HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-8-8, Page 7TONIC TREATMENT FOR THE STOMAGI The No[ern Isnot'. dost Suoeeas- iul in 'Treating Indigestion The old-fashioned methods of treating indigestion and stomach troubles are being discarded, Th( troublewith the old-fashioned methods was that when, the treat- ment was stopped the trouble 're- turned in an aggravated form. The modern, method of curing in- digestion and .other stomach tx'ou- blesis to tone up the, stomach to do its normal work, Every ter towards recovery is a step gained. net to lie lost again, The recover of the appetite, the dieappearanee of pain, the abseeee of 'gas—aril are ,step;; on the road, to health that those who have tried the tonic treatment remember distinctly, Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills area tonic medicine, every eonstituent of which is helpful in building up the digestive organs, and is therefore the very best remedy for; chronio eases of stomach trouble. The euc- e se of the treatment is proved by thousands of oases like the follow- ing: Mr. W. W. Swain, Grand Valley, Ont.., says e, -''For several years my mother had etonhaoll trou- ble from whteta she got ne, relief Whatever until she began the use of Dr, W.illianose Pink ,Pills, She was treated at 'different times by three doctors" but their efforts did not atveil, Then. elle -was advised to try an electric belt,' but it proved worthless. She slhftefod nhueb dur- ing this time, and food beealne diem tasteful„ The treanble aleo affected her nerves and her, general health was on the verge Af a breakdown, One day a friend who was in asked her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.. Without very =eh hope that the Pills would ,prove sliceessful evllen 'other medicines had failed,' we nevertheless got her a, supply. In a few weeks we could see a, deeideel change, and go# six, more boxes. By the time these were used mother Wes a most isell, and she kept on taking the Pills for a, short time loner and was eearepleteIy cured, She is now a healthy and strong woman and is never botheredwith her stomach in any way, I hope this statement will bring relief to other sniferexs." 'Why experiment with medieiues ra£ doubtful value, when you have such pqsitive evidence of `tho bene- fit following the, lase of Dr, Wil- liam's Pink Pills? Sold by all medicine, dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or ,six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Wi1lisans' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. 3� aLr TOO MANY PRELIMINARIES. "Can't you get any work 7" asked a Newnan of the tramp who had ap- plied at the back door for food. "Yes. ma'am," he ,replied. "I was offered a steady job by the pian who lives down the road, in that big white house." "That's Mr. Oatseed. What was the work?" "He wanted me to get up at 4 3n "the morning; inilk 17 oows, feed, water and rub down . four horses, clean the stables, and then chop wood until it wets time to begin the day's work." "What did he want to pay?" "I anise, ma'am. I didn't stop Ito ask." Minard'.a Liniment Cures Distemper. ' "Do you mean to say that you iiirted with your wife a1I evening at the masked ball and didn't know her?" "That's right f But she was eo deuced agreeable—how was I to know her?" A FOENTAIN OF PENCIL Provided by a tritish Officer fol' Entertainment of Guests. Some of the papere„have recently devoted attention to the origin of punch, that famous seventeenth century drink whioh has long lost its popularity in. England, though it still survives to some extent ell the Continent, Owing to its intimate connection with rum. one might easily have imagined that puncta originated in .the West Indies. In fact, however,, it actually ,came from the East Ila - dies and the name is said to be de- rived from the Sanskrit "Pans, ohs," five, on account, of its five ingredients arrak (afterward rum), tea, sugar, lemon and' hof water. The° ;most magnificent bowl of punch the world has ever seen was probably that: provided