HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-9-12, Page 7The destruction of the house fly
is a public duty. Almost every
American. State 3oard of -Beattie is
carryingon a crusade against him.
Hie lthp origin and babits, sred
the feet that hisbody is, gene ally
laden with diseaseproduetng.germs,
makes him one of the greatest ene-
mies of the human race.
$f the housekeepers of Canada will
persistently, this peril will be tree
mendously reduced,
Dote on .Perfumes anti: Chew Tea,
Ift teed of Drinking It.
I'err 111110ry OXtell4iVtAy alsed sat
Sisra, Hard ears dei Ooiogene, Florida;
nater, scented hair tat}sans and ells,
facia oa,'eams and eosmeties are ir7
cronstaut demend. Gentian, Frencl
and English firms send out saies.,
men every year fir file an'outhe 'tO
look after this treelee. Few, if any,
Arnerioan perfumes are to be found
oil the Siamese market, Tlie peo-
ple hero prefer jasmine, rose and
violet scents.
Ordinary kerosene lamps
in most Siamese house;+ outside of
Baigkok,, as only that city has .oleo --
trio lighting and eoai is too apen.
Owl, for use in producing illuminate
mg gas. The greatest demand is,
for wall lamps, whicb, APO used in
the thousands of boraseboats which
litre the rivers stud canals of Siam{
and in the houses of the peasants.
Such larrpa sell. at 25 to 50 acing
each, but, according to eoneulas
and trader %ports, nearly every
kind of lamp finds a sale in Siaralu.
Only the most ordinary lamps are
snack in this 'country by the inese
tinerniths, the rest being; imported.
Inst•eaad of being used as as hover -
age, the leaves of the tea plant,, af-
ter being fermented, are rolled into
balls, one of which is placed in the
hollow of the ohieek and allowed to
remain there until the soluble con-
tents have been exhausted by the
saliva. This use of tea is common
in northern Siam. Thetea plant is
cultivated to only as small extent,
but is found wild on hill slopes. In
lower Siam tea drinking is indulged
in to a. considerable extent, espe-
cially among the Chinese.
Most of the tobacco produced in
Siam, about 3,000,000 pounds e..,
year, valued at $500,000, is con
sumed at home, the exports last
year amounting to only 10,267 lbs.,
most of whichwent to Hongkong.
The tobacco leaf grown there- is
said to be of peculiarly fine texture
and would probably displace for-
eign tobacco in the local markets if
it were cured by modern methods.
At present the leaves aro kept in
the dark until,partly dry, then
folded lengthwise one upon an-
as scot n
h a
of er, out into cross
exposed to the •sun for a day or two,
after which they are ready for con-
eumption. One of the chief uses
for tobacco in Siam is for cigar-
• ettes. A considerable quantity of
native tobacco is mixed with areca
mit and betel leaf and used for
chewing, the imported tobacco ne-
•'ver being used for this 'purpose.
Many men who now art walking
on the ties with itching feet sacri-
ficed, by too much talking, pheasant
homes on Easy Street.
If your wife does daily labor to
provide the kids with crusts, you
cannot impress your neighbor with
your views upon the trusts.
I,,ove will grow in strength and
ardor, Cupid wear his sweetest.
grin, where there's beefsteak in the
lander and potatoes in the bin.
Mule g t, w praise them
es ar$ yea • s
loudly; sing their virtues through
the years, till they get swelled up,
and proudly go to bragging of their
When the tyrants grind our faces
or upon our bodies walk, it's be-
cause we're keeping eases mueh too
closely on the dock.
It is Well that some are carving l' " ? &guess ,at, but can never entirely ¢a
furrows on tFle fertile farm, for the are sold by medicine dealers or by , .,
l f;om, Tiris is mini' estedd'ohieiiy in 1
a hatred of physical cruelty.Ice is
cel p l a
At first signs of illness during.
the hot weather give the little ones
Baby's Own Tablets, el in a few
hours he may be beyond cure.
