HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-8-29, Page 1NEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS r t AND WEDDINGy, ITATIONS To intended ,rides; yr* have not already ordered thea ilavitations and, announcesnesats from the Adverzter 'we would pike to 'say, t,hit.t. Wohave an ses- cellent assortrnentee wedding ettatioraery fn cabinets, etc., printed to ylour liking at a very reasonable coat. TWENTY-SIXTH: YEAR EXETER. ozamuo. THURSDAY AUG; 29 1912. you have a pr-? re of Vro;I3ertY sell, and you '],,ave they ab:l!tto ct , sczrb t :sx on ate. ht thre na.'rie si2lale way you woultd u e .kt a, man galled,: up pn your teleP a,vo„ e, and, ask_d for you to tell :t`:fau abet 't, hen classified advertmserc,-e nt, p vl s ed. a little persistence, °x 1[ r s pert} to t% e buyer woo > seesaeliyou•it t ,t3as< CREECI3' Local Items Mese Nettie Wdltors i!a visiting, zn Toronto thie week..,: , t ea LOW,se Sweet ta;a returned frog v1E;,t in, Michigan':, Mr and Mrs,. Cl><lffr Spackman return- ed eturn-e 1 to Guelph, to'•tc ay'. Miss Erne, Sweet; and Beta Rowe vise :ilea •n Clinton during the week, Mea Frank Sweet has returned erten a visit kiA Lendeaa and Sarnia;., 3s, Robert Sweet. and, daughter of Clinton v;ietted aretutiveg here last week;, Growing Old with laises ,. ,cefully 'titres Violet Houlden is spending week at Ellenv flee Miss Lela Gould hos_ arced a visit in Loxtdoh,,w Reg, Bassett has returete 1 home a vst t in Nerwicea a Unhlappinesa seldom, abides man who level bge home:, from The marriage is announced of Dr., l2, D. glace, on of the late George A, Mace and Mrs, Mace, Rosedale, „formerly of Proal Exeter, to Mary Catharine, daughter of grin azd.1 r _. tD ©dd ,AlbEa t-4, a )fisc Mabel Walters of London :e hol- idaying: at "her home here. Miss Eestle left Wednesday to re- sume .her dntfes a, teaeater 'i i Cartwright Mann, Mise Janet Drown and Miss May tones are elsiting in Toronto this week. 'lir. Waugh has eeturaaed, to tats• duties an the Bahle Ognrrreree, after a Ida y°, Mr. I. Tuesday trouble, ;lies Glat3Ta EiSSett, said dies Flossie Hunter returned 'I.`ttesday from a visit avlttL f'rienda in UtnenVons. ear Mev, Oat.10,1 Sage, .13. A., Il. At, rector of St. Geomi+e's Church, London, he Anniversary', y', and, Harvest Thanks - lying serarleea of the Trivltt Memorial Olt:WO on Sunday next, Sept, let, at 1,2 4,1n. shad "A Sat in? Arnnatr,org was , nrr London. on ami'Underwent a natnor Burg;; fits -U Eyeglasses do not accentuate age because they areyou ookifl . But they dO giveall the colii- fort o' old fashioned spec- tacles, The i'Cpl lar 4QCe. Tw ,rift eli3Ot t16\7l, ret.: C'Intgletiitgt f Vii' Tl Aches08, C., P., flil„gni w p, Clarice and W'. J. Pleataa'ahaa BPI James B.iwden, ,Chat: A. b1eDo,ne11, W W Tanta,n ante S. G T;a,,wden went to Wing- haru Monday to take' part in the bowl- ing tournnuentt \Y. D. Gia,rke'e rink lost two .games ,then won two` awl,. tos4 one: S. G. ]tiswdaza'# rink on f Tuesday ;tight ,had .rearmed the ;t;nals hs they As- tint. HeL hangs fa the Trapby event on of T,ucictow 13.12.,. In the ,at•,on lee wear front MeGil,trry of 20-15, from llrocidebank art 1540, .trona Jeaktne "et Clinton" 2, from c,nnody et Winlabaltl 17-12 Rosa Qt3ruasela 17-16, land. IhS ;n thtA finale which were to leo play eel Wednesday „looming IC the weather permitted, hTe opponent being Holmes of Winghafin, who drew a bye In the aanal-fila ►1s. Robinson of Orangeville wan the final's 3n the .first: event trete 1lcover of Clinton, 19-15. are very light, simply Con- structcd, stylish in appear- ance and can, be ad ste o jti fit you, pet'f- elk They can be put on and An off with oT1Chc 'ill d, Let Lt9 i4laifl \ the i ts, eraQ... , liTeddinty Rine and ,. AlasrIage Licenses S. Fitton O tametrical Specialist SINGLE PARE PORI x ABCR, DAY. Via the Grand Irrupk,Itatlway Syetem oetween all elat,i011•04aa,Caalad4, ate° to Detroit and Port. Huron, Mtich:, Nial;.Ta Fall,a, Suspentton Bndgo and 13uttalo l,Y. 'Ticket's, good sotfta,t' August 80th tend :hist : Septcan<bor, tat and 2nd. -M .e ketn valid for,returtf until Wednesday Septennter 41h, 1,91.2., :aa `riimum rate 25; cents,., i s:e t rticulaXs. from jj Secure, t c tis tt'ndt ull 1'aa t Trunk Agent. any Grand uta qnt. CARLING'S PHONE 18 MI Ilan NO .44 434 MK 07414 Masi NM Mel 4444011•10444 Selling Out Selling Out $12,400.00 in dry goods to be cleared out by Oct. lsta All Summer Dress Goods, Whitewear and Em- broideries to be cleared at cost. Fall Dress Goods IN BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS GREYS PLAIDS, RANGING IN PRICE FROM 59c. to 31,50; FEB, YARD. WE . CAN SAVE YOU FROM 15 T'O.''20:,PERCENT. ON THESE GOODS. [NTENDING,>I'URCHASES SHOULD' NOT FAIL -TO. INSPECT OUR RANGE OF DRESS G.CODS AS IT WILL CERTAINLY BE TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO DO, SO. ,, , Middy Blouses , REGULAR ;$1,25 FOR ':89c. i '.' Hose s 18 SILK HOSE REGULAR 5Qc. FOR 4Qee e i! BLACK. LACE LISLE REGULAR 50c. FOR 49.c. BLACK.: EMBROIDERIES REGULAR 35c. FOR o8b'._ BLACK COTTONf REGU4r 2 PAIR 25c. NOW, 19.e."A' PAIR. Men's Half Hose REGULAR 50c. FANCY HOSE NOW .40c. A' PAIR. REGULAR 25c. FANCY HOSE NOW, 20c. APAIR;. Men's Shirts REGULAR $1.25 'FOR $1.00 REGULAR $1.00 FOR 85c,' REGULAR 75c, FOR 6.5c. REGULAR' 50c. FOR, 40.e, Highest rices paid for all kinds of Produce. ' P OAR Do not forget the Thursday half -holiday, co rimencing iii July. ANNIVERSARY AND IIARVE,ST THANKSGIVING SERVICES.—The An- niversary arzd Harvest Thanksgiving ser vices of the, Tn v tt Memorial Churteb xeter„ will be 11:-4(1, on Sunday next, Sept. 1st, at 11 a, en? anti, 7 p, rte. when Rev. Carron Sage _ 4,,, D.. i>„ reeto; of St. Gleorge e. church, tLoptIon, oraa of the ablest and foremost ,,preacherte in Ontario, will corauct bode services, T church will ba taste -fate' decorated for the occasion and special music will rendered by the choir. A thank offer-, w_ll be taken fop oh each service,, The toraaa os Sun night e have !?sen gp?eral' egad