Exeter Advocate, 1912-7-25, Page 4et er bx Sanders & reeehe THURSDAY, JULY 25,'12 may be that ralsattre.-areeto alarge. extent to blassfe for the opineons held 'bet triany in reessiod; ee thter posen 'aind plare ar. the eountry. TO 'man, who does net laud, Itle .0wri Oatirsog- -artd betiOe et to be'the best in exiete ence; cannot expect, others to -do s. Et well te. Ze„Itientb`or, however, that agriculture is one et .the Oldest and, most atoble ot callings, -Ta Many Europ 'cancountries te-ciey' the man who Owns land, works a, Caret. or evelt ;seats one, has e soelei ehettts ahead of Met oat the, stere4teePer or business Man. One has only to study the. '.a.grf..pulture ot Great Britatt to be, convinced of this 'fact. Both In the Va.e„teel Staties and aTLaa.tbar5 h5.5 beartendecy n the saast to belIttle ecaVi...io,g, "t.'"itit.41-T"' nier; and, as We Itssis already *ate* the farmer himself iteteitorile ineaSure respensible or z. While clothes:do not Make tlei mate, Yd,;', -Aor.ne Lt pride En ones personal aPpeararneeeht puttee neeesearer, The PeoPie W,lte ;stett,cd, ofa the laad k. thesSulltrY„....111 prop:ter days eted Petie t tills word'a gexds, aati .ao matter what desire they ntlY have had ter pers-Ohal. ,adorraneitt they could not rafford any eXterislve out. lay in ties reepect, god so when 'they iappeated pubro were, not alswJ ra.."70SS:d Ottn)rthfl eaesetittentis; th..eY were loelted, LIPO With le-eore„ ati.d s ro a conteraftt that neither they or theiroaLj,Lng,deServed. time, however, mane: ,theset, Od pioneers, tee Matter „hew shabby 'their Crei4R. olat,41 buy out. Warty aecity . man dressed in fine linen 4,11t1 „tartlg 15141417 Ltu.ously every day, . Is kteder:steod tiiti the ' lancing' Chicago al;nd, )filwaultee Electric, Railway a wheeli the ellereheldekti or the defunct Severeigin Bank 'are in- terested, has been praetically ;',011.4) Theeroad nae, be In ''the heaths et a. receiver ,e'stlre Jantrary, 1.908 and for' '‘'t wee thoalht U.t R;" oias an ttesest on Which the shaetholders of ". bank could not' eaant to aXgroat era. Tee.nane:ad haa baa .freet* - isee.e of 410,000,0n0 bonda, $4,500,0011 urrt to be of whs. old a: preseet, This amount ett.,11 be usso,a 011,0-A-8, "1.o, retire ttederlYing $'ee'); to retire .receiveris stes, ;3,-1,f:0)0,000' and for int-, p C v:.etieets, ....wit -Pe the bal. 'e reo-eai.o lei the treasort-. I . Wm. AVtsea 'reteene.,1 eo Ise; CoppleseA)tte atter,. V,ets.t,iiie- here I wile. her pare,:ts, Mr: oillt44:).1"=„S''' e, s -„ ding so revised Ob - e ese juae else total rea 4r.tler w's see tit'. 5 YXZ1.0,0 4 IOO eras, cempared wite, 1,0e177.1.59 acres as re.urned by the Cenistts of 1011 was 1.097,900 ares, but wintr tc0.1no ;las rolused this .7$1, . '000 acres. The area, sown ta, pate is estimated at 9,464,500 aceese om- arti w 9,e33,5750 acres, en te 1911. tho three, Northwest provihet`ta;eOrifig wheat eevers 9,t±29„000, scree' in;1911 e4nere4 se being in Saskatchewan. and Albertes. Including all wheat whea.. aereage la tne three, en 0,245,100, comps.", red -whit 0,- aeres in 1911, ete deereasa beirtA atToutned or by thterorge. area or fall wheat Winter silted let Ailoerta. Oats in the -thros provinces oecuPY 110.7,1ete acres teed ha.rley,S2e,000 acres as etenoerad wit !let year's census fig tures of 4,541.3,203 acres tor. eats . and 761,7e8 acrss for barley. Kinceirdites Reporter lest week publiseed a very eredesa,ble Old Boys' Reeinioe editeen last 'seek, rooleined an wneeit ware the poetreeet$ lof the town cite:eats an' nfaes- cJ4h2 bus:n78o nnaof 's own. The cdireve s vtry we:thy ef the areason aed refle,ms credit on its able tdetor, .r. NEWSPAPER LAWS RENSALL mr, Alex elutelock,kwiles