HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-8-22, Page 8Exuarm 111141TEIGATE, T'ET7 ,3fA ', At ;UMP 22, 1812; ER MARKETS. elED 13AQE WEDNESDAY 95 95 05 -70 9Q. - ,.90: 45 50 100: 115. 122 150 14 00 15 200 1 rvl 22 23 8 15 200 2000 lYtleat Bey BuckwheaL , Oats, Potatoes.per r lag ...... Hay, ylerton Flour, per cwt,, family `lour, low grade par cel Eggs.., .,..,.,.,, Live hogs per Shorts per ts.rn,. Bra per tots Sugar Beet HOUSE FOR. SAL!1 Ont W$tl est Street, Exeter, Aei3 person dee siring a new cream separator will do we to calf at the Exeter Bargain Store. and see the k--efre °; This is oae of the best .and eas'eet runntree separators on the nxaricet. Core n gad lot us talk lk over Wath you. S", 56. BL,9.TCI•IFORD, Exeter. 6 DOZEN LADIES' PARASOLS, TRA- VELLERS SAMPLES, QOOD CLOTHS, AND BEr1LTIFt.TL., IZAI`,DT.'F'S, CLEAR- ING AT $1.00.-•-STEW:ART'S; TEACIIER WANTED First or Second Clave teacher for S,S Naa. 0, Stephen Duties to c9 latellee seht, altar. Apply to, S. J. I gertln, Exeter P. FLOUNCll'iG EMBROIDERIES 27 "INCHES WIDE, BEAUTIFUL PATT- ERNS. REGULAR 50c. LINE, CLEAR- ING PRICE PER TARP 25ce--STEW ;ART'S, BARRELS FOR SALE—Forty or fifty empty barrels, salt aneager ei7O. tt 25c. each at Exeter Cau nS Factory*.' BLEACHED TABLE. LINEN, u1 IN CHES WIDE, EVERY THREAD PURE LINEN, WORTH 75e. SPECIAL. AT PER YARD 50c.—STEW'ART'S."a TINS°•IITR i'4a+,NTEI —A YoungMan 4f one to two year's 'experieance. AMP Y 4a. Peaat t eIardwa3a, Exeter,. tern l WHITE DRESSES ,&ND, ALL SUM- MER GOODS SELLING A'1, BIG RE• D11CTiONS—SAVE MONEY,— STEW - ART'S, Get some neatly granted callistg cards at The Ady tate. APPRENTICE WANTED-- To Icataa bssbertsag. Apply to 'F E 1Vlli:a, East sr.,, I4erastreet, the Hypnotist, :s certaini7 a past master of the art.—Toronto Globe WANTED -LIVE POULTRY DOR c HIGHEST 'E WILL, PAY kIi H PRICES.- STE W ART' S. ORGAN FOR SALE—Second hand or gan in good, astute of repair will be aloft cheap --Apply at this office. FARM FOR SALE Eiret-enols 150 acre: farm for sale or to rent. 2u males .teem Exeter in {Township of Usbotne- Apply to S. MARTIN & SON, Exeter! RINGS LOST.—At Brenner's Hotel, Grand Bend, on Aug. 6th, two gold ringp —one eet weth an arrethist, the other a band ring set w:ti> several stones:!; Finder will be rewarded by returning same to tills office.. , THE HYPNOTIS'1, PROFESSOR HEIVe STREET, most excellent and laughable Entertainer and Mind Reader at the Exeter Opera House, Sept. 4th. and 5th. Further announcement nest week:. FOR SALE.—Invalid, chair as ,good as new, used by the gate ¶!sirs. Jas. Tom. Original cost $70, will sell for $35. Apply at her lEatte residence. LOCAL DOING -S, Self -tide men soan,etzrznesneed allot of alierat:10444 i - Mr. -4,. E. ;Pledgert and tatelly, w4to recently moved to T,oronta w411 shortly move to Regina. Prof, Hemstreet gave the best hyp- notic eat basion ever given; in the city.-- Lendon Free ,P'eas, Labor Day, will 'be, Monday. Sept. 2nd, the next general holiiday,' And the fail school terra eel—Ante/tees' a the next day. An exchange .'mss that aeterr ,jbilee have ra?taed, the price dt gaaoline 40, per rent„ -of leather 72 per cents, of rub- ber 100 per cella; ;and of roadrepaire 600 per ".cent. Virg., 7. FI, Baked and daughter, atter a pleasant v, alt with friends and rel- atives, el-at ves here, returtneck to the_!;' boot in .Rest:ester, Y-, Friday; Mris. Trott the formor's sister, also returned tq her home are Beamsv.