HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-9-12, Page 1We have era e R specialty oE,;t,he, auo- faun sale hill .bu,sineSel 11fob' several Year tend have received, a14bdral patro}nege to repay us far'01,1r efforts._,T;his Year We are prepared better, t,n all ever to sat: left' the needs erg those intending to rave an auction rsaler De not,, give your lust to be primed tall y?u have called nae. Mal: and, phone orders given; prompt attention. • TWENTY-SIXTH TEAR Local Items Strange that courtesy and candor e'l dom meet, Thomas Lang of near Hensall purcha, ed the Case Home'steed on Saturday last at the Auction Sale conducted by Mr. T. B. Carling, The Price was" $7500 The chattels also sold remarkably well. 'The funnies; of funny men, Will J. .VT,hite, fairly convulsed- the audien e with: his songs' and; a.a n..gs, a.;^;d irilre. encores were in order." -Barrie Examin- er, arrear him in the Opera House Fair Night Dr. 0. A, Houze had sold his tent. nary Practice to. De, WS1dreM, a recent graduate, and will ieaVe this week On a trip to Pr»neo Albert,. Sask. 'He de- sires all accounts to be settled witMtt s1r, Sandy Pro s4 once. EXETER. ONTARIO. ARID. THURSDAY. SE TEMBJ R 12 1912. "U you ha•,re? a p 4 e op ,atop rt3 tcj, self, .slid, you 170,,,V0t11 `r+hil''ty tet sexltra• :t in an aV i'? t`se same limp/0 way 'you wou td us3 a .an colid: up on your tel li.:c_.„., :tz.d askedfor you 'o tell „tin. abgut .i, thea Ct4- classified advertisement. published a little persistence, will sell your prey,, perry to the buyer wtj,d needs It ,rnosti, SANDERS & 0REEC.H' Wes Ella Shaptort :s visiting London. Mrs. Quance ba's returned, Brom 4 we - it x37 rorontio. Mr. and l.frs. Thorn. Baker age vfs- iting Rn Detroit. Mrs. Billings has returned from De- troit and Telede. Misses Nina; alai Grace Carling nave returned, from a visit Li Brantford., Miss nettle Sweet is colfined, tette house with :nr!amatory rheumatism. Miae Arty Sharton returned Saturday from a wee'k's v's tl art the home sof, Mir W. L. Keys, near Velma.. T.I ss Cathleaae Stewart and, ; Vise Bea. trice Howey attended the wedding of :',f; -,ss P..:ilia: Amos of Burford, Iafs D, A. S%rupson ot Lettabr,.dge, Alta , was the guest of rtes, -(Bev.) °Col- l':rs a' few ela.;s t,tae fore part of` .the week in CARLING'S PHONE 18 Selling Out Selling Out 12,000.100 in dry goods to be cleared out by 1st. All Summer Dress' goods, Whitewear and Em- broideries to be cleared at cost. Fall Dress Goods IN BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS GRFZS PLAIDS, RANGING IN PRICE FROM 50c. to $1„50 PEE YARD. WE CAN SAVE YOU FROM' 15 TO 20 PER CENT. ON THESE GOODS INTENDING PUBCE ,ASES SHOULD NOT PAIL TO INSPECT OUR RANGE OF DRESS GOODS AS 12” WILL CERTAINLY` BE TO THEIR` ADVANTAGE TO DO 50. Middy Blouses REGULAR ti . FOR ege. ' . Z 1111 Ladies Base SILis H0S]~l BEGL'tX.AR 5Qc. FOR 40c. BLACK I,ACE LISLE REGULAR 50c. FOR 44c, ELA,CK EMBROIDERIES REGULAR.. S15c. 'i'01 28c. BL'ACK COT'T`ON` REGUAR 2 PAIR 25c. NOW, 10C. A PAIR. Men's Half Hose REGULAR 50c. FANCY HOSE NOW' 40c, A P,A.IR. REGULAR 25c. FANCY HOSE NOW 20c. A PAIR;, Men's Shirts REGULAR $1.25 FOR $1.0o REGULAR 75e. FOR (35c. REGULAR $1.00 FOR 85c, REGULAR '50e. FOR 402c. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce, W• ,CARLING Do not forget the Thursday half -holiday, commencing in July. The Johnston amusement company are to hold Aortti' to Exeter, ".o the big 'tents alt next week. The Clinton Baseball Club, will play; a game width the loca10 here on k1^°day; even'mg of tale week. A large number of people attended the meeting `_*i the Mavis Street M4.11ogIs02 church on Tuesday evening, when lfr S. Percy Westawasx , an,Exeter Exeter Q1dl l:oy, and returped missionary from Chih.a, gave a very 4nteresting talk on, miss, :ons in that country, and the, habits and customs of the people. , MPEC'PAL PRIZE.—Messrs. Jones :hfa.;, K!tl give a special prize of 54.3' put of theIr antro, valued. at $•J'.5a), fir tz t uc€ dozen hen eggs. HORSE SHOEING PIRICEs TO 1{Ai x, Ttw black -analis of the district have areed to ri`''se then p4ces after the 5th of this: month. Tin 1Ist o: prices be advertised. ahorily, SUCCESSFUL OPERATION.—Mr.C, T. 13.r dots, Express Agent, v L a was taken Victoria Hospital, Loadoaa, last ,week o Undeto an operation, passed t!i'dtugi, 'it eucceesfully, and, although n.s con- dition was seri+aus for a time, be 10 making excellent progeSes, An early ac, eetrtplete recr4vt'ry ti looked for, DEAT OP THOS. SNOW.—Word was, redxoivedl-woe last week of thedta.tn o Thos. Snow, who died In the London 'rlCala on Wednesday, of last reek. The deceased for rainy years resided +t1 Ex- eter 1'lorth, but removed from here r thirty years ago, and has aloes re.. <d In Londoata His remelae ;ver ought here Thursday night, the tun~ al 'ta ,41g place from the Pe,a:derive, of tirether-I 4: 'la,w, Mr, Jan, WWRRtha riday to the Exeter ceanetery, s d+ IEL' AT HIGH RIVE33.—lir. Ttw iia remixed, word last week ttz of Mr. Arthur P. Da,'g4 , at or, Alta., on Wednesday, Sept. 4t r. ,Davie formerly resided In " Exeter. and during.h, residence here carried, on pa,iatAtg and, decorating business, cc - curving the etandl, now +occupied by Dr. McGillicuddy. The deeeased lett here it1 be spring of 1O103attd has ,since resid- ed in the 'West.„ oyer a year ago; lee was attacked by a .stroke of palaly ala from which he only :partially recovered, and it is supposed theft this wast : the cause of his death: Me remains wore interred at High. Inver. EXETER: SCHOOL HOARD ,.. t Meeting of the Board head i{a the Toorn ITa?i Monday, Sept. 9tht, Absent Ft, :N; Creech. Thefeliov1 n,; :e the order o; but s;.ness duly eubm' ted and alilarovel, Per chaSM M'tautes of previous incet- ng, Reports of co`o rnittees —Supply,4 Science requysites :hunt r elved• RePains ...i,.2n7:*Gey cleanest, 4ur•?aeea .r, a. caths factory cordltI'on, ecrubbirg end Paint- ing squired completed" PrV;clpal's e- port --H, S. attendaance about 8(t., PubLic sd o 1 work dYvrled, giving senior and junior charge of ea,eh,&ass: t ox;e:a teach, er; average P.S. c?esees about. 