has cond,uoted boot ad Sisoe slt or here for ,the Pasty twenty yeses, teas sold ,the busi- aess tor„ Zurich,, woo conducts a flour Mad, .feed store le the latter vUare Ranneel, will take pas- sessien nafevodifyls and.Mr. Murdock. after ,tagng ehbitt yaea'tioa, will in all probattrey settle ito We(stern Can- ada,. -Mrs; GeorgeWirof the Loie- d,on road reatsfa, has 4o1d her e011ent 1.00 cre farm te ..Ge12'17 ot 017160111LIZett. N'Srfjr, and ramily wilt glove to S,eaf,ortle, evhere they will make 'their home en ,tuture Mrs, A, I-1, King of lageosoll is, visit - leg 'in town -Dr, and Mes. Sellery look la the Kinearde Old Slays Re -union last week, -Mrs. George 'Walker alert terikiren or Guelph are v.:Leith-id fiends town. -Mese Q. V. S,:nith is attend- ilirg the eummer,echool atAlinal College -W. Perishes"' has purchased 04' Over- land autto-Mrs, Dawsoa and daughter of Terenta. are vesitsneg With, eNte ,and, Mrs Jamee ChesneY.--Mr. AreLachlari and wife of Saaltatoon ate gueste or H Soldan and wrte.-S. S. Bellitag's, wife and eleildren o Itedgebown, mPtored to town last week.-Louls, McKay is in Toronto learehrg advanced By Scout werit.-Anansw Johnston has -returned treat a in:t bla daughter In Wood' steelc.--elrs, Albert C. Heath' and child- ren oNew Xcrkt.... arts olsetiting hr sis- ter, Mrs. James Me,ore,-; Ftedmend Toronto I,us been vis!11.t1;" 1115 uncle Cherles Itodatenct Halr.--"George Trott, of ,Saeltatoen. tu.samterly o ollsall„ le here vieting old triends.---Mra.' Robert ratron is itenrca front the west, -13 out of V, lwas, the record tor the Hell- afl Entranee class.. --Three rinks of $t. 3,1arya bowler e laetoed.itoi Hensall and played a friendly ,garno, wt „h three local rinks, 'At the conelue?la one 1-lensell rink was down three. anther '4, .end the third waa u,p 15.-Joha 3:30:d, who Kenny autoed from. :Minnesota to. It APP'1:1 relatlsoa, prior „to eiartIng en his return tr:P, 7614o. a nienle „tO ver 00 reletives aud trionds at.Grand Bend, All report 4 most ertioyable tinie.--.Mrs. Ed. Cudmore. who recently carne borne from tile West to slIalt her panents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Meills, was unexPeeteellY cnlJ ed, holllhY a trteasas that her husband wae very 111 s+ltd, 1`,134 been oPerared ou ' the 'Red Deer HospitaL-D. Stewart mak'ag a good. reCovenl :rem ltia severe Glen, or Lumley l'as purchaeed Cho old James. Pattersoe r.e.rm oeazBrocerield or r414 „sen, ---Dr. Mann or Staffa lsas purchased. the practise and residence or DreAiltser.h.'04, and will move here shortly, Dr. Alkonneed tends „delay; to Calgary, Alta, to reside. A. F. ,ar.d M.. at the ffrand lodge ses- -Ceo- Wren rePreeented Zurich Lodge &MI in Toronto. ',MOUNT CARMEL J. J, Covet:11in St.r.Patford vfeiteng hie father, Mr. Timothy Ceugh- tin, w.`te :s at prese-tt •very seribuely at his homs.--Mr. Jess Doyle ,hrle engaged John Guabian for ,the,surnmer. Mr. Doyle has :wile no mit:teak* .as John is a geed ma Kate Carey left ladt week tor Saskatchewan 'to vilset her brother. --/Mr. Jos. Ziler 'vie - iced trends in Michigan Ler • sversfl days last week. --Little Mies Nora Rau or St. Joseph itt visiting WirMitrod Guinan for a few days ells week. -Mrs, A. J. Coughlin of. TO•ontie es visiting friends Ja this nelghborhood.