HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-8-22, Page 7Anti -Dust
disinfectant sweeping
powder, is a life -pre-
server because it kills
all disease germs.
Floors clean; oar -
pets bright; hoarse
fresh and sweet. No
dust while sweeping.
Ask your Dealer for It. ,
MaoLaren Imperial 'Cheese 0o.
Sole distributors for Ontario
lt°pie Whose Biota Supply is Scanty
.Are in Danger of a
'.Chin or impure blood is an, invi•
dation, to sickness. The blood is at
work day and night to maintain the
health, and any lack of strength or
urity in the bloom is a weakness:.
n the defence against disease,.
Anaemia ia; is the daetox's name for
lack of blood, Its surest symptom
is paler. Anaemia does not confine'
itself to age or nex, though it is
iiculanl .common to youiag girls be-
tween the ages of 14 and 17, when
nature makes peculiar demand
upon the blood supply. The same
leek of blood, however, prevents'
full recovery after la grippe, fev-
ers, mnalaria, and operations, and
is present in old age, and in persons
who have been under unttsnai men-
tal or physical ;strain, In all eases'
of bloodlessness Dr. Williaius' Pink
Falls are the best medicine known.
to tnealieal, science, They actually
make new putt blood, which brings
it ahealthy appetite and new
g1h and vitality. Mrs, George
Boy, Clair, Sask., says: "I /I WO
tested the value of Dr. Williams'
Fink Pills time and again when a
poorcondition of the blood might
have led to more serious trouble,:
MD awolraaxk of forty and as occa-
sion required I have used the Pills
off and on since girlhood, I have
proved their value in the aaleeentas
that atlict my sex, and I have never
known theme to fail. I alsogave
them to my son for nerve trouble
which we thought would result in
St, Vitus dance, but the use of the
Ills prevented this and made him
veil and strong. I do not know any
better investment than to keep half
a dozen boxes. at Dr. Williams' Binh
rain fir. the douse, as they will save
more Q5 eztsive doctor's fill ,
You earl met Dr. Williams' pia
Pills through any intedieiine, dealer
or by nail at bfl cents a box or six
boxes fa' $2.50 from. The Dr. l il-
limns' Medicine Co, Brockville,
Oast. _
PRESS T E BUT' 01.q,
Will Mali
t'idents Lane
flaiIway dila(I"
Almost incredible are the possi-
bilities attaching to an invention
that has nearly bean completed and.
which will make railroad accidents
practically impossible, Since the
first demonstration of the "railo<
hone," which renders possible
elephonic communication with a
railway train in motion, wan given
about a year ago, the inventor, Mr.
✓ on Kramer, has made, great
strides. In conjunction with Pro-
fessor Kapp, of Birmingham (Eng-
land) University, bo has evolved a
sensitive detector, by means of
which, he states, "it is possible to
pick up those feeble currents which
are received by the train, and to re-
lay them up into stronger currents
t o operate electric bells or hooters,
or even to put on the brakes of train
or to stop them at the will of the
signalman at the station." Thus a
signalman 10 or 20 milds away may
press a button and the train stops
automatically. Another feature of
the railophone is that trains equip-
ped with it can automatically bring
back their signals to the danger
position if they have been inadver-
tently left open by the signalman,
and as any such forgetfulness is re-
corded at the time it occurs, the in
strument settles the question of
who is to blame if a driver passes a
signal which should be against him.
Light moves at the rate of 200,000
miles a second.
Wearing his kilts, Mr. Harry
Loader, the comedian, ,played a
novel part on the sands at. Black-
pool, England, recently. His con
cern for dumb animals, especially
pit p rnies, is well known, and when
ho was invited by the ,Mayor of
Blackpool to distribute the prizes
in a competition for donkeys, Mr.
Lauder eagerly responded. Having
fixed medals tQ the winning don-
key s
on -key's bridles, the comedian mount -
eel a sandbill and indulged in inter-
esting and amusing "patter."
Re related some of his experi-
ences as a pit boy. He told how,.
when going through a drift in a
coal mine, his pit pony suddenly
ttapped, `rLetetdiately i' struck
him with the whip," Mr. Lauder
A Remarkable and Convincing State-
ment of the Success, of Cuticura
Soap and Ointment in the Treat -
merit ofthe Pain, Itching and
Burning of Eczema •
t; -
t'1, the undersigned, cannot give enough
Itemise to the Cuticura Remedies. I had been
doctoring for at least a year for eczema on
my foot. I had tried doctor after doctor all
to no avail. When a young girl I Sprained
my ankle three different times, paying little
or no attention to it, when five years ago
xi,email spot showed upon my left, ankle.
