HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-8-1, Page 6EAT BRITAIN: PREPARINGIMAKING'SAFE INVESTMENTS TORONTO tORRESP•etillEIR UNICIPAL, MARKETS NOW APPEAR To sE VERY LOW, AND IMPROVEMENT k ELY, 3 Destroyers in i8 Months, and 8 Small, Cruisers to Germany's 2 despatch fom London says,: tia the debate on the iava1 esti- Metes in the House of commons bp Wednesday Winston Spencer Churchill, the First Lord of the ..‘d- Inirelty, replying to the criticism that he had made inadequate pro- Nision to meet the menace he had described, said, "We are spending , *45,000,00Q this ,year and we art, ,oing tot spend. more next year, We are raising the personnel of the Pavy,to 141,150 by 1913 and to 146,- 000 inI As regards construc- tion, Germany this year is laying *lawn two "new battleships and we lour, Next year Germany s layiug 40wit one extra and we two, This k.rezt-i. Germany is laying down, two email cruisers; we are layiug down eight. Gernaan,y inthee:allele, lathe rext 18 months is laying dawn 4estroyers; we 43. There ts ne ..141i4f5- for pante or earm. OU VORLD PREPAR.le Paris SAYS': the eve nggle for naval supremacy as the preva- lent opinion in France after careful stay of the recent speech by Wins- ton, Churchill in the House of Com mons. Tbe continuance of the riv- between those two countries causes a note of, regret here, but there is. an inclination to believe hat if it must go on France should arn a lesson, from England's pro- ^ ure and herself in•Crease her avy, The Matin,,, commenting on. the SUbjcet, says it is in a position to declare that Italy and Austria, at the instigation of GerrnanY, -Axe About to build additienal super - Dreadnoughts, ha regard to which nothing as been permitted ti transpire, Italy is to construct six these vessels, each, a 2ill,OSO tons AiSipla.eellICat and Capa,I",4 4:ft eteane- . mg at a, speed et ige knots, w n Austria is to build three, each ot them dieplacing Woo tees, The ewepaner cOntinues: "The ihdfil- eelt tat thiS programme will else IVY 'tb, present naval 'eqbrium the Medtterrenean ono, glve a big pai advalliarata to the Triple Allianee." TS FROM ENTRg8 IIC 4 .EPP41 TRAPS ; of Cattle, Crain/ QUO'S Petalues at lictMe end *bre; BIIRADSTUFFS. Wont*. Ailv et-neur-AVInter. oat. •petente. $4.15 to $4.22„ at nnea mad et $4.20, to $4,25 for Income %omen/ tt*:14' Manitoba Pero ithese onetattoe ere for lute bags. stn confrea bane lee more --rirat patents, s*.1111 sound pateatta Ss".. aU4. stroug bAlteeV. Kb on track.. Toronto. Ilanitebe WheareNo. 1 Noettern Ste, lel- Bey sots No, g at 41,2i, 344 No. 41.014, stoa.a. Bay _nettle aria Wheat --Nn. 2 winte. eta Pad . quoted at S1.413, 011t0itle- Noteitnal, lets 4.4 No. 2 Ontario quoted ix awl NO, 4 ea 44e. on *reek, W. C. feed. 44 to 1 at 43 to eths wirggn, Minneapolie. Jely 14 September, 94 3 4 or 1-4e. Closing' o 1 Northern, ro..OZt'2. u.'-Nlo e 3 4 whit Therefore, a Seed Time te GUY Bonds - There are Seale Other Ways ter a an fG use film money -mining SteekS Offer • SimPle Way to Get Rld f It, The articles contributed by "Investor" sre for the sole Purpose ot rudL11r Pros- Peetive haVestors, and, if Possible. of sav- log them from losing money through lacing- it in "wild -ear enterprises. The in -Partial aid reliable character of the information may be relied upon, 'The writer of these articles and the Publisher of this Paper have no interests to serve in connection with this matter other than those of the reader, "Investo/ The market for tuttniciPal bonds has been Pretty quiet during the at few months, Prices have declined and the arnonitt Of business has slackened, all berauSe of the fact that the London mar - i eot ie a reeentive mood. The rea- ProAn for London's nresent attitude axe several, First. of