vsry hevy ail over. 1n Exeter 4t, was very severe, the thunder and ii4htpinn weree, tern [ie, 40 the, downpour o1 ralrr, lasted eev- erat ¢sours, Near Zu,'i1eb .11a:1 accom- panied the stomas and d.d ecatastcterahie danrago, ZYna;- Roas who lives .110 ,41:10 trarrir of 13rueef+1Qlti, bad three vain, agile• tionlitki dalei wia;lt in - ,,ire pasture, Tiaeyr were worth $90U. Robt. ?turdock's bang 0w4 Mr, MrG 11's house alt F3rueetield were struck, but not bung1 ed. Lt Grand Beard. the summer visit, ors, it is said, bran ht the wind up of the world bad come!, AIti.V DROWNED A. That ten -roar nidi 'gal of etas, Grlff t a'eaides here, tnai owly e Ari Sunday- or raanag wi e the breakwater pion' at Gr._. _ m , and ways only saved by the heroin of Roy Clinger of London. Ther playing ,quite dtstaaaco out breakwater rots the time.: lie wall, o close to the e'dg and losing gals sa fust ovor into i.he water, which Is qute deep at, this point, A couple et lattice saw hem disappear, and they sCrearned nor help. Clinger, who to ant expert sw,:namer, was soma distance a war, taut on hearing; the erica he hasten cel to the spot with several other persons Young Gnitt-.th. had gone under the wat- er twice before the party arrived, and he was going down, ler the third time when Clinger dived, and .managed to r,rab one of the drowns; boy's,out- stretched arms,and brought him to the nurface. Tho two were hauled out of the water, and It looked then, au thougt; the rescue had been =de too late. ifoung GNtf:th. was 'unconscious, and his face was turniu blue. After fifteen minutes hard 'work the little 'yellow began to ehow signs of retut',p;ng life. ZIo soon. lrevlved., Successful Tournament y .. t .ALL O OF HENS.4LL. WON THE I3AWDEN TROPHY STEVENSON OF LONDON TEE, SOUTH HURON TROI'HSY, TA:\1AN.00' EXETER THE CONSOLA'r1 T aO Seco,td Atan4ta our L'naJnnt of Exe er• Lavraa 13ow1?ng Assoc:aeunt heirehi na Wcdeesdl,y, Thursday and Friday NO k was an unquaLif:,cil sue- ese every vray', 44 ruts ,entered e tour ,:en/ el and although nearly ave within thirty, smiles load a vetri osi Tuesday might, Exeter es- a£? ., iii oasis: oze o.r. t;. e r9^ks that z£e;ed fa' lecl to +pp.-2Ra' delayed le$ ter two or three hours_ on af,tertnt1ttee however, but the tourney. whiola ctansstcd of dance targe ovum nasi etl-e Scotch ,$louble or - It was wound utt on Friday ,evening.,, That greens were in excellent ce Hilton and, "throe committee on, a --coral ton had area no .Nina to, make ibe grounds .n attzactiv;;, spot tar players acrd. ;spec' lateens, "Mt/P' Rei my contested gasses playcd, but perhaps, none showed Q 15Q94.t a ftaM as that of Mile 'finals .... the S. G. Bawsion Trophy event betwc;ral;: .Exotot 6lid;,Boys' rinks, these of C.A.: I of JJJnualt amX Dr. Mzlexasg'ari ., wises it bevarao aaecssar.3r to endsi to; decide the feel ua,rtetkea wore to take PI ay +and the club hage,while yth fray s got tt cut glass berg r The; don at the trophy made eantatian sitter the game at, neon Y , The South Huron TrgpItY, by :Messrs. Merrier and Either by John ,Steve eon's, rink oat laden' "Bowleg Clan, after t,. Want) anise w;tlq, Skip LanAford's rink o ileo I,onldon 'thistle, oto, ]G, rner made t1,e pa sent+ation of the trophy and the cut -glace w to pitchers to the win- d the Theengts l3Qtt1Na to the runners up; The finals :21, the ea:Ito:d r tinea were plaxed, between W. W.Tamaar'ts Exeter rinit and. W. Anna's Lucknow rink, the foreseer w;raniva,;, 7 -'L0, The prizes :ar this event wore four cut „lana celery dishes and four brass trays. llt',4'DEN TROPHY P.reEarn3n'ar ItowMire, Gaalnntona 0 141ax ;, RidSct'ra ; Turnan, Exeter, 20, Itbertnon, Ayr•15 La faro, London 29 1'iurdon, Exeter l wden, Exeter 18 Aowd'ing,CllntOre 0 Tiernan, Easlawood'10lor, Clintotn 14 McTsg , 'airt, 'Blyth. 18 1tI'o2?onald, Mit'l 6 'samara, Landon 20 Murdock, Luck'w18 Graig, Seaforth 15 Ross, Bruseele 1S Elilolt, 1i?1te'he11 L Piorn,Lucknow 12 Madman, :Exeter 17 Hess, Zurich 1,6 McDatrmid, Godeit 19 Beaman, Exeterl0 Brown, London 12 '\V"oolner, Ayr 8 Vtrot Round,, Rowelitfe, Granton 14 'Taman, Exeter 18 Langford, London 1,6 Bowden, Exeter 10 Heenan, London 16, Greta*, Seatorth, 14 Elliott Mitchell'. 28 Gladmop, Exeeter19 `Icbiaaunrd, Gpder'h;.12 Brown, Lond,'n11. Hoover, Clinton won,frpiaa7 St.Marys,aet Stevenson, London, won from, Lucan, del, Arent, Seaforth 84 McLean, God,er'h 11 Silcox, London 18, Iioffnaan„ Datsh., 17 Siilery, Hensall 14 Cra,wford,Wing'nn 8 Mcboneil, ' Hensali 15 StevensG ,Clip. 9 McCurdy, Stratford 10 Collins, Exeterl5 Best, Seaforth 25 31'ciftnnon, Ellett 17, Snell, Exeter 19 Bing, Stratford 5' Allen, ,Lucknow 19 Humber,Goder'.h 10 Ament, Seaforth,. 14 Snell, Exeter Egtit. Round Laing, Bdgetown 15 Brown, Londoa 10 Taman, Exeter 19 Xing;, Stratford '12 Langford, London 12 Allen, Lucknow 6 Stevenson, Lend.on 16 Arnent,Seaf'h 1v Rest el Seaforiln, a by&-, Sixth. Round Laing, Ridgetown 19 Taman, Exeter 17 Langford of London, a two Stevenson, Lon'!a 18 Best, Seaforth :9 Sera-T.1403s Langford, London 14 Laing, Ridge'n, 10 Stevenson of Logsdon, a bye Ff3>als London R. 0, London. Tl;istles 0.. H. Talbot R,J, Trethtieway C. McAlpine J, Pudd°eorrm b v"at4a C'OJC 1 0. x, k3iuett J Stevenson, sk, 22 A. Langford', 9ir.1, Scores by ends—, i stagford 312,00002051,0000100-1 Stevenson 60011,720141011 501.l—?1 Taylor, Clint Weelner, Ayr, f,•Gla7r„der, freeman, Exeter;, 1, Mellenaid, 'irtch'120 Tiernan. I3aasti'd. 2$t Row 1 ffe Gran, 15 1adlnan, FYeter, frArtr,st, htal'ysr by def. raw;or4, WYing';rn 18 McLean, 0o02.4 17 uant'ega, God:eac,h; 20 1„1'eK'Rataon, Zur.1*- Secendt hound, Men 10 Woalner, Ayr 14. 