HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-8-1, Page 2' dit. Alas how short it was compared- Andress: Limited.' -7 $t 4 . Peter OR, A CURIOUS MYSTERY EXPLAINED. A delicious summer drink is iced Bovril. Mix a spoonful IA a cold split soda water. This is both ocling and strengthening. Cold bouillon served alone or with toast or crackers is an xclilisite afternoon refreshment. Make a quantity of Bovril with boiling water in the usual manner and cool it in the ice box. Many hostesses are serving this b The, best way to buy Bovril is in the bo111 w '8 3 h' h 1waYs ez" 11 t CHAPTER ,X1.—(Cont'al) what he needed was SOOn. making " brought f tl d his way up the well -swept carria,ge- 1 lb. bottles. These are by tar the She Kam one o le y I h I trwn T d e a most economical, being retailed usually papers., and with a ii,ttie sigk of di, (Broze -w e at $1-75. and contain eight -times as much as the bottle usually sold at, 5c., appointment removed the religious Tel door was sud- e wifl t"la 17 send -DP d and a little boy in a velvet tunic to absorb theg nciaSishentneaulle°a ignu ca ala,ncina oat on to the steps - •-• • "weekly," leaving Frithiof to has denely liiisanS;roPpliebne thensile approached, !_ve4saralas"e4,t,etweZ- ewbix wal1;.7 depressing study of the eolumit Bovril aids di e ti n headed ''Sitaations vacant,'' your oaaleary inc ular danger, for he is a strong swim- mer, but ho was not in a pleasant humor, with the soaking his clothes wore getting and the merriment a the crew at his expenae. A strong tide had wept him away flora the steamer, but he was leisurely summing back, when those on deck saw the fin of a shark coming through, the water in his direction with alarming speed. They shouted a warning, and the steward swan as ha never had be fore, while Captain Mallen set about getting a life -boat over the side. But the captain and crew alizeal that before the boat soonili re aco d re Kirstell the shark would overtake him. They lowered away, but before the boat, was in the water KirstelPs • efforts bad broualit him almost be him St Montreal. neath the overhang of thestern, Roy, Roy shouted the little and the hark was less than a dozen c fellow merrily,"I've come to meet correspondence clerk want- , - how you manage euch things Nor- feet behind. The men who had not YO Then steed& discovering ed, made him look hopefully at way,but to my mind it seems that manned the life -boat turned aside the lines which followed, but an_ his mistake he darted back into the " ' the middle of the day is the time in dread of seeing Kirsteil dragged luckily a knowied, r door -way, hiding his fatte in Cecil's in America " • to the one dedicated to Situations to Meet ' K t for the square meal as they say beneath the water, when William ,e * 01 tigneSe , • Was demanded as well as French 6 - • Tozer, the third officer, a big Eag- h tood and Germanl while the corn mer- 1,41,4 If the meal that await -ed th d them irk lishman, sprang on to e rail and Chant who would receive a gentle- ly-headed e""'s4 there with littk cur, '9'•"P*" t e doling -room was not "square " dived overboard. In one hand he , • - her soft aray eyes and the deep- t Z 241.1 4 sou In an awe, of gOOd p06.- 1,1 baby ,, looked , , , at was, at any rate, very tempting. clot ched his big sailor's knife, its tion was prudent onough*te add the 'gate eyes,searennigni front the fine damask table-eloth to: blade ready ePeued• zrx.;‘;.,,,Nopoanye sztuttapptipaar ,,wraeornasin, tohotui:htet tthhee Isietittdgarorauipieslso.okFerditbliiltoe the silver gypsy licately arranged chrysanthemums as It cut 1st° the water, but an ul'" kettle—from the de- His body searcely raised a ripple r a the feTY.1?"ill'Y' F''''°ur''' to the Crown Derby cup and out, a the whole list thero werehow no longer dreahtedrtslietline- eera_a11 bespoke e0d tasste141:1.4; ennlYnotkrt where the shark bad . _ stant iator there Wal4 a trOltielldatti ellfr two situations for wifieh he side °.4 the 11("Ise'' I''')r ° t III Persoual superviatort of ono who teaetnere;e7:4$4,7.41I:1,tialtlhlaattededtub; conld even iuquire, and he soon ilie‘hveriesksakilne tiofelthatphpeinse°s: t aset c I:esiti ! really eared for beauty arid order. found that for each of these there and came forward, For the first time for weeks Frithief InUt4t4letwh::red(TelineinngltydaltearPPetwadrel were laiwaireda a Appikants. ree°Gaizcd bb, . Each week, brought him, of course, with a. Pretty eageraese oi manner 'eh hungry. Ne 'mire was said 01 moment later Tozer rose to ihe gar - the unappetizing subject of the face, to oatoh a long brea,th and letters !row Norway, his untie soilt, to greet li;ati, too mach aatoniahed dearth of work nor did they speak strike eat easily for UM steamer, him letters of introduetion to vari- at his sudden aPPearanee or any mueli 1 their'No. • " • i e raegian ieco aec- when he and mrsten bee ous London firma, but each letter the,ught el shyness to intervene' tioas, became they knew it would a 1 d bthe11 all 11 brought him only fresh disappo.int= ' AVe thenght Y°4 must bay" g*Que be a sore subeet 1 11111" ' -t tattled c a °ardl Y°1111g 'U144 °f4" At fi t eert ha as e t f Lon- am so glad you have come to seo , • - matter-of-fact eonveraataen was be, 1 h natives 1 th th back to Norway," she exelaimed. "I ." 114. now- ter explained that bo bad ruerali moat. ateanwnate the Ludy a velar performed a trick common to mauy rs a peso don lite bad startled Fr.th ^ b us' The children theught it 'was ° t e .° he speedily became, accustomed to 13 h ,,,,,,„ tra,e,tiv He ,win be se W at I want to find Old," said s.ears„ Be` bad timed his dive to , them; if he thought of them at all glad °"'"" ' " .1," Mr. Boniface, "is whether you are come up beneath the shark, and „ . . . -, It was with indifference rather than t,Itlosrdcrilliay. e caned before," reallY 4X1 earnest in what you say bad ripped him open with the big disgust. One day. however, he about work, There are thouaands knife. Thee waa some danger it said Frithiof, "but my days have passed with seeming abruptaiess in- been ver fun, and then- , too-, / was of yoting?; men saying exactly the you missed the shark the first tune, to a new state of mind. Sick with y , i , " same thing, but when you take the be confessed. disappointment after the failure, of unlfoqufoSteu,o,,.lelrdehc'e/.;Zto tane hrig.bay i your uuress a rather nro iising sel na i - n - ie. e st F... lighted hall, and with a sort of sat - Rested to him by one of the men to isfaetion shot eut the damp Novem., SOU 6eaS, 3. but lioSF'- who o ned -the gate. •Ile will htld* where Ite has eraised for many whom his uncle had written, he h trill ht. "We have so often spoken of you too hopeless and wretched even to walked through the crowded streets, er g notice the direction had taken, and your si$ters," said Cecil; "but o when Roy ealled at the Arlande 1 4 and with a mis"able l'er"'"P`'`°It found that you had left without giv- that his last good card was played, ing any address, we thoeght you and that all hope of success was must have gone back to Bergen." *Ter, To gain an honest living was ap- • "Ind lie call on um apain there?" parently impossible, the world at. said Frithiof. "I remember now he forded hira nofacilities for that, but Premised that he would come, it afforded him countless oppor- 'aught to have thought it; but tuoities of leading another sort of somehow all was eonfusion that life. Why should he not take what night, and afterward 1 was tee ill," he could get Life wee miserable 'It must have been terrible for and worthless enough, but at least you all alone among TA elgeeali, sinthea be might put an end to the hideous foreign country,' sa monotony of the search after work, Totateinaraamdstasreteillmgytmo olrlirericYschae* at