course. conies the un- easiness An, the political situation: then the Same feeling respecting the foreign. Oiation, The tremendous amount of is - Of recent years bas, toe, ealieed a in 'the market. And. Anaaltr. her ys necessary a pereed. ofdigeetion _ er aitY Peelongett peried eatiefying latungeraremencial or trhysical-end Eeg- aud bas boa gobbling up everyllaiete ha bee offered, for a leng 01110 Peat, and i maw ealelly ealoYing teat. while the Procese of aesimilation proceede, To Canada there iau wetaleceeeine the 0444334a ter reentemals, eltheweli ere. 0 t muse. (Mkt spells. elle le England bars resulted in 4 of pricee in maey eases, aue ntly there are niatlY srn to market at, preseat Selling siderablY below the Pricka of etfell_. aK4', ie nnito possible that it the. don market remeins quiet for a loeg ' d these pries may sheale a bit fur, Ilennily, however. the prebabllitY it long petted of Quiet in Englana mat likely. and as a natural eorollarn, ricee ere not likely to dePrese further. bahly cater a eriodof quietness the ree will begin ,t0 U1010:9 toward. for there Inservable at present a tendeney for epee cheapete aud with cheaper Money bonds eaneet tail to reeinned with o aevauce in price, Indeed, it aPpeare likely that within the next two some ef the Prim quoted lIt Pre. eppear att IOW 35 these �f 192a %nee de not like nalentieipal neveetteente heectece they eve •ei awl their yield is autall. 4.11 ellite tree. But the averege le/ Pinta awaY eaviegs iu• tt gettlfif to Complain beettuSe run out the institution fl Ie hie mosey, though. goof!, excitiere enough when it complain, however. that Wed le that be baa be own hands -be cm/ industrial bowie he aim a •ertele ououut of risk, varying in Position totbe tnertaln or uncertain e ter f fbo etentess. Bonds of %trepan - e anlYIng goo toccestiarNa of life, such honde ef the are Pealing cone Aour ete.. are, usually speak - e enough for the ItVer4K0 mem, To him for We elightlY greater risk bese bonds par a Onelderahly better rate lutereat. If be wants to take a lesser It thee the more apeculative industrial ode, but besitatee Over bUying the more • h. July 40,--Wheat-IN No, 1 Nerthern, 81. $1.9e4.8; July. Seat hid; December, 96•34e asked, riqr n --No. km rive By ports. and NTERESTING GOSSIP FROM ONTARIO'S CAPITAL.. "The People's Bob" and His Gbaracterls- tics-Torento Baseball Club- The Olfles Si/lances. J. Fleming, "the People's BO" of by - one days, has been in trouble again with e public:. This time the trouble liaa en with his Electrical Development which in supposed. to bring Niagara Powel; to Toronto to ran the street railway and all the factories which have not gone over to the Hydro lilleetric for their RI -o- nly. Every time there has beera little thunder hi the air and a cloud in the elfy the tumor has gone off, once for -five hours, leaving the pe,ople dependent on the Street oars to get bonte the best way theY knew how and closing down scores of fae- tories. 'What the trouble is no one qutv side the confidence of -ft 3"." knows. Tte sayS it won't °Mir again and you ean believe hire or not as von like. R. J. SlIb'DS HIS TROUBLES - It is a good thing that -H. J,- carries his troubles lightly. Ito tells a character- istio story on himself. One evening he was driving bleti oalone-"up the hill" to his etenfertable residence beyond the eitY limits; and therefore beyond the cite tax - gatherer. me big touring Motor ear eallght. Alp to a lad,v pedestrian labor:- 04011Y elbehing the neeline. Neth lbordike be aaked her to talo a "lift," Shs accept. ed, and explained that she bad been on, ale° to dq. room in a street there:, one man in Toronto a de. test.. She said vehemently. "it's that ra44 Fleming. Do you know Meer The general manager confessed