HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-7-18, Page 7SAVE TUE CHILDREN. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house Pay feel that the lives of their lit- tie ones are reasonable safe during the hot weather. Stomach trou- bles, cholera infantum and diar- rhoea carry off thousands of little ones every summer, in, most cases because the mother does• not have a safe medicine at hand to give proreptiy. Baby's Own Tablets cure these troubles, or if given oe- casionally to the well child will pre- vent their coming on. The Tablets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be absolutely harmless, even to the newborn babe. They are especially good in the summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and ,pure; The Tablets are sold by me- dicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CRUEL PRISONS IN SIBERIA. A Story of horrors Told ° by iOEfte. Marie Sh1 olnik, Mlle, Marie Shkolnik, who has recently arrived in London, Eng- land, after escaping from a Siberian prison, describes the sort of living misery to which prisoners are sub- ject, Mlle, Shkolnik received a sen- tenee of imprisonment for life as the result of her partieipation in a poli- tical disturbaneo in that commun- ity. "Oriininal and political offend- ers," she stated, "share the some punishment, the conditions being precisely the same; for both classes, After being taken to Irkutsk' by train, women and men in groups of rom eighty to 100 set oat upon the horrible march of from lee to 200 miles to the prisons. They cover some twenty-five miles a day, rest- ing at dight in small wayside exec.s bolus, which ere full of vermin. "We were given about ed; a day with which to purchase food, but this suffieed to buy bread and water only, so that those who had no money of their own had to be eon - tent with that. Men were chained ars they walked, but the women were allowed to go free, although the soldiers were extremely roe. "The prison was over u. hundred years old, having been built for the men prisoners who were formerly required to work the gold .mines in the vicinity. Here the women were herded in parties of thirty andforty in cells built to accommodate ai dozen people, "There are always a number of children, for feeding whom no pro- vision is made until two years have elapsed, the children mcanwhilc sharing the starvation allowance of their parents. The women are 'set to work making mattresses. All their work, including the sorting of wool, is done in the room in which they live,and as a result deaths from conumption are so frequent that no notice is taken of them. The women are entirely in the hands of their captors, and none escape vio- lation, either by the officials or the Cossacks." Mlle. Shkolnik owed her esca"pe. to a serious illness which caused her removal to Irkutsk in order to un- dergo an operation. She escaped by a means which she cannot di- vulge, lest her story should involve punishment for those concerned. The chief warder of the prison was suspected of having aided her in her escape. . It was discovered that he had a considerable sum of money in the bank, and it was sug- gested that she had purchased her freedom at the price of £3,000. Mlle. Shkolnik •states that shenever in her life held communication with the official in question. OULD SCHEAM FOR. HOURS KITH ECZEMA Baby Dreadful Sufferer.. Could Not Keep Him from Scratching., Every JointAffected. Used CuticuraSoap and Ointment and He Is Well, "Enclosed find my son's photo and I feel by writing these few lines to you I am only doing my duty, as my•son was a dreadful sufferer from eczema.:At tie age of two weeks he began to get covered with .red spots on his legs and .. groins, which mother thought wasred gum or thrush; but day by day itgrewworse until every joint ' and crevice were affected and baby started screaming for hours day and night, "such a_ thing ae';sleep was out of the question. 1 took him to two of Sydney's leading doctors; one said it was; one of the ,worst"cases he had seen; the other did not think it so',serious; one ordered ointment for rubbing in; the othera dusting powder. 1 followed •their prescriptions':for over four months tind:still baby kept getting worse. I could not keep him from scratching aso, great web 115' tlgouy.l . " When he was five months old -1 tried the, Cuticura'Rernedier}"and lam very thankful` to 'say my baby is to -day free from -all his Adler - lag. His groins`wete bleeding when I started and other, parte affected were the lower part of his bodyunder the kneesr arms, in arm joints, eyebrows and neck but after twice usingyCuticurai Ointment 1' began' to.ace. ..a difference and, by ,the time 1 had .used one tint; along .with the bathin with'Cuticula Eoap ,baby. was nearly cured. 