by the Right Hon, Edward Russell, who, when counnanding his Majesty's forces in the Mediterranean' n 1691, entertained 6,000 guests at Alicante, where a large marble fountain was filled with the liquor, the ingredients. being; Four hogs- heads of brandy, a pipe of Malaga wine, 2,500 lemons, twenty gallons of lime juice; eight hogsheads of water, five pounds of grated mit- megs in weight, 300 toasted biscuits awl thirteen hundred weight of fine white 'sugar, MILES OF MYSTERY. Despite the. wonderful advance of exploration, in various parts.of the world, the Royal Geographical So- eie,ty o£ London have reoently de- clared that no fewer than 20,000,000 square miles of the earth yet rs- mains unexplored, „Africa has the largest unexplored area,,nearly 6,500,001 square miles; while North. America. Contains . no fewer than 1,500,000 square miles of virgin ter" r*tory, :; Tile largest continuous stretch of unexplored country is in. Liberia, Africa. ,The tract consists. of about 2,000,=ilea, all of which it within 200 miles orthe sea.. Pie- pions adjoining the Oongo, the ba- sin of the Upper Nile, parts of Mer - Abyssinia, Somaliland, have yet ° to be surveyed mapped out, and, if 'Suitable, commercially ex- ploited, UNNOTICED. "Did you kiss the bride?" totes!, ".And congratulate, her mother and father upon the happy eventl" "Yes, indeed, I had a nice little chat with both of them." "And I presume you met all the out of town relatives 7" "I think I did. In fact I'm almost euro I did, Some of them seemed to be' very entertaining people," "And I suppose, of course; that you gave the groom your best wish- "Tho groom 4" No. 1 didn't. Now you speak of it, I don't remember seeing him there at a13." FAMILY ltt7T. Kansas Man Says Coffee Male ICim That. "Coffee bays been used in our family of eleven—father, mother, five sons and four daughters for thirty years. I am the eldestnef the boys and have always been consid- ered the runt of the family and a coffee toper" "I continued to drink it�for years until I grew to be a man, and then I found. I had stomach trouble, ner- vous headaches, poor ciroulaiion, was unable to do a full day's work, took medicine for this, that, and the other thing, without the least benefit. In foot I only weighed 116 when I was 28. "Then I changed from coffee to Postum, being the first one in our Pirrill)les So Bad family to do so. I noticed, as did the rest of the family, that I was surely gaining strength and flesh. Shortly after I was visiting nay cousin, who said, `You look so much better—you're getting tat.' leAt breakfast his wife ,passed me a cup of coffee, as she knew I was always such a;.00ffee drinker, 'but I said, `No, thank you.' " 'What!' said my cousin, 'you quit coffee? What do you drink?' 'Postum,' I' ,aid, 'or water, and I am well.' They die not know what Postum was, butmy cousin had stomach trouble and could not sleep at night from drinking eaffeee three times a day. He was glad to learn about Postum but said he never knew coffee hurt' anyone." (Tea is just as injurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in 'coffee,) ' - "After understanding my condi- tion and how 1 got well he knew. what to do for himself. He discov- ered `thatcoffee was the cause of his.. trouble as he never used tobaeco or anything else of, the kind. You should see the ilange: in him now. We both •believe that if persons who suffer from coffee drinking would stop and use Postum they could build back to health and happi- ness. ness. Name given. by Canadian Postum Co.. Windsor, Ont, "`There's a 'reason.''` Read the little book, . "The Road to Well- ville " in pkgs. Ever read. ,.the, above `letter? A. new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, trite, and full of human interests. 6y'.Ttl;tid 1 here. Bend to Pq£ter Dntg & Cilem Corp„ bei Columbus Ave:, Boston, : TT. 5. A., for a liber zi "'free srample of each, with 32 p, booklet. e Was Ashamed Tried. Everything but Did It No Good. One it3ox of Cuticura Ointment Took Pimples Away. 