°,lko the ;acne merit- ing. er :- ing. •'Oil experts" are, abroad ca Oetar ,,o wasp a new scheme to defraud far- mers. They ,negotiate to buy a fault, and after a t=roman r, luta signed the ave sheat a porttr„o:t :is cut away, leaving e e signature as a Promissory, mote.-T10e, Foy e(a have been not/feed.. Sats. 3, A, Stewart, C, I3, Snell, Cannons, F. W, Gladnnaa, %`'rt fr. , W, T. ;irahoseate N, D. Hanrdor G. 'Selig.! tools; ap auto trill to Ill tied!, Norwich nand !Woodstock. 4.tn Thursday and' Friday last, and played a game et bawl,af n eacle town., While cutting vete en. the „far.zn near Rod„ervIlle on Friday morning' last ;gr. John Roweliffe's team because un - rely and ran away sushi the binder, Tao tea,nn and driver fortunately escap- rd without tin ecratcia but the kinder Was mad a total wreck, and :ladto he re. placed by a new elle., Exeter took the strongest line at base- ball pia.yers they hrtc to Lucap Thurs- day afternoon last and suco''aeded in de- teat:mg the hest the Irish town! Could scraps up, by a scare et- 7-5. The game was, a good, ane and;4t,e" boys gave. their p6 t(t r excellent suppo rk , aortal of best catches of the, season being made ,n the field. W.,iit about. your uantaac:r vie;':,'erg? Sorely you can supply us wslth. the :tame of 'two or thave visitors eaglet than we can look after Sheen. It le caurteas' to your guests to get tit,, Manic 'kilow they are holiday/ng here.) Don't kick us ;t their flames armor, ifitted, but ,•"put the boo Lel to your- elf" ourelf" for your neglect. Ole thing ;e eu,e the news its always welcontea at th;,s .a''tlro, Have you made your Will? You have put ;it off forr a long dime and jollied rind jokedabout it, but A. amore eona- $ble tiving;wouid, be' ttkorxango yourbus- ess a 1n 1ttalr s leVile '4 o in health .rand, strongth so that at your going away your wriahos would, be carried out on. account of decisions you bad arrived at „in your last Will nit testament. It does not follow that the preparation ct such, a papw'r would hasten your de.. mise. Do Cts' now. Two" rinks at bowlers started out front Granton an•,Thursday cast to play in Exeter, but ono load, experie raged a runaway when ova" o short dIstanceand were forced to return Titres bowilers in an auto arsiled, however, Messrs. Clatworthis, Powers nod Dann, and they with J. Si". Bawdaii, p1a'yed three games with Exeter rrpket, skipped by NV. B!. Weidenhazaamer, Jets. Taylor and W J. Heamasn. Mosher waif up a Itittle :n each. of the three gainers.. HOUSE AND LOT* FOR SALE Tine undersigned is offerng for sale his fine dwelling and lots on Andrew St. Exeter. Besides the house their is a gogd, etabie, a large number ,Of choice fruit trees, hard and soft water and other eonvendencee. This is a choice property, well located and willl be sold. reasonably. For particulars apply to— JAMES DENNIS, Exeter, Ont. HARNESS LOST.