1 still kept, on Lasing;the Cuticura Soap':and Ointment; and Scow, ,thank goodness, he is uite well and, @�tt!though he is now, ten month's old, has' not Fuad any further return 'of' the 'trouble" Si ned) Mrs. G.. Martin. 2 • Knight, at.; r ineville, Sydney, N.S.w„ Mar. 31, 1911, Oakum .% Soap' and Ointment' are .sold hhreughout the world, but a liberal sample,' of each, with a,S2-page book 'on the care -and treatment ef'the skin and hair" will be 'sent free en applicttion.to Micro, exD. C,o t chin bus'A've., Bosl ou','il 5 h a%zvE WAY TO PACK A TRUNK. Cala Economize in space -as Well: as Pennies. A woman who is constantly tra- veiling and yet. -who finds it most necessary to economize in space as well as in pennies, has found the fol- lowing plan for packing her one trunk a most excellent one, At the bottom of the trunk she has a par- tition made large enough to carry one large or two small }tats, This is strongly made, so that it cannot easily be broken. At the side of the partition she places a wooden box filled with sawdust, in which are her bottles of medicine, Here, too, she lays her shoes, each pair carefully rolled in `linen Covers. On one set of shoes she puts her pair ef rubbers, and inside the shoes ehe places her boxes of pills or pow- ders which would not go into the box of medicine.' Then she has six or eight pieces of heavy cardboard cut to exactly fit thetrunk. These she covers with linen or ehintz, that they look exactly like large envelopes, with straps or strings to fasten down the flaps. In these huge en- velopes she pins her dresses, shirt waists, etc. Two or three dresses eau usually he put in each envelope, Everything is kept absolutely flat, and nothing can be pushed to one end of the trunk when it is stood on end. At the top of the- trunk is ashats low tray, in which she puts her laces, ribbons, ; veils, and gloves, etc. Than underwear is rolled and placed around the edges of the trunk, or is fended fiat and laid be- tween the envelopes.. SALLOW FACIES. Often Caused by Tea and CQftC Drinkizi g Row many persons ` realize that tea and coffee so disturb digestion that they produee a muddy, yellesv complexion f A ten days' trial of Postutn has provon a deans,; in thousands of cases, of clearing up a bad *ample x - ion. A Wasbn, young lady tells her experience ; "All of us father; mother, sis- ter and brother --had used tea and coffee for many years until finally we all had stomach troubles more or less. "We all were sallow and troubled with pimples, breath bad, disagree- able taste in the mouth, and all of ussimply so many bundles of nerves. "We didn't realize that tea and coffee caused the trouble until one day we ran oat of coffee and went to borrow some from a neighbor. She gave us some Posture and told us to try that. "Although we started to make it, we allfelt sure we would be sick if we missed our strong coffee, but we tried Posture and were surprised to find it delicious. "We read the statements on the pkg., got more and in a month and a half you wouldn't have known us. We all were able to digest our food without any trouble, each one's skin became clear, tongues cleaned off, and nerves in fine condition: We never use anything now but Pos- tum. There is nothing like it." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever read the above tetter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and Lull of human interest. WOMEN AS LION TAMERS. ;lave More Patience and Meet with Fewer Accidents. A woman seems especially adapt- ed for training animals. both domes- tic and wild, as her motherly in- stinct i5 an esential factor; animals, like children. requiring patience, sympathy; vigilance, intelligence and . firmness. In the ease of the lion women are more successful than men as trainers and have fewer accidents. Claire Heliot, for nine years a star lion tamer, but now retired, who'greatly loved her twelve lions, declares' that the most potent fea-'. tures in the, art of animal training is the ability to impress the fact that the trainer :Can be depended upon to deal kindly with her charge. She began training- lions when 22 years old. First she would feed them with meat from her hands, then she, would sit for days three hours at a time in the cage with an iron bar and a whip inher hands, getting closer each day. In a months' time she patted their