1 •was worried 'and sent for a doctor. Ile
said it was eczema. Ile drew' a'small bone
Iron the ankle about the" size of a match
and about 'an inch long. The' small hole
grew to about the size -of an apple, and
the eczema spread, to the knee. The doctors
never could heal the hole In the ankle:
The whole foot ran water all the time...;
"My husband and my sons were up nightt,
and day "wheeling •,me from one room to an-
' other
n'other in the hope of giving me someeiie'f.
' d would sit for hours at a'timo in, front of
•,the fireplace hoping for daybreak. The
pain was so intense I was almost crazy,
in fact,`I would lose my= reason for hours '
at, a time. One day a friend of mine dropped
in to see me. No more had she lanced -at
my foot;, than she exclaimed, 'Mrs.' Finnegan,
'why in the world 'don't you try the Cuti
tura Remedies!' "Being.disgusted with the
doctors and their medicines, and not being
'able to sleep at all, I decided to give the
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment a
trial. After using them three days that
night I dept as sound ;as a siler dollar
rfour,eightlong hours. I awoke In the morning
frouith but very littlepain,: in fact, I thought
.,i)wets in heaven:, After using ,the-Cuticura
emedies for three Months I Was perfectly
7estoledy.to health', thanks to the Cuticura.,._
Heap and -Ointment. I' will be sixty-four
years -of age my next birthday, hale• and
earty at pt�rresent. ' (Signed) Mrs: Julia'Pmne
an, 2234Hebert 'St., St.Ipu1s, T4o.,Mar. 7, 11.
Cuticula, Soap and Ointment -aro sold
rroughont rho world Send to Potter D, 8s
Corp yi4T Columbr s Ave. Boston, Ii 5.414 '.
aMOle df peach" with -p. book. $ u
proceeded z `tRe turned round to
the side of the little tub I. was sit-
ting in, and 1 sin not exaggerating
when I tell you that about 10,000
tons of stone fell. Had it not been
for the cuteness of the hearing of
that pony we should both have been
buried alive. I owe my life to that
Shetland pony. Instead of licking
my pony because he didn't go on,
when I saw what happened I jumped
out of the tub and put my arm
around his neck and kissed him,"
Wise .Doctor Gives Portion to Con-
The flies ` that are now in your
kitchen and dining -room were proba-
bly feasting on some indesc 1bab e
nastiness less than az hour ago, and
as a single fly often carries many
thousands of disease germs attached
to its hairy body, it is the duty of
every housekeeper to assist, in ester-
rninating; this worst enemy of the
human rase,
bill flies in such immense euantities
as cannot be approached by any other
fly killer,
A wise doctor tries to give nature
its best chance by saving the little
strength of the' already exhausted
patient, and building up wasted
energy with simple but powerft1
"Five years ago," writes a doc-
tor, "I commenced to use Postttm
in my own family .instead of ooffce."
(,it's a well-known fact that tea is
just as injurious as coffee because it
contains caffeine, the same drug
found in coffee.) "I was so well
pleased with the results that I had
two grocers place it in stock, guar-
anteeing its sale.
"I then commenced to recommend
it to my patients in place of coffee,
as a nutritious beverage. The eon -
,sequence is every ,store in town is
now selling it, as it has becomea
household necessity in many homes.
"I'm sure I prescribe Post= as
often as any one remedy in the
Materia Medica—in almost every
case of indigestion and nervousness
I treat, and with the best results.
"When I once introduce it into a
family, it is quite sure to remain.
I shall continue to use it and pres-
cribe it in families where I prac-
"In convalescence from pneu-
monia, typhoid fever and other
cases I give it as a liquid, easily
absorbed diet. You may use my
letter as a reference any way you
see fit." Name given by Canadian
Postum Co., Windsor, Ont.
Read "The Road to Wellville in
pkgs. "There's reason."
Ever read the above tetter? A new ono
appears from time to time. They are
genuine, true, and full of human Interest.
How It Develops the Faculties in
the Child.
The most conspicuous achieve-
ment of Dr. Maria Montessori's in-
teresting educational methods, says
Josephine '.Cozier in The World's
Work of London, is the way in
which her little pupils begin spon-
taneously to read and write -Lor
"explode .into writing," as. Madame
Montessori herself graphically puts
slow Mouteesori schools din Boston
and; New Yorks,
At first the elxildren entertain
themselves with toy seleoted to ap-
peal to the senses of tench and
sight. Meanwhile the teacher
makes a eareful study of the pecu.-
'larities of each pupil,abut does not
attempt any actual dlsciplinc.
