HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-8-8, Page 1WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS • "' t AND WEDDING INVITATIONS To intended June brides; whin have'aiot already ,ordered their invitations and announcements from the Advocate, we would like do say, that we, have an lei cellent assortment of wedding stationery tar, cabinets, etc., printed to ytour Iikiti at a very reasonable cost. ri If you nava a piece of .prop!erty to- ss' and you Banta ;tae ahl ; t y t4 do.. ecribs :t izr an std 111 tba awns si np1e way yea. would ago its' a. ,than cs?lled, up on your tielep:Ko',se, tend asked fee, You to tell t:f:.: akau.t :t, -then yo,u„• cia sirs'ed advertsscinsnt, publist.cd with a 3ittto pere',stenee, wail sell yowar pro- pe.rty to the .buyer w io needs it most. TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR Loca1 Items With seine =longitudinal stitches in his heart, John Thompson Iles in the Perinsylva rlta Hospital, and. the.. sura geode have every reason to beliieve he will recover from stab wounds he re- ceived. It was ztece;ssatry, to saw away three of his ribs, to repair the injuries. to the heart, n the puts rc <choots of tiaitirnore the .e_•of,5 67 pupils were examined by the $ ordtnardy used, andthe results are i resting a s- ggestn'e « 9,051 pu- ?r; found r defectivet_ve eS] t as to tit :- hoot k usrafa:. t 53t,; per estiof .t , a�t• re notbe t pt ,d r<0 in the enjoy of normal ision. but curious'; en i" the percent e of defer- Live e.) es ht sedwi h e age of the pupils. e port rtcomt ds yearly ex- amin:.'1Kns ' 'rear' . of t le pits' eyesight. The tat perce re, arty one-fifth of the total mber "' ed, found to be in no condition to *a Got work at all, is a warning to par 's I'd school authorities all over the count ' It shows greet negli- gence and ignora ce on the part of arents. where the responsibility r. sts- place. and where periodical ezta nations of the pupils' eyesight bySchooluthor ities will place it at. East.' -Phi delphia $nqulrel'. EER ONTARIO, , T HENSALL Mr. Henry Ricker and, two daughters r3 of the 4th concesoion of Hay, had a. very tlarrew escape from serious injury on Saturday night last. They were driv- ing, into Her sail with*, sonic pr c-duee wiles they ,met ay, auto going in the op- posite direction. Shortly afte€ passing the auto the horse made a plunge into tee ditch whop at, this point was Quito deep. ; The rig upset• and the horsel started oft at breakneck speed. Luckily, however, the eross-bar of the shafts and. parts of the harness broke, and the. horse was freed. fro.°rr the rig, other, wise results. 3s,:'a'tt have been serious, as a weree e w` all n alsed in the lois with little c:~anca of escape if. the breakages had o taken Owe. Th horse wasca later np� � p: turea" abouthalf a. mile up the road :tone the worse. The reran Of the auto conveyed the nit, to Henssh aatd. the ladies to their honyo, Mtfns Alice Hart +t@.it for London last week, -Hiss ,lfatt:b Ellie to sloping re- lattves ::rn Gode Ir:atF-lfrp, J. Patterson of Toronto is v! -siting' relatives here.+ Jure. Barnus1 of Detrla`It is the guest of ,,her ,?.other, Mrs! 'Netab'Iit.