'ehwaodi 20 Slsanaaaa,Ezeter 17, man, Exeter, frons. •Winsham by de oNls, Lucknow 16 Humber, Gad, 12 rs, Exeter, from '1 ucan by default 0eR11 as, Exeter 14 Hoffman,. PAtil 'iii 12 1,,ozndon 11 Hoover, Clinton 7.0 tratford 17 S€ll ery'a'If'e71sall14' Ti:rd. Round Ta#ier of Ol:xtton a byre. Madman, Exeter• 12 flex aaaa l salsa Q Murdock. ;Luck,w 10 Dawden, ,... Cellula, 1 xoter Ino rm Heaznan,Lgn , .,- arclg, Seafox'tlt, :wanes Steveneken,C1,°,ti,tkt,+e Sticox, Lon., from Moplazxnid, Cad.,det. tAcCurdY, Strtatf'd 12 Hors, Luclt'w 8 Fourth. Round, Madman, 17x., from Taylor, MI.. clef'. King°. Strtat'd, front Brown, T,on., deli. Murdock, LUck'w.18 Collins, Exeter 16 Greig, Seaferth, 13 McCurdy, Stated 11. Fillets, Mytelaell 19 Silcox, London 14 Allen* Lucknow 15 Atnent, ,Sta'fortb 19 Fifth Round, Gl a glass's Easter 14 or ,.Mu rdockL , uc 1 1"1llott, Machell 18 Greig, Seaforth 15 Allen, Lucknow 20 2£in.S', Stratford ;12 Taman, Exeter 14 'Rest, $eafortlt 1,0 S$xth, ,Round Elliott, Mitchell 18 Madman, Exeter 70 Alien of L,,ucknow a bye, Tasman,' Exeter 12 Laitng, Rtdgtnt'n 12 • Senntl,Fltnais Taman of Exeter a. bye. Alien, •Lu' know 18, Elliott, Mitchel Finals W. 11. Clarke FI'. Allen j. A. Stewart A. Mille R. G. Seldom rf, Archer W. W. Taman, •elc. 18. W. Allen, ak. 7:6 Score by elyds, Taman 2920031.00103060000-18 Aller. 01082001,1030101111-1,Q HURON (PRESBYTERY Clinton, Aug. 228—At a special ,nneot- Ing of the Presbytterhl of Huron held In Willits Church, Clinton, to -day, 'two very hearty and, unanimous callswere. sustained; One of „these was from St. Andrew',s Ch.urcii, '.Blyth to Rev. „W. D. Turner, of Norval and; Union, Presby- tery of Toronto. The ,other' was lrcrn Auburn andSmith's FI:Ii congregations to Rey. Robert McCallum, of Waldemar These congregatiions have been vacant since .May last, owing to the trans- fer of Rev. Mr. Small from .Blyth, to, St. Andrew',s He"speler, and Rev.' J. J. Small, of 'Auburn, ,to Port Elgin. These are good pa'sf.oral ,charges., MRS. W. N, MANNING; DEAD, Mrs. Alexandra hlan3tihng of 377 Mait- land aitland ,streets, London, wge oe Mr. Wit ber N. 114:rt ng'', _o, this Sherlock -dao* ning Organ Conapagr,: and, a former resident of Exzeter, died very unexpect- edly at St. Joseph's' Hospital Thursday afternoon. Mrs. raAlnting,,'whio wtls well known in Lopn,rl<oi, and a pronli,nent-n-em 'her of the, Dundals; Centre Methodist Church, was formlerly MIAs, Alexander' E. M. Taylor, the daughter of the late Mr, Alexander Taaplor,,' one ofthey pioneers of Clinton.' The funetral ser- vices were held in London on Friday afterinoan and the remialiins were e'or- warded to Clinton: for interment there on Saturday. A POPULAR SCHOOL It is freely admitted that among, the} High. Grade Commercial Schools of Can- ada, the Clinton Business', College stands in the fore front, 1n point of attendance this college !Is only exceeded by three or four in Ontar[o'. It is affiliated with the Commercial Educators' Association' of Canada, and its ni i agemeat lash year trained; and placed, ear excellent pos- ition over two thousand, 'young people: thus making them the largest trainers in Canada. • Recently Mr. Spotton visited Coll- eges in Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, leo- chaster, Syracuse, New', York, and ,Des - ton, and wilt', the knowledge of Business Science ':g'ai'ned,:froze ;hes tour, he, pro- mises the mgst modern training that man be procured; Thousands of ambitious young people are ,studying entirely at home by means of the Home Study Department, while they follow their regular work; others aro studying partly at home and .will fin_ish at college.. The Clinton, ;Business Coilego guarantees positions. ,Last year the demand for its graduates was many times the supply. All interested in bet- tering, their condition should write, call, or phonic for ,particulars, This instit- utlon re -opens, Sept. 2 'and 3,, lyl eFtFl I.`i IJ Sr : Russ—Forbes-In Cirieton on Aug. 21st, Jennie' Florolla, eldest daughter , S1 Mr: and Mrs. A. Forbes' :of Clinton, --'to Cecil limos Russ 01 W oodstbek Second ltpund f Tannan, Exeter 17 Langford, Lond'n19 McTaggart, Blyth,' 12 Rearna'n, Lon'nll Elliot, Mitchell 19 renia,[zuid,God'h 7 Hoover, Clinton 14 Stevenson,I on. 17 :,Anent, Seafortli 19 Silcox, London '12 Sellery, Hensall 16 McDonell, Hens'l 20 McCurdy, Stratford 7 Best,Seaforth, 18 Snell, Exeter 21 AlIesr. Luekno.#18 Third, Round'' McTaggart, Blyth, 18, Langford; Lon.18 Stevenson, Lents- 13 Eilott,MStchell 12 McDonell, Hensall 14 Anient, Seaf'h 7 Best, Seaforth 15 Snell, Exeter 13 Se/nil-Finals McTaggart, Blyth, 16: Stevenson, Lon. 15 McDonell, Het -mall '18 Best, Seaforth 10 Y411118 1-3ensali Blyth, D. Canteldn J: +Carter Loran: Scott' A., W. Robinson Harry Arnold. G. E:. McTaggart, C. A. McDonell, 'sk.19` Dr. McTaggart 18 • Score by ends,-- McDonell 01000021011070013101-19 McTaggart 50211200100301200000-18 SOUTH 5OUTi-I H,.TJRON TROPHY F rat Round Laing,R`.idgetown !from Ayr by default Dowding 'Clinton 15; Hurdon, Exeter: 13 Taylor, Cl1nlon 14 McDonald, blitc'119 Murdock, Luck'w 19 Ross, Brussels 16 horn, Lucknow 19 Hess, ,Zurich : 15 Fieaman, Exeter 17 Woolner, Ayr 16 Second Round Laing, Redgetown 17 Dowding, Clin. 7 McDonald, Mitchell 12 Murdock, Luck.15 Horn, Lucknow 12 Heaman, Exeter 10 Rowcliffe, Granton 13 Bowden, Exeter'18 Tiernan, Dashwood 11 Gre_g,Sea.fo'h 19, Gladrnan, Exeter 14 Brown, London 17 Webb, Lucan, from St. Marys by dei, McLean, Goderich, 8 Hoffman, Dash.18 Crawford, W ngha a 10 Stevenson, :01.13 Collins, Exeter 19 McKinnon, Zu>, 16 King Stratford 23 Humber,Godericli 9 Third ;Round Laine of R:kigetow'n;' a bye Horn, Lucktnow 14' 4urdock,Lucknow12 Grelig; Seafo'ren 20 Balwden, Exeter 18 Brown, London, from Lucan, by default Stevenson, Olin. 21 Hoffman, Dash'd15 King, Stratford 17 Collins, Exetor',IS Taman,. Exeter 18 Hear:nean, London 11' McDiaired,” Goder4h.'14 I-loover, Clie: 12 Silcox, London 19=Sellery, IIeneail 13 Alien, Lucknow 12 McCurdy, Strat'd 9 Round Laing, Rida'etown '19 Hurn,Lucknpw 11 Bro,wia, London 25; Greig,_ Seaforth ;16` King, Stratford 20 Stevenson elintanll Tan;an, Exeter, 14 McDiarm d, God'Ii 13 Allen;: Lucknow 21 ':Silcox, :London: 'I5 Langord, London'16 Elliott, M:tcheill5 0 SCOTCH DOUBLES Twenty-one pales entered. the Scotch Doubles the finals oi,.whieh wereplay ed between Silcox