'About seven years ago pimples broke out all over my face and neck. When they Would' first come out they would be big and' red, then after a while they would turn white, and matter' would come' out. Sometimes .. they would itch so :I could hardly sleep. I was ashamed to go down street, my face looked so bad. I went to several doctors and got medicine, which did me no good, and bought ointment, salves and patent medicines, but none of them would cure my face and neck. A friend advised me to try Cuticura Ointment. I got one box, andittook the pimples away before. 1 had it. all used up. I can say it is a wonderful remedy. Any 'sufferer who, has pimples should use Cuticura Olatnlent it; they Want' a euro cure. I never had any soap equal to Cuticura Soap.',; - (Signed) Aylmer ° Mathers, Parkhill, Ont., Dec. 24, 1010. • -Sores All Over Baby's• Body "When 'my baby boy was six months old, °his.! body was ` completely covered ,with large sores than seemed to - itch and , burn, and cause terrible suffering. The eruption began In pimples which would open and run, making large sores. His hair came,out and Anger .nails fell off, and the sores were over'the entire body .causing little or no sleep for babv or myself.r Great scabs would' come off.' when I removed his shirt We tried a eat many remedies but nothing would help him till a,friend induced me to,try'Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I used the Cuticura •Soap and Ointment ;but a short timo',b fore I could see that he was tniprodng;'and in six' weeks' time he was entirely cured. He. had 'suffered' about six weeks before'we tried the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, although we had tried' 'several' ,° other; things and doctors tog '-I think :the Cuticura Remedies will, do 'all, that is' claimed for them .and a great deal more." (Signed/ drs. Noble Tubman, Dodson, Mont.,, Jan 8,18'11. �Ciiteura Boap'and Cuticura Ointment sold tints-andewers eceiy�v TWO FAMOUS •IDI NOS. re Opining Froin 'England for the Canadian National Exhibition. Two famous bands from England will make the musical attraetions at the Canadian. National Exhibition this year something long to be re- membered. The Scots. Guard& Sand from Buckingham Palace, the ,laird of this, famous brigade of bands brought across the o'ean. by< the Exhibition - people, will alter- nate on''the main band stand with the Besses 0' Th' Barn, which all lovers of band music recognize as Britain's best brass band. ' Two such musical' attractions have never before been brought together on the continent._ OFTEN THE CASE, "Where do all the people Who have automobiles get the money that is necessary to afford thein "Many of them don't." Cucumbers and rnelons are "£or- bidden fruit" to many persons so constituted that 'the least indul- enoe is followed by att'aeks of Cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that %hey Dan indulge to their heart's bonrtent, it they have on hand a bottle of Dr. 3; D, Kellogg's Dysen- tery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, and is asure euro for all summer complaints. Scotland lost over 0,000 of her po- pulation during April last by the drain of emigration. fiiinard's Liniment Carpe Carnet In Cow Billingsgate Market, London, has in one year received nearly 200,- 000 00,000 tons of fish, about one-third of which arrived by water, The Pill That Brings Relief,— When, after one lade partaken of a meal he is oppressed by feelings of fninees and pains in the stoma•eh, he suffers from dyspepsia, which will persiet if it be not dealt with. I'arnielee's Vegetable Pills aro the very beet medicine that can be taken* to 'bring relief. These pills are specially compounded to deal with dyspepsia, and their sterling qualities in this respect can be'. vouched for by legionseof users. Beet sugar to a total of fourteen million tons is produced every year. A Powerful Medicine. The heal- ing properties in six essential oils are concentrated in every •bottle of Dr. Thomas' Bcleotric nil, forming one of the most beneficial liniments ever offered to the use of Iran. Thousands can testify as to its pow- er in, allaying pain, and many thou- sands more can certify that they owo their .health to it. Its wonder- "fug power is not expressed by its cheapness. ..