-Dr. Hutton, jr., and wife of 'F'eteet Were t;ueete at Chas McDoneli's.--ass Doherty of Loddon Is the gayest, oat her brother Bey W. Dot;erty;--d ss Edith l.lcEwen, wbo hats been towelling ,5n Naw Qntar's,1q 1.crtla. for the holtdayls, ;1xtes `CheraPeOs of Toronto de tin t guest of her grand-, Parents, Mr, and firs' Robt. Ca,•lasle-- BV•ss Lou .ECCotl or Regina, Sask., has ben wpendtng a few days at thew' home 9t co.GCasey'-'Iv, Mr. Doherty nag pGrchased a handsome Ileo touring; car.-Jalnss Bullard, whsr le at Grand ., c of a 'd, w i alta K p- ia ;.. la very in alts as 1r ndit'lesst- INt1i, ;ole has disposed ot, Mie Cos homes tat ?fir Porterfield. who last oprUu d'<epo4aat of lateral in A very quiet 'wedelbaX took place at ttno ham et 'gra. Ja.v. Bell en July t, when her daughter Helen was near o Hugh lafcEwen, sea `of Alex, Children of bn'Vht, parents age not, natural' estuptd, tv:.hon etudy is die - lilted, study :as palhlful. Suspect their eyes rather thala condeut1n thdir tellect, We =Ito a epeefalty of exani fining Children's eyes with our tamoua method of loolcing :tn1Z7 the, eye. We prescrible gla,'eags only when spec - hatch. necessary olnd gue4intoo sate taction, The holiday bane Sivas, an ex- cellent opportunity 't'o brains rn the ehtildrep. Wedding Rings & Marriage Licenses . Fitton. ` Optomeirlcal Specialist pronnwoosmosonnammonsw tit Rev. ,E. mai smith perforated ony; They will, settle on the groo'n'r fine farm, just outside the cor- peratto3n,-Mr. Jolts '3,,IcIntYre has 're* turned from a month's vls;t„111'rOrenlra, --Mrs. John Petty .lei still very 111.-] re4 H. J. D. Cedko anad, daughter Ireton aro Sesta of tiara, S1111'rraJ,yf-Rev. David I3ue'nugn, wife and children epont a couple di days Kalb ht's parents, prier to ,.starting for Cal?tarnla, where her. Huchana"n wdl.l enisiaVe ;n stir rslonartr work, -Jt s Buchainaat, B.A., hue gone to take :a po'edtion in that actuary de- partment o-partment of a leadkln>; inouranco com- pany. Mrs. McAvoy spent Saturday in Lon-, don. Percy Grinds was in Atwood ea`I?ue; ness this week,' Mite' Oliva Henn left yesterdkay to visit her brother hi Nce-wich. 'wars. Mitchell of, Siaffat is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gibson in Usborne. Gordon Marshall has returned frozen a trip to Stoney liounta:n and Winni- peg. i;nni-peg. Inspector and. Bars. Ton of Godeelcl; are vis_ting with. relatives in town th;.s week, tars, Ed.Dyer of Brankford is, vis - her parents and relative Itlag TeWe. Mr, 'WM,. Kydd andk,wife, lairs. Moody and Mrs. C, Hare and 'family of [1's - borne left Tuesday 11!g-rtt, for Regina?, T.to Canrtipg Factory -commenced Ore' ratIoa yesterdtr} ,after' he:11g afiutt down for ' evenal dat'o, awat t ng', the, crop. Mrs Willts Powell gs? re a° birthday party on Thursday afternoon la. h4Yllar of Miss 11.3elva ai.ncl, lister Holland V9e4lit; of. Jra.nv'rit%cirt... Mr. W. J. Weptaway of 3Fpntreal. 