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Exeter Advocate, 1912-8-29, Page 8
.1ETER MARKETS. BNthD EACH WEDNESDAY Barley. ,48 60 Buckwsbe.tt • , 90. 90 ~'jets, 35. 4.0 Peas:.. ... 1 00 1 15 Potatoes per bag , 1 22 1 50 Ray',Per aonl......,,..., 1400. 16 00 Hofer, per cwt., family 2 75 Flour, low grade per cw 1 00 185 28 24 22, 23 8 15 28 00 2,2 00 2600 Buttes Eggs. .Live boas. per cwt....-. Shorts per tau .., ... Bran Per tont Sugar Beet~ ~steal. HOiJSE FOR SAM On William Street, Exeter, .., Any person de- s:rleg a new west separator will do well to call at the Esetear Bargain Stora and see the Per This is one of the best and tas:?est rl141.114,11g separators on We market, Come in and let us talk itover with 3 -or,, W. 3E. BLATCBFORD, Exeter Marrta;ge Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Offce, Exeter. fi DOZEN LADIES'PARASOLS, TRA- VELLERS s.4bfPLES, GOOD CLOTHS, AND BEAUTIFUL HANDLES, CLEAR- ING AT 51.00.-STEWAR.T'S, TE,.OHD11. WARTED Eliret of Second Claes teackee for SRS No. 3. .Stephen duties to coin - =once Sept.. ard- Apply to S. J. he- garth, Exeter P. O'4 FLOUNCING EMBROIDERIES 27 IN,CHES WIDE, BEALYTIF JL ERNS, REGUL.?B 30c. LINE, GL'EAR- ING PRICE PER YARD 25c: --STEW AItT',S. BARRELS 1 OR SALE -Forty or fifty empty barrels, salt and sugar size, at, 2,5c. ear;'~ at Exatar Canning Factor, BLEACHED TABLE LINEN, 01 IN CUES WIDE, EVERY THREAD PORE LINEN, WORTH 75e. SPECIAL AT PER YARD ilc,-STEWART'S, TINSMITH WANTED- TED -A young st an of one, to two years experience. Apply at I1ealna"n's Hardware, Exeter, WHITE DRESSES AND, ALL SUM. MER GOODS SELLING: AT 131G RE. DECTIONS-SAVE M.OtNEY. STEW- ART'S, TEW.ART'S, Get some neatly printed calling cards at The Advocate. .A.PPRENTICE WANTED-- To learn barbering. Apply to F E Willis, Exec or, WANTED -LIVE POULTRY FOR. i. WHICH WE WILL PAX EIGEES'C PRICES,-STEWART'S, ORGAN FOR SALE -Second hand or Gan In good state of repair' will be 801d cheap -Apply at this oft;ca. ' "r+ FARM FOR SALE" Piret-class 150 acre farm for sale or to rent. 21.nsilee from Exeter :n Irownship of Usbo¢ne. Apply to S. ;<ZA.RTIN SON, Exeter~ MONEY LOST. -In Exeter, on Mon- day last, eight dollars -five dollar bill and three ones -'Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving eapee at,, this of- lice.p t RINGS LOST. -At Brenner'•s Hotel, Grand Bend, on Aug. 8th, two gold rings -one+set eviith an anieth st, the other, a band ring set with, several stonesa Finder will be rewarded by returning same to this office. FOR SALE-lnvaiiiel chair as good as new, used by the ;late Mrs. Jae. Tom. Original cost $,70, will, sell for $35. Apply at tier late residence.. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The undersigned is oIfer;ng for sale .his fine dwelling and lots on Andrew St. Exeter. Besides the house their is a god stable, a. large number choice frust trees, hard and soft water and other conveniences. This is a choice', property, well located and will be *sold3 reasonably. For particulars apply to- TAMES DENNIS, Exeter, Ont. HARNESS LOST. -Near Wm. Higgins' Usborne, a breast -collar and tugs. Find ex will confer a favor by leaving sae at this office. MISSES G_LADYS,. E. W. BISSETT, A. Mu's. W. U:, Honor Graduate; of the London Conservatory of Music, ,Teach- ing College of the ,Western Univerisity, Teacher Piano, Theory, Harmony, Count -1 aerpoint, and Musical: H'story-. Pupils prepared for Musical Examinations.. Delaware, Laolcawa3ina and 'Western Goal Ot ,pany's SCR9 TOa COd4 Tie best hard coal mined.. Burns to a white ash. W. H. 1 TT, COALMAN Bus, Dray an Teaming Business Your orders In our line Will be' attended to quietly and'satisfae-, ttorily. We are here to please the public needing anything;', in our Foe, and we •eekas trial from you., Orders left • `by phone or other wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will =receive prompt attention.: G. sec EXETER AI3 DCATE, TRAY ` I3T aT 29, DI LOCAL DOINGS. 