HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-8-1, Page 5s. re; its tY. es ,ce at nd •s� Act at D1 TPTAib Dr. G. F'. R YULSTON, L.D,S:, DENTIST blearzkser oa the R,C.l3,S. of Ontario and Honer ©iredu a,te os 'Toronto t78tiverramit'y. Dickson Carling" se, !ww otlice. mond Wednesday afternoons.; DR. A, IL KINSMAN. L.D.sy,,, Honor G aseheate of 'reroute UtterereitY D DN' I s Teeth.,ez acted without .;pain, or any d etgeeis. Office tzsa oyer (3ladizact, Staanbttry'A Oteece, Main Straeet, pastes; LEGAL DICKSON Re CARLING, BARRIS'TBRS. soiidteest eeeteetee, Conveyancers, Gotha nlfAsrooneras.. Sol;citors for the Meese/no Fdt. etc. Haney to Ishan at lowest rates or -titterers Ofiftces--blade-St., Etceter L It. Carling, B.A. L. FI. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large arnottell of Private funds to loan on Yarm mad tellage trap- erries et low raters of 3nterost. GLAD32AN & S'i'ANBURRY Baar'-astera, Solecitors, Fixeter. J. SRN /OR Agent Coatresteratlon 742e Assptn'ance Coizrpany. also Pere insurance ha lead- 1ztQ_ Cara,f4..,sa azul $ritisslsCempardes. Isla re -St., Fbrehe. LicieN SED AUCTIONNIAR Wed. ANDERSON, Liectased AteetUQtlaset star Hum County. Terms rearotieble Dates c .z bs anade at the Advo- te, t Off by Hawkins tSG Son Wester. or Henry, tettecres Office, Creed- ltan. Best call and field out the reasonswhyweso roe :.t= l back ark guarantee with our own.Let us explain to you why the li" "Sunshine �iS,, called s'The Understudy `MC of the Sun.'' lip iiany Bus''emes Colleges close, for, va met?on during the eureeete. CENTRAL Toronto, Cute does trot. ]IEITV :as ani excellent Mlle to conunetzce a. courser Wr?te for catslegue. Electric Restorer for Men i hoaphcenolreatoreaeverynerveinthebody ;lore* i props, #endo* reatorai Im; and hit . tr. E'reate ro dersy and alt seacaal weeknasa averted at once. YJao,spbtoaol will makeyou at mow men. Price 'Jas bore or two far U. Mailed toany ,arddrsss. The ffoobellDrug Co.. It. CAthar1ae.,Oat. r►u 'Oman tntereatad auzd piloted kame about the wondarfal meee el Whirling Spay Douche Ask your druggist for it. if be can of anpply the MA,Rp$ accept no other, but aea stamp for !Una. treted, book-sealed.'1t given fall particrears and direettons tnvaaluable w iedlesewiNDSOR S UPPL'Y CO.,Wlndaor, oat Generalctuate tor Caanda. ST. THOMAS. ONT. Unsurpassed for residential education. The `edeas College-Bomo" in which to secure a training for your Iife's work. Thorough courses in Music, Painting. Oratory, High School, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ - anent. 1 esident nurse insures health of students, ' Rates moderate. Every girl speeds an ALMA training, Handsome pro- spectus sent onapplication to Principal, 42 srrEE1R LOST " There •strayed, from rao premtsei of the underapsyned Lot 5, con. 4, Hay a. black Poll AngusiSteer• about 1% ,years, old, Visite etrepe behind right shoulder punch hole through right ear. Any person returning same or glydng' infor- mation that will' lead to its recovery will Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate' Glass bo -suitably rewarded. W. W. WALPER, insurance, Collecting accounts, and con - Hey p.o. jutting auction sales. - Exeter, Ont. STI ATFORD. OMT. ONTARIO'S piamr BClSINES,SCOLL1 G$. Our teachers 'aro alltexperlenced etructors. Our coureea are better than ever, and the equipmelat more complete, We do more ter our graduated than do, other °trailer ecltgole Fourteen applicarteene for trained help ;were, received durntg the past wee,'. asoma of these offering over $700 per annum. We 1aYQ three departments, Commercial Shorthand and telegraphy. Write for our free catalogue and eve what we aro doing.. D A. 'McLACHLAN, Principal. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. Theca pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuge all cheap imitation,. Dr. do Yawl are sold at /5 a box, or three for 324. Mailed to any address. The eoebell Drag Co., St. Catharines, Oat; D TRADE MARK REG. Sheathing Paper --a high-grade paper, odorless, tasteless free from tar; waterproof, exceptionally strong —will not tear. A durable and effective interlining for. walls, floors and ceilings. Lit us show you a sample. 79 Solo Canadian Manufacturers TRE STANDARD PAINT, CO. of Canada, Malted. Montreal. The Dashwood Planing Mills Co., Limited. DASH `W00D_ T. B. CARLING Canadian National Exhibition SOME FEATURES OF Imperial Year Imperial Cadet Review Cadets from all the Overseas Dominions Exhibits by the Provinces Dominion Exhibits Band of Scots Guards From Buckingham' Palace Paintings of the Year from Europe Paintings by hest Canadian and American ;:Artists Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Review Everything in Educational Exhibits Siege of "Delhi Eesses 0' Th' Barn Band 'Britain's Beat Brass Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Industries in Operation Butter Making Competitions America's Greatest Live Stock Show Canada's Biggest. Dog : Show America's Prettiest Pussies. Japanese Day Fireworks Motor Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus' Four Stages and Arena alt going Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic Sports Ten Band Concerts Daily Acres of. Manutac uses Imperial Fireworks --60 Numbers t AA/,gf ?�yJ� j Lil �i a �''i.' Opt. 9 4 Vin.; ��rt'• 'r. Zt;ItICH. Mise Flossie Ilartie_'b is visiting her aunt Mrs. iG. Schneidt, at W;ngham for a few weelee.teeirst. Peter N. Deionty returned from. a vvtset to Detroiii,-Mr W itred L. Drown of tete Bank of Commerce, Toronto, es holidaying at the home of hits parents, Rev. and Mrs, G. F .Brown, -Mr. Ed. Beaver, • who been, r' ltas ;alt�Pz'eete s - stare for. •some ,time lest tlh1 s, week tor his home near ;Dal,hwoaad.l He intends to leave -- shortly for the. West --The Misses Rosetta alnd Pea;ri W it;;clii of Mildmay are vie:king at',Chiel hone*, of Mr. e and Mrs. G F. and'. Jacob Browny- Mss Epama ?leidentaat of Detroit is visiting her parents, Mr, and, Mrs.. RudblL Heide' nran Mns W m. Ealber of New Ark:, Ohio iis'v sit,ing at the, • honte of Mrs Mr and Mrs; Ferdinand Hess. Me, E. Ap'p31 is"v'slitiniaE his old home near New Hamburg. -Mrs: Jetties. Laidlaw of Croswell, Mich., Mr. and Dire. G. Leers of Buffalo are vi }tinig;relatives in town Sire. Dioses Geiger, •Who was sudden- ly uddenly • takan ill wh to vieitiny .with her`, brother Mr. 'Eckstein. Bronson Line,, apparently • wit'h, a"n attack of append_- cite,, is again `convalesee t.—Dir. J. S. e Dielick, wtto has, bie.en a; hog buyer Cor ;nu;ni.ber o: ybairtei, has given - up ;owing ito poor ,health. err. Ed. WYurm Fnn., taken over, thei work, MITCHELL—Die•, l�'ai: l ussell, who liar teen In poor he lth" for. •' seser'a2. ilcnths, algid Sunday a.t. ,ha are, o" 72 years. D.easedwas born in Salford,; Piuctitnghj i n l ,,e, Eng., and came'" -.to '1hchell w nth fantiti 38 years ago. MODEL ,'MILITARY, CADIP•- Cadets rorn every yDotriinon ofc the Br:31sh Ent- pare and every prove ce o tine Dofn:nn` ion w}•1l eccuiry't!it (+model military camp:. at -the "_Canadian Nat:binal' Exh ;bit ons Tr wall be, under ni unary cies, plina` and should unel''ceJ the, most interest its cant.p i.. ,ih i hieterY o,l the Extz,,bi ton, '�. 