and; Otto ,af London and Murdock and, Johnston, pt Luck- now, ucknow, the London pair w;nnivg, 12-9, getting the eleetrie reading Iapap's,while the Lucknow bayie got We bbaa^ss kettles London Lucknow Silcox & Oke 12, ?Murdock & John'n 9 Score by endsi— London 210110010033-12' Lucknow 002001202260— 9 RLUNNIN,G; SHOTS, With 'seven rink'si i the contest no two Exeter rink's came together' fn a garnet• Hoover of Canton did not bring his prize-winning quartette or the result might have been: del feremt'. St, Marys was the only town that failed to ,send a i`:aah'r Tama'n's was the only Exeter rink to get in the niolrey, Charlie McDolaell'+s running' shots' won the trophy,. In the finals McTa,ggart's rink play- ed the more consistent, game'. Taman ,saved Me rink on 'several oc- casions by a magnificent draw The band music during; theevenings was greatly appreciated. It was the best advertisement Exeter ha's had in a long, long •t`hne. The Exeter boys whd didn't: get a prize are having their own troubles, but ''every dols hats his' delY('" Lucan hard hard lucid. They ; arrived late and lost a genie, by default, then won a germs by de at 1t and not being able to stay went hoinie :without ecru ally playing a game. BIRTHS Hodgins -21st. Con., McGillivray, Sun- day, August, 13the to, Mi. and Mfrs. Geo. Hodgins, a sora;: Eagleson—Stephen, T'ueeday August 20 to Mr. and MrsDeeeld Eagieson, a daugIrteh Stewart.—In Usborne, one, August 25th, to Mr. and Mrs,. Johan W, Stewart, a DEATHS Edwards -At Mooresville, ' on Aug 20ti1 Mies Charlotte Edwards, aged 58 Pepper.—In Tuckensm(itle, on August 16, . Timothy Pepper, `aged 65 year's.; Baker.—Ate Grand Bend, on August 254 Dire. Philip Baker, aged` ;63 years, '10 3imoinths, ilexarde3•-In• Ueboi;ne, coria; August.,25thy Robert ,Alexander, aged 87 years: Marin ng.—At St. ,Soe,eph's,Hospital, Lon don, on Au last 22, Alexandra, Taylor • wife of'W:Jlbur '11 M'an iing, formerly o; Exeter... a Sale of Summer Goods for only Two Weeks FOR THE NES^'i. TWO EI1{S WE ,ARE OFFERING 01,111 FULL LINE OI+' 8i1M.'4ZEI GOODS AT GREATLIf" Bn DUCEri PRICES TO CLLtR THEA OUT. LISTEN— $1.25 SHIRTS FOR 75 CENTS $2,110 SHIR'Ijp FOR $1',00 Sti Ml.IER SUITS 25 PER VENT OFF, FANCY NESTS 2,"•r, PER. CENT °F1 FANCY SOX -5 PAIR FOR $1,00 ONLY TWO 011 THREE STRAW, HAT'S i;EF'T AT HALF PRICE UNDERWEAR—$1.25 SUITS at 75ci, UNDERWEAR -75c SUITS at 50c; New Goods THE NEW FALL' GOODS ARE AR.. RIVING DAILY READY-MADE SUITS IN BROWNS, GREYS AND GREENS. OVERCOATS FOR THE CHILLY NIGHTS IN LATEST STYLES. OUR MATCHED TIES AND SOX ARE GREAT VALUE AT 50c. .ALSO FALL' HATS, AND CAPS IN GREAT VARIETY, Made -to -measure Glothing ,WE ARE :DOI'NG AN I1 'l4ENSla BUSINESS IN MADE -'TO; 1LEASURkl CLOTHING IN WORSTEDS, TWEEDS ETC., COLORED IN BLUES AND IN BLACKS. THE .' TAelAN GARMENT I5 RECOGNIZED BY ALL AS ' 'TIIE; CORRECT THING, TO WEAR, AND WE GUARANTEE FIT AND «'OP. B7 A NSHIP, 1 Tailor ,and Furnisher,:Eneter 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 1