41,ll vim, e&.'IL ]E -Monday next is Labor Day. $ebool 7e -open's 'aleft Tueeda•Y Some woinert would rather he grace tui' than gracK,ott . A woman who pretends to laugh at love,, ,ie like a child who 'sings, at ht when he En afraed, One way for a meet et0 fin'; out just what a worn'an realty thinks Lot h'n2 Is to nnakeher waggly', The Junior baseball team drove to Centralia 'Monday evening and were detealed, 7-5, to a good game.. An eastern awl tried to end his life with a corkspre,'w. Instead of merely stick -ng to the s' ut'.t inside the. ~notate. Has an hotel theright to refuse= lodge: ipg and meals to, a respectable travel- ler; No. To do so leaves hint Iftable to a penalty of e20,00.. Alter two or three nice days the very heavy rain of Sulldy_nn`ght, was a great disappoeltatlent to farmers who were hc+Pefut of. `belag" able td draw the;.r ,oats on Monday Nr. I. Areestrong received a telegram ea Mond/tee ,ai;I,nctameng the death of his nephew, lfr. George Armstro'ing, eld- est son of Mr_ vFili: nt Arnlstong of Belie City, Mich., formerly of Exeten He was ag'e'd about 45 years~, The fun- eral took place Tuesday, Mrs. Enoch k olliele received the sad. news, en Tue d11y^ c tine death of her 'brother, John Ferny/telt, who /died at his krone, Gull Lake, flan., last 'week, aged about 70 Dears. Mr. Fenwick, for. nterly resided near Sa'repta, having farm ed there for ara'a.'ny years. Mr. Percy biollencl, who as ensaSed. wlti. Mr. W, D. Sunders. of Stephen was paltnlully injured or Friday last, Ile was sent to,drljve the horses out of ' stable when one',,d7f, the number 'kick- ed at a colt, and dirt lfolltard. being near the colt whOcle heed. moved in thel */meantime receitved thct blow IIr the abdo- men, winch rend'e ed hen unconsclou,s ter son~' time. IEo :s, howetoer, now recovertag. Mr, 13rtt. Cruurliee; oaf „the Postal ser- vice, Ch:cage, Il# was in town Tues- day shakier hands with, old friends. Mr. Crean -leen Was a., former resident of Exeter, 'having s'pprtt'the greater part of .his younger days with his parents tore, bat lett Exeter in 1880. Mr. C. and the writer were school /flakes in the eevent'ies and many the seerjo wn. eident to our boe'iheoll days were re. called with pleasure and happy thought. Mr. 'Wm. Stewart o'1 town has just .received a letter troxn the Minitsier of Agriculture, appoianting hlmt fruit lr>, Spector for Onteria at a liberal salary His duties commence at once. Mr, Stew- art will leave 's;hor4tly for: Fort "c'I''illias on lite official duty. The minister has made n o i Mr,w, t n2 a, k in selecting Ste t e 0 ' S' art for the posititan,t Ho ',Is a man afi long and varied experience in the apple business and es partibularly guaaitted for the position to which he has been appointed. One's loyalty „to vine ''town; ono lives fn Is always' to be conunehded; and is invert ably adrltjired. Local pride is a greaa; business builder, and attracts worthy clt:gens Ito the place.: Every citizen should be a practical boaster for the town whleh if'yes him a residence. „We letiiould say good things of municipal. ity effort. Commend, ilia tidy' street's and attractive hones, the errter,preising business nen. We should, support :our public instirtutidtns and, especially the Efforts to proyfdo a liberal education for every child within our corporation 1initts, and as Vood an education for the poor man's family as for the rich, and at an expenditure See can afford, HICKS' SEPTEMBER FORECASTS.- A regular storm period is central on the 5th, embracing; the 3rd to the 8t'aY Ey the 5th low barometer, rising tem- perature, emperature, cloudiness and gathering. storms will appear in 'western sections, and during the 6th, 7th, and 8th, rain and threatening conditions generally will pass in regular progressive order east wardly across the country. The . pro- babilities are that, the rainfall during these ctarms will be modeeote., The barometer will remaFn below normal, and the temperature will not fall, as ordinarily, after the passage of these disturbances, g'i`ving a continued spell of very waren weather, except en the ex- treme northern parte of the country. 