manes. In four months she taught them tricks and then exhibited them. She had twelve in her grotto. She never whipped :her ,:5Iions, only made believe by cracking the whip over their heads: Though a Ger- man, this trainer • always spoke French to her lions. the Ianguage' being quicker and thus more com- manding. She loved her work, though findingit hard, and when she retired kept some of her favorite lions to play with. kill Brains ' busy, to talk. It's easy for enom.ies after heirs s nearly alway too a man to forgive his' getting square ' with 4 sO U C LikiKEIVES aro hest for nursing mothers because they do not affect the rest of the system. Mild but sure. 256. a box at your druggist's; NATIONAL mum ANO-CHrmIPAL. CO.: Or CANADA. LtA1tTCD, 263 A HAPPY VAGABOND. Barrister, Who Itevels in His Rags, Refuses to Work. A man in rags, who proved to be of good family and 'once a barrister at the court of Marseilles, France, was arrested in Paris for being without visible means of support, "Why don't you work?" he was asked by the magistrate, "I do not like to work," was the ingenious reply. The prisoner went on to say that although he was as lawyer in a good position, social obligations and the', necessity of wearing good clothes'', became irksome to him twenty years ago. lie left Marzeilles, his family, his friends, and respectability, tcu' tramp the roads of France, where he could not breathe in the trammels of convention. After some years, he get tired of tramping, and enlisted in the For- eign Legion under a ,false < name, He remained with the corps for ten ;srf ars, and then came back to Prance to tramp the roads again, begging as he. went. The magistrate offered to find this incurable vagabond food and lodg- ing in ahome, but he refused, and was therefore sent to prison, set TWO FAMOUS BANDS. Coming from Englnud for the Calla dian'National Exbibitiou. Two famous bands from England will make the musical attractions at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion this year sonnething long to be remembered. The Scots Guards Band from Buckingham.`Palacce, the t lil r d of this famous s br1 ad of brigade bands brought across the ocean by the Exhibition people, will alter- nate with the Besses o' Th' Barn, which all lovers of band music re- cognize as Britain's best brass band. Two such musical attractions have never before been brought together on the continent. TILE NAPOLEON HAT. Almost every season brings for- ward some millinery creation on the order of the Napoleon hat, a type which is most becoming to some piquant faces. This little French shape shows nothing but a single handsome feather mount in bril- liant colorings.. It Eases Pain: Ask any druggist or dealer in medicines what is the most popular of the medicinaloils for pains in the joints, in the muscles or nerves, or for neuralgia and rheumatism, and he will tell you that Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil is in greater ` demand than any other. The reason for this is than it possesses greater healing quali- ties than any other oil. WITHOUT AN ARGUMENT. "Do you have any trouble get- ting your daughter to practice her mu sic ?" "Not at all. I -simply say that it is time to wash; the dishes, and she. goes right ,to the 'piano.." ED. 7 1 ARSENIC IN VEGETABLES. Arsenic has been found as aMor- mal constituent in man and ani - male, and now Drs. Jadin and As- trug, two French biologists, show' that it may be derived from edible plants and fruits. They examined thirty-nine vegetable substances, and .obtained arsenic from all, the quantities ranging from 0.25 part per million in almonds sed beans. Other vegetable matters, contain- ing arsenic are the common cab- bage, the turnip, the potato, culti- vated mushrooms, black truffles, Japanese rice, red haricots, grey peas, split peas, lentils, .artichokes; salsify, chicory, lettuce, spinach, green peas, celery, carrots, water- cress, cauliflower, wild asparagus, hazelnuts, filberts, chestnuts, ap pies, pears, oranges, pineapples, and bananas, INSECT STING ,;1ND Summlat Insect bites and stings, ° blistered feet and sunburn £ These three things, or any one of them, oay spoil some days of y oris vacation, or make your work a bores its? Bulk is the remedy you need! It takes the "burn" out of these red, inflamed patebes where the sunt has got haste on you; it eases bad mos= quato bites, and it soothes and heals blistered feet and hands. In the hot weather young babies suffer greatly from heat epote and chafed places, Here, again, dam- I3uk will 4ive alrnost blatant