-Mr. Jae. Quarles called on !intends at, Kreva day -Mr. and Mrs. Nell„Mclehee or Pa.rie. 0111 were v:e;ting friends here on Sure; day. -Miss Neirre Reardon or Detroit is vesiting at her home becee-Mtl T. 3. Hall last week purchased, the lot owned by Mr. 3. :dadden.,--Wgile two 'young ladies were driving along the mad about two miles east or here one day last weekan auto struck Their buggY, break - and throwlag both ladies out. Fortunately they were- not hurt, &nee than a bad shaing uP, and they wore able to continue ef-1 tier way. --Miss T„?..ssie and Alsen'e oi!av.;p of.' St. Marys are visiting friends in this neighbor - is required to sgive by lefler return:tee: the paper does answ w. when a subscriber doss not take ;is paper out of the Orrts:. and s'a`e tee reason Tor "As not bting taken. Any aeglect to io Et> tnakr.s thr postmaster responsible to ,t,lte ,pub: s 'zr4- for paynemt. 2 -If any person orders his paper di,..ss co-mint:ad lea must pay all arreareggs or ea: publisher eley cent:ous to seed untid paymmt :5 made and collect the whole amount whether the paper is tak- en trent the ofeles or not. „There can be no lc -gal discontinuance until Pay- s -nerd is made, perso who talt-S,a paper oul. oZ the- „Post:: OrFk'e, whether eediree..tea to his or wIlszner'..lie't nas 'subscribed or not els respcinetiale., for the pay. 4 -Ir a subscliber orders s."PaPeo stepped and the publisher conehuss , to send, tii.$ subscriber es bound to pay -for 11 it he. mitts It out of „ Post Office. This proceeds' " upon -1,fie -ground that a Man must pay for what' he 'uses. t' 5 -The courts have decided that .re- fusing to take newspapers- ,or periode, eats from the Poet Dfrice or kremoving leaving them uncalled. tor s prima, facie evedeence of 2ntentiona1 fraud. WHALEN ' Miss Mable Ashton 'of Londoti -Js her aunt, Mrs. Feetek Mable Pateeenson f St 'Mar's is visiting relatives around 'ller'Cc1:,,-Orttx young peopla p,ionftlted ate,Grand ",'Beed on. Saturday and eajeyednefirYouting very inuele.e-Our Wonsael",s7, ,e0;es3rIS,r)/ SODIetY :is i:1;an72: a soeial on OrictietY night, the '26t5. A ehoiceprogram "will be rendered and \ao aut,ograph ba sold. -Mrs. Wan dgdon 5.5 iv,'..sitting" friends at Witerton, for a. Wm. Osden atteil de:d thfunerai. wife's couso. MVS, SteMultito f or merle; itirise -MaY'Buetscsa, wheit';ded enseere. land e'en w.as braes -eat horns to Staffs. ' for !n r1 „at eeTese :crop Oro spec te - rss distrect eseceel.11„Y, fle&t"SinceLite recent rains. The oats'and ba.rleye,prom- . ises to be better tban. ed for severpt about aSI cu t aed(Yea...edee ba no e Carel t y of. straw trieie:Ye .rooL crop 1e0a• Ile fine eonditi ae.t. pRAiNA3E DEMONS,TRATION m.ts Ontario Agrieul,toral College is rnpt a s Tillo; the value of draleage assen this suoP fraer, vyoleh purPose. drainage, demOrtaMittAaaa are being. held :„1„ merry Pertsot the prove,oce. Thursday, August 1.et, 1912at tha'llour of 7 p.,n1, o'00clr one ,;er these tlemmi-, etrations wMl be. 'held, ot k ,erarnt. of isle, A Q. linosali, concesOM L,ot 7 TueltersroW4 Te..wnsti*.p. This, ot,sereng Should be of epecial intereet as eonestdifficeit plecei to (train am involved.. Besides the discussion of the Particular :problem, or Mr. Staillie',e farm there will be e d,ernonstragon, or 'filet's, ods o rtrifring the fall over a..ditelt, de- terrninni the grade, digging truss to the grad.", etc.' IBLIMVIL,LE Me. T. Cameron hats disposed of Mn. Wm. CoultW fine 100 acre fat'm an tree 7th coaceasten o trabctrne Mr, George Wridht, WINGILAM-Wm. Steves, an English maehlnst, recently employed at the Weetern Fotmdry, was seriouely hurt en TueedaT ter a beant.,Perting at the e.reeelon of the new power house, Sev- ral ribs were broken an he was otherwise hurt. CLANDEROYE-Wheat cutting ,Ia un- der was, rile .thes tiletrict. Ruet tie Very prevalent, a browet and, o1 attst spores rnavers over the ranchrties ae eUtting pregreeses. The grain et coneequence is sontewhat shrunken. The Hessian fly has been ttottblesontO, and bas caused a lose in 0=1.3 cases as leg% ,as le bushels per Jacrl4f... ItlITCHELL-A very pretty wedding tOok place oh July 17th, at the, home of Ir. and Mrs. TnIIM.144 Mer...4reit, when their daolghter Z\r5,ala Was „United in marrlap to Mr. it( Butcher, ,,or Marys. Rev. Dr. t.leRao perrormed the ce.remeely. Half Holiday in July and August We, the widersIgned nterche.nte of, Ex-, eter,, agree to close our pdacea er bus's, nees at HALF -PAST TWELVE on THURSDAY AFTERNOONS direeme the menthe or jIllLY and AUausT, 3, A, Stewaltt S. Marthi & Son HARPLEY ells May Hariton of Toronto is e:as-, at Mr. Jos. Iliekeyis.