1Ir Percy Westawaiy , of iF,oxidart and ‘Mr. Leslkc Hearte, of I-lamilton, ars v slung rat :lir A. J. Ford's- Mr, ord's,'1Ir•. and Mrs,. H; J. Gianlvjlle of .yan- over, is. G., ire hare: vieWIng wtth ends and relatvee for a coapt tnonihs, hawing r{rrived, yesterday. H. Baker, accompLnied by 11, daughter. Was Beatrice. le vlettln here wktth her sister, Mrs; Trott Bealnsviile, aid o'1!ter relatives a friends.; M. 1`. W. Topa; wf5 , and two e1 Oen of Toted, Ofhiot-afttt' visiting at ataeltiliac. t i;ob„ grad also 'GoderielA, are Visiting with r'elattves l;ere and of Grand Fiend for a: few, .days.; Mr. Torts le a dlsclhlo of Isaac Walton and whfle art Godenlelt indulged in some ,. ves,:p plsaaaat black bass fishing, catching all ,t he law would, allow each day, D , AUG Crediton 8. 1! rERs & OREEC:l Slee the o:t for the streets has aa- 'has reed every other day. Un less a r,'in come* p a day or so the ail w7:11 Pa put on, as :t cspaeted tiaai-e wr1 besouls trot dusty days he,. fors the su;1.mar is,. past, .Robert Huicl2i t son has cornnrencedt weric at the foundation for y ;re abut- rnMtsoP k:ssery's bric}ae, in the n:eap. talent Cas old wooden structure `'s being torn dowtA .led tlae _ta.roper drawn to yard' th town, Alonzo Hodgins ovoregailq tie worts for the Township Miss Martha Wenzel or Itetroit 2 t 44 �.�i 'fin Tat FSMT :#MM K,ltP ,for . M} wweeks, Sea Wap 4tceSA9aaParded by'4M1ss"Alma Hill who 'tits=ted lira&fids in the city- tor,,a row weeks_` `€rs. Li los of I;rgerpoll ie, w1414inyt nes l' 4n4 3,rr* Chr,letiai 4 llc tr r ta ej nellton ret he ,look t Pert, ,Art;hu . hint .hiss ifs ,.saa;3. Zvi It r elf goer; visiting' 1i . and MMM"rs', Qh 9... Z Harr; ae rzezet\. Her='ry iuintx and nSwe"Itzer .610, 'tea eftlo I:'o:nt, o Tuesday ;'rr a £lab. What auecase the *nail. rn,F4a h -a rn''�"ns4 la:teiera�. sr troln 3lcre ,teak iri. ) ay `0. rayon at Gr. 1 Tucsdpt'. a:sl: Mea Fred room' Tueorkrty attar a eller. i rade in. Loatlaartt and Wyronntn b at3d Roy Fainter played whit t Atiaa i1lraik to inn against the ' Sarni Sarnia on '-WAaslov., They re tt Read time even t IEN �? E Eft SCHOOL EIOM D Fall ' iiaMtoupCetuont The Exeter Public School begs `t intending students are deslred. t' present: The a,iml.of thq B zt ; e to, provide( a sound educatlost Tort the; various walks Oontinuatien- Class (Section for Tuesday goptombor Ord, at 9 n. 'm.. when all to .life, Connmereal, Industrial and Prete<selenal, and to carefully train rose udder their carp for a true and honorable Canadian eitlzenehlp. The cour,ae covered is complete for Model, ursday) the Normnd Unty E. pe Baseball Game ho -dirt .(T'}1 g saal#tent:analo lvere:Sivea tontrancet~'tca CeSrne- Irreh a15ne ar. Ltaaa,n,nn_ Ys Easter Sr., at m relal Departz ent. As a rural, Ii.'gi1 6 o'clock sharp. trp 8 w!U bo a fast' SO11001 special 4'ttkenttrora le given to 'thq and inter,eat_ng b;aDnOO,\ needs to,;'both thq farmer and the tartlzan The standing et the -school :s "Govern- Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. PAP Ed softer of Sas , na•F, are .spend.ing a few weeks kwitri ate tatter's pair eiikts, .Tri .' and „Mrs. X., KIrnstive ;-'sees Violet and 13eatrtce C= •ay h e1 lett tat weep tor Saginaw, 11.4.., to -spend the:r vacation, -Mr., and lir D. puff epont. Sunday ig r e n s :.3 Sea'ruri11,1-Mian Maud Hartle:b teff Saturday to YFs:t with friends in Hick- ). --Mr, and Irs_ Alvan ;f:c:tolsan and t sl forme -es mother of "flake were the u stss of &Mr, •a :dc Mrs. Jonas Hartleib uarday!