—Near Wm. Higgins' Usborne, 'a breast -collar and tugs. Find' er will confer a favor by leaving:, a same, at this office. WANTED—Lady Boarders or roomers ;Apply to MISS LEWIS, Main St. One of the 'best games of baseball that has been played here this season was that played Tuesday evening be- tween Clinton and the borne team, with theresult that the home team won ant by a score of 7-5. - Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coo! Company's SCZAIT011 C066 The best hard coal puled Burns to a white ash. W. - LEVETT, COALAN us, Dray an earning siness Your orders 1 our line will be attended to' quiekly and satisfac- torily.. We here to .please the u tic ssaedio a81 4;4in ` 4n 01)1: , Bir . l sae, d weri`e' 1a4 `' i nil i'c, t you. Orders lett'Phone''or ot$aa3P- $se at{ TI 1 ADVOCATE OFF. NE 25,, will receive.:, rqi faa*titian; eee Seatorth's tax rate roll this Year : has been fixed at 29. 31.-43,1s. During the last four years • $307,739 has been spent in building, good roads Qxferd county. Mr. Ar Cottle, who,has been suffenleg from a lots eenee of Job's conrtarrt. els, !i8 4aprov1,hig. Rev, $patio, who occupied the James Street guile asi Sunday, preaches very intereSt:ng and i strueta' ee sermons. Mr, \Vete Pephale has purchased the residence oct<upocl by Mr, c, G, Bawdecr on nurse Street, from sir. R.N., Rowe Tads:. who set gut young orchards fast spring struck est night in the anat- tear of year. It hots nae it a great season for tree growth. Rey Powell preached the fleet of a series of t"n'e a'nont3t1y. sermons on Tem-: peranee on Sunday at; theurt4ion service of !tris Presbyterian and. :Main Street chureheie. Mrs. Johan Keys of Crediton ,has pur- chased the Paseraare property on. W4l Iiann ,street. far svibegh she paid, $500. Bins, Iieys -intends .movnrg to town b faro long, 2,25? persons w« 'e killed and 20,499 were Injured in ratlsvay accidents 111 the Dotted States :In three, months, being a targe bnereai5e aver' previous quarterel, About halt et, the Tata/Ides were due to trespassing grind steal/4g tides. Mr. Moe. IArstnpe of Tisbe?tae haw ,. ship has ,lust he awarded f;rSt p. tai-, $30. in the +St> nding oaast, orop eorilWtiCon of ttbO South Perth Agri- eettetirt $oeafety, for the best five agree The variety- of oasts grown by etr;. Deup, was the regenerated Banner.; Miss Charlotte Peering' Mot with a, Painful accident an Friday, last. While e ratiang one of than sewing rptaeh#taes In Ihea Jaekeon Fa,btor •f the neediel1+an Into the thit•d finger an the left !!ootid and broke in several p cess The dltfata ens parts of the -needle Ila„ve tteert reuiovtd but she, til eufte,ring considert, able path ands bleed„ poasnn,sng is fearecli A nnachirte for pultat flax is belong tries! near Zur,?cb,, It Is patented by an Ottawa Man 'who le: 4;recting the oper- tiolns of the anaaichlne, which is doing the week Well, Thee: nteleh,ine 'is drawn by horeee like e rapayleng machine, ao vie n,, flax is pulled, beta goad rail - :'a and. butniilcvd 1loo ehee,veta. Five anrc4 of flag can baa pulled per dan w.etas by the hand method it would ¢akw twenty :app ttf tahtdlee that; much. Tilenten : operate the macbane, ;►1r. and Mrs<lklefirte Fratteis al Creels - Mich., are vis ;ins with their seta, lets henry ProrieFs et !(!adorns; Mt* and 1%les, Francis, what are fernier rest.. ideate of that townelnita, are reatnark ably well, 'eonsldcrng thein age, both Bing 83 years old. While here a foil*. generation photo well be taken .of the aged ,gentlom*, hits son, Srandson,and greaal. grandson„, ytr. John Francis ot: London was also a guest at the sail* hotno last week. If you wish to, ksebread t a a9 man d• tbg do not,lteega ;'t ins the cellar, but Ir; the pantry, .Deep it in a tin. Scald the tin out with: boiling*, water each time you bake, .and, set tin, Ste the sun; for an hear or two. Do not keep any, cltat'h cr Papel!: in the tin.