Exeter Advocate, 1912-7-25, Page 8EXETER ADVOCA. E/ THURSDAY, ITTILY E6►. ' MARKETS. tj11.4N .A.OR WEDNRSDAY Wheal .r,..:.,, 1 04 r05 latwheat90 ..90i 0443‘o; $0, tat*. . ,, ... 1 co1. 15 Potatoes.pe rhag . .,,.. 120 ,1 60 any, pert ...., •,. . 1400 15 04 7101.3r. per cwt., family 2 75 Our. low grade per ow 1 60 3106 Butter- ...a,. 21 7„r TahOgs, Per nwt....., Mtn pepry'.too,..,. .,. '23 00 BM a er 5tOtO . n . :mow 0 Sugar Beet: meal.•,.. ,. 00 EQUER FOR, SALE O,1 Wilkyam Street. Exeter, Any person do• ec;r3.a a ;new cream separator will do welt to call at the Exeter Bargain Stare and see t;*°,e Prstl' r; This is one of the best and eas',est running separate s on the rs*arIcet. Ctz;ne 11 and let us talk ti r ke- vith you. j5. IiL.aTCY FFORD, teeter. HANGING LAMPS DIRECT THi FaO'I,'Q_R3 q i t .S. IS I ',/, -/AT WE 3?r E TO yOu.--sT W:.BTs.,. reliable man nee a4nOPS'. F. rote as 10 $outb.,, 0ate'n Dnta :Q1 ter ttO 11011.t meal, a 1, uraerymen, Tor I DDT J$I,T E, CE!ET -COT 14,, 11$ 1., 1 IlED €'CEP 'O STEWa Rrs. EYE STG1iT sP I I.4S.'i ,-, it•se 3 3, Mean, Ere S't t apeetellet. will be at e CENTRAL HATE giant s4Trzapevr =LT 27ftlt-„aao day. EE SS TR i T'S I til ALL SIZES ' CRUMB TEA iS Agra TEAPOT STANDS Til $0.141 X) IaR $$S, TEESE GOODS RE VERY 5' s'Q1 T 1. A .--$TY"'Si AItTS, vz.L*AE. VT 111 T LOCAL DOINGS. VACATION NOTICE lar, Rouletei des.zea^ to announce that t as dental ottlre, Will .Closed front Judy , 15111 to August lath.; The best way to int -9040e a coa,lle i@ to stay ,out O t . ,bac!talox e4s. that k?issintf ,is -ono way to: re/neve paint. Get 3 sun' priizc"pies: right; and, the rest, is a n-7.ere ratter, of detail. Ya• is..s'ta% that a two -passenger auto $s SIPPAcen of as a 'ultra" bec2uae ;t 10. a Tull,atbe =t;. The one thing that :t -tax be depended upon thrall inran.all the .t e i s, that that W:11 promptly talon, tifillereat in s r fe-nl ng .other i en'e morals -and bug;- nese 3rian.2'.s.. �. If at slay than yoa desh'e to know 6.1'3 people who a ,ret bu IdfiiS 41P the hnome town take a look thrOugii the paper 444 4t you oxiget. rind the name o a certatlo bu.s Gess marl or eompaz ou can nest 4,ss00 t''.iat it's a dead Tile Exeter bowlers, wits 'i a.•ted, Mit. G? e11, Eer141. and S:. Z,iarys: lost Week, av lily s tg to and trent the tifasoaic Grand Ledge, than, .^-z ';nest" e..njo%y sbs°e Irapa, beat ttiverei noi very Asuceesstul ni Chair , antes, $oefn',twd in ; Yitchelt. two ii at 'len. a*td thre# Ont of tsar ttT lit. ;tx, x:74* FOR SAa atolls, Po APPRENTICE WAIZTEE3-^ To ladlering, Apply to P E' Exe6 ez, ' I i—^LIVE PO LT: AVE 'T4IL*1�L�t PI 2 do eats learn. tiYl1J,q, WONTED or Cin n n S. S. tiff. en, situated 3rulte9 west at Exftez, Aplily, slating Qual;flca trier and eatiary,,Cod yo<an Carrick, Hay Thi j1?ntor baseball teams rat Exeter and %,.