11312 '',E s, F., W. Glad.nnaii3s visiting in Tor - on t or-ont a. I• rank Johns returned to Toronto Monday N Dr. Feeick of SteeMarys is vt:siting his parents here. Mr. 0. Southcott has returned troll a rip to Muskoka, - Silas Bed of Ayinese ,is visiting his grandparents, bit: and Mrs, Silas, Heed Lord. 1`risses May and Ethel Armstrong re- turned Tuesday frown. the _Millinery open Ings Mr, Louis Daffy, Jo., and sister, Miss,' Ethel, left Wednesday on at trip to the Soo, Mrs, F% N. Boon 'returned, Tuesday from a visit 'With her sister, Mrs., Vroo man of Copetowne, Mr, and Mrs Jahn Pedier, returned. last week \from a pleasant trip, through Western Cariaeda_ ?lir;:. 4s;tlaur Taylor and, three chil- dren of 'r ronto spent last week with; relatives ft Exete s h1t,s. Pilkey and three children of Tiled:, ford aro the £O1n,er's sister, Mrs Fred Bawden Mrs, elichie and tea citildrefi,, after a visit there, have returtn.ed to their horns in Tittle Falls,:Welt; Miss Vera Sweet has returned from a visit iti Lucanr, aoeompanied by her cou_ms, the dis`sea Bawden, :efr, A. Halloran end ,family land 11r: 11. Latnbrooic of ErOntford metered here on Sunday and 'epr;21t the day with intends, Mr. A. 11.,, Grttlrannn. st the Bunk of Commerce start, who: Is now rel}eving' at different points, spent a couple; days In town last vaeei-e, 1drs, Jame Angles and daughter Reta tiny have returned to Lonjipn, afters spending two Weeks at Mr, T. Heel - den's and other re'let1ves. Morlock and grainddauglrter Mastle who have been vlsitic11g in Stratfo'd,have refuelled, as has, also Miss Addle More. lack who attended the rnillline.y opsit-. ?nes is Torant'a„ A writer :n Rural New York, in dls- u r r,the c ad? of I° h n r r seise au s n st i . g.g t li i k g' g ba,"pna, says that a vacant barn is seh* dont struck by irgl'tning,, buta barn full of hot hlyy le' often struck. Hicf theory 4s that the tRa'4ait rising from the barn lull of new Nary or grain melees the air ° light and; offers: a channel for the lightlaing to travel sit. Duet particles a current of ennoPet ark, or a currcint. a£ hot a'ir will afford such a channel +feral -Throw: open the barn doers 'se that the air inside and outside the barn may be. uniform. I-IEMSTREET THE HYPNOTIST. -Pro, Henlstrect, the potedd travelling hypnol 1'st gave most excellent and laughable perfarnlapees, at the 'Masonic Opera House in Orange o nMo d Monday andTues- day T e - daY night las~. There were large and d enthusiastic audiences In attendances The professor" called far, tae volunteer committee and a large number of 'young men quickly responded, who wenton the stage and were hypnotized, and thea the fun began. The vaso audiences were kept convulsed w1thR laughter at the two - cession of comicalante made by the boys." -At the Opera. House. Exeter, on Wednesday and Thursday,. Sept. 4th and 5th. 1912. Adxnias:on 15c. Children 100 Reserved seats 25c, Pian of Hall at Cole's Druz Store., ' ' t t t ,. A Remarkable Hypnotist Corning to Exeter. -We are pleased to announce the conning of Prof. Hernstlreet, who is rated as the most marvellous hypno- t'i'st before this American people. He has played many of our neighboring ,towns and has created the greatest wonder and exciternent by the strange power he un- doubtedly possesses, and, the press and public all speak in, highest praise of his entertts:tnment wherever he has appear- ed. The Professor carries no subjects hut depends upon his audience for his committee, thereby eliminating all pos- sibility of collusion; Any of your local ;skeptics are Invi'te'd upon the stage if. they are anxious to be shown,. Pref. Henletreet will be at our opera house Wednesday and Thursday nights, Sept. 4th and 5th. Admisa'on'"15c. children 10c., reserved seats 25c. Plan of half at Cole's Drug Store. JR. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EY AMINATIONS, 1913. -Selections for Me- morization from Ontario Public Schhol Reader, Book IV: -Hands All Round, p, 49; The Burial dt Moses, p 80; Ye Mariners of En'glatuld, p, 154; The Harp that Once Through' Tara's Halts, p:1747 On the Grasshopper and Cricket, p.1.97; Rule Britannia, p., ,202; ,My Native Land p. 227; Dost Thou Look Back en What Hath Been, p. 28A; Tp ai Water Fowl, p. 377; Daffodils', p. 382; On, His Blindness, Sonnet, p. 3193 Rtcesa%onal,.. p. 409. From Canadian Roman. 