-'Mr. ?Sid Mrs. Peter Ilabere of Zurich spent Sunday with the latter's, lxarenat@: Mr, ed Mr's:. Jacob kioeder,; t• a 3 *'tl Metter Y i.�eksQa"l Spent Sunda wa.,h fr`rnads t a the vdllage, M;, and Mrs. Louts Rup_: t e. Buffalo are tee` tag with, Mr. and, Firs, 4i n l,Im. at the Com -mere -4k. Hotel f (Or a fen les Katie Vermeer o C-'ourt- a fintrendinr: a few days under the ,ntal cat.--,t,'ss pa Granger ranger of Sa�,.nla vta,tinS her ];rahol' pa'o is a;d M. Bender, hare.- ;"diss Ker - of Usborne, formerly; eebxsel teacher rya,, Public Sctrool herrn was tt;e of t elf IIx, antd, itiitis', P#tll'->7' Faseelti �Miss Enaana.'Etesnalt et Londa:. ;ng' ayfew; fdays will Mr. and, Tienaatn. Mr, arab Airs, W. *atI.iondeut a,ccompansed by Gadd of ;Vert 111,6 n event snday with, the latter' Mrs. Frei Go,s a stn. of -Stratford we, a t e gouda7,4741r. seed. daughter, Evelyn of. visiting frtendrs axe.. w vacate.-- Her. letee the age h last Sta -, . i•• T„.eo, 1i trtlf`;it icSft aa" 4lodlerltcit, wki ere they oettiems in za Betel are t.Iahn =At whe hag business for the la)tt'. -eel; east tiro bSeineeq'i . Mr. Draft Mali. qday wet Welt htptl' dip arae sieved ,rule ,-Quite a turn int Tueadiny stet Gala DaY tut n PHONE 18 • lhn Out yrt,i SelIi-ng Out $12,000.00 in dry goods to ' be cleared out by Oct. lst. Summer Dress Goods at less than cost FODVARDS REG. 25e. SALE PRICE17c. A YARD, REPPS REG 25c. SALE PRICE 17c. A YARD. MUSLIMS -REG 10, 13,. 1$c. SAI E PRICE 8, 10, 12c. YARD. MULL REG 50c. SALE PRICE 35c. A YARD. All Wnitewear to be cleared at a disc. of • 40 per eent Ladies Hose SILK ;HOSE REG; 50c. FOR 40c. PER PAIR. BLACK LACE LISLE REG.' 50c. F.OR 45c. PER PAIR,. BLACK EMB. LISLE REG 35c. fFOR 28e PER Pn IR, REG. $1.25 ,FOR ,9Bc. REG. 50c. FOR 43e. 75c. FOR 5.5c;: 1,00 FOR'. BSc. REG. $L25 FOR '95c. REG. \$1.0Q, -FOR '85c...' 7,5c. -FOR 63.e. 50c. FCIRo. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce, ment Approved." It 3s exceedingly well equipped as to play grounds, lavortaEory: needs, Library 'rind StAff., The wotrk so far, jiae received atrongt arprcval front bods' Public and Contin - havinfa alta ciasc qt ,Ezeter,• Frazer lirownn said. Louis Carey s est Sunda(v 411 Coder:eh, sep5' Trust ;raid, Sam 13rown ,are. eon ,Mich., attending the. tu;teral a daughter of ` Mr: and ;tire. \lose Brown. Miss Short ot London has been v:t Sting her friend 31tes ,Pearl Heist the past week. Frank Ftlttkbe,nor of '•London epetlt. Sunday 'Jn tows with; hijs Parents. Air. And. Mrsl. Ben Bea,,rand.sas.nd In - trent' sas>n at ilat'ro;P ape v,, attlns Mra, Sarah .Bertr,andtaxi a., flaw weeks. Rev. Burn exchanged pulpits last Sun. day with Rev. 7':nunernall of Stratford AU were delighted with the visiting pee tor's sermons, I E37YTER COUNCIL Meeting lot the Council hold in the uattan scJwol Inspectors, and is rank- Town. Hall, ,Tueaday ev rdnfi, Aug. 211,d1 ed with; the theft ih' the ,Province: Members all present;, iatlnutes of thq nounce the re-oper4fgg of the Vii. S., >nr' The staff remains as, for the Easter term and far, Os IL SI., Section is rte follows.; --W. B. Wdidenbammer, B. A., Honor