & May for pax of Cockerels, S. J, Hogarth. Win. McLeod, Judge. GRAIN.' AND SEEDS Fall wheat wlaete, C.-Trueniner; 6? rowed baxleY, M. Clarrlte W H., .Deariing large oats, W. 13 Dearing ; eommten oats, W. H. Dearpng ;Lynette oats,, W. H. Dearing ; barrel" Mbxchfa.nt'e' flour, 'Har vey Bross 1 and '2 ; w(rite beans, M. Cls .ke ; coalectsoh grain in ear W. PI, Dearing,' Flen.ry N;eeb Ensilage corn, Jas. Shapton, John 'Selves ; Speltz, W. H. Dearr_!nl' ; viola)) peas, C. Truen osta'; Special -eats, .W. H,p'Dear na, barley, W. H Deari3 g.-Wrn. Harding, Judge. HORTICULTURAL; i PRODUCTS Apples--Wrha±ein', S., J.';: PloSartl T Abner; Fall, C. Truenmer, 'F. Tr cub= to vrcnter a,TY vatihty S. J. HIogerie Tr' biter, Fa11, hey yar:ty, W. Wood O., Trunnner; Rhode Island'greeninge,. S. J. Hog: rth., Ott Ne,rthcatt ; sries, •5.' J. Hogarth, . Et' Raeder ; Roxboro rue, seta, R. Yellow, A. Deav'tt; Bald,':nns, Fe Tr ebner, R.' Northco t ; reste!el(d (Conh.piwed tan Page5) • first and FIRE AT GODERICH•.. Goderieh, Sept. 18x- Fire broke tout about 2 o'cleck ih Mnorning in the dressing department of Hodgins Bails:' large drygoods entre.. altuated in. the Upper store. The origin of the .tire is said to havebeen, from.; electr!e ,rhes, The upper story was' completely gut ted and the lower: flow- badly damaged by water and smoke. Fortunately there was very Retie wind, otherwise nothing couk. haves saved the entire block. The loss la fully coriared, by insurance, amounting to $9,000 on the bu:1dleg and $39,000 on the stock, di -riling up among about fifteen insurance compare - res. 337.4:mirruzs Death of Jatnes Earl. -There passed away at p3,s home on the 7111 con. oi. Usbo.ne ear Monday,. Sept. 16th, another: of the oldest residents of. the Township the person et James Earl, aged. 70. years 4 months and, 4 days. The de, ceased had been, In poor health for sev- eral months, being a victim of, cancer of tho etornaeh, from wh,'.eh he was great 'sufferer during the past few weeks Mr. Earl was a. native of Irelarnd, :but the most of •h':s life had been spent h thisneiVrtboritoods He Was a• kind neighbor and naueh reapoctcd,by a large circle of friends. Be leaves arwife attd one adopted, daiugaiter, !sire.: .Samuel B aikwll. The funeral took place to tine Exeter cemetery an Wednesday. BIRTHS Culbert -In 1hddulph, on Sept.' 10111, to Mr. awl Mrs. Myron Culvert, nee Effie Taylor, a son. , Archbald -In *Tuckersinith, on Sept, 3, re Mr. and Mrs. John Archibald, a daughter, Tyndall -In Tuck i entre, on Sept. 11, to Mr and Mrs. Harry Tyndall, a son, Turner -At Healegreen, on Sept. 10, fro Mr. and Airs. John Turner, a. son. D a;jsrd;'ale-At the Sa,uble Late, Hay on Sept, 3, to Mn, and Aire. Samuel Iles Jardine, a daughter. Russell -At Torontp on. Sept. 2, to Mr, and Alis. T. .Ai Russell, forn10'1Y of Exeter, a soil. ,.MARRIAGES Tanney -Russell, -.At the .Thames Read,` Presbyterlatt Church, .on Sept. 11Th;' by Rev. 0, Fl,et,h'er', Mr, Robert Ea Tl ro n t y to !Liss Chxioitialnia; Louisa Russell, youngest.daugb,ter of Mr. and Mrs : Dad Russell, Exeter North. Bean -McLaren -In SeaXorth, at the bore of the bride's brpther-en-'law, Mir. George Stewart, on Sept. 11, by Rev. or Mr. Barker, Mr., Gege .. )lean :of Carlow, Colbprne tp., to ,.Lies Susie A. McLaren, youngest daughter of Mr, Duncan: McLaren •of Hibbert, arrear Cron .rty. .McArdle -Gannon -At St. Marys, Sept. 9 Mass Eluzabeth, Gannon, daughter of Mt and Mire. T., Ga,nnnn,, to Mr,. Joseph; bfeArdIe, both of St. Marys . Hann mond--Wesson=--At the residence of Ree. McLean, St. M'aA'Y:s, Sept. 10, Chas Hammond, St. Marys, to Dora Mav Weston, West Nissour.. 