least he might plunge into a phase of life which would -have at any rate the charm of novelty. It was one of those autumn days when shadow and sun alternate quickly; a gleam of sunshine now flooded the street with bigness. seemed to him that a gleam of light had also broken the dreari- ness of his life. If he sinned he would do so deliberately. He look- ed the two lives fairly in the face now, and in his heart he knew which attracted him most. The dis- eovery startled him, fatigue, hy not? why not?" urged the t B en the r orn whe so man "You are really willing to be- Dr. Weichardt, professor at the tempter. And the vague shrinking aerg re hji t. se_utued g,rew less nothing in of their long winter evenings n a le bottom of the ladder and University of Erlangen, Germany, h above taking a step which would, muscles of animala suffering from • aaa ff. has often heard how good you all New modern plant of E. W. Gillett Company Limited, Toronto, Ont., consisting of six buildings, with three Railway sidings and separate office building. were to us in Norway." She opened a door on the left of the entrance hall and took him into had trouble to go into their complaint one of the prettiest rooms he -,vou find that the real cry is not ever seen ; the soft crimson earpet, the inlaid rosewood furniture, the 'Give Ine werk by which 1 can get an honest living 1' but 'Give me book -shelves with their rows of work that does not clash with my well -bound booke, all seemed to be- long to to oaeh othei., end a, cienabt. tastes—work that I thoroeghly fully home -like feeling came over him as he sat by the fire, answering Mrs. Boniface's friendly inquiries; he could almost have fancied him- self once more in his father's study "I have no partioular tastes," said Frithiof, coldly. "The sort of work is quite indifferent to inc as long as it will bring in money." INTELLECTUAL PILLS. To Immense Man's Physical and Mental Vigor. It took a German scientist to in- vent the intellectual pill. The basis of this is a drug called antikenotaxin, which has the qual- ity of neutralizing the poisons which are said to be the cause of mental 1,7431k your way up -7-- You are not recently demonstrated that the heaven or earth seemeh real to him ; been Passed" Ire felt that nothing mattered a rs. Boniface was ane o ose as any commonplace remarks have a sort seale."- thin New d etter, .00E:wilistFna Co SetzeZ -721.4.4(ee,./4,74. Cervria .5 91 -e4---21-e---x 126 fl fhi Sealer cisd Package Ask gout, r teraboutit ,InnAURMiloannniAnnuam=4 iected into a man increased his phyaical and mental vigor. rife led Prof. Lorentz t0 think of utilizing antikonotoxin to stimulate brain Work. Ile considered that errors of valmilatioa, for example, should be set down to fatigue. Re found that problems given to Jr class in mathentatie$ at the be. ginning of the lesson were solved In five mantes by three studenta; in eight rain 4 by thirty.tbree; in tuitic ten =IOU by aixteen, Other smilax pro ems, given at the else of the lessen wore solved in five minutes by one student; in eight minutes by twenty-seven; in ton 5 mites by twenty-three. Evi- ntlyasaid the professor, it is men - fatigue that, causes the slower work. On a subsequent day Prof. Lor- entz vaporized antikenotoxin in the class -room first before the close of the poriod and then sot his pupils problems as before. The result was that they were solved in three min- utes by three students; in four minutes by thirty-one, and in ten minutes by one. And the solutions contained fewer errors than usual. This was the origin of Dr. Lor- entz's intellectual pills. European phy.sicians aro still a bit sceptical, saying the pills must be subjected to more thorough tests. _a. PANSIES GIVE A SURPRISE. Seed Must Have Lain Dormant More Than a Century. The Rev. Tertius Poole, Vicar of Culrastook, in Devoe, England, tells 4 curious