Graduate of Torent0 Unitvere'_ty and Specialiilst ihn l fodern Languages, Higher EngliIsh, Ilfathesnatica and. Sci- ence; Miss Edmonds`, First-;clasa?atandr dins' -classics, Enlglith history amd reading ; 14i?ts's Cajtnnpbell, First-class iSianding, the Coirninereial and Jun,onl work. Tien H. S. Serifiojn is open to; all who have passed. the Entr ance, and parents and guardians are asked to see that registrajt.on of intending students us made w!rh, •.tisk least possible delay. For information as to courses' apply to the Pri'neiipal, .3. GRIGG, Secy GRAND BEND. Mr. and Mrs. 'In;oanhjs, viho havebeerr vlsitiprg at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page's', have gone to their- hemp' hi Detroit. --i James Bullard, who arrived here from Hensel', was taken 111 of appendicitis at the Brenner House a,nd hat( to be moved to Mr, James Mollatrd'e, . wh;ere he has been tinder the doctor's_•cajrei Hn ,its now . on t1)h 4r d, , Mr Charles Pago left • last, week for Detro$t.--Mri Russell Patterson • left for; the Wetst on Tuesday., --Mr: Wm.. Dur sford of near Exeter viis:ted,riLr,e."Pi. Baker last week -Mr. Cyrus Greets hiss' beep, yin Port, l;iuron for a few ' da,cys.-Whge, working at the. dock Mr, Joys. Disjardine had Ms ankle ba][itly sprained; which will lay him oft world file atime.-All the hotels and boardkng houses are filled up with v:ie4ors,.-1 ho farmers are busy at the hairvestt-Gti'aavd;' Bend was the: scene of celebratlbey aid merimnjaking Tuesday, on the occasion of its annual gala day. Races e . land and water were conducted b,'y.' the cotta'ge{rs. A. water carnival waist held on Saturday night and most cif the,,visittors took part 1ir1 a water parade, whish .trade its. way down the river to the late.; Mr. C. B. Chapman ;took first prize for dee- orated boatis,heirs float {being, made up in Japanese pagoda style, with lanterns. and bunting. Messrs. A. ?. Blowes of Mitchell, and C. Ward: sof London took 'sec 0/1.9 antt d timed neers. John Berk of Bertin v:sirted do town, yesterday. on his way back' froman out- , at Grand Bend_ W INCEIELsEA' -Ivlr Ernest Nuttcombe of Detro;i is the guest:of- R, 'Batten.- Miss,Rhea {Ge.db,olt _hasaiccpted a :pojsltLon' as bierir ythth VQ QJ $k nnner 'Miss Edith ^4 ueist tiff Miss' Elim��Sar V . ` G Me da%t ins. . few'i Yt W .. tiY Keit of a' few da(ys thgts `V Routly ' land, Mfrs., i 'bee were ,ru�e.!ats &tj <D laet snleeting wore read nod approved. Mr. 0`, i,'tr. T,ay1op thtertfiewed ,the Coun- cil re. the pu$Iotk to the detain on Vic - torte street, starting ttbh.4 the ten Inch, five 'inch and. el; inch tiles runan3ng, into the eight :nob t icLwas dapuning "up his drain and 1a111ng hie cellar with water every bent therq wast. a frdshlei, *and wanted the Councf1to tatke action. Thq Reeve replied that the council would tnneet Mr. Taylor. at kik place and go $sato the smatter with hiin, Seott L:evett--That the following ac- counts ba Jpaid ay read ;- W.:cirkl ;tete ret labor, $1.88; Robe Sanders ; W) Davits $1.50; W. V11{s $4t3 ; H. Fond $17.12; T. Brock, 'sr., 0,5.2.5; Jahr/ Duncan $11.63; W. Westeott $10±;87; E. Heideman $12.60; G. W; Orangq $2.50; T. Webster $3,75; 11, Horrn $5,25; N. Vale $2; J, Bell .