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Exeter Advocate, 1912-8-15, Page 8
EXETER ARV : U , T , auousT I 1,812 ,TER MARKETS, 1 O.ANtit,t) BACH WEDNESW.,Y0 CAL DO0 �13r tL ti.a 05 s o ca ¢ ak�c k6c Barlev 65, uckw.t7t•nt , . , Cate.45 ,. No nen 1 is an agt eiaia lust because e Peer $: y „ J•5 !sabots a spectacle or hcn)se.11,, 1 22 150 iltl 90 Sueeess depend • .on pluck, riot luck. 'otatnea. per bag „.,. Hay, per tson ,.,. 1490 1500 2 74 1 X00 1 65- 22 Flour, per cwt., tangly near, low grade par Ow Butter.. 1.41reboftr, per aborts per ton, .. Sraxi per r,ou..„. . Sugar Bert 15 28 00 22 00 00 FIAT STi FQR SALE On ; li'..an Street. • meta Anv s ring livery rout C d f and see x^'e Z?reaa�ea T32a is one 4f the w,,.r es abl s..ad dur,,ng the past ',ear best and rata' -crit running separators on Ta: re srs "25,i)O0 .delivery boxes,, T1r3, Tithe is monney-, wit ch €r ay 4e the reaSaax, some people spend, it so foc1- %shay. I-Isr friends. fin P,xeter were p'i'e, d :o .sect Mrs. ii`n4 Delbz•1c o :n towtl one d4Y recently tl�ter her seviese tfl•. Mr. \ti:,,nl. Burke of Bergin spent nese of about sir; months dur eotn.F d ys :}) town the Kew. L1rr. E..'HandYord, of .1 o erre ll wa. n towti t�7r..s week, Mr. INR Carlriaag, w2.1s. r1X Londi ti arid, Toronto trr a lir, Alien of Clinton v_sited at 3Ir' C. Dir!1ey'^s.:aionda'. Miss L;ty,Ctarke �� LopAton, is vii tib Exetez' and Step'�e,r.• Mins Tdy Eali �r111 of; H.aanilt[,;1 :2.4.R1e on a short i5i&'at>.. Frank JQ=1"6 L5 et Tonont a l s keel r, datni at tits home here:: sirs. W1',iiteford, is visiting in Ripley' this week: Miss Ella Phillips left Tuesday monn. iilg to visit in North, Parlydale:, 9icss Da!yina;n of Ketppen was ,the guest of Mrs. RZ A,aViis over Sunday,- Mr, and airs. Peterl,M ct onald of Wall- .ting aceburi; visaed relatives here last week4 Mrs. 3siorloolt sass Addie Mioxioek, l and _Mary .are v.s1tingg friends in, Strat- ford. Mis list:@ .. ea ems, returned to TQ1- onto Saturday after a visit at' her home here: Mr, Fred Y. Saindens of Toronto is l3p4a'.ding a few holidays at his home here. .A coal train one -,,t -le` long bas been area- en an Amiae.tfea,n, railroad, which is jasr about the le; th of the- price we e�^8' pay for a to;: of t when t, a-- rtvt s here: person deo ae a: creaill cepa ator will do There .alio 'flow 650 "cud snap, tie - wadi to r' -a i at the Exeter Bargain"'Store ter'. es n a a•Is- It '`0 �,• lir„ and Mrs„ W.ntarneter at Auro questa of Mrs, 7C3_ Johns. .tIs .Mary 5Tapk of Toronto s th ;;u .st of her parents, here, t s '� 4. J. , atti4'e ) s ted in `,'Oetroi rile! London during the week. few a ale n a, o w zr a 34x„ Johri Ikdlh tt an.c family visited elativeo tin Sa4"n•'a than vreelt,: Mrs. Prodgers, and children of Lott, the araarket. come :n�asd hi .es talk sYst .z e most ave a3.$ in Qlatarao, it over with you, W M, EI TLi3FOap. Exeter 6 DOZEN LADIES' PARASOLS, Tia k- V ELLEEs SA;1It'Ia'ES, GOOD CLOTS, AND BEAUTIFUL I1,.�aND1 ES,: cLEA t- 1NG AT $1,09,.-.STEWaR"d'S, T WANTED Second: Chale, teacher ar Stephen 'lutes zo aeon Ord. Aptly to. ,L Hem $.$ i LOUN N Ebt 3 OEl3EREES '27 INCHES -.'IDD, BI AVTII•"TJ1., PATI- E1 T$, I,EQOL R 50r. LINE. CL.KA,E- ING pRTeIR PER. YARD frn,. STEW ART'S, RAIU Ei,S 1 OE S3I.E-Fo,ay tar a my barn -4a. tt ,sl 4t a lir &i a i>� i;liaet Ar}`. i3RTl T ELE 1~.INiSN. tiz Ibl IDE, 'EVErtY Ti IREAE I'l:'I31�g.. 101VTId ?5p. SPF.CI #L RR T'ior,--•STEW, RT S. u'ru w $TED t Yv n zap to two A;"f az Ms1`. Tlardwaie, Ese.er, 4- ©D$ SEI.LIN4 A1` £a»G3F. 4asf-SAi+£t SQNI1 . - STEIN"- :TICE WMIM'TE1 To :ea„ pply 'io F, .E Wlil:ai, WANTED -LTV I'OV TIiY 1�i3I's W.H;ICli WE W1LI+ Pr1Y RICHEST PRICES.- EW BT'S, TEACHER WANTED Qualified teacher to union xd, ia.y and Step:aen, eituated 3 mace west of Exeter. Apply, oirating qualitica t«oatsand salary, dor John Carrick, Th.Y P, 0., Ontario: M" ICOR SALE. -A. ,quantity of eu."'ytgt wood, eucli as old slits, wood rtrady for stove and :furnace; Aleo a number, of small pigs. APpIT to JOHN Mgt, London Road Sput'-''r.'. 'WANTED, at once, a good girl 'fes general housework,, whore nurse is kept. No washing or a roning. Ap lY t4 2.irs, Geo. H. O'N , 3.34 Princess Ave London, Ont.. RINGS LOST. A E nneee Hotel, Grand Bend, cmAug. 6th, two gold Tinge -one set With an aanethilst, the other a bard ring set wl,th, severial •stanee4 Finder w'111 be rewarded by returni,'ng same to this office, , MEN WANTED -To work on the large teewer, Main Street,; Exeter, for wk,:dh good wager will be pad. Apply to :F. BISSETT, Exeter. IrOR SALE. -Invalid, chair as good se 'new, Used by the date .Mrs. Jars, Tam, Original cost $70, will sell for :$35; Apply at tier !arta residence. Rev. Sparge of + aistletoin, who ,wall pis wife fe visiting relatives here. wilt aceuplr 44 s Street pulpit on Sunn day reeXt,-;aiid the toltQWiln , three .Sun., d.4y's Mr, I eyesc,..divliitty student, will prcat h, The A'srstoar has been granted, a swnth'e Cieatn faro -Ong "...'roilag. For wheat; mala Ito ern -lett ti's slog coaae$rve a:Ppa,1911: [ Uant t,ea it1-41 foal, W. fr: o €rIt if t»tt !,nitre ;sake td§ i y ilii bj wt tell s 03441e3, ►a; burelt. north • rel ,. est of by, the,rarrlotae; last Wyal,. t way rth n plaid ytn. WO le sly e e Iic'nt Mr. Ifewcy will e pC esyU e diael'eell. the Dant- fUS' grown tcetnrd r4, ., 'Ch„' et^otn aratl t0- a':43, n 11 1fr' y a% e§i tiaiiy walks, SOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Tie undersigned 3s offering for sale ills fine dwelling and lots oaAndrew St. Exeter. 13es_des the house their is a good stable, a large 'number rpt - choice fruit trees, hardand soft water and other .conveniences. The is a choice property, well located and w4.11 be sold reasonably. For Masco ars apply for 'JAMIES DENNIS, Exeter, 'Ont. HARNESS LOS Near Wm. Higgins' Usborne,--a breast -collar and tugs. Find er will confer,a favor by leaving 'same at this office. WANTED -Lady Boarders or roomers Apply to MISS LEWIS, Main St. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coat Company's SC111701 0,11.1 manila. tr rtl?it h r gel tit T • a bDtcirt re , E*41`atitt �F. 0 Frew caught Those w io lta lar„ i g `;1 0: ~vlll be Penwell tthely" zlllt intent witty .wenty liar said to 'nave feet en or "T e Torolto 1i ued a efai'terazt tlto efrotilAVOit ay-doU (I' DQantiy tnj Inlll have been 4 tr nutcd rh { tw0. eflOsti durl!' our daye. The b1Ula arca poorly w3::Ita that pt`i,par a thinner thaty that s ;,.... .......,.le Wks. T1to 'fount ,1: street Sun lire ceased to Inc. Tli o re Only another case 'where Lan overcrowded condition is not can d teiva •to t1a0 14AI of xt newepapor.T hr%) newepaPere sin :Mount Forest aka too nuin31, even undermore favorable elr- cunneteincee, alk all could.. not live. The, great surprlso to us, :s thni thethree of them hung *U.t as long as they dad. The threo rinks of bowlers, who'werq In Heirn ltast week, airrivecl, home There. day, haying lutd a S•ood time, but fail- ing to get 'Oa the an»pney, although each rink .had eevera*lt wihe tp their credit, and kept 1n the lrai tt'tngt:for three: dager Talo boys advertised the Exeter tournal, Ment Ingreat ehap4, ani‘ are =Noting ea lalbc 1.04 041. ox rlhka,` hero next week. gab 1y thestre. peat anxiety, for gain undertake to lmnuolt. and works lakci slaves to accomplish ?t, only to tlrid at rho end of the yetalr they have gain - little by R. Thilnk inlore and, work less. Lite is short and 1,t woo niOaaxt that you ,should enjoyiit.• Mt you fretted and ilespo,-ident,1 Then rete. Take mbre Bleep. Nave a holiday, ,Get cheeped up and cheer up those abt ut ;you. While your rife should, bet a busy one let it also be a i'sapplY, g i°e. Doi not undertake. for much. Be net tee anxllous, Be cheerful, truthful, hopeful and content ed. ,. on are: r''.a.tti,Wg relatives here*, :alias Mae niii'u;a t ctt Vanden is t e pLl?C4 ot !airs. Charles L'irne-E Mrs, RtIcbar4 Fj:ssett .of j.4:04.041 le v sit: yg t'»eade in town for a . week. Mr. as Mrs. P'ra';l1c W 'Tozer and qih Idren scurried to Toledo Monday, ., 1r IRIla who • xisitirta 3fr; George Ma -title, Is v_sittagi in Toronto this week. air iriroro $ell 94 Torentc vIa t•aag 'hte parents here anti at' iratid: I3'�.atd, aie•aarei. L. N, :} tekscut and larke wore :n Londotx and Detroit tit:'e O l»tr, tied .I.rsr alestar of bfi told latae'. C. 1.3.1rney olr untl� l*. visited tisxring of ' call Qnt V try ohoi rued from a trill tnnl and soar Cta Spriy)gferd, ;data:. Ca''ilaag returned Monday' , where lye will enter the RanX of Commerce; t �a ""idat>tn at Leaden. 4.4 Sa t»naw, were In town !land with friends, tciiyldP 4 9t Ou 1p,11. tits dere. Mro. Spay. t Q Wet:vett liar ilei Well. was Advocate off»r led with ""5,tr.. The best hard coal •mined.. [turns to a white rift..:` . LE ETT, COALMAN Bus, ,ray and Teaming usi e s Your orders in our line will ;be attended to quickly and satitrl'dr . torily..:We are here to please the; public needing anYthing ..in our Ince, and we ask a trial frorn you OEders left by ;'phone* s <. wise at '14$E+ ADVOC ICE, PHONE 25, sva11 zrece+ lire; npti attention. : T. G. Oreec Local insurance agents have received notice that the new etatiute passed. re- cently by the legislature prov`des that from August 1st all fire insurance poi•: cies issued must be new ones and that all agents must refuse( to renew a. pol- icy, but must .Issue In Its place an en- tirely Intw one. The, purpose of the new legislation is to "make all policies un- iform. The new act e much more stringent than the old, ono and provides better conditions 'for those insuring: It will result tin the, 'agents .:being ioi'ced to do much more wolrk,: .It was an easy matter to renew sin old, ,policy at its esleiration, but now 'the, agents will .be forced to issue new ones.3„, 4. renewal, Ss pern,iitted by thiel act afterwards. HICKS' F ORECA ST;S FOR AUG UST - A reactlionary storm period has ';.itis central daps on the.18th, 19th,` and 20th, The .• growing ' combination of astioaiomic causes promise • renerwed, and violent dc+sturbances, at this time - another time when your. barometer and 'o„grometer will prove your best friends .Another change to cooler wail f llOw during 20th. to 23rd.., A regular stern) period covers the 2,3rod to 27th, central on. 'the. 24th,. `[Moon in apogee".,ons the "25th, and full on) the 27th.;, The center of a mercury penloiil 0S on 'the 25th. Very low barometer wp1 warn of dan.: ger at this per'ro3 .wirth' best indications for general ra.sns t Antother sec'smic period 'involves the 2,4th, to 30th, cen- tering on the 27th! with. 1.la'yle, and %?ei'ro'tt, pr trod. lad Mrst Wilson .cane tap from Lon $aturda$r to visit their (laugh- er, ,'Iris. v . D..Clrarite.; Mr. Wd»eont etUa,ned Mox 0 ty, Mr. Roy Davie, wii,oL ire,e been n»lllh A»lea Cra*, spent SttadLas at heal Io left Monday for. geitt)al1 to 'work I19 he Cook Grtet 2stra. Ludy, who hate been visttthg her easter, biro. 2tcG:IJSlauddy, lett; Satin, - day for her hopti Welland, acconli panted by litre. EaScG,°11> udd}: i3se LoLls Bract' lett. 'Monday' oven ng• for ;Neill iptgx Wiis,ird elle will short- ybo united 'fit ynarrlagle to lair, Ii F. Fe,r,Guson of that city. Her father ac- wimp hied her kala tar me Toronto., .. Mr. 'W't. Johne is attending Grand Elycarpment, I.p,O,F., tat Ean�tlton. and Messrs 'Ed. and Glias Nor- thcott are attending Grand Lodge* „n the same city. Mrs. Et H. Vro ran,' 'who hair been. vislti'ng 'her parents, Mr. avid Airs. G. Anderson, returned to her come Tn Copetown Monday, accompanied byMr•e. Boon, who will vistt. there for a time. THE HYPNOTIST, PROFESSOR HEhx STREET, most excellent and laughable Entertainer and Mind Reader at the Exeter Opera House, Sept. 4th rind 5th,' Further announcement next week; Miss B. W.hre o A'V, miser visited Sat-; urday: and, Sunday witlri Mles Lois Bir nes.. 1f i!ss Juice T`r t Mier returned hast week front, a several. Weeks' v1s t witho! a"elatives :a "goled9, 1911,'0.; 3flea 1`iaddTy n T oweIl of Woodstock, who ha'e been vis (ting. Mrs. 1 N:Cree-ch retur are 1 to her bonne Friday. 'lir, Russel Fra •ne wit." his wife an r 1 � f _1, family, :s. the guest o4 his patents, :air and all's; Peter Fra y nO. fir's. RoweeAtffe end daughter` Verde. returned erica' xa pleasant visit with relat area affil~, friends IA Lozrd;on Mr. J; t i. Pratat: of Port Huron 3IEc"i., is spending a couple weeks on his fain*.. tyl 1;TabOrao, atter Which' he will return tiF POrt Ilanrol Me. Hopper" ac allAaa otl by !ler lfi-.td0 dkktl.al»tera Rtt e4gW4r4 re lePeut p'titew clays during to weeTe, with, her sketch etre. a e"�.,R»y'ite$. etl 'left G. !.,Young of L,ondo}l,. nt94 by the:'r two, children, aro :I to i'ltll the Iatter'e pareni;s, f<tlr and blref Jaen "Deur. ytelkl^s' o WopiivtoeytwbP rt a Vleti" tsa Willnt, ,Cal-' Sar', F.dnylepton and Vaneoaaver, reg turned 'Thul^adaY and will spend •a. few d tys. bene with 1»as, pa roe to tyefoi e re- turning to W 6dstoek, Dr, ate. uccaliefe of .iluffalq. +tkngsbu7 of Torolytka and:' eel Els!O '# itemof London, - w a ha' hanky taatidaY ' with their parent here, and, Grand 'Dated. lett Friday' tot' Toronto' sil;Ad to te�.v dO$gN lair RG, „ NOTicE Regina Watches,_when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second. Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand wa..., I am the -only authorize+ Official PAgent- here, and am the only one who can: issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents, throughout Canada. awry ARCHAND enera Foundry orks E*low Gastinge, PIow 'Oil?tita , Qf lows, and .gai general repairs to tall tapletnente on shortest ,untie General castings, piping, tubi' etc., on hand. Silo forms manufactured,. acnlates on application to r TI far Murray 86 Soy SPANISH PRISONER FAKE. -Mr Jas Ryer. of town .has just received a lettr, of .the Spanish Prisoner' Fake type, 'a number of will ch' have .been -received in town, The latter' 'is addressed. - ,from " Madrid, ai-d the w'r:ter goes on to, say that his nyoth•e,r wale!. called, Mary Per; thus claimIng relationship, and excuses himself :on this groundt for writing. He claims to have been a•,banker, and is now lodged in .prison, and also,claims to 'have $270,000 ha America, wnich he wo t'ld • share • with Mr. Beer, Ire will 'endue the necepeary a!esrstaricei This' old faiks, but, notv/^.thlsfE riding, ctam�s , to 71 e�athe `d�ayrtn`t three An Advance in Furniture In Quality, Variety and;tBeauty--! but NOT in prices, ie the znovensent now being executed in our store. Phone 20a Besldenoe next to the store, �. ttozUE Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER. ONTARIO Special August Sale AT •, The Exeter Bargain Store SOME MONEY SAVING PRICES This : balance of our Men's summer hate going at 40c. each.. Boys and tlirls hate 10 and 15c .each, ,25c. tan ,lace'liose for 15c.,., Men's fancy hose regular 25c. for 18.c. a pair,. ' 20 - fancy pa rasols worth, $1.25 for; 69c. 25 ,pieces English flannelettes 36 In chis wide worth 14c.