These Tablets will prevent summer.
complaints if given, .occasionally to
the well child and will promptly
cure these troubles if they come on
suddenly. Baby's Own Tablets
should always be kept in every
home where there a re young chil-
d ren,. There is no other medicine
so good and the mother has the!
Sandwlehefl for the
Season's Opening Somal.;
Pili .them with those
Cet Them From '�[it,,;� Grocer
'Prado supplied, 11y
Sohn W. i%lpkie& Crssnang, Hamlttors'
guarantee of a govelrnment analyst HE eeenr GQ F`ISllEli4`
that they are. absolutely safe, Mrs. Hon William Harty, of Kingston,
Chas, Lapaerre:, Les Bowles, Ol1e . who has lived through a stormy pe> -
says :—'sl aby's Own Tablets are the + litieal career and aar,assecl a fox
licit medicine a mother can keep ; tune in business, bag a side to. his
her little ones and I always e p t nature whi'& hie eloeex friends may
em in Clic douse. The Ta'raets
country would be starving if we all mail at 2e cents a box from The
viewed with alarm.. Dr. Williams' Medicine Ca., Brock -
Mary had a woolly creature which ville, Ont,
achieved such lasting fame that it : - '.
soon became. a feature of the mov- WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE,.
nig-picture am
Truth is g •...e. Mal z �fi wife
les which she tries to break own with cid angry at yon l' y
vain; nearly every hen that cackles Bowman-''-"Sbo painted peaches
adds a fresh link to the, chain. on china plates and l« eolnpl �ment-
Swat; your children with no twat- ed them as sliced tomatoes,
tens• ptbraislrment has Tittle sense;
1e d—" h . is our
Cured of Shingles
and Eczema
Mr. 5. V.
By Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Chest
Raw, Bleeding and Itchy:,
"I just want to say,a good word for Cut!.
eura Soap and Ointment. In November.
1909, I had what the doctorscall shingles
and eczema. My chest was raw and bleeding
and itchy., I was that way all winter. It was
rot so 'bad in the summer. In September
it got worse. I had•the best doctors treating
" me, but did mo no good, and I was all run
'down in health. In, November, 1910, it got
'worse again. • I sent to you for a sample cake
of Cuticura Soap.;' You sent it to me and
1 got a box of Cuticura Ointment. ?I have
used two boxes and on the third one it has
cured me ofshingles and eczema. I: am de-
lighted with them and do feel pleased to
think I hare soinethin_gg I have confidence in.
Should anyone be suffering as I did, I hope
• that they will do as I did; and I am sure of
the results. I arn' recommending them from
experience."' •(Signed) 3. I3. Jarvis, 7 Ann
Bt.., Kingston, Ont., May 80. 1811.
For more than ;9� generation Cuttdura Soap
and Cuticura Oisftment have afforded the
speediest and most economical treatment for
• ' Etching burning, scaly and,bleeding,skin and
@calp humors of young and old. A single set
;, often suificlent. Cuticura Soap and Oint
''menu are sold throughout the .world, but to
sthoIe who have suffered much, lost hope and
are without faith in any treatment, a Liberal
sampple of each with 32-p.=boolclet on-.th sl in'
be°milled free, on.applicatioa. :r� < d essa
otter Drag &•`'
Chem, Corp.,C' f5 Columbus
ave., Boston„
'ver whip your sops awl daughters; T#14 e EAPRA PLAN.
ll you must in sel f plc>fense, "Eat sax times a� day � you won!.
'olid bly a tireserne bore or be healthy," is tate advice afore l
nething worse you will be called, by a dactor. Owing to the ,preeei
you sell a hair restorer while cost of living it will be cheapener tc
our dome of thought is bald. pay deetee'ee'brlls.
"Yes, .said Tam Poorainan, "I've
A FOOD CONVERT. been invited to her wedding, but
I'm not going'' acBut, a, urged his
woad the True Road to friend, "do you think, you caali
jfealtle, ford tea have your abseneee ta#>;tic.