$1$.,60; J. Morley '$2.35; F/. B1o;omfield'$16.88 J. Weekes $2.50; J.; Klydd ,v 1; Thos. Houlden, pumping and wtering, $57; T. Creech teaming and freight, $32.25 W. Gillespie do. $211 J. Sweet, labor, $1.2- 50; 11. Davtis $4 r al, ,Elliott 11.12; B. Brickwood $5.50; T. Hazelwood $8.50 Sid Sanders $7.87; Electric Light Co., $139.40; T. Hawkins & Son ,$6.15; Ross -Taylor Co. $15.80; Exeter Times Printing Co. V8.5t1; Imperial Oil Cot $3 r 71;Ca,nadabn Brass Co. S8 ; J. 'N. Howard $2; Dr. Browntifg, B. Health $12; T. B. Carli;n', pt. savary, $25; .1.' Ford, do., $31125; W , ,J. Bissett, $37.50; Exeter 1Bahnd, $50p00., L,evett-Rivers=11hat By-law • No. 9„con firmthg 'Hive Board. of Health, as read, be finally pajsser1 . ar�n d` Ford- R'ivens-Tihat r the Reeve _ and Clerk bol}row $500 fo current expens- es.-Carried. xpens-es. 0arrted_ Levett-That we 'adjourn to the call. of tris Reeve. - 1', B. Carling, Clerk. HARPLEY Mr George ,Patrlicic'of, 'Lucan ie via- it:ng h s daughter, Mrs. Roy SherrittM for a couple et weoksL.O-Mies Mattie, 'Hod;in"s of Detroit is spending a week under the parental roof. -Mr: and Mrs. Fred Falls and son Charles of Ont- ario, Cal;, accompanied, by; Mr and Mrs. John Biollard and, daughter, Mies Blanch also liaise L Bien Patterson of 'Blast' Jordan, Mich., ere spend ng the week with Mr. and X41 e;, 'Thou.. Faili0 and• fanvily.-Mr: and ` Mas. Albert 'E. TaY. ler and family of McG_,ilivray, also Mrs:. IvToro and, two children from; Lindsay: and Mrs. Beacock, of .Gartwright spent` Sunday at. Mr: Jd.a J ' Taylors and also enjoyed the q"err on given by Rev _Drn, Jc saner a G,ranid Bend. The fall wilf4, as nearly' all harveeted, and the. carYr ,$r s are buoy tiaul.rit ba1Ysj-*�t i,>$isr 1t4 -asses •i rtes and Irabei .Turn-^ -;axe spec d ag ` �atwe k:•at the' poet' othoe ,=-MaasterkVPi e •Love entertained: -lie -friend •M e e ob. 1 a5] son. oft 3a.tuaday and .SrtnydB3 igrs, ldelkip also 'Are Sand tisoi , ,ln,nd dadgiS,tter Jest;ie andltaat dov>itcsifllnv aPeT1t, Sun last tweak.) „Ir. and 3 rs. S,4r`e of Iten'tteZni aa'q r1tottlag with t lends for it ,row dayq Jori'. S te11 of T,hetifor!,1 la sewing acctua''anttneoa In •Me village week. -Rev. and Mrs, Schroeder at ;t Clemens aro vta'ittit with ,tricnds tor a few weeps J. J. 7s,iernler. M. I'„ woia a, ciltezr in towel, Tuesday; 1112 s ICatfn Stirs op Hawaii. spent Sun- day sit her hope harsh-Mtilns Bertha G«miler, who has, been In Parkhill for paet two,months, ,returned to her horns lata 'Thursdaly.--Rear. staid Mrs G. Tbun accosupa1nied by Intls.parezite, and Mater, loft 3,1q1day for Cleveland, Ohio, to spend 'their vacattton,1-T to auction sale of household effects ot the late Mrs. Web- er was. held. Tueada:'r and was well at- tended.-3lIee Ada Sibert ot Toronto le holidaylig at her hone neve; Mr.r'and 3Irg. L. 'Ravello cif Grand Bend spent Sunday with the )aitter'a sister, Mrs, Bo'w 1N,G Eight' rinks of ,thq Exeter bo *iera held a little local' tournament on thelgreen last Thursdaly afternoon for prizes,twq watch che4hs, donated by Mr. Bawden, the wait nne..Z rinks to divide and platy Scotch Doubles f-1 the finals, The follow1na; ?e the result ,oe the rink tames,- {Fkr'sti Roundi R. N. Creech, sk.11' W. W. Taman,sk11 Dickson,sk. 16 W.J.Hcar nan. 