40c. WILL PAY FOR, THE FORESAW WER .DOOM. Warnings of Her Tragic. Fate That Cams® to Empress Elizabeth, In "My, Royal Clients" M. Paoli, the famous French detective, writing of the unfortunate Impress Elizabeth of Austria, who was so foully murdered' in Geneva in 1893, says ttzat two strange, incidents Incline one to the belief that the empreea received a pre- sentiment of her tragic end. "On the eve Qf her .departure for Geneva she asked htr. Barker to read her a few chapters of a book by gar - Ion Crawford, entitled 'Corleone, ill which the author describes the detest- able customs of the Sicilian Mafia. White the empress was listening to the harrowing story a raven, attracted by the scent of some fruit which she was eating, came: and circled round her. Greatly impressed, she tried to. drive It oft, but in vain, for it con- stantly returned, lalling the echoes with its mournful croakin. Then she rap- idly walked away, for she trey that ravens are harbingers of death wizel?. their 111 omsnod wings persist in lisp ping round a living perV.n. "Again, a lady In w i* a , told me that on the n> , ,o I 1 went into tite etipr leo zs. i to ask how She had steA an her Imperial t$ tressi Toor sad. said Elie+ Yr' Ott rttldd1i tit thorts azioolnbeama Vlach Quiet! i „r, this ser4uts had i'orgo tdit 1i9. t Cout=al see the, ol 3' m bd, and It 'seemed to have tti f*e of a woman vreeplhg. I don't know i$ It is a presentiment, but 3 Went stat, Idea 1 shalt meet with mli,fortulne,'"; And. it was a i'ew hours tetter that. L,uecbinl killed httr with a three car nered 'file clumsily fitted to to 'wooden handle. Where the Cold he Warm. .X hale seen ounsbine, ob, sunshine as splendid as yours, among my be- loved mountains in $witaerlatttil boli know what cold la Slid what warmth is, but do you know what warm cold IS? Did you ever lire a whole winter through glowingg because the frost eras so warm? Do you know the woriderS of blue lee, pini: snow and 40 degrees of frost, while the men skate in pane, mas and the girls with open parasols? And the splendor of colors in tho morning sky; everything in the solar spectrum -red, orange, yellow, green, bite, indigo, violet; at each .moment a new combination. And then the sun is up, and the intoxication of it all makeit you wonder if you ever lived before. -Dr. Aked 1n Christine kieraltl. Wouldn't Act a Lie, Theater Nlattuger-You say you ob• ject to having real food on the table in the banquet scene,` Mr. Greesepaynt? Why, the rest of the company are de- lightedd at it! Mr. Greesepaynt-Yes, but my part requires me to rise from the table after a couple of mouthfuls and say: "I cannot eat tonight -n strange dread comes, over me. I will seek the quiet of yonder 'apartment for a time."- McCall's Magazine. Unfair. "1 s'pose it's all right," said Mr. Newrich, "but it doesn't seem .fair." "What doesn't seem fair?" "For Matilda to scold because I want to eat dinner in my shirt sleeves. I don't make any fuss about her par- ty dresses, an, they haven't any sleeves at all." Both Exempt. "Do your daughters help their moth- er with the housework?" "We wouldn't think of expecting it. Muriel is temperamental, and Zaza is hatches_." -Pittsburgh .Post. SA Y S i.iR Dliiss Gladys Couraeg €a' tee Quest of 1ettss Vera Dave eMes. John Davis and wits epetrt_ Sunday, at Clendeboye.- Master Ivan and, Howard Washburn are vizi,iihe relatives around here. -Minor is piefz.sed over the arrrivai: of a boyf, Some of our young people attended the ice cream eocsa1 at• Whalen k'ridaY ev: ening -•Mrs. Natha1a el Ogden .has re- turned after spending a week at Grand Bend. FALL FAIRS—Blyth Rot, let, 2nd. E3rIneley•,,Oct, 10,' 11 Exeter ,Sept.1847 Forest , Sept I,23, 24 Kil'kton .....;* ...Sept. 28, 27 Lannon ,(Western Fahr) ,. Sentra-14 Parki'all 1 Sept tee, Seatortit , Sept.1i?,2O Tltedlord , , .