WI" I Better than 1 carr ;mord to.
The pernicious Mbit some per have any presents noticed. That's
sons still have of relying on. nause-- the trouble,''
ors drupe to relieve stomaoli trou-
ble, keeps up the patent medicine'
business and: helps beep up the
amass of dyspeptics,
Indigestion- yspepsie-•-is caused'.
by what is put into the etoenaeh
the way of improper .food, the kind
that so taxes the strength. i t the
digestive organs they .are actually
Wheu„ this eat* is reached, to re -
Bort to tonics is likitrrg whipping a'
tired bores With a, big load. Every
additional effort be make under,}
the lash diminisheea his power to ; lairs
move the load, Years ..
Try helping the stomach by learv- faultless ells
ing off heavy, greasy, indagestib e their eeee n
a bard fighter in a political Cam-
paign, but the infliction of suffering
in any form, whether it affects man
or animal, is his most bitter abhor -
Small substances likcv cinder dust,
email ohips of Aerie or metal can
usually be removed from the eye by
simple .methods. If the .common
way of catching the upper lid by
h. h pulling w from
the lashes and pp. ling it away ay f
the eyeball and down over the lower
lid does not result in dis1odgin the
partiele, try this: Make a loop of
horsehair and pass it under the lid,
Sweep from the outer lid toward the
nose aid draw down, This will us-
wally clean the eye. If it does That,
the upper lid must be turned in
side out, which is easy to elo, and
the particle, which can easily be
seen now, removed with a soft
handkerchief or piece of cotton,
G • the t It.L'17�' FARMS INTI F, Ffi$F F31aTI°
An eminentor scientist, the other d_slxiet cif Ontreklo- 2.11 sig, a a at r4rbt
day, gave his opinion that the most ?tzees._
wonderful dieoovery of recent years
was the discovery of Zarn-Bek. Just
think l $ soon as a single thin
layer of Zara-Rek is applied to a
wound or a sore, such injury is in-
sured against blood poison l slot
once species of r'nierobo has beers
found that tam-Buk dyes not kill!,
Then again. As soon as Zama -Bleb,
applied to a sore, or a, cut, or to
skin disease, it stops the smarting.
That is why chikireep are each
friends of Zana -Duk,
Again. As socru ass Zara -Bak
ed to al, wound tar to a dia'se*
the cells beneath the skin'
ace are so etiratnleteal that new
y tissue is quickly formed,
nrmiug of fresh healthy tissue
below is Za,re-Belk's aceret of
ling. This ig why Zan-Bult
cures are permanent.
Oa ler the other day Mr: Marsh,
of .101 Deloriu er Ave., Mentreai,
called upon the Zaxn-Buk Co. an
told thein that for aver twexsty-five
years he had beep. a martyr to ec�
zerna. Isis hands were at one t3
covered with sores that he ,.
sleep in gloves. Four yesaara a
Zana -Bele wee asrtrodueed to him,
d in a few ixiorotha at cured lraltra.
Today --paver thr'ee'ears after his
yea of a disease he had for twenty -
years --he is still cured.,.
n druggists sen ?arrr-.Pain. at
40e. box, or we will send free tr
box if you send this advertisem
;and as 1e, stamp (to pay return
postage). ,t ddresa ZanneDuk Co.,
----Is there any beverage that
costa yew leas per cup than
4rat-these foie the motley
ad ttperta
Ott, fBtnety Cotberrte;
GOOD 3Ipilelt`� �:
u Manitoba, Saekatchew€6
tght prices en easy •eerrirlat.
IFYou WANT 'i'O cry B
stock, grain of dairy farm onr3e
1. W. DAWSQH, Teront
0.'' 'Ieea ACRES IN MIDAl+
# selc CitnaltY, Foal clay loam; soo
uikngsl.te'lep'hos,e aat house: rural maid
el ern.. o.nner exegete : tea sell, net
?°stern Weal E:sta,te, 7.40 aditt:, Ont.