\lean 7A;°;t ori ' w local diantetui en Thursd,'ny evening and played an ex cehent + ante 'Pp=te of the wet ;rount3.,a. Tuesday mornin' apendl a fcW stay's T e re3alt wak3 a victory for the Y 13- ltl a[GtlterC41.. Muss Mannnng of Bowzi>a,'zville` is t"o guest: of -0Mrs.. J. • tStewaft. Misses Clara and Ethel 'Vesper ^ "are siting with -relatives h town. ' L Miss Dorothy Kuntz is. visiting .her uncle, Mr. 1. Snit,4c at ',Fia.nl'itan, 2r. Austin 1-Sewt has ttatiten a.;,lios- ft/on as barber V._+t't Mr, Frank i3oyle4 Mr^s, Fuller and children of Sarna ars the guests of qtr. arid. mrs. • John Shell. Miss. Camerae, 'E? ter I ortt left Tuesday morning to`vis;tE at Eangworth, Iowa. Miss C.'Y%n-'gait let't:'Saturday .to visit her brother, Mr. Chas, ::night, tot $t. Thomas. Dr. T. A. Amos o; Buz otri1 spent; Sunday with friends .uu tevau, the eat of lir, J, A: Staewhr'f. Mr, Jo%1:3 33,Spaelnaxag an'A l nzaaiaer,- in-law Mr. Grain. Johnston, visited; Mr Jo'fac Spaclonan tl4s week. Miss Marjorie, Heiaburp of Pentrali,i, Paas b.en sueeessfali i;n paps4rn' herr music esanntntatio,A with honor,. Mrs. Durk, lett lfolidpy ter laticell- o a, Welt„ Vi ere ei1 ! „?5,41. 1. spend. ar short time Coli emir* business wit,} plea sure Master Pa,'ul Coati"s3:s•,, 'sea of Rear D. W. Collins. s eoekkood, to finis Ird through. Wrnesa: ru£fex°ts„ frotn azn attack of liver trouble. ssa 14. Jolms ItaP retttritted, fent a lar^ills.. aecoroank4T Jaen t,ep.i+~w, tauter Jnppk Crich# who wet lits;',; hes foil; It tinker Dr. W. d, ,3 rtovatn.Fingi of Celetj.,onnia, [ do , who haseam. inert .vlsittnl ' with lt'ea fetttert Pix. J. ",Wt,, 'fl:nla, deft, FOR P. 0., OntarIo, o<>iu w+,n, ► T ;as ;--4— ieorq by a ,cora pf 4, xster 130} Q '7'7' cm. ,.sexing very etronf .at ilio f;nisl} and but for the early darkness, we b1'', would MVO Won out, Ctrs, tgbert 11lekaFrd,. o3 "Wittntpeg forager res tdcnt of Exeter wlo batt breis vf•a3ting-:svitit her sister Mrs. treet, London for Sr.zeere, at Batllurs solar_ tithe, ^,was strut.* by a locozilot:vq at t a i,.. ^T. RL, depot recently and was setn;w;atl't sedousty '0l.„1ttt'eel.. She. sus- za31aec1 nunibtg of bruIsese 'Mrs.% Kekand ca•O;3srti a Baa a.nz Jo, Rota Bathurst street to rill. d 1 C, a?ld tt43 4 t! reao,W tracks wa.s str%nck 1a3 lett ,nnQtisve. BaspItNerry Fes' CAlst)'s IANtAae Cea at tte oasis a: 't c;aurch on Friday everx Most enlyatnle largely attended. Tho teatdva postponed from the prevtious ev awing to the rata ,of. Thurada noon. Friday evenTir4S, However, w: most favorable one eat ` the result ,Nva a very successful festival, dlus;c was furtihaltnd, by tine Exeter, Eand, and',the'i' anany ,elections ;wore :'grea;Uy, apprce at - t d. The proceeds amounted to $62,00,. a FOR SALE. -A qua;ility of rsuin per wood, .sunt as old mills, wood 'ready Tor stove and furnace; Aleo t4. number' t1t 6mali Ia' e Apply to JOHN MAY, London, Boal S<sutaa,l 'WANTED, at once, a good SJri ?tor 'general 3nousewprk, 'where nurse is kept. No wasit!'ng or Ironing• Apply to Mrs. Geo. I -I. O'Neil, pill Princess Ave. London,; Ont. to CARD O' '1lFIANHS 1, We kindly thallic the friends and neigh bore of ;,t1.= late si`rLdi John Her'be•^t 'for their ie; idness and sympathy during her illness and subsequent dearth. Mrs. R. Holland, Mrts. G. Under, 1Tr. KV Ir D -vanf of Luean t'.a-s sold ills lslackertrtfthing buatneas in Ducar WI Mr. Jackson, Nadi' wd19' i iptrs to Exeter about tar, first of Au.Wgtst, and ‘go :into partnership w:w`th his ,father and brother, Messrs. James: Ed:.. Di€Sna>.n. Tbs.. tollowltns from :i western writer [•s of!interest .tet pur'rcadors,--"If yor coma ,from lustre Grey; or ,Bruce, you ar3 .p2etty sura ort hearty wolcorse in almost any part ° o! s;au.thern Ilan itoba..A.0 along ttio way 4rkurt.Nfordcan to Napinlct, Clef! ku *3 Scotoh and fi Irish oftspr',bs of th Old Ontario coun- ties have esta'b1:shed :new horn4steada and ..built up towa and. v:,tlagea, now among the oldest intaunIt;ea, In the provi'nce. At AfOrde i the President of, the Board of Tra ,e and The editor$ of the local' ttowspatlsars can, talk for hours almost (about:ilaeir boyhotd, days Jn Goderleb, .and farther west In „Pilot lfound'and Crystat*QIIT, the twin ;town of ManItoba, ^ the lateali }1ovt.s ,ani Exe.: ter, Ontario, terns ills topic tori can- versatloh of Intorrlknat Ile. length Tree rinks tro,Yir the Granites o! . St. `. Marys '4w ted; the. Exete:zrt bowlers Friday afternoon latst wi;tli,the result that Ex was vp several` 13011t£3. After tea the vi 9: went n to Hensel]. Tor agame. The scores .here were, -- Sc Marys Exeter Carter . a Gould, Sherpa Grieive Adams , Carling Pool, ship 15 i3want.32, skip, Dunseith. 13awden Maxwell telly, liorielgrves Creech Maxwell, skip 15 Hamden, skip, 26 Par,sone Kearns Box Acheson Dewey •, Chrliate Butler, aklp 18 Clarke. skip 18 lir. J. Cr Stat,ntturp* l+ 111fn1ltll?er for :a, tr,Ap X074411° coast, whlln firs, Stsli'rbury Xueselay 14auid, Cho asnni1Fk let' the allele- ninssAl ng Or ackaorin"g otlnt, were wbere whit snood a few celcat 'Ntr.^ Walter Crit irtiitta, of 1~,9reat ;Gate, Et: ia.iid, a1'rlsed liter, Mc+,n,day to the Gauladlan GQverau lent Employment vent, Q, B. Sanders. and ;was at once ,teed to a :)Q;', 'Nlql 'lir, 1,ew- fa .l 1st of ,rstigma. HOUSE AND, LOT FOR SALE..' The undersigned la efferng for vale' axle fine 'dwelling and,iots en Andrew St. Exeter. Besides the house their is a ''gcpai stable, a. larges "pumper ;of choice fruit trees, hard and soft water and other convent-er cel. 'ih.s is a choice property, welllocated and wti.11 be sold reasonably.. For p'art4culars apply to-- JAMES o-3AMES DENNIS, Exeter, Ont. Delaware, Lackawanna and Weston Coal Company's StiLIT011 00411 The best hard coal maned.. Burns to a white ash, W. H. LEVETT,, COALMAN 23 Bus, Dray and Teaming 13usirtess Your orders in our line = will be attended to quickly and satisfac' torily. We are here to please the public .neeing anything_ in our Foe, and we ask 'a trial from you. Orders lett, b$' phone°ror other- wise at '£#4.RADVOCATIi'i. 'OFp- IOC+, PFIONJ. ,25, : will receive prompt attention, IV Creech 48; ^ 62 me & Ceme t Always on hand R t '. BELDON Exeter, -- Ontario tolosooktamimooiettioftwowst „Mrs. Waugh hats retur'z eel from a visit to Toronto.: 1Tiss Evelyn G"ll returned, Thursday to her d,4lttes as n,u'rb'e iss.' oledo. Mr. George HHolrgnn o? . Egmonelville spent Freday :1ast,wiitit friends in town. Mrs. Herman Kelly and ciltldren 4of Stratford are visiting at Mr. George Smalla>rombe e, Ctrs, D. Hartleib was Londen last week, and Mr. Hartleib spent a few days in Toronto. R. S 7[.a2xS of Toronto ,pent part of last week in town, looking over tli4 apple ;situait;On. Aitss L. McCaffrey spd, Ielftos L, ;Fal, c4ner e "Weerleteck are OW guests. at Gladys 1 stle. Dr, and Ora. Ti.a.r.t1SOn, beagle returned o Detroit, after th'reod week's holidays Ciera