30„...The e.iasses In, the H. ,t5'.. Department t 'ori,?n*. Pe F. W G./adman—Trustees convert., r en arral,,ge'd for In rar2neret.o„t witai. Z :a roes..',~ o' 6h It. ' k 4 3' ASGoe wt, , T.eursd. y, S?t;,?. `:t,: Goder:ehz. Per A E. Fuka and, L. _r ,Ts:'ror+7g T r tt t« e P ineSpal's Repan t i e ece:v, ed 0 sul+lala Pis:; e:erre4 to,tire ;srav, ply. co x 4111#tom w,tia txaw ,. Per F. ' 4 pl.ei l`. .Gla titer, T.ga t the cerins tf addt+.)rias•,to F3it[r.ta ba +'oat aazedt, during tho prenen to ti, t 'd time lex 1» the, last, Pa ata of each month betwec4,1 the iletare ,rid four pan. T`, 4 V . Ghaith;*. and I't• t the following account be p; .4 ub;,ee, to the approval of the pup.. ,'4i', Js Beaman, .loor o:9. d,Qo. hod a.rad L Araatetrtatig,—T.t,,t supply eomenittee be al,ttherize4 to purchasC a, barrel Of deetilene for the use or tie abhonl. jr'tL A1t,'lvatrang" and, A. ix. ,Frit-- 3at I'. Wood a+.ld Gla4o art be rd's dc..ega'tl,ols to. the Trustee to he 1".e74;':11 Geadez c1l e l SMASHED AT BItUCEFIELI, Two G. .ii, flannerr and a big snow ltiow were enashedl to, pieces at Brute. x°elci on „4fonday eve Ing. The apparatus was on the way from. Wengham tt Lon" dor. to be repa.t?F d- aZid put In shape' for the center The pioW was. running between the ilacagers, and when, the leading fiar:ger broke away from the hest or the traf'n the whle three, p`eedet ofpparatus pled, up °ti?a ft heals, wreck: rg each' badly, NOTHER OF, THE PROPOSED iy3Ali BOU'TES IT'f USBORNE., T s folio ,w✓i g ae tk:e poopoSed rural >u,o .n the T wr'.'ah.p orf ljahexitza front t114, south, tv`.;.= tie Tema -n::,1, e - t1'+o towast' ps of Stephen a_:dl 110,, to the t"ow, ran between Sze . - p, eaadY.kliilp`z, theseeat en the road between late 5 and 4 of Wildulph, the erltebllr:i poatr Office, 4.114 the ad bet'" t.1 tortvideme A Anel 5 of dldelOh, thence nOth ter lift kaael lots A and.., of 'Tabr ne, therz,oe the road. between concessions, Blease+ Worth to the road be - s 4n4 6, thence west o '17.e d between eoaeossioans and 5, to tbe;raad between costae nd 3 of Usia n.e, the aeaatorth tads rota 1$ and 16, ro sautiZ teaContras. FORMER EXETER GIRL MARRIED. -Tho home at Dr. T. A: a11d : ire. v otos at Burford, Ont., was, the scene 0f a pretty September weld. ng on Sept. 4, when their only daughter, 'Lillian Isa.' bel, was united, In marriage to Mrl, George Edwih Ewing, Taber, Alta., for- merly of Richmond Que. Tho ceremony :was conducted by Rev. W. I4f Mar- tin, B. A. of Lone' Br,, Ont,,, in the pre- Genoa of about thlrt%guests• The yeull6 bride who was elven, away by her rath- er, entered this roore $o" the ,strains' tho wedding march, played by her cousin, Miss Mary A:rnos; of McGillivray; and wore a gown of Ivory, satin pallette', ?•villi overdress of silk marquisette ear bro'idered with seed pearls a)nd yoke of Carrickmalgtoss 'lace, and carrying a drip bouquet of bride''s roses and lily of the valley. She also wore liter fath, er',s gltt, a beautiful; sunburst of pearls. T1e bride and groom, were unattended Daring the signing of the register Miss Eni ly Solway of Brotoklyn N. Y., sang "0 Perfect Love." and Miss Ed'.tlit White of Brantford, sang "t Am Think- ing,'. The groo,na'.a gift; to the, tirids was,' a PermTan Iatrnb eoaE, and fa' Bias', Amos a brooch, seta with 'pearls. air,, and Mrs. Ewibg motored to Brant- ford, enroute fon' Montreal and