• 11.. ARRESTED. "Uncle, I didn't knew doctors were policemen." "Neither did' I, dearie. Why do you think they are?" .'_'Because when I was sick the doctor said 'hewas goin'' to arrest the fever, and I'm sure he did, be- cause it never came backt" KING' WHO WOULD BE LOVED. An eccentric -monarch' was Freai- eriek the Great, whom his subjects called "Old Fritz." One day, in passing along the streets of Berlin, he .noticed that a man left the side- walk as he .approached and cro sed over to the other side of the street. The king called him back, and ask- ed why he had done so. The poor fellow began to traernbie, and stammered, "Because—you are. —the king, and I --am afraid of. you." ! i "Afraid 'of . me!'' shouted the monaroh. "I don't want my- sub- jects to be afraid of ine, but to love me.. I will teach you a lesson !" and hebegan to, beat the man with his eagle, crying out "Next time when you meet me, don't eross'the street,' but greet me with eyes that betoken love i Do you understandl" And the unlucky culprit, cringing beneath the vigorous blows of the royal walking -stick, promised that he would.not fear but,bove the lung. "My dear," said Mr. Clarkson,' "I don't' want you to think I have any desire to criticise you for the. way you manage; but, really, we must try to live within our income. "Within our income) Goodness! And be; regarded by ' everybody in our set as eccentric ?'g flinani'e Linitnont Cures. Colds, Sto. VE YOU A, BAD SORET 4f Go, remember • these facts---Zere- 3uk le by far the most widely used halm in Canada! Why has it be' Dome so popular' Because, it heals sores, cures skin diseases, end down what is claimed for it. Why not let it heal your sore? Remember that Zan-Buk is at the same time healing, soothing, and, antiseptic. Kills poison instantly, and all harmful germs. It is suit- able alike for recent injuries and .diseases, and for chronic sores, ul- cers, etc, Test how different and superior Zaln-Buk really is. All druggists aid stores that S0c. box. Use, also Zana -Bak Soap. Relieves saniblhrn and prevents freckles. Best for baby's bath. 25o. tablet, TRE FIRST. A young couple in Berlin are re- ponsible for the following adver- tisement in one of the Berlin news- tea rs 'Wanted—A governess who is a good stenographer, to take down the clever sayings of our child." Peevish, pale, restless, and.siekly ohildren owe their condition to worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- teeiniuetor will relieve them and restore health, "Where can I got a drink in this town ?" asked a travelling man who lanclesr at a, little town in the ail region of Oklahoma of the 'lane driv- er. "See that, millinery shop over there 1" asked the driver, pointing to a building near the depot. "You don't mean to say they sell whiskey in a millinery store?" exclaimed' the drummer, "No, I mean that's the only place here they don't sell it," said the 'bus man. �Ifnerd's. Liniment Co., Limited. Goa lemon,—In June, 98, I pati -my band and wrist bitten and badly mangled by > �'icions horse. I suffered greatly for era] days and the teeth cuts refused :to heal until your agent gave ane a bottle of MINA1iD'S LINIMENT. wide)). I began using. The effect was inaiical; in ilio hours the pain had ceased and in two weeks the wounds lead completely healed and my gland and gran Were as well se ever. Antoin41,f i2, Tours truly, E. ROT, rias() 3I or. PAW KNOWS EV.ERYTBING Willie Paw, what is tact? Taw—Tact is thinking that a man is a liar when you are afraid'to tell gum so. A Mild Pill for Do li.cate Women. The meet delicate woman can un- dergo n dergo a course of Parmele,e's Vege- table Pills without fear of unplea- sant consequences. Their action, while wholly effective, is mild and agreeable. No violent pains or purgings follow their