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Sahders & Creech., Props,:
URSDAX SEPT. 12, '12
Tz s sttrpr.,:qe. A euht
en nears fa airri.,are gave tts
otlior qay, Hot Eve cents
'h o oduostanaper sn ter. trontbs'
Q zPer.' Cent orf tor oaOh
appt-oved jel,t't, ;totes. ge
WatfOrd PtCds-Adve,
Dater'. card:A tell ,tt
tfot: zlasy ,say J Qi want to ge
shvl,m, ;you must plunge" ---That
,Mitatts, C t'lelnerela.1.at .who w&aest
-pros.p7.r2 seWs goods, he must'
attd, .v,rbat Ae
keep gOods, b,efereUe
' g'oe'ts feirtrtere. asstX t.oWtr,
ti chance to tray thome.
On you ever try to re.al!ze.11c)Im b:g
ctry tlris Ontario of ours .is?. Here
ars ets Wierth titinki,rtg over as
snap of tne proviincek X
WVBlmadred .11,4741S
WeSt and over a ttousar4ll
to north. 1110, ttOrtittt
Otttar:ti as far Tterthi
t,t4 Now Orleans E.4 saed;o4
• bele' Nrarthera Qatari)
.7,5 Practically OM a. ShlettdIdeott'h
try fartut:Itg), :ie. larger than 'Mei
VI a: of aid Ontarlei.. Thf4 whiale PrOv,
rhrlee itirr,,era the area
Erf.'ta:iwk and lee14,S14 atilleer
C te.Ve 4.4 lar40 a51
ie &.
tWiOe la,r00 tlet the EraPire
Ift440 the territory of On -
got all ci,X of tte New
NeW HatuPsh:TS
chneette. Ube& and,
and Empitre state let
New t stab's or l'elMaYl-
y44;4, Afich-,gani.i and North arld
*Math Dalteta, art4, Yet mem 'would
left ter the SIMS lg. Nem* jersey,
/I ios never se bad but what
twee. The forty -day rain
- cansed no little COArR
as tO the 00tCOMO Nat
SY have- „illy's:), up hope
of•SAY Croft IA eirelA
FaTraers wha baYs
tar wheat . aQt a few •haw
arqa confronted, prouted gra,,a, and
4 T.44 bAt iLt1e MPS ether
tan tor teed, The oat crop, too, which
Tram:log.4 to be a geed one. ,Ta also sec -
/toasty ;njured. and the Outlook genet*,
Any. so fair as Cgt.ta.19era grain harvest
is co:mixt:ed. re not the brightest. But
UPro le a begat side to the situaden
atter all. Not for ur,anY YeatO ha"
pastures looked se Well at the time
of th: year ate this goaeon, There is
good succulent toed flabundance tor
:abet places, aild, the tall should
very successful one on the tool,
,a?are. The after graes /mu meadows
• d.S's4n. Coble, seeded- in Lie anatg
le most luxuriant. second crop of
glow was never 'better Mau this sea.
pmart rMerealsed. feed
✓ bigpr or clover eeed
T.roaturrty. ti^,e, winds.
ttw outlook tar the Ontario
riot all dark and glettatnY. At
flO t looks as If the r -
w bg i wixter with hie sup
ply of toLdez tin4 feed or all kinds larg
or tilar, It
• t-oarsh it
• es:intated
or ome years hack
ono time yet term
al‘ti roots can
.17 ixactneas, .Tus- now
Chest. crops vi of a goad. yield
no: OntO 'is a. stock-
.rriaris ottatry moreth t is a grain
,try, act; if the reed lan is full
tc overflowing ,t1,:t farmer's poe:Von la
alteget:AT ce to be pit'„ol.
r :67 rod.n,at the back
"V.:we ofa ar4 womez, ate :7T,tense15-
' arrotor. I.c.persot,s? Then loOk
carefully ,0 very Ordinary :,'"Oun'S
Iran what- has passati you. He has one
handn h:s poskrt, and shoulders slignt
ly stoo/aed. From fat you can see of
him, his hiad :$ bear, arid everY tow
• aralr. a., gives an Wanlass fltUs
Ic'ek a: sorn.: objeot fnWs path. What
hack vie",v could be more u:rreuent
ctia.rncter? Now glance at
the receding back of the man who ha.s
pass:d you by, Wby does it fal you
• 4t1 :OSt:rxth-i'ssasss f rellabi1ty7
Bacause there is strength in, not
teressarysical, but mental. The
backts s.ralght and aler4. The head
is held well back, the arms swing
easly. And the wo./It !s buoyant con-
fithat, hopeful. Now direct your gaze
acres the street a moment. T'here goes
a girl who, under t cursocy scrutIny
looks the personiificat5qn of what
wealth can do. 'Walk behind her a little
way, and taka g,crod stock of the back
view presented to you. You soon ds -
• that the end of a fringe net hangs
d owo onto the coat collar. The collar
et the blettse is ;,done up with a 3a.rge
• The'ntoichille seam of the skirt is
not Ir. its place., There is a hole lathe
stocking just above the angle,,,•and_ tbe
shoes, in spi.le of being expensive, need
repairfog. Evidently the wearer is an
untidy, shatless woman.
Mr Wilbur Luker, who went West sev
tem. --weeks ago, 'returned SAturday.
Misr W. Esser.y of London was non -e
over Stm.daY' '
Miss Iva EssiorY v:sed in London'
th week ,
Miss Edna Davey is sufferyng iro-m
rbloOd POrlsoning, :the result of a: sl:ght
scratch en her hand. -
A Large number from here are att-id
lngfl Lo,adon Far thits week.
Mrs. Fred Elleringion of Thames Road
riv,,,ith, her Eatlider here.
-Nine. T. H oe- df Gle.ndeboYa
.is:tnr her daughter.., Mrs. Hodgins.
Irs Quariy OE Park41is vl.s1ng
liar daughter, 7,11'8. Varlari.
Fe TrarilltLar o Echsall v:s".ted Mre.
• r 3as'c, week.
Harrld :Q11pLao -vCsated in Torynto last
•Qut 1. 'number f ram th:.s yi
ended the :London 'Far th.:$: -week, -
'es T\l'aude .111e:in has returned. „from
S.'T CM"), S Detrolt, and ,Putel-n-
-r5i,es Gerrie Stewart. of, Ereter a the,
g ue,st, of .:Miss :vlaude Glean. --The farm-
rs. of thiS riatr,C, Ira Stle'd
W:son cafled '
ela tY,x,es ,,hare • Tuendaiy. - •
A iutubsr of Trustees' Assert:Lat.:one
sire been rortited. d:fEerent Parts et
Ordar4c. It hats Oaen telt by manY
',at a Trustees Asso elatloa t".r Vet
ur„D„r would glve our 4sehsalS.
N. With thte pieJect in. view Tu
tee6 net and decil.ded, to call a met.,
lo.r,t to be helck !a 'thei coLwvate thstitute
Godech. or Thosa43-. ept.
pemmencirg at 1:AO p.mto wh:ch aU
-chre, Trustees, are invited, for the
urposeororganizhdg a Trustees' Assoc
aon tor th:s inspeeiorate.
The announcement w:ltoetcYlVid6
Pa.,,t, IA of, the We Huron, TenetterS,
netitute pre,Arram, 'a copy of wnich
sent to the- teepher to Vs
given to the St3erMarY sr the Selwel
ca al.
it is. only by united, action that Trus-
vfil seottt'o those changes wh:e,11.
telleve. w.:11 benefit their Childretrt
otneir ,.ieb,0•3.;,S^.! Tr at leat ,sne re-
p 5snotiVe from ea*cl.,.. School Board,
atrd.s Coe mootlug' or the 2fli h. Inst.,
- s•-;,rettg. Assoc:at:on may b,s, formed
w%cse !rafluence will be fel/ ir education
matters throughOut tbe district, and
g.ve grdafer 11417,tormitY 414 sat-
,tu. the, maogrement Sr the
lt,,cOle. The teachers cOntesuPiate w:th
ettLe the Orgair47,atieft -Of the rrirs4
tees: DEloartateht *a rieW eret 4rt ,e,CIAleat
arta".:rs. ',Mgr CVO; ter
ttta4 everY aehtlret Brard rep ,re.-
Ooderr,42).‘ 0. X., •On 'Septet-0er
W12.T. ELatzsT TOAI
Inspeter o Pubic Se:cools.
T.1+. serv:Cea ef the Or
It will be hold Sell
2,9tiWth eet W:11
:ak-n 41 of Bxeter, er
rt -e Jettwi 4aite the serv:re
Ma :v eitr at EgOter,
rkefollewing 4 YflXg en enter
wi:It particulars *
h cl w.li b„Wsert
Thls :4 London .EW.Ik” WO*. A
nuintw or our people. we te the
har train ahet auto.
31r, and Airs. Bart E4then‘ 4114 fain:b
ot Cbly. Affph., have beeh toYee th
past week vis:Allog relatlYes,
or tathers WPM mon at
Went the old Wein the sewer, Ms
•street wait A. 1444;45r tS7.*.
Our farraere made goodies% or, the
weather ;We week Atitt got in
S'rain. A nutaber or our bus:nese R1OA
'Weal Ottt VIZtit the *ark and sa.131ro4
tow hours or "the gtaodo44ntes:*
Nire aro sorry .to State that Fred
rettog's concgtton rloas not shew much
aottfrloa Ate.agnuot4 art„Inellan veer
er 'a the flaX )4 their ringtts
'IMAM/ iho brakes and aro now off
work. -
On Frlday hCtt,u Leam. notred
Olin and, play good
gain a of ball. 0: .
was tieeichad to oiut wtt Uqierr,
tags, roalcang Ote seki our fav-
or. Te left the pQtQtt or the twe
tNens rather %lase:tied. The teal game
was played Cu Oliatton ort Wednesday or
this week. Iteres that our boys make
Mrs. Frank Baldte or Detroit is
fr:ng her parente, gr. and Airs, V.
Atse Martha NWincl lett tar not-To'ad
Tuesday evening for a short
w:tt.. her sister Aire. At:stele.
Tab Epworth Leagaor the Aletittlast
Cnurch are havfrig a. peach social next
Wednesday, the 18th. A program wi)11
g.ven arterwa.rds. A treat Is 4rt
store for those who attend.
Mr. Harris of Allea Craig is painting
o outalkle or the Evangelical -church.
Tot, Msses Kuhn and, M:ss I1fyrtle
r1 hav returned trent Toronto after
pl.asarit vt with friends.
,liumber from hare are ale
in, London Vai,c: .this week.
niLitisters tn atterldatiee at the
Lafterao Conference last week, togeth-
er w't-i,‘ a large number oti the, meMbers
or the ciangregation picknicked at Grand
Pend qn Saturday, all -spersing a, Most
,ioyable hime.
Mr. \Ylbur Graybiel r..-eturned MoridaY
to Chatham to resume hie stqtr,es
the busirtess. college.
loas G;ara Iratt oZ Thedford spent
SundeY at her hstzle
The Johnston Show Coll1Panv closed
A w4e1'a„ezrgagemeTht here oft SaturdaY
last. Ding their stay ter
lbey were goes/e&. w:th large audi.,
ences and titer performatlees Were well
worthy ot the liberal patronage theY re-
ceiVed. The company in, a voting eOrr-
est awarded a tewrity-six plece set ot
table curtlerY to the Mesi Popular Yoting
lady in Dashweed W/I:ch 4Cit is, the
good gracesotAltee ArFIseac or the
Post oftoe, NI:ras MeIsaac i to' he con-
gratulated on receiv,rtg suea an elegant
present donated 4.n the way ir was,
Mr. rted Mrs. Chas. Ste‘nhagen
-4 'n EXeter Over ,Supday, the ,guest
Mr. and Mrs. Masi. 12mdepte1dt.
gr. arid Mr4, API Mcisatte oCrecit.
on. spent SundaY h.ere-
. Tobias G:t1t.z.tier was taken sick
heats of her dattghter. M. Sol,
Bear Zunicie,,, arind n tpresei,t
crItical condlitkert-
tr. Fred. Page Of Grad Bead Is eT-
tlae new bytt/teg ehp for Mr. F.
r'741.4' Po Wog built of .enleat
baseball was
evening be -I
the ent-
d the
result that
score ot
IThere is more Catarrh in thissection of the cowl
try;than 411 other dieeases put together, and unti
the last few Yeats was suppese4 te be incurable- For
&great mans Years doctors pronounced it a local dis
ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constant-
ly failing to cure v,ith ioeat treatalent, proeounced
tincurable, Sciencehas proven catarrh to be a
constitutionaldisease and therefore requires consti-
tutional treatment, Hail's Catarrh Cure, manufac-
tured hy R J. Cheney& Co., To/ed, Oblo, is the
only constitutional cure on the/market. It Is taken
internally in doses from. 10 drops to a teaspoonttd.
It aets direetly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the sys tem, They oiler one bundred dollars for any
ease it tails to cure. Send for elm/laze and testi,
Addressf.P.j. CHENEY 4 Co-, Wode.0bio
$014 by or12,gi4ts 75 cents
Take Ha. fsreily pills for constipation,
SEAFORTH-AVord. was resolved _,,,e
,op, 1%.fonday et 4.tbdeath le Detroit
Barold WA,Ilson, second soh of the
late Mr. 0, C. Willson, and a, brothel'
ef Mrs. W. G. wais of SeafiartIV Airi.
Willson had undelwatie a very serlOnd
operalthon tn the btrOltal there and his
ecosit'ut:Pri was ',MAW° to withstar4
Ithe slaccif. The. deceased was about 30
Ve0.,1 of age and was a native of Sea.;
'3rd a pretty wedd4ag was solerimied
'at the 'home et' the tortd.O's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Thee. Gelentart, Tuckersraltin,,
wen the's' ,sectotd datrater Sarah Ai-
. • ,,
berm, was .unttecia f;a tp.arriage wttft Mr,
Ephraim G. Clarke, ontjon of Mr. ar4
'Mrs Clarke of Constance.
PARKITIlifr.4)Ohaid Sline„lalr MacleOtt,
55015 or Mee; Si* Afro. David rf, Aket04.
Qt. Itt,14. place. 4W i1 .011tW151 OA $0114,
, Oiler an Illnoso ot stains ,yealars,
19 years or age,
he Conference in COArteetterf With the
therS A church closed en; Aionday night
t1udelegates leavt'ng for their fespeclve
9.1-A7R" Toosday 111„ATZPil,
14/ I IsIkAIf.LAS Or 'Exeter, wtZQ hag
f $Iestersi. Tfaxtran
ree- mluttery ,upartment ha cm
cluOies., Millinery apenin
. a.anouncect later.
Ttx,..m.a.rt, who hail been visit-
D,aohwood, returned to Lonclon,
it4.V:n ace -I
ltdecs his
irg fin Del.4-O:t'
tti wue5 v
11, 011
the ToVra
the Srd
previous meet
rea5.9 a4Qp1'd.
II,ott- eittelt-Thal eyNtawU No
and i14a oIOVY the 'taxoss •on the
Olpsa*ty of tho 'Towneiltip ipt
eft tor the , haying'been
tiCQ times be passed' an e.g d
Resolved that the clerk write the clerk
t tllo Townelttp or Ray aeleng 11",rt to
arrange for a Jeent Meeting of the tWQ
TOW110).PS n Dashroo4 to adjust ac-
counts •
Tat, Coliew:ng elders wore passed,r
Robert utchealsort, krt. payment of
ntracta, 0400,00: Fainter, dra'w'ng
gravel, 7,150; .10,e, Laween. cement, 69.-
; J.Aittellell, Culvert, 2.50 Frtualt
Taylor, ho!uleng br:dgo timber, 17,50:
I. F Either, work on bridge. 7.50:
Chria Pirdtbeiter, Flank, 1.60; ,Jos„
White, repairing culvert $1,00;
Nor. 'sr:in:eat, gravel contract, Elk. '7,50;
James Carthy, teorn on road grader and
S.B.rep 1-'410 ; Afroh., O'Brien. Itep,
Sh-out and tr.le' S.B. 1.2.40; Robert
I-lutchinstm, Pt. Parneltt c contra.cis
00.00 ; Jos. Doyle, Nilotic on ,lst,
road, 2.60; Jos. La'weon, tiio, ..06;
Jos. Lawson, pt, payanant •or rontraets
U0.00; W. H. Wenzel, and others, rep.
ulvort, 7.50.
Tbe council adjourned kr/ meet again
IN Town Ball, Credltels, on Mon-
day, th,s, 7th ,or October ,1912 at 1 p.m.