0athc1:c wader, Doak IV. -The Maple, p• 11; Abou Ben AdhenI and the Angel, P. 51: The Ev-ile of Vern, p. 52; The Stream of Lite, p.84; The Song.' in Camp, p.,' p. 150 ; 'Ye ?~Mariner's The, Reaper ,::'p.7 Ear 305; The 13eil:s o1 'Hereafter, besides pass, ees, the exams 10.0 ; Tib "Heritage,; of England, p..10,1' A Day in June, p. Shandon, p. 330i' qu?stlons O:'i s ,r.,bt irat.ot; pati r in:Tte den,e alt the Junior Lli h'Schboi Entrance.Ezam,natiei> wiii c05tain guest ons Ohl at pras,sage Or pass' ages feenethe' F'ou'rth Reader authorized{ by' the Course of Study for the Public or h.e S era'tr Scalloole. t p.:. EXETER SCHOOL BOARD Fall 'Announcement Tho Exeter ,Public School bogs 'to an- nounce the ro,operaeng of the H. S., :or Continuation Class !Section for Tuesday. September 3rd, at 9 a. m., when all intending students are desired' to be presentk Tho aim ,of the, Boated s to provide a sound education for the various wallas in life, Commercial, Ind,ustriae and Protess?ionai, and to; carefully train those under their care for a true and honorable Canadian citizenship. The course covered 4s complete for Model, Normal and, University Entrance. Spec lel attention ;ifs given to the Com- mercial Department. As a. rural Higia. School special .attention is given to the needs to„both the farmer and the erttzan The standing of the, school is ''Govern. ment Approved." It is exceedingly well e• d tola d 1 tory needs, Mrs Quance left Saurday, to visit Toronto, bits Saamwell is a ,sin gutta ill at her 11o li8i • J[iss Ruby Treble lefts Saturday •to vis- it it Toronto, Mo Jas, Sparid of Ingersoll , is holidaying hetes, Mr•. John, Di 'na:n has returned from a visit int Halyfield. bMr. L, 11,, lees 'so'n left Tuesday to visit. do Montreal alnd -Ottawa. Mr. and,'Mrs, Ed. Dyer of Brantford spent Sunday wifrth relative; here. Rev. D. \h , andlr Mrs, Collins and tante fly are visiting relatives at Barr. Mr. and ;`ire. D. CrxitAteenlden of 1llytb visited relatives hors part of • last week. Miss Edna Fol1:k$ leftl Friday last for Fairhaven, where she w•;Alt spend, a short ihnia MDs. Z3, Atlr7sisoh, aand daughter, Ilene, spent the week en,d 'with friends In town. Mr. I 11 Bissett, of Stas thz'oy 's ;spending a few holda+,ys with his par:. ents here. Mise Mabel E. MelKinley, its. , of seatortlt is v'.s#tti.tei, her aunt, ,John 3igrittiu. Mrs. Cotter, eller a v',is t 'with; tier mother, MA's=. Gregory returned to Tol-. edo on Monday,, ;tier, .7. A, Stewart a'nd fancily lett l''Lotti day 'in their auto to vlslt lin Toorgnth and ltownianville, bii ss Lulu Eeetlo Ireturil04. Saturday frosty e KI'sit with Tier sister, Ifee 1 Weeper at Harraw. Mrs. E. GlSr et p its visiting sin. Torr-. onto, She,weet aeeoanl1anied by bet grand daughter, little Sf:,sa Rogers., Mrs, Jatnes Ford arta da,ugltter, miss Cecelia, lent Qat Fele ay to visit three months at Central Buttde, Sask.. Mr. and Mrs,, Ne1soat Sheoro of Pole William are visiting tiff the honme of tare fornmers mother, Ws, A, Sheere. Mrs. Ed. Treble grid sen Leon, Mss Mary Tom, alatd Misses Lizzie and Ida Ca rlilrg lett Tuesdal}, to( visit in Toronto, btrs. Jordan and two 'children, Ythq r a es lint-. nava beast vsa,t»rn , aft yt . J ni ray's, returned tt atoi,'r home n London on Tuetsday. Rev. .'+fariin, Thos.. Oke and. Chas. Abbott, of London, were anitnng the 014 Boys who .,f`s.ted the Old Town last week *with the, bowlers, Mrs, 'Max tin wag. also here., Mr. 