that he did. "Do Toe 141KOt anY good* ghoul. him?" She asked. "Be." said at g•deblously, MIND' There bar always heen n impression that Sir William ,Markenzie chose Flom- Ineeattse of his "city hell influence," bat Ibis is doing the manager an Wino- Doubtless the real reason ot the choi0e wng as that Mr, Flemij5a, man of greet eeeniive 'c'aPaellY, such as the street railway Penile geeded, Mr. The-1We is 4 Produet of Toronto-- of the more or lees despised east end, as ar a befoot lad be played on the nualtiv banks of the Don, Dater ho wain cere. taker of Parliament street Metliodiet church, and reeently told of getting un at 4 o'clocIr On Sundey merninge to light the Ares. When be grew OP he etarted emitawl wood yard aud then 14eat, to real estate. He leek to Poaatelpal Politica 05 it dee); taken towater, /On was ;sleeted alderman. and did good work the Inesesement committee, 'Wimp it eamouneed he wee to run for Mayor thought it a 3olte. But be Tart WW1 ected, That watt 14 1891, When he bed E. B. 0sler, pew Sir Earanntl. ea afterwards he Was elected, read Wes ehair to hoome .essees, eeneeesstener, itienee to the street fs lm bad reverses; be Inv bia ennergsr end hie daring. Aught fIneneially In the land e Dinette& And be brie antlered pelts, Bet he hue a, philo, eTh rament. e scare of the are Mow being wiped out, abtry is Geld to he in the ot 92O, 924,000 a year. with an ocea- ono 10.080 beaus thrown in. TER BASBBALL PROSPECTS. gbt er COUNTRY try, thotee, ? 10 2e 5350 t'Us, al 2eto 2.1e; ereamer or solids. Is. 23 to ale a 4or,e0. se, 141-4o for large 83 per bus 11 to 12a When the Torento Bambini' Club etruelt hied place in the Eastern Beague tho tethers said thy h they attachline ed their • Indeed, before the Seavon opened beta e 11 ven 30110* were made that the Beats table indUstriale, he eon pureintse the bentures ot western townie Newell aro mild not litlish 080, two. three, Teeing , no moue niletegoe, ytt Aro sato the lesing awake iteitte Of tbe criticism 'enough abort of e natiouel calamity . DoS. wa5. dir"tect at Maleagee "'fee" KellY'• Thee said be did not maintain disolpline. f /le Avaat'll a biall degree et safety C'"'' andthat be did not supply the inenira. adian eity debentures, 'railroad equip. tin, gogeogry to utricko his toom of an end bonds and bonds Of Most 1Subtio sor. stars. get together. Put, he may fool the vice companion weuta answer big purnose, Indeed. if he were to Intv 'municipals at erwhieetelnuralelel4tie3rambylielseMsellattt obromil: alltirr"a. the present. time he would, as sittreestea rittniug, 6-tnette an the road the Dineero. above, stand a ver v .9.04. tmance et tank-. (mouse is that the Island grounds, where ine 4 inedest proat *mase they esh an intre _tee =Ten "tete a his eolteng.a, ey not onlY PUY. bint practise and live. are damp aud Pho thern m vheuatism. 1.1', In/Weyer, lie le a speettlator be can There is a, growing feeling that prates, bur sitaretn, and stand a fair thence of malting a profit it be uses deteretion and ebeiTnaltbotarobatoon IntheTbeyw thi7ranc1,1v1,9, does not buy on margin. At the present time, though. I do not thiuk shares A wise Pa*ere' and through them by the nubile. Baseball is all right. but atter all it is thinebur, Most ot thou are pretty high,. and enretty bioto „ aleam a gond Oniony a vorentercial Pr000sition, based thano for a fell, on human optimism, Aud it is rather too much to expeet every one of eight teams It he Is really deeperatr, and wants to raeke a "pile" or lose ell, lie has ihrres to be a l'ithnut Ivinner every Year' recouree to the equine' 'market, There his A TAXPAYING MONTH. , cinema are about 1,000 to 1 avainst his Tbe last week of July Is interesting to leyoem'keoth:e g'1/114y4thti,01Mffe, ibi an% miel'emIljnon agaekv: requiredtotpaareteheer tbresataufnesthaehniesnttheont forreal MoneyIheo . t wuld rather have the•minino oneen them his money here's the -year's taxes. The other instalments his ettance. They often make nice wall fsapleletdivlyi.n ASespyltenninberotaednallotivecaraeltrurrts paper -or insoles for boots that are too large. It's realer expensive. however. prompt payments. And for the last few S........