1 DEATHS v L% 1 Earl -In Usborne, on Sept. 16, James Earl, a 'ed 70 years, 4 mos., 4 days, Sanders -In Exeter North-, on Sept 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sanders, a daughter. Cowen -In London, on Sept: 16, Margar- et G.- wife of Dr. H. M. Cowan, form- erly of Exeter. Wright. -In Exeter, on Sept. 13, Mary Downs, wife of Frank Wright, in her 65th year. Campbell -In Lloydminster, Sask., on Aug. 25th, Mr. Wm. Campbell, form- erly of Harpurhey and Exeter, aged 70 Years. Bailey --In Bayfield one Sept. 6th, Rich. Bailey, aged 75 yearfe SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed Tender for Breakwater at Goderich, Ontario; will be receyved at tliis office until 4.00 p.m. an Thursday, October 10,' 1912, for the construction of part of the R'ver Breakwater, at Godes' ch, eluron County, Ont. Plans, specifications and form] of cork. tract can be seen and farms of tender obtained at the aofIlibes of Ti, T. Lamb, Esq., D'stribt Engineer, Windsor, Ont; J. G. S`sng Esq., Di=strict Engineer, Con federat_on Life Building, Toronto, Ont,. and: on a,ppLeati}on to the Postmaster at Goderioh, Got. Persons ltenderini2 ae'e notified that tenders will not be cetosidered unless made on the printed forma supplied, and signed with. 'their actual' signatures, staging their occupatlens and places oY ies,dence. In cadre of firms, t=he, actual scgnatvxes, the .nature of (the 'en- cupation, and place of resldenee of eacds member of the firm `must be given. Bach. tender must be acoolnpan@ed ,by an accepted cheque on('a,ch lrtered bank, payable to the order - of the Ho=nourable the Mtrdster of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount' of the tender, which will be forfeited if the .Person tendering -decline to enter Rata a contract when called upon to so, sal fto mpiews tor. a,!l If t„hecotend`t$'the b'e notorkacceptecontrdast• thede' cheque will be"returned,t 'I!1>e . Department does not .2x 'ma, c itse to accept tate' lowest or 'any tender. R.C. DESROCRERS Secretary, Department of Puhre ;Warks,` Ottawa, September 12, 1912.••.',:' Newspapers will not be pard if this advert.sement'f e inserted without the author ty from the Department. -2734:9. re Reducti Price Sale of Summer Goods for only Two Weeks FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS WE ARE OFFERING O,TY,R, FULL LINE 0P SUMMER GOODS AT GREATLY ItE•t DIJCali PRICES TO CLEAR 21-11374 OUT. LISTEN, $1.25 SHIRTS FOR 75 CENTS '1.50 S1=311IBS FOR $1.00 SU'IdMvIER SUITS 25 PER CENT OFF FANCY NESTS 25 PER CENT OFF FANCY SOS -5 PAIR FOR $1,00. ONLY TWO OR THREE STRAW H.A TS LEFT AT HALF PRICE UNDERWEAR -$1.25 SUITS at 75c; UNDERWEAR -75c SUITS at 50c. New Goods THE NEW FALL GOODS ARE, Al RIVING DAILY - READY -WADE SUITS IN BROWNS, GREY, S AND GREENS. OVERCOATS FOR '3i3tE' CIITLLY NIGHTS IN LATEST STYLES, 01311 IJATCHED TIES AND SO: ARE GREAT VALIIB AT . 50c. ALSO FALL HATS AND CAPS IN GREAT VAELIETY Made -to -meas Glothing ,WE ARE DOING, AN IMMENS2 BUSINESS IN 1A.IDE-TO,MEAsurilai. CLOTHING IN WORSTEDS, TWEEDS ETC., 'COLORED IN BLUES AN,D IN BLACKS THE TAMAN" GARMENT IS RECOGNIZED BY ALL AS THE CORRECT THING TO WEAR, AND GUA.RANTE81 -FIT AND WORD 13ANSHII', `