Iy after attendint her s
teaeb railway station won
?1 i?aitiways. Free Book 15 ex,
a tut +ragee, Do ntnten School
"Skirts aro to be fuller next s:ea-
n," reinar ed 'sir^s. Hillsislo.
1 axsr any judge," said Hill-
`tslsirte are about full ad-
!ng st
hie fnnetione au
the normal conditaeaza.
sea have proved their
ratcter and established
reputatiern, And
SCAMS. Wilson
auade, 1"troeto,
I+tT1'l3, eta,,
and ertet'Pal. cured .rithou*
home tr€atuleat. Write oe
late, Pr. Bella:me gedloaai Co.
tttinir cod, Ont:.
I w.:TS oao
4 aPllSr raizt lard
out Duildinr.
NES,lla?rET- AtiD
nes. lfidaey troaatilc
4 izir?+ised ;ailu encs
The vera Ger naw exarlted e
$1,54, rrotlier new
f,ellftaae, an;d dune cure
. ter. ^ Wylie S2,tnp r, -,ant
treat. The Saual lfautufaeo.
Of Canada, Limitted
This huxn
rigid even, to the ex
ilig to go fishing, en
wcitrid >he sacrifice of
r the sake of Torolnto,.
go charlaeteristie is not the
lad or somepeve naal
11. natural eutcomne of
:veliess to pain.
food and take en Grape -Nuts -•"^ this reputation they have rrlaintsain-
light, calsrly digs rued, 1'111 cif ed for years and will continue to
strength for nerves and brain, nil maintain, for theee ills must el -
every grain of it. There'a no waste ways stand. at tho leer d of the list
of time nor energy when Grape of standard preparatione.
Nuts is the food.
"I am an enthusiastic user of
Grape -Nuts and consider .it an ideal KNEW BER POWERS.
food,'`' writes a Maine masa t Mother --"Now, 'do be careful
"I had .nervous dyspepein. and Low you acct' about that young manwas all run down and my food or people will thick you are run -
seemed to do me but little good. Hing after bin
From reading an advertisement I
trued Grape -Nuts food, and, after
a, few weeks' steady use of it, felt
greatly improved.
",Eleni much stronger, not nerv-
ous new, and can do more work
without feeling so tired, and am
better every way.
"I relish Grape -Nips best •isith.
cream aad use four heaping tea-
spoonfuls as the cereal part of a
meal. I am sure there are thou-
sands of persons with stomach
trouble who would be benefited by
using Grape -Nuts. Name given by
Canadian Postum Co., Windsor,
Ont. Read the little book, "The
Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
"There's sa, reason.,
Ever read the above letter? A new one
appears from time to rima. They are
genuine, true, and full of human Interest.
Unscrupulous Milk Vendor Caught
by Police.'-
For some time the French police
have suspected a milk vendor,
named Noziere, of watering his
milk. Several times samples of
milk which M. Noziere was deliver-
ing were submitted to the experts
of the Paris Municipal Laboratory,.
and''each time these were declared
to contain a large proportion of
water. The milk- vendor protested
his innocence, and even invited the
police to witness the milking of his
cows. This they did, but the
"pure" milk samples which were
taken away on these occasions were
always found to be well -watered.
The solution of the problem was,
forthcoming the other day. An in-
spector called at M. Noziere's place
quite :unexpectedly and -asked the
vendor to milk a certain cow. The
official, who kept a vigilant eye on
the milker, noticed that he fumbled
with his right hand- in the vicinity
of his waistcoat pocket.
"What are you doing i" asked
the inspector. "Oh, it is only my
braces that hurt me," answered the
milk dealer; but in a second the in-
spector had unbuttoned the waist-
coat and discovered: therean ingen-
ious .contrivance of two small rub-
ber pipes, connected with rubber
bags containing water.