'ii"sn, Routley; lostia valuable ruara by dead. ort Wedbeslaty nigltt last, Mrs. Chris. SatOth andfanily, who stave res--ded at the nor' t €'sled of town for t yeatrs, lett last Friday for Moose Seek., where she 'intends making' future bonne, In r to follawing' were ticketed for the •Nest an Frrida,y last, --Mr, and Mrs. n r . Alo x.Daw d bF r. s Lura f a. r to I• ed r bfiss Lyda ()ice, Mr. Chas;. Dow, Mr. Ezra Willert, Messrs If. and N, Pass more, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wickwire, Robert Sillery. TENDERS I. Tearders will be recelned up to Fri- day evening, ,30th. Inst'., the 'same to be :Ir, the Clerk's han4 . by 7 o'clock p.nv„ for the layp,pL of 6,000 feet or four and six'indite, water main. Specifica ttonef can be `Beate of,:tiler with reeve ;or clerk. I. 13. C..A`RLING, Clerk. IsoolossoluassooneoWlin Lime & Cement Always on hand R. G. SEI.IDON Exeter, - Ontario qurppe as p y grown s, avers_ Advan eLibrary so 'sand ,s tr n c e The work so far, he,s received strong approval from bothi' Public and Contin in m r Furniture uatioaa school inspectors, and is rank- ed with the first in the ,Province. The staff remains as' for the Easter term and for, the H. Sl Section is as follows ;-W. B. Welden1ammer, B. A., Honor Graduate of Toronto Unlatversity and.. Specialist in Modeen Languages, Higher English, Mathematics and Sci- ence; Miss Edmonds, First-glassestand; ing-classics, Eniglilsh history and,. reading; 'Mess Calmpbeil, First-class Standing, the Co4n'tnercia1 and Junior work. The H. S. Sec(ttictn le ,open to all who have passed. the H. R. gntrance, and Parents and gs?ardians are asked to see. that registrattion of intending _students' des made wain tits least possible delay‘ For inform3.tiood as to courses apply to the Principal. 3 GRIGG, Sec y In Quality, Variety and Beauty - but NOT in prides, is the movement now being executed in our store. Phone 20a Residenoe next to the store: R. It ROWE Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO Last Clearance of all Summer --Goods See our table of children's low shoes worth up to 31.25' going for 50 cents. a pair.: Ladies low shoes reduced another 10 per cent. Mens low shoes half price. All whitewear at half price. Black and tan hose worth 25c. to Blear at 2 pairs for 25c. Straw hats at10 cents each. - Just a, few yards of our yard wide flannelettes left for 11c, a yard. Clone in and see the bargains. Ask about the Premier Crean Separator, beat machine, best price, best The Exeter Bargain .Stoat ter 1 door north of Post Office NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second-- Hand econdHand Watches, taken in trade or 4jarocured th some . other second-hand way, I am the only aut.horizea Official Agent here, and g am the only one who can issue an Offices ial Uuarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout *Canada.. enerat Foundry Works Plow Castings, Plow Pointing, flan Plows. and general repairs to all farm implements on shortest notice. General castings, piping, tubing', etc., on band. Cement Silo forme manufactured, Particulars on ~application to J. Murray & San EXETER ONTARIO THERE'S PE:7i;NTT' CAUSE liar our- pride in ;Model fhou:. House keepers tell us It bakes /lore in.Ct batter bred to dho sack than any otlior brand they havo Fried. TEE MODEL FLOUR next time and se4,it they at© right. Tke trial will 11 not east you a. cent extra tor Model at>;ox tea salol, at the prt;o of oral!. nary Ilene a ,tthe agh it ia worth more by a good deal. ARVi BROS., EXETER. PHONE NO. 32 We willshow you an entre change in Coate for this seasonal Great big heavy Blanket Cloths are the whole thing with. ',iarge collier and reveres. They are 'rent swagger and, riuit, manish effect, Reversible a'h4 two toned coats' are 'same of flit) leaders with, very; latrge buttons and side trilmna:ing. New ;shades. Comeaynd see our Winter Coats, It will dd you good... Have us lary, one aside `for y out. STYLISH NEW DRESS GOODS All Our New Fall land Winter Dress Goods are here ;for your in- spection. They irnspection.'They were never, better. The best cloths and patterns are shown. TWEEDS Are very strongfor this seasoo and cones in a, varietyof mixed • shades In that Loney 'mannish effect Don't fail to, see tem W EIIP,CORDS Are real Niew and /take up a, very swell Built~ or Dress. All the New Shades t'o sleet' from/ also -some shot effects. COATINGS In all cola,rs of plain cloths also tlae stylish Reversible cloths with. -plain or check :banks, BLACK DRESS GOODS- An extra fine showing of Blacks' ',are on our counters in ail the New Fabric s. CAPS, •SHIRTS,: TIES, UNDERWEAR Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing