Exeter Advocate, 1912-8-15, Page 6WESTERN BANK ROBBERY David Waiters and Alice Davis Taken into Custody at Palmar House, Toronto A despatch from Toronto son's.; CleVer work by Detective Richard Tipton, assisted by other members a tile Toronto Police Department, resialtecl in the arrest at the Pal- mer House on: Saturday night of David lieeraltere and Alice Davis'who ate believed to be members of the an of safe-blowers who stole more than $300,000 froin the Bank of Montreal at New Westmineter 33. C. on. September 14,, 1911. Walters" ri;ht name aid to be Wa.lter Davis S'e arch of the personal effects belonging te the pair ree milted in 'tile recovery of $2,029- in bau- a the seriee taken from the :bank. There was also $7,185.50 in bills, gold and sliver, making a to- tal of 9.,i,143.50,, ail of which the police believe is part of the pro- eeede of the big haul, From re- eords in the deteetivo oMee it ap- peare that Walters had previously been arrested in the United States under the names of O'Day and Fer- guson, Some time ago the police reeeived a tip that some a the stolen bills were bailie- eircu/ated in Toronto. Aceordingry Deteetive Tipton eeat to the bank for a V011ipletta list o' all the money raiSSine".. The list were sent to thelnatZe, cigar stores, theatres and other places in the it where a large amount of money is handled, with instructions to re- port to the police in case any at- tempt was made to pass bilds of the seriee described. JCES OF FAM PR , FROM TH OESTREa OP ti Cattle. Termites 90 per emit. board. aod 'deo. Mantle are for its.is i oZtn bC' niereir.--Virat p d t onto. $5,20. ari *Tacit. Toronto. Xanitoba Wbeato-No. 1 n'er bern. $1,124 MU' porta; No, 2 at SI,02. and BaY ports. Feed esiteat eelle at 02 to ace /iEir Ports. ()uteri° Wheat -No., a white, a 0, 4 Mixed. 96 to 96c. Ontside. PettessNoraktial. Oata-Car lets of No. 2 Qtao 421 and Ne, 4 at 41.1-20., outeide; No. at, 4 ois track. Teroato. No. 1 extra W.. C. feeds 41.1.2e. Bey perte. Mid No. at 401.,2e, Bar ports. Barley--Nominett _ Corn -No, 2 Americen yellow, no. On Za,v nerzs,, end at Xi:, Toronto; No. Z. e, Toronto. tied Ire. BAST Porte. ityo-Nominal. Iluckwheato-Nomiool, Breate-lilanitobe bron. $., rout* freight. Shensi 62 TA PRO= Butte luferior, e' to 25e; eremn C6e, for solid% E --Cast letti01 freeh. LUX, elieese-^New chee e, and 14 1.2 to 14 --Buod-picked. 2.25 to $2,50. Extrrestoll, in tine, 111.2 121-2e Z' No. 1, wholeeale; eorabo, $2 23 to 41-4 IQ 25 r 41." ens° ov ' adieu, beleetile• prices of eludes) rye-Ohleltene, 18 to 19e Per 0 Ple; (Welding% 16 to no. about 2o lower than the ROWS ONS. ar, 131-2 to 14c per lb., in ease o Short out, 524,50 to 525: do., mess, .0 to 521. Eama-Medium. to light, 171.2 *0 180; beava, 161-2 to 17e; rolls, 13 to 131.2; breakfast bacon. 18 to 181-2e; badge, 20 to..21.e. Bard-Tiercee, 3.3c; tubs, 131-4o; pails 13 1-2c. MONTREAL; 3L.k13,KIITS. lfontreal, Aug- 13.---0ats-Catutd2an Wet. ern. No- 2, 45 to 45 1.2cei do., N. 3. 44 tO 441-2c; extra No. 1 feed, 45e. BarleV- Manitoba feed. 63 to 64e. Pur-Manitte ba Speing wheat patents. firsts, $5.80; do.„ seeende. 55.39; etroug bakers', 55.10; Win- ter patents. choiee, 55.25: straight rollers, 54.85 to 54.90 des, bags, 5225 to 52,50. Rolled oats-natrelta $5,06f, bags. 90 lbs., 52.40. lireh-$22; shorts. 526; middlings, 527,-; mouillle, $30 to 534. Bar -No, 2, per ton, car hats, 516 te 517. Cheese-Fhaest West- erns. 1,31-4 to 133.8e: finest EasSkres, 121-2 to 12 7-8c. lhatter-Choleest creamery, 261-4 to 261-2e; •weeds. 26 to 261-4e, Bogs -Se. lected, 28 to 29c; No. 2 stock, 21 *0 22e. Poe tatoes-Per bag, ear lots; 51.60.,, LIVI1 STOCTO MARICBTO, Montreal, Aug. 13. -Steers sold front 84 s6.50 per 100 lbs., cows from 83.50 to 55, Pewgood •bulls were offered, and on the common run the price ranged from 52.50 to $.3.25. Sheep eold fairly steady at 4o a pound and lambs brought 4c for cm - mon and 61-2e for good. Frogs were about 75e lower than a week ago, selects selling. at $8.50 per 100 lbs. Calves brought from 53 to 510 each. Toronto, Aug. 13. -Cattle Exportere, choice, 57.25 to 57.50: buIls, 54.50 to 55.25; owe's, 55 to 55.60. • Buteher-Choice, 57 to $7.35; medium, $6 to 86.75; cows, .55 to 55.. 50. Calves -Steady. 57.50 to 58.50. Stockers -Steady, SI to 85.35. Sheep -Light ewes at 54.25 to 64.75; heavy, 53 to 53.50; sprieg Iambs at 85 to 56.50. Hogs --Selects, 58.15 f.o.b., and 58.60 *0 .58.75 fed 'and watered. 'UNITED sakrEs MARKETS. Minneapolis, Aug, 13. - Wheat -Sept, 911-8 to 911-2o; Dee., 92c; May, 963-8e; No. I hard, $1.0374e; No. 1 Northern, 51.033-8c; '11To. 2 do., 51.01 3-8 to 51.01 7-8. No. 3 yel- low corn, 72o; No. 3 white oats, 37 to 39e. No, 2 rye, 631-2 to 64e. Bran, 519 *0'819.51 Flour --Leading local patents in wood, f. o. b., Minneapolie, 55 -to 55.35; other pat- ents, 94.75 to 85; first Mears, $150 to 53-- 75: second clears,82.40 to 82.70. Duluth. Aug. 13-Wheat-No.,1 hard, 81: 041-8; No. 1 Northern, old, 51.031-8; No. 2 Northern, old, 51.01 3-8;Aug, No. 1 North- ern, 94 Mc; Sept., 92 5-8c bid; Dec., 93e bid. 0 -"VE A I1G SAFE INYESTIAENTS tawa to assist in attending typhoid 111 ARA011API1 HAPPENINGS PROM ALE OVER THE GI„011E DI A N UTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and tbe WOrill in General Before YOUr Eves. C-ANADA. The Postoffiee Department will issue stamps in roll form. Hydro -electric power in Hamilton is redueed to $17 per h.p. Montreal doctors and other eiti- ena are promotiug a hospital for nfants. Rev. W. T. Mortimer, formerly of London, Ont., died in the MethodiSt InissiOn field an China. The Grand Trunk terminal, situ- ated in Brockville sin ee 1855, is shortly to be removed to Preacott. The Wreck Commission found the Empress of Britain responsible for colliding with the collier Helvetia. Several nurses have left Rock- wood Hespitab, ,lalugston, for Ot- WayBO DS FLUCTUATE IN' MARKET Their WitteI vecd b and Demand, EItie-Unpeputar Price Owing to tfgett SecurltleS AP:leer Reached "Reek, Battens." upp eenteibuted by "Irvee oicnqrpose of guiding pr '.vc itr,aad,t po 4 SAY. Thera lesliag. MeneY tbrOlqh ne- it in wildenitn ,tcriterptifeSii. rhe $al and reliable alldratiter Of the atiee may be relied upon._ et these artieles and the,pablielage Per have no letereste to serve with this matter other thee oder. "e T. G. Meredith, X,C., London, Ont., was appointed Corporation Counsel of Toronto at 4, 6a-I4.ry ef $15,000. . A natural gas explosion at Tea Wreeked larv house heirs ilt for Canning Company*ei Geo, T. Tuekett, wife a the the Tuekett Tobacco Co., died after 241 few weeks' 414es well, former manager of • Yr Manufacturing co,' hrqi2h ‘la killed by ee lea THE ILIISTRATION FARMS Comtnission of- Conservation Will Send Guide the Owners A despatch from Ottawa says: For the purpose of demonstrating to Canadian farmers how they may get the beet out of the land in the most economic manner, the Com- mission of ConserVation has chosen a number of farms throughout the Provinces for illustration purposes - In each ease the Cominieeion has chosen farms whose owner agreee to be guided by the agricultural ex- perts provided. These are F. 0, Ninitaiek, the. Commission's agri- altural expert, and john Fixter, formerly farm superintendent of Macdonald College. The Illustra- tion farms have already been ohosen in the eastern Provinces, and both Ur. Ninollielr and Mr. FrXter are now in the West arranging for' i1 lustration fume in the Praitie Provinees. In Ontario there are ' eight farms, an Quebec eix, and New Brunswick, PrinceEdward Island and Nova Scotia three each. The. Ontario illustration farms 'are as follows: Lanark county, farm owned by W. Hands of Perth; Es- sex county, farm owned by Nelsen, Peterson, Ruthveu, and farm owned by „R. F. Taylor, Essex ; Norfolk s. eounty„ falln QW1led by A. M, Cul-. ver, Simeoe; Waterloo cOnnty, farm, . tali° country, farm owned owned by Paul Snyder, .Elnlibi.;;(Dn" Tho - was yfaHrmallo,w33nrerd°°bk5l'inIN;rhpitutankdearsBcr°ousn.'' atlil o\dricitimiaos:secisabtlig-will be held fro tbrhyes. Meetings eexpioeorino.t,,s, ande be m time Experts. to TORONTO CORRESPONDENCE WHAT tS THANSFIRINP AT THE nue OF THE PRQVINCE, Hetet AceetaMOdatten-Fta in"'" 00 Who'll 'he the Next Mayers - Harvester Excersiona, fit*0n. is being called 'to Toreeto'S 11 hotel ageemmodatiou. Complaint de that we are leeing tOurist heats blirinesntlboue:1;le;led tooththere. gmaethr:brainn1:: Q we do not provide places to. sleep e37u1 oa*,i II, Certainly in the lees emu oe The KITIR FedwRi'd w0ba: 0.001,ixliaDaopporaiAoldouwhyvuotvberte tit; Per vent, there has leen oomparatively little increase lo die_ hotel accommeda. don. The onestion has zest beoanso Inter - thrived AD it is the problem of liquer Been - es, No doubt the Boner men are making most fit the lack or accommodation! They say it is due to the lusecurity ot p tcenso situatiop. ;Not only, de they entleito aUch redleal propesuls as Mr. RoWell'a "ekbellish the Bar"fdatterna, but loral option and itemise reduetion cam., Marts are 4116i) there anoptimum, lireu the her Is net algoligted, at 'one tell nap they fear thot one of these days aWvolitazie betate,lyeegeopatinureoanaltlybaairtbine, riom c.krizar, SRL While a Story le eireUlat Otte 'is prepered to spend A lars or more *0A. new lialatial 'I but that they are prevented from doing go by tbe testability et the license situazion. There is on extoollent tide for a otel at the corner et flaYs and rzent rests, 4unbant upon since the fire, and osito the eite or the new 'Union Sta. With the rettaa'busiltetei moving nge street there would seem to be in that district. While, the end, with its inereaeieg railway usInese, also looks attractive. But the hotel men's capital is timid. Temperance peeple declare that IlOtehts- hia betels in big eithotottlit be =WO to pay withoet liquor licenses. The hest exemplea support of this theory are., perhaps, to be found. in ,L3ant3a City, al- though it le doubtful if anyone needs to go tir,y in Atlentie City, even it he, is staybig at a temperance house. No doubt, 80140f the big Tdrouto hotels make big money out -of their liquor licenses, Au - cording to ruttier, the profile 43,f the Nin Edward bar are • alramit fabulous. an some of the *there do a rushilig trade. 111 others, siteb ati The Queen'.' . the operations otifloilNi.ta+shtisvir ttn,i.orrear .oref 11.1%eltlenntitillc.ensBetidtlgt, telt; in the city the bar is the elder in- dustry. .T.hey prOvide *illy rooms and Meals to keep within the law. In filet, la same,ivou might alwaYs find all the romps "full, and if yeti asked for n meal you might not be reffised it, but you might% have to wait an hour for it. There is admittedly a lack of middle- class hotel accommodation. In this To- ronto sufrere like all big cities. The man from the Average home finds when be travele that be either has to Pay for luxury that lie does ;mot want, or that he has to put up with uncomfortable rooms stud distaateful food. result of lent c The goner I their new e '4 000 bushels caned ere skins, fi I Ilarbor Commis fail begin building eadi of t1,4"00,,. ied at :uarnil- atin candies, ized with vie- 43-4 in, a them w 4 per ee et everyt SuPP1Y t buy tit sell tile old bend. the huyer erg the prige•goe particularly ray ver. the numbe buy or sell hi b tile loaning vall is very cheap leld bonds, rn to those n quently. when eld bonds teud to Ile. 021111 their yield approxi. nearly the Ioantutr value • Lake and neeall pule vessels will required to bard wireless equip. uent ans result a the recent In. aortal Congress, ween $20,000 and S2S,000 de done by Are to Peck 4, Ib and cloor factory an gs in Belleville. Robertson, Regs ,thid some year ago 'a in. the Legislatur suddenly at Nelson, B. C. Ilan Williams, seven-yex-old of Jelin pb.yszeal in - or at Ridley College, was vned in Twelve Mile °reek. r, Daniel Meagher of Montreal was found dead in the home a a relative he was visiting in Xing - sten. Heart tronble Was the came. Montreal workingmen will erect a monument to Mr. 3% A, Boder, founder of the Trades and Labor Council in that city, who died two year's ago, Twenty-five thousand dollars' worth of Cobalt silver was shipped On Friday by the Teutonic to the Bank of England to be mined into British coins. Police Sergeant Abraham Nash, n member* of the - Windsor foree,, for twenty-six years, and distingmahod for bravery, has been appointed a Provincial detective. GREAT BRITAIN. Prender Borden may pay a visit to Germany before his return. Two suffragettes were sentenced to five years' imprisonment in a Dublin court. Sixty g.P.'s and a nuraber ef Peers witnesse,d the military aero- planes in flight on Salisbury Plain on Thursday. Mr. Asquith -announced that a conunittee would be appointed to inquire into the atrocities in the Peruvian rubber districts. The Master of Elibank, Chief Liberal Whip, has been raised to the Peeragenand resigned his seat in th•e House of Commons. The Unionist candidate, Sit John Randles, was returned for North- west Manchester, rendered vacant by the, resignation of the Liberal member. UNITED STATES. President Taft vetoed the wool tariff bill. Seventeen Detroit Aldermen have been arrested on charges of brib- ery. Governor Woodrow Wilson ac- cepted the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. col. Theodore Roosevelt was nominated for the Presidency at the Progressive National Convention at Chicago. The -U. S. Senatepassed 'the Panama Canal bill, retaining the provision exempting Anaeriean vese sels from tolls. Two U. S. battleships, the Ne- braska and Connecticut, met with serious mishaps during the fleet manoeuvres on Friday. The United States Senate ap- proved of the House provision` for control of the Panama Canal by the President of tho United States. Wise f (new 1 leo in toe th money.tebite when Manes, is p entiful nd the %vertigo rata low the memo takes' lace. At the present time money is eommend. ing a high rate, arid, 418 It result, the price of higlograde bonds has declined. Pur - {n.11101'07 the post yeer has MA a large lumber of small fires, bowies, factories, varehouees. etc., and the usual number of large °lies, several towns having been practically Wiped out by fire. The result has been, of course, that the insurance oompanies lave bad severe losses. Now, when an insurance company has a loss theY must .either pay it up in cash as tioon as the amount has been proved or erighten all their polioyholders into can- cellatioe, losing their good name and ponsequently their ineano of existing aud ;nuking Art ineome, or raise the money promptly and pay oil the loeses, Vs raise /Jimmy it is often necessary te sell some of their investments, soul as the higlo grade, low yield bonds alwa.Ys command a ready market these are gold, sometimes at prices one or two points below the market in order to facilitate a ready sale. This, of course, tends further to depress the market for high-grade bonds. It also means that, these companies aro temporarily out of the market for bonds durieg a period more or less prolonged. .in which they are catching up the usual amount of caeh reserve they consider it prudent to carry, e„,This has happened this year, and so a very substantial buying power has been removed from the market for high-grade .boeds temporarily. , ,,Everilthing considered, the best judges of the bond market are of the opinion that the price of bonds has about reached "reek bottom." Money is showing an un- reietakable tendency toward lower prices, and while England has been out of the market now for a considerable period any resumption of buying from that quar- ter, not to mention' our own fire insur- ance companies, will Goatee high-grade bonds to resume their former heights or at least move up from the very attrae- tive prices they now command. It is easily seen, then, that fluctuations in bond prices are natural. A stationer Dries often infers the narrow market tljtt is usually the lot of unpopular s ri- ties, nobody wanting to buy and bblders hesitating to sell for 'fear ef breaking the market for their owe security. AT WIFE'S TEA. 'John , which will you have? Iced -tea, bouillon cold cof- fee, grape -juice or lemonade? Husband -- ','Neither. • Haven't you got something to drink? ONE 1-10DRED «KILLE Explosion of Biatk 'Damp Caused a Disaster in Mine in Germany despatch from Bochum, Ger- many, says: Art explosion ofblack damp and coal dust on Thursday morning in the Lorraine shaft'. of the coalfield in the village of Gerthe, four miles frorn. Bochum, cost the lives of 103 miners, accord- ing to the -official report. Two oth- ers were severely and twenty-three $14,1htly injut ed. Death was prac- tically inetantaneons in all cases. The cause of the explosion has not yet been definitely ascertained, hut it is thought that a blast reached a big pocket of gas. The day shift but were unable to penetrate the of 650 races. had just deseended into galleii res, owing to the flames and the workings and we -re distributing the poisonous gases. ' a themselves along the various levels, when a serious fire darnio explosion occurred. The detonaftion was heard at the surface, and the offi- cials on duty immediately formed rescue partieseof the men belonging to the night shift; who rushed back to the pit mouth together with the villagers. The rescue crews, which did such good work at the time of the French mine disaster at Coen- ricres, near Lens, on March 10, 1906 when 1,630 miners were killed arrived here early in the afternoon, ntreller lloelSee'a mayora11Y aspiration :s east by Celltreller Tommy Church, Mawr Peolde da not lake Church eerieRSIY, but he gete lrOtetio -TAO og gaYet iat'aTI/3 ebsencel ilt.laao „been seta:a maser, too nen si.ngland been stimong thine WE> 10 a WAY' that has drawn some favorable comment. /Oren friml hio critic!, Ile is rode. is hondicapood bY a sevens deaf - s. Rad Jecke etability, BIM he is Va. tie and bail fellow well met •lie , witu The couservative orgamiza. . With the Selie of •Nugland, ths ran oesgeiatlen even Colitro"er Wbile,, Vat being Se mnrsais who is editor et the Orange Iva - el in his anti-Oaths:pile pronounce. he might get racot of the calloolie lieeltee is stroag with the 'tomb . Church would Appeal to 'the boys,' o that in a etraight contest between the wo it would, be ;lard to took tbe uinner. And then there weeld, -the aaageasae a third canctidete. Berbaog Seam oar]; herse Coosa* o'uve or tnaYee a 4iteral. j. L. Word, coetroller kr twine Years, but defeated laet Jamiary, a BoMan Liberol, has loog. had aspixa. tions to be Mayor of )raegts Ceiteervei4ve Teteuto. Ife Weeded lo run when Seery and Uoelser; were geht'og it out, but as bis expectotion of eleotion wog based oss purely partition tittateerts leaasag 1.14aitels weiltiziee TISitgkirstoatlittpr 441"tarrot'earbeiles:100914mTnecif otherwise. Be sacrificed hope then, but lie reiglit not do Xi- agRin, With BerelieU and Church as• vontendere. Sear promises ono or the m teAlrest :„:leclieutr xtrtitnenym:',04:0,5:1tY mite tto he VIE; CALL OP Tnv WEST. ,GENERAL. President 1.4e.eonte of Haiti was,, killed in an explosion and fire at the Palace -a, There was a seririus earthquake in Constantinople on Friday, many houses being damaged vrnola, BB` NEXT MAYOR? Though the municipal eleotions are still almost five months away, mayoralty can- didates are already jockeying for position. It has been assumed that Mayor Geary will tot again seek re.eIeetion. He has had three years of it, which, under or- dinary circumstances, is supposed to be enough for any ream The last two terms he 1ms had on easy terms: last election belied no opposition and the year before no really serious opponent. But the Mayor's chair he attained in the first place only by hard atrugglee. The Bret time he, was a candidate he offered him- self as a" lamb for the slaughter. That was in the historic fight that Dr. Bekttie Nesbitt made for the.position. Vesbitt's opponent was Joseph Oliver, a Liberal. Nesbitt was beating the party drum for all he was worthand would certainly have beaten Oliver in a single contest. Recognizing this, influential Conservatives who did not relish the idea of Nesbitt in the city's chief magisterial position in- duced Geary to run, with the almost open- ly' avowed, purpose of splitting the Con- servative vote, so that Oliver would-be elected. The plan worked, and it is G. R. Geary Toronto has to thank for keeping Dr. Nesbitt mit of the Ma,yor's chair in the days when. the Farmers' Bank was just getthig under way. TIIE HOCE.EN-GEARY FEND. Some might have been afraid of the less of prestige which a defeat would bring, but it didnot. work out that way in Geary's ease. When Oliver relinquished the offtee, Controller Hocken._ aspired to the succession. Under other circumstanc- es, Hocken might have beaten Geary, for his sources of strength in the Conserva- tive party were much the sante, and ap- parently about equally ,as strong as Geary's, and he had many influential friends among the Liberals. But the Lib- erals who don't expect many of the sweets of oillce-in Toronto remembered Geary's service to Oliver and there is little doubt that in the strenuous struggle that re. suited Liberal votes decided the issue. That was three years ago. After a year's absence from Council Mr. Hocken: returned to the Board of Control. He.did not again essay to defeat Geary, though the animosity kindled between them has never died .out, and not infrequently blazes up at board ineetings. , But all the time Controller Hocken htis regarded him- self as .the 'logical successor of Mayor Geary. And aX the Moment he probably expects that in the year of grace, 1913, it will be Mayor Hock'en. His chances are, undoubtedly, good, but there art several possibilities which' have to be reckoned with. In the, first place, Geary has net definftely announced that he will not he a candidate again. During the present terra hie name has been ire- , quently mentioned in connection with permanent civic and other positions. But should he seek a fourth term as Mayor, Controller, Hocken may give him another fight, and unless Geary eompletes the year more aggressively than he has be- gun it Hocken might oust him. - CHURCH A NEW ASPIRANT. But, probably, the darkest shadol,v auros xes ase saacsasee'ras aaso T CAgr-tt- SCUI -2.121RECT001425 I ....go THI5 SAM) FOADER CONPOSf WPM. f011.CtiVif4il BONO Mitt "PliOSPHATE,1810,82.' 0ltkit0,200hA33i STARCH. The only Baking Powder ma4e in Carta.44 thet hs 1;44147 prIntea on the Inbei, For economy we mend the one poll • UNG GIRL'S IUI • able to Swim ter Little Drether. ateb iota Breekville says.; and "eueeessful at- - '0341 drowning here - took place ou Allred Mos 01* of Daniel playing house. velk tle The dose or the harvester exeursions 1*0 NertliSveSt Pra 41V111.1 ua agO4n, it itAeresting sigbt to lourney down tinionStation and- tee etio or ilieso unions get underowity. for. of Norge Toronto is tile ehMt eoucentrating oein for eafitern ("anada ast meet of the ex lonists begin their main Journey from here. There they are bt 4he hundreds. repreSenting, before tbe season la out. nearly every atUnicipality and scheol sec- tion or old Ontorth. The rao.toritY aro men. naostlY ruing 'Men, but there Is a goodly smattering of womeu, too, In re. regent years they are ite1 as the, old days, ail Canediaus, but often -halt are new arrivals from the 014 COUntrYs wbo zutvantpge or the Oho. nontenelly low fere to get os far west se bey eau, Tim farm life- of the prairie appeals more wham to the Scotehrnan than to the RoglIslursan, into whose blood the view; of city life has often entered and who doe* not warm tip to the idea or going eaVeY off a tie/Wined Miles from anywhere, For the Men part it is a ,seriouseninded crowd. Sometimes a row young blood.' melte trouble and give the whole party a had name. They are MU out for 11 frelle, hut to most It is a serious business. Ca. nadians are a pretty serious PeoPle any- way. Some have their plans all made to remain in the West. But the majority are naodern Joshuoe, going to have a look around, and eome back if they don't like It. As Ontario know to her cost malty of them find it, a land Width proteins `Milk and 'honey" in a figurative Sees.