Bv'the pressure of his elbow on
Daughter—"I don't have to do
that, Mother; I can win in a
Lett/ Colonist Rates to PnoIfo Coast via
elaieago and North Western Ry,. Sept. 25th
to Doty 14th froni all points in Canaan to
Los Angeles, San •Brannisca, Portland,
Seattle, Victoria, Vaueouver, Helena.Bntto, Missoula, Iiaaliepell, 20eatello,
14ampa, Salt Lake Pity, Ogden, Qrand
Jot,, ete. Through Tourist sleepers and
free reclining chair nuts from Chicago.,
Variable routes. Liberal atop -overs. For
information write or call on 13, IL Ben-
nett, Oeneral. Agent, 46 Tonga St., Toronto.
theabags the unscrupulous vendor
could, with 'but little risk of detec-
tion, add a considerable quantity
of water to the milk pail.
There are -probably no fish in the
sea as large as those `reported by
anglers to have got .away,
'n er birthdays
hers h
By remembering
woman is able to forget her age.
Minard's Liniment for sate overywhero.
"That novelist says he takes his
characters from real life," "He
should be encouraged to keep on
taking them," replied Mr. Grow
cher. "The fewer like them in real
life the better."
No one need fear cholera -pr any
summer complaint if they have a
bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy-
sentery Cordial ready for use. It
corrects alllooseness of the bowels
promptly and causes a healthy and
natural action. This is a medicine
adapted for the young and old,
rich and poor and is rapidly be-
coming the most popular medicine
for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the
Mrs. Modus—"Well, George, you
promised me a new bonnet."
George—"I promised you a new
bonnet? When?"'
Mrs. Modus—"Before you 'mar-
ried Hie you swore that disgrace
should never rest upon my head
through you ; and what do you call
this shabby thing on my head
now ?"
eney <s
due -
as it
yvilag errea
eautl as
11 saxaail
It Tcetfties for Itself. Dr. Tho-
mas' Eeleetarie Oil needs no testi-
monial of its powerx other than it-
self. Whoever tries it for coughs
or colds, for cuts or contusions, for
sprains or burns, for pains inthe
limbs or body, well know that the
mcdioino proves itself and needs no
guarantee. This shows why this
Oil is in general use.
"This is the third time you have
been here for food," said the wo-
man 'at' Cho" kitchen door, to the
tramp. "Are you always out of
work" "'es'zn," replied the itin-
erant. "1 guess'I was Sem under
a lucky star'."
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
''Do you playany instrument,
Mr. amp 1" "Yes, I'm a cornet-
ist." "And your sitter " "She's
pianist."a "Does our mother
pl" "She's ,a zither st." "And
your father?" "He's a pessimist."
Whether the corn be of old or
new growth, it mist yield to Hol-
loway's Corn Cure, the simplest
and best cure offered to the public.
Howell—Rowell doesn't speak to
his wife. Powell—And I can re-
member when he thought it was
worth one dollar to say a few words
to her by long-distance telephone.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
In a large suit lately tried the
plaintiff had testified that his finan-
cial condition had always been a
good one. The opposing counsel
took him in hand for cross-exami-
nation and undertook to break
down his testimony on this point.
"Have you ever been bankrupt ?"
asked the counsel.
"1 have.not."
"Now, be careful," admonished
the • lawyer, with raised finger.
"Did you ever stop payment?"
"Ah ! I thought we should get at
the truth," observed counsel witlh
an unpleasant smile. "When did
this suspension ,of payment, occur?"
"When I had paid all I owed,"
Many a man can't afford to dress
well because his wife ;does.
"Ono gentlentalaly thing aeboul
dentist," remarked the Haan,
that he never rubs it in by sayin
'this hurts ire more than it dog
you.' "
Impurities of the Blood Counter-
acted.—Impurities in °the blood'.