____ es to the City Treasurer's office are days before the final date the approach - thronged with a stern andunenthusime GET ACQUAD.ZTED WITH YOUR tic crowd at thrifty ratepayers. NEIGHBORS. ons matter. The expenditure this year Financing Toronto has become a seri- will run.well over 39.000,000, a sum much beyond the requiremente for the ordin. If POTI are genteel in appearance and ary activities et the government. for the courteous in your manner, you will be entire Province of Ontario. Dere are welcomed in every borne in your localitY, some of the big item e whicli go to make when you are showing samples of oar sti- up such an impressive total: perior toiletand reliable remedies. The satisfaction Debt charges ...... ...... a $2,340,136 goods, houSehold necessities. Courts - ... which our goods give, places the users Police Department ... .. 683,500 linden- an obligation to you. whioh wina for you the same respect, esteem, and in. jail - ' •'••• - •'• "" • " -- 47.15° timate friendship given the priest. physl- EPuigbillios.ctooholeals. 2 ......... :........... 1,260497:014411. cian. or pastor. and you will make more time 'than you Technical Schools ...... ,. 98,819 metier from your spare dream of, besides a host of friends. Separate Schools .... ...... 110518:N1500 This is your opportunity.for a pleasant. Ifospitat; ...... ..,...... profitable and permanent business. Ad. Board of Health .... .... 1 22 ,957 dress, The Home Supply Co., Dept 20, Mer. Isolation Hospital ,... .... 56,756 rill Building, Toronto. Ont. latw Department .... . --. 36,350 Assessment Department 4Charita ble Grants .., . .... 94,950 .. 87909 Roadways .., . .... .... .... 147,369 Edward Davies, recently arrived snow Cleaning ... .... ... 58,664 from Wales, hanged himself in a Engineering Salaries .. .. 48,060 ' Street Cleaning .... . „. .. 519,336 Ib. Poultre-W prices of thole dressed Iseult, . el:ens. 18 tan 22,c per lb.; foal, 13 to 14o; ducistiugs, 16 to 17e. Live poultry. about 2e lower than the abeve. Potatoes,-rar lots of Ontaries, in bags. $1.40. and Delawares at 31.60. PROV/SIONS. Frothed and Dry Salted Meats-a/lolls- Smoked, 13c to 131-24n hems, medium. 171-2* to 18r; heavy, 161.2 to 17a; break. fast harem 10 1,2e; long elem., baton, tens and eases, l4e to 141.2; leteks 20e; backs. ineameall„ 21e. Green Meats- Ont of oickle, le, lees than smoked. Pork -Short cut. 324,60 to 325 per -bar. el; mess pork, 3.M to 521, Lard -Tierces, 133.4c; tubs. 14e; PailS, 14 1-4e. MoNTREA.L MARICETS. Itiontoal, July W. -Oats, Canadian Western, IC. 2. 45 to 451.2n; Canadian West- ern, No. 3, 44c; extra, 1,7o. 1. feed. 45c. Bar- ley Man. feed, 63 to 64c; malting. 31 05 to 31.07. Buckwheat, No. 2, 75 to 7Cr. Flour, Stan. spring wheat patents, liras. e5.80; eeconds, 85.30: strone bakers'. 3.5.10; Win- ter patents choice. 35.40 to 35.50; Straight rollers 34.95 to 35.00; straight rollers. ha*, $2.40 to $2.45. Rolled oats. barrels. 3505; bags, 90 lbs.. 32.40. Bran, 322.00.- Shorts, 826.00. Middlings. $27.00. Mountie. 330 to $34.00. Ray, Ne. 2, per ton, car lots, 316.00 -to $17 M. Cheese, finest westerns, 13 1-8 to 131-4c; finest easterns. 123-8 to 12540. Butter, choicest ereamery. 26 1-4 to 26 1-2c. seconds, 25 1-2 to 26c. Eggs. selected, 251-2 te 26 1-2e; No. 2 stock, 15 to 16c, Potatoes, • per bag. car lots, 31.60. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, July M. -Choice cattle, $6.75 to • 87-00; good, 36.00 to 66.75; fair, 35.00 to 36.. 00; butchers' bulls, $4,00; do., cows, choice, 55110 to 35.50; common. $4.00 to 34.50. Old sheep. 4c per pound and lambs 7* per lb. Hogs, 68.75 to $9.00. Calves, from 32.00 to $10.00 Toronto. July 10.--Butclaers' cattle brought from $7 to 97.25, while good stuff grades from $7 down to $6.50. Medium stuff brought from 35.50 -to 36.50. tight heifers brought $4.50 to . , an s oe - ers, weighing 750 lbs.. brought 95. Good cows were firmer, going as high as 35.50 and bulls wore worth more. some bring- ing from $5.50 to 56.00. COMMOrt CoWS Were worth from 92 to 33.50. Lambs brought from $8 to e8.25. Sheep brought front 63.50 to $4.75, and good calves $7,50, with some COMMOn cvredes at 95.35 flogs esurperat Mortimer, of the Army Service Corps, Ottawa, who won four matches at Risley and made a world's record. 11•••••10, H. R. THAW STILL INSANE. Public Safety Demands That Tie Remain in Asylum. A despatch from White Plains. N.Y.„ says: Harry K. Thaw, in the eyes of the law, is still insane and must remain in the asylum where he was placed on. February 1, 1905, after he killed Stanford White. Justice Keogh of the Supreme Court on Friday denied Thaw's ap- plieation for freedom. The Court took the ground that Thaw's re- lease would be detrimental to pub - lie safety. BEES SWARM IN SCARECROW. Farmer Finds Trousers Legs Filled With Honey. A despatch from Kingst,on, N.Y., says: When Ellis Osterhout, Plattekill farmer, saw bees swarm- ing about an old scarecrow in his corn field' on Tuesday he investi- gated and found that a big colony of bees had taken possession of the figure. The trousers legs were filled with honey. Osterhout left, the , bee.s at work. He says he will not! hive them until later in the season, when more honey has been stored. INetekr:VE. ret CizeNiNDAse C CD NI 'TAM N.S m C",•ONFORMS TO THE GH STANDARD OF GI LLETT'S GOODS. 1111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111 U1 111111111 COST OF LIVING IN GERM A.1,Ner, Total Extra, Cost for Beef Is $18,- 000,000' Per Annum. A despatch from Berlin says: While the total charges of the Ger- man army and navy, including this increases, is less than S5 per head per year, a German econo- mist, Dr. George Goldstein has computed that each Berliner will p47 marks (Cr approximately .$.5) mere for meat this year than he would havopaid ten years ago, For the nominal family of five or six this presents an extra drain en the wilily exchequer of $2$ or $30. Dr, Goldetein arrives at his figures by taking the total dressed weight of cattle, sheep, swine, etc., slaugh- tered for Berlin nensumption an, nually and multiplying this by he increase in the retail prices per poend as shown by the *Metal eta- tisties over the avera'ge price. ten yearago. For greater Berlin the total extra cost is about $1.$,000,000 per alltianl. SQUINT-EYED MEN BARRED Dominion. Railway Board Issues Series of Rules on the Subject A despatch from Ottawa says: Men who squint or are cross-eyed can no longer become engineers firemen, trainmen or brakemen on Canadian railways. Folio -win, its rcreilt uclgme ,.1)ominion Railway C3ommisoion has -sued a series of uniform rules ove,rning the determination of visual acuity.. color perception a)id. hearing, of railway employees, and jAmeng them is a clause banning the 'Atlintill or,Cross-eyed man, This not t17„e only defect barred. Ap. they u,se glasses for near 'vision, though when the distant vision (:).f an employee can be improved. by good glasses their use is encourag- ed. Color blindness is a,lso barred, and good hearing powers are strin- ,ent, u1 n, Applicants .must be able to hear • and repeat anies . and nurnbers spoken' in a' conversational -Grine at distanCe of ;twenty feet.. Employees Must be re-examined in all these, particulars afters any or accident- WIfich might have', affected 'them,. as well as before Iicants,. must. not., be accented • if promotion chicken -coop at London in- a fit of street: neaterine. 