-Oct :1, '2 Toronto Aug ............Oct ,Sept 9 Zurich f,;, e,,.,,. ...e.. Septe/9, 19 THE i WOES ,OF. P.AR'rY LINE s;le*eltbarl;ood not far team here. Put in a telephone laist ;year,. Fairgnens built A' Pusza1 l;ttci., Instruments all "talk up" eine. Ml you had to dor wale ring Every belt wentting-aelftag, One for Swaneon, two for Bpgga. Lon„ and short Pori old man Scroges, Every neighbor ltad; h*„s' Twist the crank attd tltai.'was all. bii,;;,ht'y nlee when, world was through To ,gestsils for an hour or tete With your 2aee;;itaifo`tes orfe by one tlte'hte n,!ce but lets mare -run To .overhear sone other two Telling wont Waist siati ter ',Yee: Every t'.iste t1io dal' raps' TO the phone eaelii fairmer•paprang Slyly Valuated and scatty teok Tho receiver frost the tzooicr Q her people's accrete dear Poured into 14ia'Leigh red 'ear . Siappod 31,4e hada; and say . '1 owtiJ" Telephones are lots:, of fora-- S onldiiiow 4n a weeici or two,. Trouble dark beasfn'te, br"pw, Farmer 3onoe got rif,gleting hot Heald Scrogge catE>ing 'aka a, sot Heard Smith telkaue wititt_ tie knew Paid ,hdtn off w,attilt" two black` eyes J ohnson heard Young Ezra I3pgg Und rbtid, Uin on hiii Begg a'erheet d aeneaiting churl litakin; love to late beat girl t Wvoaaaen too were. 111 the mites Ra`lsed a 'meet temend,ous ruses E very one, trees', Scrooge M. ,donee la ease houses,' throwing, atones Crow the Aline tea's silent geeeen Wires all :rusted, :Poles o erthrown Twenty friends aro, deadly foes Each one flea. of greet and woes Each too weld, to, e'p:la;ic a wprd Oaatee of things they ever/104e A WINDSOR LADY'S APP.EAT. To ,All Wamea--I will send :free with full instructions, my home treatment ,*etch positively cures Leucorrhoea, Ul- ceration., Displacements, 'Falling of: the womb, Painful], or Irregular I'arlods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or growths aleo Hot Flushes, Nervousness, gel- atacholy, Pains in the Head, 'Flack or Bowele. anti Bladder troubles, where ^.fused by weakness peculiar to our sex rote can continue treatment at home it m cost of only'about 12 cen,tS a week XIy book, "Woman's Own Medical Ad- viser," also sent free on request. Write to -day. Address, Ners. bf.Surnmers Box. H. 840 Windsor,. Ont. Semi -ready Tailored Suite SOLD at the same price everywhere it3 Canada -the name is the pocket. tend for ;ampler of 820 "Kine'* Owe," serge and 128 Eritains loon -also ;tyle book, Ask the.dothier in your town or write direct-Sem1•ready, Limited, Mooizeal, $'esti-rrnbi Caiierittre '1%E. Haygarth, 192 Dundas St.. eondon. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y M. C. A. BLDG. LONDON., ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal CterteredAccountant 16 Vice-Piir:cipal Your Dollar Buys Mor Widen you buy a Studeba ce= E- 1-f' "30" 20" autogi3Ob. you get more for your irk than In airy Other oar bu11t There shay het Other good,, Card --but: yr si is the-"_ price? That's the rub: ,What a ear is really worth„ nal whit et coats, should ha your sta1ida?rd. Tim Studebaker. Cerluaration has; the largest and batt auto,-nobkio tactoi'!es :n the world. We could build and sell- rely ,c,eeapsttleee car to -day for less ,eaaoney the,; i its present 'price, In your Sttudepaker i.. Ma. F. '30" or Flanders "20" yott bet Pull value, because t +a bmggeet Lae. zones and ti e.,hest brains 41n the induterre bulid "these cars. Canadian Car for Canadian or S't1ud34a4:terYGIanderrt 130Y, dollar for dollar„ Staciebs*ker-Headers "20" Touring Oar: $1000 f.o.b. Walker With Top, rWiradfhuelrl and Speedorneeter, $1110 nc1Xerour catalogue. It will interest ye.u, The Studebaker Corporation of Canada, td. al Dealer 4ttI,FSEi*rvxr,r , Gam. -- ALBERT MORLOCIE,t 're; —9. B. SNELL Exeter James Bullard, o&'PAT onto is via- tting his parents. -B1. Tiraerener, . oe Wallacebure, ire'#hie guest' oK ts;a ulzclet I ,tee Mree Cryer' of Detroit ;a %is x- dng her ;stetter eirey Feed bicD.onali;.