Quebec where the honeymoon will .ae spent, af- ter which they Will fakeup their re- sidence in Taber, Alta, The_ relatives and friends present were all frons out. ,side pcints, such, as, Montreal, Quebec. Ccaticooke, Kempvilie, Buffalo, Brook- lyn, N Y., 'Tpkontte, Exeter, Londom', Brantford, Sudbury,' Taber, Alta., and Niagara Falls,, The Season opens Sept. 16th and we can supply y gl everything you Will need in the line of. Guns and. Ammunition Cartridges loadedwith either black or smokeless powders and any size of shot you want Whatabout a good gun? Sell up-to-date g mthat old blunderbus for.scara and buy an u to date ham p y 1 merless.Come ill and let us show you a eal'.Good one We have them in stock and can show you the original of above cut, a genuine "Ansley b'. Fox" considered by experts to be "The finest gun in the world;, also repeat ng rifles. Exeter E. Fops and Ft. , o; 4—That tx:a'ter, 1 at ruesd ty:, thea 17th, a, ]lathes i,d £o tbdl etc2lool, Per F. it'd' d and A,.E+. Puko—Tisat z1 pa of tla4a £oldew:tl treat:oat. bo r seen- 11y subi4tted to: tlaei v:llago ce,auactl•, 1'lzxt, tl1 sa. Boa,atd. ;totes, w' 11 rt grit Ile cvrlrag ides o 1t acco a_ sen the `dacr of file v',liagct,,a d that tt ziteeutr ,bo 9et.Uollt 'EhM the> 'preae ,tt by'' w prOi3ib,t aS its purcha, a and urre by minors be atTM+etly enforced, and fur«' that all dealea& within the. corpora - be specially no tied by the Cennell and prohibited irons tris. sale of Tobacco for any rel` ,lSon 111 arty t}1rfl1, ,to any na.nor within this corporation under the penalty of pr'seou4.'gn, unless ,such sate be amble on, tete wsetten Order 4:f tile' parent or guatti{.an• Per F. W. Gladmon, gad F't Wood.} - That the matter ot Increase of, insuran,ee b•: re erred to tial inxuranee con;matetee to '' els b3 added; r1. E, Fuke, who shall revalue the school buildings and cG ltellte, w[!th, power ttd increase they present insurrvtee contracts without further reference to the board, to a sum not exceeding 110400. Per F. Wood--O'c,3ou 1Onlent. 7. Gr!gg, See. QUEBEC 'WELCOMES, BORDEN. Quebec, Sept, 6.—Quebec gave a re- markable recopelon the afternoon to Right Hon. R. L. Borden, Premier, ofCanada, On 2tI'e I4.rri Wel from the old country, ''here the Domfar!on Premier created such a great i',mpression. Quo - bee was the first to Sree_t' htrn, and Que- bac certainly did ea in splendid style,. the spiend,ld hos,pitallIt5r of the, ancient capital being,exlliib'ted In Its most bril- liant ana,nner, The demanstratI!on in honor of Mit Borden was 'totally devoid 'of politics. It was a purely oi'vic one, and Liber- als as well as Conservatives unrated, in doing honor to ilia main who is now at the helm o'i Canadian politics.; Ac- connpapying Mr., Eorden was Hon, Mr, Pelletier, postmagte +-general,, and most of the cabl<net iniinister. ,were present here to receive ,the returnrng, ministers; Mayor Drou kn reach the address and Hon. Sir. Borden replied.. When ' the premier ,started lits remarks in French he was loudly cheered. In replying, Hon. SIr.' Borden expressed the sincere appreciation of hi{tneeif and his colleag- ues for the coadial acid gracious re- ception