ease? For cuts, burns, and more seri- ous skin diseases, euch'as eczema, blood -poisoning, etc,, and for piles, Zam-Buk iS absolutely without- an equal. All druggists and stores 50e,box or lam-I3uk Co., Toronto. NOW -A -DAYS. "Do you think he really loves her?" "Why, he's marrying her, isll.'t ilea V' clues, but now -a -days that'e longer any proof." The Pall That Leaels Them All Pills are the most pot talal.e compact of all medicines, road when easy to take are the roost acceptable of preparations, But they must at- test m theirpowerto be popular. As Parmelee'e Vegetable Pills are the most popular of all `pine they must fully rncet all requirements: A.c- curatele compoundo~d and composed of ingredients proveu to be effective in regulating the digestive organs, there is no surer medicine to be had anywhere. It takes a silly woman to trust ca man who couldn't get redit for a scent head of cabbage at the ear- ner grocery... Mlnttrd's Liniment Cures piston -mem Both men and women want to eon cal their age, and for much the same reason. Men wish to appear older than they are in order to rule sooner, and women -wish to appear younger than they are in order to rule longer, Cholera morbus, cramps and kin- dred complaints annually make their appearance at the same time. as the hot weather, green fruit,, en- cumbers, melons, eta, and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. 3. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial and take a few drops in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remarkable manner and is sure to cheek every disturbance of the bow- els. SUPREME TEST. "Is shefond of children?" "Very. She'll even rent her houses to peo- ple who have, them." He—` ` T thinkour family' y name 1s a very fine one." She—"Do you? I get dreadfully tired of it!" Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. It's easier for a man to make money if he isn't on speaking terms with his, conscience. Worms cause fretfulness and rob the infant of sleep, the great nour- isher. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will clear the stomach and intestines and restore health- fulness. Hope is the advance agent of re- signation. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. --•a FACT''AND FANCY. Some men are overfrequent visi- tors' to the theatre because at home they never get a show. Every hour' 4,000 human beiii', ound of ,Shee '.s wool ro- will P P p duce one yard of cloth. When some'men' tell you they are self-made, you hardly know whe- then they are bragging or apologiz lug.' The oldest national flag -'in the world , is that of Denmark;, which dates from 1219. There is no record of any man ever having starved because he kept his mouth split aka 11 If you can't la.r alp 'somh{rli„„ng 'fo :a„ralpy..'ay, aft 1t douvn 4 ,„; Think this over! Is there aruj bet°ora e costs you less ercu ''#. t v CO' COMFORT is guaranteed keep eep Flies offy?earCsttta # Apra 4a PER GA1 Dilute with # ts1lena of water rite fax ar,enet.saw se E 1dACi.ARER IMPERIAL CHEESE CO., LTO,, WOODSTOClt,, OlNTAE/O, Sala Jsifra, Thar E1300 MitnotsctertnT Ca,, LiteiterL Montreal.. PfINISRMENT FOR The etun anent for i in $t. iletetaburg is to .. coffencler,, no atter what his social sition, sweep the streets, Web- tieed gentlemen, same of them in ' f sS suits, are occasionally, it is cl, seen sweeping that streets of er a night s carouse. Clean Stomach, Clear Mi Tf +mach is the workshop of the vii :tons and when it gets out x the whole system elogs, ie pathy. The epivits #lag, t d droops and work beeomee im Bible. The first care sheltie]sheltie]be estore healthful action of the ach arta the best preparation for that porpoee as Parmneleee Ve- getable Pills. General use for years has won them a leading place in medicine. A trial will attest, their value, 'ARMS' FOR •SALE, 1l, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colber'na3 4itar4at„ Toronto. titin`•!•` .'"f`ECtUfiaNn Xii`ii,�se . , buy .beanaifel hundred stereo in Northumberland County, including Stock and Implements. There is in the stocll 4 horses. 19 rows, etc This is a snap, and can be bad on easy terms, Possession at once, QOI) FAH XS 1Y LINCOLN, T5 ELLAND, Halton, Peel, cork„ Dtuham, North.. R;nberland,„ Prince Edward conirtiee at reasonable Prices, •A LBEI4T . EASE aTCi1EW.11v AND Manitoba lauds. In largo or small. buManitobaorks. 1W12' PA1t)1S-"Irl;, sizes. re Salfi Nisg sra Fruit 'Celt.. 1. alliWSa11a. Toronto, Ik21. n] Land $14 w cd,. su oat tail will gi1sn,3fe i'0l acus .seeureai, Free :Sok 18 explain. orallPion sciaoaa3 Telegraphy. 