story of the results of ploughing in a grass lawn the year before last for the purpose of turning it into a rose garden. He MIS TK -42117L, when he Wan a 4114, duce it has been ploughed. in it has been coven,. ed with an amazing assortment of pansies of sp,lenclid qualitY. "No seed, says, the viear, "luta been sown nor have there beeri any paneies nearby, The only aolution I -*an 114 that the 1ed ratnlitir have lain derreant in the tor more than a eentnry." One of the pansies, it appears, is. of an altogether oatmeal type, he - hag 4r* gold and bronze butter- fly. Oeeationally Mee, a grown man who eau ea almost muelx 414 small boy, If young stock aro reduced to starvation rations in a drought,. stricken pasture they not only comae to grow but they suffer a bet. -down ta eondition from which they are very slow to recover. NO DANGER. Miss Antique—I hope, driver, you w 11 not run away woui mei secrete a certain poison, to which ed for quite a hundred years. A Cabby --Bless yer, no mural 1 I've Still the thought of Sigrid held of flavor of -their own, and Cecil had "A felloW living on the eharity of. he gave the. name kenotoxin. Them Parishioner who - is 95 years of age got a wife and six young 'uns at,, him in check, the remembrance of . . her clear blue eyes seenienato force At last the front door opened and thing, as taking something away him to go deeper down beneath footsteps sounded in the hall, little from his own children, is not likely to trouble much about the social the surface of the sullen anger and Lance ran out to greet Mr` Benifue scale," said Frithjof, bitterly. disappointment which were goad_ and Roy, and Frithjof felt a sudden ing him on to an evil life. was it shame as he remembered the purse- "Very well. Then I will, at any after an ratite true? Had he really proud tradesman that foolish pre- rate, suggest my plan for you, and tried everything 1 , judice had eonjured up in his brain see what you think of it. If you Two or three times during his —a being wholly unlike the kindly, care to accept it until something of /toy pleasant -looking Man who now better turns up, I can giveyou wanderings he had thought a , seeming in. situation in my house of business. 13ouliaoe, and had wondered wile_ shook hands with him ther he should seek him out again; a moment to know who 'be was and Your salary to begin with would be but small; the man 'who leaves inc biii.oitmingohiinsztrtooubeloemhpearalrive shrunk all„Aabnoduteohiymou have been in Lon- next Monday has had only five_and. gers, and, as far as business went, don„all this time!” exclaimed Roy. twenty shillings a week, and I could it was scarcely likely that Itoy could Whereabouts are you staying?" not without unfair fa,vdritisrn give "Close to Vauxhall Station " re- you more at first. But eery man other. Why not? hi relation -who dges every far.. it was shown tliat an.tikenotoxin in- sayathat his father used to mow it home alreadY. sontet ng of the same gift,. s a gra help him. • • • a. . ' • has a chance of rising and I ain , Again came the horrible tempta- • •i3ut quite sure that yoa, with Your ad- tio. again that sort of terror of his I thought of looking you up, own nature. He turned once more there was always so much to do." vantages, would do so. You under - to the picture of the Rornsdalshorn ; "You have found work here, stand that, as I said, it is mere work that I am offering you. Doubt - it, seemed to be -the one thing which theonN7.0", indeed; a wish a -hUd„ at less standing behind a counter will could witness to him of truth and bea,uty and a life above the leae,Lof seems to *me one may starve in this not be very congenial work to one place before finding anything to brought up as you have been ; but Very slowly and gradually he be- (1°,2, ' ' were; he saw thattz.if be to to you Herr Falai, o said cad.' will be treated as a man—not as . yielded ' ' ' ' ' ins temptation he could never leading the little girl up 'L.