-3f•essrs. John Sherrht and Dolph Allen intend leavtine for the 'West th'es week :Nab a load of horses eachi-Orikas Realinice Turnbull, aceortmatted by her, Vials si,s- tsr. Grace, spent the, weeN.% ith „the:r, cousene at the Post office. -At the re- cent piano examenatemn theld at the Con- servatory of Music, .T...ond)n, Miss Else Lova was successful in passing et:eh per cent., thereby obteining first - cies honors. Much credit -is due her teacher, "Miss Guinan, out of three pup- as two ihav-mg pa'ssad, with first-class 7TI0T13Z'S and one w1th h1,anors.-The Rur- al eTticohorre..Conappeey are completing teoir -wrerk of -,g4t1ng the telephone in runatan order th'Week.-Me. W„m. Mc- Greger, has .1:ented ps(rt of Mr, Dolph flns :.propey- and. intends enoviiage .n - this fa11, where Mr. Itobt. Peilib";k tribw res ng. -Mrs John J. taylor reCerved: Word front her daugh- ter,""Mlea Edi;t;h, of her 'safe arrival lin Beindon.-Mes 'Meanie Ridley visited Miss Bertha Pollock far a few days. - mise N. M. Hoddlos es spending the week end in. Detront wtite,i her sister. Mrs George Katipp STATES THAT PARISIAN SAGE IS BEST HAIR TONIC SPaelonan Jos. Da4e W. J. Carling A. J. Ford Wm, Rivers P. Frayhe W. W. Taman Jortee & 'May S. Fitton W. 3, Beer W J. Beaman Mra Teo B. W. F. Beavers 3. Grigg, F. BoYle F E. Willis Talawkina & Son Marehead. CENTRAL 121S STRATFORD. ONT. ONTA.RIO'EPEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Our tee:el:era are alltexperienced structors. Our courses are better than ever, and the equiptacipt Is more complete. We do more Cr our graduates than do other similar schools Fourteen applications for trained help ever° moseyed during' the past weitek. some or these offering over $700 per annum. We have throe departments, Commercial Shorthand and telegraphy, Write for our free catapgue and see ,what we are doing. D A. McLACHLAN, Principal. "I had a bad case of dandruff. My scalp was riot of dandrufr and it came out theck and scalpy. My haer came out badly; often I nearly cnied on se - Count of ioseng my pretty head of hair. I heard of PARISIAN SAGE and only had to use two bottles, before the ',lair sLopped coming out, the scalp became clean. and all the, dandruff d,:sa.ppeared. The haer became silky and one.big rea- son that I liked PARISIAN SAGE was that et kept the hater smooth, silky, and clean, ',viten no traces oe stickiness. I believe this tonic to be the best on tee market as there bas been no re- turn of daadrutl ar nair whatever. I am glad ta pu.1511Cly- endorse the use of PARISIAN SAGE., 1 ,.„Inave, ten erclorsed ".ts use anti, 'ill w do -1." 33 E. Bond St., Carry PARISIAN SAGE, thecla1...saff•ar. hair d7ess:tig and beautf.t.riq sold" .13.,Y - COLE and druggists esterywlete. anted for falling hair, dandrilff etid ecl-elP itch- Lerge. bottle 50 cents, How' s ThiSP We offer One Eundred DoliareBoward for any case of Catarrla that cannot be cured by 110.11's Catarrh Cure, F. J. ClIENEY ez Co., Toledo, 0. Ws the undersigned have known F. J, Cheney tor oathrerl5asot:aYne:nlob,iatuad:oenliissInveahdelmbypojarfisectirmtlY1:enerahle in all business transactions and financially able to watinse, Etxxast Zt• Maavis, Wholesale Dnifilgiata, Toledo, 0 Tales Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting til• rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Testimonials sent tree. Price 76e. pat boa tie. Sold by ail Dnaggiete Tokonill's Family Pills for constipation. PRAND BEND. P, Baker was, in Londoa "Monday. aud Urs Thostrarsa, of Detroit are vis:tiag, the latter's pagents, Mi. and lefre. Fred. Pager -Mr. L Bildleet elfsMiens !gall visited ells stater, l'sfriae43-siker for a few days, -Mr. Jos G41 visited' in Altana Sunday and Monday.