'sk.11 S.G. Bawden, skk.21 Wt D. Ciarke,sk. a C. 13. Snell, ski, 15 E.J.Ctirtiatce, sk.6t Setrni? Finals S. G. Bawden, sin,, 21 L.H.Diekson,sk. 9 R.N. Creech, ;€k. \10 C. 13.. ,Snell, sk. 9 Finals C. Dyer T; Elliott W. T. Acheson , • Wt; May .. J. A; Stewart Et:, J. Christie S. G. Bawde;n, 'ski, 17, ft. N. Creech, sk14 Bawden 1100.0010000221311.4202-17, Creech io022210h1110000001020-14 This inane wap 'cons::dered. one of tine best over seed). on. the gtr'een. a On Friday everdingr t uS Scotch doubles were played, alnd timid prtizes went to J, A. Stewart, and; W. T: Acheson, who defeated S. G. Baden and C. Dyer, 17-5 MOUNT CARMEL, 1 At the ,maai'se_ Lucan, Ont., on July 24, the n axriag;e was solemnized; of 'Miss Belle McLellan, Mouttitt Caramel;; Ont., and Mr. ' Will:am Baumbach, London. Rev. Mr. Campbell officiated the bridal couple being attended; byl Bliss Christie McLelien, of London, alhid Harry. Baum, bach, of Sea(ram:viile. The groom's gift to the bride was, a, haiidsome p:ano;iof old En lilisb Oak, to the bridesmaid he gave a gold 'racket, and to the grooms- man a pearl reticle' pin. After the cere- mony, Mr 'and. Mrs. Baunibaciv,nnotored to Seagra nrillle, where they took tliq train for ieastern .poi tits., Upon, their ,rem turli, ,.thiey v+tt11 res:Ids at 13,9, Hill Street Londoni. BIRTHS .. Lovie-Maollard-Litre Stephen, July 31 .'to Mr and Mrs, Vita, Loyie a daught ter, "" Perkins -In H'eh,sall, ant July; 24, to Mr, and Mrs: Wen. Perkins, a- son,. lathlc-ni Bl.kishard, July 25, to Mr. and Mrs Thomas Nagle, a son. "14.1ARRIa&0ES Oliver -alai es, Ili Stratford, on June 2'lth, 'Flnria :Hades, eldest daughter of Mr. ;and •MIS. .Arthur Harries of Tor- onto,. or -onto pgtQ- Charles, Oliver. w ,1, DEATHS use- Un B ddulph, ]u1y "4 Samu1 �'s'eq�eje tl4gyyear8 I r-. V L ,Laze IoF aria 1.ik1?e rase In?,August 4!s, vleldssa F aikbeaiver, beloved daughter df mt.,. and Mns. Matthew F nkbe.neT 24, years, 4,ltinont'h•8, 15 days. ktS' N�SSI',f" TO CO 0 AT THIS T1 OF THE ;YEAR. HAVE I'I`,1N ALL THE BEST GOODS. CALb AND HAVE It LOOK AT OUR Sum er 0 Wearing Apparel 4Y.ly i'13'lDE OURSELVES ON BEAM ,AND COaIFOR,T : OF • ALL. OUR 'SIMMER GOODS, Our Summer Suits WILL GIVE TOU ALL TEAT A MAI`;; NEEDS TO KEEP . FILM COOL AND CLEAN FOR THE HOT WEATHER. AND THEIR COST IS VERT VOIDER. ATE.y , 1 �,., 3 r a• i r,: d ' THEN, OF COURSE, WE PIAVE: ALL, THE OTHER LINES, THAT G0 T m TO HAK17 E P A COitiPLE II AND U. TO -D A'B STACK OF` Men's Furnishing s A FEW OP THE LINES ARE AS FOLLOW,- COMBINATION OLLOW,COMBINATION UNDERCLOTHING. TWO-PIECE 'tUNDERCLOTHING. SOCKS AND HOSE 'IN SILKS, CASHMERE AND LISLE. WINDSOR OVERALLS IN BLUE, KHAKI, BLACK, EPC. NEGLIGE SHIRTS, LOW COOL COLLARS. SOFT COLORED COLLARS. SOFT FELT H;4TS. STRAW HATS. PANAMA HATS. ' t RAIN COATS. LIGHT SUITS., r, We e reTailor e understand (tailoring and we know that we are do- ing when We , measure you. The'"TamanlMade-to ,Measure Clothing is . all that can be desired, in . ' clouting. The prices` range fro na $181 up to - $28, Tailor and Fur'nisl e� e 5F'