—they' draw moisture; If yeti find epecs of mold- form nga en the breed dip the loaves quickly 0n cold water,. then put them in.. a :rnodsrad.e oven for halt an hour. This is a nice way to freshen bread, Prof, Hemstreet, the famous Hypnot- ist, will give an exhibition in the Ex- eter Operas House Sept. 4th. and 5th, and a/s Hypnotalen'i yrs, how being taught un all the up-totadayte neediest schoolta and is beim' used In our great hospitals.! In the treatment df disea,ses of the npr-i les,and. as an anaesthesia, and this entertainment beeng a ecientific demon- stration, appeals particularly to the ed- ucated and refined, no one should miss •seceng 't. I. O. O. F.g--Title Grand Lodge, 1. O. O. F;, of Ontlarracc ,tit in Hamilton en Wednesday and Thursday of last week The Order has x391 lodges with amem- berslydp of -46,972, beJn.g;, an , inorease of 2,541 over 1910. During 1911 1,657 dropped nemberesbtip; 332 died leaving, a total °•of 42,440; joiineds Order in 1911 4,530. On the 30th' June; 1912; the mem bership had increased tel 48,873, and 40 lodges not reportt'ang., The revenue for last -year wad $506,982,05; benefits paid members $155,819.95. The re- cel its of vanitouss' lodges during 1911 was $404,921.7;18, and, their net assets $1,894,662.7n. MARVELOUS' PITP1WTIC E 1flEi.' TION. -Two very large audiences greet ed Prof, Henrstreet at the A,^naory on Wednesday and Thursday nights, and to say that the people were pleased is putting it Inildly.1 Wednesday night when he called for' volunteers from the audience a dozen of our best young men responded.' He opened hie enter- tainment with a number of marvelous feats of natnd reading, and after satis- fying t•he most skeptical that 1'herq was no fa4re abou'tt his work, and that it was the result of scientific investiga- tion he asked hits committee to remain upon the stage a►xla ba hynotezed, and they being wailing the; fun began, and, it was a continual laugh to the and of the dhow. Prof. Heinstreet, we under stand lis boosted tot play In some of cur neighboring towns, and we can .assure the people who attend rila exhibition that they will get their m0noy'e Werth, for he does all that he advertises to do and more. -In the Opera House, Exeter, on Sept. 4th and, 5th'. REV. MALOTT MARRIED.—A uudet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Haynes, Church •street, St. Marys, on Augusts 14th; ,when her youngest daughter, Caroline, was unit-• ed fin marriage_ wiltfii Rev. Frederick 1). 4Malotf, B,•'AA, B.D., palstor of the Meth- odist Church, St. Marys. hTe cerennony was ,performed by t'hie,.Rer. Dr. Mannang of London. The bride was becomingly gowned tin 'maze silk with drapings of ninon and carried roses. She wore the groom's gift a dl'.almond and sapphire ring. Thle bride, and groom'ieft fora; a month 's 'trip to Muskoka, the tm.de wearing a tailored suit of black .:.arid whito tweed ' r11h hat to anailch., PACK$' FORECASTS FOR AUGUST -- The :general dtsturba'nces at this time promise to. be aggeaeratexi and prolong- ed (into the reacti'Ianaty etor'm period central- on the 29117, 3Oth aiad 31•st. The. meen "passes oven the celestial equa- tes' or, 'the 29th 'near its full.; The ':au- tumnal- equ67ior ult'th.4 earth