% at an (went& And they never corue haelt-tit least to stay. Fifty thoustiud of them Al; 'Wanted this year. The job ni finding that number devolves, not on the uovernment in either of the western provieces, or the Bomb - ion, but on the rallwaYs, The railways put the problem up to their dietrita pas- senger agents, Each one is expected to got so mauy. And so the country is flood- ed with poster.', station agent; are told to get busy, the newspapers are leaded up with free notices and the reetless ones t• spend. The job falls on the railways he. cause if ,the crop was not harvested they would he the heaviest individual losers and besides. the harvest exeureions coming at a thee when the western farmer is counting his money, are the most effec- tive immigration boosters yet discovered - And every settler moved to 'Western Can- ada means more businees for the rail. ways. GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS. If you are genteel in appearance and courtebus in. your manner, you will be welcomed in every home in your locality, when you are showing 'samples, of our au. perior toilet goods, househOld necessities, and reliable remedies. The satisfacition which our- goods 'give, places theusers under an .obligation to you, which. wins for you the sarnd.respect, esteem, and in- timate friendship given the priest, physj. Can. or pastor, and you will make more money from your spare time than you dream of, besides a host of friends. This is your opportunity for a pleasant. proiltable 9,na permanent business. Ad. dress, The Rome Supply Co' Dept 20, Alms rill Building. Toronto, Ont. 44 " WOMAN "CUT BY BINDER. Horses Started While She was Standing in Front of It. A despatch from St. Thomas sayts : Mrs. Archibald Dorm of Iona Sta- tion. met »with a serious accident _Friday evening, While she was standing in front of a self -binder, the team started. badly lacerating her leg just above the ankle. thne en $oarlveeull, waiting di OLi 1)1 11;gic p.hiel:4 bi t it deep. The ming girl hat se ured a hok An • and managed to keep 1 Idua afloat until the father,tn. in of what had liampried rnshed to the scene, jumped in and land his tato ehildren Safely on the boat- houSe platform, 01VA-WA OE Susi) ee a.it;aatz,estbalgAitlalry Ito A despateh' from Ottawa Oity Engineer Newton 3. Kew, and Assistant City Engineer Wincing were on Saturday suspended by Mayor Hollowell from all connection with the eivie "Waterworks Depart - meat Engineer Wm. ,Storrie New York, who has been here in connection with the plans for the city's filtration with the plans for the eity's filtration system, was temporarily placed it charge, The Mayor's action was taken in view of the corning inquiry to fix respon- sibility for the break in the new waterworks intake,.. which resulted in the recent ontbreak of typhoid fever. 10 WOOD PULP AND P.S„PER,. 'WiR be Admitted Duty Free tO the U. S. From British Columbia. A despatch from Washington says: Wood pulp, print paper and paper board manufactured from woods' of British Columbia, from which the ex. -port restrictions were recently removed by the Legisla- ture of the Province will be admit- ted to the United States free of duty under the one -operative clause of the Canadian. Reciprocity Act, YOUNG WOMAN DROWNED, Canoe Upset and Companion Tried Vainly to Rescue lier. A despatch' -from Victoria, B. C., says: Through the upsetting of a par000 in the Gorge 'here on Sun- day night, Bessie Friend, aged 22, a recent arrival from Glasgow, was drowned. Her companion; a young man named' Ransom, dived in an effort to rescue her, but finally be- came exhausted and clung to the canoe until aid arrived. CANADA SECURITIES OR PORATION, LIIVIITED.. iiivEsTmENT SECURITIES F. H. MANLEY - D-IRE-cToR•s. - General Manager, Robert Blekerclike, Esq., 151.P., • President. Sir Rodolphe' Forget, 11.8'. • vice -President. .fattoes Carruthers, Esti. • • Vico-President. Hen. Clifford SiftonLt.•Cel. ,34. Macdonald, K.C., M.P. Paul Callbert, Esq. Edmund Bristol, CC., m.o., cF.raton.hyvCaarrrreen!,, EEssrici.. , James Mason .3. S. Esc. Hill, Esq. , W. Crant i'dorden . A. Rarnard, Esq., K. C. TORONTO MONTREAL LONDON, ENG.