-Mh. Sam. NIceathern of Klondike moved here laat Ippereort, Who has been visit:Jag with her tsister Mts. WM. Pat- erson, retureezi to her iozn in . Thomas, -Mr. Jos. and, Ed. Gill Ivisited itt Ailea Crag last weelek--3fies Welder: nurse ot Da.alswood ie at proseat wait - on Mrs. P. Baker:v.-erre. Ed. Gill end Mrs. Wen Buebapart were in 'Peeks hW Tbursdatr.1-The .Diessrap, Knott etf Grantoa visited around here Sunday. Canadian National . ... h Ex ibition SOME FEATURES OF Imperialear Y _Year Imperial Cadet Review cocioto from on the ovir000s nocniniceo F-xhibits by the Provinces Dominion Exhibits Band a Scots Guards Frons 13uckinitharn Palace Paintings of the Year from Europe Paintings by best Canadian and American Artists Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Review Everything in Educations!! Exhib ts Siege of Delhi ' Besses 0' Th' Barn Band Britain's Best t3rn Bad Dragoons' Muilcal Ride Industries in Operation Butter Making Competitions America's Greatest Live Stock Show Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Prettiest Pussies Japanese Day Fireworks Motor Boat Races llippodrome and Circus Four Stages" and Arena all going Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic Sports Ten Band Concerts Daily Acres of _Manufactures Imperial Fireworks --60 Numbers Aug. 24 1912 Sept- 9 TORONTO THE SECRET OF LONG LIFE. Do not sap the springs of life by neglect of the human mechanism, by allowing the accumulation of poisons in the system. An imitation of Nature's method of restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of the blood and nervous strength is to take an alterative glyceric extract (without alcohol) of Golden Seal and Oregon grape root, Bloodroot, Stone and Mandrake root with Cherrybark. Over 40 years ago Dr. Pierce gave to the public this remedy, which he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. He found it would help the blood in taking up the proper ele- ments from food, help the liver into activity, thereby throwing out the poisons from the blood gut vitalizing the whole system as well as allaying and soothing a cough. No one ever takes cold unless constipated, or exhausted, and having what we enil mal-nutrition,which is attended with impoverished blood and exhaustion of nerve force. The "Discovery" is an all- round tonic which restores tone to the blood, nerves and heart by imitating Nature's methods of restoring waste of tissue, and feeding the nerves, heart and lungs on rich red blood. suffered from pain under any right 'shoulder blade also a very severe cough," writes Mits. W. Dorm, of New Brookland, S. C., to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. " Efad four different doctors and none did me any good. Some said I had consumption, others said I would have to have an operation. I was bedridden, unable to it up for six months -and was nothing but a live skeleton. You advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant, Pellets. When /had taken one bottle of the "Discovery'I couid sit up for an hour at a time, and when 1 had taken three bottles 1 conkl do ray cooking and tend to the children. I took