aid mt Grand I3sfl +Sr, shad 141rs. Dasri R•4wteel4ffe and little daughter, of G•raxtori Zro visiting felends +tt wreck iYr town. giisses Gertrer wria'b3aj41 `,Spackmalt Di Dlenl'h'eitra sp'en i <'i` Adet,V:SYI ,with their Waiidpatts, �Mr`• .and ti!rs. J� $pack�tran last ,eek. ySisa° Alma shad NaSter G.harloa Drew of Torozl;te grid Malater30141 M0tthe,wst of Cisio.getx Ike 1teg Choir uncle azzct aunt, lir.. ,anti tela 1F 'tion, , lir, Ed. Powell and, parer of ends from Detroit and Z,V ,teller ;rnQ sr - ed ,riero t oil '*.n.tda.Y rind ala revs at Mr, Fowell's cottage. Grande Vend. ;lir. and Mpg. gear and um.,. `G1a4 man Gia rn:ap'a returucd tG thed ?,v?aa haye boort,. 3tt'e.til,ni at ;Mr. in Petertvegu0 yc,atexcla''y, Keri i,uxtoln, of Batik of Commerce staff. Montreal,. 'Who rias been ,holid,.iynia at Wig ills .here for a month. returnod,'to tits dates on :,rib day, EYE SIGHT SPECIAL 'ST .-5l,^asJ 3. 1 jl lien, Eye. SVht Specialist, will be at tThe CENTRAL HOTEL on SATURDAY SC^LY il7th-oris day, An Advance in furniture In Quality, Variety and Beauty - but NOT in prices, is the movement snow being executed in our store. Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer ONTARIO EXETER Hot Weather Wants The ^ judgment handeddown ..by the high court established, that in cases where (the ,Waters a'E s, navpgable take or .river overflows 'the adjoining iapd the owner aatdll retains thd's ownership. The theory that the Crown, has as roadway beside a aia•vig‘a t le ^stream is upset. The judge-deoided that a t'Jtle ,to land held it whether Sat was urnder water or other wise. Aiotr very .important decision was given tin t;h>e cape of Stanley vs Perry The court •said, that .lan.d gatned by, .deposits anasing front natural or arttfiela i, *here the 'accretion was gradual, this Iatid .so formed become, the 'property `of the adjacent ,soil. By another authoiIty lit is established that land formed gradually and Impercepti- ably by tpis , act bin of the water, goes to this owner of the'adjacent scil These deevscons are vallliable to inanY Persons having' land affected by water. The Exeter Bargain Store Fancy , parasols wortl4.i5 to clear at 69c. each. ? t Ladies acrid Chs'ldrens fancy tan hose Wort/122:5c. a ,parr, Black cotton hose at 10e. a. pain Bath towels 123. c. and 22Mc. each: Men's . fine top shirt's worth $1.00 to $1.50 for 50e. pada Children's straw hate 5 and idoeach. Just :.opened a ease of Enslpsh Flannelettes, 36 3nche only worth. 14c. for 11e.;'`a ya 'di 800,7`S liiQ,D SHOES OCR SPECIALTY t ,half p 2celt wide in -stripers ta. F. 13ExStERs 1 door north. of Post Office Contracts '.have :been left/ for 'the pull tng down (of the damaged:Auburn 'fridge, and the erection ,of a new and !anger; structure. Joseph Lawson,' of Crediton w a1' do the cement. work, :for $7.00" Per cubic yard, and thi`tis• it iia calculated' will aggregate •$6,500,, which ip talso the contract , price at ,which Hill _ Co., of Ivli tellieil, vrill; erect the new - iron fitiperstMeture wily ,cement floor.: The new briidge well be 190 feet long, 40 feet'.. 1o'ntger than OA( old one, ,alnd the approa�ehaa it is,1eXpectedt will cost $400 or $500, wiich.