Which the tILIY ot Quebec was extending ]lien. upon once 'more reach- ing Cana{d:ia:n sSll. The most °elaborate function of its kind ever held in Ottawa was the ban- quet tendered at the Chateau ,Laurt(,4 M' oda y night to the I -ton. R..; L. Borden, who had ,as I te_ 1 ,ostet the Conservative Association ' of Ottawa. The nbag.nific- em main. dining hall of the hotel was. filled, with, nearly ,500 guests and there would have been more had the accomod- aticn of the rnorn been greater., Wnile the gathering was essentially of a local charactermany members' of Parliament and party -,men from Ontario, Quebec, and tile Maalit`me Provinces were pres- ent to join in. doing homage to their honored leader. It was not- an .occasion, for the announcement of any party pol- icy, bur rather duel of proper rejo:cihzg for the return of the chieftain who has wen the hearts or the Br testi people, and whose; fundamental purpose is to solidify the bonds that.c'onnect the wide. ly scattered dolnnnzions' ?7:3 the mother, country. MCGILLIVRAY COUNCIL -Co.uncil,.`m, t o,tn •2nd. All ,,nent- bers' present', .Minutes of last meeting were read .and nppr.ovedl A number of accounts were ordered paid. 32urdy—N,ickleS-That By-law No. 55 of 1812,• IevY4ng. /the •fo low ng rates, County 3.1. ..Vile, Township, 2:3 ;nibs, General Grant Publiic Schools', 1.86. nnills, and„tJhe amounts required ,by the Trustees of this” Public. and Separate Schools,: b;p,read a toned - time and pass. ed -Carried. Murd,y-=11o%itm'sas -rfi'llnat 'By-law No u^ aTsr dint mg cailcctOrs Geo Saunders 'East D'iyilsi'oii and Aizdrew Grieve for YVe el D:v'heaon, at a' salary of 450.00 each, be read a thirdVaneandpassed.— .a jrri edi, Counotl adjourned` to Monday, Oct. 7. 3 >i3I UiMlvitONiA, Clerk ve Ci x;. AT GQDERICII xd'h. Sept. r—Wliilo tatiting fits C.P yeste Thompson, Thompson, death, Ho etat+t d salt water to cr'4e43 to, the 't4tlteYr ids, .ng :it 'too. £,r t4&t tc t exb aueted; a,aad, ley Bruce Nobles lora]: seluts. Immediate ediately after him. Noble wbo reach - t, was, pulled under by tete oy, but rna411a"p'ed. be free caltght la taA £roaal be t3Xtd? assistaneo be was pulled T310 Tessera will probably ro" -aavir9g medals. CLINTON MAN SU CILIES. Rochester, MT., Sept 8.—DetaPoiSde,at b cause he had Lallod' to fill the poli# tion at floor walker aZ the Dulif-Pewere deparinxznt store, Henry B. Smith, 21 Years old, at Citation, Olt., with to ::aa room in \V ndellar Street late last night and furzled on the gas. His dead body was discovered ,thre morning atter poi ]Icemen had forced open the door to his room, Atter telling his landlady wfFre she could find her room rent he went to lr!a ream, closed; tho window, plugged the keyhole. and then 'turning on too gas, lay down under the bed cover and pulled it over h2.s head, and awaltedthis death. He had but $4 in Ws pocket' when round. LOST HAND IN MACHINE Oliver :Pollard, d' youngman whose home is in London, hadl his let hand. cut off at tilde wr!et wh,I+e helping at a threshing on the farm. et Dan Header- son, near Ansa Craig-, on Satu"r'd aftennoort Poliatd was trying to pull some grain out when his sle1v0 ca'ught''' and before he could, recv'aer Xiiniteif his 1 hand wa'e drawn Tzi and horribly man- gled. It was annputa.ted tater by Dr. Hamilton, who ware called. Tho Injur- ed man suffered greatly from the shock. BIRTHS. Wells.