w11 also. bear uteaavtily on the per:lod,: the Jupiter; the Y'enus and the Mercury pe_e,iodsiad- ding' their forces to the. strong 'com halation. "The ,bardrneteti .should be care- fully" watched ,ducting the last ten Jaya of, .;August, .esperi,taaiiry; IR the gulf reg- ions, and aal :jndecatiiona of ;.West In-. d'a ,storms ,s'.iould he prorptly, heed- ed, August ;prosnuses to go out with torah', and. tares tenn,e weather ; genes- , , spa se ng.eastwaadiy over the, co'un- change ;.to rr t ooGoler; MGd pos> fi osti n of"t,t?wapd, Lt 'tend, hi h imrom ter eft( ,al•t 7ttalth A seise -etc per:o 3, w t "" tri hk,a n 27th. Watch -ahnd clip telegr"aph_c prose. 5 Miss Ethel Armstrong lett Saturday to .attend the millinery openings in Tor-. onto. Meta. R. S. Crocker and son lett, on Monday for their home :n Torpntc, af- ter a vt•ait here. As a laugh maker Prof. Hemstreet, who is felling an engagement at the Grand in a Hypnotic entertainment, es entitled to the blue ri1bbpn — Chatham' Planet. Mess 31. E. Brown ole Harper Hos- Vital, Detroit, wile es home for. a month's holda*s, its spending a few, days with frifends and_ relatives in Hib-, bert. Mess Tillie Yager left TI,ursdar testi to attend the milli inert'- openings at To - romp, wells Mrs. Yager left :the same morning to v.hsil her, sister, Mitis. Par- liament at Harneltopt. Mise J. Mule s y es visiting, in Dunda`a;, ira, D; Johne: is vi{sating ' in Sar aria. M'lsa "Victoria !finers: is vie^tting Irk Det'reit, Mr. Ed, Sneit returned troth Gederich on Saturdaay, Mr, J,. A, Sanders returned to Wood, stock on?eionda)y. Mr. Tont Newell returned, Sunday from a v'e't lin Stratford. Mr A. 'Hastings was, ,o ,Thedfozd er>i business til s weeks;., Harry Bowden ot,Ridgetown, is visiting his grandpakrenis here.'! miss Whittle Carling of Brantford is visaing her parents in town Mr. Russell Fr h•ne and-, family rem turned to Brantford on Fridays ales, Jr A. Stewart; hap returned from a vieSt in Sa;rnie and Detroit,a Messrs. We May and Jemes Walters were In Toronto and i 'tmiltoaa, tide week. Mr. John Norry, wb,o lfas been' work- ing .n Ridgetown, returned home an Frfcl>a.y. Dr. A ; C , Raluse Y, who has been vis- lt:Ia relatives -here. returned to i-Iann11- to^n Thursday. - .",istisa With, th, o,f I..ottd,on, who has been the guest of 'Sfr•,e`t Birnsy, left MCtndast to visit in Belgraves Ma s, Rill'-sngs lett Saturday last for Toledo. 941144. wheAO 'she wOt "visit her sister,* Misses lstur' d end ZBICIred Raker of \Valliarvilie vtls'ited; tit! r aunt, Mrs, G Zeefle, the Iast`.wcaaake Air. Fred, J,. Panders 'returned tq Toronto Thursday aajter spending a few days at We Menne Mr. G. L, Waaugta and wife lett Fri- day riday leer pis, a week's 4103.1d0,y 'trip to Tarento and eleewher3: Mrs. Bulnneil, who. has bean vie:tine 14re, klynd,uten, returned to Iter hams Grand Rapids *et'anday. 'Mr. and Mrs Jas: Fairbaarn,after a visit with, o1d, friends, here, left 21,foradaY fir their hen so In Winnipeg. Mr, and Mss. Hill, who have been guests at' I,fr, and 4i'rs. Geo. Mantle,lett Tusada;y on their returnto F antsauver. -Mr and Mrs. Eli Snell' lett ea Tuesday for E ns,olnton where theyevilll epelnd several weeks, seeln„ different parts or. the western country. Mlssea MerriI Gould, Carrie Dyer and May Armstrong $eft. Sa€urday for Tor~' grits to attend the m Mastery opeeings,'. iliee Ethel. Sweet, also left on itaa:daS nnorning", loft, '1:,Kearns, ewbo has, ben ,oaf a het i - day ;,rip to Detroit. Buffalo, itoo$:eater and his .