�h3tress the 'total `'post. in the .ne hborhood; of, $13,500.'The old bridge `ne, being taken down County Clerk' Lane wats at tS"trialtford, last' ,glia. ,uaday, at ''a joiint; l'ddt1n wjffh>'Perth otfic`labs to co!n sides the maitter of everal, bridges, only one of v: h;eh 'that 1 irkto(n, e T-Iurbt imt:ereldted', in. coir tract for Vh e wall let Ito the tratford 13 dee Co, -"t' �,� ^a9E, the structure being 48 feet long,. and:. the -Cast; wi'vl ba eklually Oor,rie by the , twsi' counties. sfl ,aa Big Reduction IN DINNER SETS JULY AND AUGUST POWELL'S A AA NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. I am the only authorized Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial f ie»ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. Notice To Contractor Well - Drilling Tools We aro dealers and Manufacturerp: of WRTT.DRILJLING' ,i PI..B.4"t1.Tt8" for STEAM or GASOLINl ; DRIVE. Our apparatus has been thoroughly tested and feuvd satisfactory in every respect. General castings, piping, tubing, etc., on Band. Oement Silo forma manufactured. Particulars on applications to J. Murray 86 Son EXETER Our List of Farming Supplies Carload of Brockville Buggi-es Carload of Dominion Buggies Oliver Corn Cultivators 1 . with Bean Harve ter Attachments John Deere Corn Cultiyators John Deere Single and Double Riding Plows May Forks and Tracks, Ropes arid pulleys B. T. Litter Carriers De Laval Cream. Separators Blue Bell Cream Separators Toronto Wind Mills} . . . . . . with pumps, piping and water basins installed in harns Baker 'Wind Mills Fleury Plows Success Manure Spreaders Points for Fleury and C-ockshutt Plows Machine Oil and Cream, Separator Oil Full line of McCormick Tillage and Barvesting Machines—Binders Mowers Rakes, Loaders, Side Rakes, Spreaders Chathsun, Woodstock and Jackton Wagon Disc Harrows Gasoline Engines Binder Twine American Clover Buncher- can be attached to any mower and is- a very convenient and clever clover saver. a he man on the mower operates it. Repairing promptly attended to ONTARIO for dll:i'E'S LTA; S r owe., bettor tTrCd. to t11n scat than any slim braney have tiled. T1"Ilii MODEL l'Y.OU1 next ti1k7ma,Andsee;tt. zezr e,'ro right. The trial w' -l' I not cost you a.. ret extra for :lloctcl is Bol' tiff the price of oft14. nary flour altho'uSh 'it Is' worth more by a good deal+ ITAnvTIX 13R0$'., E CETEE. JONES & MAY PEONS NO. 02 IMPLEMENT AGENTS EXETE Our Clearing Summer Sale ALL • SUMMER GOODS MUST GO TO MAIM R!0Pg F011, ODR Npw.. FALL Gapps AN7licia ARE ARRIVING EVERy DAY, THIS WILL BE A GPOD TIME tTO BUY ANYTHING YOU, MAY NEED FOR THE WARM. WEATHER. LADIES' 1-V-IITE DRESSES LADIES' .W,HITE WAISTS cleared outt, at about 3.1 prica About onp dozen. left to be Secure one. FANCY PARASOLS • All kinds and sfyieg LADIES' .W1-IITEWEAR C. Covers, and, Drawers. Every pllece to go at Bargain prices. FANCY G,INGI-IAMS CHILDREN'S DRESSES We ,have a lot; of fancy Ging- itiains to be cleared out at 10c. Do not by without ,one. ;We .are 75e. o clear. gorily a few left of Wjhlite-,. or Colored,. Evellyone to' be snid at MILLINERY. - A few trlmrned hate and shapes. ter less than We don't want 4ry left,. YOU Tp sp.R. PT, PILES OF GOODS NOT, ON TRis CLEARED ouT. L PAT Headquarters o e celebrated W.E. nford Clothing