,Htenry ETher, Tp. Clerk.
7;4-r441.g .er
firl' her aunt Mrs Fr
a Ztte Hftgl41f11 was In .E0ondes
Wm, gellard lleg:na.
vie eiat, Ms., 04, UcilteroPst
last v.'orereary serVieee will
be held h gethodrot cherch er
SundaY set ut 2.oi mut 7 p.W, Bev,,
J. SnelloZ SylRelrou4. will Preach
1 at bothvea «T1o gat -root ktome
Dinner the following Wed,
nolsday t3ept. t-.'T'as BOUM
Papa's= motored to Leaden on Toteedity
wftt. Mr. laares onettgre. BromatAiallard
Grand Beald. and Afr. Miollard sX
st•-xl Mrs, gtowardeon and
Una Ware glieists Of M. J. Voile*
Corbatt Sunday even:ing.-Afr. Ed.
' on the ,e'rk
Mre . Morley la v:siting he7 els-
VIr, Mrs. SherWell, at 1etre:4 this week,
Misses 'Verdi, and Clara •NfOrlerl,
are vis",tg relatiVes at 'Sart,lia. thbe
week.-ArmiVeilsary,servkes Are quite in
vegut. agari, Cule a number went to
Granton to hear ReV. X. 1. Westman, SA
S. V.:Ad Secretary or Alberta:, wh!le
others went to Nirkken and listened the
Bisbcp or Huron. -Mrs. Ogden, sr., and
Miss Armitage of Lucan spent Sunday
here Veth.r:ends.-Altitough several se-
vere electrical storms passed,,over this
sect'on last week there were no fires.
Soar: farmers had some a.nlmals killed
by th elightnIng. -After; a considerable
amount of btioken wee:later the aarvest
is at last gathered !,ri oricl it is
a vary satisf.a-ctory
Mr. arid tIrs. Ezra Brenner ere -
ng In Dot.--M'r. and Mrst W.
Clark visaed ,n Zurich, last week. '-
Mr. Fred Ma.11ott of Exeter spent a
few days here loot *we* 'at BrepjAr's
1 -1c101. -Gordon Allpster ,got his finger
in a -straw cutter and nog a piece cut
off last weekc-There might have been
a s.srious accident happen to Mt
Peter Farrell, B. Lline, last Thursday
,nrarnitng. he tied his florae ih PrOnt
of' tha butcher shop. when it glot tang
12.dr the vrire fence. Mr FareIl: trttd
to loosen it whea he was violently
Ohrevir to the grlound, breakking hi_e
isticulder bone, He La doing as well as
can be expected.-IMr. P. Baker _eft
Monday for London. Fal.r. Mr. C. Law-
son, who has been ,viis.:Ling around, here
:aft for Pairs home titt Tfoi onto. -- Mrs
Amos and son Walfe, and Miss ::ook
v,"Is:ted near Lucan. Sunday. -Mr. and
and Mrs Ed. „G.?ii, Jr., arrived home
from, Taranto Thursday -Mr. a.ndMrs:
Carr3s.,t- Mre vIsitIng in Erucefield
week -Gladye Patterson., Sam Ca.rnia.r
and Elton Green Left for Parkhlil High
School Mrs. E. Gtll,i sr., and Miss Shaf-
er vasited on the ldth con . of Stephen
00 WednesdaY.-Miss Gravelie, who has
been vie'ating her brother Asaph, return-
cL her har,a itt Bad kve. Thurada-\;
- --34,,se E. Shafer; who has bee -r, visiting
her sister Mrs. E. Gni, ,returned to
hiir flame De; v.r.'t Tueeda red
Ghaveile, who has been here vEV:ting her
uncle, Asaph Gravelle, returned to her
b bh-r: at Grand Forks, Dakota. --Mr.
13an.ore, who has been, fishing here for:
the summer, left Sunday for. '
Er, -The 'campers have //earl -I -all left
for ' th2,1r 'he tnes.,-Mr. H. •Ha fn.:it-Di/ has
bought Alex Ravelle's,. S Mabel
Ilse spent 'a feW;days. in DaShwood,last
,w-`*-Sk-•-•,`Throl:i,..,, Bet our'
bung for tn.:s weeld„with. Ills show.
has his tont onthe old nr:11 yard. •
Died Suddenly. -A' very; sudaea and ATI -
expected death, occurred in this town-
ship en FX2klay Morxdp.71,1ast, wheA Mrs.