fourteen bottles itt all and was then in good health. lify weight is now 167 Potmde. Stas. Dow. estern Fair September 6th to 14th, 1912 LONDON'S GREAT EXHIBITION ' LIBERAL PRIZES INSTRUCTIVE EisalthITS SPEED ..EVENTS EACH DAY • NEW ART BUILDING 'FILLED WITH MAGNIFICENT PAINTINGS ATTRACTIONS- PISOGRAME TWICE DAILY,. LIVE STOCK PARADE DA.ILY BESSES 0' THE BARN HAND OF CHELTENHAM., ENGLAND. ONE OF THE GREATEST BRASS tB.A.NDS IN THE w0,E11...z.); A.ND .,SEVERAL OTHERS , AERIAL AG'ItS, COMEDT. ACTS, T Fe AM330LINE AND A.CROBATIC. ACTS, ,,SEA.PERT'S EUESTRIENNF ACT, -A AND LOTS, OF OTPIERS THE :AIRWAY BETT EP THAN EVER. FIREWORKS EACH EVENING SINGLE- FARE RUEoveraI1 railroads trona 'King- ston trO Detroit. ,SE'PTg ND ALL in ORMATION FROM:. k.'i-IrJrzT, Secrete THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, U.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., President ALEXANIIIER LAIRD JOHN A1RD Assistant General Manager Oeneral Manager CAPITAL $15,0)0,000 REST, $12,500,000 BANKING BY IVIAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other detattnents of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or wittdrawn in this way as satisfactoiily as by a personal visit to the bank, 8.4 EXETER BRANCII-G. 5.. WATJGH, M.anager, )3ranch aiso at Croditon. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1865 Record of Progress for Five Years -1808-1911 Capita,' $3,0001000 Reserve Deposits Loans and Investments - Total Assets 000,000 $31000,000 4,600,000 $23,677,730 35,042,311 27,457,090 ,38,854,801 3,090,192, 48,2371284 Has 83 Branches in ..,anade, and Agents and Correspondents n allthe Prinsipai Mies in, tine Weald, 0111NSSIAL, TRIaliOACTSID1 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Branches: Interest allowed at bigheat etzrrent rate, EXETER BRANCH Agents latazoter for the Dominion Eiovernment, DiCgiloN tiarmia, Solieitore, N. D. HITRDON Manager, llCAN.-Atter several menths solotttr„ at Salt Loaco c.itY, F. H. Veil and, falts'.i7„ Nhave re and wftL send the sulminer here, 'J41 4.8LE FtiilX FOR 'The undereigited oreCor sale that valuable farm known nthe Case Herne- atead, on the Lopd0 ltoitd,, rrille5 north ot Exeter, bolas I.st 7, ',X the lac COnCe55,10:1 Of the Tawnelip Or Hay. In the (onty af ituso.n, cOntaining 07 acres ot land o the very best quality. Tbie Carat s conaldred one of tho boat in t„.ho pepuldus Anti pro- ductive d'strict in Nivib,4441 It la situated. Tnere la a I:rat-class' bijcit house with elate roof, hard end hart Water, eink, bath and Other njotlern aPPOlintments. Also an up-to-date bank barn 112x8d with water throughout and Ilay fork tracks, litter ca.rriey lux the stables tted, a power wind mill. !Ifhe and la cleao and in twat class eptaditkan. Intend, - Ing purchasers are invited ro :iespect tho crop now growing ,on the lentl. There are a9ros of hard. ntaple :man ond 1, acre of orchard. Possession at - ter „harvest this year. Por further par- ticulars apply to DICKSON & CARLING, , Barristers, &c., Exeter, -)nt. CLERIC'S NOTICE OF PIRST POSTING OF 'VOTERS' LISTS. Voters' Lists .1.912( ...)funielpality el The Village ot Exeter County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transniitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 8 of "The Voters' List Act" the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of ail persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said 3funicipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legisla- tive Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Main street, Exeter, on the 241h day of.luly of 1912, and reinaius there for inspection, Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omission rother errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have, the said errors corrected according to law. T. 11, CARLING Clerk oi the said Municipality. Dated this 24111 day of July, 1912. . EfatkitifitISEXIM Only line reaching a11 Summer.Resorts in Hie -Wands of Onta'r10, including MUSK QIcA LAKES . 