Indeed, children are in the
rHouse of Childhood" sometimes
for several" weeks before any real
lessons are given them. They are
required, however, to be tidy in
their persons and in their dress,
Now, all children love to dabble in
water, particularly when soap
plays a ,part in the game; in the
Montessori schools, under judicious
guidance, the washing of the hands
and fano beouiess, even with the
youngest., am„ eleaninl;,procesa.
Doctor Montessori uses light
gymnastics to give the little ones
command of their limbs and to
bring about the proper co-ordina-
tion of their muscles, but the gym-
nastic exercises continue only a few
minutes at a time. Then follow
house nacres,—that is, the arrange-
ment of tables and the washing of
dishes,—and then building with
blocks and the matching of colors.
The first of the tactile a xercises—
the one that eventually leads to
writing is carried on by means of
rough and smooth paper. The child,
is taught to distinguish between
rough and smooth by having bis
hands drawn first over one surface
and then over the other. Then the
child has its fingers brought into
conact with squares of cloth; that
is, with yielding .surfaces. Next,
the child receives wooden tablets in
order that he may learn to discri-
minate between the weights of two
different objects. Then the pupil
has 'geometrical forms in metal,
which he places on paper and the
outlines of which he traces with a
colored crayon. These outlines he
fills in with color. This last exer-
cise Doctor Montessori regards 'as
of the greatest importance, for it
trains the fingers to direct the pen-
cil or crayon.
When the child's sense of touch
has thus becn`-aotually developed,
he receives an alphabet, each letter
of which is mounted on a separate
piece of sandpaper. He traces the
outline of each letter with his fin-
gers as it is pronounced by the
teacher. The sound of each letter
becomes so strongly associated with
the muscular movements necessary
to produce it that when he hears a
word spoken of which the letters
are known to him, 'his fingers in-
stinctively make the motions that
they have se often made in tracing
the sandpaper alphabet. If he has
a crayon in his hand the record be-
comes visible, and he begins to
Ordinarily, children are taught to
read and write by means of along
succession of monotonous and, to
them, meaningless: tasks imposed
upon them by the teacher. By the
Montessori method there is no co-
ercion, there is 'no attempt even to
persuade the -child, He uncon-
sciously masters the means of ex-
pression through toys and games
devised so to develop his faculties
.that they will respond quickly and
accurately tp the demands of his
About four years ago Maria Mon-
taessori, an Italian physician and
teacher; opened •inRome the first,
"House of;.Childhoed,"sand began
to apply her revolutionary methods'
of -education to the teaching of little
children. , Her work has set en foot
a ;new : 'educational movement:
roe out Europe, and there •.ase
Little commonplace matters are
SC very 'often lost sight of in the
stress of life, And the one and,
only way to make a drinkable cup
of tea is a small fact overlooked ltl
-the education of most, and yet it is
a thing which every .roan, woman,
or -child should know how to do cor-
rectly. To begin with, if possible,
an earthenware teapot should be
used. Silver, plated, copper, and;
other 'metal vessels do not seem to'
possess the virtues of making a real
good cup of tea. Then, of course,
the, pet must be scrupulously clean,.
However, ie time even the most
eleanly-kept teapots are liable to
become objectionable owing to the
rapid, accumulation of tannin ori; the
inside. -h -f
Thos it would be ,gist., x,,
pe fection of brew is to beobtained,
occasionally to place soda in the
boiling water used for the washing
of this utensil, Before putting on
the tea—one teaspoonful for each
person and one for the pot—the
latter must be heated with hot wa-
ter, Then fresh water must be
brought to the bell, and poured on
the tea, without lifting the kettle
from the fire.
$01)1ER SORES.
Insect bites and stings x blistered
feet and sunburn 1 These tbreq
things, or any one of these, may
spoil some daysof your venation,
or make your work a bore! Zanm-
I3uk is the remedy you zmoed l It
takes the "burn" out of these red,
:Inflamed patches whore the sun has
got home on you; it eases bad mos-
quito bites, and it soothes and
heals blistered feet and hands:.
Ili the hot weather young baabioe
suffer greatly from heat spots and
chafed places, "Here, again, Zamn-'
Buk will give almost instant ease
For cuts, burns, and more serious
skin diseases, such as eczema,
blood -poisoning, etc,, and for piles,
Zama-Buk is absolutely without an
equal. All druggists and shares eco
brass or Zam-Buk Co„ Toriint .
"Afabel is engaged."
"Whom to?"