COMB from defeets in the action of
the liver. They are revealed by
pimples and unsightly blotches en
the skein, They must be treated',
inwardly, and for this purpose'
there is no more effective compound
to be used than Parmelee'e Vege-
table Pills, They act directly on
the liver and by ,setting up healthy
processes have a beneficial effect
upon the blood, so that impurities
are :eliminated.
ening and Gaming and Rid (lases clean
Usti* can be ;est iy iP let, lo per alt,
Theban placate
WIC 10" X M.& 'El
fees utify,.
an Boolclote on Aptilleation
kANCMUIR & Ca., limited
buret Street TORONTO
ED. 7
ISSUE 37--'12
Ruby Rose Cold Cream
A toilet delight, with the exquisite
fragrance of fresh roses. It pre-
serves the most delicate com-
plexion against sun, 'wind and
dust, and keeps hands and arms
soft and smooth. Splendid for
sore lips. Tryit—you'll certainly
appreciate it,
In 25c, opal glassy, at
your dregtist's. 106
Or CANADA, Lurs'-co.
WRITE TOR raters
"Is 13e good to his wife l"
"Very. He :gets his ownbreak-
fast, washes the supper dishes, and
never brings unexpected company;,.
home to dinner."
Minard's Liniment eo.. Limited.
Dear Sirs,—I had a Bleeding Tumor on
say face for a long time and tried a. num-
ber of remedies without any good results.
1' was advised to try Mreertr's LINI-
MENT. and after using several bottles It
made a complete cure, and it healed all
up and disappeared altogether.
Belleiele Station, Kings Co., N. B., Sept.
17, 1904.
The most effective way to eure a
thief of kleptomania by surgery is
to cut his liberty out.
Many mothers have reason to
bless Mother Graves' Worm Exter-
minator, because it has relieved
the little ones _ of suffering and
made them healthy.
Some people cast their bread up-
on the water only when they are
sure • it will be' mentioned in the
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
"How do you tell the difference.
between a yacht and a sailboat?"
said the girl with the inquiring
"By lookin' into the pantry," re-
plied Captain elect. "11 she car-
ries plenty of refreshments and
seegars, she's a yacht. If it's most-
ly plain victuals, she's a sailboat,
Mrs. Exe (with.- newspaper)
Here's an awfully funny:typogra-
phical` error. It ,says : "Mr.s. Rich
awoke about 4 o'clock and heard
strange t,Oees ` in the house." Exe
—How do ,you know it's a typo-
graphical ,error' N1aye -it means
that- she .heard her 'guests snoring'.
anis Station Agents' work in all
its details ate included to the
course of training included in 'he
Central Telegraph School, 2 Ger-
rant St.71, Toronto: Correspond-
ence nrtted• T. J. Johnston, Prin.
w. If. ;;haw, President.
em US
•td -
disinfectant sweeping
powder, is a life -pre-
server 'because it ldlls
all disease germs.
Floors dean; oar -
pets bright; home
fresh and sweet. No
dust while sweeping.
Ask your Dealer for it.
!acLaren Imperial Cheese Co,
Sole distributors for Ontario
Two very great friends --a, Scots-
man and an Englishman—met in
the smoking -room of an hotel, and
the Englishman at once proceeded.
to monopolise the conversation, as
he usually did.
The Scotsman bore it for a long
time, then he broke in quietly t,
I say, old chap, I'll back you
and me to tell more and: bigger lies
in half an hoar than any other six
men I know !"
Tae paused, and then went <on
"And I wouldn't speak a single
word the whole time!"
is an enemy within the camp. It will
' undermine the strongest constitution
and.' ruin the most vigorous health.
It leads to indigestion, biliousness,
impure blood, bad complexion, sick'
headaches, and is one of the most
frequent cases of appendicitis. To
neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse's
Indian. Root 'Pills positively cure
Constipation. Their are entirely,
ve stable in com ostuvn and do not
sicken, weaken or" gripe. Preserve
your health by taking
Dr. o
I d EA, of