Sa.ra,11 Derrell, who has' of late been Te-
etog her daughter, Mrs. John
Cornish, on the 4th Can.,..passed away
without a ;moment's vrturrt:ng. The de-
ceased had been ass,lsatitig. her daughter
Otto household duties and had sat
dc,wn for a few raomentS,, when she was
suddenly seiud with e hale .1-n the re-
gion of the heart agid expired ,in a. few
moments, heart falilu.re being the cause
or death. The deceased was a nativeof
England, corning to Canada twi:th her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westcott,
when quite young. and the grealter part?
of her life ha.s been spent In this neigh-
borhood, ,the ear1y1 part tof her life hav-
ing been spent 'Jr Usbome and the lat-
ter in Stephen, Mrs. Dorrell was a
lady of many good parts, kind a.nd a.f-
fectionate, aind muchi beloved by her
many friends. She ifs survived by one
daughter Mrs. John „T. CornIsh of
Stephen, atnd one ,alster, Mrs., Hum-
phrey Dayman, o 12Thitewood,
and two brothers,' Is'aries and, Christo-
pher of the West. The funeral took
• place to the Exeter cernetery on Sunday
A writ 17/as been iSSued, against the. G.
T. R., on behalf 'of Mrs. Manga.ret. Atkin
son; widow of Japes Atkinson, and
Mervin, H. J. Haroild..:R: CeIiina E:, and
James R., .irtfant children' of -deceased
Lor • unstated darnages„ duo to the,. alleg-
ed negligence Of the raid -tread comp,a,r,Y:
On Feb. lath, last Ja/mes Atkinson, a
fsee'llon,man fin the. employ of the -G.
T. R., was struck by a -snowplow dur-
ing a ‘storm, nerr Clancleboye. Ia their
verdict_the jury:censured the defendants
'for,their lack of promptness in securing
nrEdical did for the Injured man. ,
Semi -ready Suits
To Special Order
TF russs is' no Semi -read? Stere itt
.1- ppm towti yon may have aSenxi-tead9
suit made to youripecral order from per.
teens. Send for iCine's rerze
5111'23 at $-294 'with strie book and ;elf.
measuring forms. Guaranteed. ,Sold at
the same price ererrehere in Canada.
• Hate See seen the style bod4 "5110'
One fox you at Semi- ready Limited,
itend-ratt4 OrnierthS
ygarth, /82 Dundas.3t., Loudon.
awa horse attach4 to a. buggy
'tog tWg WOL113/11 Mnd, two b.tt-
drert est Sept, dth, caused the greatest
clang to the occupants or the rig
When it dashod doWit street. Will ,Tolatt•
bane Iuc1d1r streceeded :11 stopping It
before they were thrown Out. all our
Les cf the beat .wero badly cut
and it will ba crippled ror eons) time.
--Miss Ella Moser of Waterloo, is vie-
teng with Miss Diana Rickbeth-Mr.
and Airs. Aaron Schantz ot Berlin, qtre
vieVng with Nir and tire Peter Ropp
-Air. Wm, H. Bender ikao moved, to the
house he recentlx purcha.eed at the north
end, from Mr. H. Bauer.t--There Is a
rush to the London Fair, from, this
section this week. -Mr, Harry Deichert
and, sonNOrweed of New I-laven,
visitc-d relatives in town last week.--,
Zr, anti Mrs. Schluter and crOdron of
Pigeon, Mich., were. visitors In town
last week. -F. fieSs and. 'Wm, O'-
Brien succeeded da getting over a hun-
dred fish, soe1l pace, Ir their., fishing
expedition along the Sauble-lire. Louie
Letson of Goderich., formerly Miss Me-
linda. Randall died, lase Wednesday after
a short illness. Tile funeral took
place Fridaty to St..Boni,face cerneterY
here. Mrs. Letson was the; youngest
daughter of Henry Randall, and was
about twenty-two years_ of se.-T)octors
operated on John Albrecht's hand last
week. The bone was scraped, and the
Patient IS 1,11 zn,uch, pain, but it Is hoped
the hand will be saved.