"She doesn't say in her letter
All that she knows so far is that
his first name is Frank,"
The City of London's memorial
to Florence Nightingale is rapidly
nearing completion and is expected
to find a place in the lobby of the
Guildhall early in the autumn. It
is a: marble statuette 3 feet in
height. Miss Nightingale is shown
setting out upon-' one of her heroic
errands of mercy. The "Lady of
the Lamp" stands bareheaded in
the simple dress of the Victorian
period, which preceded; the crino-
line. In her left hand she carries
a candlestick, while with -her right
hand she is shielding her eyes from
its light. ' The portrait and model
were founded on a'statue,tte in the
possession of :Sir • Harry Verney.
Walter 'Merrett is the sculptor.
A safe and sure ;medicine for a
child troubled with worms is Mo-
ther Graves' 'Worm Exterminator.
In Tasmania island off the
coast of Australia, there are only a.
dozen Americans, of whom ono is
a mine manager and the others doc-
tors and dentists.
fatinard o Liniment Cures Colds, i , Eto.
"Had your vacation yet 1"
''No f"
"Lend me five, will you?"
Relief for the De r sscd: i?hy-
sical and mental depression usually
have their origin in to disordered
,state of the stomach and liver, as
when these organs are deranged in
their action the whole system is
affected. Try Parmelee'•s Vegetable
Pills, They revive the digestive
processes, act beneficially on the
nerves and restore the spirits as no
other pills will. They are cheap,
simple and sure, and the effects are
Salford cattle market, the largest
in the North of. England, supplies
meat to a population of 10,000,000.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
'0 su#mit to a. headache is to waste energy, time and eomto,
'1'o stop it 23 once simply take
NA..DRU-CO Headache a Wafers
Your Druggist will confirm our statement that they do not con
anything that can •haran heart or nervous system. 25c. a bo
The Heart of a Phano is the.
Actiors. insist on the
Plano Acton
Hydro -Electric' i'fiil Demonstrate
at the 0.31.E.
Just bow electricity: can be util
ized on the farm will be fully shown
at the Canadian National Exhibi-
tion. The Hydro -Electric Commis-
sion have taken a large space in the
Process building, where all kinds
of fain machinery will be run by
the, white juiee from, Niagara, It
will be a demonstration no up-to-
date fanner can afford to miss.
Barber --"One of aur eus-
tanners had his rheumatism cured
by mush baths."
The Gktstoiner--"No good: to me.
I've stood as a, candidate in two
elections --sand my rheumatism is as
bad as- ,ever I"'
Costiveness and Its Cure,--Whea
the e'.Leretory organs refuse to per-
form their functions properly the
intestines become clogged. This is
known as costiveness and if neglect-
ed gives rise to dangerous compli-
eatien'a, Parmelee's Vegetable. Pills.
will effect 'e .speedy cure. At the
first intimation of this ailment the
sufferer should procure a, packet of
the pills and put himself under a
course of treatment. The good ef-
fects of the pills will be almost inn -
mediately evident.
Lady --"Sir, your clerk told ute
1 had the largest foot he ever saw
in this shoe store."
Manager—"But, lady, the young
man has only been here two years,"
This fa to certify that 1 have used
MIN:;RU'S Liniment in Vey fumlly for
en the slid
market ail (save it founbest excellent
for horse flesh.
"Woodlands;" Middleton, N. S.
Over '75 per cent, of the trade of
the British Empire is foreign ; the
rest is inter -Imperial.
In one year over 500,000,000 tons
of goods were carried on the rail-
ways of Great Britain.
If. attacked with cholera or sum-
mer complaint of any kind send at
once for a bottle of Dr. Kellogg's
Dysentery Cordial and use it ac-
cording to directions. It acts with
wonderful rapidity in subduing that
dreadful disease that weakens the
strongest man and that destroys the
young and delicate. Those who
have used this cholera medicine say
it acts promptly, and never fails to
effect a thorough cure.
Etiquette plays quite an impor-
tant part on a modern battleship,
and the Navy enforces many little
forms and customs. In the. ward-
room, where the officers and mid-
shipmen dine, the commander does
not sit at the head ofthe table,'
That place is res-erved for the presi-
dent of the mess. The commander
invariably sits:; at his right; hand,
while the •-former changes every
month. Evening -dress is a stead-
fast rule; so much so that the man
who has to take a watch after din-
ner, and who has no time to change,
sits al, a table by himself. The
toast of "The King;'' in the Navy
is drunk sitting. Tradition ` has it
that a certain king once proposed a
toast, and, jumping up, hit his head
against abeam above. Orders were
given, the etory, goes, that all
toasts were. -to be. drunk sitting in
future. "The "middy" on 'a 'War-
tar-ship is just like • a fag at a public`
his re-
school, �v1 ' the officers as
facts 'or monitors. Midshipmen
ve enc
s%k t iemsel s
ve to m y
11a g.
useful to:the latter.