-'a. Lira, .Sirere and eft pen of =Detroit ,ret guests of :tor ulster, }ire, Thod. Hudson --Mise, C. S,11:taa uy e2 Tlorpntp f,a here; accompanied by Ler z01eeet Loulao Wed .lean Cooke, -Rutty Cudrore le Monis tram, Lea Angeles, Cal., wt ore ;he hose, been tor comet' mo# --?.ears. Styles and daughter of Braititford, who. have been vas tin.; their cousin, Dr. Sellery,, ae- turned.home last week. -Mere Arc' e Fart of Toronto is the. gear et her ss'eter .Ira. P. Madden, -Mrs. Burton of Ccdc- ago is t1;.a guetst„o1. her n -other Albert W. itee-der-Mee. °Ardersa;a of Chicago Is the guest or hoz:any!: --X lee bi II O fatty ar field. heals 'a;At. week trom 'ice inn; ,--A :lumbar Dr our cic';zeas are all.xions to sold ;a, 13era saaU Old; Soyas :F-tz;tIQ a a 1913,-X7e. Pope and yoeezeet 4aug'tter. accn-t pee— ted by her son IfeeVey or the C d' R. anti t, Letrelon, lett en S tu-dt>.,: for ='' e'aort'Yiaslt vf.4i1 her dao; veer.. SS:ea For .neo as.tti r brothel-i<-i_w ass Pepe .tia�"1, • 'Sten - bate :of NEIW0US Ri 1 EW METHOD TTPEATMCNT will euron and more a man of you. Underitsiutiuenco the brain beeelno ,ctivo. the i purdie t so that alt pimples, blote3 esaud ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong seat peel. iso that nervousne bashtulneas stlzddessponcieucy disappear; tate oyes become brlrltt, the. fere gull sn clear: enc, .^y returns to the bogy, and tete moral, phyaleal and reeutal 8y tea s ate invirora ; alt drains cease -re snare vital waste trona the systene . You feel yotrself a mat rind know marriagecannot be a failure. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob amu et your hard earned douara t"" NO. NAMES USED 'WITHOUT WRCrTEN'CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Pater E. Summers relates hls experience: "Imed esth ttoneimfaryyear Iacy Nervous andezcesses in youth. I became vary despondent and dl14"t care 'wbtether 'wormed or not. 1 imagined everybody svhe looked at roe guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me-rey back ached, had .n1 In the backot my head, heeds anti .feet were cold, tired ioth altee eyes tite, hair loose, reez o y poor, etc. blurred,Siumbness in the Angers set in and the doctor told me hofeared paralysis, I took all kinds of medicines and tried many first -ease J" physicians, woman electric belt for three months, but received little benefit. 1 - azrettLTREATMENT vvas induced to consult Drs. Kennedyis`. APTte eeeeTMEMT Sennedy, though I had lost all faith in doctors. Like a drowningman 1 commenced the News MErnon TatA'r.eEtrr and it saved my life. The improvement was like mmeag�ii�o-I could feel the vigor going through thenerves. Ives cured tnettailyand ;phyaicaUy. Ihave sent them ;man r patients and continuoto do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Wo treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY', BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Disease, peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE, If unable to call write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. DRS.KENNEDY&KENPIEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE E Al! lettere- from Canada mustbeaddressed It A to our Canadian Correspondence Depart missmitessatemes mentin ,Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit an we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and. Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Out. Write for our privhte address. The flavor lingers long it's a smooth, succu lent, lasting gum -made to, taste delicious. No need to overlook your taste, no need to repress or destroy it—since you can buy the smoothest and the best gum made at the same price, and flavored' to suit you. You can have any fruit essOce you desire. A better `Spearmint' at the ,"same price—or the best Pepsin, by asking for O-Pee-Chee. O-Pee-Chee is sold by all dealers who sell the best' gum. 'a= a Limited �tond®il ?"'• a, .`"✓. __',;4 .. .a wT.�ae: .'kvriw- ..n,+'r➢rs'#Smw:. ,