• for 11c Ch:Ildren's 'sandals 65c. and 85c. apatir, �. Running shoes 54c. a pale., F. BEAvERs 1 -door north of Post Office For- TheNervous". ornan, esosnen who apettience hot. Alec nothing is so good to anodic met the =emus system as a pure glyeerao extract of native anedeta% pleat*, tiOit t sde eostjoett alcohol, which has: been sold by draggists for'the past foray 3 rii, et►d" t favorably lcr®t+1'n-ee Doctor Flaw's Favorite PresariptioR. Ir lounger years" some women 'suffer from' di�a`aess, or fairtiag ,spells, hysteria, tic ee, baiting •down fealiegssymd a irregularity D tisa1e ;' disturbance are relieved .the All of this famous s Preicreptdon." e , in torso : Favorite E'r'esctit too® imparts atr D Ica th to the whole:' ,,sten, fled is partieelur to the .atrtasas distinctly feminine. • For over-worked, "irons- otat, , f = " Stan=down," debilitated' teachers, milliner+, dressmakers, eearmstresces, " shop -girls," honse- mothers, and feeble worsen generally, it $s` an exc ent appetizing cordial and.restorative tonic. "tar ,disease Was cafea rrtsotersian," writes Mar' L iA•,MGDo-- aa w. teee /ts, !pleb., Route 3 I bad nervous c,W and ;numb -gabs sod ,4rwritH,lerie roe very weak Then I bad'infamautwh an doctor said I Iwd vi oath t doctored. ire i'8a mautba with family "7 I_ ,thAt mextidtaeskkinnie ,ry fl6;OC. ' banks to ; •to1Cif by} the a ..� ... the v orst `" Aima ,ler, aacasm+ae and tv, tier, BPs ltio tnUcb to a,sbort K^- for•feeialo troubles:' f1*tml ��ii9ae7el° ffiol tis 'S P .EN C fSEl. !e fn Model ;ttiaur. Houser. kc-epera tell ua It balsa more ^.d better r 94 to the aaick Ilia, an Other brand they have irked. THE MODEL, FI.O[1,f alyo and glee,,it tbey aro right. The trt4 will not coat yapu a.. ce4.oexlra tor Mold is sold' et the prico ot ordl,,, nary flotw edthough it ter worth ntore. by` a good desk,: ONTARIO PLAUV i1Y 131105., EXE1 E R. JONES & MAY PRONS. NO. 82 W FALL GOODS WE ARE ALWAYS READY FOR THE EARLY SHOPPER `EVE,R2 DAY WE ARE OPENING UP NES FALL GOODS AND, ARE 703LE TO SHOW, YOU OUR, NEW DRESS' GOODS .NEW, FALL' COAT'S, SWEA TER COATS, UNDERWEAR ETC., ETC., THIS IS A. QOQD TIME FOR THE EARLY BUYER PTO, GET BUSY. ' ALL' SUMMER GOODS TO BE CLEARED OUr . IN AtUGUST. WE MUSt MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW''GOODS. ;' , . i 1 August Clearing Sale LADIES . WHITE DRESSES ALL TO CLEAR • AT, yrs PRICE ONLY A FEW, LEFT. , IVIUSLINS AND GINGHAMS, . ALL " REDUCED TO PRICES' THAT WILL' QUICKLY CLEAR, •• EMBROIDERIES SOME SPECI:A,L VALUES IN NARROW OR WJE 'EMBROSD- • ERIES`'ALL :TO BE' CLEARED OUT, MEN AND BOYS CLO P iilnl "L'A'DIES WAISTS, ,EVERY WAIST MARKED DOWN:' TO ROCK - BOTTTOM PRICES., FANCY PARASOLS ONLY A FEW, TJ0 CLEAR, YOUR OWN PRICES. W RITE WEAR EVERY GARMENT WHITEWEAR WILL I3 ' SOL AT, BARGAIN PRICES, 0ir OU A; CLEARING PP.IC7 S JO Ceadqua1<ter's for the celebrated 'did le iia:".r�,..',T. w: _.e «x4�1.,t�;�,t'i+xs�,f ��$_$aax�'r+'•a �v wN�+,..�.ea:J",t'_,..r -..,�.u; ._..,e:�.,.:s�`�:ARR..�rn.�r .�t.:: 4c• i�. i- 38 1¢ of