"Pa, what is economy?"
"Saving money on what you real-
ly need to spend for something that
does you no-good.",
It Makes New Friends Every
Day.—Not a day goes by that Dr,
Thomas' Eclectric Oil does not
widen the circle of its friends, Or-
ders fox it come from the most un-
likely places in the west and far
north,for its fame has travelled
far. It deserves this attention, for
no oil has done Iso much for human-
ity. Its moderate cost makes it
easy to get.
Since 1901 the death -rate among
children in the United Kingdom
aged five to ten years has .steadily
fallen from 4 per 1,000 to 2.9.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Pouting Wife—"You knew before
you married me that I couldn't
cook." Hub—"Yes, but I didn't
know that it was impossible for you
to learn."
W. DAWSON, Ninety Cotborna
VER FIFTY cloon IDIPROv'1{4,
Forms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta at right prices on easy terms,
X! district of Ontario. AU shoos at rigne
,dairy me,
stools, grain of farm consult
H, W. DAWSON: Toronto.,
Warts on the hands is a disfigure-
ment that troubles many ladies.
Holloway's. Cern Cure -will remove
the blemishes without pain.
Among the Swiss Alps there are
several post -offices at a' height of
6,000 feet, and there is one letter-
box from which four daily collec-
tions are made 10,000 feet above the
sea level.
for positions in stations. These men
are placed in positions as fast OA we can
Prepare them. Railway offioials endorse
our School Now is the time to make a�a
rangemenrs for Fail studies. 'Free Boolt
No. 18 explains. Dominion 8ehool Raiirea
ink Toronto,
Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronio,
ternal and external, cured witboalt
!sip. by our home treatment. Write nil
before too late. Dr. Denman Medical Ga,
Limited. Gonias?wood. Qat,
�`a TON SCtT0E CIUARA,NT1;ED. Wilson's
V' Seale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto,
your voices conspleta instructtops,
25e. Ventriloquism box 401, Winghaln, Ont,
t. pe oat baeiness roan who pan inves
51,000 in profitable going manufaeturinif
busiueae, Manager, 501 Kent Building, To-
Men's Suits Fltcal4H4LEAlt[D
Hest Work in Canada, Gold Medallal
D. 0, SOL 233. FIQNTOEf L
. . Mr -a x C '25 ..
Protoot- Prame+rvo• felootutffy
i3aanplea toad Booklet* an. 4.pplitattoss
1374i Bathurst .Street TORONTO
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows.
In the year 1868 rat pies were
frequently eaten in the neighbor-
hood of Nottingham, England. One.
inn made a feature of periodical
sat suppers. Frank Buckland re-
oords:the immunity from scurvy of
those % members of .a polar .expedi-
tion who did not disdain to partake
of the cook's excellent -rat soup.
contains Sea -water co silver in con
siderable quantities, and it is often
found deposited en the copper
sheathing of ships.
et Oanade, Ltd.
50 ►naLr:,t Avow".
lam the Priest arta*
tion et Watts -
proof Collar*
avermada, Atit
to ate. and buy
no *Oar. Ail,
stores or direst
for ase..
Stagy :: afeI a
!Embody the patented features
of Cat's P aw,Hees iso
08.000 Tons)
From New York oat. 10, 191?
From San Francisco Feb. 6,1015
li will visit Madeira, Spain,Italy, Eiarpb
India, Ceylon, Straits.Settamants, lava,
Philippines, China, Japan, Sandwich.
Islands, with Overland American Tour.
q OPTIONAL 17 Dare In Indio
;; a a a TOURS 14 Dain in Japan
0 Das Each
Duration 110
including all nee-
� 61" t� e$
mars ea enoee
aboard en .,them.
-AA arrpone who. hos :nada sits
Wraaa for ,Dooklet.
61-45 BROADWAY. N. Y.
or Ocean Steamship Agency,
63 Yonge St., Toronto,•CanadS.
To -day -Right now—
before you forget,
ask your grocer for
those delicious little
Norway fish that are
packed with such
scrupulous care in
the purest and most
wholesome Olive Oil.
Get Thera F.trOm .Your Grocer
Trade supplied by.
John W. 'McKie&"Greening,` 1- mI!tln
a Lp� EfFj