° him in many Places you would find it 1 ' plied Frithiof. Two or thiee tiraes you rnight do infinitely worse, and gan to see things as they really Gwen wishes to say geed -night can at least promise you that you again face Sigrid with a clear con- and the bitter look died out of Fri- as a mere 'hand! " (To be continued.) science. He saw, too, that his only thiof's face for a minute as he safeguard lay in something which stoopecl to kiss the baby mouth that would take him out of hareself e IT was temptingly offered to him. .1.7.,,rur,,,,k,cri will get work," he said, almost "It will be hard if in all London fiercely. ((For aig,ad,s sake, aq, we can net find you something," at -------------- " said Mr. Boniface "What sort Ilrave peed' a latif141 Sailor But felt, as thousands have w°271t d° you want 2"' Santa lb"Ci" Ise bit befoTe him, that he was ha,ndi- "I would do anYthiiig,'' Eairi Whether sharks really eat human la lone- 1 Theces- canpen,ed,in,the strugg(le"SweeP crossingbeings or not, no one to be -s, Perhaps was this omi '-rnT y .11 laughed. "sbeci- or -6° see a friend clelas sec' by se.iousuess more than any expecte- 7:1e°' ono of them. And so, whether Wil- ton Of finding work which made him Many people Say, that vaguely," 'jaw Toz"r aeirliallY saved his ship- - tion his pride amd turn his stops said Mr. BO/lilac-0, "But when onemate's hie or not, he did a yery toward Brixton, comes to prautical details they draw brave thing, in a very neat and baelc. The mud and the broom look workmanlike te,-hcer Yon When George K. • t 11 t 1 f CHAPTER Y.I.I. 3'11 ve'v well in 'manner* - us e , see. _then as a bell IV '19 runc- it. \isets, had,. ,t1tee es have tea fir6. 15) and overboard while the six-, • •rn _ Yon come into Trry coalin,, at Santa Lueia'“,'- Oapt\\aailas. t kl.1 his aqdre .bntg44; will 'talk -the • * keen to: the_ old custom ed ,heartily inc pl. 'd f the e :b.:me, he reached Brixton ti 50 the, British, steamship Ramsay, fell 33p13_10 3n ri n in (3s a r a shop th,e „(.1 f .er otrer, • Mallen and tiae office ra and crew Ircetory, alit g oun . of :tea and -supper. I don't know steward * 00 WW 0.b.cri.:(1apoct was effere4 the lean,.bogsc t loped people in this Meat of whona. were 'on deck, laugh- aadr 0,VINe / !aTio' fir .ffr‘Wil," aff.affa iff/r/11/7 / //:-/•14"1-‘ 1‘.qmt. • A root cellar like this won a prize last year. Pr HE drawing was made from a photograph of the root -cellar with which D. A. Purdy, of Lumsden, Sask., won a cash prize in last year's contest. In that last . contest there were 36 prizes. There will be ihree times as many prizes (108) in the, 1912 FARMERS' PRIZE CONTEST 1-r113US you will have three times as many chances of winning a cash prize. You do not have to use any certain amount of Canada Cement to win a prize. There are absolutely no "'strings" to this offer. There are twelve prizes for each Province (three of $50 ; three of S253 three of $15; and three of $10) and you compete only with other farmers in,your own Prov- ince and not with those all over Canada., It makes no difference whether you have ever used cement. Many of last year's winners had not used it until they entered the contest, When you write for full particulars, we will send you, free, a book, "'What the Farmer Can Do biTith Concrete," which tells everything you need to know about concrete. It is absolutely free, and you are 'under no obligation to buy "Canada" Cement or to do anything else for us. ' ' .a/ . , RITE oar name ended:1feet on thecoupen, and:meg it ori, letter or poet card, and :, , ,t0Lt.i:L . .,1 ' .• We will Rend Yea at once the beffk and full partici:1am of the 1912 PriUe Cm:tees, ' ' , in T. ' ,Atildleens Publicity Manage:: AT''' ., eis' secia'Ccaterit Conipsny, Lkeited '' . , ,-r , ' " -,. SO4 554 Heri" 431%ilaiUg: WitIntr °ay .i.r.orufe