use, as thou- sands cif women who have used them can testify. They are, there- fore, strongly recommended to wo- men who are- prone to disorders of the digestive organs than men. ONE WAY. SilIicus-"Do .you believe in long engagements 7" Synicus—"Sure I The longer a mail is engaged, the less time he has to be married." When Your Eyes Need Care Try llnrine Eye Remedy. No smarting—Feels Flue—Acts Quickly. Try It for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. .Murine is compounded. by our Oculists not a"Patent 3fod- icino"—but need In successful Physicians' Prue - Deo for many years, NOW dedicated to thePub- lics and sold by Druggists at l'Sc and 60c pernottle. Marine Bye Salvo in Anoptie Tubes, 2;io and 60m alierins Eye Remedy Co.,' Chicago ORIGINAL SIN. Wife= -"John, what is original sin ?,a Husband—"Apple stealing, I think, my dear." Corns .and warts' disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure without leaving a scar. During the past thirty years over three million excel have been re- eeived'at the London cattle markets from America. Niinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. A little lad was desperately i11, but refused to take the medicine the doctor prescribed: . His *mother fin- ally gave up. "Oh, my boy will die, my boy will die," she sobbed. Presently a "voice piped up from the bed. '"Don -t cry, mother. Father'll be home soon and he'll make me take it." TO DRY UMBRELLAS. Should Be Opened !!e That Vie Atr Can Get At It, At this time of year, when there is more or less rain, it pays to be careful of your umbrella. A wet umbrella should never he rolled up, nor even placed in an umbrella jar point downward, because that al- lows all the moisture to run down to the point, where it cannot get any fresh air and it will soon rust the ribs and rot the cloth. Many persons will stand e wet umbrella in a sink or wash basin, which would net be so bad if they would only place it point up so that the air Could get to the part to which the water drains. The right thing to do is to open or hang it somewhere that the drippings will, not do any damage, This lets the air get to every part of it and it will soup be dry again. A good umbrella, properly taken care of, dried open every time it is used, will last for 10 or 15 years; but .one that is put away wet or point down in a hall stand jar will' shot last more than a season, Yisitar• "Where were you horn, my little man7" Tommy----"Scot- laid, Sir!'T "What part?" "AU of Iue, sir t" CAT PAW PlU i l`.I SOU Embody the patented features of Cats Paw tteets. iso TERNATiJf 'iL FLY WAY°' Pradfests tin Tn rnemtaus Loss from Mies 1514 coat tea Yernets of Canada, ealirnx of doilareenapally ay ratardln-I>:eg,err$,or!Arsons( otanlarsiu ala41q:'remiriu1er1Fir ilw. rred;r*tan oto. ud.4Uyconatast aunoyingt2aWtaalsWloosneor l very fanner or atorktaiser knows Das staterneas to ba true from hie owe experience. Flirs also (Auua greet. lora of ilfn by Spreading Dtaaa,cs groin term to t" 'Imarnatloasl. ply 'NAYmilt kcap tilos o3 y, r nlmeir said give thele pocket rsr( trosu tkew pce.lfirO + icsecw, ,htc5 s cni rnrka you more recency In a fer-,r production of Intik or much quickergrorvtk of ella• Mage. SAVE Youn 6TOC Dy Ue i 449RTERKIA'11IOGIA1. FLY WAY., It ix 'pealtirely rant",4 to Qtr effective 16 Prising' Away 1'5si, Woyvitas, and ethrr Dime Cm wbtellworry ure :andncdurnClutrcoalo •cspaea7. Tt is barnyt a+ to ebo lair and Men and Mit be found glgiMaatlel"L"). whoa used aeeordrr4 to .. WoplsceCUT tiy.',�..iofreputationoot etteck C6 "'Internacional 7)y 1Y�7; nod 6Cu 7Ja. W LetYlt OR our5ocltvo gnu -014a. FuY SALII A2 Att. D£.ri.zrs. I5TERli5T1ON4L STOCS FOOD CO.Un-ited,TOROAT0 lie. IQ slf i 14, T WITH COOP:iR'sv FLY ;SNOOKER it pays to Dap your stool/trim er 9105-coutonted cora EIvo ifmoro milk; horses work harder anden loss feed. Costa less than 35 cent a bead per dor. Neu raaaer's n, Koaegar and savoraoney Bas_ to nee-- uconoinleai--.erdoleut--sso. Qnarta. {i,npertal) 600; Gallons (imperial) special circular free-tel)e what othora ear abouteoepor'o, Any dealer or WI . COOPER a HEPIEi'a - - TORONTO 1.41 h.