'LAKE ,OFe BAYS ALGON'o,IIIN PARK : 111A.GANETAWAN fFRENCH TEMAGAMI KAWARTHA LAKES Pull Summer Service M.bw in' effect ,.to all of above .resores4 Wire for full par- ticulars stud Situstrated folders:to.any Grand Trunk Agent. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSION July 23, Aug. 6 & 20, Septi.O0 '‘,and 20 Winni. Peg .&rsTrieSaa14t'urn$434.00 11E:cclinig on° ten and return $42.00. Tickets gond 00 day's No change of cans. • . .e, Speetal train Will leave -Toronto .16.30 lere. an (above daes vda 0hhago; and St. Pau1, caoryeng ,:lOarougre (teaches and Pullman Tourist Sleepeig gars. T'n,e Grand TrunkRailway, is th.a shortest and quickest route befween Wienipeg---Sa.skatoon,-;Edmonton. New past Express Service between Veinnipe.g, Yorkton,sCanora and Regina. Sinoorn Roadbed, Electric Lighted Sleep tng' Caps, Superb Dlningn,Car service, .. Leave Whiz -tripe's 8.45 a.m. 6.0-0p.m Arrive Yorkton 7.10 pan., e.30, Arrive Canora '830 p.M. _11:45 anne ArriveRegena 900 p. ins 7.00 am Art; - , 8.1t3arll Arrive EdniorOcte ' ' 9,00 pin t-1,2XR LAK41,.,sAILINGS- ZaZ1z3'5.".er'Oel Ste., a,r,d 'Part ..toehur 3,30 p. m. Mon- deeys, Wednesdays arnd Saturdays. Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for-futi • onformet w, rite " • A.'. a DCFP, Una o ' Sna tea r„ TOT° 1 reports a very pleaSall time dsurB tdel #te'r a That cbolco farm of 108 acres on tti'ti 2n4 anti ard oornceeis or treborze. bo°41z One and a. Nat rn4lea txora Excier On tha promlees la a. !arse brick bouoe with slato root, and triune barna and stabling. Will bo sold separately or together to suit parchneer. 113 acres In fall wheat, 40 acres tali plowing done. bmlanCe in grass. APAY to THOS. FISHER. Exeter. PROPERTY F011, SALE WO have for al.ko tho north halt at Ilia brick block „immediately north et the Town Hall, Exeter, together with the other building's Used In connection with said property, and being at present occupied as a laundry., 'This property can be bought at it enap. For termw and pa,rtieulars apply to & CARLING, Sollaitors. Thousands Home Study of ambitious young people are bong instracted in their Home Study Dept. You may I finish at College it 7Ptl deal"' Pay whenever you wish. Thirty Years' Experience. Largeet train- ers 'in Canada. Enter any day Pos'Aions guaranteed. 51 you wish to save board and learn vshile you earn, write for parti- culars, NO VACATION Ointon Business College GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD -A' President Principal 11111316311111111MIME1011111111111/1111111111111=111 evvr Telephone Directory The. Bell Telephone Company of Can- ada is soon to prett a. new issue of ite OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the District of Western Ontario, in- cluding ExErrER , Parties who contemplate becoming Subscribers, ar those -who 'wish changes tri their present entry ' should place their, orders, with thei Local •Manager at once to ensure insertion Irt this issue. CONNECTING COMPANIES Should. also report additions and ` changes in their list or subscribers; either to the 'Local Manager, or direct ta the Special .Agent's Department, o:t Montreal. , THB -BELL TELEPHONE CO., or CANADA 6 oceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily iaereasirtg business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember °Ur motto,' ":Fresh Groceries all tne All kinds of produce taken in exchange. 15