—In Exeter, on Sept. 9th, to Mk, and Mrs Fred Wells, a daughter, Fahner.—In Stephen, Cont. 6, on Sept. 5, .to Mr, and Mrs: Henry Fahner, a daughter. Carrick. -iia Stephen, on Sept. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. William Carrick, a daughter. Hustcn.—At Wiete, Alta., on August 8, to Mx. and Wis. Wesley C., Huston, formerly of Exeter, a . daughter. England -In Ailsaslt, Sask., oh, August • 9th, to . Mr. Wild M'atst, Wuni ,England twin daughtee s. . MARRIAGES Rumford-CrY;:teiYy—In, London, on Sept. 11, Mr. John' Rumford to Mi/ss vera Creery, daughter of Mr.,and Mfrs. R.obt Creer,y-both,' of LTsborine. Whitmore -Townsend—Iii Clinton, on Sept. 2, by•Rtw. S`,, 3: Alibi, Christina' daughter of Mr. -Thies, Townsend of Tuckereintth, to Samuel 1-1. Whitmore cf Brucefiield. 'McLean—Patterson—At Parkhill, Sept. 4 by Rev. A. Grahahn,, B, A, Mrs. Angus F. ; MIcLeann of :Calgiary, Alt'a., 'to tMliss Janet Patterson, of Li,eury. Grass—;We):r,--At I3ri'nsley, 011 Septem bar 3rd, Florence, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs% 'GVny Weir, to Mr. Frans Griggs o{C Lucan• DEATHS = .Dorrell -In Stephen, on ,Sept., nth, Sar- ah, Dorrell, in her 6S'E1i yeah". Rosser—At his late hernia Con. 7, Me -,I Gillivray on Sept., 4th, :David R!osser,. Aged 76 years, 1 month. Sni ow— In $o Loi,rh,oma'st 1 11n, ,oto S:.4I?t. 4,T Snow, formerly erly of Esieter• Davie—. i High. River, Alta., on 4, Arthur .D. •Davila, for.rnc+rly of eter, aged 53 years. Sept.: Es - SN MFJ tORIAM F:dt L I,a lovin4 memory of our de we..fe•and mother, ma,ry Anna F!dty died one year alio Seep . 1S, 1911, T .one- passes and' we .Miss) her still, No other' 'one hest place canb Lir.; ZVe laved: her, oh, as tongue, can telt. How much we loved 11011' and, how, well. God loved her tfab,'and thought it hes' Te take her 1:or-,e with himn to rest.'.Tailor. a14i- L1a1d1S Husband and Children. A Great Reducti o Price Sale of Su nrner Goods for only Two Weeks FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEH,S WEi ARE OFFERING OCR FULI, LINE 011• SUMMER GOODS AT cutuATLr AzAt. DUCED PRICES TO CLEAR Tang OUT.. LISTEN— $L25 $-1:25 SHIRTS FOFe 75 CENTS $1.50 SHIRTS FOR $100 SUMMER SUITS 2$ PER CENT OFF;" FANCY VES;T`S 25, PER CENT OFR 1d'.ANCY SOX—5 PAIR FOR $1,08Y ONLY TWO OR THREE STRAW' HATS LEFT ,,ATLF PRICE , LNDERii'k''AR .25 SUITS at 78c:. UNDER`WE44-75e SUITS at 50cv_ New Goods THE NEW FALL GOODS ARE ARS RIVING DAILY— READY-MADE SUITS IN BROWNS, GREYS AND GREENS., OVERCOATS FOR THE CH1.I.,LY, NIGHTS IN LATEST STYLES. OUR MATCHED TIES AND SOX ARE GREAT VALUE AT 50c. ALSO FALL HATS AND CAPS GREAT VARIETY a. e .to -me s re Glothing N- WE ARE .DOING' AN IIN,Ill'ENSET BUSINESS IN 'MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHING IN WORSTEDS, - TWEEDS ETC., COLORED IN BLUES Al BLACKS. ' THE ' TAMAN'' GA1MEN .' IS RECOGNIZED 137 ALL AS THE CORRECT THING TO WEAR, AND WE ;GUARANTEE FIT AND 1t. ORK N N S:I-IIP, er-- ret Ft'