CAPITAL $15 000 000 REST $12 50D 000
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce, are a safe, cgnvnsii
inexpensive method of remitting stnall sums of money. These
payable without charge At any bank in Canada (e4cept in the
Territory) And in, the principal cities of the United States, are issue
the following rates;
$5 and under . ........, a cents
Over 5 and not exceeding $10, ........ 6 "
" 10 " " 10
it 30 56 x.x
50., 15
shosilki ha ;nada hy mear_s of our spgc,TAT... FOREIGN DRAFTS and MONEy
oanaRs, Issued without delay at reasonable rates.
EXETER 13RANCT-I-0. WAUGT-1, Manager. r,ire.nch also st Credit -en.
incerpOrated 180
ord o Progress kr Five eare—iO---lfl
▪ 27457,090
Total Asseta
S3Thatloc1aes in ..00nada, and Agent* and (1,orrevegilent5in anthe
rrincipal Cities in the World,
Mal Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rats.
Agents at Bzeter for the Dolninion Government
DQ a R, D. RITEDON AT -annex,
h he was
rolled an
the 1-yeer..
stalned 0. 4lau
nstweon tho wr:
TtA Singh
ngerd $
erotii rens
t' SaU
The U estjm Machias,
a 4'4twtal mp1emosts, .
a to tbe 311 • .W111
late T110.7.
No More
Falling Hair
Scalp Itch,
Men, and, W0111411 you want a
splendid tend a luanariant hoar troe
trom scalp hob, iand dandruff?,
Do „you want Inalketo bowitchinglY rad•
tint that it comets the admiration. of hu
who see it?
Do you want a.„scalp as latnnuoulate.
ly titan and broom as a netvly-mirited
Do you want to use a halt dressing
that will surely proverte baldness, tha4
always refreshes and -invigorates and
makes your entdre Iteakit feel
Thee spend 50 cents this very day
and get a bottle ot PARISIAN Sage at
any drug store or toilet goods counter.
Use it as directed, and you twill never
care to G.SEr Grd4hGef,. trire.GS again.
No poloonotts sugar lot lead, TIG Stli-
phur, iso 4njur/ous ingredients in
Sage. W. S. COLE _guarantees It.
For Ten Years
$200 00
Why wait till the eleventh hour ?
Come in now
We 'mean business
Gerhard -Heintzman Heintzman az Co.
Norciheimer Krydner
New Seale Williams Ennis
Horne Study
azatigOixi nuhr
tboh, 'Gu 17
finish at I Yen dostr's
Pay whenever you 'wish. %%tit,'
Tears' ExperXneo, tiargeot troln-
ero in Canada., Enter any day
1404:t1ons guamateed. It 704
%lab to gave board artd !tarn
wiXle you earn. write for Parti-
°intent Beentoos. Coleto
• Denrairlprot*
at tbe woo tal
arveki Splay
a D01213110
ask ar
be conoot eeppy
tbe pt no
older. bat sen stamp ter 111w-
trated beek-erealed. it gives Tell
r 1-.111.11.71allddiall1514.7111.311Clatl:Te4V10
General ACtrato tor Coitakia.
Unsurpassed for residential education. The
"Ideal College.tforne" in will& to secure
•a training for your lifes work. Thorottgla
courses in Music, Painting. Oratory, Rich
School, Business College and Domestic
Science. Large campus, inspiring erwiron.
meat. Resident aurae insures health of
students. Rates moderate. Every girl
Deeds an ALMA training. Mandstene pro-
spectus sent on hpplication to Principal. 42
Our teachers aro alltexperienced in
etructors. Our courses are better
than ever, and the etittiptnefit is
more complete. We do more for our
graduates than do other sirrglar schools
Fourteen applications for trained, help
were recgved during Lite pa.st
One Of thSSO offering over $700 peg
We have three departments, Commercial
Shorthand and telegraphy. Write for
our free eatz4cgue and see ,what we
aro doing.
D A. McLACITLAN, Principal,
Electric Restorer for Merl
Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension; restores
sliin and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Themplaossol wILI
make yon a new man. Price $3 a box, or two for
$5. Mailed touny address. The seobettinrrig
co.. O. Cothartnes. Ont.
Fresh .
Groceries -
We are now well establish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority- (nam-
ely that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction. '3
All kinds of produce take