't'erepto. LP ANTI TINTS. T1'±1•rEtx13,APliE?t in ;great demand throng.4. North Went: Six lti1ont130, Day and Mail .coati a;er., AND PAR11 of a Works. 9 Feptt Flt, ' T.1/10R5. ternai and external. eared vr bT our home treatment- Write 'l$ Fl e too late, Ar, 1Reitman3te dice Co., tad. Cellingwood. Opt seAtio °CARa2Tnbp, W tle Werke, 9 Esplanade. Toe RSI SF.1E TOUR T A]tl #i 4xl1 x tluable Information. Otte' her. ittuatt the information ,arced the l9strstl valued at Me. D, 7'cirtaxttct. tint; FEATHER . DYEING -- " --' •"' -n; KulE1alt_+R1mr4P .46,144 n CURIOUS. Little Girl—".tire you the trained nurse mother said 'vas corning Nurse--"Yes, dear, I am the trained nurse." Little Girl -"Let's see you dee some tricks." ticby,'N. S. 3finard's Liniment .Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—Inert August my horse was badly cut in eleven places by a barbed wire fence, Three af e cuts, (small ones) a1 healed. soon,. .:but the others became e fpul and rotten, and though 1 tried many kinds of medicine they had no beneficial result. At last a doctor advised me to use 311N- ARA'S LINIMENT and in four weeks' time every sore was :healed and the hair has grown over each one in fine condition. The Liniment is certainly wonderful in its working. JOHN R. HOLDEN. Witness, Perry Baker. SHE HAS THE MONEY. "I swear I cannot live without my wife.” "You love her so ?” "Well, not exactly that. You see, she has the money.” EI -I Try Murine Eye Remedy Ao Smarting-FeblsFlne—ActsQulckly. 'gyp Tritttorlled.lreak,wateriEyeland. Y S% UNgmnutated Eyelid,. 111natrstet9 moot to each Package. MIME Is nom- EY om- E es patanded by oar OeuIIst,-notn"P tent e7 Atodtelno"but tided In euccoeetnl PLye1 Neede ti clan,' Prkctice far ninny teats. how i . rr ill dcdteaist to the. Public and sold by Care'Druggists atn Aseper bottle.: ;forme Eye Satre In Asoptic. Tabes, 255-500, ,..�. Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago "Yes, sir; when we were ambush- edwegot outwithout losinga man or a horse or a gun or " "A minute," chimed; in a small, still voice. No surgical operation is neces- sary in removing corns if Hollo- way's Corn Cure be used.. During her engagement a girl -thinks life is one continuous moving. picture show. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. DISTINCTION. Mistress (engaging servant)—"I hope you have nice print dresses, -and I expect you always to wear caps" I'm very ' Marg—"Yes, im mum, par- ticular to wear caps. I shouldn't like to be ` taken for one of the family, mum !'' eat by past, lit tsar In. '•rs( place to lTISH`.AMERICAN 'DYEING GO. lfovTEKair. �t ITE FORP DOF �'1 B curves CANCER AND TUMOR Canadiiart 64 -whin: Purifloo Co., ArldgebareA CAL .� lel- � X ORI'lOSQTF) al.alL �]l.►,ia �91t Protoeaomeet --Rowutlty Cnmplon and B'ooltlets on Appllectlon JAMES LANGMUIR & GQ,, Limited 15741 Et mth irie Street TORON it THE Aniline!' 00 of nomads, Ltd. es there, Avsaut TORONTO CHALLENGE CO Aetnew1 dsa,he bn eke (iocstcraw. tics of Water- woof Collas avcrrnnJe. Ank: to ace. and ks 4o other. AIS . tote or slircoti for 2.5e, Suppose you order some "RING OSCAR" SARDINES this Saturday. Then you can make a Sardine Sae- lad for Sunday's lunch that will be ` the nicest you ever tasted—much more desirable than. meat this hot weather. Get Them From Your Croner Trade supplied by Jahn W. Bickle.tGreenmx liamilion. HE'S MARRIED NOW. "Blingley, why does Oldboy re• fuse to speak to you'? You u used to be good friends." "Yes, when we were bachelors; but he's merriest now." "And what difference does that make?" "Well,: the fact ia, I made him a handsome wedding present of a book, and he been'$ spoken to hie since!' "What waa the book ?" " Paradise Lost! " The female house, fly lays from 120 to 150 eggs at .a time, and these mature in two weeks. Tinder favor- able conditions the descendants of a single pair will nuniber millions in three months. Therefore all house- keepers should commence using .Regularity . of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for good health, Unless the waste matterfrom the food which collects there is got rid of at Least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causing"biliousness,' indi- gestion and sick eadaches. Salts and other harsh mineral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels Dr. Morse's Indian. Root PilLs—entirely vegetable -- regulate the bowels effectively without weak- ening, sickening or griping, ' Use M xa+clii;aD►nRoot i 171's early in the season, and tl a large proportion elf th crop. al 1l.