}tonna Cts. Te Tonto, 'retu (;.ped tva hie duii:es In the II;t,pic :et Commerce' hire Friday. ' Airs, Prior left'Saturda.,y, to visit her da,uginter din Rldgetawn, Mrr, Fern= Prior acesnpa(9:d her, Atter a. short L P r. vle.t be w111 Tamil ;to his borne kn o tage La. Prn,lr_e, TENDERS Tenders will be rece:r ed up to Fri- day evening, 30th; ;net., the same to be Y.ra the Clerk's harts!, by 7 o'clock p.'nt., for the laying of 6,000 feet of four and six °mch water mala. Speckflea tkone can be :swirl el,thor with. reeve or clerk. r. B. GgABLING, Clerk. Mq Lime & Cement Always on hand R. SELDON Exeter, -- Ontario An advance in Furniture In -Quality, Variety and Beauty— but NOT in prices, is the !movement now being executed in our store. Phone 20a Residence next to the store, eIROMIE Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO pecial ,august Sale AT The Exeter Bargain Store SOME MONEY SAVING P R.I C E S Tins balance "or cur Men's summer Coags going at 40c, ear': Beye and 'g,$rla.heti 1.0 and '1.5c .each, 25c. tan 'itece'hose sfor 15c., Men's fancy hese regular 25c, forl8c, a pair.' 20 fancy -parasols worth .$1.,25 for -;59c 25 pieces Eng' /Sea flannelettes 36 zn db, s wide C.teldren'e sandals 65c. and 85 Running rth 14c. Xc: 1..door forth ;of post Oa rz of NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent. are liable to be Second Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. am the only authorizes Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issuean Offik nal Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. eera Foundry Works.. Plow Castings, Flow Painting. Qang', Plows, And general repairs to all farm implements on shortest notice. General castings, piping, tubing, etc,, on hand. Cement Silo forms manufactured. Particulars on application to J. Murray & Son ONTARIO Tull i C ,1115E to otnr pride in Model (tette, Hotline - pane toll us It bakes mote end better bread to the ealck thanany other bran they: have tried. Tan MO.DEI., FLOUR nest tins and, seq, it they aro right. The trial will not cast. You ln- y cent extra tor Mode1 to sola!' at the price of aril*• nary flour nslt'tough it is worth mare by a good deal.. BROS., EXETER. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 NEW FALL GOODS WE ARE ALWAYS READY FOR THE EARLY SHOPPER.,EVERY DAY WE ARE OPENING UP NEW FALL GOODS AND ARE 'ABLE TO SHOW, YOU, OUR, NEW DRESS GOODS .NEW; FALL. COATS, SWEA TER COATS, UNDERWEAR ETC., ETC., THIS ISA GOOD TIME FOR THE EARLY BUYER PTO; GET BUSY. ALL SUMMER GOODS TO BE CLEARED OUT. 'IN AUGUST. WE MUS! MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW GOODS. August Clearing , Sale: LADIES WHITE DRESSES ALL . TO' CLEAR AT PRICE ONLY A FEW 'LEFT, MUSLINS AND GINGHAMS ALL REDUCED TO PRICES THAT WILL QUICKLY CLEAR, EMBROIDERIES SO.?E SPECIAL . VALUES IN NARROW OR EMBROID- ERIES ALL TO BE CLEARED OUT. •MPliq w rND BOYS C,LOTPIING LADIES WAISTS EVERY WAIST lVfARKED DOWN: TO ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. FANC,Y PARASOLS ONLY A FEW TO CLEAR tAT,. YOUR OWN -PRICES. ;WIIUTEWEAR" EVERY - GARMENT, OF .OUFZ' WIIITEWEAR WILL ,BE SOLD AT BARGAIN PRICES. T CLEARIIR1 PRICES. NE dquarters for the oelleb + 11 .E. rS"1u_r, ;Si 'ii