83 367 • despondency. Maintenance of Si'a:1;les ... 59,592 Waterworks...... 408,913 Firemen's Salaries .. 314,700 Fire Hydrants (water) .... 157,950 Street Lighting. .., 247,205 City Hall Maintenance ... 59,229 Architect's Salaries .. 42,815 ...Official Salaries .... .. 150,056 Not all of the 39,000,000 expenditures haa to be raised by direct taxation. The water - •works department, for example, provides nearly 91,000.000 revenue. The street rail- way company. under its agreement. now yields a...bnost another $1,000.000 annually. Licenses contribute over $200,000. The ex- hibition may yield a ,profit of 960,000. But when all the sourCes of revenue have been eKhausted there-- remains a substantial sum of 36,286,963 to be raised by taxes. This is raised on an assessment of 9343,- 598,145. Reduced to what, the individual, Pays this mcane that a man with pro-- perty assessed at $5,000 has to put un-' 992- 50. ivhich, with hie local improvements for sidewalks, pavernents. etc., brings his taxes to more than 9100. As may be fudged from the size of the anneal debt ehare'es; the city's debt has reached large proportions. The !Tress debt stands at $43,000,000, reduced h- cash 91,000,000 and investments of 99.000,000 to. o net antount of 933,000.000. Offsetting this in part is the faxt that the pronerty nwtlect by the city is worth at leaSt 020,000000. 1,4"evertholess, it came as something of a shock to many eiti7ens to learn Thai the Mayor and the City Treasurer had failed to pen 95000000 more bonda In Eng - Iona jliCIMIWINSB1211011111.161M0001•11% Ti) Cumulative Preferred Stook AIVIES-tiOL.DEN liceREADY LIMITED (Carrying a BOIDIS of 40% Common Stook), Price and full particulars will be gladly forwarded On request. CANADA SECDRITIES CORPORATION LTD: roate, tendon, Eng Montreal, TO OPERATB FAST Acurr. Montreal,Ottawa Service Pirst---tator to Toronto. A- despatch front Montreal says. Sir Donald 3Iann wuS Montr(kat Wednesday, personally superin- tending filo operations in connec- tion with the boring of the tunnel under the mount= for the en- tranee of the Canadian >,Torthern into Montreal. Sir Donald expects that the line which the eompany is building between Ottawa and To - •onto will be opened late in the fall, and ai a measure preparatory to this Mr. D. B. Hanna, the Vice - President and General Alanager, has just eorapIeted arrangements for the opening of a fast freight smite between Montreal and Ot- tam. with a view to extending it to Toronto. The eompany has also established its own cartage com- pany in Ottawa to collect and de- liver freight. BANK ROBBED OF $2,000. Knock Two Northern Crown OM- eials unconscious. A despatch from Vancouver says: Two robbers, one a short and the other a tall nutn, held up the Northern Crown Bank at Central Park, six miles out of Vancouver, At 10 o'clock on Thursday evening. They had been loitering in the vici- nity for half an hour, having eome there with a horse and rig. They covered Manager 0. C. Temple with a gun and also held up his as- sistant, Tompkins, both of whom were having lunch. They attempt- ed to force Temple, to open the safe, but he refused, and one struck him over the head with a piece of lead pipe. They put Tompkios out of business in the same manner, and THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH then broke open a 'cash box and stole $2,000. They got away in their rig. When Temple recovered con- sciousness he telephoned for help, but the robbers