- t: are hatched in 'manure and revel In faith. Scientists have discovered that they are largely responsible for the spread of Tuberculosis, Typhoid,. 17xphtheria, Dy, isO ryy, Iatfa>at4I�s Dista.>sem of the Iiiowela, etc, Every Packet of WII *SON'S FLY P will kill mere fiiqs than aeo aebeet4 of sticky paper.. AIL€t fidW. DAWSON, onto, ALE - G040ma Fires 1c WL' THOUSAND DOLLARS WI buy beautiful hundred sores in Northumberland County, tncludius Stock and Implements. Thera is In the atopic 4 bursas. 1a cows, etc, This in A geap, and Can be had on easy terms. Passeesien aft once. ri ODE FARMS IN ,LINCOLN, WELLAND, lir Halton, Peet. Tork, Marham, North.- untberland,. Prinne Edward counties at reasonable 'nriceR. LBEAT4, 4AS1fAT0114W.N'' Manitoba lands in largo o Meeks, punct! TRUIIT FARMS—ALL SIZES._ IN TKa Niagara Fruit Belt. 11. W. DAWSON, Toronto, -. SPROITED AND UNIMPROVED OVED ]Flag Lode, BIS to $30 per aura. Write fo Tno, Soott•, SFllitewopd, frtuk. SOMI$ FOR SA.I.E. A 11SOLTiTELT "PIRS'5.C'LA.a8 ist'E:tPk tit s per cent, avid Bonds at par. serest half yearly. Paridculars co spial. ention, L. P. Snyder, Traders $auk, Toronto. ALE LELP WANTED. T-) ALWAYS 1L ` for positions in etattinne. Thceo men aro Placed in positions ak £tee. as we emit' Prepare them. Railway ofitelais endorse our f?ebool. Now ie the time to ^mahe ax• rangetnenie for i+:nlI studies. Free nook No. 30 ertphtins, DominionRailroad- inf. Toronto. Mf5CE1.4,4141R'QU4, 1T AND FAit1+1: SCALES, Yrtlson'ti ▪ Peale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. rye EN GREENHOUSE PLANTS, 51a.. .!- prepaid. W. M. tiarburu, florist, /Conseil, Ont. l`t ANCER, TU:BIOR3, LUMPS, oto, Irx+ iJ t5rnal and external, cured wttbon% pain by our home treatment: Writs us botoro too late. Dr. Sellutan Iiedtcal, Ca. Limited. Colitnrwood, Ont. . TON SCALE GUARANTEED. l'filson'a 0 Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto gni AS11 ADVANCED FOR, APPROVED %J Pntentaale Inventions, Pateute pro. cured. bought, sold and developed, Writd for .free booklet. The International Patoa! Syndicate, 803 Iinthurst St., Toronto. DY ENOs I CLEANING Fertile tory bort, send your work to the "BRITISH AMEitiIGAN DYEING GO." Leek for agent fp your town, or scud direct. Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec* When buylny your Piano„ insist on ialavin9 an to +170 N IGEL'.. Piano Action Xs. i :sem" 'L3 X MC, s` CREOSOTE] 331.1tra. "3.6E9 �e�a :2ffi Prot,aot— Preserve— E3©autify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LAi$B;r6£IR & GO., Limited 13741 Bathurst Street TORONTO COW COMFORT la guaranteed to keep Flies :eft your Cattle 52.00 PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of'water. Write for "a: gallon now to THE MACUlRR0 IMPERIAL CHEESE CO., LTD., WOODSTOCfe, ONTARIO. Sole Mfrs. -Tho Sagho Manufacturing Co., Limited,' Montreal. 0 CRUISES -OR TED- Snot: CLEVELAND (10.500..Tons) From New York Oat. 19, 1915 From Son rrazitnneeo Feb. 9, 1913 Will 'call Spain haft, ' t India, Ceylon, Sirnitn S&il}uruoexa, awe, ?Weeny iuos, Chloe, Japan, N vicii' is d With O'miand'American'Toun INLA4413 EXCURSIOIRS SAND SIDE "T PI'S OPTIONAL(( 07 Picas leAttila TOtidiTeru(sk,us action 110 � Days Each ® hadui5,^.. ail nrae. esaary "3enaos °Q alwastl rr f eek ase: ACk mama oho koc mods the Cratne: Wiffa f?r ,`,$oo ter. HAMBURG.- AMERICAN' LINE 4145 S000AOWAY,, D3. Y. or Ocean Steamship Ageocy, 6S Vonge Jt., Toronto, Canaan. THE ARL1i1CTOtl O0. of Canada, Ltd. e6. Fnaxce Avc0us TORONTO i W Aelp.mida adte ;6a tae linsataxuw tion of Waear- Proof Collaxo avermule. A.'u to nee. and Io no other. Ail at0rea or direct fes 25c., •. WHOLESOI'MIE A PPE T Z CIA For an added ,tasty touch' to luncheon, picnic, or garden - party nothing.,, can excel these fine flavor"'ed, carefully packed, d"clicious little. Put up up in Sault: y` ekagos Get T •°0 tVIO Trade supplied by John W. i3iclile & Greening, Ilarnil ora. senteia