have not been cap- tured. ,An old man Wiiliauo Ford, who was lost in the: weeds for 'se'veral, days, iied in a Londen'lloSpital as a result of his 'AufferingS, ilePPENINGS FROM ALL 011E11 THE GLOBE IN A Canada, Gm Empire, and the World in General Before Your Eves, OAN,ADA., Four valuable colts were killed by lightning near Kendal. Harry Littely was seriously burned by molten metal at Guelph. Alex. Seott was drowned in an attempt to shoot the Sault Repida in a eapere. Owt. Oeorge Dick, a well-known mn aner Of the upper lakes. Was found dead Of heart disease at Kingston. Two thousand members of the In- dustrial 'Workers ef the World. went on strike On the Grand Trunk Pa- cific. Thplaits The are ready for the build - g of the C.N,R. Toronto -Renal - ton line. Neleon Cope, aged eighty -ore ot Copetown, broke hie neck by a fall rum his rig. Twenty thousand harvesters ro ',anted Meng the transentnental ne f the C. N. R. A. McCormick, farm laborer, Was 'att cfVer and killed by a fast G.T.R. freight train at Trenton. Mitchell Siwatis and Charles Leaf, Indians, were drowned in tho Serge River, near St. Regis, Finlay McGibbon, brother of the Mayor of Sarnia, dropped dead when about to go for n Walk. Fifty cases of blindness miracu- lously cured aro 'reported from the shrine of Cote des Neiges, Oltehec. Harry Gilmore, awaiting tual for asaault on his four weeks' bride, committed suicide in the Einmilton Police Ceert. Wm. S. Bryant, jun.. of 'Plain- field, N.j., was accidentally ohoked to death at the Ardamurehen Club, Central Argyle, N.S. GREAT BRITAIN. StelfGaiiatta3=SanaMaal6247'2°Se2 Save IVIoney and Increase its Earning Power WE have issued a Book- let describing the " PERIOD1CA.L PAYMENT PLAN" or the purchase stocks and bonds. This Booklet shows 'how you can create capital through a small monthly savings It also shows how these sayings are protcetcd and how they are available for use at any time if required. Write to Investment •Department. NIETROPOPSTAN SECURIT1E$ AGENCY, einatTem •;6a St. James St. , MONTREAL Mountain HUI, QUEBEC et.1561801602.61, Fifty thansand strikers paraded London en Wednesday. There was a fight between strikers and ''black- legs," Mr. Lloyd George announced in the House Oi COMIDOTIS the, inten- tion of _the Government to intro- duce a bill to deal with labor dis- putes. Mr. Asquith in a speech ins the Commons, emphasized the peaceful relations existing between 13ritaine and all the powers, including Ger- many. The La Follette. wool bill passed the Li. S. Senate. The Senate by 37 to 26 -votes Carried an amend- ment to the excise bill for repeal of Caeadian reciprocity act. UNITED STATES. Rev. Dr. Griffith John, for over 55 years a missionary in China, is dead. GENERAL. . The Albanians captured Pristina and Prisrend from the Turks. TowNsrrE _romiEcTIONS.• Millionaire's Nephew Is Charged with Theft. A despatch from Calgary. Alta., says: H. M. Banbury. 22, a neph- ew of the millionaire lumber dealer of Brandon, Man., is under arrest - in the city cells for alleged theft of $422.50 from the North, Prince Al- bert To W nsite Company of Calgary. The theft is said to have been com- mitted about, June 15, and the amount represents -money which it is alleged was collected by Hanbury while acting as a sales agent for the company. Ball has been set at , 400 . - GR NAT APPLE CROP. iitolicatious' Are Far Big Yield All • Over Cauaila. A cle.,patch from. Ottawa says' : Chief Coyermueut Fruit Inspector .AleNeill reports that from reLurn$ ;cot itt to the dePartment from all parts of Canada there are indica- tions of a • great apple yield this' year, especially so in British Col- umbia NovaScotia's crop is eiC- • pootel .to he a record ono, while t P alio gives 'pet:masa of • beie e fair. - n't